215453Qriainal to City Clerk ORDINANCE 215453 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDIN NO. / An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitleLd: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions. and employments, 11 approved .January 23, .1925, as amended. This, is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the, public peace, health and .safety. THE, COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES. ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6.446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Section II except. the Section headed '',Special employments•'"; and by sub- File stituting in lieu thereof the. following: B rm -c t�f u;r Alaw --M3 er:i r�� P.I -4'I'T . 3' ' • - a •�•i r.� I/ Yeas Councilmen Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) I' Nays `V F _1_ Passed by the Council T„ V.,- -- Original to�Clty Cleric d• , PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 0-1 r�,���s COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. Section 2. This, ordinance is hereby declared to 'be an emergency, ordinance rendered nec,essa.ry for the preservation of the public peace, health and, safety. Section 3.. This ordinance, shall, take effect and be in force from and after .January X, J,9'64. am Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss - 0 41"44H9%- Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest:?c�,�nE City Clerk IAA 8-82 22 Passed by the Council DEC 17 19 Tn Favor t icvAFiaiIl$t7 Approved: DEC 17 Mayor ' r� 'r �( . C4 � 1. That the City adopt a policy stating it,� the basis of comparison tbat will be used consistently for establishing wages, salaries and fringe btusfits for City esrploytes. A. Unn e d 1) The City will compare to the rates and fringes agreed upon by the construction trades and the A.C.C. 2) That the value of City fringes and construction fringes will be dollarised. 3) That the value of the City's compensation (base wages plus fringes) will be equated with the construction trades compen- sation (base wages plus fringes) over a reasonable period of tiros. B. Graded 1) The City will compare to the salaries and fringes of the largest employers in St. Paul. 2) That the value of City fringes and those of the private a Moyers will be dollarised. 3) That the value of they City's compensation (base salaries plus frisSes) will be equated with the private employers compen- sation (base salaries plus fringes) over a reasonable period of tins. 4) That than City sat its salaries and fringes so that the valus of City comensation be equal to the avarage of the fires surveyed. Z, Tt3t all eh n _z, if enyl in ealories or frir:ns for graded pad un3rad2d' • -,,le d bz =el effcctm) cz a e; eific ato c==lly. 3. tat to i=;acttal fi= fc=iltar Vitb this field ba pA ca Cl C=al rataiz:jr to s ly► tt= City Cw=zil with tt:3 c.:czssary infoV=tiC: to I=;:l0 - »t tta G. Tt:t all eueeC;t tolcttC3 to tzlcries or frizt;s b. --.2fit3 roscctcd tit t`-:) C.=: to tc =a i ;U=CtCl. l J-, j �� 2. -3 "Section II The compensation for positions in the Ungrad d Division as provided in /, Section 7 of the Civil Service Rules shall be s follows: Titles HOURLY RATES � f Group A � � 1 Assistant General Foreman (Soho s) Boilermaker Bricklayer Carpenter Carpenter Foreman--Fire Depa tment Cement Finisher Electrician Electrician Foreman Electrician General Fo General Blacksmith General Foreman (School M intenance) General Lighting Foreman Glazier Iron Worker (Erecting] Iron Worker (Reins orcem nt) Iron Worker Foreman Kettle Tender - Roofer Lather Lighting Foreman Lighting Repairman Painter (Brush) Painter Foreman Painter Foreman--F' a Department Plasterer Plasterer's Tender Plumber Police and Fire Ala rm Lineman Roofer Roofer Foreman Shade Repairman Sheet Metal Wox Steamfitter Stone - Mason. Street Lamp Wo First year of e Second year o Third year of Welder - Blacks r ,leer nployment employment mployment and thereafter ith $4.70 4.05 3.63 3.98 3.70 4.20 4.70 5.20 4.05 5.20 5.20 3.36 3.90 4.70 4.20 3.51 3.76 3.76 3.95 3.37 3.98 4.20 3.67 3.82 3.63 4.00 3.98 2.91 3.14 3.39 3.62 Temporary and em e gency employees employed under any of the titles in this Group A shall be pa 'd the gross rate (base rate plus cost of fringe benefits) provided in the app priate union -- Associated General Contractors' contract. -2- Group G Asphalt Batcherman $3.15 Asphalt Laborer 3.06 Asphalt Raker 3.47 Bridge Crew Leader 3.35 Bridge Laborer 3.15 Building Laborer 3.06 Concrete and Curb Laborer 3.06 Ditch Digger 3.15 Flusher Helper 1.95 Jackhammer Operator 3.20 Kettle Fireman 3.15 Labor Crew Leader 3.26 Miner 3.67 Mortar Mixer 3.18 Paver 3.44 Public Works Laborer 3.06 Roofer's Helper 3.o6 Sanitation Laborer 3.06 Sewer Crew Leader 3.35 Sewer Laborer 3.15 Sewer Maintenance Laborer 3.15 Street Sweeper 3.o6 Sweeper Helper 2.00 Tamper 3.33 Vibrator Operator 3.15 Unskilled Labo1,7er 3.06 Temporary and emergency employees employed under any of the titles in this Group G shall be paid the gross rate (base rate plus cost of fringe benefits) provided in the appropriate union -- Associated General Contractors' contract. -5- �I Commissioner Bernard T. ctullu�d, cnjiramn Persnmiel City ►tall -%ourt Houat- Saint Paul, Minncsotq 55162 Dv it Curr.•i;isionrr Holland: / J--�J'-3 November 21, 1963 council File No. 215453 submitted to the City Council on November 14, 1963, proposing w kv increases for some 470 employees in the mechanical trades, gives us reason Lo again question the feasibility of progressively higher wage ritrs. '! It has teen stated that this ordinance, plus other increases contemplated for /C•a the rk,rhanlcal trades in 1964, will cost approxiutely one - quarter million dollars. There is no provision for this in the budget and no additional revenue is readily available in view of the fact that the City has reached F, its tax limitation. Fov, then, cars such increases be financed.' Will the citizens of Saint Paul he sunjrcted to 4 cuL in servi.ces in order to finance this propos,el, or will it be necessary to submit a Charter Amendment to the voters asking th,%t the tax levy ltmit -ition be increased in order to taaintsib present services and to provide higher wages and salaries for City employees? We have cortinually stated that city employers should be paid on an averaSe ressonaEly comparable to similar jobs in private industry. It is. our feeling that. their employment is presently conducted under fair and equitable conditions and that their pay is quite sufficient relative to private industry rates. In fact, the recent Jacobs Report, a survey financed by the City, states that, they are paid better than 3 out of 4 similar jobs in private employment, so we can see no justification for further increases at this tine: It is our contention, than, that such increases are neither economically sound nor are they necessary, and we would hope, C issioner, that you would effect a withdrawal of this ordinance in light of the points which w,° have raised. Very truly yours, William L. Hest, Acting Chairman Wage and Salary Study Coaittee I_ to i Very truly yours, William L. Hest, Acting Chairman Wage and Salary Study Coaittee Group D Assistant Supervisor of Custodians Custodian - Engineer Custodian - Engineer (Municipal Stadium) Janitor First year of employment Second year of employment Third year of employment and thereafter Janitor - Engineer Junior Custodian - Engineer Senior Custodian - Engineer Supervisor of Custodians Supervisor of Methods and Materials (Schools) Supervisor of School Heating Group E Assistant Chief Pumping Engineer Assistant Pumping Engineer Chief Pumping Engineer Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engineer Custodian - Engineer (Library Buildings) Custodian - Engineer 1Public Safety Building) Oiler Power Plant Helper Refrigeration Engineer (Steam -Elect ric) Senior Pumping Engineer Stationary Engineer Stationary Fireman Group F Auto Mechanic Fireman - Mechanic Fireman - Mechanic Foreman Fireman - Mechanic General Foreman Machinist Mechanic Foreman - -Water Department Tire epairman -4- 1 $3.66 3.26 3.26 2.485 2.61 2.76 3. 01 3: l l 3.46 3.86 3.66 4.o6 4.00 3.45 4.50 4.00 4.15 4.15 3.05 3.10 3.45 3.65 3.45 3.30 3.62 3.62 3.82 4.17 3. 62 3.82 3.28 Section II Cont. Group B Air Compressor $3.30 Backfiller Operator 3.65 Bituminous, Curb Machine Operator 3.30 Bituminous Spreader Operator 3.67 Garbage Collector 2.90 Hoisting Engineer 3.67 Mixer Engineer 3.55 Motor Equipment Operator 3.55 Motor Equipment Operator - -Water Department 3.55 Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer Operator) 3.65 Power Shovel Operator 3.87 Pumperete Operator 3< 76 Road Machinery Operator 2.97 Roller Engineer (Under 6 tons) 3.40 Roller Engineer (6 tons or over) 3.67 Truck Driver 2.97 Truck Owner - Driver 2.88 Temporary and emergency employees employed under any of the titles in this Group B shall be paid the gross rate (base rate plus cost of fringe benefits) provided in the appropriate union -- Associated ,General Contractors' Contract. Group C Building Inspector $4.31 Electrical Inspector 4.31 Elevator Inspector 4.31 Gas Burner Inspector 4.31 Heating and Piping Inspector 4.31 Masonry Inspector 4.31 Plasterer Inspector 4.31 Plumbing Inspector 4.31 Plumbing Inspector - -Water Department 4.31 Refrigeration Inspector 4.31 Sheet Metal Inspector 4.31 -3- Group D Assistant Supervisor of Custodians $3.66 Custodian - Engineer 3.26 Custodian - Engineer (Municipal Stadium) 3.26 Janitor 4.00 First year of employment 2.485 Second year of employment 2.61 Third year of employment and thereafter 2.76 Janitor - Engineer 3.01 Junior Custodian - Engineer 3, 11 Senior Custodian- Engineer 3.46 Supervisor of Custodians 3.86 Supervisor of Methods and Materials (Schools) 3.66 Supervisor of School Heating M6 Group E Assistant Chief Pumping Engineer 4.00 Assistant Pumping Engineer 3.45 Chief Pumping Engineer 4.50 Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engineer 4.00 Custodian - Engineer (Library Buildings) 4.15 Custodian - Engineer (Public Safety Building) 4. 15 Oiler 3.05 Power Plant Helper 3.10 Refrigeration Engineer (Steam -Elect ric) 3.45 Senior Pumping Engineer 3.65 Stationary Engineer 3.45 Stationary Fireman 3.30 Group F Auto Mechanic 3.62 Fireman - Mechanic 3.62 Fireman - Mechanic Foreman 3.82 Fireman- Mechanic General Foreman 4.17 Machinist 3. 62 Mechanic Foreman - -Water Department 3.82 Tire Repairman 3.28 -4- Group G Asphalt Batcherman Asphalt Laborer Asphalt Raker Bridge Crew Leader Bridge Laborer Building Laborer Concrete and Curb Laborer Ditch Digger Flusher Helper Jackliammer Operator Kettle Fireman Labor Crew Leader Miner Mortar Mixer Paver Public Works Laborer Roofer's Helper Sanitation Laborer Sewer Crew Leader Sewer Laborer Sewer Maintenance Laborer Street Sweeper Sweeper Helper Tamper Vibrator Operator Unskilled Labo',.-Lr $3.15 3.06 3.47 3.35 3.15 3.06 3.06 3.15 1.95 3.20 3.15 3.26 3.67 3.18 3.44 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.35 3.15 3.15 3.06 2.00 3.33 3.15 3.o6 Temporary and emergency employees employed under any of the titles in this Group G shall be paid the gross rate (base rate plus cost of fringe benefits) provided in the appropriate union -- Associated General Contractors' contract. -5- Adopted by the Council 196_ Yeas Nays \ALGLISH OLLAND LOSS Iw PETERSON ROSEN & PRESIDENT (VAVOULIS) 8 l Section II The' compensation for positiong in the Ungraded Division as provided in Section 7 of the Civil Servic& Rules shall be as follows: Titles HOURLY RATES I. Group A Assistant General Foreman (Schools) $4.70 Boilermaker 4; 05 Bricklayer 4.025 Carpenter 3.67 Carpenter Foreman, -Fire Department 4.17 Cement Finisher 3.70 Electrician 4.20 Electrician Foreman 4.70 Electrician General Foreman 5.20 General Blacksmith 4.05 General Foreman (School Maintenance) 5.20 General Lighting Foreman 5.20 Glazier 3.54 Iron Worker (Erecting) 3.18 Iron Worker (Reinforcement) 3.78 Iron Worker Foreman 4.13 Kettle Tender - Roofer 3.36 Lather 3.90 Lighting Foreman 4.70 Lighting Repairman 4.20 Painter jBrush) 3.51 Painter Foreman 3.76 Painter Foreman--Fire Department 3.76 Plasterer 3.95 Plasterer's Tender 3.37 Plumber 4.02 Police and Fire Alarm Lineman 4.20 Roofer 3.67 Roofer Foreman 3.82 Shade Repairman 3.67 Sheet Metal Worker 4.01 Steamfitter 4.02 Stone Mason 4.025 Street, Lamp Worker First year of employment 2.91 Second year. of employment 3.14 Third year of employment and thereafter 3.39 Welder - Blacksmith 3.62 Temporary and emergency employees employed under any of the titles in this Group A shall be paid the gross rate (base rate plus cost of fringe benefits) provided in the appropriate union -- Associated General Contractors "contract. -2- Section I1 cont. Group B 3.87 Air Compressor $3.30 Backfiller Operator 3.65 Bituminous Curb Machine Operator 3.30 Bituminous Spreader Operator 3.67 Garbage Collector 2.90 Hoisting Engineer 3.67 Mixer Engineer 3.55 Motor Equipment Operator 3.55 Motor Equipment Operator - -Water Department 3.55 Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer Operator) 3.65 Power Shovel Operator 3.87 Pumperete Operator 3.76 Road Machinery Operator 2.97 Roller Engineer (Under 6 tons) 3.40 Roller Engineer (6 tons or over) 3. 67 Truck Driver . 2.97 Truck Owner- Driver 2.88 Temporary and emergency employees employed under any of the titles in this Group B shall be paid the gross rate (base rate ,plus cost of fringe benefits) provided in the appropriate union -- Associated General Contractors? contract. Group C Building Inspector $4.31 Electrical Inspector 4.31 Elevator inspector 4.31 Gas Burner Inspector 4.31 Heating and Piping Inspector 4.31 Masonry Inspector 4.31 Plasterer Inspector 4.31 Plumbing Inspector 4.31 Plumbing Inspector - -Water Department 4.31 Refrigeration inspector 4.31 Sheet Metal Inspector 4.31 -3- I l Section Ii The'compensa #ion for positions in the Ungraded Division as provided in Section 7 of the Civil Service Rules shall be as follows: Titles HOURLY RATES Group A 3.36 Assistant General Foreman (Schools) $4.70 Boilermaker 4: 05 Bricklayer 4.025 Carpenter 3.67 Carpenter Foreman -- -Fire Department 4.17 Cement Finisher 3.70 Electrician 4.20 Electrician Foreman 4.70 Electrician General Foreman 5. 20 General Blacksmith 4.05 General Foreman (School Maintenance) 5.20 General Lighting Foreman 5.20 Glazier 3.54 Iron Worker (Erecting) 3. 78 Iron Worker (Reinforcement) 3.78 Iron Worker Foreman 4.13 Kettle Tender - Roofer 3.36 Lather 3.90 Lighting Foreman 4.70 Lighting Repairman 4.20 Painter (Brush) 3.51 Painter Foreman 3.76 Painter Foreman- -Fire Department 3.76 Plasterer 3.95 Plasterer's Tender 3.37 Plumber 4.02 Police and Fire Alarm Lineman 4.20 Roofer 3.67 Roofer Foreman 3,82 Shade Repairman 3.67 Sheet Metal Worker 4.01 Steamfitter 4.02 Stone Mason 4.025 Street Lamp Worker First year of employment 2.91 Second year of employment 3.14 Third year of employment and thereafter 3.39 Welder- Blacksmith 3.62 Temporary and emergency employees employed under any of the titles in this Group A shall be paid the gross rate (base rate plus cost of fringe benefits) provided in the appropriate union -- Associated General Contractors "contract. i -2- Group B Air Compressor Operator Backfiller Operator Bituminous Curb Machine Operator Bituminous Spreader Operator Garbage Collector Hoisting Engineer Mixer Engineer Motor Equipment Operator Motor Equipment Operator- -Water Department Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer Operator) Power Shovel Operator Pumperete Operator Road Machinery Operator Roller Engineer (Under 6 tons) Roller Engineer (6 tons or over) Truck Driver Truck Owner - Driver 4D3 $3.27 r 3.60 3.27 3.63 2.90 3.63 3.55 3.51 3.51 3.60 3.83 3.72 2.97 3.36 3.63 2.97 2.88 Temporary and emergency employees employed under any of the titles in this Group B shall be paid the gross rate (base rate plus cost of fringe benefits). provided in the appropriate union -- Associated General Contractors' contract. Group C Building Inspector 4.31 Electrical Inspector 4.31 Elevator Inspector 4.31 Gas Burner Inspector 4.31 Heating and Piping Inspector 4.31 Masonry Inspector. 4.31 Plasterer Inspector 4.31 Plumbing Inspector 4.31 Plumbing Inspector - -Water Department 4.31 Refrigeration Inspector 4.31 Sheet Metal Inspector 4.31 -3- Group D Assistant Supervisor of Custodians Custodian- Engineer Custodian - Engineer (Municipal Stadium) Janitor First year of employment Second year of employment Third year of employment and thereaft Janitor Engineer Y Junior Custodian- Engineer Senior Custodian - Engineer Supervisor of Custodians Supervisor of Methods and Materi/s(Schools) Supervisor of School Heating Group E Assistant Chief Pumping Eng eer Assistant Pumping Engineer Chief Pumping Engineer Chief Refrigeration and Op rating Engineer Custodian- Engineer (Libr y Buildings) Custodian - Engineer (Pc Safety Building) Oiler Power Plant Helper Refrigeration Engineer eam - Electric) Senior Pumping Engine; Stationary Engineer Stationary Fireman Group F Auto M.echanic Fireman- Mechanic Fireman -Mechanic oreman Fireman - Mechanic General Foreman Machinist Mechanic Forema --Water Department Tire Repairman -4- 2IM33 $3.66 rr V I I� 3.26 3.26 2.485 2.61 2.76 3.01 3.11 3.46 3.86 3.66 4.06 3.62 3.62 3.82 4.17 3.62 3.82 3.28 Group G Asphalt Batcherman 30 12 Asphalt Laborer 3, 03 Asphalt Raker 3.43 Bridge Crew Leader 3.32 Bridge Laborer 3.12 Building Laborer 3.03 Concrete and Curb Laborer 3.03 Ditch Digger 3.12 Flusher Helper 1.95 Jackhammer Operator 3. 16 Kettle Fireman 3.12 Labor Crew Leader 3.23 Miner 3.63 Mortar Mixer 3.14 Paver 3.40 Public Works Laborer 3.03 Roofer7s Helper 3.03 Sanitation Laborer 3.03 Sewer Crew Leader 3.32 Sevier Laborer 3.12 Sevier Maintenance Laborer 3.12 Street Sweeper 3.03 Sweeper Helper 2.00 Tamper 3.29 Vibrator Operator 3.12 Unskilled Laborer 3.03 �abl� Temporary and emergency employe s employed under any of the titles in this Group G shall be paid the gross rat (base rate plus cost of fringe benefits) provided in the appropriate union -t Associated General Contractors' contract. -5- Plumber _ 4.02 "Section. 4.20 11 The' compensation for positions in the, Ungraded Division as provided in Section 7 of the Civil Service Rules shall be as follows: Roofer Foreman Titles HOURLY RATES Grout., A Sheet Metal Worker Assistant General Foreman (Schools) $4.70 Boilermaker 4; 05 Bricklayer 4.025 Carpenter 3.67 Carpenter Foreman,--Fire Department 4.17 Cement Finisher 3.70 Electrician 4.20 Electrician Foreman 4.70 Electrician General Foreman 5. 20 General Blacksmith 4.05 General Foreman (School Maintenance) 5.20 General Lighting Foreman 5.20 Glazier 3.54 Iron Worker`(Erecting) 3.78 Iron Worker (Reinforcement) 3. 78 Iron Worker Foreman 4.13 Kettle Tender-Roofer 3.36 ' Lather 3.90 Lighting Foreman - '". 4.70 Lighting Repairman 4.20 Painter (Brush) 3.51 Painter Foreman 3.76 Painter Foreman--Fire Department 3.76 Plasterer 3.95 Plasterer's Tender 3.37 Plumber _ 4.02 Police and Fire Alarm Lineman 4.20 Roofer 3.67 Roofer Foreman 3.82 Shade Repairman 3.67 Sheet Metal Worker 4.01 Steamfitter 4.02 Stone Mason 4.025 Street; Lamp Worker First year of employment 2.91 Second year of employment 3.14 Third year of employment and thereafter 3.39 Welder-- Blacksmith 3. 62 Temporary and emergency employees employed under any of the titles in this Group A shall be paid the gross rate i(base rate plus cost of fringe benefits) p +rovided in the appropriate union -- Associated General Contractors' contract. -2- l• I; /V Section II cont. Group B Air Compressor $3.30 Backfiller Operator 3.65 Bituminous Curb Machine Operator 3.30 Bituminous Spreader Operator 3.67 Garbage Collector 2.90 Hoisting Engineer 3.67 Mixer Engineer 3.55 Motor Equipment Operator 3.55 Motor Equipment Operator- -Water Department 3.55 Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer Operator) 3.65 Power Shovel Operator 3.87 Pumperete Operator 3.76 Road Machinery Operator 2.97 Roller Engineer (Under 6 tons) 3.40 Roller Engineer (6 tons or over) 3.67 Truck Driver 2.97 Truck Owner- Driver 2.88 Temporary and emergency employees employed under any of the titles in this Group B shall be paid the gross rate Kbase rate plus cost of fringe benefits) provided- in the appropriate union -- Associated General Contractors? contract. Group C Building Inspector Electrical Inspector Elevator inspector Gas Burner Inspector Heating and Piping Inspector Masonry Inspector Plasterer Inspector Plumbing Inspector Plumbing Inspector- -Water Department Refrigeration Inspector Sheet Metal inspector -3- $4.31 4.31 ' 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4. 31 Group D Assistant Supervisor of Custodians Custodian - Engineer Custodian - Engineer (Municipal Stadium) Janitor First year of employment Second year of employment Third year of employment and thereafter Janitor - Engineer Junior Custodian- Engineer Senior Custodian - Engineer Supervisor of Custodians Supervisor of Methods and Materials (Schools) Supervisor of School Heating Group E Assistant Chief Pumping Engineer Assistant Pumping Engineer Chief Pumping Engineer Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engineer Custodian - Engineer (Library Buildings) Custodian - Engineer jPublic Safety Building) Oiler Power Plant Helper _ Refrigeration Engineer (Steam -Elect ric) Senior Pumping Engineer Stationary Engineer Stationary Fireman Group F Auto Mechanic Fireman - Mechanic Fireman- Mechanic Foreman Fireman - Mechanic General Foreman Machinist Mechanic Foreman - -Water Department Tire Repairman -4- $3.66 3. 26 3.26 2.485 2.61 2.76 3.01 3. 11 3.46 3.86 3.66 4.06 4.00 3.45 4.50 4.00 4.15 4. 15 3.05 3.10 3.45 3.65 3.45 3.30 3.62 3.62 3.82 4.17 3.62 3.82 3.28 If A Group G Asphalt Batcherman Asphalt Laborer Asphalt Raker Bridge Crew Leader Bridge Laborer Building Laborer Concrete and Curb Laborer Ditch Digger Flusher Helper Jackliamme r Operator Kettle Fireman Labor Crew Leader Miner Mortar Mixer Paver Public Works Laborer Roofer's Helper Sanitation Laborer Sewer Crew Leader Sewer Laborer Sewer Maintenance Laborer Street Sweeper Sweeper Helper Tamper Vibrator Operator $3. 15 3.46 3.47 3.35 3.15 3.06 3.06 3.15 1.95 3.20 3.15 3.26 3-.67 3. 18 3.44 3.06 3.06 3.o6 3.35 3.15 3.15 3.06 2.00 3.33 3.15 Unskilled Labo'% -er 3.06 Temporary and emergency employees employed under any of the titles in this 'Group G shall be paid the gross rate `base rate plus cost of fringe benefits) provided in the appropriate union -- Associated General Contractors' contract. I ` r. 1st / 2n f Laid over to 3rd and app / � A dopte , Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Dalglish r Holland Loss Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis / PUBLISHED