212314Ord, a. Oririnal to- City Cleric < <t doll {SR ORDINANCE :.4:aS 212314 (Unanimously approved COUNCIL FILE NO. by Personnel Committee PRESENTED BY on April 25, 1963) ORDINANCE NO. `a a, C An ordinance amending Ordinance No, 3250, entitled: ` 'An administrative. ordinance relating to the Civil. ,Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting .rules. "aid regulations therefor,'It ,approved, August 2.0, 1914, as. amended. THE CQUNGIL OF THE CITY 0P SA NT PALM{ DUES ORDAIN: �e,ction X. That .Ordinance Na. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as..amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of .Section 6: where it appears in Grade 36. the title IlPoundmasterll; and by inserting .said title in Grade 44 under- the heading 11Attendance and Inspectional". Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended, by inserting before the title "Senior'Maintenance Engineer", where it, appears in Section & in Grade .6.4, an asterisk. (*); and by inserting under the title the statement 11- *(This title- is. hereby abolished except as to present incumbents.) it Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further :amended by striking out of Section 6., where it appears. in Grade 64, thb title. "'Senior Construction Engineer 11.. Section 4. This ordinance shall. take .effect, and be in force thirty days ,after its passage, approval, and publication. r Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish / Loss /v Mortinsou Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) I Attest: AV l City Clerk 1111 6-62 X 2 2 Approved: i'Vil-Servic omm s s.ion r MAY 8 199 Passed by th=cil Tn Favor �Y 8 1963 JCITY CLERK 212314 4� K4Z itm samelb A* city 'al. "int AIA* 6ppraving *0 AdOPOV gulos,agd vftuUtloam tberef*V,*"4 a 0 amovAra.. TM 0OUNGIL Olp THe WTV Of "IV 3RAU10 nos$ -Ov-%m- 4atm - y Ou *d4: b*aad the: tamb IN harOW f4v-ftv AMOO&O'bY Att*149 t gection- 6,WUVO' it 41 6 . -WA b7l 3. ftserling said Mot in Orok, 4* waftr tho, 110-44108 f*A#*whft06 =A &COM Z., Ust OmAdor&%tmof, OttamIM464. bo A*d, tho isame to bovaur fmm"v &V=ate the t%ao ffs"tor, udatftoac* V41►0grao, v&*v# it, a. rx 14 rseemm 6. to Qr&4* 64* *b 009VIOU Ph =4 by intat"As =dear 0* thAs tb* swomout t* OITM# title, I* �kevoby 00110604 #Aid owdt4"Oet, as aftoa4*4 U *ad the Salft 4* horOby "***4* a►tbod#4 by Ott "# Ov* *t ONCUOU 4*. VkOTO it *PP "90 In tar tj* Oge, 0 senior Butt"Ay, Ibis 0V4W*nc**h4U*O *9*ct&4db* WtOM4 thirty dye after ito PaO025%, *Ivrovalb " pwicalfto Appravedt mm 8 %3 — es hy 1 19 3 Abolishes Senior Maintenance Engineer except as to present incumbent. Abolishes Senior Construction Engineer VI =1st 2na A/A U Laid over to 3rd and app.�r�� Adopte eas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Dalglish \Holland Selland Loss Loss \ Mortinson Mortinson Peterson Peterson \ Rosen Rosen Mr. President Yavonlis Mr. President Yavoulis 22314 ���