212321i Original to-City Clerk ORDINANCE Unanimously approved COUNCIL FILE NO.����� l by Personnel Committee r� f PRESENTED BY on 1�pri1-25, 1963) ORDINANCE NO !` c L a'� a a 5 An, ordinance amending Ordinance. No. .6446, entitled: 'tiAn administrative- ordinance fixing the compensation, r.at.es..of certain city positions .and .employments, It ,approved, January 23, 1925., as..ameade.d. THE COUNCIL{ -OF' THE CITY 0Y SAINT PAU1c DQFS ORDAM Section~ 1. -That, .Ordinanc,e No.. 6.4.46., approved January 23., 1925, .as, amended, be and the .same is. hereby further amended by striking out of Sectiol!ilt under the heading 1rSpe.c.ial employments" the following .lime: Swimming Instructo'r 3. 0 -0. an hour .and by inserting in Section II under the heading ll'Special employmen -WI the -following line: Swimming Supervisor 3. 00 aii hour Section 2. This. ordinance :shall take effect and he..in force thirty -day's after its. passage, .approval, .and publication,. /File No. 212321 — Ordinance No. ,��ti9 -By Bernard T. Holland - �' 1 �` Ord retitled ending Ordinv_- <; � i a 5e,�inirt-:�1' �Io,•i+ Imce : :Nw) rs7lf '�x r .c J 4 t +, tia taigobA 13 bs- P Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalghsh Loss Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) /, Attest:, City Clerk 1ti 8-82 X22 MAY 8 1963 Passed by the until Im Favor Against MAY 796,E Approved• Mayor J � CITY CLERK 21.2321 A* orftoco *=*o4lAg Ordi""olUdo, U46t "Uodl: /,�� i,�� �� AP VO X04,+ iR 40*vy is *. 1025# ais stftoolAod,,� ofttift,si, -Tut 00s to Ito., Wtv oprovoil , ma Amazy aso 190i, , ao towt", U, *m* bl'u "' . fir lw d#d ty ;obp#b* -owsomi" "smouvotor 00 "-bout owlmuft sor m hour, $o ;*, lus Oho sudi t4w o4oct ice. Is .to =* dwvo after MAY 81 MAY 8 1963 ls+ YI i 1 2nd� LaM over to 3rd and ap A tlopt Y s Nays Yeas Nays lglish `Holland Dalglish Loss Loss ortinson Mortinson `eterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis I(/D 212321 PUBLISHED G