215566,e OzlL to. City Cleric t r `.N" "02DINANCE i COUNCIL FILE NO )06 -• PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.-� Page 2. I shall be submitted -b the Chairman of the Mileage Committee and shall be examined by said Committee and approved by the Corporation Counsel. :Upon such examination and approval, certificates will then be-filed with the _,- Comptroller of said City with the approval of the ` --- Corporation Counsel endorsed thereon. t 92A.07. City to be a Named Insured. The City of Saint Paul shall be shown•as an additional named insured on such policies of liability insurance as shall be written on behalf of employees or officers of said City receiving mileage allowances. 92A.08. No officer or employee of the City of Saint Paul or any of the particular municipal corporations employing such officer or' employee- receiving mileage allowances for automobile use shall be paid a mileage allowance for the use of a private automobile in the service of the City or related municipal corporation unless and until the aforesaid certificates-of insurance shall be on file in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. In the event of cancellation of any of the aforesaid certificates of insurance,i the employee supplying said certificate is hereby required to notify the City of Saint Paul at the earliest practicable opportunity prior to the effective date of said cancellation, and in no event shall said notice of cancellation of said insurance be received by the• City later than or subsequent to the actual date of cancellation. Sec. 2. The requirements of this Ordinance as to procurement and filing of insurance certificates shall be effective from and after the 31st day of December, 1963, for the purpose of allowing officers and employees of the City of Saint Paul required by this ordinance to provide certificates sufficient time to obtain and .� file the aforesaid certificates of insurance. 3 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval"and publication. Yeas, Councilmen Nays + Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland In Favor Loss Mortinson d D Peterson DEC f gainst ., Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) / Attest: A /2i 1AW (�/ City Clerk / / Mayor; .._. y •''� *'il File No. 215566— Ordinance NJ Severin 12—BY Frank L. Loss—, ?1V (l twcit_y,6erk [ t �rtinson— 7 i ordinance amending cha., e u . 2 ��� D I 7 :: St,t Paul Lsgisk4�ei�� ��,�t,�•'. -!!1! l `60UNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY • i • ORDINANCE NO.— Yeas Attest : k AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 92A OF THE ST. PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE, "REIMBURSEMENT OF CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR CAR EXPENSE ", TO REQUIRE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE IN SPECIFIC LIMITS AND WITH SPECIFICIADDITIONAL NAMED INSUREDS. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY. WHEREAS, pursuant to Legislative Act of the Minnesota Legislature, 1963 Session, the, ''doctrin.e of governmental immunity will no longer apply to the City of Saint Paul and its related municipal corporations from and after the first day of January, _ 1963; and WHEREAS, examination of the car mileage allowances by the Mileage Committee has brought forth the suggestion that specific limits be required of• its City officers and employees who are receiving reimbursement for car expense; and WHEREAS, upon further review it appears proper and prudent that the City of Saint Paul and that particular municipal corporation by whom the party receiving reimbursement is employed should be-included as additional named insureds under the aforesaid liability policy or policies;fand WHEREAS, it is apparent that the amendment of Chapter 92A as desired by the Council! of the City of Saint Paul cannot be effectuated prior to January 1, 1964, save and except by use of the emergency clauses, the `Council finding that such emergency does in fact exist; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 92A of the St. Paul'Legislative Code is amended by adding the following paragraphs, the same to be codified in said Legislative' Code with the numbers as shown: 92A.06. Liability Insurance. Each employee receiving a car mileage allowanceishall obtain liability insurance, the limits of which shall-be $100 000 for each accident involving personal injury, subject to a maximum of $200,000 for all persons involved in any accident, and property damage insurance in the amount of $10,000. The aforesaid limits shall be'regarded as minimum limits, and nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed to prohibit an officer or employee :of the City of Saint Paul from obtaining automobile liability insurance in an amount and with greater limits than are shown herein. Upon obtaining said insurance, certificates of insurance Councilmen Nays ; Passed by the Council Dalglish f . Holland Tn Favor Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) City Clerk 1 M 6-62 2 2 Approved: Mayor Against is Laid over to 3rd and app. Yeas Nays f e Ir %1 G1 i A A---+.A Dalglish Holland — dens -- Mortinson 1) Peterson Rosen J Mr. President Vavonlis 2-15556 Yea gNays Dalglish 1 Holland f Loss Mortinson Peterson j' Rosen f Mr. President Vavonlis i�--h(/V