215513CITY CLERK t ..ENTED BY /.OMMISSIONE Council File No. 215513 —By James J. Dalglish —Frank L. Loss — CITY OF ST. Whereas, Under Title of the Housing Act of 1949 as amended (herein OFFICE OF THE ferred to as "Title I "), the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is R OUT N authorized to extend financial assist- ance to local public agencies in the i elimin. tion and prevention of, the ter- C fhehl slums and tr :wir Itgl -t 3e.,fT 215), 5, 1 -3 NO. WHEREAS, under Title of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (herein referred to as "Title I "), the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to extend financial assistance to local pablic agencies in the elimi- nation and prevention of the spread of their slums and ur- ban blight through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal projects; and WHEREAS; it is desirable and in the public in- terest that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, make surveys and prepare plans, presently estimated to cost approximately Three Hundred and Sixty Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Dollars ($362;890.00), in order to undertake and carry out an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title I, in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area, situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, which is described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the north- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 181%1 6-62 In Favor ' Against Adopted by the Council westerly right -of -way line of East Fillmore Street with the northeasterly right -of- way %line of South Robert Street, then southeasterly along said line of South Robert Street to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of Wood Street, then westerly along said line to the point of inter- section with the easterly line of Starkey Street, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line 100 feet south of the 0 southern right -of -way line of Wood Street, then q westerly along the lot line extended to the point of intersection with a lot line 174.75 feet north of the southern right -of -way line of Colorado Street (extended) and the southwestern right -of -way line of Wabasha Street, then northwesterly along said line of Wabasha Street to the point of intersection with the easterly right -of -way line of Hall Avenue, then southerly along said line to the point of COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 181%1 6-62 In Favor ' Against Adopted by the Council 215513 2 - intersection with the projectednorthern right -of- way line of Prospect Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the east- ern right -of -way line of Bidwell Street, then south- . erly along said line to the point of intersection - with the northern right -of -way line of Prospect_ Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the western right -of -way line of Bidwell Street, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right -`of -way line of Prospect Boulevard, then west- erly -along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right` -of -way line of Bellows Street, then southerly along said line to the point of inter- section with the northern right -of -way line of Delos Street, then westerly-along said line to the point of intersection with ,a lot line 200 feet west of the western right -of- way "line of Bellows Street, then southerly along said, ' line for 80 feet, then westerly at a right angle to sd line to the point of inter- section with the center line of Ohio Street, then - westerly along said line to the point of intersection with a lot•line (projected) 220 feet southwest of the t „T southwesterly right -of -way line of Belle Street,, then y northwesterly 87 feet along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line which is the northern boundary of Cherokee Heights Park, then westerly 439.23 feet along said lot line to the point of inter- section with another lot line, then northwesterly along said lot line to the point of intersection with the center line of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway right -of -way, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the property line of the Corps of Army Engineers' Flood Wall, then northeasterly along said line to the point of inter- section with the northeasterly line of Wabasha Street, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of East Fillmore Avenue, then northeasterly along said_ line to the point of intersection with the northwesterly right -of -way line of South Robert Street which is the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Paul: 1. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is a slum, blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area appropriate for an urban renewal project and that the undertaking by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, , of surveys and plans for an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110(x) of Title I in the proposed Urban Renewal Area is hereby approved. 0 Ii1GINAL TO CITY CLERK �� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE - 3 - 2. That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to finance the planning and undertaking of the proposed Project. 3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of urban re- newal projects with Federal financial assistance under Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, creed, or national originEand those relating to the relocation of siteoccupants and the provision of local grants -in -aid and the requirement that, as a condition to the execution of a contract for a loan or capital grant for an urban renewal project, the locality must present to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator a workable program for community improvements, as set forth in Section 101(c) of Title I, for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slums and urban blight; and that it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible method for the relocation of families displaced from the urban renewal area, in conformity with Title I, can be prepared, and (b) that the local grants -in- aid can and,will be provided in an amount which will be not less than one -third of the Net Project Cost of the Project and which, together with the Federal capital grant, will be generally equal to the difference between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land sold, leased, or retained for.use in accordance with the urban..renewal plan. 4. That the filing of an application by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for an advance of funds from the United States of America,-.to enable it to defray the cost of the surveys and plans for an Urban Renewal Project in the proposed Urban Re- newal Area described above is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson ' Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 8-82 NOV 19 1963 Adopted by the Council 19- '- Nov 19 19M Approved. 19— >r Y Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT ICJ �,Q 513 CITY OF ST. PAUL couaar� .J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE C_ - ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE "MM30 under: Title of the :Housing Act of 1949s as atmudod (hbr6l,4 referred to as "Title I ") # the hmusing and Home Finance, Administrator is authoaritecd to extend finanolal ea Sistanoe to looalpAblio a enoles in the eliai- nlati.on and prevelttion of the , spread or their slums and. ur� `ban blight through tho planaing and undertaking of urban renewal projeotq. and WHMM' sr It is . desirable and in the public In- toreat Oat the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of $aint Paul$ Minnesota wke wvoyp and propmv lane# progently estimated to float approximately Throe undrod aid Salty Two Thoursend Eight Hundred and Ninety Dollars ( 0362 v 8913.00) , In order to undertake and carry out' an urban renewal project of the oharooter contomplate►d by Suction llO(o) of Ti la l# in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area* aituatod in the Cit of Saint Paul# County of Ramsay, 4 Stato of Hinnezotao wKich le dtsoribo4 as follows Beginning at the p0lut Of interseoti.bn of tho north- easterly right -of -way line of Bast Ri,llnore Street with the northoaatorly right -oor way line of South iiobort Strooti then southeestorly alo'nr oafd .line of South Robert Straot to the point of i erseotlon with the northern right -of -way line of Wood Street, then westerly along oaid line to the paint of i.nter- seatlon with the easterly lino of Starkey Street, theh southeasterly along said line to the point of inte�soctloo, with a lot line 100 Feet south, of the southorn rIght-of -way :line of Vgo4 Streyet# then westerly along the lot line oxtmndod to tho point of intorvadti6U with a lot lino 3.740,73 feet north of tho soiAthern right- of,*wagg Line of 0olorado Street (sxtonda and the Southwestern right-- ot-may lino of Webasha Street, then northcsrestorly along said lino of Vab►asha .Street to the point of .intoraeation with the easterly right- of-way line of Rall Avenue# then southerly along *old line to the point of COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iorz 6-62 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved l9— Mayor .. 3. .. } ".. '• a 'y•'` - "••� "j. - f r. i •• .i''.. - Y .y - l ` -+` . With they pro jtb.tbd1iortUern right qf- na oil_ Frospsot. - oulev8rd thou `�04�01 nlc�og - said i o 0 i ho Mint , d .- ntorsoatiam .- wi th ht� e x t- ern. r,ight�►t t•-�tsy, i e1. Street, then g�0b" : erly -a10 said �inb to tho.poiht of int+erseoti�in - with -the rth+�rn . ight� ► +wt y i.no : Pivospeot - Boileidl -d, than, westerly along; sold :lli%o: to tho'..' ` ii point tprsoat3gn ' r it ` ,the vQStam right-of!-way �. • lino o the4 .southnrij along -sai.d .inQ to thAr -point a int raec tion with­ the - aonthdro _ = r t =off. ay line + ` ras a =cat Bmtlevixi , : theme waet�• ; er : along - aa-id line, to the point of interaeotlozi, , tQ : th8 E # 3 ' '1.'.d' 1 ** �:va.y •I.lie • of :Bt �11� +�,�tT`of,� f . _ than .eibitti orX�r anon' staid- liiae the.:po�i:nt.` Qi~. i.ntQr- r seatidr! it3�t tha nerd orn righ -wo lina tit Dolob Street -0- theq w�storl�r�,aian .said lice, tQ -the post of.. ntersieot�ianrith _a ©,noQi'oet. -Wmt�t th© - westorn might *.of. - ty lino -of 13611ovs - Stro6t; thon = " eput2�ar :y ' timid .1it�o..#'or t,, Vion �restQrly at a i rgf,t a e -to said -lin to' the ,polot or- ;inters. .seotio. Faith: • ho cblitbr lju —.!off' . Obid. Strout:;' the wost+erI aloe &:said 3.tno. to. tho, -pr olnt . -off' interoco"tion . wi..th a of -Zino .(prb3�►atod) 220 re�t.uthweot Of the 4; = sonthfirostbrly ri:gYit- a wwa ' 13nQ .cS� f3e�..e tx at. the northwba.tex fly 871pot 41ong -oaid. line to tha voln a; of Y internootion with ' -' .ot' Dina. whioh, As' tho., northern boundary of: ChoroXee HOtO o` Pants -then weoterlj. • _ ! 39.23 feet .along paid tat .3,ina'to thQ. point, af intar,. seotioA, with aM4ther, Ut Ainev, then nor hwestei l a1049 acid %ot line. to the pa -int,,of �.nterat ti.on� with t he celtter Iron - 6r', 'the Ohipago# St. rauli -jutioapelis and (- li4 northtol- al Ong said 11no to, the, poiA . of ixitersec - Ion. with - the property line, of .tho - 6rgs of Ai%y tnginaeroV Flood Wall then mart eaoter .y 0161 g said. Itn4 tc ttae 'point of rotor;, . soatioll with tho tortheastorly` litb ref V1abfasha Street., , then: SdUthoa ,torlj!aio ai,d line` to the point of 9:nter000tion. with• the nax}thorn ri&t -of, -wayys� lino' of .. Y fast Fillmero Avemioi than northoasterl� blong said •to thta point, of teraaation with , the northwadt6rly - . r3gb�t�.afw aa� li e. af. QUth i oboe► tre4t rh�iah. is the t point o begitning. 1 _ t. ` T FO$E . S Dlf h i;he tcotmbll off` + m ? ,y . ,- _ 'ra onowd . r0% osar bd l. I tt h p Ad abov to a �lno� _blightad,, d0tbrtgrata4#. or, deteri. +atfz�g t area app�rogz� :sct : "f'o`r au - Ur'bah.-rent��ebl pra.�oat Ana tk�t tha - undortaXin -' - t Uou sing and Tladovdlopment Authority of` the c�:ty- o.sint ;i'ul�,tinnQseta,: 'oaf' rve�ra' and . pi,ans `g4r ' r an urban:. reue�� l pro cot :ef the chax�aat r' oc nt mp :atod +eatfon .14(0) of T le,. I in' "the, propoaed urban .Aeueval r!ea . s, here. y approvbo a 215513 QUADRUPLICATE TO -DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE — +rs 3 w. 2,P -That the fi aUOIgl 806100noo available under Title T is tosded to onable the Houojugand RadovolAnal%do Mont Authority of the City of 5&in.t Paul# Hd nnesota, to the planning and undertaking ©t the proposod Project. 3i* . That It . is cognizant zant of the conditions that are l =sarsd In tho unddrtakit and carryit g out of urban re newalprojeoto.with Pederoi f tanolul nastatanoO under Title ,r , i,nalud ng thoso prohlbiting disorimitation b®causdo of ra(w# ct6Yor oreed� or national origin-&-4d thoso relating try the reloontlon of site cocupaanta and the provis.lon of local grants- .ita -omld and the requirement that, as 0 oonditi m to Dne *x0outi;on, of 4 avntroot for a loan or capital nt for a * urban: +�r�1 riO4e0t, tho locai.lty r�wt pra.sen�o the 4Qusi.ng and i3c1 1nowe Admini,etrato3* s wotr3cable program for c om=nity.- laprovementa, no sot forth in Saotlon 1Qi.(c) of Tl�le 1, for utilizing appropriate pubiid and private rosouioea to 011minato and p1rovont tho dovolopmant . or spread of alum a4d urban blightt and that it is tho sonea of this body (a) that a foasibl.a method. for the ralacatipn of families di , placed fro tha urban renowal area In conformity with Title It can be preparod and (b) that-the i0dal gg� Ate -in- aid coca and "i11 be proviied in an anount toh t�il.l be net 1e00 tiara Oft -third 4f the Hot Projeot Cost of the Project sand uhioh* togethor with tho Vadera�.l aaaptt+al grant, will be gcracral.l,v equal to the difforonao botwoen [gross Projeot Cost aatid thee proceeds or value Of project laud sold, leased,p or retained for use in accordanco with the urban renewal pin. t 4_4. T)Zat the filly* of an application by than Housi and Hcada� *lapmerst Au. hority of the City of Saint Paul, inaaOata for an advance of funds from t e United States of Americ anto enables it to defray than most of the surveya and Plans for an Urban renowal projoot in the proposed 'Urban Ho.. newal Arco dsaoribed above is hereby approved, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counei �luu 19 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10111 8-82 In Favor Against NOV 19 1963 Approved 19— Mayor OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Donald L. Lais, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Nov. 15, 1963- REcru R10V 15 1963 CORPORATION C(JtjNSEL MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder The City Council requested that you draw a resolution approving and concurring in the action of the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority, as set out in the attached letter of B. Warner Shippee. Very truly yours, � g City Clerk V CITY OF S,.AIN,Tl; PAUL ab. ,MIN,NESO.TAp;' _ate _ .. .�. ,t r Housing and Redevelopment Authority OF _ THE ` CITY • OF SAINT PAUL, . . MINNESOTA , Oo*gmbor l4, 1962 Nowrable Mayor aid City Coittutil a /o.�City Clark• • ' City Troll ,ad. Court 1[ouss "Saint t�wAl 20`1 dneso't . 710d 4 elosed a c"y of Authority Resoluttoa N6.-63-1012t4 app'roof p& as applicAo rion to Cho, iiiiusing 'turd. linvico Ajobey for an advance_ of fvndi in.-the, amount ' of 4362,600 'to defray- 'tee �e!a of. prepq ng eurve" and plans and undertaking acquisition appraisols to; an• urban'tins"I project is an area lying geaeraily asst of >Rabext treet�, 'north of -the Chetdkoe. heights. Muff line and $6uth of Orriot 'isl4a4. 'ttoio fundo could be utod to undertake structural., market and Other ,surveys a pl i , e lading stradi.a* -of. future nse, pessary for 'the Preparation of a iredeYeiopiaent plan- and •applica>t ion for P000ral loans • and segney ;greats to carry out a project' in thin , ar.ea. 'the, urgent needs of iziaeic industry in this cares for additional. land faz Is -_ t *0derni atiga end apautdon and the .desire to gbtaia. credit for -'the -local invest* sent in the flood a *ll as s aoiso.cta's$ graat4h;mmid`; have proopted this- surVey.ond' planning appliaatiots by the Aeithoxity: Appra�siely $200,,00Ey in local oredtt _ may Us- clsiied if the ptojeot is Amder 64r _ fte survey cad #Ua Ring p'ekiod viii -provide iqx1mum opportunttr,to a40ca all neces- fry studies.., fto A-tbbarity accordingly request* the colnci4teascs of- your l{onorabla . Sody in this request for •plivning (undo st this- t"i",. - The Opli'oottb* has..beds ditdussa4 Witb thi owbdti of th* ommoil l#oasing :t imi:tto o k and I will bel hsopyto discuss it fiertber with the ,tii eshea tt is tasdek cons- doratioa. . � _ Itespiatfull� subiei:Ctect� -' • ` . - :lecutive Ui =actor B. WARNER SHIPPEE Executive Director HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: November 14, 1963 55 EAST FIFTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. CApital 7 -7523 HAROLD J. MORIARTY Chairman CARL CUMMINS, JR. PATRICK J. TOWLE JOHN W. GREENMAN EUGENE R. LAMBERT Find enclosed a copy of Authority Resolution No. 63- 10/22 -4 approving an applica- tion to the Housing and Home Finance Agency for an advance of funds in the amount of $362,890 to defray the expense of preparing surveys and plans and undertaking acquisition appraisals for an urban renewal project in an area lying generally west of Robert Street, north of the Cherokee Heights Bluff line and South of Harriet Island. These funds would be used to undertake structural, market and other surveys and planning, including studies of future use, necessary for the preparation of a redevelopment plan and application for Federal loans and money grants to carry out a project in this area. The urgent needs of existing industry in this area for additional land for plant modernization and expansion and the desire to obtain credit for the local invest- ment in the flood wall as a non -cash grant -in -aid, have prompted this survey and planning application by the Authority. Approximately $200,000 in local credit may be claimed if the project is underway by May of 1964. The survey and planning period will provide maximum opportunity to make all neces- sary studies. The Authority accordingly requests the concurrence of your Honorable Body in this request for planning funds at this time. The application has been discussed with the members of the Council Housing Committee and I will be happy to discuss it further with the Council when it is under consi- deration. Enclosure �l „' 1 llI i 1 1 Respectfully submitted, VV ` B. Warner Shippee Executive Director 10 SUGGESTED FORM OF RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY OF LOCALITY APPROVING UNDERTAKING OF SURVEYS AND PLANS FOR AN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT AND FILING OF AN APPLICATION. WHEREAS, under Title of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (herein referred to as'Title I "), the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to extend financial assistance to local public agencies in the elimination and prevention of -the spread of their slums and urban blight through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal projects; and WHEREAS it is desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota make surveys and prepare plans, presently estimated to cost approximately Three Hundred and Sixty Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Dollars .0362,890.00), in order to undertake and carry out an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title I, in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area, situated in the City of-Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, which is described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the northwesterly right -of- way.line of East Fillmore Street with the northeasterly right -of -way line of South Robert Street; then southeasterly .along said line of South Robert Street to the point of inter- section with the northern right -of -way line of Wood Street, then westerly along said line to the -point of,intersection\ with the easterly line of Starkey-Street-,-then-southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line 100 feet south of the southern right -of -sway line of Wood Street, then westerly along the lot line-extdrided'to the point of-`- intersection with a lot line 174.75 feet north of the southern right -of -way line of Colorado Street (extended) and the southwestern right -of -way line of Wabasha Street, then northwesterly along said line of Wabasha Street to the point of intersection with the easterly right -of- way line of Hall Avenue, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the projected northern right -of -way line of Prospect Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right -of -way line of Bidwell Street, then southerly along said line to -the point of intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Prospect Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of inter- section with the western right -of -way line of Bidwell Street, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right -of -way line of Prospect Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with "the eastern right -of -way line of Bellows Street, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of Delos Street, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line 200 feet west of the western right -of -way line of Bellows Street, -then southerly . along said line for 80 feet, then-westerly at a right angle to said line to the point of intersection with the center line of renewal project and that the undertaking by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of surveys and plans for an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title I in the proposed Urban Renewal Area is hereby approved. 2. That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to finance the planning and undertaking of the proposed Project. 3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial assistance under Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, creed, or national origin and those relating to the relocation of site occupants and the provision of local grants -in -aid and the requirement that, as a condition to the execution of a contract for a loan or capital grant for an urban renewal project, the locality must present to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator a workable program for community improvements, as set forth in Section 101(c) of Title I, for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slums and urban blight; and that it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible -2- Ohio Street, then westerly along said line to the point of inter- section with a lot line (projected) 220 feet southwest of the southwesterly right -of -way line of Belle Street, then northwesterly 87 feet along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line which is the northern boundary of Cherokee Heights Park, then westerly 439.23 feet along said lot line to the point of intersection with another lot line, then northwesterly along said lot line to the point of intersection with the center line of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway right -of -way, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the property line of the Corps of Army Engineers' Flood Wall, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northeasterly line of Wabasha Street, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of East Fillmore Avenue, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northwesterly right -of -way line of South Robert Street which.is the point of beginning. 1. 1. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is a slum, blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area appropriate for an urban renewal project and that the undertaking by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of surveys and plans for an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title I in the proposed Urban Renewal Area is hereby approved. 2. That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to finance the planning and undertaking of the proposed Project. 3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial assistance under Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, creed, or national origin and those relating to the relocation of site occupants and the provision of local grants -in -aid and the requirement that, as a condition to the execution of a contract for a loan or capital grant for an urban renewal project, the locality must present to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator a workable program for community improvements, as set forth in Section 101(c) of Title I, for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slums and urban blight; and that it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible -2- I II method for the relocation of families displaced from the urban renewal area, in confirmity with Title I, can be prepared, and (b) that the local grants -in- aid can and will be provided in an amount which will be not less than one -third of the Net Project Cost of the Project and which, together with the Federal capital grant, will be generally equal to the difference between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land sold, leased, or retained for use in accordance with the urban renewal plan. 4. That the filing of an application by the housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for an advance of funds from the United States of America to enable it to defray the cost of the surveys and plans for an Urban 'renewal project in the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved. k J R E S 0 L U T 10 N' N 0. 63-10/22-�L RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA APPROVING UNDERTAKING OF SURVEYS AND PLANS FOR AN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT AND FILING OF AN ,APPLICATION WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act•of 1949, as amended.(herein referred to as "Title I "), the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to extend financidl assistance to local public agenciesin the elimination and prevention of the spread of their slums and urban blight through the planning and undertaking of.-urban renewal projects; and WHEREAS it is desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and Redevel6pment Authority of the City of, Saint Paul, Minnesota make surveys and prepare plans, presently estimated to cost �approximately Three Hundred and Sixty Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Dollars ($362,890.00), in order to undertake and carry out an urban.renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title 1, in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area, situated in the City of Saint Paul, Oounty of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, which is described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the northwesterly right-of-way line of East Fillmore Street with the northeasterly right-of-way line of South Robert Street, then southeasterly along said line of South Robert Street to the point of inter- section with the northern right-of-way line of Wood Street, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the easterly line of Starkey Street, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line 100 feet south of the southern Right-of-way line of Wood Street then westerly along the lot line extended to the point of intersection with a lot line 174.75 feet north of the southern right-of-way line of Colorado Street (extended) and the southwestern right-of-way line of Wabasha Street then northwesterly along said line of Wabasha Street to the point of intersection with the easterly right-of- way line of Hall Avenue, then southerly along said line to "the point of intersection with the projected northern right-of-way line of Prospect Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of Bidwell Street, then southerly along said line:.to the point of intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Prospect Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of inter- section with the western right-of-way line of Bidwell Street, then southerly along• said line to the point of intersection with thb southern right-of-way line of Prospect Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of Bellows Street, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of Delos Street, then westerly-along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line 200 feet west of the western right-of-way line Bellows Street, then southerly along said line for 80 feet, then westerly at a right angle to said line to the point of intersection with the center line of Ohio Street, then westerly along said line to the point of inter- section with a lot line (projected) 220 feet southwest of the southwesterly right;=of-way line of Belle Street, then northwesterly i T 87 feet along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line which is the,northern boundary of Cherokee Heights Park, then westerly 439.23 feet along said lot line to the point of intersection with another lot line, then northwesterly along said lot line to the point of intersection with the center line of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway right -of -way, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the property line of the Corps of Army Engineers'. Flood Wall, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northeasterly line of Wabasha Street, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of East Fillmore Avenue, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northwesterly right -of -way line of South Robert Street whieh is-the point of beginning. NOW2THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF °THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA: 1.• That the proposed Urban Renewal Area•described above is a slum, blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area appropriate for an urban renewal project, that the development of such Area for predominantly nonresidential uses is necessary for the proper development of the community,.and that the undertaking by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota or surveys and plans for an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110;(c) of Title I in the proposed Urban Renewal Area is hereby approved. i t 2. That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed to +' enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to finance the planning and undertaking of the proposed Project. 3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the und'er- _b taking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial assistance ' under Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, creed, or national origin and those relating to 'the relocation of site occupants , -and-the provision of local grants -yin -aid and the requirement that, as a condition to the execution of a contract for a loan or capital grant for an urban renewal project, the - locality must present to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator a workable program for community improvement, as set forth in Section 101(c) of i Title I,-for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slums and urban blight; and that it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible'_method for the relocation of families displaced from the Urban Renewal Area, in conformity with the requirements of Title I, can be prepared, and (b) that local grants -in -aid can and will be provided in an amount which will be not less'than one -third of the Net Project Cost of the Projedt and which, together with the Federal. capital grant, will be generally equal to the difference between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land sold, leased, or retained for use in accordance with the urban renewal plan. 4. That the filing of an application by the'Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for an advance of funds from the United States of America in an amount not to exceed Three Hundred and Sixty Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Dollars .($362,890.00) for surveys and plans for an urban renewal project,in the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved, and that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute and file such application with the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, -.to provide such additional information and to furnish such documents as may be required by the Administrator, and to act as the authorized representative of the lIousing and'Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. ' -2- • Mr. A. Dean Swartzel Regional Director Housing and Home Finance Agency Room 1500 360 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago 1, Illinois Dear Mr. Swartzel: 10; Re: Riverview Industrial Project Survey and Planning Application Submitted herewith are Survey and Planning Applications and supporting documentations for the first project of the Riverview General Neighbor- hood Renewal Plan Area which will beknown locally as the Riverview Industrial Project. The application has been prepared according to the provisions of the Urban Renewal Manual. It is important that expeditious processing of this application take place as the financial plan is dependent upon a $191,597 credit for the construction of a flood wall and levee which will expire in the spring, of 1964. • , We therefore request that any questions regarding the application or its contents be directed immediately to our Authority either by telephone or letter so that delays can be eliminated whenever possible. Sincerely yours, ,',`% L•LJC�...' -� -- }ate' �'� �� "....! �.. B. Warner Shippee Executive Director Ky M ^R 10- A HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OCTOBER, 1963 • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT Table of Contents Form H -6100 gufvdy & planning Applicdtion Form H -6101 Urbaid Renewal Area Data Report on Urban Renewal Area Description of Local Housing Supply Community Requirements Data Rehabilitation and Conservation Data Estimate of Federal Grant Local Financing for Cities of Less than 50,000 Form H -627 Survey & Planning Budget Form H -630 Staffing and Salary Schedule Form H -681 Contract Items Narrative Supporting Budget Nature and Source of Planning Funds Form H -6103A Legal Report Form H -6103B Legal Report Documentation Supporting Legal Report Resolution of Applicant 1 Resolution of Governing Body Code No R -101 R -102 R -103 R -104 R -111 R -115 R -121 R -122 R -131 R -132 R -133 R -134 R -135 R -141 R -142 R -143 R -1.44 R -145 1, . 1. • HOUSING AND REDHVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY &';PLANNING APPLICATION: :.. RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CODE R -101 - Ford H -6100, Survey and Planning Application R -101 i� ` 4 Form Approved H -6100 Budget Bureau No. 63- R882.3 8 -61 i i i i i I i 4. (Over) . TO BE COMPLETED BY RI-IFA HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY PROJECT, PLAN, OR SURVEY NUMBER URBAN RENEWAL ADMINISTRATION _ LOCALITY ,. SURVEY. AND PLANNING APPLICATION (Urban Renewal Program DATE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS: Submit original In Binder No. 1, and copies in Bindera No. 2, 3, and 4. A. PURPOSE OF APPLICATION J [X ] Surveyland planning of an Urban Renewal Project [ ] Under "Disaster Area" provisions of Section 111 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended [ ] Preparation of General Neighborhood Renewal Plan [ ] Feasibility Survey of an urban area B. CATEGORY OF PROJECT ELIGIBILITY (For survey.and planning of a project, check appropriate eligibility category of project to be planned; for-preparation of a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan, check eligibility category indicated at this'time for "first project" in proposed GNRP area. ,See Ur- ban Renewal Manual, Chapter 3.2. Leave blank for Feasibility Survey Application or for "Disaster Area" project.) CATEGORY PRESENT CHARACTER OF AREA EXTENT OF PRESENT DEVELOPMENT - PROPOSED REUSE [ ] I Predominantly residential Built up Any [ ] II Predominantly residential Predominantly open land Any [ all Not predominantly residential Built up Predominantly residential [ ] IV Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Predominantly residential Nonresidential , [ X] Y Exception Not predominantly residential Built up ' Not predominantly residential Nonresidential [ ] VI Exception Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Not predominantly residential 'College, [ ] VII University, or Hosgital Any Built up 1 Any o [ ]VIII University, or Any " Predominantly open land Any Hosp}tal [ ] IX a - Open land Predominantly residential [ Ix -. Open land Not predominantly residential Area Redevelopment [ ] XI Exception Not predotinantly residential Built up Not predominantly residential Arealedevelopment [ ] XII Exception Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Not predominantly residential C. TYPE OF SUBMISSION' [ X] Original Application [ ] Revision of approved Application — Project, Plan, or Survey No. - - ^" for purpose of [ ]:Change in area ' [ ] Other (Describe) [ ] Increase in total estimated cost - - - - D. IDENTIFICATION -OF APPLICANT LEGAL CORPORATE NAME HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA MAILING ADDRESS 55 EAST FIFTH STREET, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (Over) . R -101 , ♦ r b R -101 t I i i i r I i a E. ESTIMATED COST AND SOURCES OF FUNDS USE FOR REVISED APPLICATION REQUESTED FOR LATEST APPROVED ADJUSTMENT The estimated cost of the surve s and/or plans and the Y / P APPROVAL anticipated.sources,of funds to pay this,cost,are: ESTIMATE (+ OR -) 1. Federal advance applied for S — ( )S — S 3622890 2. (Plus) Funds to be obtained from other sources — (, )S — —0- 3. (Equals) Total estimated cost S — ( )$ — S 3622890 F.' ESTIMATE OF FEDERAL GRANT REQUIREMENT (Leave blank for Feasibility Survey Application) [ ] The Federal grant requirement for the Project Basis of Project Capital Grant: (Check one) has previously been estimated and no change in the estimate is contemplated at this time. [ X] 2/3 of Net Project Cost [ X] The Applicant estimates the Federal grant [ ] 3/4 of Net Project Cost — municipality with population of requirement (project capital grant plus 50,000 or less relocation grant) for the Project to he [ ] 3/4 of Net Project Cost —in Redevelopment Area, munici- 3,336,908 ; pality with population of from 50,001 to 150,000, inclusive S G. DESCRIPTION OF AREA The area is locally known or proposed to be known as the Riverview Industrial Project [ X] Urban Renewal Area [ ] Feasibility Survey Area, situated in the City of Saint Paul , County of Ramsey , and State of Minnesota , and bounded generally as follows: Fillmore Avenue and the Flood Wall of the Mississippi River on the north and west, Robert Street on the east, and a high bluff line on the south. H. RELATIONSHIP OF PROPOSED PROJECT TO PREVIOUS TITLE I ACTIVITIES (Leave blank for GNRP or Feasibility Survey Application) 1. Is the Project located in an area covered by a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan? [X1 Yes [ ] No If Yes: a. Enter Plan number: No. Minn. R -4(GN) b. If this Application is for planning of "first project" in the GNRP area, ' 12816,255 enter amount of Federal grant reservation outstanding: 3 c. List numbers of any other Title I projects in the GNRP area that have — previously been approved by HHFA: No. No. 2. Was a Feasibility Survey, financed with Federal advance funds, undertaken in any — part of the proposed Project area? [ ] Yes Enter Survey number: No. [X ] No I. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION The documentation submitted herewith in support of this Application shall be considered part of this Application. J. EXECUTION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Applicant has caused this Application to be executed on October 22 19, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY y/1 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By 1 ^' Corporate Name of Applicant Signature Executive Director Title 1 ' W r i 0 0 CODE R -102 r: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORfTY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RtVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT - Form H -6101, Urban Renewal Area Data R -102 � ;6'. y,, .l-n` . �"Y;�� -S� :Tr- '�r_�4,...s-3 „- � v.- �na�-... r.., a.A...R,.F.t7�f^•.7'�R,awv+�►, i t Page 1 of 2 A& Form approved Budget Bureau No. 63- R883.3 H-6101 _ (5-62) 1 a• K -LUZ r e c (TO BE FILLED IN BY NNFA) ROUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY PROJECT OR PLAN NUMBER URBAN RENEWAL ADMINISTRATION URBAN RENEWAL AREA , DATA LOCALITY (In Support ,of Form H -6100, Survey and Planning Application) DATE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS: Prepare original and 4 copies for HHFA. Place original and 1 copy,in Binder No. 1, and one copy• each in Binders No. 2, 3, and 4. A. Accompanies Form H -6100 executed' on October 22, 1963 with regard to an application for (Check one) Date rx] SURVEY AND PLANNING OF AN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT PREPARATION OF GENERAL NEIGHBORHOOD RENEWAL PLAN B. AREA NAME OR DESIGNATION (From Form A -6100) Riverview Industrial Project C. GENERAL LOCATION OF AREA (e.g., with respect to central business district) 3/4 mile south of the Central Business District across the Mississippi River Congressional district in which area is situated: 4 0. CHARACTER OF AREA (Check one below) (Check one below unless "Area" is "Open ") rXI BUILT UP PREDOMINANTLY RESIDENTIAL PREDOMINANTLY OPEN NOT PREDOMINANTLY RESIDENTIAL [ U r. OPEN ] E. PRESENT CHARACTER OF URBAN RENEWAL AREA AND CONDITION OF BUILDINGS ESTIMATED ACREAGE IN AREA BY ESTIMATED NUMBER AND PRESENT CHARACTER OF LAND CONDITION OF BUILDINGS ITEM ' TOTAL IMPROVED UNIMPROVED NUMBER OF WITH D "EfICIENCIES NUMBER PERCENT LAND BUILDINGS TarAL 153.85 126.19 27.66 245 227: 93 1. Streets, alleys, public rights -of -way 49.30 36.05 1 13.25 .................... .......................... .................... ...... .......................... _....... ............................... ............................... ............................... 2. Residential (including related public or sesipublic purposes) - 18.59 14.96 3.63 1 104 102 98 3. Nonresidential (including related public or sesipublic purposes) 85.96 75.18 10.78 141 125 89 Sources of estimates: Field Survey, Sanborn Atlas, City Planning Board Maps F. CONTEMPLATED NEW LAND USE (Check one) (Not required to G. CONTEMPLATED TREATMIENT OF AREA NO. OF ACRES be completed if area is checked as predominantly resi- TOTAL 153.85 dential in Block D) PREDOMINANTLY RESIDENTIAL USES 1. Clearance and redevelopment 153.85 [X] NOT PREDOMINANTLY RESIDENTIAL USES -0 - 2. Rehabilitation and conservation 1 a• K -LUZ r e c Page 2 of 2 • H-6101 (5--62) H. ESTIMATED NUMBER AND CONDITION OF DWELLING UNITS I. ESTIMATED NUMBER OF SITE OCCUPANTS WITH TOTAL WHITE NONWHITE TOTAL DEFICIENCIES STANDARD 1. Families 170 169 1 193 143 50 a. To be displaced' 170 169 1 Source of data: 2. Individuals 39 39 0 HOUSING CENSUS K OTHER SOURCES (Specify) Year 3. Business concerns 133 ..................... Field Survey Source of estimates: Field Survey, 1960 Census, City Directory I J. ENVIRONMENTAL DEFICIENCIES DESCRIPTION OF EXTENT TO WHICH CONDITION EXISTS CONDITION (Give source of information. If additional space is required, continue on a plain sheet and attach to this form.) 1. Overcrowding or improper location of See attached structures on the land See attached 2. Excessive dwelling unit density 3. Conversions to incompatible types of uses, such as roominghouses among See attached family dwellings 4. Obsolete building types, such as large residences or other buildings which See attached through lack of use or maintenance have a blighting influence S. Detrimental land uses or condition.. See attached such an incompatible uses, structures in mixed use, or adverse influences from noise, smoke. or fumes 6. Unsafe, congested, poorly designed, or otherwise deficient streets See attached 7. Inadequate public utilities or com- munity facilities contributing to un- satisfactory living conditions or See attached economic decline 8. Other equally significant environmental See attached deficiencies 01 Gpo 920512 r A 4A? ,rm H -6101. Pase 2 Environmental Deficiencies 1. Two and three residential structures exist on single residential lots. 20% of residential and 69% of non - residential structures front directly on public streets. Many industries use the streets for loading dnd un- loading because of complete site coverage, thus causing congestion, inconvenience and halting the normal flow of traffic along these streets. 2. The second and third stories of commercial and industrial buildings along Robert and Wabasha Street's are being used for residential }purposes. Many small structures are being used as multi- family structures, others have extremely small yards causing high densities in residential land areas. 3. About 20% of residential structures house three or more families in structures designed for one family. All residential structures are con- sidered as incompatible types of use because of the industrial character of the area. 4. Some abandoned commercial structures are being used as residences. High commercial and industrial vacancies in loft buildings, two story and small single story buildings indicate both functional and economic obso- lescence. Many structures are in such condition and of such design that they can no longer be used for their original purpose. 5. The area is primarily industrial, but there are a number of residential structures interspersed among the industries. The residences are incom- patible with land use and are adversely affected by noise, smoke and fumes. Railroad tracks run within five feet of residences between Custer and Robert Streets. Along Wabasha and Robert Streets, there are struc- tures in mixed uses. (Source: Field Survey) 6. About 27% of the streets are unimproved (neither paved nor graded) are poorly platted and designed and industrial traffic presents inconvenience, congestion and hazardous conditions. About 17% of industries use streets for loading, making many streets impassable during working hours. There are only two traffic signals in the area. (Source: Dept of Public Works) 7. The area east of the site has been cleared for an Industrial Park. It contained churches, schools, neighborhood house and playgrounds which R -102 J. Environmental Deficiencies - continued also served the residents of this project. Project now lacks these facilities. Public transportation lines are inadequate and inconvenient for residents living west of Walter Street. (Source Field Survey) 8. Area is isolated from community by the Mississippi River on the north, the bluff on the west and south, and the proposed Port Authority's Industrial Park on the east. One hundred four residential structures are scattered throughout the area, thus prohibiting any feeling of unity. (Source: Field Survey) -Ytvi r R -102 i i I i i I j I r i HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIV'$RVIEW INDUSTRIAL PRaJECT CODE R -103 - Report on Urban Renewal Area R -103 1. Statement explaining selection of the area and delineation of its boundaries. A. Selection of area The Riverview Industrial Project +was 'selected as the first pro- ject of the Riverview General Neighborhood Renewal Plan, Minn. R- 4(GN). the Rivk vieta GNRP which inciudcs the project dreg lies immediately southeast grid adjacent td the Centrai Business District. The area is, however, separated ffom the Central Business District by the Mississippi River. The GNRP area tends to be separated from adjacent portions of the City by virtue of distinct physical and land use features; it is bounded on the north by the Mississippi River, on the east by an airfield, on the south by steep river valley bluffs, and on the west by a rather large public park and the Mississippi River. The GNRP area is itself composed of two sections separated from each other by differences in elevation and extensive railroad uses. Further, the two sections differ considerably in land use and land use potential. The project area occupies river flats and was subject to flood until a flood wall was constructed by the Corps of Army Engineers. It is an area characterized by an extreme mixture of incompatible land uses, blight, and high municipal service costs. While the area contains a considerable amount of residential land use, it is generally unsuitable for residential use. The southern portion of the GNRP area is known, locally, as the Concord Street area and is a deteriorating residential neighborhood. Because of physical features, this area is considered part of the Lower West Side Community. The project area was selected for urban renewal treatment for the following reasons: 1. Portions of the area contain some of the worst residential structures and the poorest living conditions in the City. 2. Much of the area that now contains residential structures is not suitable for continued residential use. R- 103(1) 3. A reuse potential exists for the land which will strengthen the City's economic base and improve the land use pattern in accordance with the com- prehensive land use plan for the City. 4. Industrial and other types of expansion is inhi- bited by blighted residential structures, multi- plicity of land ownership, fragmentation of the land by poor platting and an outmoded street sys- tem. 5. Industrial development and the sound development of other types of land use cannot be accomplished by the unaided efforts of private interests. The project area was given number., one priority in a study and report by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority en- titled, Selection of Urban Renewal Proiects, October 1959, and the recently completed GNRP study. The southern portion of the GNRP area, or the Concord Street area, was given secondary priority for rehabilitation. The criteria used to delineate and assign priority for -urban renewal conforms to Urban Renewal Administration standards for project selec- tion as well as local standards and policy. As a result, it has been possible to prepare a rational priority ordering of treatment of various areas in terms of specific renewal activity and by doing so prepare the basic pattern for a City -wide renewal program. Almost all of the usable land presently available for indus- trial expansion in-the City has been consumed; for this rea- son, many local groups, both private and public, have expressed a desire for the project area to be cleared for future indus- trial expansion. Many blighted residential pockets exist in the area. These pockets are not suitable for continued resi- dential use and can be readily absorbed by existing or new industrial uses. B. Delineation of boundaries The boundaries of the project area have been delineated to include the entire valley of mixed industrial and residential uses located south of the Central Business District between the Mississippi River, a high bluff, and a non - federally assisted clearance type project being executed by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul. - 2 - R- 103(1) Generally the project is bounded as follows: On the north by Fillmore Avenue and the flood wall of the Mississippi River; on the south by Wood Street and the bluff; on the east by Robert Street which is the western boundary of the Port Authority's non- federally assisted project, and on the west by the flood wall of the Mississippi River. 2. Explanation supported by map called for under (6) below, general statis- tical data, and other available information of how the proposed urban renewal area meets eligibility requirements. The map entitled Criteria for Clearance, R- 103(6), serves to display the project area -wide distribution of substandard buildings and other conditions within the following.categories which warrant clearance action: a. Buildings which contain structural members that are not sound by virtue of physical deterioration of the exterior and /or interior portions of the buildings (dilapidated walls, floors, roofs, etc.) are considered substandard. Such conditions exist in 149 or 60.82% of the residential structures to the extent that rehabilitation no longer appears economically feasible. Buildings determined to be in this condition are herein termed "substandard" and are displayed on Map R- 103(6). b. In addition to "a" above, 32 or 13.06% of the structures are considered incompatible uses. The project area is predominantly non - residential in use (see Land Use Map, R 103(5) ). Therefore, the remaining residential structures are considered incompatible. These structures are shown on Map R- 103(6). C. Nine additional buildings or 3.67% are considered to be struc- turally or functionally obsolete by virtue of being loft build- ings with wooden floors, unused or partially inaccessible second floors, or abandoned buildings with the lot areas being used for parking or other uses. d. Eleven additional buildings, or 4.49 %, are considered to be overcrowded on the land to the extent that the functional - 3 - R- 103(1) (2) operation of these industries has "spilled over" onto public rights -of -way in the form of loading and unloading activities. Buildings so classified are also considered to be functionally obsolete in that proper settings and facilities were not in- corporated into the original construction and cannot now be provided... The above information indicates that 60.82% of the 245 build- ings within the project area are substandard and a substantial amount (an additional 21.22% of the total) of the other build- ings, because of their condition, are blighting influences therefore warranting clearance action. Only 44 buildings are considered structurally sound and are not blighting influences. Of these, 30 are considered deteriorated and 14 are sound in all respects. According to the U. S. Census of Housing, 69% of all housing units are lacking either all or some facilities, are deterior- ated, or are dilapidated. They are overcrowded on the land and poorly sited. Residential structures are adversely affected by noise, smoke, fumes, vibrations and other nuisance factors which are generated by adjacent industrial buildings. The streets are deficient in every respect: they are unsafe, poorly designed, congested, poorly constructed and inadequately main- tained. The area lacks all community facilities except a park. Harriet Island Park is north of the project, but`.:the facilities are inadequate and the main use of the park area has become that of a boat landing. 3. Statement indicating generally how the treatment proposed for each section of the area meets the criteria set forth in Chapter 10 -1 and Section 12 -1 -2. The proposed project area meets the criteria set forth in Chapter 10 -1 of the Urban Renewal Manual for the following reasons: (1) The map entitled Criteria for Clearance illustrates in graphic form the eligibility of the area for urban renewal treatment. Deficiencies are distributed throughout the project area and no incidental properties within the perimeter boundaries have been - 4 - R- 103(2)(3) excluded. It is proposed that the Entire project will be a clear- ance area. A few structurally souti$ non - residential buildings will be allowed to remain and redevelopment land will be made available , so that these industries may expan�; ptovi4d adequate access, or correct other deficiencies caused by lack of adequate space. 60.82% of the structures are substandard tb the extent that they require clearance, over 16% of the structures are incompatible uses, 3.67% additional structures hie considered obsoiet6, and 4.49% are over- crowded on the land. The street liL�6ut is iriadequdte, with 28% of the streets unimproved. Because of overcrowding of buildings on the land, substandard con- ditions of buildings and inadequate street layout, only the struc- turally sound non - residential structures will be allowed to remain. All residential structures will be removed because they are incom- patible with the area which will be industrial in use according to the Redevelopment Plan. The area will blend well with the adjoin - land on the east which will be developed as an industrial park by the Port Authority of Saint Paul. The remaining adjoining area is separated from the project by natural boundaries like the River and the bluff. (2) The area is of a reasonable size so that the urban renewal project can be planned and carried out expeditiously. (3) Upon completion of urban renewal activities the area will be pro- tected from blight for the following reasons: (a) It will constitute a stable industrial area in itself (b) It is a part of a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan area (c) Project boundaries on the north, west and south are neigh- borhood boundaries and the eastern boundary is a clearance project area presently being undertaken by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul. (4) Boundaries of the area have been determined without consideration of the race, religion, color or national origin of the residents. - 5 - .N•,oJ wV'_ R-1030) .y,, ..•^rya -.. '.a :,. ,, =S;.r T�'xrg�. 0 • (5) The area is no longer subject to flooding. This condition did exist, but remedial action has been undertaken by the Corps of Army Engineers with City of Saint Paul participation. Flood walls and gate valves have been constructed, relieving the area of the threat of flooding. (6) The area is proposed as a clearance type project. No conser- vation activities are contemplated; therefore, the requirements of Section 12 -1 -2 of the Urban Renewal Manual are not applicable. R -103 (3) CODE R -103 - REPORT ON URBAN RENEWAL AREA (4) Locality map showing: a. City limits b. C. d, e. Boundaries of urban renewal area Location of other Title I activities or non - assisted projects Central Business District In that part of locality in which urban renewal area is located: (i) Major thoroughfares, identifying whether in existence, being con- structed, being planned, or being contemplated. (ii) Railroads (iii) Industrial districts (iv) Blighted, deteriorated or deter- iorating areas other than urban renewal area. r R- 103(4) + r CODE R -103 - Report on Urban Renewal Area (5) Land Use Map showing: (a) Boundaries of the Urban Renewal Area (b) Existing land use in the Urban Renewal Area (c) Generalized existing land use in surrounding area influencing and influenced by project. R- 103(5) r CODE R -103 - Report on Urban Renewal Area (6) Map of project is attached showing: a. Project boundaries i b. General distribution of blight and deterioration in project and surrounding area. R -103 (6 ) 47 7. Flood.Condltion The area is protected by a flood wall and levee (28k feet above normal j river level) and is not subject to flooding. 8. University or Hospital Provisions No facilities of this nature are- contemplated within the project area. - Not applicable. 9. Designation of the Area No Planning Board designation is required at this time, although this proposal is consistent with their public material. 10. Unusual Topographic or Subsoil Conditions A topographic map is submitted in items 5 and 6 of this code. A 100 foot bluff is indicated as the southern project boundary; however, this bluff should not affect the proposed project activities. 11. Reduction in Minority Housing This project will not result in a substantial net reduction in the supply of housing available to racial minority families. R-103(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) +'• � +_ _" �� �., * .�e�: ei ' _ „�. ate• - _, �, �- `,_, � .,�',;�:i�'..s >v�rc .. � = - 'I C� CODE R -104 • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF T11E CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT Description of the Local Housing Supply R -104 r .:1� 0 • R -104 - Local Housing Supply (1) Form H -6101 incorporated in Section R -102 4 (2) a. According to the U. S. Census of Housing,1960, there are 90,228 standard and 12,098 substandard housing units in the City. Of the 87,857 standard occupied units, 85,790 are occupied by white and 2,600 are occupied by non -white persons. Of the 10,870 sub- standard occupied units in the City, 10,336 are occupied by white and 534 are occupied'by non -white persons. b. There are approximately 41,425 private rental housing units in Saint Paul according to the U. S -. Census of Housing: 1960, and Bureau of Public Buildings and Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings of Saint Paul. There are 1,328 public hous- ing units in operation, 541 units under construction and 327 units in the planning stage. The Authority has a program reservation for 2,250 units. C. Although the annual rate of private rentals and sales is not avail- able, the U. S. Census of Housing: 1960, indicates that 5.9% of the homeowners in 1960 moved into their units in 1957, 6.0% occu- pied them in 1958. .and 8.4% in 1959 to March 1960. Of the renter occupied units in 1960, 8.6% were occupied in 1957, 13.8% in 1958 and 39.8% in 1959 to March 1960. The number of unit turnovers for the 1,286 public housing units in operation from 1960 to 1962 is as follows: Year Unit Turnover % of Total 1960 342 22.6 1961 335 26.0 1962 336 26.1 d. According to the U. S.. Census of Housing: 1960, 5.1% of all rental housing units are vacant and available for rent, and 2.5% of sale housing is vacant. e. The number of private and public residential units constructed dur- ing the last two years is as follows: Year Public Private 1961 0 1,412 1962 341 1,282 R -104 .fi All housing units in the City are available to both white and non -white persons because of the enactment of the "Minnesota Act Against Discrimination ". (3) -Forms H -627 and H -681 included in Section R -130 series. (4) The amount of the relocation payment is estimated at $213,100. A review of the actual cost of relocation in other industrial areas was made and it was determined that an average cost of $80 per family and $1,500 for commercial and industrial moves will give an accurate estimate of the amount needed for relocation payments. 4 R -104 I t� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CODE R -111 - Community Requirements Data R -111 1] R -111 - Community Requirements • A "Workable Program for the City of Saint Paul" has been certified by the Housing and Home Finance Administration Administrator and recertification is currently in effect.. R -111 C� J -115 • + 4�T t HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CODE R -115 - Rehabilitation and Conservation Data NOT APPLICABLE R -115 • t R -121 - Estimate of Federal Grant Real Estate Purchases Administration Legal Services Survey & Planning (Form H -627) (GNRP Minn.R -4GN) Acquisition Expenses Relocation Expenses Site Clearance Site Improvements Disposal, Lease Retention Interest Subtotal Contingencies Non -Cash Grant -in -Aid Gross Project Cost Disposition Proceeds Net Project Cost Federal Share Local Share Non -Cash Grant -in -Aid Cash Grant -in -Aid Relocation Grant Total Capital Grant & Relocation Grant 362,890 53,489 1,481,763 80,141 i $2,816,700 102,500* 25,000* 416,379 64,000* 25,600* 202,000 600,000 25,600* M i I10 4,397,779 141,170 1,481,763, 6,020,712 1,335,000 4,685,712 3,123,808 1,561,904 1,561,904 213,100 $3,336,908 * Cost estimates are based on the current experience of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority adjusted to compensate for the nature of this project. All other cost estimates are justified on the following pages. R -121 • ESTIMATE OF FEDERAL GRANT SUPPORTING DATA 1. Real Estate Purchases :Full and true value of all properties within the project area expected to be acquired was obtained from the City Valuation Engineer. A factor of 2.29 times the full and true value was determined to be realistic in determining acquisition values after an analysis of past sales within this area. $1,230,000 (full and true value) X 2.29 factor 2. Site Clearance Past e.:perience has indicated that building removal has been approximately 20% of the Lull and true value oL buildings; 20% of $711,450 (full & true value) 142;000 7,50C feet of street removal @ $8 /ft. 60,000 Total Site Clearance 3. Site Imprcvemerts 12,000 lineal feet uL street constr,xction @ $50 /lin.fL. %includes cost of utilities) 4. Contingencies The estiw.a- a for this item is baoed on 25% of the administrative cost of carrying out the pro- gram. 25% is used because oL the preliminary nature of the estimates within each category. 257 of ti�564.680 5. Non -Cash Grant -in -Aid The State Legislature, in 1963, allowed the City of Saint Paul to bond to the extent of $13,750,000 for the provision of renewal related improvements and local cash requirements of Federally aided renewal projects. It is expected that these monies Will be used to finance the following • $2,816,700 202,000 600,000 141,170 R -121 r _ A City improvements: Preliminary Per Cent Capital__Improvements Cost Estimate Applicable Credit Fire Station No. 15 $ 20,000 50 $ 10,000 Ohio Street 1,012,687 75 759,515 Plato Avenue 432,875 75 324,656 Starkey Street 47,512 50 23,756 Wabasha Street 53,750 100 53,750 Water Street 130,000 50 65,000 Total City $1,696,824 $1,236,677 Local public contributions are in use for the flood wall now under construc- tion by the Corps of U. S. Army Engineers: Preliminary Per Cent Capital Improvement Cost Estimate Applicable Credit Flood Wall and Levee $4,055,000 Federal 865,000 Local 22.15 $191,597 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority has expended its funds for the undertaking and completion of the Riverview GNRP (Minn. R -4(GN) ). Approved Per Cent Activity Budget Applicable Credit Minn. R -4(GN) $53,489 100 $53,489 SUMMARY NON -CASH GRANT -IN -AID CREDITS City Improvements $1,236,677 Flood Wall and Levee 191,597 Riverview Minn. R -4 (GN) GNRP 53,489 Total $1,481,763 Disposition Proceeds GNRP estimates indicate that $22,000 per acre or approximately 50-'- per square foot would be the average resale value of land in the project area. This figure is based on other reuse appraisals and opinions of individuals employed by a real estate appraisal company. Commercial 1.65 acres @ $22,000 $ 36,000 Industrial 56.49 acres @ $22,000 1,243,000 Public (alternate industrial) 2.55 acres @ $22,000 56,000 $1,335,000 � =7� �.�+ r' - •r vwa- +'.- air -�v�l. a+�r)�p • • 7. Relocation Grant The relocation grant has been estimated on the following basis: 170 families @ $80 /family $13,600 133 business and industrial firms @ $1500 /firm Total Relocation Grant 199,500 $213,100 R -121 P l . • • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CODE R -122 - If the locality has a population of less than 50,000, locality finance data. NOT APPLICABLE • - • #���� ��- � 9'�. • • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CODE R -131 - Form H -627, Survey and Planning Budget R -1 i I i i 1 i 1 l t P, Budget Form approved B Bureau No. 63- R726.6 H-6 HOUSING AND ROME FINANCE AGENCY (2 -61 PROJECT LOCALITY BAN RENEWAL, ADMINISTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � SURVEY AND PLANNING BUDGET PROJECT NAME i INSTRUCTIONS: Initial Budgets RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL Subwit original and 3 copies in Prepare original and 6 Copies PROJECT and 4. Revised Budgets Binder No, 1, eopies in ? es for HHFA. Budget" instructions. f with aiiendator Binders No, 2� 3, PROJECT NUMBER i ction Otherwise, aubiiit o'iapplication, follow "Initial ( f known) BUDGET ginal and 3 NUMBER DATES OF HHFA copies to HHFA. 'ET APPROVALS (Complete 1 for revision only) Budget No. 1, October 22 19 Latest Approved Budget (No, ) 19 LINE USE ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGETS L E TO BE FILLED Y LPA N0. USE CLASSIFICATION IN BY HHFA •� LATEST APPROVED ~ ADJUSTMENT BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 1+ or _) REQUESTED FOR APPROVED FOR t' J 1 AM41NISTRATIONt MONTHS 1 �) ( �) MONTHS RIEAD ! a• AMgNISTRATI 410,09, VE 0 ER 1 ° ) ( a ) ' R 1 AND ""VICES' (R 1410.01 R 1410.16 , R 1410,19; R 1416) g b, TRAVEL (R 1410.05) $ $ 15j.225 2 OFFICE FMITQgE $ AND EQIIIRM'P (R 1476) 2 27 3 LEGAL SERVICES" (R 1410.024, R 1415.01) _0_ 4 SURVE�y AND PLANNING (R 1410.021, R 1430) 2019 5 LAND SURVEYS AND APPRAISALS R 1410.022, R 1410,028, , R 1440.02, R 1440,04, R 1440 `05, R 1445.01) 31,933 6 RELATION PLANNING R 1410.023 25 1 ( , R 1443.01) 140,$ 7 SUBTOTAL 5.9034 ' 8 RESERVE; AND CONTINGENCIES 197,311 • 9 TOTAL (Line f plus g) 162, 878 10. PRWECT $360,189 $ PECPION FED (R 1418) - 11 TOTAL SURVEY AND PLANNING BUDGET 1'1 (Line 9 plus 10 _ 2 701 Approval Uf the $ $ r hereby urvey and Planning $362 X90 = R Y requested, g Budget is the amounts I ' and for the time Period shown in Column I ' October 22 (0) i■ I 1963 HOUSING AND Date RED$V,oPMENT AUTHORITY Signature o OF SAINT er f Authori ed f'fi OF THE CITY PAUL MINN 3M T Local Public Agency - F CUt1V Dir C LICI 11 The Survey and Planning Title The authorized activities shall ibehcomb Y approved in the amounts and for the time period sh pleted by ! 19` own in Column (d)•. Date Regional Director Of Urban Renewal, Re((ion_ i I i R`131 111LH8:W"WV0l. D. C. j _ - •-- `�i=�i gym:'__ • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT • CODE R -132 - Form H -630, Local Public Agency Staffing and Salary Schedule R -132 t "� r '1 4 �O �o N O N /b PG bM 1'O o 1+ O P= ma d 4 SEA d m a • • �r � 4 l M W W J O W ^ a H Q W = "' m LLIJJJJ S >r O W (fit pa�o� N = F °' 4pb Cat u w u1 t••q 0 S m W . C C k• i., O C H Q H7 riI W=F- -JCL 03 Z O O -ft tLo Id H ~ w N W W J _ tv to Z� m 1 - -I LL. O _ W ��jj W ri J 2 m W Fr o ff 0 Q f- O p �. p CL. s acn Lla J U ^' J Q W `C`yI W � N 2 i XC\ yn 1 yl W W C - ' d •Op O U W (= >- aL d V a ° LEI - O m 0- _ z F- wWw ^ r 934 co S. N 10 1 - N M , .c , ko N —�1.1 tl e o -4 p to to o � S O O O -'o \o Cat bp � s N CV CV S �O \D C� L i O r Lcl �O p �p �p W U w A w A A w A w w w w A W. or 0 0 C C-- —4 \0 0 cc\ ,Co '�Q C\t d` L- L` c 7C� z 1-1 Q r„ cW7 O c W Z ..w. a w U N z Q t ° z a W 0- LL. M O 94 LL. U L4 • a < = C7 �+ = _ N CD F4 i o e W (n C —4 .0 0. a W L4 z 0 fi (1) tp rl L1. 10 W N a) s]. 1 L4 ca F4 4•+ (o 4+ k m C c0 m _ o a 0 > N o O C $4 of ..� m m Co - ; ►- N O .-i O F A 4-4 O N O C V) p a 4.4 CL Y Z N Q 4a k V •rl cp •a • v Q H z a G4' Q) 0 i F= • r: 4-3 C4 4-4 0 S 4-) 0' ts -H :3 Cd 4 C3 4•) �4 W 8 .0 - )-o I - I ba 0 0 0 H 1 4-) M C) O%j - ) r. ­4 !) ("N •' ', 9 W N Cd 0 I= to :J 0 a 0 .0 0 4-) -4 4J C4 r, 4J 4.3 0 cd 0 .14 4-3 0 0 (a ( 44 rq .4-1 0 4J .,4 0 AJ 0 9 C) 4) C6 bz 'o C7 •0, 2 L; 4-) 0 H cd 4-1 0 2 .0 44 4-1 ;. rg .4 cd " a . (L) cd (L) �4 C) 0 0 -,4 4 Ce 404 L 4.) -4 4-3 4-3 4-) -0 ,q .0 -1 . 4-4 C3 U) to to W (a a? V =1 u 2 Cd U) 4.2 .0 .,-4 " 4-4 CD u Cd a) 4.) 4-4 0 r-4 06 r 4-4 4 .0" 0 -H U f1, -1; M M U Cd -0 4-) -1 Lo >, I 1 0) -4 = 0 w to =3 4-) Q 4-4 0 0 -4 W , C3 'd 0 0 _4 .0 > 4) 0 0 -,- .r� H > Cd cd o to to 4-� .0, Cd 4-3 - 9:6 0 ­4 = Q C: 4-).. 6 CL) .. 414) -4 0) 0 w (L) 4) -r-I • (1) ull s W Q H H W --1 r.1 1. .0 .0 r- �C, $4 0 -4 0 Cd 4.) 0 -r-4 .,4 cd 4 4J z9 .0 C:4 &. -0 44 (D C) ts I 4J v) ol 4-) a d) 4-) 0 '0 Ul r- CL) 0 ba W W (L) a) -1 -0 a Cd 0 ­4 -0) = 1� 0 ts 06 =1 .14 • U2 Ck C3 1=1 0 43 -H CD .0 0 -rH 14 t Cd 4-3 Cd -r4 . 0 .0 a) .,a U 0 '" 0) 0 W 0 W rn 0 'U) (n V. Can) 4-1 1.4 El) W 9,- Cla E3 4-3 CID 4J �4 rCl .0 bo d) cd �q 4.) (L) 4J in ca U) c- 0 41 =I 0 Cl) cd :1 -0 cd = M 4-3 Cd 44 cd 0 0 �4 10 1 0 14 0. 1., . -C -0 0 0 4) Ul rt' �J Q 0 N 4-3 rn 0 .a0 4-2 4 -3 2 4 CD w 10 'It 'ce ce) Cd -4) -3 N 8 0 0 .0 Cl) 0 1.- Q) 4 r_ 1-4 -4 4- -4 0 (D E- C4 d a) 4-4 E LD 0. Cd 0 vo t, 1 -4 0 0 %-4 -4 44 Cd cl. 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CD 'En a) 0 a) ca 9) 44 0 0 r� ­4 W -$4 4-1 ­4 4-) W) 4) a ct a 0 fn 4--� 0 z U2 N 4J 0 (1) i 0 0U cd El) < co U2 q o od Cd .0 -H IL) Q) U a 0 a 0 Cd 1 0 IL) a W (L) 1:j ,gz CL) a U2 cd x C6 cs 0 (1) o W c Cd CD 4-3 0 10 = 4.) 4-) r-4 4-) r-J 4-) CC 0 Fz _4 -4 Q U) CD ".4 U) Cd .,4 4 8 -P Q 0 4-1 $- 0 1-4 4-) Ir k (1) F C 4-3 a) a) a) C.) L-a CL) 4�1 44,. 4) C, In 14 4-3 N 41 (a .4-) 0 4J Md 13 0 44 0 4-4 4-A r -4 0 4J 41 4.) ­4 U to (p +4 En bD 0 'o o ,44 4J Cd 0 !o -W ca x -.7S -T N • • I J IR ;V l r i .�_ r Q) 4-3 W 4.3 cd 4-4 -H 4-3 4.) r. 4J 0' tj r, Cd •-) r-1 W U .0 0 0 k 4-) M :J-. bn 0 0 d) •j 4 4- 4-) Cd 0 0 4-) 0 4.) C4 rl 4-4 -H 44 0 0 (D 4-2 E3 4) Cd 0- > Q) U) -H 41 0.4-) 44 ci 0 cd ( d) •C.) 4-4 4-4 4. 1., a>) Cd -4 CC) r. 1. a , : .0 -4,4 4-1 4-) 44 cd 4-3 44 1., Cd 404 4-3 0 0 IC)4 40, 4-3 -4 49 to U) (L) 4-4 d) Cd 0 d) 4-) a) c .0 Q) 44 4-4 O:r-; U) 0) 44 .0 •_4 Cl. 0 t? 1-4 () r= 14 r= a) -H 0 td -0 L 1 0 0. ul 93 4-) 0 C6 Q) -1 0 > 4-� C, CO I = C: 4J.- 0 0 .. r., > CN 4-3 Cd cd o 4-; Q 0 C) w -r-f - 0) u a) .. 19 Cd C) 0 0 0 a =1 0 1-4 U) a 1 1. 0 14 - 1 4-) a I -4 Cd .0 -a o o C, C, (L) v a) Cd z b4O Q 0 0 4 7 4 V) .0 0 H 4-) 0 En CL) cn Ea C3 cd 4J 04 C4 E3 r-4 -H 4-) 0) rn 4-) CD 4-- -4 -4 -4 2 cn' r. cD -.1 0 .0 bD C, 4-3 44 tt: �4 -4 as 5 Cd co 0 E; S- 4 -4 4-3 -4 44 a) CD 0) bJD .0 Ci 4--1 r.L, C.) 0 N 0 0. li .0 a) U) 0 4-3 7) rt Lo 0 0 .0 4-3 1 4-d• Lz 4--) CD 0 >; C cl) a) 0 a .1-1 Q) CD ;. = Q) r-' I-i a) 44 4-3 r-H -I r cd CU 4 < -H 4-4 Cd ul rn 4.) 06 14. g� $-I Cd -4 0 .0 0 rq 4-) 4-) 0 0 0 W to . M 0 :3 4-) 4. 0 19 Cd U) 4 a) bl) C) (1) d) (D r-I C/I Cd Q) 4-4 4-) C17 9 C"D =1 (L) Cd E bJ) 4-) 0 a 0 Cd rg cad 4 w j 0 (1) ZE 4-) 4-1 1:1 (D (D 1 4 44' L6 0 :E -H 0 0 0' ,1 a j r-4 , 4-3 4-) 0 9 4-) 'i Cd (1) Cd N U 4-) m -S Cd C! Z f., ce) El --C3 >, W I bD 1 k Cd (A a) V) Z Cl 4-) .0 0) Cd ON r4 v L. -0 r- � ❑ r-�= CD 0 0 1 0 Cd as r-4 19 4-3 CD W V2 0 i ts 0 .14 -r-, 0 4-� -4 U w CD 0 (D -0 >� Cd Z En (1) -4 4 0 ❑ rpl '0 4,2 C = C.) o rl cl� t3 -C, 4J rpl Cd 4-) vi CD E! 19 r-4 ho V 0 1-4 cc Br .0. -r-i -4 4-4 .0 0 'n.k C*4 I rh o A� 0) o .,4 C4 4J Cd r4 E- 0 0 W b C1 " aS a) :D o = w " 0 0 i-*i p 13 . ba .0 � En (D w I *a Lo 0 H .14 C.) 4 .0 :3 to CL) 0 CJ E E42 d) 0 1-4 4 a) ai -H 4-3 0 cil (1) CIO -H 0 4J (L) 0 19 4--1 0 4-4 rl W 0 -r-f .,j CD 0 4) >. 0 CD �4 4-4 0 4•1 .0 -4 ;+s -H 4-3 CO .0 E ir. 0 �-q •r.4 44 of I C13 -H Cd clq > C6 CD 41 � ; •. a a 44 0 0 , W Cd a) CD bn CD $-. Irl W a) CD 4-1 (1) = -2 I P-4 0 4J C6 0 ; m 9 m rn o 0:--- 4J @ .0 0 , (LI -C Cd 16 0 N C.) CD U a) Cd 42) I fn .&4 cd 4.3 4-3 -4; cu cd 4 W 0 bD 10 C14 'd �-4 CO a) 4P7 Q) fn 4-) Cd 4) 21 0 06 0 9 1 .01 a) V) ca (1) 0 >� -V - v 0cd od i I -0 -_ " r) 9 ro-k 0 2 r ) 0 W i� Cd W W = �m a) +) -1 .14 0 �-q 4-) r-j 4-3 (12 g 03 -(D -0 -.,= 0 E a :;� 4-1 4. C.) 06 Ea (1) -r4 V) Cd Ei . 4-) V 0 Q) k Cd LO -4 z 0 4J �4 C')4-1 N .0 $4 0 (L) = 44 0 44 a) W M a) 4-3 Eq. U Cd , Q) 44 1.4-1 44 ol 4) Cd 4.) N 44 Cd 0 -H 0 w ' 8 4-) -4 H. CD -4 0 ob"o Ij 9 1 .0 4) 4.4 1. d) -P CO 4 44 "D 0 =1 0 0 ccs -4 .0 44 0 Cd 4J I J IR ;V i • t ;s a 00 W W co `� co J c0 a Qm a O CN2 1W� OW � a x f- U M � r'1 • a a Q o w N N H t,�jlxH -j CL. ^ n O O ' • C W °�oinJC = g d 3 0 E G�7 10.0 A � a 1 1 ~ O1 a w N W _ co •spa ►� W W LL LL. Q W J 7! K H 0 FU =w "• b b YV.� CL tx d va JOV N t � ^ we •• sp . � E R H F- • a N � .R u O w w °z � M u +1 C-) W d .b V O w c is n. J J W W W ^ H F O �e Q 0 a ° r- m •-1 w �, _ m m v •o /n 2 V Cf) UN W tl V `^' 1 I � Y -icoO110 M mN�u1 M Q U c D � J 47I Z 4 w i •l. N y CL .y z cm Q= z CL LL O co z H 1 F4 w - • LIJ J C O r-1 •rl •ri V -H +) N 4 •ri . 07 W (n H � .> G C •rd U Q r— ca co w � = a A �o o 1-4 0) 4 N o N A H Z O > t�tl O U QlA O+� O o O t0U N ctsw J V f H xW U N 0O (n (� U N O ri O F ro y I W w •H .H o O •ri •ri •rl •rl «< E H Cl) C• I a —1 In C E a C) w W rl N d iI W d N O co O M oxo J AAQrn N axacnt4M 1 O {, A u 0 O Wll- u = coh JU V Vj t = m U Q U W I 1� 4J 41 0' %V W 0 0 k 4.) m bD 0 a z = •4 4 4-3 cd 4J 9 4J C14 w Q) 0 0 r) (ti IM 4-4 W 4.3 oto > 10 rq '401 Cd C)_ 0 M ­1 4J 0 14 0 4J. 4) 0 91 4J ­4 Q bb M, 1 4-3 8 *4"JI 2 4j" 0 0' 0 0 C.) 44 4-1 4-4 4.1 C) -ji ""144 .0 ­1,1 44 4-4 k 'g Cd w 0 4J ­I > 4-) _4 .0 H 42 Q 0 IL4 • a) 1_0 w Cd C, ra 4-) to .,4 ch 4.4 *0 44 0:,-4 0 9 a) 44 r-i >a) q- E E3 41) C, = o cd Cd 1-1 0 4 U 14 = 0 :3 -H 44 CL) e-) -i H. cd M *d to W 4.) r_ :3 > 0 0 1-4 0 -M > at cd C� tz; 0 CO 4-3 d cd 4-) -H Q ok -4 ­4 o cd 0 04 a �_p (D 4 "-C 4j It, 41 " P. Cr a7 rN 1 4-3 .; U) W CD ­4 06 Q) 14 =1 bD -r4 Cd co 0 U7 ••) -0- .• CU •a z" " In 0 -4 .0 41) cd Cd 4) •o a) 'd -H 4-2 C4 rg C4 $--I cn CL) U) Ul Cl C4 (1) -4 Cd ­4 1-4 0 - 41 to ­4 4-) (D 4-3 (1) --w 4-3 4 'd .0 W) -mo . czn . 1 1 4-) 0 cv) Cd r cl =3 °q q cd $_1 Cd 4-3 3 Cd 4-4 IF 0 o W 0 (L) ca 4-4 M 4-4 0- V) 4J Ol r(o, 0 a 43 0 0 4) 0 0 : 4) 4.4 L) cu >; Cd . Ca a) 8 ;lj Cd (d 19, 1-0. co I : - k - 0 0 rq 44 .0 r u O'W 4-3 0 Cd 1 (1) 44 < ­4 g 44 E� 4 0 4-3 o r 0 4-) Q6 Q. g� W Cd .0 0 U) fil 0 :3 4.) Cd U Ll 0 0 CU = 44 4 0 , U U W -1 C/I cd IL) U 4 -4 -4 (n �o ic . 114 cis 4) 1-4 cli CD M. 0 1: (1) to to I 4J 0 (D (D (D d) .-Or 4J I;E 0 0 0 Cd Cd 4J (D CY) tlol:r (D Cp S ' 4J 0) U) I= Cd, L 'jr co Cd Cd r-I C' C, 'D a) Cd ig .0 r_ 0 a rq 0 4-) CD W Cd W U d) a 0 0 Q "4 0 $4 ­4 .-0,4,3 Ij - a; Q 4J 9:', .4 0 0 ts rq a H 4-4 C14 cn 41 -H "i ,.-,cc Er J3. H ­4 0 44 0 cd o r.4 E- 0 (L) C) r. $4 a4 ­4 c W 14 w 9 a 0 .rl 0 cd Ea to d) P -0 -H Q) (L) V to 0 .0 4.2 OU 0, CL) 4.) w pa I 7a i7 4-) -4 N 0 > 7 ;4 0 -H . N 44 CO 4-) Z cd C14 0 1] H 4J LO .Q 5 I F-I cd I co OD cd 5 a 0 -CC O _4 0 4.) 0 fn LO . A ­4 Lo 0 V 4- 0 -.0 0 a, 4) Cd ..10 .0 a) -4 -4. C) (L) L- .14 U2 .�4 CIS 4-) 4J -4, bD 10 C%] 43) W 0 W 4.) W 0 �0; _�o �-4 co 4-) U) Cd Q) 0 0 0 a -2 0 k 0 0 :;�m Q 0 0 , 4j 0 .. >' a 4) a( - 4J �2 +-� (a g '4 ­1! �4 Ill -0 4J '-4 cc co :3. = C6 (a Q C4 w 0 .0 4-1 0 V •4 �4 cd w -M o 0 4-) $4 V 4) ;4 0 Q) it J4-3 a) W r,) Eb , (D 4;1 .8 to a 0 ul 4-2 Cd 4 0 '04 'o a) -4 0 'A 4-3 bLO a) 44 1. - 4) to 0 4­1 (a 10 4-4 .0 Cd =3 44 -0 0 10 '2 -W rn 0 .1i1 I 4-3 co z Ja • =! CL) v2 4J 4.4 0 0 W CD 4J 4-3 Q) I 4-) co 0 E. 4-> 4-3 4) bQ) a .0 0 .0 42 D] V -4 (D 4J J_' 4J Cd E 4J0 -M 4-) V) w CD Cd (D CD •-3 Cd 71 0 4-) 9 CO 4 cd U) CL) 4-) 0 CD W -0 ;.) ho 0 V ca a U) Q) od 42) -9 4J to 0 U 4) Cd (D ­4 CD tXD �o cl V Cd 4-4 4-3 W (1) 0 r_ -H 06 bD CL) Cd 0 a 0 9 d) (D Cd Q) 4" -9 4) 4J Cd jr 0 4-3 k C:' 4J 0 4J ci 0 W JA Fr f • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CODE R -133 - Form H -681, Survey and Planning Work r�L Activities to be Performed Under Contract R -133 .c� 4, C) LU V) 4-1 -C 0 0 LU r p J 4-) 4J 4-) "q 0 C +) lZ4 -H m Lu m Pi• co 4-) 0 c 0 93 6 oi 10 , w ( 0)4, 41 c 3 0 z C, (D 0 cr CL rq CL 14 0) (D ILL. 0 4-' La &, 0 eq CL. co 4u) X c W H 0 4-) Pm 0 • od uj ELI IAJ Le CV C) OZ C) 4% 4% 0 0 C= wctd cv L'� ft Ob LLJ ' —1 C) CL < -q 2Q Ul to . . . .. ...... WO a m 'i Lu U4 ts co Z O IN. -C qu =E VID c 0 CI, Z uj CY), Q w w Its im =20 LL lz U, O O -< Q 41 LU .c cv C\l Ck 0 C\l tp t, 0 CIII to W a oz ts L. 41 cc ILI t! X ' - R -At a 0 u " q° %. t, C 0 ZE rq CID ILL. cc; tu cc i� � 4 11 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT • CODE R -134 - Narrative Statement in Support of Budget Estimates R -134 • R -134 = Statement Supporting Form H -627 Costs shown on Form H -627 are justified as follows: 1. Administration a. Overhead and Services R- 1410.01 Salaries (Form H -630) $4,500 R- 1410.09 Retirement Contribution $31,286 salaries X 7% 2,190 R- 1410.16 Publications 1,000 Relocation Info offset $200 Illustrative Site Plan 2,000 copies offset 2,500 Total Publications 2,700 R- 1410.19 Sundry Overhead 15% of total office expenditures ($51,869) 5,835 (9 months) R -1416 Administrative Service Fee -0- Total Line 1 -a $15,225 b. 1410.05 Travel 3 traveling to Chicago, 5 trips @ $75 /person 1,125 Subsistance 150 Local Travel 10,000 miles @ 100mile 1,000 Total Line 1 -b 2,275 2. Office Furniture & EQuipment -0- 3. Legal Services R- 1410.024 Salaries (Form H -630) 2,019 R- 1415.01 Contracts -0- Total Line 3 2,019 4. Survey & Plannin R- 1410.021 Salaries (Form H -630) R -201 Form H -612 50 R -202 Labor Standards 50 R -203 Project Photographs 200 R -211 Community Requirements 50 • R -134 • R -212 Project Area Report 3,000 R -213 Urban Renewal Plan 4,900 R -214 Planning Proposals 2,000 R -215 Minority Considera- tions 50 R -221 Rehabilitation Stan- dards 50 R -222 Acquisition Report 2,000 R -223 Relocation Report 500 R -224 Project Improvements 4,500 R -225 Disposition Report 1,000 R -226 Budget 1,583 R -231 Legal -0- R -1430 Planning Contracts (R -212) Total Line 4 5. Land Surveys, and Appraisals R- 1410.022 Acquisition Salaries ) ) under Legal R- 1410.028 Disposition Salaries ) R- 1440.02 Acquisition Appraisals 104 residential @ $75 7,800 133 commercial & indus- trial @ $750 99,750 Total acquisition appraisals (Appraisal costs are based on recent Port Authority experience in the immediate area of the project) Update Market Analysis R- 1440.04 Title Information Insurance 3,000 Title Information $75 /tract 17,775 R- 1440.05 Sundry Acquisition Cost R- 1445.01 Disposition Appraisals, Surveys & Maps Reuse Appraisal Surveys & Maps Total Line 5 6,000 19,933 12,000 107,550 5,000 20,775 500 1,000 7,000 • 31,933 140,825 r_ ter. R -134 0 HOUSING AND REDLMOPM OT A1nHORITY bF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY & PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CODE R -135 Statement explaining nature and source of Survey and Planning funds other than advance of funds applied for on Form H -6100. R -135 FM R-135 Other Funds to Pay Survey and Planning Costs No other funds, other than the advance of funds applied for on Form H -6100, Survey and Planning Application, are to be used to pay any part of the Survey and Planning costs after the approval of this application. R -135 • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIE? INDUSTRUAL PROJECT CODE R -141 Form H -610JA Legal Inferi'dkibri Report for Urban Renewal Projects - Part I. • R-141 { Form approved Budget Bureau No. 63- 6911.1 .. q { HOUSING AND HOKE FINANCE AGENCY URBAN RENEWAL ADMINISTRATION LEGAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT PART I - SLUM CLEARANCE AND REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES [To accompany Survey and Planning Application or other initial } application for financial assistance under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 (Pub. Law 171, 81st Cong., approved July 15, 1949). as amended, and the Housing Act of 1954 (Pub. Law 560, ; 83rd Cong., approved August 2. 1954)] Instructions i To be prepared in an original and one copy by legal counsel for the Local Public Agency making the application (herein called the "Application ") for Federal assistance, but only in case the urban renewal project contemplated by the Application involves "slum clearance and redevelopment" activities, as defined in Section 110(c) of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 as amended, by the Local Public Agency making the Application. If the urban renewal project contemplated by the Application also involves "rehabilita- tion or conservation" activities as defined in said Section 110(c), then Part II of this re- :• port (Foam H- 61038) must also be prepared by legal counsel for the Local Public Agency which will undertake such activities.* F As used herein. the term, "Local Public Agency ", refers to the particular public legal entity making the Application. The term. "Municipality ", as used herein, refers to. the city, } town, borough, county, or other type of local political subdivision, if it is not the Local G Public Agency, having overall primary governmental jurisdiction over the area in which the contemplated urban renewal project is situated. Inquiries by legal counsel for the Local Public Agency concerning the content of this re-:.: port should be directed to the appropriate Regional Office of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, attention of the Regional Counsel. This page should be removed before submitting the form to the HHFA Regional Office. i 5 p • 1 l * If Parts I and II are prepared by the same Local Public Agency, the information requested i is Sectioss A. P, aid G herein need not be duplicated in Part II. j. • _ +..'.� r iF (6139) HOUSING AND HOKE FINANCE AGENCY URBAN RENEWAL ADMINISTRATION LEGAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT PART I - SLUM CLEARANCE AND REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES [To accompany Survey and Planning Application or other initial } application for financial assistance under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 (Pub. Law 171, 81st Cong., approved July 15, 1949). as amended, and the Housing Act of 1954 (Pub. Law 560, ; 83rd Cong., approved August 2. 1954)] Instructions i To be prepared in an original and one copy by legal counsel for the Local Public Agency making the application (herein called the "Application ") for Federal assistance, but only in case the urban renewal project contemplated by the Application involves "slum clearance and redevelopment" activities, as defined in Section 110(c) of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 as amended, by the Local Public Agency making the Application. If the urban renewal project contemplated by the Application also involves "rehabilita- tion or conservation" activities as defined in said Section 110(c), then Part II of this re- :• port (Foam H- 61038) must also be prepared by legal counsel for the Local Public Agency which will undertake such activities.* F As used herein. the term, "Local Public Agency ", refers to the particular public legal entity making the Application. The term. "Municipality ", as used herein, refers to. the city, } town, borough, county, or other type of local political subdivision, if it is not the Local G Public Agency, having overall primary governmental jurisdiction over the area in which the contemplated urban renewal project is situated. Inquiries by legal counsel for the Local Public Agency concerning the content of this re-:.: port should be directed to the appropriate Regional Office of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, attention of the Regional Counsel. This page should be removed before submitting the form to the HHFA Regional Office. i 5 p • 1 l * If Parts I and II are prepared by the same Local Public Agency, the information requested i is Sectioss A. P, aid G herein need not be duplicated in Part II. j. f - 11 ' LEGAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT ; PART I - SLUM CLEARANCE AND REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES ,._• ` A. Name, Organization, and Territorial Jurisdiction of Local Public Agency. , 1. (a) The legal corporate name of the Local Public Agency identified in the Application dated October 22 1963 , is: , - Housing and,Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (b) The citations of law respecting such name are as follows: Statutes Annotated (hereinafter cited as M.S.A. Section 462.425 Minnesota Subdivisions 1 - 7.; Resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Council File No. 141420, dated September 12, 1947. 2. The Local Public Agency was organized on the 12th day of September , 1947 under the following laws: M.S.A. § 462.425 Subdivisions 1 - 7. t Constitutional, statutory, and charter provisions: ibid ' 3. (a) Does the Local Public Agency have a- special charter? [ ] Yes [X] No ' - I (b) If the Local Public Agency has a charter, submit with the Application a complete copy of the charter, with all amendments to the date of such Application, duly certified by the officer having custody of the official records of the Local Public Agency, specifying herein the date of the latest amendment of the charter, 19- 4. (a) Has the Local Public Agency adopted by -laws, rules, or regulations for the conduct of [ ] No its affairs? [R] Yes (b) If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes ", submit with the Application a copy of ' such by -laws, rules, or regulations, with all amendments to the date of the Application, duly certified by the officer having custody of the official records of the Local Public �, -- Agency, specifying herein the date of the latest amendment of such by -laws, rules, or , regulations: (Omit this item.if the requested data are included within the organization t ; transcript heretofore submitted or which is submitted herewith in accordance with the +.: requirements of Section G, Paragraph 3, below.) {� •� January 16 . ' 196.3- . 5. (a) Is the proposed urban renewal area described in the Application located wholly within [ ] No +r• the authorized territorial jurisdiction of the Local Public Agency? [X] Yes (b) If the-answer is "No ", include explanation. r B. General Power. 1. Is the Local Public Agency empowered to plan, to undertake and carry out, and to finance an urban renewal project involving slum clearance -and redevelopment for which financial aid un- der Title I of the above cited Federal law may be provided? [X] Yes [ ] No 2. If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes ", cite in general the enabling legislation, constitutional provisions, court opinions, and other laps upon which you base your conclusion. Citations: M.•S.A. 462.415; X.S.A. 462.421 (13) ; 462.445; 462.545. C. Specific Powers. 1. Is a public hearing required by State or local law in connection with any phase of the pro- [ ] No F posed urban renewal project? [] Yes (a) Citations: X.S.A. 462.521; M.S.A. 462.525 (2). (b) Remarks:. •r These Statutes require public hearing prior to Approval of the redevelopment for hearing prior to a negotiated sale plans by the City Council, and public ' nr disposition of project land 2. Has a public hearing been held in connection with any phase of the proposed urban renewal proj ect: ' (a) As and if required by State or local law? El Yes No s• (b) As contemplated by Section 105(d) of Title I of the above cited Federal law? [X] No 3.- Does the law require that any determination, finding, review, approval, or other action be made or had at the local level, or by some other public body or official, before the Local Public Agency may undertake or carry out any necessary action pertaining to or any phase of F the proposed urban renewal project? F] Yes [ ] No ' (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.515; 462.521` (b) Remarks: The City Planning Board must review redevelopment plans and the City Council must approve redevelopment plans after public hearing. - 2 - i K 'NW, t'i!' �,..�3 .X 3 ',� C. Spepific Pokers (Continued) 4. What phases of the proposed urban renewal project or what functions of the Local Public Agency, generally or in respect to the project, will. be or are required by law to be per - r formed by the State, the Municipality, or by any other public body or public official (other than the Local Public Agency) ? - (a) 'Explain fully: i• None (b) Citations: i 5. (a) Is there any litigation pending, or threatened, or deemed necessary, affecting any neo- essary action pertaining to or any power or authority of the Local Public Agency to undertake and carry out or to finance the proposed urban renewal project or any phase itt thereof? [ ] Yes [ 4 No t r (b) If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes ", give a statement of details respect- ing the nature of such litigation; and attach a copy of the pleadings, if any Statement of details and copy of pleadings attached: [ ] Yes g, (a) Does the Local Public Agency,-the Municipality, or other public body have the authority to prepare a general or master plan for the development of the locality as a whole in which the urban renewal area is located? [X] Yes [ ] No - Citations: I M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (11); X.S.A. 462.18; Chapter 67, Legislation Code, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, establishing a City Planning Board and setting forth its powers and duties. (b) If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes ", identify the local public body. (c) Does the Municipality have the authority to prepare and present to the Housing and Home Finance Agency a "Workable Program" as described in Section 101(c) of Title I of the above cited Federal law? [XJ Yes [ ] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.581 7• �(a)- Is there adequate legal authority for the preparation and.approval of an official urban renewal plan which can meet the requirements of Section 110(b) of Title YI of the ]abovve cited Federal law? I Citations: (4) , 4 (3) , (5 ) , (� g 10 11 and (16) . M. S.A. 462.445 Subdivisions 1 ( ' - 3 - C. Specific Powers (Continued) i 7. (b)' Is there adequate legal authority for the preparation and approval of an official rede- velopment plan for each portion of the urban renewal area proposed to be acquired and redeveloped, in accordance with t h e requirements of Title I of the above cited Federal . q law? [K] Yes [ ] No Citations: '— *bid and M.S.A. 462.421, Subdivision 13. 8. Is adequate authority vested'under State and local laws to permit the fulfillment of the re- j jquirements which are imposed by or must be imposed pursuant to Title I of the above cited j. Federal law upon Local Public Agencies receiving financial assistance thereunder, with re- i spect to: (a) The relocation of families displaced from the urban renewal area j • (Section 105(c) of said Title I)? [X] Yes [ ] No rr • i. l i Citations: M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (5); M.S.A. 462.531. l �i i 0 1 i 1 r . • ` ham R� -5- (b) Salary, wage, and labor standards (Section 109 of said Title I)? [X] Yes [ ] No , Citations: M.S. A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (2) , :(5) . 9. Is adequate authority vested under State and local laws to permit the provision of cash or non -cash local grants -in -aid as defined in said Title I? [X] Yes [ ] No r =" (a) Indicate the contemplated sources of the local grants -in -aid for the proposed project, i.e., the municipality, Local Public'Agency, some other agency, etc. 1 Redevelopment Project Fund; Saint Paul general obligation bonds. 1 s, (b) Citations to authority of each contemplated source of local grants -in -aid: F M.S.A. 462.581 and Laws 1963, Chapter 881 as to bonds. i l.M.S.A. 462.545, Subdivision 6 as to the Fund (c)_ Remarks: Laws 1963, Chapter 881 authorizes the City of Saint Paul to issue general .• obligation bonds with a tax allocation feature for paying not•to exceed - one third of the net project cost of Riverview and other designated urban renewal projects in an amount not to exceed X13,750,000. - 4 - - _�� hu :.'+..a•-�,•. - --�_ - :i _'i•b �,i- �`- '''iPFK'•�.11h,� c• V - - '�f'�: h •:'. T/,.!r... s y � tire' •j•:..V;t�`..�- �! eyr t v S. .k -�L. ai .y a,7:'?•11.•...ir.. �. 't' afi'}�•.'�• f.- �- �''�'l �• i1' .. - m^,.i?!!17?�tT ��:�'., ,�r� . _ "L - .._,w�,h *_u: ..�,•�:- •}:/ss �,�a•1.cY.�.,.., .- . • ` ham R� -5- r C. Specific Powers (Continued) (b)' Is there adequate legal authority for the preparation and approval of an official rede- velopment plan for each portion of the urban renewal area,proposed to be acquired and redeveloped, in accordance with the requirements of Title I of the above cited Federal law? [L] Yes [ ] No Citations: ibid and M.S.A. 462.421, Subdivision 13. 7 . 8. Is adequate authority vested'under State and local laws to permit the fulfillment of the re- quirements which are imposed by or must be imposed pursuant to Title I of the above cited Federal law upon Local Public Agencies receiving financial assistance thereunder, with re- spect to: (a) The relocation of families displaced from the urban renewal area • (Section 105(c) of said Title I)? [X] Yes [ ] No Citations: X.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (5) ; M. S.A. 462.531. c (b) Salary, wage, and labor standards (Section 109 of said Title I)? [X] Yes [ ] No Citations: M. S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (-2), ;(5) . 9. Is adequate authority vested under State and local laws to permit the provision of cash or j non -cash local grants -in -aid as defined in said Title I? [X] Yes [ ] No (a) Indicate the contemplated sources of the local grants -in -aid for the proposed project, ; V i.e., the municipality, Local Public'Agency, some other agency, etc, Redevelopment Project Fund; Saint Paul general obligation bonds. (b) Citations to authority of each contemplated source of local grants -in -aid: r° M.S.A. 462.581 and Laws 1963, Chapter 881 as to bonds. r M.S.A. 462.545, Subdivision 6 as to the Fund (c) Remarks: Laws 1963, Chapter 881 authorizes the City of Saint Paul to issue general obligation bonds with a tax allocation feature for paying not•to exceed one third of the net project cost of Riverview and other designated urban V renewal projects in an amount not to exceed X13,750,000. -4- ,. ''E'er•- h '• .f'�•�.: ', '•�4� d.° ,'*`4 .., 1:>%m� ,:,,.tc> -' �,� !L,�,M1�. , . •. ,. �... ., t'Z L' ' `��.�1.}'.:.ifi;4+�`•.lr +- = � 'fir_ : r . .f,C x. - -, _ - .:,b•;r,•a. '•''. �'._..,:.sr_.t�,iti;,�''.+Y'.bi. i ._��:+c:%;s".rst�`'C,afi`+�: {'�" .. ,a/ .�. Specific Powers (Continued) • 10. Does any provision of State or local law restrict the right of the Local Public Agency to dispose of land acquired for redevelopment purposes or prescribe the m C j Yes r impose t con- dispose upon land disposal? (a) Citations: X.S.A. 462.525 .i . (b) Remarks: This Statute grants powers with respect to disposition with certain protective restrictions. a D. Urban Renewal Area -- Legal Eligibility and Qualification. 1.. Basing your judgment upon data and information in and submitted in support of the Applica- tion, is the proposed urban renewal area legally eligible and legally qualified under State and for an urban renewal project: and local law as the area of [ X Yes [ ] No (a) With respect to the size of the urban renewal area? Citations: M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421; M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (8). (b) With respect to the conditions of slum, blight, or deterioration existing eS in the uNoa , renewal area? F Citations: M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421 Subdivisions 11 and 13; M.S.A. 462.445 ; Subdivision 4 (8)• (c) With respect to other specific qualification requirements pertinent to the urban ] renewal area, specifying them, imposed by law? ]� Yes (1) Identification of other specific qualification requirements: (a) Public Facilities lacking. .(b) Environmental deficiencies. (c); Dilapidation. (d) Faulty arrangement. (2) Citations: M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421, Subdivision 11. - 5 - - - s �_ ,_..._ _._ — .- �.... - -- - ,. ,: _. � - -- •. -.fin �` . j#lf - 4- T'FT D. Urban Renewal Area -- Legal Eligibility and Qualification (Continued) } 2. Basing your judgment upon data and information in and submitted in support of the Applica- tion, with respect to each such portion of the urban renewal area as is proposed in said Ap- plication as the area.of slum clearance and redevelopment activities, is each such portion (herein called a "redevelopment area ") legally eligible and legally qualified under State and local laws from the standpoint of: (a) The size of each such redevelopment area? [ Yes [ ] No Citations: _ M. S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (8). e (b) The conditions of slum or deterioration existing in each such redevelopment are ? No = Citations: M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421; M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (8). (c) The extent of each redevelopment area which is open, built up, improved, or unimproved? [ ] Yes E] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.421 Subdivision 13. `• (d) Other specific qualification requirements pertinent to any such redevelopment areas, specifying them, imposed by law? ` (1) Identification of other specific qualification requirements: None (2) Citations: I ' - 6 - 9 - i E. Property Acquisition and Disposition. 1. Does the law prohibit the Local Public Agency from exercising the right of eminent domain in respect to any particular type of property in any portion of the urban renewal area, which property the Local Public Agency proposes to acquire as a part of the urban renewal project, or does the law impose any unusual restrictions in respect of such acquisition as, for ex- ample, obtaining the consent of a State public utilities commission to the acquisition of any property owned by a public utility company? [ ] Yes J ] No (a) Citations: M. S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 1 (6), 2 and 3. (b) Remarks: (If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes ", describe in detail any such e restrictions) 2. Does State or local law require the payment of ad valorem taxes or payments in lieu of such taxes on the property which the Local Public Agency acquires as project land? ` [ ] Yes N No ' Citations: M. S.A. 462.575 Subdivision 1. 3. Does the Local Public Agency have the power to obligate the purchasers or lessees of land in the project area (see Sec. 105(b) /of Title I of the above cited Federal law): r (a) To devote the -land to the uses prescribed by and in conformity with the pertinent urban renewal plan? ' U Yes [ ] No (b) To begin the building of the improvements on such land within a reasonable time? t g] Yes [ ] No (c) Citations: M.S.A. 462.525 Subdivisions 5 and 7 S i , { 4. Cite any provision in State or local law which prescribes a time limit within which project land must be disposed of by the Local Public Agency. ' None - 7 ..r 1 , ;�Y '�4�i���7 �5=�'` "�3�'SwC't1�,�Jy .Y.i �1��•� ./ 4 nl. ..s- V. ''� I) [ � Z.a- 1 ♦ M1 ♦'Lw e, •i _`Y ..'e:F •'. • , a ,. 4'' , [ • F. Financing Powers. 1. Is the Local Public Agency authorized by State and local law to obtain financial assistance under Title I of the above cited Federal law? [X] Yes [ ] No (a) Citations: , M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (4). ( b) Remarks: i 2. If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes ", is the Local Public Agency authorized to s obtain a Title I "advance" for surveys and plans for an urban renewal project and to agree to repay such advance, with interest, out of any moneys which become available to the Local Public Agency for the undertaking of the urban renewal project involved? [ 2 Yes [ ] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.445, Subdivision 6; M.S.A. 462.545; Subdivision 2. • t " 3. Does the Local Public Agency have the power to borrow money (other than advances as afore- said) to carry out the urban renewal project: (a) From the Federal Government under Title I of the above cited Federal law? ] Yes [ ] No (b) From other sources? [X] Yes E] No r (c) Citations: i X.S.K. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (4), (6) ; M. S.A. 462.545; I.S.A. 462.551 � { 4 4. Is the Local Public Agency authorized to provide reasonable security for the payment of the principal of and interest on its obligations evidencing any Title I loan which may be made to it with respect to the proposed urban renewal project? [X] Yes [ ] No (a) Citations: : - k, M. S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (5) , (6). (b) Remarks: (If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes ", describe the nature of the security) Enter contractual obligation with the Federal Government to convey a ; project in the event of a substantial default; pledge revenues. - 8 - F. Financing Powers (Continued) 5. Is the Local Public Agency authorized to pledge its loan rights under a Title I loan contract as security for the payment of the principal of and interest on obligations which it may sell to others than the Federal Government to finance the proposed urban renewal project? 1 EX] Yes []No (a) Citations: X.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (6) ; M. S.A. 462.551 (b) Remarks: 6. Does the Local Public Agency have the power to borrow money for the purpose of refunding any obligations it may issue to the Federal Government or to others in connection with the fi- nancing or refinancing of the proposed urban renewal project? [X] Yes [ ] No (a) Citations: M. S.A. 462.551; M. S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (4) , .(5) . (b) Remarks: While no specific authority to "refund" is given, broad power to borrow and issue evidences of indebtedness for any and all corporate purposes is given. 7. Are there any constitutional, 'statutory, or charter limitations on the "debt" incurring powers of .the Local Public Agency? [ ] Yes [X] No (a) Citations: M. S.A. 462.551 (b) Remarks, citing relevant judicial decisions: k Statute provides: "The bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restrict- ion." ` r 8. Are there any constitutional, statutory, or charter limitations on the taxing powers of the Local Public Agency? [X] Yes [ ] No (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.545, Subdivision 6. -9- i F. Financing Powers (Continued) 8. (b) Remarks, citing" relevant' judicial decisions:, • G. Organization Transcript. NOTE: The following is not applicable and should be disregarded if the Local Public Agency is a county, city, town, village, or other traditional type of local government or municipality. 1. Has the Local Public Agency heretofore submitted copies of its transcript of organization to the Urban Renewal Administration or its predecessor, the Division of Slum Clearance and Urban Redevelopment, or to a Regional Office of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, in connection with any project under the Title I program? [ ] Yes [ ] No 2. If the answer to the above question is "Yes ", the remainder of this Section G is not appli- cable to the Local Public Agency and should be disregarded. 3. If the Local Public Agency is (a) a public housing authority or public housing agency, or c (b)' a redevelopment agency, a redevelopment commission, or other special type of redevelop- ment entity (and if the answer under Paragraph 1 above is "No "), submit herewith two copies of a transcript of the organization of the Local Public Agency. Each copy of the transcript of organization should include one certified copy of each document necessary to evidence, under applicable State and local law, the proper establishment and organiza- tion of the Local'Public Agency, the appointment and qualification of the members of the original governing body, the holding of the original organization meeting, the election or appointment of the original officers, and the adoption of by -laws or other procedural regulations. Illustrative of the type of documents required to be submitted are the following which under certain State and local ` laws are necessary for the preparation of the two transcripts of organization: (a) Two certified copies of extracts from the minutes of the meeting or meetings of the govern- ing body of the Municipality or appropriate political subdivision at which the resolutions or ordinances authorizing the creation, designation, and organization of the Local Public ' Agency were considered and adopted, including, if appropriate, copies of notices of such meetings and waivers of and consents to such meetings; (b) Two certified copies of the certificate of necessity or certificate of incorporation or similar document issued by the State Housing Board or Commission, the State Corporation Commission, or other public body or official as may be required by applicable law; (c) Two certified copies of each certificate of appointment, by the mayor or other appropriate appointing officer of the Municipality, of each of the original members of the governing body of the Local Public Agency, with an appropriate certification that the said certifi- cates of appointment are on file and of record in the office of the certifying officer; (d) Two certified copies of extracts from the minutes of the meeting or meetings of the govern- ing body of the Municipality or other appropriate political subdivision at which the ap- pointment of each of the original members of the governing body of the Local Public Agency was confirmed or approved, where such confirmation or approval is required by applicable law; 10 - t' F' . . . . . ^ . . . ' . ' ^' G. (Continued)- Transcript y{�nt��oc� ' (a) ' `. Two certified copieo of the certificate of anyrpAl of the appointments of each of the orig- inal members of the govprhiug body of the Local Public Agency issued by the State Housing Board, Commission, or similar public body., if required by applicable law; | (�] Two certified copies of the uutb of office or acceptance of oppoiutmaut, if required by law, / ! of'eaub original appointee to the governing body of the Local Public Agency;' / (g) Two certified copies of extracts from the minutes of the organization meeting or meetings of ' | the Local Public Agency at which the original by-laws and official oaul were adopted, of- ficers were olmutmd' and other proceedings relating to the organization of the Local Public � Agency were tubuu' including copies of notices of such meetings and of the waivers of and . cmuomut to such meetings; . (b) 'Two certified copies of the by-laws of the Local Public Agency as originally adopted, if not ^ included within the above-maotiooed minutes of the organization meeting; and �l) Two certified copies of each amendment or ubanQa in the by-laws of the Local Public Agency to-the date of the submission of the organization transcript, including certified extracts from the minutes of the proceedings of the 0nvoruiuQ body of -the Local Public Agency and other duuomooto, if any, omconotixy to evidence the proper adoption of any such amendments or | . ` . j . ubooQoo. . c ^ ' , . . ' ' ` ' ' ' ^ � ! � ' ` v �� A M " N T G EVE 4 J. �,O ryi o GO OR 9 r 0 s, 0 For The HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DATE: October 24, 1963 REGARDING: Riverview Industrial Project I, the undersigned, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the duly appointed and acting attorney at law for the Local Public Agency named in the Application to which this opinion appertains; that I have been authorized to submit the foregoing Legal Information in behalf of said Local Public Agency; and that such Legal Information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and information. I have reviewed such Application, dated October 22, 1963, and approved by the Local Public Agency on October 22, 1963, including particularly the data and information relating to (a) the size and character of the proposed urban renewal area, (b) the proposed project for which surveys and plans are to be prepared, (c) the activities to be undertaken by the Local Public Agency in surveying and planning the proposed project, and (d) the proposed method of financing the project. I am of the opinion that the Local Public Agency has been legally created and is a duly organized and acting public body having the legal power to undertake, finance, and carry out the surveying and planning work described in such Application for which it seeks an Advance of funds (or other Federal aid) under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended. I am of the further opinion, on the basis of the data and information submitted in support of the Application: (a) that the proposed urban renewal area is a slum, blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area within the meaning of such Federal law and that it meets the requirements of State law, particularly Section 462.421 (11) of Minnesota Statutes, for undertaking the proposed urban renewal project; and (b) that such portion of the urban renewal area which is proposed for slum clearance and redevelopment is not pre- dominantly residential in character but containing a substantial number of slum or blighted dwellings. Dated this 24th day of October, 1963 James T. Hart �r 55/East Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CODE R -142 Form H -6103B Legal Information Report if rehabilitation or conservation activities are contemplated. NOT APPLICABLE R -142 • • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION' RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT. CODE R -143 Documentation in support of Code Nos. R -141 and R -142 R -143 i � • ,.� �� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT Code R -144 Resolution of applicant authorizing filing of application. R -144 • r'Itr CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER The undersigned hereby certifies., as follows: , (1) That he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota herein called the "Applicant ", and the keeper of its records; including the journal of proceedings of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota herein called the "Governing Body ". .(2) That the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolutiorC as finally-ad-opted at a meeting of the Governing Body held on the 22nd day 6f October, 1963, and duly recorded in his office; (3) That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law and to the extent required by law due and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the Governing Body voted in the proper manner and for the adoption of said resolution; and all other requirements and proceedings under law incident to the proper adoption or passage of said resolution, have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed; '(4) That if an impression of the seal has been affixed below, it constitutes the official seal of the Applicant and this certificate is hereby executed under such official seal. If no seal has been affixed below, the Applicant does not have and is not legally required to have an official seal; That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this certificate. IN WITNESS'WHEREOF the undersigned has hereunto set his hand this X AK-11 day of October, 1963. Secreta - fir! -��• R E S O L U T I O N N 0; 63-10/22-4- RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL3 MINNESOTA APPROVING UNDERTAKING OF SURVEYS AND PLANS FOR AN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT AND FILING OF AN APPLICATION WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (herein referred to as "Title I"), the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to extend financial.assistance to local public agencies in the elimination and prevention of the spread of their slums and urban blight through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal projects;- and WHEREAS it is desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota make surveys and prepare plans, presently estimated to cost approximately Three Hundred and Sixty Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Dollars ($362,890.00), in order to undertake and carry out an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title I, in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area, situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, which is described as follows: r I Beginning at the point of intersection of the northwesterly right -of -way line of East Fillmore Street with the northeasterly right -of -way line of South Robert Street, then-southeasterly along said line of South Robert Street to the point of inter- section with the northern right -of -way line of Wood Street, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the easterly line of Starkey Street, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line 100 feet south of the southern Right -of -way line of Wood Street,.then westerly along the lot line extended to the point of intersection with a lot line 174.75 feet north of the southern right -of -way line•of Colorado Street (extended) and the southwestern right- of- way'line of Wabasha Street, then northwesterly along said line of Wabasha Street to the point of intersection•wi.th the easterly right -of- way line of Hall Avenue, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the projected northern right -of -way line of Prospect Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right -of -way line of Bidwell Street, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of Prospect Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of inter- section with the western right -of -way line of Bidwell Street, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right -of -way line of Prospect Boulevard, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right -of -way line of Bellows Street, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of Delos Street, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line 200 feet west of the western tight -of -way line Bellows Street, then southerly• along said line for 80 feet, then westerly at a right angle to said line to the point of intersection with the center line of Ohio Street, then westerly along said line to the point of inter- section with a lot line (projected) 220 feet southwest of the southwesterly right;;of -way line of Belle Street, then northwesterly 87 feet along said line to the point of intersection with a lot line which is the.northern boundary of Cherokee Heights Park, then westerly 439.23 feet along said lot line to the point of intersection with another lot line, then northwesterly along said lot line to the point of intersection with the center line of the Chicago, St.. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway right -of -way, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the property line of the Corps of Army Engineers' Flood Wall, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northeasterly line of Wabasha Street, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of East Fillmore Avenue, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the northwesterly right-of-way line of South Robert Street which is the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY. OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA: 1. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is a slum, blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area appropriate for an urban renewal project, that the development of such Area for predominantly nonresidential uses is necessary for the proper development of the community, and that the undertaking by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota or surveys and plans for an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110.(c). of Title I in the proposed Urban Renewal Area is hereby approved. 2. That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to finance the planning and undertaking of the proposed Project. 3., That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the under- taking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial assistance under Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, creed, or national origin and those relating to the relocation of site occupants and the provision of local grants -yin -aid and the requirement that, as a condition to the execution of a contract for a loan or capital grant for an urban renewal project, the locality must present to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator a workable program for community improvement, as set forth in Section 101(c) of Title I, for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slums and urban blight; and that it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible method for the relocation of families displaced from the Urban Renewal Area, in conformity with the requirements of Title I, can be prepared, and (b), that local grants -in -aid can and will be provided in an amount which will be'not less than one -third of the Net Project Cost of the Project and which, together with the Federal capital grant, will be generally equal to the difference between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land sold, leased, or retained for use in accordance with the urban renewal plan. 4. That the filing of an application by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for an advance of funds from the United States of America in an amount not to exceed Three Hundred and Sixty Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Dollars ;($362,890.00) for surveys and plans for an urban renewal project in the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved, and that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute and file such application with the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, to provide such additional information and to furnish such documents as may be required by the Administrator, and to act as the authorized representative of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. -2- ���i =mot "'�`�R t4��/�- •� A�� • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION RIVERVIE71 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CODE R -145 If LPA is not the locality, resolution of governing body of locality approving filing of applica- tion. R -145 OUADRUFLICATC TO DIEPART14ENT f �� CITY OF ST..PAUL COEN JWO b OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE — P + '.'3Lu•1l'ON OF �riE COTIMIL OF TIM C1rZ OF SAINT PAUL APPROVING GENERALI !:ICI MOR1:00D + { s LYAL PLAN i-- •EREAS, purzuant to the provisions of Title i of the Housing • Act of 1949, ari emended,, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the- C i t caf Saint Paul, IVIi:- nesota (heroin called the "Local Public Aselley "� 9s entered into a contract, desi&-�ated Contract 'No. !Aizm. R--17 (G .W.) (A), with the Federal Government pursuant to which the Goverrment has made available to the Local Public Agency financial azzietance for the proparation cif -a General. Heighborh�d Reneval Plan. for the urban o _ownl, area designated as Cathedral Area in. the City fly' Saint Pay .,. Stai;e of ; irnesota (he_"ein called the "Locality"); and WfMIREAS the Local Public Age�:cy proposes to undertake with �cdexal fi ancial assistance vino or T.17ore. WSrbar. renewal projectSl ian the abov - dosorlbed tz ban r newal area; and W- 14- "�'I�EA r 1;ha ro has been prepared and referred to the Council of said City (heroin callod the "Governing Body ") for review and approval a Gororal. lleij;,hborhood. Renewal Plan for the urban renewal axua o dated Septonaer, l j%3,. entitled !' Cathedral Area Official General W6i6hbor- hood Renewal Plan, lllima. R -17 (G.�S. �, " and consi©ting of 38 pages and 11 figures and 20 maps; sand .: td" n S said General Neighborhood Renovial Plan his been taxaproved by the governing body of file Local Public Agency, as evidenced by the copy of said body's duly certified resolution approvins eaid General 116 ghborhood, Renewal Plan which is attached thereato; and MMREALS there have also been pre3ented to the €loverr Lng Body aertein supplemem?tary data, incl.udIna data inspecting cat aced grant- in-aid renuiremento, renloaation requir meats and reoources, and gov- ernmental actions r-equ? red to carry out, aafd (4enaral. geightIorhood Renewal Plaza; and IQr�.AS a gcaerai elan is in exiatance and is recognized and used as a gm„ide for the Zeneral development of the Locality as a Whole3 and, also, thorT' bas beer pre ented to the Housing and dome COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mmortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, VavouIis 10M 8.82 Approved 19— --In Favor Mayor Against � _ � a. ••tae r'�'_ � e. -� • cyt` ^�J ..., 2151-59 1 QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCI � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY " COMMISSIONER DATE Finance Administrator, an4 said Administrator ha approved., a Pro- gram for Community improvement (Workable Program) for the aam- munity; and , Y601= the Planning Board of said City of Saint Paul which is - the duly designated and acting official. pla=: Lng body for the L-ocality, has reported to the Governing, Body ;respecting the Conformity of said General Neighborhood Renewal Plan to the general plan for the Loeality � as a %hole; now, therefore, be it ' RESOLVED by the City Council of tiro City of 4a i.nt Paul as foll=3 4 I,' That they General. Neighborhood R newal. Flan for the area aforementioned, having,been duly ravle,,ed and considered, is hereby approved; that it is 'd.eterminc d. to be adequate as an outline of the urban ren4t al. activities proposed for the arqua involved, ac a .frame - work Pear the preparation of urban renewal plane, and as an indication generally, to the extent feasible in preliminary planning, of land ucos, population density, bui?dlrgr cot.era e, prospective teoulroments for _. V-he conservation and rehabilitatloya of property, and any portions of the area contemplated for cleaya.nce and redevelopment; and that the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to file said copy of the general Neighborhood Renewal Flan xvith the minutes of this meeting. 2, That it is hereby found and determli red tl:at said General Neigh- borhood Renewal Plan for too urban renewal area conforms to the general plan of the Lacality and to the Program for Co=w-.ty improvement. 3. That it is the intention of this Body that the G(�neral Neighbor- `. hood Renewal Plan be used to the ful.loet extent fca•sible as a guide for the provision of public _Uiprovementa In such area, and that said Plan will be Considered in formalati g coAca and other regulatory measures affecting property in the area and in =d.ertaking other loeal governmental activities pertaining to tl+c develop r nt, redevelopment, conservation, and rehabilitation of the area. '. OCT 2 2 1963 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas • Nays Dalglish OCT 2 2 1963 Holland Approved 19— Loss —1n Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor -IZesen_._. Against Mr. President, Vavoulis 1OD1 "2 . ..r STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL I Mrs. Agnes_.H __0'Connella.__.._�.._. _.._City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No ..... .?lll� as adopted by the City Council..__..__.Octobgr _22nd._______.._19 63_. and approved by the Mayor ....................October 22nd .._ --.19 63 .... _... with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of ` said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn., f - - -- ....day of_ .......... 2ctohex, ........... .. ......... .. j11L 63':_ ------ _ -----•---- ......... i ,rJ ler I A I F OIII OINAL TO CITY CLERK � � ����y,.�' ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL J� . - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ PRESENTED {Y UNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM �� � .� COMMISSIONER__.__.__ 1 K RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROVING GENERAL NEIGHBORHOOD RENEWAL PLAN WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Cit of Saint Paul, Minnesota (herein called the "Local Public Agency "� has entered into a contract, designated Contract No. Minn. R -17 (G.N.) (A), with the Federal Government pursuant to which the Government has made available to the• Local Public Agency financial C assistance for the preparation of a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for the urban renewal area designated as Cathedral Area in the City of Saint Paul,, State of Minnesota (herein called the "Locality "); and WHEREAS the Local Public Agency proposes to undertake.with Federal financial assistance one or more urban renewal projects in the above - described urban renewal area; and WHEREAS there has been prepared and referred to the Council of said City (herein called the "Governing-Body") for review and approval a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for the urban renewal area, dated September, 1963, entitled " Cathedral Area Official General NOighbor- hood Renewal Plan, Minn. R -17 (G.N.), �� and consisting of 38 pages and 11 figures and 20 maps; and WHEREAS said General Neighborhood Renewal Plan has been approved by the governing body of the Local Public Agency, as evidenced by the copy of said body's duly certified resolution approving said General Neighborhood Renewal Plan which is attached thereto; and WHEREAS there have also been presented to the Governing Body certain supplementary data, including data respecting estimated grant - in -aid requirements, relocation requirements and resources, and gov- ernmental actions required to carry out said General Neighborhood Renewal Plan; and WHEREAS a general plan is in existence and is recognized and used as a guide for the general development of the Locality as a whole; and, also, there has been presented to the Housing and Home COUNCILMEN • Adopted by the Council _ Yeas Nays 19 Dalglish j Holland Approved 19_i Loss Mortinson In Favor r. Peterson Mayor Rosen . Against -, Mr. President, Vavoulis ;y 10M "2 '1 • r Y: -''� s;.w. '�,rYw' V;.• -r+ •t .Y •!C '} "',.'F j �f••ti „E,_5� y, x� ` r'•'y .• J, o, ,,. �• "^7"gir m.•�,�•e � ",?.t.. :k .:_. �i .._,c, • /; 'I�- i...�M r Y'•"� �" .•;,• ''y�t`�. t''•` 't � Y � <A li... —_ ^i Rte— „N ..Fj�l`'.O 1a.T�« -,� "•; a'ar JF,�. i.r �.�.-„iJ j. •cyr,��u°,r. _,e+.",.p .tf• •: k 'K';, i T -••ra - ...,,,,�., ' -" .z tit' ",�;. *Qlu �: oa:1, �, -:r•� .tC +'. '7f•- +f�s,Y ;�i.+ :;' '-:i: r "ky'PS`„ ,• ,,;f.Y r rl'.aR',«r;. ' wy � ., {" 3a�_:T � 'y "•;�rF���c+��y,..��...r..,�rr _,.. -- `° _��_•'liFn-i�[ta.at�y��t'�r l' .�s1:y�' -?�r" �.t'�:i *y y�.+„ _,?gys�•. !�,�. ._." _�_� •. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM 1 y 21�1� FILE NEIL NO. - Y PRESENTED ET COMMISSIONER. _ _. _ ._, _ , _ _ -•_ • _ .-DATE Finance Administrator, and said Administrator has approved, a Pro- gram for Community Improvement (Workable Program) for the com- munity; and WHEREAS the Planning.Board of said City of Saint Paul which is the duly designated and acting official planning body for the Locality, has reported to the Governing Body respecting the conformity of said General Neighborhood Renewal Plan to -the general plan for the Locality cas a whole; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the,City Council of the'City of Saint Paul as follows: 1. That the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for the area aforementioned, having been duly reviewed and considered, is hereby approved; that it is determined to be adequate as an outline 'of the urban renewal activities proposed for the area involved, as a frame- work for the preparation of urban renewal plans, and as an indication generally, to the extent feasible in preliminary planning, of land uses, population,density, building•coverage, prospective requirements for the conservation'and rehabilitation of property, and any portions of the area contemplated for clearance and redevelopment; and that the City Clerk be and is hereby directed. to file said copy of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan with the minutes of this meeting. 2. That it is hereby found and determined that said General Neigh - 1 borhood Renewal Plan for the urban renewal area conforms to the general plan of the Locality and to the Program for Community Improvement. 3. That it is the intention of this Body that the General Neighbor- hood Renewal Plan be used to the fullest extent feasible as a guide .for the provision of public improvements in such area, and that said Plan will be considered in formulating codes and other regulatory measures affecting property in the area and in undertaking other local governmental. activities pertaining to the development, redevelopment, conservation, and rehabilitation of the area. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson 'Peterson ,Rear - Mr. President, Vavoulis iori "2 .I J J In Favor �- Against OCT 2 2 Adopted by the Council 19_ Approved 19_ Mayor F c I A- '•T MFy _y.�`�i�� +;{ � +�.� c9c � ".•*�.J4V.��i'•ti•:d.�- "i��rs#il,F.Y'= 1- •,-. -. 'lf'�'R' ".:..�i=w�,.y ._