ACouncil File No------------------------ --- -- - - - - --
, By ------------------------------------------------ ---- - - -- I
a�'No. 212361—
of the assessment of
rnd expenses for qt(y
storation of sldeif-
ntal thereto Cor}
"n Levy vl't
1) 'nof to E?)
Resolution Ratifying Assessment
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses
Construction and restoration of sidewalk and work incidental thereto
--.Contract 61-M-234,, District No. 3., Levy No. 9
6001,, 96932 -L"Both. sides 'qVEast Third St, from White -Boar Ave, to
F.0...#1969401*- Bot4 sidep of Hazel,,Sto from 4th St. ,to 3rd St,
F-0. #200598 .- South side of Ros6 Ave. 'from Burr St; to De%oto St.•
DeSoto from-Rose Aye. to Geraniwn Ave. and on North
aIfid'tas t,. Side of
Property ]clown as M5 Burr St.
F.0 Jgp�5
4,8 t
4?e WA
from Brown Ave. to Andrea 5
t#7 44 Approximately in. the cefi-ter ',of the 'bOulpvard on west '
F.0�4 from 'Suburban Avel,-to 'Scenic Placd said' ass� n
v %,A thm
fur Jier cftnsiderad by 14e 904moij ista'Aft0q, be it therefore
f4',0s,' vat
NON AW,&!.48_AUft
F.O. #1909-, thj�jq�d '1�40-y `�d�pteti m,,7�44.te. 14e 610� to�PH A, anattlo sine
jt�,� 4v
F.U. #19606-1 - th sides" of", Hai4 rtoiwlib
-St" to 3rd' St
F.0 jM05.9,8L e,*da6i y ft
C Di rr `iyCtVW1 Yoa%,Um sdell
agi& tiderwil, %:I 4ble
'9� itll . �oz .1 = y
BE IT Tee from, DeSbtd, St. -to 90r. St. and West, side 'of, Hi r► ",St. abutting the
ProM%1!KL.Qw -U 5 13twr St®
2,03_58�� - , -R.q M, t, 4 -
P.O. V6ith side Qf-Gurtice �t. trcw Brown Ave. to , Andros $t,
F90., #202446 - ApprcximsUj�y I' p -o'
.R,tbe)cqter f the boulevard on west side of Winthrop St.
F*0o #20337 - Both sides of WestMinstej- St* from Xork Ave., to Case Lve.
APR 24 1963
Approved.....------ ...................... .................... 19-- - - - - --
Form B. B. 18
V/ :.Z1 ; f
-- - - - - -r Mayor.
Report of Completion of Assessment
In the matter of the assessment' of
benefits, costs and expenses
March 26 19 --- 3.
Construction and restoration of sidewalks and work incidental thereto:
Contract 61 -M -234, District No. 3, Levy No. 9 - 4
ASSESSABLE:, �--�� .:. - - -
g� i§M - Both sides of East Third Sto from White Bear•Aveo to Hazel St:
F;0 •N `969 0iW 0ot 6MB& e o CHa el St a ruin 4th Sites. tC 3rd Sto
F °Oo #200598 - South, side of Rose Ave. from Burr St., to b Soto 'St sii3�aat Side'of°
�Ia, xui- aP, oa [ztv,Y::e:�L.vP..:,w.vRna�rl�va vt.n,GPranium.- Ave....and on North side of Geranium
Ave, from DeSoto St° to Burk 5t* ana west sloe of -t.u-r, "Q a.,.,, Uj.. +6 ..�..
� .groper_ y�iown:s l] lt5 Bu :r 3E -
F°00 #203582 s" North side of Curtic ®.Sta from Bro�ve. to Jffdrew'Sta
F,G,T*202a6YraiTAppTbxibate3-7i nY;the center of the boulevard on west side of Winthrop Sts.
from Suburban Ave. to Scenic Place
F.O. i 2Q3376o- i:$b_th% i =des Iof aWgstin ns�te -el,St f3 ,)O 'Piieyo&'Lin i?the°o�oseng�Oa statement of the ex-
NON4SSESSABI4:_essarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
F.O. #196932 - BotLb;Spidekjjq . r ast Third St. from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Sto
F.O. #196940 Both sides of Haze. - Sto '�om-4tlf Stc 'to' 3r& 'St+�+ � -
F.O. #200598 •• Southi§�Agnof Rose Avee from Burr Sto to DeSotoeSto and East Side of
Desoto from Rose Ave:' to 'Gerazli -iiiri 'Aveoand -on `North'
side -of Geranium
Ave-* o}gl j ` to St. to .Burr St. and .eJ
W st side of Burr Sto abutting the -
propery'e a3145 B`r ' Sto .. .
t ide, 'f Curtice St* from Brown Ave* to Andrew St3a '5'00
F.O. #203582 •• Nor�„l�i;�4 cR... , .. �
F.O. #202446'.4 Approximately in the'•ceriter'of "the' boulevard -on,west- si"deof-Winthrop St.
fro )abSou� an Ave., to Scenic Place
F °0s. #203376 N Both sides, of WegtiW dter'Sto from-York Aveo to$ Case - Aveo' --
-- Cv'SL, fot CuiiiirinatiUri.......... -:....
Total expenditures ........ ..... ....... $ 16,243-15
Charge to Non Assessable $574.38 - 31-E-1 $1.1171.50 Net Assessment $14,497.27
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 16-2 3.15 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper. •
2M 12 -62 g oTn inner of Finance.