215478ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ti PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �� a CITY OF ST. PAA" OFFICE OF THE F_ l L. Lo File No. —By Tames J. g lish —Frank L. Loss - ereas, By Resolution, Council File 208689 adopted and approved on st 16,' 1963, the Council of the O, of ^: ;!r s Pail. Minnesota, did ap , Nt i,4:7t +C '.Lon of the Hol IAL •, ��'cis �UtII J: iti .81. .[w 611; X?ir OlI I,�d 4' � Ea.t:jOri.� • ���.�' ,� • "� i�j�' C�/' —DATE WHEREAS, by Resolution, Council File No. 208689 adopted and approved on August 16, 1963,-the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, did approve the application of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to the United States of America Housing and Home Finance Agency for an advance of funds to undertake surveys and plans in order to undertake and carry out an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section 110.(c) of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota and designated as the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn.: R -20; and WHEREAS, after completing the aforesaid surveys and plans the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota determined that it would be desirable and in the public interest to undertake and carry out the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20, on a three - fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs pursuant to Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Title I "), rather than a two - thirds capital grant basis without such limited costs and by its Resolution No. 63- 10/22 -2 did approve the filing of a request for concurrence by the Housing and Home Finance Administrator in the undertaking of the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20 on a three - fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs pursuant to Title I and did authorize of the sum of $196,633 advanced by the Housing and Home � Finance Agency to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as a survey and planning advance td be repaid from the Redevelopment Tax Fund with interest at the rate of 3 7/8% Per anni=; and .J r� WHEREAS- itis desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota undertake and carry out an urban Renewal Project on a s three - fourths capital grant basis as an Urban Renewal Area, situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, which is known as Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20; now, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor M _ . . C 215478 11 Page 2. RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: 1. That the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20 is a slum, blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area appropriate for an urban renewal project and that the development of such Area for predominantly non - residential uses is necessary for the proper development of the community. 2. That the financial assistance available under Title I to assist urban renewal projects will be needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority'of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to finance the undertaking of the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Pro - ject, Minn. R -20. 3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial assistance Linder Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, creed, or national origin and those relating to the relocation of site occupants and the provision of local grants -in -aid and the requirement that, as a condition to the execution of a contract for a loan or capital grant for an urban renewal project, the locality must present to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator a workable program for community improvement, as set forth in Section 101 (c) of Title I, for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slums and urban blight; and that it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible method for the relocation of families displaced from the Urban Renewal Area, in conformity with the requirements of Title I, can be prepared, (b) that'local grants -in -aid can and will be provided in an amount which will be not less than one - fourth of the Net Project Cost of the Project and which, together with Federal capital grant, will be generally equal to the difference between Gross Project Cost and the - pr'o'ceeds or value of project land sold, leased, or retained for use in accordance with the urban renewal plan, and (c) that, in addition to the local grants -in -aid,: there will be provided funds in ? an amount necessary to pay such costs of the Project (including but without being limited to the costs of title, appraisal, negotiating, and any other expenditures- incidental to the acquisition of land, surveys and plans, legal services, taxes, etc.,)and the adminis- trative and overhead expenses of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota with respect to the Project which, pursuant to the proviso, in Section 110 (e) of Title I with respect to projects on a three - fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs, are excluded from Gross Project Cost. ` 61br NAL TO CITY CLERK 478 21 iiiPPP 3 IVVi . , �. ., • � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 4. That the filing by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of a request for concurreInce by the Housing and Home Finance Administrator in the undertaking of an urban renewal project on a three - fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs in the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 8-82 ►r A c OUADF&PLICATE TO DEPARTMENT 21547 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. l++is 000 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI WHEREAS, by Resolutions Council File No. P08689 adopted and approved on August 169 1963, the Council of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota, did approve the application of the mousing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to the United Statas of America Housing and dome Finance Agency for an advance of funds to undertake surveys and plans in order to undertake and carry out an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Soction 110 (c) of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended located in the City of Saint Pauls County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota and designated as th© Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Ml=. R-20; and WHEREAS, after completing the aforesaid surveys and ,plans tho Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota determined that it would be desirable and in the publlie interest to undertake and carry out the Downtown -Urban eaewal .Area, Project Minn. R -20, on a three - fourths capital grant basis with 11mited'project costs pursuant to Title I of the Housing Act of '1949, as amended (herainaftor referred to as'Title 111), rather than a two - thirds capital grant basis without such limited coasts and by its Resolution No. 63- 10/22 -2 did approve the filing of a request for concurrence by the Mousing and home Finance Administrator in the undertaking of the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20 on a three - fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs pursuant to Title I and did authorize of the sum of $196,633 advanced by the Housing and Rome Finance Agency to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of they City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as a survey and planning advance td be repaid from the Redevelopment Tax Fund with interest at the rate of 3 7/8% I -er dtiftu, i and WHEREAS, itis desirable: and in the public interest that the Housing and Redavalo�uvrt Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota undertake and carry out an urban renewal project on a three- fourths capital grant basis as an Urban Renewal .Area; situated In the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, which is known as Downtown 'Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20; now, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 8-02 In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor ., , �- _ a - • "'' t Z.5478 �l�ry1j • ' 7 ... . Ok Page ., ;• = 1 i QLv ll BY rcout.7c1 L Qf, Till .GITY,._OF SAINT P,AU�- That the Downtown Urban UeheWal - Area Project.;, Minn. R =20 ' -i's ± a slum; plighted- - -deter, ior.ated j ,�6r deteri orating 'area•,.appropriate' r_ for •fin ur b an 4renewa�• ,project aind . that the c�evelopiaent •of such .Rtes for.,; - ' predo inaptly non= residenti:al'us.es ib - ra.ecessar�`..for the p`ropek' =develgpment- of t to -.' ONMInity., - 2. • That "�the' fi" 'cfi l'aPsf:I_tanee available, iin`der Title. I to -assist urban renowal' proje. ts, wi3.1,' be needed, to enable' the Housing _e,nd 6development ,.Authority: of tile. Ci t3i :pf faint' Paul,` Minnesota ' 'to finanea -the. p4dert.aking of .the Jowntown:`Urban Renewal Area. Pro -:' • - ;; � - "'- . ` :. :That At `is rc© i2ant -of the - conditions that, are _ t posed in the' - undertaking and carry rng out of ,urban renewal, pro jests a with -Federal, finah i.al as' istarice- Wider Title- 1,, ' including those ; prohibiting disdritginat!f �iecausd -of rake, color, 'creed, tor national. orb gin and tYiose'. 'relating to the_ rolocation of- s' ite' occul ants and ' : - ' the provision oP local. grants =iri =a :d. itd tbe,, requirement that,! gs x T d condition to the execution of a cgntra,ctz,for. a, loan, or. cspit'al -' • ,,Yr 4 r graft f(ar an urbar�':re.hewal project the ' local, ty- Faust pr6se, tO� the Rousf-ng and aotoe Finance Administrator a workable program for _ csmtunity improveMcnt as set'forth in 3ec'tion -l0l_ (o);,xof Title:l • +, _ for,-utilizing' approprlate puplic and,- privt�te _resources `t� 'e,Tim3ha and; prevent- the - �deve.lopment ", _ -spread O' ' slums , and urban blight; dil that it .is - the .' .sese =of this :body-- '(a) that..a `feasible ;method_ for the relocatio "of, . families. displaced frow- thb.-Urban Renewal Area.; ,in: . conE'ormity with -the requirements of Titik, l-! '-can be prepared „ (b) _that -local grants -in�a d., can -'and will be provided in an "amount A 4 �ihi,ch vill .'be, not less• than one- fourth of the "Not Pvo jest Cost of the „proj,eot -.end , hich, tggether with Federal capital grant, -will- - be generally `'eclusi to the.. difference +hetvreen Gross Project Cost and` n the proceeds' or - value. of 'pr.o jest land 'sold, - leased, or r''etained __for - : use' in accordance with ,the -urban ' xphdwal plan, and (c) -thato in-' j ' addition to . the local. 'gr. ants 4n -aid4 ' there , will • be . provided' funds, in - an .6mount necessary to -, pay such” costs of the Project ('including bait - : wi- tho�it... being . limf•ted to the" aq &ti Oi - title a app.7 a�sa14 megottating, " and ariy other., expenditures- inaidental to • the acquisition of land, surveys: and plans, . ]_oge�l serv.iees, tastes tetc., )and the adminis. trative an4- over4ead ®xpenees of the Housing and •Redevelopment•' 'Authority►• 'of : th.e' City'° of Salim Paul. Minnesota with- respect to, the Fro jest' which, . purs'uant to the provis'06 ' in , Section x.14 .(e) of Title •I _':'Xith respect' to projects on. a� three- fourths capital grant basis 4ith 1- 1`imited rpro.3ea.t, costs;, :are excluded Trom, Gross Project- Cost. ' •' f ' -•- V V 1 •ra i + • •- , - f ti^+' -' - .4 1 ^ - 1 aT _ j ,' _ A• OUXDRCPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT 215478 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 4. That the Piling by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of a request for ooncurrQnce by the Mousing and Home Pinance Adi#inistrator in the undertaking of an urban renewal project on a. three -fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs in the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 8-82 In Favor s Against Adopted by the Co N coil' 15� 19— NOV 15 1963 Approved 19— Mayor OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul �, Minnesota It ,CV N oV 5 1963 CORPORAT1uly t..vu► -4alvL Mr. Donald L. Lais Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder November 5, 1963 The City Council - requests that you prepare the proper resolution concurring in the recommendation of B. Warner Shippee for a proposal to finance the Downtown Project on a_ three - fourths, one-fourth basis, as more fully explained in,.the attached letter of Mr. Shippee. very truly yours, ty Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA S B. WARNER SHIPPEE Executive Director HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 1, Minnesota Gentlemen: October 29 7 L AV 1 „l EOCT 31 1063 013y 55 EAST FIFTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. CApital 7 -7523 HAROLD J. MORIARTY Chairman CARL CUMMINS, JR. PATRICK J. TOWLE :JOHN W. GREENMAN EUGENE R. LAMBERT Under the Housing Act of 1949 two formulae for financing an urban renewal project are available._ One is the two - thirds Federal participating and one -third local participating in net project cost. Under this formula all project costs are shared. The second is the three - fourths Federal participating and one - fourth local participating in net project cost. Under this formula administrative, planning and legal costs are paid 100% locally in return for the larger Federal percentage participation in the more substantial items of cost such as land acquisition and project improvements. In the Eastern, Western and Upper Levee Renewal Projects and the proposed Cathedral Project the two - thirds, one -third formula was and will be the most beneficial to the local community. In the Downtown Project, however, land acquisition costs are substantially higher in proportion to planning, administrative, and legal costs than was the case in the other renewal projects. This, together with the fact that these planning, administrative and legal costs will be largely offset by income from temporary operation of acquired property, make the three - fourths formula attractive by way of a lesser dollar involvement on the part of the local community. The attached comparative statement indicates an estimated saving to Saint Paul of $1,685,000 under the three - fourths formula. Under the three - fourths formula an increase in administrative costs would, of course, be borne 100% locally, but increases from present estimates of land acquisition costs would be shared in to a greater extent by the Federal Government. Experience of the Minneapolis Authority in its Gateway Project financed under the three - fourths formula indicates that substantial time in execution of the project and administrative salary expense is saved under this formula by reason of the fact that Federal concurrence in administrative deter- minations and expenditures is not required as it is under the two - thirds plan. This time saving would result in an earlier return of the redeveloped properties to the tax Bolls thus providing additional benefit to Saint Paul. kr' •.3'!x'1 31`i' If gage' #2 - Honorable Mayor and City Council • October 29, 1963 ; The Authority accordingly requests that your Honorable Body' consider the proposal to finance the Downtown Project on a three - fourths, one - fourth- -basis and concur in the request of the Authority -.to the Urban • . Renewal'Administration for financing on this- basis. r - Respectfully submitted,, B. Warner Shippee" ' 'Executive Director . w _ S i J HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA R -20 DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT SUMMARY COMPARISON OF 2/3 - 1/3 VERSUS 3/4 - 1/4 FINANCING PLAN Total Project Expenditures Non -Cash Local Grants -in -Aid Demolition and Removal Work Project or Site Improvements Work Public or Supporting Facilities TOTAL Gross Project Cost Sales Price from Project Land NET PROJECT COST Local Share Non -Cash Grants -in -Aid Cash Grants -in -Aid TOTAL Federal Capital Grant Federal Relocation Grant TOTAL FEDERAL GRANT 100% Local Authority Expenses Under 3/4 - 1/4 Plan (per Schedule attached) GRAND TOTAL LOCAL COST 3/4 - 1/4 PLAN $ 22,654,255 $ 62,641 1,261,995 2.047.200 $ 3,371,836 26,026,091 5.717.844 $ 20,308,247 $ 5,077,062 3,371,836 1,705,226 $ 5,077,062 $ 15,231,185 1,652,244 $ 16,883,429 $ 18,279 $ 5,095,340 2/3 - 1/3 PLAN $ 22,689,238 $ 62,641 1,261,995 2.047.200 $ 3,371,836 26,061,074 5.717.844 $ 20,343,230 $ 6,781,076 3,371,836 3,409,240 $ 6,781,076 $ 13,562,154 1,652,244 $ 15,214,398 $ 6,781,076 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. _ R -20 DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT RECAPITULATION OF FINANCING PLAN Item One of Gross Project Cost $22,654,255 N6n Cash Local Grants -in -Aid 3.371.836 Gross Project Cost 26,026,091 Proceeds from Sale of Land 5.717.844 Net Project Cost 20,308,247 -Local Share - (One Fourth) 5.077.062 Non:Cash.!Grants -id -Aid 3,371,836 Cash Grants -in -Aid 1.705.226 Total 5,077,062 Federal Grant - Project 15,231,185 Federal Grant - Relocation 1.652.244 z Total Federal Grant- 16,883,429 Summary of Local Costs ; Non -Cash Grants -in -Aid 3,3719836 Cash Grants -in -Aid 1,705,226 II Administrative--and Planning Costs (Net) 7189279 (See Table A) F TOTAL LOCAL COSTS 51095,341_ F. - r HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA R -20 DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT RECAPITULATION OF FINANCING PLAN TABLE A ADMINISTRATIVE AND PLANNING COSTS _Administration' 250,000 Legal ,176,560 { Survey and Planning (Project Execution- Stage) 38,000 Acquisition t 157,638 ,Relocation 92,547 Temporary Operation of Acquired Property (1,0239500) Survey and Planning and Feasibility Survey 327.034 ¢ 18,279 t ao • i.r \ B. WARNER SHIPPEE Executive Director 11 1 III 4 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Honorable Donald L. Lais Corporation Counsel City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 1, Minnesota Dear Don: November 5, 1963 R E C L �, .• . N nv 6 1963 CORPORAWAN 55 EAST FIFTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. Re: Downtown Renewal Project Find enclosed a suggested form of resolution for City Council approval of the Authority's request to the Housing and Home Finance Agency to undertake the Downtown Urban Renewal Project on a three - fourths Federal grant and one - fourth local payment basis. CApital 7 -7523 HAROLD J. MORIARTY Chairman CARL CUMMINS, JR. PATRICK J. TOWLE JOHN W. GREENMAN EUGENE R. LAMBERT The request has been submitted to the City Clerk for submission to City Council. I would appreciate your conferring with Mr. Riordan to determine the date on which the resolution should be available. Enc. e truly -yours, ames T. Hart taff Counsel �� 1''n a t A G -7 10/20/60 CERTIFICATE OF SECP.ETA.1 The undersigned hereby certifies, as follows: (1) That he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, herein called the "Local Public Agency" and the keeper of the records of the Local Public Agency; (2) That the attached Resolution No. 63- 10/22 -2 is a true and correct copy of the Resolution No. 63- 10/22 -2 as executed on the ; 29nd day of October (3) The seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the Local Publid- Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under such official seal; (4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand this 25th day of October , 19 63 f Secre y ( S E A L ) otf t AP. IV- Z-1 vT M95; �.bw _Q= 4". Y WWR UU :14W" `A9M'-` vl� tt4o on".4,TSM 'f vito�MCT'.. )dHL '4. wa M_ b*l,R" 0,8689'W 04, -.0C, Witt F Au t%*iu -6 roied.Q'u Sm J.r ;7 %f'did "Ap vi 4*e the ditf on of hw: Ad c AT, 4 *toil '�ui t go f4�410 Aaoiw- klk"4i -4W sac*.�4 0, u­d6rt'4w-S6"iyi r 4w, is orMir to: uidmtt*k* -'#ndV*rry,, 9ut 4 vtiljr*#eiAAl 0rbj-i4_,of­ ..-th te�plitad I 0(�) Of a mean a An Af A k R-,.20f "And It as z id oulmlik OW "I h4i con -0 p '5L Ridbvilop'S60' `-,Kuthdi4�y-`0U--tbm: itY-,. 'of- "ilit p _jl ai� - bt` do -iib� thR, #0114, la-mirtst- t4 Al d 6: u4iw` !� I'Ll 46 Ott's ot POO �4 'd tj ;t VON "%63 r4s - thin filiva.. 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A ` �arr Alta $', 9R! 'Uthoz. i Ar�sa< +.YJ _ •e,•`y , + : i• .I +ZVl. v!! S - , _ r ��',. ° _ .. � fi: � ,.r't. f, fLF S �•'�' _f .,.r• r�.rs4` .�., >t -t ,, al,: .. `a'.� .Lm - - ,- - x - .. • •; �,r � J ^d .r. :.,+y'.S t•�� .� Y•�•„ iEt `r , '• . -• ,• cs ,., � ''. '•, -..: -f'+ „�: =r ," s. .- '� ' a.- .. +. . thrte -lour its # ,j :►t ss ::'ri t+ic� ' c� a: - caa'.s toot, to title -1 of tta',at '. f`:9�;;. "iar�dr:`(hrri#.tsaft�r ru�Eq;x±�d' = to, �. Aft r r s ;- r w; a. .[ a-.. • v c ' r- r r . _ • � ,: . L ' 'rg e� . � :.. mot. +.: •' ; .: ` -,:: �{ �� _.;. . � ; ..�:r re' k r i.'` _. - � T y�. > �.,,� •� y�> � �, +� y. } "Title `ill.� . %K 't �r�, Q� !.W z /! ORCFy "i"ii. Ithodt • i •r` °:'� e. _ t • f' ,llt [ i _ . t: ' r Y - ! i •.171 ' Y �',_ - r .cr4*.to •b al;` l+ioTitti6aa }�3 +�LE!%� ''did` ►raii this' �iYiri�, s` -7• _ Wit. _ _ '- r ' 4.'r.. __ - ' :a .. =S' . ?�'. 5 .,R'�'` .t;;� •a., t"y'`'r ",�:'a'•'•., n',e -,, e+ ifi f �k;a`� -``�♦ -x�;• __•y� .,- F: '- ` iR tbi ` eadtrt�tit.ict *Q 'tto :'tti .`Arse Yrata nisi. , tt�20 - _� = •_y'- .' -" •5 �..t ,'' �MI ,,' ��..JJ.., - ,.Ty,+_+e_: _ ���:�.{,�• ", a, L�.y� �,rt��J @�}ry7.' a�y� .. �a�'t;�`+ �+�1f_''FS; ? • Fit AO w.�t '/- _ - Y•� ' a �iM�� '[•` .�tw,R ��MilVk '.• r.� ".�`+Fr rr ©31�Tt A�0t -M�Mt Q Title" .ate' id" t1lat 4 °. R:' 1 y � Wvsb 44 'by ��i S ` _. a -• . -•'�, ..• '`- as ", -._. � -i • '__ _•.., , _ •fir �r �. .'_, ,, , �ik ^�'�' '��; .: . � t i � : ,,r ": �_ o � - �:,,. ..• - .. �` • r ''iio<ar�.og -ii_ Age�'� CP ^Rte 1Faip8 Rsdi►s�o4nt Atiehc�x'f.' .drf.a tb* ;City► ref'° Fak , i�. fii. of "ir► ` . . nx'± �!,�r and pl pia i•adr�mcs_ to bey- a� id , � `C1�{ *U: f e t _'� '' '? s�t4s� {dt _; the V0, A - ,F. ` 1�•,. ' . i —���_ T ^•' -_R - rIR , • - ' . ^'[t_ a r. ef' w�' .� ' `'ri1 t •'�t ' ;_' . r . • • ' ' ''�. -_ _ �° - = �'•• :_ `� .., '•f .1 '�. •� �' - _. a .�``� { / /p'r/ _ti`' . . -tip . _�„ �S ' „ .,Ft .+,• - ±` 1..�, •i _ "err }f` - -° )'i ,.*� LS . _ •i 4t +, .+y �;� j ^, __ ,. _ -.y,. "r `fir -•• .. lit {. L•, •r rr, Y- . F,.. ` ti •.L ..`_•. _ ,+. •` _ r2 ,i• %° J 3r •� FYI 'J --- 'P .1 ^, ` .�* .. Y+ X.`'Yl t, -- L -' .�t 'N'" -., - _. T•. c -s ; t i d i,rrlb l` 4 iM t poblia AtOri4t sod the M01 ^ o� YSstut la�tl, 1�iiraa#ota; ';�� �•L' - . • • .. y,. �w ��' �jy�.�ye - ',, � - .,�',.: y . - - '` -fir �y�',y` +' t�nd�ertaice i`4twM l,vf�.}'- 'tiffR'4��Mi• riaa�l�7,.• t' to�. [.brei foutt. �' tta� r•_'•'Of e e , - + =u►t iia s :' tt�fii$ a 'Aruf.'�1 Cc ri : l *t ►a,..Ci yTof ; t Youl ,' ' _F•l .� a .� r'; � ,_ � - •`,'._ .q ..A •' ire° -.. • - a .- •,+ - - '' - .,; �. Couat - of �q# �' • $tatr'of, Wbg i+W ��',: t - 0 In it . D 4toapt ,tl i#n f, •�' - :.e- golgeYaYrsa ,�to,esax,� l -, R -4.0• ,-•. ! l'`L.', _ y.,•,I,.1,` -it ~' ,I'r •''`4- _AL,S' s ,} iia�" a `"crr C©v ciL ' or. • ��t° `oar:, : ;�� r '1': r yP .• _' : 'SJ►�11T, PAULi� Vii.: •'' ��'. .4 .': t•. ., ,.: - ' %;',,'••,. "', `� .1' ,._i' %r i •- . '.i't -tug i7 4 r�r ' ! a Aro *,lit6jesta •1m►: =' *40 a i _a SJLU i _ sht*d, do ri�tad; or.dsti * a .ai araaa soprop�ci�t4',40t ,':e zba3n asa sl zo t ^ '40- 4-tbat th ' -'-for' - �` �om�acesidti�f►2 it rssK�iisi f0 =fir d' I' as the unit, �4; * S, Z4 �' � th+ #inasc sl as i a c i• i1q►�i,jabl 'wt ,T t � I to - �le asiat .urb te:1octp >1krb'u1[ to P itl,of thWIC �! oi�.�rift -p � 110488 et t the f., ,• - +- - AwdoY'taki,'of .r - .r• - '• . w'.r� °�- .s4 j� .: yny�` .y' _y.. 'a' ,"... ' F'• 9. w•''a -_ J. 3 :' +Nw "rt4 • ,�CO�%iugmt, ,� M �. ZoTI! t 1At axe 'Upose - 'jk,;At the 1111de a dt* i�d, rniio6. ;oytt;;of' a�Mta ltl 'p'ro jest ritti i'lpdsral . 3 i�aticial _ 111111 +t •�.r iEli� ;�•�.t!4u4 t s� pr'o�i�.hitii�' disati�i�ttian °a ro�tusa t�f risaT, cr,�ar "vat and .ttroa,a :,�tt�; tc�'th. tr'iQcti at sltM box" ` and,.hs pif.Eia ti,' . Qha Frey . fri gat „may y % .ac �dity�ion- Cdr. tha n�it`ie a' _ 4, a - tr e t fog - - . 1oan YS �6a•a�'."f�MS'`isi!d.rl!!r!!fa' ., �- ,'- ri�e�! ti 10it� ^t •�,i:��ia. r a; +' to the How aft lneati Ada6oirtt'L' or. aia .prorow`foi` . . . 't7p �Eoi . Tit hi -I; tsw ntiliaii apr4 ilia imd_ 0rt 'Waieiaar.. to', �Ziuibste -.iuSd .grar►eitit ' ' ��.,:� ; R `iti tia_d' tiel r 'uiNe' and ' `d :`4 it rpr f cation, n it y.it Nii relo ' be r rit�ii�►tr `; :: •��- .. ��Titplacod *frydye ;`�y1�,yi��+1jQ��►� �r#�h f :f/��• ty�� yn,' r °.. • . J- `L V` ' 1i� -4 M/M�',�`_ - - "� Vii` ^�A,'�'S.4 T ^'t1�Iw *�id ,}►M •�. idadr.3n, 4m • 9 tti; will .bs iY vat•fourrb - of ,. t t ' . - '', �vojact Coat of •ths PxQ t 'snd ui►idts�� c �i �writh -Peden #i vita#. - ar 11 ifi gM =o y- 1 t0 rht °. la�fsr± It t -or oM4 pio joet Cost mad - ;i "r ti th;a �'proawdp *0144' a t of. pr libd i�1d1' 'I t ti�sa, or :rat for br wia -iii , r' iccoidanca ll►tt ►�tf rti 1�1='S 1Eija ;�5��� k. ��r ; ` •: i i �R o' •.t - �, lacil . astir - Aid xb s vll ' be ptiti d s` Vin' a' a wmt neceestry.,to� +r ' 'Pay, usii sost�t . phi tos�eat (ilidi' :'utipdi(c bail" iirir to tho; . ..:` ' amts poi t tii�,: a ,+ sa ., . r .�± let f -, .ct�r�� ��d ��ris;' �dict�i' - r. ' to,• the ski #ti,of'erid.r A{ a!esl'ss�nciaa#', .aat, +�rr4:,� ¢�: ' } k*, ti ' ,' a� the i. i►tir r!a amt' oT�rh id. rpr iout , of the. sa sift mod' • deialo neat AothoriEP Qi -tf}i C ter_ oit .Shat' P iUli ,,r ► �r�eh r�iapa C :o tiir Prctj Ce A - �ihioh� .r to i pit'O►iso' tii $E.ott Title Ithr rsaplect ec y -.: jsiejecta i Ebx�iii� -1 t�ui► c�kpit i" fait' M0. 'ui�i*d �►rt►jlNit ;.;a P sect Copt t'i►' s�ocitidltd- f�ct�n4 Qtt�if�t rQ tr = 4. r te• t Zoi 0*10 , A*th0 Itj Qi' tht� City 'of i'►iut Foul k WAii sots of ,a r at f or we i b 'tits wsi , 3 { asd Hi4rts f3i ai rk A iiA �ttratoie' .its tb + o .a orbaa r p►1 ro jaic . on a t'tii*6 f s iE+�1 �raV _ bas 4 '!p it i �t ''biro jsat . costi�. f� t6i►' : ` propotd Crb� Y ' �4x ► fdUstrihi S : rbd�► i ►'' h Hipp ;oared. t _� �. 1 �, •'r r'+ '` �ji . •Fl.:S` , � ➢ {. , r. li�' , e�i 5.r J - •F ,- _ i .% 'g a -.- +� =a., •. r.`' M WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid Contract the Authority has undertaken surveys .and plans and completed a Final Project Report for-the Downtown Urban Renewal $,':• Area Project, Minn. R -20 and has received advances therefor in the amount of $196,633 from the United States of America Housing and Home Finance Agency; and WHEREAS, as a result of said surveys and plans it has been determined to be desirable and in the public interest to undertake and.carry out the urban renewal ' project designated as Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20, on a three - ' t fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs pursuant to Title I of the -Housing Adt of 1949, as amended, ;(hereinafter referred to as "Title I"), rather ' = than- a two - thirds capital grant basis without such limited costs, which determination .' will require a repayment of the survey and planning advance of $196,633 with interest at the rate of 3 7/8% per annum to the United States of America Housing and Home .f Finance Agency and the concurrence of that Agency in the undertaking of the project on a three - fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL., MINNESOTA: 1. That the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20 is a slum, J,' 7 blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area appropriate for an urban renewal project and that the development of such Area for predominantly non - residential uses is necessary for the proper development of the community. 2. That the financial assistance available under Title I to assist urban renewal projects will be needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to finance the undertaking of the Downtown Urban -Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20. ' 3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the under- taking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial'assistance under Title I; including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, 1 creed, or national origin and those relating to the relocation of site occupants and the provision of local grants -in -aid and the requirement that, as a condition to the ` execution of'a contract for a loan or capital grant for an urban renewal project, the locality must'present to•the Housing and Home Finance Administrator a workable ,r NN ? RE SOLUT I011 N0. 63- 10/22 -,2 j RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REQUEST TO UNDERTAKE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL AREA PROJECT MINK. R -20 ON THE THREE FOURTHS CAPITAL GRANT BASIS WITH LIMITED COSTS AND AUTHORIZING REPAYMENT OF SURVEY AND PLANNING ADVANCE UNDER CONTRACT MINN. R -20 (A) WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 62- 8/15 -1 the Housing and Redevelopment Authority,of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota approved the undertaking of surveys and plans in order to undertake and carry out an urban renewal project of the ' ' character contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota designated as the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20, and approved the filing of an application for an advance of funds from the United States of America ' Housing and Home Finance Agency for said surveys and plans; and WHEREAS', pursuant to its Resolutions Nos. 62- 12/19 -1 and 63- 1/16 -4 the �- Authority did enter into a Contract For Planning Advance, Contract No. Minn. R -20 (A), dated December 27, 1962, with the United States of America Housing and Home Finance Agency for an advance in the amount of $291,075 to aid in the•financing of surveys and plans in preparation of the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid Contract the Authority has undertaken surveys .and plans and completed a Final Project Report for-the Downtown Urban Renewal $,':• Area Project, Minn. R -20 and has received advances therefor in the amount of $196,633 from the United States of America Housing and Home Finance Agency; and WHEREAS, as a result of said surveys and plans it has been determined to be desirable and in the public interest to undertake and.carry out the urban renewal ' project designated as Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20, on a three - ' t fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs pursuant to Title I of the -Housing Adt of 1949, as amended, ;(hereinafter referred to as "Title I"), rather ' = than- a two - thirds capital grant basis without such limited costs, which determination .' will require a repayment of the survey and planning advance of $196,633 with interest at the rate of 3 7/8% per annum to the United States of America Housing and Home .f Finance Agency and the concurrence of that Agency in the undertaking of the project on a three - fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL., MINNESOTA: 1. That the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20 is a slum, J,' 7 blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area appropriate for an urban renewal project and that the development of such Area for predominantly non - residential uses is necessary for the proper development of the community. 2. That the financial assistance available under Title I to assist urban renewal projects will be needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to finance the undertaking of the Downtown Urban -Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20. ' 3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the under- taking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial'assistance under Title I; including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, 1 creed, or national origin and those relating to the relocation of site occupants and the provision of local grants -in -aid and the requirement that, as a condition to the ` execution of'a contract for a loan or capital grant for an urban renewal project, the locality must'present to•the Housing and Home Finance Administrator a workable ,r NN program for community improvement, as set forth in Section 101(c) of Title I, for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread`of slums and urban blight; and that it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible method for the relocation of families displaced from the Urban Renewal Area, 'in conformity with the requirements of Title I, can be prepared, (b) that local grants -in -aid can and will be provided in an amount which will.be not less than one - fourth of the Net Project Cost of the Project and which, together with the Federal capital grant, will be generally equal to the difference between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land sold, leased, or retained for use in accordance with the urban renewal plan, and (c) that, in addition to the local grants -in -aid, there will be provided funds in an amount necessary to pay such costs of the Project (including but without being limited to the costs of title, appraisal, negotiating, and any other expenditures incidental to the acquisition of land, surveys and plans,' legal services, taxes, etc., and the administratiye•and' overhead expenses of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota with respect to the Project which, pursuant to the proviso in Section 110(e) of Title I with respect to projects on a three - fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs, are excluded from Gross Project Cost. 4. That the filing by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of a request for concurrence by the Housing and Home Finance Administrator in the undertaking of the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project, Minn. R -20 on a three - fourths capital grant basis with limited project costs is hereby approved and. that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed ' to make and file such a request with the Administrator,,to provide such additional information and to furnish such documents as may be required by the Administrator, and to act as the authorized representative of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 5. That subject to the concurrence of the United States of America Housing and home Finance Agency to the request of the Authority to undertake the project on the three - fourths capital grant basis with -limited project costs, the advance of $196,633 made to the Authority under Contract No. Minn. R -20(A) by the United`States of America Housing and Home Finance Agency be repaid from the Redevelopment Tax Fund with interest at the rate of 3 7/8% per annum upon the demand of the Housing and Home Finance Administrator. - ��+ ,t`�•.!i• N•. . -t Y,,:.. Y' +•�:t♦ �. .k'' ..t : �.� '::' f Vii,. aA�` �t.;,r, ,1 dT =.« ..'Z'(-} ''" �;.�y' � } 1 •'rkc�, _ .,'f• 0L• .•..Gi��`'- �!3.;!!�.y}"`-t 'ii�M ���?`,�'i;"• ✓ tt ..' �* t .; ; ♦ice '� f«.t. Ty. {,T ', y k 1,k'.'.i ff S,'w1 Y.' Y' i •.. - , ; . i�'.. y am. . _ '� �'� •�: %'. „ o_ t t Jky5.. ..a.•':'l, '4 tst •�.� r 4 . �4.,,. , • ._. �� _ i i_ .- L l rim{, .:4 T�w. '" ""I;/n.nFw:i� ... -,_ ' .e... _