07-143Council F�le # b —/ 3 Green 5heet # 3035590 Presented by 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 $ 9 1� 11 12 13 14 1S 16 1� 1$ 19 2� 21 22 23 24 2$ 26 2� zs 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4� 42 43 44 45 � 47 48 49 SO $1 S2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA WfIEREAS, the Department of Public Works has awazded a contract for the Victoria:University to Thomas, the Minnehaha:Dale to Arundel the Selby3.e�ngton to Avon, and the Como Railroad Crossing projects, and WfIEREAAS, these projects were origi�ally adopted by Council oa CF OS-1163, lmovm respectively as Log # SU-0701483, SU#0701474 and SU#0801382,and WHEREAS, quanrity overruns and addiUOnal si�al work on the Minnehaha: Da1e to Arundel project, quantity ovenuns on the Victoria: University to Thomas project and a surplus of conflngeacy in the Selby: Le�cington [o Avon project requires a budget amendment in order to final out this contraa, and WHEREAS, [here is a need for addifional MSA funding for these projects and there is a balance in the 2006 MSA Contingency that can be used for this pu�ose, as wel] as a sutplus of MSA funding in the Ph21en Boulevazd Phase III project, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recoaunendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Tmprovement Budget Committee, that $185,000 is available for appropria6on in the 2006 Capi[al Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and aznended by Uils Council, be heieby fiuther amended in the Improvement Budget, in the following particulus: Cunent Budget FINANCING PLAN Victoria: Univusity to Thomas C06-2G025 MSA Assessments SPENDTNG PLAN Victoria: University to Thotnas C06-2CA25 Construction 484,391.02 25296.46 509,687.48 Change 88,000.00 0.00 88,000.00 Amended Budget 572,391.02 25296.46 597,687.48 509.687.48 509,687,48 SS.W0.00 88 597.687.48 597,687.48 FINANCING PLAN Minne6aha: Dale to Arundel C06-2G020 MSA Assessmeuts 1,050,411.74 125 695.14 1,176,106.58 228,500.00 0.00 228,500.00 1,278,911.74 125 695.14 1,404,606.85 SPENDING PLAN Minnehaha: Dale to Arundel C06-2G020 Construction 1.176,106.88 k,176,106.58 228.500.00 228,500.00 1.404.606.88 1,404,606.88 ai1 o �- si ��,�,GPL� 62, Selby: Lexington to Avon 63 co6-zxoii 64 65 Mse 66 Assessments 67 68 69 70 71 SPENDING PLAN 72 Selby: Lesingtoa to Avon 73 co6-axoii 74 7S Construction 76 77 78 74 8O FINANCING PLAN $1 MSA Contingency 82 Ca6-2TW6 83 84 msn 85 86 87 88 SJ SPENDINGPLAN 9� MSA ConAngency 91 C06-2T066 92 93 Construcuon 94 95 96 97 9H FiNANCINGPLAN 99 Phalen Blvd Ph III 100 cos-zsia� 101 1�2, Faderal Grants 103 Msa 1� State Grants 10$ CIB 2005 1�6 1�7 l�g 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 591,206.16 69 717.60 960,92376 960.923.76 960,423.76 45.608.65 45,608.65 45 6D8.65 45,608.65 5,000,000.00 1,879,000.00 4,000,000.00 � 387 384.88 11,266,384.85 -131,500.00 0.00 -131,500.00 -131.500.00 -131,500.00 -45.608.65 -45,bO8b5 -45.608.65 -45,605.65 0.00 -139,391.35 0.00 0_00 -139,391.35 759,706.16 69 717.60 829,423.16 S29 423.�6 824,423.76 0.00 �.�0 0.00 0.00 s,000,000.00 1,739,605.65 4,000,000.00 387.384.88 11,126,993.53 c� 7 -��3 ia� z2g 129 130 131 132 133 SPENDING PLAN Phaten Blvd Ph III COS-2S147 Coas�uction 11.?b6.384.58 -139.39135 11,226,384.88 -139,39135 il.l?b.993.53 11,126,993.53 `�a St. Pacsl �uC3 Ra� ��tal2rai�to�te�n 8�9et Committee received tkis request oa x$^o.{��� � _„�2Ef�.x�cbT.Y53aend"* �� �xrA-e ,�;�-+�x-� � 5is��te of Public Works � ��'� , FoLm �¢rov�'d by Adopted by Council: Date �/��j/ j �— Adoption Certified by Cou il Secretary Foi By: . � _ sy: Approve b�rl' x: DaTe �— Z� By: Council � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 07 i�� pyy —Pubtic worxs Co�rtae[ Person & Pha�e: Paul Kurtz 2fi6-6203 Ooc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC EDOCUment Required: N DocumeM Contaet: paul Kur1z Contact Phone: 266-6203 21-DEC-06 � Assign Number FO� Rcu[ing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3035590 0 blic Works Paul %urh 1 cWorks l De eotlYaeetor 2 " Services ceFinanciaiServices 3 ' Attorce 4 or•s O�ce Ma or/hsss[ant 5 ma'1 GS Couocil 6 ' Clerk (S Qerk Approve attach Resolution amending the spending and finaucing plans of the Victoria, Minnehaha, Selby projects by transferring MSA from the Phalen Blvd and MSA Contingency projects. �aavons: Approve (n) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for Mis departmentt Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate shcet antl attach to green sheet InOiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Wh7�: A contract was awazded for the Victoria, Minnehaha and Selby projects eazlier this yeaz. Quautity ovemms and addi8onal signal work on Minuehaha and a surplus of contingency funding in the Selby project requires a budget amendment in order to final out tlris contrac� AdvaMages If Approved: There will be sufficient funding in the budgets for these projects to pay the contractor and final out the contract. Disadvantages If Approved: MSA financing used on this project will not be available to be used on other capital projects. i"�� v� ���� Disativaniages If Not Approvetl: There will be a shortage of funds Co cover the cost of the ovemms and addiGonal signal work. 7ransaction: $185,000 FuMli�g Souree; MSA Financiaf Infiormation: (F�cplain) CosttRevenue Budgeted: y � ; ' ` activiry wumber: C06-2G025,2G02Q2H011,2T066 ,CO5-2S147 �a°4�*r�?� t'�'tu°�'��3$ �`'�'� RECEIVED MAYO�'S OFFICE December 21, 2006 9:58 AM Page 1