212447K ' ,_ L/-63 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PUBLISHED ' 21244'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM ;- a File No. 212447 — By Frank L. PRESENTED BY PRESENTED Y r DATE C •reas, George Petersen, Harry :en, Laurence Tray and Louis business Capitol) :r, ,doing as Convalescent and Nursing Home, r!�e"_ofore, on •Aprll 4, 1A_'i3, ffifd �_- f C" Clerk of the .i11' q pllration o ff,' o-'.! 9ra r� ant T�v, -J • ,31.'�r:. "tiQi lO1iS Of 4'cy:.: � crfj_ at sift fto WHEREAS, George Petersen, Harry Petersen, Laurence Trana and Louis Thayer, doing business as Capitol View Convalescent and Nursing Home," have heretofore, on April 4, 1963, filed with the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul an application for a permit to construct and operate a -1 nursing home at the southwest corner of Aurora Avenue and Galtier Street in the City of Saint Paul, said application of April 4 , 1963, being incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of the City of Saint Paul has'indicated by letter of April 24, 1963, to the City Clerk that the Board of Zoning recommends to the Council the granting of the appeal to construct and operate a 126 -bed nursing home at the aforesaid location upon property hereinafter described, said letter of H. C. Wieland as Secretary of the Board_. of Zoning also being incorporated herein by reference; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that George Petersen, Harry Petersen, Laurence Trana and. Louis Thayer,,doing business as Capitol View Convalescent and Nursing Home, be permitted to establish and operate a nursing and convalescent home at the southwest corner of Aurora Avenue and Galtier Street in the City of Saint Paul, also described as the east 33 feet of Lot 7, and,tats 8, 9, and 10, in Block 4, "Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnoldb" Addition to St Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, subject to compliance with the requirements of the State and City Health Departments, the State Fire Marshal, the City Fire Prevention Bureau °and the Building Code of the'City of Saint Paul, and subject to payment of "any,license fee required by law and that the,permittees will provide adequate off - street parking facilities pursuant to applicable�ordinance. 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson resident, -Vavoffl" 10D4 8-82 Adopted by the Council- 3 01963 19— APR 3 0 1963 Approve 19 In Favor 199a' Y Mayor Against i� OFFICE OF CITY CLr:Rk BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Courf House Sf. Paul 2, Minnesofa 1 Mr. Donald L. Lais, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder April 25, 1963• RECEIVED APR 2 5 1963 CORPORAT[UN LULNSEL The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of George Petersen, Harry Petersen, Laurence Trana and Louis Thayer, dba Capitol View Convalescent and Nursing Home, for a permit to construct and operate a nursing home at the southwest corner of Aurora and Galtier Street, as more fully described in the attached application and letter of H. C. tidielandt subject to compliance with all laws and regulations of the State of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul, in connection with such con- struction and operation, and subject to the further condition that the permittees will provide adequate off - street parking facilities Very truly yours, / City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL — MINNESOTA s .......................... ........................ �'<�`�` :� PZD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ::.:.:.:::....:.:. ,f,,kLRII.S �fiHS 151_151 -733 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 7, MINNESOTA April 24, 1963 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: This is in the matter of tbe• application of the Capitol View Convalescent and Nursing,Home to construct and operate a 126 bed nursing bome on pro- perty located at,tbe soutbwest corner of Aurora Avenue and Galtier Street which is described as the east 33 feet of Lot 7 and all of Lots 8, 9, 10, Block 4, Elfelt, Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition. The zoning is "C" residence. The subject property consists of four parcels of land; two are developed witb two - family residences; one is developed with a single - family home and the remaining parcel is vacant. It is proposed to remove the exist- ing uses and develop the site as above indicated. The property has a frontage of 188 feet on the south side of Aurora Avenue and 124.25 feet on the west side of Galtier Street, resulting in an area of approximately 23,359 square feet. West and adjoining for the remaining part of the block are two - family uses fronting on Aurora Avenue; north and across Aurora Avenue are single and two - family residential uses; east and across Galtier Street are single and two - family residences fronting on Aurora Avenue; south and across.a public alley is vacant property owned by the Trinity Lutheran Church. Field investigation discloses no objection to the proposed use as it would not bave a detrimental effect on the area and would be compatible with the existing area uses. The Proposed Land Use Plan indicates this would be a proper use for this property. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the appeal to construct and operate a 126 bed nursing home on the above described property. Sincerely, Y C •IAIJ� H. C. Wieland Secretary HCW:FGI Board of Zoning Encl. Z. F. 5181 .r 277� r - ALLE N Re CO URTNE Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW E -1520 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING /� X CLAUDE H. ALLEN SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA 7C - VINCENT P. COURTNEY JOSEPH E.SALLAND April 4, 1963 City Council of St. Paul Court House and City Hall Building St. Paul 2, Minnesota Attention: City Clerk �!✓ CAPITAL 4 43 ff// FILED - 63 APR Re: Application of George Petersen, Harry Petersen, Laurence Trana and Louis Thayer, dba Capitol View Convalescent and Nursing Home, for Permit to operate convalescent and nursing home pur- suant to Section 60.15 Gentlemen: This office represents the above individuals, who plan to construct and operate a convalescent and nursing home under the above proposed name. We expect to form a Minnesota corporation under the name given above, and will undoubtedly operate the proposed home, if the Permit is granted, under that name. The following information is submitted in support of our application for the Permit as per the caption, and the information is in accordance with the outline suggested by the City Planning Board. 1. (a) The names of-the applicants are as given in the caption. - (b) The legal description of the property upon which the home would be located is as follows: The east 33 feet of Lot 7, and Lots 8,9 and 10, all in Block 4, Elfelt Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota. F (c) The property is located at the southeast corner of Aurora Avenue and Galtier Street. (d) Part of the property is now vacant and part is occupied byhomes which will be removed. (e) We propose to use the property for the construction of a convalescent and nursing home as indicated in the caption. L i L , ' 14 Page Two - City Council of St. Paul - April 4, 1963 (f) Technically we consider this an application for a permit in the nature of a special use permit and not an appeal. (h) As indicated in the caption, this application is made for a permit as required by Section 60.15 of the Legislative Code. 2. We will promptly furnish proposed plans and specifications for the building. We will also provide a site plan in accordance with the suggestions of the City Planning Board. We can now advise, however, that the property described herein has frontage of 183 feet on Aurora and 124.25 feet on Galtier, We propose to construct a four story building facing on Galtier, with width of 48 feet and depth of 158 feet, with probably 10 to 15 feet setback, depending on City requirements, on both Aurora and Galtier. Off- street park- ing would be provided along the alley between Aurora and Fuller. We enclose herewith our check to your order for $20.00 to cover the permit fee. Our clients are anxious to proceed as rapidly as possi- ble with the construction of this building and we would appreciate it if action could be expedited. Yours very truly, i ALLEN & COURTNEY �. By VINCENT P. COURTNEY VPC :mas Enclosure cc - Messrs. Harry and George Petersen AI,1,E: -q b% (;OUIRTN I;Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW E-1520 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING CLAUDE H. ALLEN SAINT PAIJL 1, MINNESOTA �( VINCENT P. COURTNEY JOSEPH E SALLAND April 4, 1963 City Council of St. Paul Court House and City Hall Building St. Paul 2, Minnesota Attention: City Clerk CAPITAL 499?!ir FILEV 63 APR %'r; :� Sc Re: Application of George Petersen, Harry Petersen, Laurence Trana and Louis Thayer, dba Capitol View Convalescent and Nursing Home, for Permit to operate convalescent and nursing home pur- suant to Section 60.15 Gentlemen: This office represents the above individuals, who plan to construct and operate a convalescent and nursing home under the above proposed name. We expect to form a Minnesota corporation under the name given above, and will undoubtedly operate the proposed home, if the Permit is granted, under that name. The following information is submitted in support of our application for the Permit as per the caption, and the information is in accordance with the outline suggested by the City Planning Board. 1. (a) The names of the applicants are as given in the caption. (b) The -legal description of the property upon which the home would be located is as follows: The east 33 feet of Lot 7, and Lots 8,9 and 10, all in Block 4, Elfelt Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota. (c) The property is located at the southeast corner of Aurora Avenue and Galtier Street. (d) Part of the property is now vacant and part is occupied byhomes which will be removed. (e) We propose to use the property for the construction of a convalescent and nursing home as indicated in the caption. 1 . ,' I / . J.4: NA, Page Two - City Council of St. Paul - April 4, 1963 (f) Technically we consider this an application for a permit in the nature of a special use permit and not an appeal. (h) As indicated in the caption•, this application is made for a permit as required by Section 60.15 of the Legislative Code. 2. We will promptly furnish proposed plans and specifications for the building. We will also provide a site plan in accordance with the suggestions of the City Planning Board. We can now advise, however, that the property described herein has frontage of 183 feet on Aurora and 124.25 feet on Galtier, We propose to construct a four story building facing on Galtier, with width of 48 feet and depth of 158 feet, with probably 10 to 15 feet setback, depending on City requirements, on both Aurora and Galtier. Off- street park- ing would be provided along the alley between Aurora and Fuller. We enclose herewith our check to your order for $20.00 to cover the permit fee. Our clients are anxious to proceed as rapidly as possi- ble with the construction of this building and we would appreciate it if action could be expedited. Yours very truly, ALLEN & COURTNEY By VINCENT P. COURTNEY VPC :mas Enclosure cc - Messrs. Harry and George Petersen CIT'i OF SAMT PAUL BUREAU OF•.HEALTH I. •tea _' f•`• -•, -- - f .. r a,/ ' .r• Y_A = • - -� -= +- + - -• - • -•- - `ti l e .I • - . - _ April-'8 1963) ` . - ._ , -,a t •.. - a •�w. - .• r _ ,r „• - - _. :, r• _ - Y - ,f = -* •' -- `S.. - • _. Commissionir Robert F. Poteradq' 'Department' of Public Safety= ` Public- Safety- Building . 3;� = -:_' _ Y� a. _ - - -= • _,..: =;; _� - =.ter =i .. 101 E. 10th Street, - • St. Paul 19 Minnesota Applicatfoa of Gorge' Petersdn, •Harry - Petersen., #:dlurinee Traae - end'Louis Thayer,. dba :Capitol View- Convalescent and Nursing Hones.;, for permit' to operate conva] scent and nursing hose 'pur= suant to Section 60.15k ."' t Dear Cgi mi.ssicner peter'son i If the' above maned- applicants comply with all requirement* of the - laws regulating the construction and operation � of a - nursing bolas, there -should- be no_ raasgn' why is would riot rece:Lve approval, by this ,this ' office.'•_ -It , is undsrstood, of -course; that all -,City re -- quiremsn'ts_ wili also be_ meta Applicants should_bs- advised.of "the - necessity o ,submitting domplete ~ 4 - construction•.planl3 _ to the State Health •Department' far approval be- fors any `construetion activities commence.. Respectfully yours, _ R.B. -J. - Schoch, M.' D. . • Chief Health Officer •RBJStjo •cat ` City- Mirk ;= ;State, Dept. of..Haltli ` Div. -of Hoeg..- .Licensing _ - ' BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION Frank E. Oberg, Fire Chief CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesotan �e ad meat a PUL Sile,11 Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 1 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner Dep it} Coawuissioner mas n e r. April 9, 1963 Mrs. Agnes H. 0_lConnell City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Madame: DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION Howard J. Scannell, Chief We checked the proposed site of the Capitol View Convelescent and Nursing Home. We find that there are no restrictions in the City Fire Prevention Code regarding the locating of this home on the southeast corner of Aurora and Galtier. DAN: ab CC: Vincent P. Courtney, Attorney Commissioner Peterson na Very truly yours,' Daniel A. Norrgran Assistant�-Fire Marshal X 9 ' 7v L 11 1 G J D\, SPACIOUS DINNING ROOM j /n4�•F COMPTHERAPY DEPARTMENT HYDRO Chronically III ry ;r _