212440PUBLISHED S- 212440 ds COUNCIL FILE NO.�_____�__� ________ " 'Irue No. 21MO -- By" _________.. "_.'_ "__'_______'_le matter of improving Front 1 from Dale Street to Lpxington s y North by resnrfacinp, `lie pre- 1 FINAL ORDER "'ment by r'if�;'A u• the man ti tun nne , ?a �ozgm�tf In the Matter of improving Front Avenue from Dale Street to Lexington Parkway North by resurfacing the present pavement; by reconstructing the intersecting alley and street returns Where necessary, by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections where necessary; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order_____________i W8564 August ____________August 8,_ 1962___ IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to improve Front Avenue from Dale Street to Lexington Parkway North by resurfacing the present pavement; by reconstructing the intersecting alley and street returns where necessary; by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by contracting sever, water and gas service connec- tiona_where necessary; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, as a public necessity. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city, officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---- A111-IR1.6._ 43 ----- Approved-------------------- - - - - - AP - --- R ---- 3 --- D -- - - 1,963 ---- - File 15973 Councilman Holland H Councilman Loss Councilman MO�tinson Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Councilman Vavoulls Mayor 5-62 are 22 9V ------------ --- 1% ----------- ----------------------------- City Clerk. F_ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: 212440 211980 March l5. 19-�3_ The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 208564 approved_ August 8. 19 62 relative to improving FRONT AVENUE from Dale Street to Lexington Parkwav North by resurfacing the present pavement; by constructing curbs, by reconstructing the intersecting alley and street returns where necessaryf by_ reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 117.566.1d 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works x CA !t. Improvement is asked for upon petition 1� Y I N B9. MaLX4) Qk� 1 Cc 414R1s 1 Deputy Commissioner a 963 Commissioner .o£ Public 'Works VGIEORGE M Sy ARD STREET AND HIGHWAY t ENGINEERING COORDINATOR rr „ • !EGI A-�-Qlk3-S kI T NE 'w AVERY Pe 1 d ENGINE[R apifil of'�Minnesota ' a °s o 4I. " � ° ° a i j ` r C ■ b rJ! COTTER DEPART ME' ` 3U_ ER INTENDENT 6 SANITATIONI' T =O PUBLICS- .WORKS_ 234_ Ci ,Hall- outtt- House .1 ^T �7'3' - 1111 " w�w,�.. , ■ac rte. i -.. _• bl , �M1�� ^ • 67 ` rM I LT O'N R Of(((���"�tx 1°' `Zj p I'9 � - �- �.�i! �C:ommissionell �"; - cc�� ' � �"� �� •Y 4� Z , •�� #ate _i WM, 0 AM P. BEHRENS -' 'e •�' Q D °P�Ufi commissibmw- -- i 71 March 14, 1963 Honorable James J. Dalglish Commissioner of Finance City of St. Paul B U I L D I N G Dear Sir: I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for improving FRONT AVENUE from Dale Street to Lexington Parkway North by resurfacing the present pavement; by constructing curbs, by reconstructing the intersecting alley and street returns where necessary, by reconstructing storm water "r drainage facilities; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C.F. 205564, approved August 8, 1962. I suggest that the Final Order read as follows: Improving FRONT " AVENUE from Dale Street to Lexington Parkway North by resurfacing the present pavement; by reconstructing the intersecting alley and street returns where necessary, by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections where necessary; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. Estimated Pavia Cost 0 Paving $104, 722. 0 Engineering and Inspection (12 %) 12,566.64 Department of Finance Charges 277.50 Total Estimated Cost 117,566.14. Estimated Property Assessment 29284200 City's Share of Cost (31 -E-1) $87,717.14 Estimated property share of cost is based on making the following assessment rates per front foot: Commercial and Apartment Rate: Paving 2,405 feet @ $4.60 per foot = 011,063-00 Residential Rate : 7,0 f.t';'; Paving 6,060 feet C $3.10 per foot = 18.756.00 't �S- 029, 549.00 �; ,y�, I✓ 1' Honorable James J. Dalglish . !,5- 973 Front Avenue Preliminary Estimate of Cost Driveways where necessary at $6.00 per square yard for 6 inch thick residential driveways and $7.00 per square yard for 7 inch thick commercial driveways, 6 inch Sewer Connections, where necessary, at $500.00 each. Yours very truly, Claude L. Thompson Design Engineer CLT /RJ /gs Approved: EUC6KE V. AVERY, Chief 90reer Approved: - 2 - ,,A Mt y1. "trE. T April 29th, 1963 Commissioner Of Vihance James J. Daighish 140 113 Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota We the undersigned petitioners in regards to the repaving of Front Avenue from Dale to Lexington var.Kway North of Vdhich a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City hall and Court house at 1u :00 A, M. on Tuesday April 30th, 1963 on the advisability of proceeding with Pre- liminary Order 208b64, repaving of Front Avenue to Lexington Parkway North. M the undersigned believe that a complete repaving job is not nec- essary at this time, however we are convinced that the bad spots can be repaired at a much less expense to us taxpayers and property owners along rront Avenue between Dale Street anf Lexington Parkway North. 1. Remarks emarks 3. Remarks _ — // i - A / ' //d //) - //_ I Remarks - b. 3 7 emarks tu. "� 0a- Remarks 8. i 9. 10. 11. W I NOW ff"Rematics gr i+ 2 �—M� s ^% Remarks 3 12. Ram ks 13. 14. 15. Remarks 16. �. Remarks 17. Remarks 18. x arks 19. Rem s 20. h� Remarks 21. Remarks 22� 23. 24. : &a C� Remarks Page 2 Petition Zl1, r 9,7 3 96,� � It i 25. x emar 26. _ Page 3 Petition �M�lm ,/Zzt-� i 27. Remarks If- °�� 28. / Remarks 29, Remarks I i 30. J, W /i;- q 31. ' 3 2. rcemar 33. Remar y� 34. Hemarxs 'MM VwA4 33. Hemarxs r 36. rtemarxs 37 .�— A 9 "47/ •JV/o/I 3b. 39. Remarks �b M 4U. O Hema r 41. �(e6Yar 42. �.-- Hemar 43. !/ Hemar 44. 46. x xs ks xs Page 4 Petition 4'7 . 4:6. 5U. 51. _ __.. 52. � � L 53. �narxs,� �6111a3: KS ,emarA� emarks s� s av_�� Page 5 Petition z 55. _ mars 56. .Mtivt w 631 emarks 57. ; lv �� emar sj 58. ears 59. gAemapks. J r 60. marks 61.. zzjr, Remarks 62, G R.ehldrks 63. Lal ema,,r s 01;� 64.. :�,� Remfirks emar -Remarks'�e Remarks 68. ema 69. emarks <12440 PETITION TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY- OF SAINT PAUL c/o CITY CLERK We, the undersigned, representing not less than sixty (60) per cent of the resident owners of the property affected and representing not less than fifty (50) per cent of the lineal frontage of the property affected by the here- inafter mentioned proposed street improvement, do hereby present their petition of remonstrance in accordance with the provisions of Section 243 of the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that the undersigned do pq•tJ, hereby object to the following proposed public., improvement, to-wit: I Resurfacing of Front Street from Lexington Parkway to, -Dale Street and urge your Honorable Body to reject the portion of said street improvement from Chatsworth Street to Lexington Parkway and cause the plan for the same to be so amended for the following reasons: � �•..� � ati..i' Liss . .• -+ _� Nam Address /! to Lineal feet frontage � /0 9 1— iiE'oN %`�ati,r/ a� %62 7c� "�''G� � y o��,� der' • � � � �, � � �Rr�� — TAteal feet . fo, '. ----. • - . , a. '!fig '` _ r .. _ ' _ -+ - - .1.- t'�, - - �.,- / / ; � / /'� 1 _� ou .. �__.._ / /`l. /. ']� of - ,- -• - .a' .. � .. - , .• _ .may - -.. ,... _ -•� ��:;. - x '_. •_ _ .'. I Xe - JA J., i . �z�, �`� �.vv n-rj✓ 7'v ' B �r�c N rs Av , -0 'SHE I4OT3ABL �MAYtR AND' '4UNGL , r OF T!I�I' . C.��t.'���Cj�' -07 3_ AM. ' AUL r We'-- the t"id`ersigned,0 Us$ than 60) per, oanti of, the_ xOsWnt efte , 01 of the -property aftfttedr, dod- r-epr6s,di ij :tot legs .then • "' fty .(50) per 0ont of the J,iteal tr6nteg ®' af the _ px'Qpe ty. al`fectod -by the hora.0 i t ®r m ®nti,Qiaed ropo'804 street improvoment.# ,do horeby pre6ent :the rr et t3„on of x i onetraxloe `9.M a with' the pray sbne of Secttot .24 of- the• _CIty ,Charters of the _ City, of '-Sillilt 'Paul; Mii�rieeots ;. that the undQxa ne¢ do . herby ob Jeat to the, : f rlly ing px'opoeod publio improvement o. to-ow tk ` Usur`ae,ng of Front tret .from 'Lexirgtrao. r Darya DaXo Street ; a is -, uxg� "your Hp4�►ralAe 33ady to re jeat-, the '0,ortton 'cif 66 td - t�e�t imp"Vem nt ,fra�ic4atowQrtri Streot, t ' L87 1ngtd1l . R • _ apkway Arad - oauoe the,pa ai%, fbr the same to'.1�e aq, sae o d for , the rollowing, ireaoolls - - -M1 Lineal feet - � Sama . , , p' �., - 3, ,��..�` _ • :. - .tea �,c " - � , '_ /,Q /{�.!!^C'CJ� f �' Y.- Q / /�•' � �+��"/ .Cd•'�- P/YJuilU" "� Q/C�P�. �%fi.����%yL�iC�!.A.�.�� ,,�L�C/i''�, (�%Yi • i �/C�4G.c� %��tJ"� �'y'�aV�. A �_y�� . /L�(��� {JS /� �! ..� � � �• p� ��/� , Lam♦ - - �c _ � ✓. - 3 - ,� -� '� / /VV Y•!• / 111f' • y� / - rL/,i�_'�Vza ' �� f - /�i�� •X� /L'6��i� , • .,� � ��/��•pw'� "v. fit,- R�/',- � 9// (/�// /y - L ` r U/J'i t ` .'k.• ' `r. r ` "'.lye -� - _'� -a - ,. _ � � -� L - .^ -I .• , . J - i (/' ,!W�" ,L• h l�A-t. �/`,8.k,�1` � �?� s � �1 i.u.. ' �6•rte�LCt_cY.cL � r�� ' �Gr -Q,r;, .�.uJ ` _ . ° ,%�L �;�•a//(j����_.r• ac @a...�.,.,..a,•� �- ��_ `"`�`p i LCa. - Z(/.¢.. �-'�.� ,.,C _ _ •, •. - •� _ - * GAF' . , ` ; - _ _ • F•• s 'R . l�' � ice'.• , ( - � � - - -` '- 4` ` ' • -• „IM 3 -60 H FORM b1 -48 2 7 -02 O 5 o 6 �oo / 7 9 lu Z �vw; Z�z 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ” 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF AAMSEY ss. The undersigned, Joseph Franz, being first duly It sworn on oath states that he is the person who circulated the foregoing Petition and--6b--tained the signatures of the persons named thereon; and said Petition, its contents and signatures appearing thereon are true and correct. Subscribed and sworn:to before me this day of , 1963 No a y Pu , is /'1 .1 1, iN J. WNELL Notarf Public., Rara:!ay County, M'11 - My Couu i_-`r- c�xpSres jan.ff, 19,76 F7 STAFF OF MxhM$09TA COUNTY OF NAMSV The under$ ign6d j he eph Fran$ t be irig f it st ' duly = Owd_rn on osth. -atstes that he. Is- the �erson,Wh6 oiroulated the foregoitg Petition and obtained the signatures of the persons noosed ther:eoil$ and said Pe to aontsnts and A r f signatures appearing - :thereon`"are rue and aorreat.: ` 1, 1- _ . Subscribed and swornetb - before -me, thiS - _ - day of /[" ' :.196 Notal' ubl a wyl s.yy� ST 15T I -0 A CA Ago AID& n ZR -C,/Vv > CA Ago AID& -7711(7 11� �% t5'T O y � Cv AMO A C77 Ryon -, srr COLNE ST. N. M/L TON Illemea C c e. 71 �I 1A 02 fed ,5 T- ZR -C,/Vv ki -7711(7 11� �% t5'T O y � Cv AMO A C77 Ryon -, srr COLNE ST. N. M/L TON Illemea C c e. 71 �I 1A 02 fed ,5 T- ZR -7711(7 11� �% t5'T O y � Cv AMO A C77 Ryon -, srr COLNE ST. N. M/L TON Illemea C c e. 71 �I 1A 02 fed ,5 T-