D001582CITY OF SAINT PAUL � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR rro: D�$ � � C J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Date• ��3 � WFIEREAS, renovation of the City Ha11 Annex has created a need for temporary storage space; and WHEREAS, 500 squaze feet of storage space is available in the Ramsey County Government Center West at a cost of $104.17 per month including all operating costs; THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Lease Agreement FMS(6, a month-to-month lease agreement with Ramsey County for the said SQO square feet of storage space. APPROVED AS TO FORM ��lf�,��--- Assistant City Attorney / i� ./I , •� � l2����'� / � `P Date r�o„„a..,o.,, uo.,a ✓ T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 7,1998 Gre Sheet Number: �� ' ontaM Person aod Phone Number. 2 EPARTME D // 71Y COiINCII. �� ��� Dave Nelson 266-8850 1 '" � � ��` i7DGET DIItECiOR FF[CE OF FINAivCIAL SVCS. u5t be on CounCil Ageuda by: 3 YOR (OR ASSIST � 4 al, ESTATE DIVISION OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3 (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATITRE) CTION REQUESTED: To authorize Lease Agreement FMS/6 to lease, on a month-to-month basis, 500 square feet of storage space in RCGC West as required for the CHA renovafion. Ref: 1. Administrafive Order for consideration; 2. Sample copy of Lease Agreement �'MS16. COMNIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) ORREJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CON'1'RACTS Ml7ST ANSWER TfIE FOLLOWI�i'G: 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for t6is departmenfl YES NO PLANNING COMMISSION A STAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO � � CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION . Does this person/f rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? cm wnmurrse Explain all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? co[miciL wa[zn�s� Z nisrxicT rLarv�vmrc coutvciL 1� � ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTCINITY (W6o, What, When, Where, Why?): Renovation of the CHA, and temporary relocation of employees creates a need for temporary storage space. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � $$r ��v�� v � �C �3 City will have required storage space in RCGC West. �� F,Y ' E� f,�°y� ` ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � V�S!(J� t�fCEI�E� _ - - - None _ _r_. .. � 3 `_ :�.. ; AllG 1 2 1998 t;vv y� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �`+���'{�'h''.�', ������ „ City will still need storage space. ���� �� "�t``i ��H ��_ `-_ �i �=_? :, ':; OTAL AMOUN'I' OF TRANSACTION: $ S Z S.BS COST/fiEVENUE BUDGETED (CIILCLE ONE) YES NO i7NDINGSOURCE: CHARC llOVilt1 0II ACTIVI'I'YNUMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIlV) ���'E[VED Estimated need for space is 5 months. AuG a s �s�� C1T ,�oo /�'g�, C� LEASE TH1S LEASE is entered into this day of Au�ust . 1998, by and between Welsh Companies, as Agent for THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY ("LANDLORD"), and CITY OF SAINT PALTL, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ('TENANT"). The Leased Premises ue shown on the attached E�ibit "A" and aze further defined as: Approximately 500 rentable square feet of storage space on the second floor of the "D Building" in the project commonly Imown as the Ramsey Counry Government Center West, 50 West Kellogg Boulevazd, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (the "Leased Premises"). The Landlord hereby leases to the Tenant and the Tenant hereby leu from the Landlord the Leased Premises above described on the following terms and conditions: I. TERM This lease is for a term of month to month commencing on Aueust 1, 1998, (the "Commencement Date") and shall automatically renew for subsequent one (1) month terms unless 30 day prior written notice by either party is given as to its intention to not renew. If possession of the Leased Premises is not delivered to Tenant by the Cotnmencement Date, the lease shall commence on the first day of the calendaz month following the delivery of the Leased Premises to Tenant. If the premises aze • delivered to Tenant and Tenant accepts possession on any day eazlier than the first day of the calendaz month, rental for the interim shall be paid by Tenant on a pro rata basis, but such eazlier taking of possession shall not change the termination date of [his lease. IT. SECURITY DEPOSIT Tenant has paid Iandlord at execution hereof, the amount of N/A as securiry for the performance of the terms hereof by Tenant, which shall be retumed to Tenant at the termination of lease af it has dischazged its obligation to Landlord in full. III. RENTAL Tenant shall occupy the Leased Premises for an annual Base Rent of One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty and 04/100 Dollazs ($1,25�.Q4) payable monthly and in advance in the amount of One Hundred Four and 17/100 Dollazs ($104.17) Base Rent includes all Operating Costs. "Operafmg Costs" shall include all costs of managemem, maintenance, and opezauon of the Building, including but not limited to the cost of cleaning, building utilities, air conditioning, plumbing, elevator, insurance, property taees (if any) and special assessments (if any). Landlord reserves the right prior to any proposed renewal or extension of this L.ease to adjust the Base Rent to reflect any increase in its Operating Cosu of the Building. As used herein, the term 'Building" includes the present building and/or buildings in which the Leased Prearises is located, including adjoining pazking azeas, if any, and the land and/or air space which is the site and gzounds for such buIldings and parking azeas, all commonly Imown as the Ramsey Counry Goveznment Center West. • ��o is�a � IV. TENAN'f CONSTRUCTION Tenant will accept and take occupancy of the Leased Premises in an"as is, where is" condition. Consttuction, if any, desired and to be completed by Tenant shall be in accordance with plws, specificadons and agreements to be appmved by boch parities on or prior to the Commencemenc Date. Tenant will not be obligaced to construction or insrall any improvemenu or facilities of any kind other [han those called for on the agreed specifications. Tenant agrees to commence and complete the construction of the improvements with reuonable dIligence and in such manner and sequence, at such times, and with such contractors and/or subcontractors as may be approved by I.andlord. All such improvemenrs shall be and become the property of Landlord, and upon termination of this I.ease, Tenant shall deliver the Leased Premises to Landlord in good condition, normal weaz and teaz accepted. It is understood that all such work shall be performed by contractors and subcontractors, paying prevailing wages. Tenant shall pay before delinquency all costs for work done or caused to be done by Tenant in [he Premises wluch could tesult in any tien or encumbrance on Landlord's interest in the Land or Building or any part thereof, shall keep the utle to the Land or Building and every part thereof free and clear of any lien or encumbrance in respect of such work, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Landlord against any claim, loss, cost, demand and legal or other expense, including attomey fees, whether in respect of any lien or otherwise, azising out of the supply of material, services or labor for such work. Tenant shall immediately notify Iandlord of any such lien, claim of lien or other acuon of which it has or reasonably should have lmowledge and which affecu the tifle to the Land or Building or any part thereof, and shall within Five (5) days cause the same to be removed or bonded against by a bond with surety, in the amount and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Landlord failing which Landlord may [ake such action as Landlord deems necessary to remove the same and the entire cost thereof shall be immediately due and payable by Tenant to Landlord. Prior to and during rhe wurse of any construcfion, alterations, repairs or other work, • including the initial improvements to the Premises, Landlord may post and maintain in one or more conspicuous places on the Premises noticec of nonresponsibiliry for mechanic's liens as may be contemplated by applicable law. Such notices shall not be disturbed by Tenant, its agents or contractors. V. REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS Landlord agrees to make all necessary repairs to the exterior walls, exterior doors, windows and corridors of the building. Landlotd shall endeavot to keep the building housing the Leased Pcemises in a clean and neat condition. Landlord agrees to keep all building standazd equipment such as elevators, plumbing, heating, air conditioning and similaz equipment in good repair, but Landlord shall not be liable or responsible for breakdowns or temporary interruptions in service where reasonable efforts are used to restore service. Tenant agrees to make repairs, if necessary, to any interior walls, floors or ceiling installed or affected by Tenant construction or resulting from any defects in TenanPs construction. Tenant agrees that it will pay for the cost oF all repairs within the Leased Premises not required above to be made by Landlord and be responsible for all redecorating, remodeling, alteration and painting required by it during the term of the lease and Tenant will pay for any repairs to the Leased Premises or the building containing the I.eased Premises made necessary by any negligence or carelessness of Tenant or iu employees, invitees, licensees, visi[ors or persons othenvise permitted in the building by Tenant, and will maintain the L.eased Premises in a clean, neat and sanitary condition. Tenant may place partitions and fixtures and make improvements and other alterations in the interior of the Leased Premises at its own expense, provided, however, that prior to commencing any such work or installation Tenant shall first obtain the written consent of Landlord. Landloid may require that said work be done by Landlord's own � employees or under Landlord's direcuon but at the expense of Tenant, and Iandlord may, as a condition to consenting �� � �.� 8� • to such work, require that Tenant give security, that the work will be completed, free and cleaz of liens and in a manner satisfactory to Landlord. Any afFixed or installed improvement shall become the property of Landlord upon expiration of this lease. Tenant shall remove any movable fiuniture and equipmen[ upon termination of this lease and shall deliver the I.eased Premises to I.andlord in as good condition as received, normal weu and [eaz excepted. VI. FIRE OR CASUALTY In the even2 the Leased Premises aze wholly or paztially desuoyed by fire or other casualty covered by the usual form of £re and eztended coverage insurance rendering them untenantable, Landlord shall rebuild, repair or restore the Leased Premises to substantially the same condition as when the same were furnished to Tenant and the lease shall remain in effect during such period. In the event of total desuuction, rent shall abate during ffie period of reconstrucdon, and in the event of partial destruc[ion, rent shall abate pro rata during the period of reconsuuction. In the event, however, that the building wrnaining the Leased Premises is damaged or destroyed to the extent of more than one-third of iu replacement cost, Lzndlord may elect to termina[e this lease. During the Term, Tenant shall maintain at iu own expense: (a) fue insurance with all-risk coverage and water damage insurance in amounts sufFicient to fully cover TenanYs improvements, fixtures and properry in the Premises, and any other improvements which Tenant is obligated to repair for one hundred percent (100%) of their actual replacement cost; (b) comprehensive general public liability insurance, with Landlord named u addiaonal insured, against claims for death, personal injury and property damage in or about the Premises, in amounts which are from tune to time acceptable to Iandlord but not less than $1,000,000 for death, illness or injury to one or more persons, and $500,000 for property damage, in respect of each occurrence; and • (c) such other insurance in such amounts as Landlord may from time to time reasonably require. Policies for such insurance shall be in a form and with an insurer reasonably acceptable to Landlord, shall require at leas[ fifreen (15) days prior written notice to Landlord and Land]ord's mortgagee(s) of termina[ion or material alteration. The liability insurance under (b) shall be primary with respect to Landlord and its agents and not participating with any other available insurance. Tenant shall deliver on the Commencement Date and on each anniversazy theceof to Landlord certiFied copies or other evidence of such policies, and evidence satisfactory to Landlord that premiums thereon have been paid at least one (1) yeaz in advance and that the policies aze in full force and effect. Each party waives against the other any and all righu of recover for any daznage, caused by any peiil or perils covered under their respecdve property policies. Certificates of insurance shall indicate that this waiver has been included on the TenanYs property policy. Tenant agrees to wmply with all rules and regulauons of the Board of Fire Undenvriters and the rules and regulations of the Ciry, County and State. VII. USE OF PREMISES The premises described above aze leased to Tenant for storage purposes only. Tenant agrees that it wIll use the premises in such manner as to not interfere with or infringe on the rights of other occupanu in the building. Tenant a�ees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations in connection with its use of the Leased Premises and agrees to keep the L.eased Premises in a clean and sanitary condition. • poo��sg�. � VIII. SIGNS Landlord retains absolute control over the exterior appeazance of the Building and the exterior appeazance of the Leased Premises as viewed from the public or from or within common ueas within the buIlding, Tenant will not install, or permit to be installed, any drapes, signs, lettering, advertising, or any items that wffi in any way alter the exterior appeazance of the BuIlding or the ezterior appeazance of the Leased Premises as viewed from the public or common azeas, without ffie express written consent of Landlord, in iu sole discretion. IX. CONFIDENCE REPOSED IN TENANT It is agreed that one of the conditions moving Landlord to make this lease is the personal conf reposed by it in Tenant, combined with rhe belief that Tenant will be a tenant and occupant satisfactory to Landlord and other occupanu of the Building. X. ASSIGNMENTS Tenant agrees that it will not assign or sublet in whole or part in any portion of the Leased Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord. Any assignee or subtenant, however, must agree in writing to abide by all of the tercns of the Lease. Consent to an assignment or subletting, may be withheld by Landlord if the assignee or subtenant, is not of good and substamial chazacter, or if the business to be conducted on the Premises is of a type not sadsfactory to Landlord. Consent to assignment or subletting, by Landlord or any future assignments that Landlord may consent to, with or without Tenant's consent, shall not relieve [he Tenant herein from any of its obligations assumed under flais lease. Any assigament by operadon of law shall be subject to the same condition and restrictions as an agreement • by the Tenant. Any assignment or subletting not made in conformity with the foregoing shall be voidable at the option of Landlord. Landlord may sell, tru;sfer or assign all or any par[ of its interest in the building, the Leued Premises, or ttus lease, at any time or times without consent of Tenant and Landlord shall have no liability under [his Lease after such sale, transfer or assignment. Landlord may change its management agent without consent of Tenant. XI. INJURY AND LOSS Tenant shall indemnify and hold hazmless Landlord (and if Landlord tequests, defend Landlord with counsel reasonably acceptable to Landlord) from and against all liabIlities, obligations, losses, damages, fines, penalties, demands, claims, causes of action, judgmenu, costs and expenses, including without limitation attomey fees, wluch may be imposed on or incurred, suffered or paid by or asserted against Landlord or the Project or any interest therein d'uecdy or indirecUy azising from or by reason of ot in coanection with: (a) [he use, nonuse, possession, occupation, condition, operation, maintenance or management of the Premises; (b) any negligent or tortious act on the part of Tenant or any of its agents, contractors, servants, employees, licensees or invitees; (c) any accident, in}ury, death or daznage to any petson or propercy occurring in, on or about the Premises; (d) any loss or damage, however caused, to books, records, data or informauon (computer generated • or otherwise), files, money, securities, negotiable instruments or papers in or about the Premises; Dov�,� g'�. � (e) any loss or damage resulting from interference with or obstruction of deliveries to or from the Premises; (fl any pollutant, toxic or hazardous material, substance or waste, or any other material which may adversely affect the environment, whether or not now recognized to have such adverse effect, with Tenant, its employees, agencs, conaactors or invitees bring upon, keep, use or locate in, on or about the Project, or any release or disposal of any such material, subsiance or waste in, or about or from the Project by any of the foregoing; (g) any failure on the part of Tenant to perform or comply with any of the covenanu, agreements, terms, provisions, conditions or limi[ations contained in this I.ease on iu part to be performed or complied with. Nothing contained in this Section shall be deemed to zequire Tenant to indemnify Landlord ta any extent prohibited by law. XII. EMINENT DOMAIN In the event any portion of the Leased Premises is taken from Tenant under eminent domain proceedings, Tenant shall have no right, title or interest in any award made for such taking, ezcept for any sepazate awazd for fixhues and improvements installed and paid for by Tenant. XIII. WAIVER AND SEPARABILITY . The consent of the Landlord in any instance to any vuiation of the terms of this Lease, or the receipt of rent with l�owledge of any breach, shall not be deemed to be a waiver as to any breach of any covenant or condition herein contained, nor shall any waiver be claimed as to any provision of [his Lease unless the same be in writing, signed by the Iandlord or the Landlord's authorized agent. This Lease and any written Addendum contains the entire Agreement between the parties. If any term or provision of this Lease or any application thereof shall be invalid or unenforceable, then the remaining terms and ptovisions of chis Lease and any other application of such term or provision shall be affected thereby. XIV. USE OF COMMON FACILITIES Elevators, stanways, halls and azeas for the common use of the public during open houcs as well as by all occupanu in the buIlding and which are necessary for the reasonable use by Tenant of the Leased Premises shall also be open to reasonable use by Tenant, its customers, clients and employees. XV. SERVICES Landlord agrees to provide air conditioning, heat, water and electricity for lighting and normal storage usage at iu expense during County business hours. Tenant agrees to provide reasonable janitor services which shall keep the Premises in good order and condiuon. Tenant agrees to pay for any utiliues and other services and expenses used or incuned by Iandlord on TenanPs behalf not specifically provided for above to be paid by Landlord. CJ ��d is �a C� XVI. ENTRY OF LANDLORD Landlord reserves the right to enter upon the I.eased Premises at reasonable times for the inspecaon of the same and reserves the right, during the last three months of the term of the Lease, ro show the Premises az reasonable times to prospecrive occupants of any Idnd. XVII. SUBSTITUTED PREMLSES Landlord reserves the right on thirry (30) days written notice [o Tenant (or more, at Iandlord's opaon) to subs6rute other premises within the building for the I.eased Premises described above for all uses and purposes as though originally leased to Tenant by this Lease. 'I'he substimced premises shall contain at least the same square footage as the originally Leased Premises without increase of rental. Iandlord shall pay all reasonable moving ezpenses of Tenant incidental to such substirution of Premises, and shall assure that the substimte premises is finished for occupancy by Tenant in a comparable fashion. XVIII. BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS Tenant agrees to abide by all rules and regulations of the building imposed by Landlord from time to time. These regulations aze imposed for the cleanliness, good appeazance, proper maintenance, good order, security, and reasonable use of the Premises and the Building, and as may be necessary for the proper enjoyment of the Building by all occupants and their clienu, cus[omers and employees. The rules and regulations may be changed from time to dme. Breach of building rules and regulations shall be grounds for termination of the Lease. • XIX. NOTICES Any notices ot demands to be given heteunder may be hand delivezed to Landlord or its managing agent at their respective ofFices and Tenant at Tenants offices in the Building (or at such other address as either shall designa[e) so long as hand delivered to an officer of Tenant or Landlord, as applicable, or by registered or certified mail at the following addresses: I,andlord: Welsh Companies Faciliry Manager 50 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Tenant: Ciry of Saint Paul Department of Finance and Management Services 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 XX. DEFAi3LT In the event Tenant fails to pay any rental due hereunder or fails to keep and perform any of the other terms or conditions hereof, time being of the essence, then five (5) days afrer written notice of default from Landlord, the Landlord may if such default has not been corrected resort to any and all legal remedies or combination of remedies which Landlord may desire to assert including but not limited to one or more of the following: (1) lock the doors on the Leased Premises and exclude Tenant therefrom, (2) retain or take possession of any properry on the Leased Premises pursuant to Landlord's lien, (3) enter the Leased Premises and remove all persons and property therefrom, (4) declaze the I.ease at an end and terminate, (5) sue for the rent due and to become due under the Lease, and for � �od �s�a • any damages sustained by Landlord and (6) continue the Lease in effect and relet the Leased Premises on such terms and condirions as Iandlord may deem advisab3e with Tenant remaining labile for the monthly tent plus the reasonable cost of obtaining possession of the Leased Premises and of any repairs and alteratioas necessary to prepaze the Leased Premises for relerting, less the rentals receiyed from such reletting, if any. No acuon of Landlord shall be construed as an election ro terminate the Lease unless written notice of such intention be given to Tenant. Tenant agtees to pay as additional rent all attomeys' cosu and other costs and expenses incurred by Landlord in enforcing any of TenanPs obligations under this I.ease. Any amount due from Tenant to Landlord hereunder which is not paid when due shall beaz interest at the rate of 12% per annum from the due date until paid. If Landlord shall default in performing ics obligarioas under this Lease, Tenant shall give Landlord written notice of the deficiency, and Landlord shall have a reasonable time to correct the same, and if not corrected within a reasonable time and such breach is a material breach, Tenant may terminate this I.ease as its sole remedy. XXI. CANCELLATION OF LEASE Notwithstanding anything to the conuary herein, Landlord may at any time cancel and terminate this Lease providing Tenant thirty (30) days advance written notice thereof, with or without cause, provided, however, that if Landlord terminates this Lease under this Section XXI, the unamortized cost of tenant improvements paid for by Tenant and previously approved by Landlord shall be paid to Tenant by Landlord within sixty (60) days of the date Tenant actually vacates [he Leased Premises pursuant to such notice. Amortization shall be arithmetic based on the number of days remaining under this Lease as of the date Tenant vacates as compazed to the total original term assumed to be 365 days. XXII. AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION • Unless otherwise specifically provided in this I.ease, no aznendment, modification or supplement of this Lease shall be valid or binding unless set our in writing and executed by the parties hereto in the same manner as the execution ofthis l.ease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands, or caused tlus Lease to be exewted by [heir authorized agents. TENANT: Ciry of St. Paul, Departmen[ of Finance and Management Services � Its: G:1SH\LEASE.96 � LANDLORD: Welsh Companies as Agent for the Counry of Rawsey � E.S. Hughes Its: Assistant Vice Presiden[ 7 Joo �s��, � • � � � ol � � - � o 0 �� ; � � o 0 � � o � � � >> �����', I ���,�, ;. � 0 I 4 0 c� a I iI +� A � � �� o � o i � � o 0 ° c c l ° ° 4 �� � o p �� a z � ' o .� t •e I � � i � I 0 � 0 �o 00 o a • C I T Y O F S A 1 N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ppproved Copies to: - CiTy Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Police Dept.. Doa�s�3 No: Date: G reen Sheet « I 2 3 4 5 C> 7 S 9 10 1i 12 13 14 • IS 16 17 is 19 Za �i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 �9 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the Critical Tncident Response Team (CIRT) of the Saini Paul Police Department is conducting weapons and tactical trainin�, and WHEREAS, this iraining is of an advanced nature and the facalities required must provide multi-puiposc ran�es and a mocl: villane where �as, smoke, and simunitions wili be deployed. The facifity mi:�t also include structures for tactical assault, rescue, and entry. WH�REAS, ihis training will tal:e }�lace on September 20-23, 1998 at t1�e Uniied States Anny Base locatcd at Camp Ripley, Fort Ripley, Minnesota. THEIZEFOItE BE IT ORDERED, that the City of Saini Paul pay for expenses of tl�e CIRT members including lodgina and meals. Advance moneys will be administered to Lieutenant Timotliy Leslie for meal expenses, and lodging expenses will be paid to Camp Ripley upon completion of the training. Total cost is noi to e�ceed $Z,500.00. The follow�in� is a bread down of expenses: n�ea�s $ 1,2�0 Lod�ing and Ran�es $ 1,250 A cop}= of said order is to Ue lcept of file and of record in the Office of Financial Services. '= Ss' /3. Approved by: Gty Attorney �'� AD!VIInISTRATI�'� ORDER ir � y V lS DEPARTMENTlOFfICFJCOUNCiL DATEINITIATED Police�apartment s�7�9s GREEN SHEET Wo. L - - 'm CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INfIIAUDA7E M(ppLlpp7E ChiefFinney 292-3588 � OEPARTYBrtOpiQTaR ca.,co. ' ST BE OM COUNCtt AGEN A BY (DATE} ' - .:�.. - _..c �rcanownv ❑4 prcc�mK ; -.' , �er�qq�.SERVICESWt_ �FNIlNGIILSERV/ACCTG _ ? _.,_-_.: u : �u,axroaamcrnxn � 1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached Administrative Order authorizing the Saint Paul Police Depar[ment Critical Incident Response Team (CIR1� to utilize the United States Army's advanced training facility at Camp Ripley, Fort Ripley, Minnesota on September 20-23, 1998. RECOMMENDATION APpfoV2 (A) of REJeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis perso�rm ever worked under a crontract forihis departmeni? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever bsen a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YeS No 3 Dces this person/firtn possess a skll not nortnally possessetl by any wrreM aty employeel YES NO 4. Is this perso�rm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet fATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) rj The Saint Paul Police DeparpnenYs CIRT Team will be required to travel to Camp Ripley on September 20-23, 1998 in order to u6lize the United States Army's advanced training facility there so as to better prepaze the CIRT officers for crifical incidents. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The CIRT members wouid be better prepazed as a cohesive unit to deal wiith incidents in the City of Saint Paul that would threaten citizens. The CIRT members would also be able to use this trainin in ordei to hel their fellow officers on the de artment. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None � • � .�s rm...:. DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED . _�� c ��' �!a The citizens of the City of Saint Paul and those visiting Saint Paul would not be as p}�U� .� ��� adequately protected as possible. ��` ��������� ��¢�. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ IIOY YO OXCCC(1$Z,SOO.00 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO r NDING SOURCE Special Fund (436) ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34117-0299 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIM 080598.�c1s