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By No. 212604 -
o'4natter of condemning and
temporary easement for the
INTERMEDIARY ORDER _. °n of. a temporary detour
ba(_'the ,k0:Lt otf Lexington le k-
h in cor a' t �n with t h e f.
In the Matter of
1 �^+-. _ _ Imo• _ - i �V �� _ -• "}� _ r '
Condemning and.taking a temporary easement for -the construction of'a temporaryf j
detour road in the vicinity of Lexington Parkway South in conjunction with the
construction and extension of the existing bridge over the Ghicago, Milwaukee,
St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company's tracks on the following described parcel '
of land in the N.E.4 of the N.E. 4 of Section 10, Township 28 N. Range 23.W.:
unde a..,,�t.,.' ,.,..y x, ?X749 �n rhve Aril 14
Commencing at e poi-r1t�o the- west-1 -ixe of'Le arPgtond°Parkway South, thg 15
800 s.o th11of o hej� south O.an- a 20A,,6,6.4dy, Rueth Rs fA,.dd tison;o�th nceo'xtnan:�arr le R, acre
2�pOWtlto d: zee" stvline' oofic Zexing f,brvcParkwai ,'e.South3cavdistance o� '
approxima�t+ely 85 fit. to the .i tersection with the no . thegst ly r1 }�t -of way,,,ldrnk.1o£ the
S1, ZeII1t h a ^ "� i'[`r r_ a A tntiA :? 1P 1. nere�.1 ! 8vU Ve ' iiIItl 1t t l t x. ii'�l,,FFllie a,a;_ a._ a�v�i�i:,lt
Col g St.P. & Ft.eR•ailroac Coi'pan t'rhen�e sou �heas�er�y on %hie nort easterl line of
said ;eri�ght�= = dray °t e the ��n`t;earseJtion with the west line of Lexington Parkway South;
thence, no:r q.nlyn•orhrthe- said.w�;es ��l n$ pt? aethdiipdJa .tt!Ufr(begrtnnin'gissubject to the
existing sewer easement
Conde_;.nirg ; nrt ±w. r�� a-temporary - - - -
s p ary easement for the construction of a temporary
�� ,detour- road in the vicinity'of Lexington Parkway South in conjunction with the
construction and extension of the existing bridge over the Chicago, Milwaukee,
St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company's tracks on the following described parcel
of land in the N.E. 4 of the N.E. 4 of Section 10, Township 28 N., Range 23 W.:
witl' no alternativ s, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 125.00
Commencing at a point on the west line of Lexington Parkway South, that is
28 ft. south of
_the south dine ofd rs* t,p use oh's..Addl�io °e tent%%n0,P at an` angle Of of
o r` h?t of tsaidl west �lzne of xington Parkway South a distance of
approx matelyc 8 t. to the i ter_$ect� on�UitYv�k etnoe-trheast�er�y��r fie �i��e
C .zS • x• �. Ra j7 r�oad� rom n • gth . , _ 1 4 l4F- e- y d o 6nU.c r nr�`C�1,� �..., ...� 1Nj..I? aY��', . e31ce, �.outheast�er7yf'on� the 4lortheastef $
saA�ht�nftwaet�rthes lnt�er secti�or;nwativxthe ;�we'st 'line = a�+ T�erx 'irigonhparwa�So�iit�h"';of
the QC* �rtteyano, h�eresa� ,Zd�ryres�teine;tohthe�ipbn orEeltiegn"hir�' object to the -
ex�sin sewer easement.
File #16025
- - - - - - - — — - - M.'s 1WVV,� _
Adopted by the Couiicil - -
In Favor
App ed
1,9 LI