215538Council File No. 215538—
In the matter of opening, widening
and extending Mississippi River Boule- 2155�53
vard from Davern Ave-to, the east line FMB NO.-
Secti��Jll,.�?7rs-�i,� P8 N., Range
INTERMEDIARY ORDER b -,�,I.�aking the
oJO, )t b9l land:
File No. 16OP3
Opening, L
Peii4j'Widenihg.and extending
Boulevard from Davern Ave., to the
ea8v-line of Sect MisPissiPpi_River�'
JQ4 Rlj Township „
ing',described parcels of Ian 7 !,R�e.23 W..,^by condemning and -ta
kihg the fp1low--
Those parts Of Government Lot 4
., Section 21, Township 28 N., Range 2 W.
Principal of the fourth
. ncipal Meridian, and Lot 1, Shelling Outlots, bounded by the following described lines:
Beginning at the point Of intersection of the southerly line of Reserve Boulevard and
the east line of said Section 21; thence south along the east line of said Section 21 a
distance of 242.61 feet to a point; thence south 90*01 west a distance of 110
a point; thence south 68000, west a 83 feet to
distance Of 330 feet to a Point; thence s
west a, distance Of 703-23 feet to a Point; thence.south 1° 8+ west a south 55-101
feet more or less to �_' Point on'the-,east line oQqvqrq Av$n distance Of 300-3
Of theutP�0.1-dtrc6rt,,iziti�-rs'e,6tion-of-i�� h "i
qjjjtjjejp�qg! , Yeaud and-,the-soi r f�e
Reserve BoulenE. 1fe6'andt-UjjF -- q , r , 1X"'Ye 3 i'�41e3 feet--sOuth
O.Aw , qjQrtej_jO,_ Of Davern A Atlie lY 116e_:-6
intersectiol --he-Of -Dal""'.'-
ng'1:thd)"da&tY1A vdra.AvefiUe,41�.�3-_
feet to an
--.along he southerl -'R6 ge'� B6fi16V&rd`; th6nce`-' n"o”,
y -line of .Rene Wort andeast
03.,'"Book'115 ---in �itffo_ ddYgW ai'3�e
1431385 Pa 55 of corded"ifi Do6ument
t6 the point of beginning
Also condemning takifig'a< 7
easement fo:r jp
of a pub
kV s
public storm sewer on under -ac the construction and mainten
A 4 - ross.,'and I nance,
strip'.0f,land 20 through the f011owin bed property:.
;eetlin width, g described
the South- line" -lying northerly of the Mississippi River southerly,
and 10 Of MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOULEVARD as descri�qkabove I
feet,,on,'either�side�,6.f...a.,li, a v:d I
n ying, Adjacent-4to,,r,
ne-325 'feet 'Westerly'. Or
Section -.�of - � ; 44h�; - 4
'34A!o� 2ii"., TO-whiihi, r a
P,_ 28
1. flange 23, W
Beginning eit,
the p6int, of
line of said Section * SQ thI aiAg the, e0r
.distbzc6'- of 242,._61- et, to' -w,!P�.t; A1164ce. 404th 90*0i.vebt & dibti%ncb of U0.83, r6et"o,
't thelh�
'350 feet' to
a P.6i ,test _,40
zi�;' therLee swth, 68 a dista , . 4f
i�Aui4l', h6q, i west a djs��hcpp pr ,7 3*23 feet to a,' south 71*581' West. a distance Of' 3W-J
feet- more dr. lesa to a point on t1e' east lite ..o /Divern AvenW which is 41-3 feet South'
-of 4hpyip4it, - _`tv e S*11W 4 -+27A qoutherly• line of
'He' -of, :�e 410-3 feet to an
Reserve Boulevard} tbAn& north along the east line of Dave= AW
intersection' with the southerly line' of R059rVe Boulevard; trace hortho,ly and easterly
along the'sqt;therly line' of Reserve Boulevards in its - course so recorded in DO111XIIAt
143l385o'blUdd13O-3i�rB&k,'-1555b6f 1DOef t ; Of
d-q*=anftUt eaderaent,:f qrntW
of Kau publidiftnihil dNfti, ra p
tswlsbuthty2lnetvr H=Lqajp2j ammlBot"VAM, as-�Avsarjbq4 calpML ad lying ad
jacent t
and 10 feet oh either side of a, line 325 feet Westerly from and Parallel to the Fa0t, go Section 21,9 Tomship, 28 No p Range 23 W A
L_-:Y as -Naya- Ad-j,r_d Co iI
Approved OV 1 1963
Tn Favor
6-63 2M 8.QjPt. R-1