D001583CITY O� SAII�'T PAUL OI-FICE OF THE MAYOP� � Approved Copies to: City Clerk (Original) Finance Dept's Accovnting D�vision Police Dept.. .C� b0 / 5$� No: Da[e: Gre en S heet# 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 1� 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2� 2G ?� as ?9 30 31 32 33 1A WHER�AS, the Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) of the Saint Paul Police Department is conductin� weapons and tactical traininp, and WHEREAS, this training is of an advanced nature and the facilities required must provide multi-pmposc ranges and a mock villa�e where gas, smoke, and simunitions ��ill be deployed. The facility mL:�t also include struetures for tactical assault, rescue, and entry. WH�R�AS, ihis h will take place on September 20-23, 1995 at tl�e t)nited States Army Base locatcd at Camp Riple}', Fort Ripley, Minnesota. THEI2EFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the City af Saint Paul pay for expenses of the CIRT members including lodgina and meals. Advance moneys wiil be administered to Lieutenant Timotliy Leslie for meal expenses, and lodging expenses will be paid to Camp Ripley upon completion of the training. Total cost is not to exceed $2,500.00. Tl�e follo�n�in� is a bread dov,m of expeizses: 11�fea�s $ 1,2>0 Lod_in� and Ran�es $ 1?50 A cop}� of said order is to be ].ept of file and of record in the Office of Pinancial Services. ��3s� Approved by: City Attorney �° ADMINISTR.ATI VT: ORI)ER 8/7/98 292-3588 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQUES7ED , � Y ICIiittERK i�� �FPIANCIAL SERVIACCTG n (CLfP ALL LOCAT(ONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the attached Administrative Order auffiorizix� the Saint Paul Po&ce Department Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) to utilize the United States Army's advanced training facility at Camp Ripley, Fort Ripley, Minnesota on September 20-23, 1998. t. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a coritract for fhis depaAment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMfTTEE 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does Yh�s persoNfum possess a skill not nortnally posscssed by any wrrenY c'ity employee? YES NO 4. Is fhis person/flrm a targeted vendoR YES NO F�plain all yes answers on separate sheet and ariach to green sheet The Saint Paul Police DepartmenYs CIItT Team will be required to traveI to Caznp Ripley on September 20-Z3, I998 in order to utilize the United States Army's advanced tcaining facility there so as to better prepare the CIRT officers for critica[ incidents. The CIRT members would be better prepared as a cohesive unit to deal with incidents ia the CYry of Saint Paul that would tiueaten citizens. The C1RT members would also be abte to use this trainine in order to help their fellow ofl3cers on the department. None l h The citizens of the City of Saint Paul and those visiring Saint Paul would not be as �(f (� � 3 �� adequately protected as possible. F � ���` �������' ��� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ not to exceed $2,500.00 Special Fuud (436) INFORMATION (EXPLAIf� COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO acnv�nburwserc 436-34117-0299 GREEN SHEET iNmavoq� � ir . � �;` WlECTOR a QiYATfOpNEY ❑FNIWCVJ.SERVKES dR _� � @�wYOR(ORA5915TIW1) `� 080598.rzLs