07-133co�n�a Fsie # l'7 Green Sheet # 3036496 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��— Presented by WHEREAS, the Soazd of Ramsey County Commissioners has referred a repurchase application for property located between 824 and 832 Cook Avenue East to the City of Saint Paul for a recommendation; 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building code, illegal activity, and health 5 violations within the past five yeazs; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has determined that the property between 824 and 832 Cook Avenue 8 East, also known as 828 Cook Avenue East, has had substantial maintenance issues, which has necessitated 9 numerous abatement orders to the owner in order to get the property violations brought into compliance; 10 and 11 12 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has had to conduct numerous cleanups at the property because the 13 owner has failed to rectify problems in a timely manner; and 14 15 WHEREAS, these cleanup and maintenance costs have been bome by the taspayer at lazge because of this 16 property's forfeiture status; now; therefore, be it 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul recommends that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners not approve the repurchase application for the property between 824 and 832 Cook Avenue East; and be it further RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council resolution to the Ramsey County Tax Forfeited Land Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center - West for final processing. Adoption Certified by Counc'I Secretary BY .—__��. iI /'/ Approve by Date Z J� (�� By: Requested by Deparhnent of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ��/��(J7 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � D7 co -���;, Contact Person & Phone: Dan Bostrom 266-$660 Must Be on Council Aaen Doc.7ype: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: N Document Contact: Racquel Naylor ConWct Phone: 266-8573 Z9.,Ew-0� � Assign Number For Routing ONer Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AN lceations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3036496 0 onncl 1 mc0 De artmentDirector 2 Clerk �5 Qerk 3 a s Recommending that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners no[ agprove the repurchase application for the parcel located between 824 and 832 Cook Avenue Eas[. Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person�rm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any curcent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: DisadvanWges If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial InFOrmation: (Explain) Activity Number: CosURevenue Budgeted: January 29, 2007 3:02 PM Page 1 Propsrty $,ecords and Revenne Susan R. Roth, Division Manager 812 Government Center West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-165`7 October 5, 2006 Shari Moore, City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Paul MN 55102 �Fc�� O? /3 3 �C'l� y F0 CrP `� 2 006 LFi�� Re: Repurchase app4ication relafing to tax-forfeited land Dear Shari Moore, Fa;c: 651-266-2210 Enciosed please find a repurchase application received from the prior owner for {and forfeited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust Exempt". The County Board policy adopted on December 21, 1999, No. 99-507, aliows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is considered a municipal probiem based on documented police, buiiding code, illegal activity, or heaith violations within the past five years. The municipality, by resolution, shal! recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase applicaiion to Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentation of any violations." The following documents are enclosed to assist you: code violation reports, police history summary and Resolution No. 99-507, regarding the Tax Forfeited Lands repurchase policy. While the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Councii, we ask that, if possibie, we receive the Council's recommendation within 60 days. Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax Forfeited Land office for final processing. if you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651) 266-2081. Sincere{y, �-� � ��`I � Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forfeited Lands Minnesota's First Home Rnle County pnnCetl on reeyc{ed papu u�th amm�mum o! 10%posLCOnsumer content � O7-t33 Shari Moore, City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Keilogg Blvd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited land P I N : 28-29-22-23-0143 PA: Between 824 and 832 Cook Ave E Police Gall History Report None Code Viofation Report See attached sheets Additionai lnformation None 0 7 /33 Data Disclaimer:- The City of�5aint Paul and iTs o�cials, officers, employees or agents does not warrant the accuracy, reiiability or timeliness of any information pubiished by this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system does so at his or her own risk. If you are unabie to find what you are topking for or have questions on the information given here, piease feel free to contact your inspector, contact LIEP at 651-2fi6-909Q or email us at liepweb@cistpaul.mn.us 06 106713 828 COOK Aileged problems in EXT 00 CS AVE E the rear yard of this property with trash, tall grass and weeds, brush and debris. 06 099081 828 COOK EXT 00 CS AVE E 06 041794 828 COOK RSN 00 SS AV E Ol 225744 828 E. Cook 000 00 PC Avenue LP Complaint Date: 07J06l2006 Initial I nspection: 07/07 j2006 Closed on: 07/14J2006 Inspector: 30.6 Inspxtion Resutts (most recent first): 07/07/2006: GrassJWeeds (DUplicaYe) Grass(Weeds. Complainf DaTe: 06j19J2006 In iti al Inspection : 06j 16/ 2006 Closed on: 07/1�f2006 Inspector: 340 LOT 13 BLK 3 Rezone from B-3 (General Business) to RT-1 (Two-Family Residential) to allow construction of a duplex. Inspection Res::!ts (r.iost rec=_n! f!rst): 07f0612006: GarbagefRubbish (Work Order) Grass/Weeds (Work Orderj 06/26lz006: Garbage/RUbbish (SummaryAbatementJ Grass(Weeds (Summary Abatement) 06/16lZ006: Grass/Weeds (Recheck) PW Sewer Permit Type: Sanitary Work Type: Repair Entered on: 02/17/2006 Closed on: 03/26/2001 Planning Commission Cases Type: Rezoning - Consent Work Type: Duplex Entered on: 09/26/2001 Closed Qosed Finaled Withdrawn Ol 183553 828 COOK Demolition Permit Finaled RES 00 DM AVE E Type: Demolition Residential Demo o ? /�3 issued Date: 03/21/2001 Finat Date: SO111J2001 Contractor: Ray Anderson and Sons Companies Inc Estimated Value: $4,700.D0 Activity (most recent first): FinalInspection: 10/10/2001: Rnal General/Repeat Inspection; OS/OS/2001: Verbal Order Preliminary Inspection: 03/23(2001: Approved Demolition Review: 03/21/2001: Approved �ov� ecp i� Application to Repurchase after Forfeiture � 7/.�� .- I , { l'�`� �j � G , the �� (L� b.`sf , hereby Applicant's name —�— Ap icanYS relationship to the property make applicafion to repurchase the following described Qarcel of land, lying and being in the County of Ramsey, from the State of Minnesota, "Trust ExempY': Legal Descrip6on: Lot 13, Bfock 3, Lockwood's Addition to the City of St. Paul PIN: 28-29-22-23-0143 Address: Between 824 and 832 Cook Ave E Forfeiture Date: August 1, 2006. ! undersfand that, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 282.241, the owner at the time of forfeiture, or the owner's heirs, devisees, or representatives, or any person to whom the right to pay taxes was given by statute, mortgage, or other agreement, may repurchase any parcel of land claimed by the state to be forfeited to the state for taxes, untess sold. I further understand that the parcei of land may be repurchased for the sum of all delinquent taxes and assessments computed under section 282.251, together with penaities, interest, and costs that accrued or would have accrued if the parcel of land had not forfeited to the state. I agree to pay all maintenance costs accrued on the property while under the management of Ramsey County as well as any outstanding rent payments for occupying the property unti! the adoption of a resolution by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners accepting this application. The reasons and circumstances for the forfeiture of the property are as fol{ows: Applicant Information To be filled out by Prior Owner or Applicant acting on beha�f of the prior owner with statutory authority. Tl oU Cn'°. Print Name W:\PIN Folders 28-29�28-29-22-23-0143Wpplica6on to Repurchase after Forteiture.doc Created on 3-30-04 and last updated on 9/8/2006 Payment will be made +n certified funds, payable to "Ramsey Count�' and submitted to the Department of Property Records and Revenue, Attn: Tax Forfeited Lands Section, 50 Keliogg Bivd West Suite 812, St. Paui, MN 55102-1567. O7 /33 .��, i � s� u�.�:.�, s=� M � �`' a N � � 0 � � E65 � � N � � � P � � N � Y•. � h � N � M � H � O I a N � 95t ,. M � N N W h N � � � aar � � 4 N � 1 O � ro N � gqs N � • N M W A � N `� Eat A � U �* N � d � N �. 93y N ° � 3 � � � ^ �„ . h � � e � t` + v A ��� -- y � izs 44' R � � �� w � IDE N � � � n "� ` em 3� � Q � � � � � b � Q ew � � w � � � � .� A � HW � .. aim F "' g5i w — �a "�'"au a� . � 3 � $ � ` ffi9 r � �. au ,�� _ WS � � N US " � 5g3 N �. �. � !ES N • � t% N � <sa N : �' N � � N ` N �5 nl � � N ° �� n _ b °t -,� — nza � � Y r v . _ ..,3�._ _ _. 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