212322Original to City Clerk . } ORDINANCE (Unanimously approved COUNCIL FILE NO. by Personnel Committee PRESENTED BY on April 25, 1963) ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance. No. 3250, :entitled: .11An administrative ordinance, relating .to. the Civil Service Bureau of the- City of.:Saint Paul, approving -and adopting rules .and regulations. therefor, 'I- .approved August, 20, 1914, as amended. 212322 T11t COUNCIL. -OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DOES. ORDAIN,: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 2O, 1,9141 as. amended, b.e and the same is. here.by.further amended by inserting in Section 7 under the heading ",Skilled I.Labar" the title "Mechanic Foreman— Water Department"'. Section 2. This, ordinance shall take effect .and be in force thirty days after its. paBsage., approval, and publication. Approved: r ivil _Ser ommiss No, 212322-- 0:•zyF w -a' ;` -�;ly Be- hard T, ,-TAZa V.4id A- Ent MAY Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cou i1 Dalglish Loss �\ Mortinson ( J Tn Favor Peterson gainst Rosen MAY 81963 Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved. Attest: City Clerk Mayor I Al 8-82 22 CITY CLERK 212322 iay�o Au -OWWwca o Ot4twoce ;to, SUO#, *xttu*;b "A4 *&zWouativ* ordibact'volaws to, -tho Own sardo* zur"a of tb* OW 61 Solat'Pa0i appioviss ;ad Approved Augost 20i 19W. 00 owsmods, "M COW014 OIP'Tflt 0TV Or "T PAV14 0020 040APtis Sectift tc Tl*t Or4lnmt*#*._ U%, 4ipprov*d Au;uscgo... 190#1 to amsn&d# b* Ant *w **mo 1whorely Aw-*#r,Wm#a4*d by insortift to waor ftetwo. 20. T-W otditlatiga 414M Uke 09oct and be t4. fort* Wrey, cuya *ftv'00 pass*$#,, i*f PAW00400.; Almro'"d� tql)Al' 8 1953 MAY 8 196 . /� • ry V 1st �+ 2n Laid over to 3rd and app A clopte Ye Nays alglish \ 011and Loss 0 ortinson Rosenn Rosen r. President Vavoulis 212322 8 Yeas Nays Dalglish w Lo Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis //��