D001584No: CJO / �Q � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION Approved Copies to: - CiTy Clerk (Original) - FSO Accounting Divis�on - Requesting Dept. f� � AAMINIS'IRATNE ORDER, Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of Technolow and Mana¢ement Services to amend [he 1998 budget of [he General Fund the Director of the Financial Services Depar[ment is au[horized [o amend said budget in the following manner. DEPARTMENT & DMSION. LEDGER FUND. ACTIVITY, OBJECT. PROJECT Technology & Management Services - Real Estate GL-0Ol 01300-01 l l Full Time Permanent GL-001 01300-0857 Data Processing-Hazdwaze All Other Activiry Spending • by: Department D'uectot Approved by: CURRENT BUDGET 487,318.00 4,540.27 222,673.00 714,531.27 Date: () '��— ( � � of Financial Services APPROVED CHANGES (35,000.00) 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 AMENDED BUDGET 452,318.00 39,540.27 222.673.00 714,531.27 r�(ss Date �aa�,;�.om� dol5 — Real Estate Date: 08/18/98 GreenSheetNumber: Division � 1 EPARTMENTD � I; CITYCOUNCII, oniactPersonandPhoneNumber: ATTORNEY 3 rrFRK PMer R'hite/Roxanna Flink 266-8859 2 o nixEC[ox Err. accoiSN'raNz 4 ACCOUNTING OUNCII.RESEARCH - ust be on Council Agenda by: OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CL[P AI.I. LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'1'[1RE) cTtorr �QvEStaD: Amending the 1998 budget in the Division of Real Estate by transferring money to allow for urchase/lease of personal computers and to purchase a laser printer. CONIIvIENDAT'IONS:APPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) ERSONALSEItNCECON"CRACiSMU5TAN5WERTHEFOLLOWINCr PLANNII3GCOMMISSI013 A STAFF � Haztl�eperson/f"im�evnwork«Iunderacontraafor+AisdepammmP YES N _ HuOuspersoNfirmeverbeznaCiryemploym� YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMM � m�� verso�✓rm ���, �un �o��o�� v �:��w n CIBCOMMITTEE CvmntCiryemployee? res N xplvnallYESanswersonas�araresheerandamc6 ��31� �1!� surroxTS wfucx couNCiL oa.r�cTTVE? s„aget 8666 Q Z�Jf l� t73/�l3�32! " TINCr PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTt71VITY (Who, What, Wheq Where, Why): xisting laser printer is 6 yeazs old and obsolete. Parts aze hazd to find. Currently we do not have a backup unit. Current personal computers are not capable of keeping up with the work load which produces major problems not nly for Real Estate, but also for IS because of our great need of their time to fix problems. VANTAGESIFAPPROVEA: ew printer would have fewer repairs and allow time to convert to new technology. The purchaseilease of personal computers would allow Real Estate to function properly and phase into the lease rogram by 2003. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one TSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: major breakdown of the current printer wi11 cause delays in notifying properiy owners of their assessment amounts d a delay in sending invoices to collect assessments will cause a decrease in revenue. ea1 Estate would continue to produce wark orders to ISHELP comparable to larger departments. 21 employees vs 120 employees) otal Amount of Transaction 35 000.00 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO unding Source Activity Nuxnber inancial Information: (Explain)