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ORI �INAL TO CITY C ERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE PUBLA T!E 9 CITY OF 'ST. PAUL COUNCIL" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. !`:a No. 215419 —By Severin COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Ison- #),'The Department of L1brar• ,r. «um and Civic Bonding. 1. uP having installed in t>r' ?-Pa 0. = :'a:a Library a co� ' "' �.b1oYSH CU-J. W WHEREAS, the Department of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings is desirous of having installed in the main Saint Paul Public Library a coin - operated photocopy reproducing machine on an experimental basis to ascertain whether such a machine would meet what appears to be a public need for a copying device being located in said main Library; and WHEREAS, there has been some demand for copies of various materials in the Library and presently such copying of, materials entails an interruption ofr- operations of the Library and is a time - consuming matter so far as personnel employed at the Library are concerned, Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Documat, Inc. for installation of a photocopy reproducing .'machine on a trial basi's pursuant to the provisions of the pro- posed contract, copy of which has been marked "Exhibit All and ,attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, such agreement to cover a period from October 10� 1963 to October 9, 1964, subject to a provision ipermitting of cancellation by either party upon thirty days written notice to,,the other; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That such agreement contemplating the installation of said photocopy reproduction machine to be on an experimental basis and being found, by virtue of heavy current demand for copying documents requested of the Library, to constitute an emergency pursuant to the provisions of Section 291 of the City CYiarter, the same shall be entered into without calling for competitive bids; be it F f FINALLY RESOLVED, That the consent of the Purchasing Agent, Comptroller and the Mayor shall be affixed.to the original of this Resolution. I AN 12 1963 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Dalglish Rolland Loss I - i In Favor Mortinson Peterson I Against Rosen I Mr. President, Vavoulis 10T1 8-82 -u Adopted by the Council 19— WOV 12 1963 '1 ORAINAL TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 2. t Approved: Approved: �rchasing Agent Approved: _ Mayo 4 7 L ii i if II t i r } 1 I I COUNCILMEN f Yeas F Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson I !�C(–Remr, Mr President, 10M 8-82 } Tn Favor _ 0 Against Adopted by the Counei K 1% 15 Nov 1 21953 9— Apprrov�eQd_/�__ -19— w Acting Mayor A 0 "R E "E _ N T f l_ In consideration• °of the ..mutua3. premise's, and.. covenants' { get out herein; it is agreed by and between the City of Saint . _ Paul, -a municipal corporation of the Mate ot- Annesota, herein- - - - -.. -` _ F - • ±: after - called ,the` - Ci:ty, and Docutitat, `Inc: s a 4, 'chusetts corporation, hereinafter called, Documat, as follows: 1. The Dooustat' machine shall "be_ installed- by Documat. r atits -'expense and shall be. maintained and serviced by Documat' • • so as °to insure that .:the ' iocu*tat _ is kept in good working order -at the its in -st .,. ,Paul- _Public_Libr'ary, Saint, Paul, Minnesota. The City will provide .the neees:sary, personnel to change papers _. f • r i chemicals and light bulbs as.-required, and Documa.t will pr ovide ins,tructioa-•manuals for' this purpose, L - • s 2. Do6mat shall cobnply-_`with all: laws,; ordinances, f� rul:eb and regul.attons pertaihing'- to the. installation and opera- do ' off' the Dooiistat and will held the. City harmless against any •fine., penalty or daiaage for any actual, or alleged , failure .r2 on the part of Documat _to. comply :therewith.. Documat will pay. all license fees and personal_ property taxes with •respecttto = the" �l�custat. . 1Docu�rra�t shall take.louts and maiiaafn during the life-of t�is agreement compiehentive- protectiVt public liability, ' in ance, for and " 3n 1 beYialf o itself and 'Tie--,. City - as joint - itzsurec�s; and' using across- liability endorsement, protect • the City_ and Dbeukebu #t m• ;claims'f©r. damages .and _bodily injuries, including accidental deaths as gall -a-s from claims for •property r. dauta a which 'may arise from operations under 'this agreement.. The, inimum. amounts such- pfiblic.° liability i•nsuranc.e shall r r be as follows: _ Bodily -#n ury insurance. ,including _ death in an - - aauount of-not less than•$100,000.�0 for• alb. damagea,arising,Out,, a of" bodily •injuries.•to or death or, onie',,p6rson'?ar4 'tab cti =�o the saute limit -for -,each person-in a,:total_ amount of riot less,', than 300,000.00.on acQOiint of. any'-one accident; property damage. insurance iii an •aamount of ',not.. less. than 450.., for all d4magas. to or"destruatiori of property,ift any- one' Accident, and subject to tbat•1im- it-per _accident; 'Documatt- sh$11 take out, -and maintain ~. workmen' s 'Compenwatiori- Irnaurance' for' all personas" empl-ayed by it `under-.this agreement,, -and: ensuring acid• DocuUt- against -all .. r. -' .� w• ' is r _ � -T � '` -.r -_ `•' .. ., j _ - 'obligations arising nut afK_.the ;Worknon' s-•- Compensation Act of ; the-State of, Minnesota; . to ..the _ limits speQ_ified,.in said ;Act. ] f - •� 's • y a ,Y "•' p, k i• r - «. : •c •.F'- t L 5ochmatsha11 indemnif y ,ands savl� .harmless,, the }ity' and ' :all, cf =Sts officers, 'ageritsi aid employees fromw` all suit "s -, •actions . , .k - x . .. or .claims of any character, ;,,•narna --and description brought for or, i ti on a'count of any' injuries " received oru sustained by, - t :or a�y person, 'persons or p ro pert y - -' b : or from the ac acts of y- _ r said �Documat,_ or by or account' of any Apt., or omission, ri ®`leaf or. . ®iscoriduat of said Documat, dr `from° 'any' alaiias , or.' amounts- `arising_, or. recovered ,Linder th© - Workmen' s , Compensation - Law _vr 'any oth®i,�'law; by =law, ordinance,. ordei , or -decree':_. - Documat shall indgmfiify and save harmless • the City'from -. any• and '11 •losses caused by-or-on . y-or- on. account of .any, .claims or amount's 'recovered for -eny• iafringemiont 'of patent -, trado- -mark or, copy. r ghty UoGuma.t shall• sti�ip.iy the' -City 'W' ith a �sur.ety- blind in the •.amount. of ti Fide 1'housand.'Dollare `($51000.00) a ®outed as to pririoiisl and surety, in-b, form satisfaatokyF to_ the ":corporation couirisel, of. the - -City of L Saint Paul, which bond shall guarantee performance of , the tOr;is' provrisions and: coriditions of this' agreement: ^ ' 4. The City. granta:.i7ocumat the exclusive rights for ' the,operatign -bf coin- operated photocopy reproducing machine sr. ; on. their .prpmise$., .' ,C ty' agreas�.to i�irnish hecessai'y t!octrical s ®mice connection for the operation' of th - Docustat f . i'he City agrees that it will tike' reasonable care of ,the. Docustat and to foie' best of its ability Prevent any unauthorised p ®rs©n- from moving` or, tampering with tYie )D dad stat �_ orating the machine contra to Do or_ oP y cults t! a written inttruo- tivt�s-�that it,.w11 .nbtiry j?out soon e'so is of an ; > $i. - any_ failure of the Docustat 'to_ operate_ �z Y 7 • l 1 1 e sutid:Qrgtood that the Docus'tst machine -are and . s °�., taro Jin the'" r. c Property of` o tiivat, and that Woumat- _- shall have= tree - access to the - property di-kr-ing regular business hours..- ' - greed, ? -it:� srccordance with `Chapt ®r 2389 '• •_ Laws -of- the, - .State. -of A�i:r�nesota 1'pr 1941 that .irk file r - _ r :hiring - ofh, comvon or skilled labor for -:ths - • erfor of-tin r . , p chance y ' Work. under this agreeierit or ,shy ailircontract .hereunder no contractor, .•Y '� ,materiel s.0 - _' -,. - - ' '- . .. •• _.. ppli ®r, "or vendor shall, by r.easuri =of race, 'reed or olor; discriminate a•-a list _ 8 1 any person who" is, a, citiien of the Utlited= ,States who -- . -s qualified_ and . - ` - , 'available . -to perform thelwork. to which: uc1h emp loyment relates' Doe'uc t 'further egreeb "that no Contractor? material" • U011er, or vendor udder` :this agreement, shall in any -manner against, - or - Intimidate,. or prevent the e�cploy�nent . _ of any per sons or on :being hated '$' }prevent, or .conspire : to `. - are vent an . r ,. , Y ;person from` the perform' of -.work under, this a Zv ` 'agrdeitbat on accouat taf - raQe, ore ed, or color. - . 3• : r 'he.,`C ty will � re►nove cash rece�:pts from t co he in `box, of the Docustat, .keeoins till and ado' _ -a'fe qu recoird s - of such:. collect3ons)' azxdremittiizg�to Documat on the 1 th day, _ - 5 Hof eaahl` ` mogtha..the = amount of 'such' net redeipts for the .prec ®ding•_ morit h , - - • •1°71ess a teri per, ae• t._. _ • •-. - - P n �1�) rental fee in excess of net recolpts 'r _ • - -: • - -One lion , . - - ,:. - • = , • .- F: -. 1 - , area Doilars'($100.00 per_ month for -'each machine. 10. _Tks agreement shall- be far- lease of a library lflcation in the main Std: Paul•Pubiic Library, a,s- determin ®d'by X -the `Commissioner _ _ - r 4f 'L�'tirari ®$, `�Auditoriiun and divia L�uildings -- . • -. - i , . - - `• - ' • `, -' •1' ms`s... V' and shall be let on a month-to--month basin commencin g-as of the 10th day of October,•1963, and shall run for a period from the 10th day- df October -. 1963- until• the..9th -day of October, 1964, unldss_ sooner cancelled by either of the parties "as hereinafter �providea. This agreement is" etncellable by-either party .upon' thirty daye',written notice to the other; in other words, thirty :days- after a notice of cancellation is served by one of the: � aities upon the" -other by `registered mail, the terms,. provis ons. and conditions of , this agreement shall terminaste. ; Notice of termination upon the City -of Saint.Paul shall be served lupon the Commissioner of Ltbr.ai-ies, Auditorium and" Civic - ,buildings at his office in the City Ralf and Court -douse , ` ` Saint Paul, 4in iesota.. Notice -upon - Documat' shall be served i - upon said-corporation by -registered - mail directed to the- presld,int of the corporation at the 'principal place of business , 'of said corporation, 81+ Fourth -Avenue; Waltham,- tMassachusetts, or, such other idatess as the corporation may direct by letter to the Commissioner of Libraries,: Auditorium and Civic Buildings. IN" WITNESS WHERFOPi the-parties hereto-have caused. these presents to �be. ex ®cut ®d this; day of , DO CUMAT INC,.. B�, b Y. it s _ ,CSI TY ` OF SAINT PAUL Mayor } -- Commissioner of Libraries Auditorium, and Civic Hu ldings Yo n. r Atterst s - City Clerk t Co.ntersigneds ' - o City ' Comp tr`olle r _ •_ - A_ pproved,'aa_ to_ - form: _ Spdaial Assistant Corporation Counsel _ Approved .as• to form_ an&- "execution - this =$ay. of _ -_ :5pea.ei Assistarit C4,rporat3:on Counsel ' a j 5