2122981 %.. i VV .j PROPOSAL FOR and PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY ORDERSi Council File No. MUM — By Bernard T. Holland, by request- - yWhereas, A written proposal for the aking of the following improvement, �pAning, widening` and extending River Boulevard from.Dav- i' ve, to the ;east line of Section 21, yi._b� hip 28 r%., Range 23 W'.,'by'cop- �, ,_g and s^, the 'following de- ORDEkil 'j.� 4�/8 No................. ......_ Theundersigned hereby proposes the making ofthefollowingpublioimprovement the Cit"Uaint Paul, viz.: 2 ......, ? .........,. +......... ,:, ...�...:.,.,. .. . . . :............ I.. .......... . .«........................... ..............I................ Opening, ,widening and extending Mississip i River Boulevard from Davern rie' of- Section 21, �'ownsh�i p 2$ N., Range 23 'W., by condemn - - .�._�., ng,and takin...t.. _•fol,l,ow n, g_, desc. riJae .d..pa.rce.1s.af,...l.and.: ........... ... ..... _..... • of the Fourth Principal Meridian :and Lot Snel1i-nq Ou ji 28 Hq, Rarige "23 "Wo'" .. ......... T ose•- aril •of•.Gover-nmen-t---Lot••4 ••Sec•ti- on••-2.1-• -•-Town "s D"fo °l�l owi ii '� -i�r� oa., PS „„ ., .,. s�;�_ , ut <�ots, bounded by the g cJescri`bed i'ne "s' yf ,e } ... .. : J X # //�� :431:;. Beginning at the point of intersection of the southerly l.i•ne,of -R ,:ers''r7e Boulevard and the east line of said Section 21; thence south al,ong•the east , line of said Section 21_.a_di s.tance.of ,242.6].�f- eetr.to. a.poi .thence--s.outh.- 1 90 °µ01 west a distance of 110083 feet to a point; thence south,680 00" west• a distance of 330 feet to; a+ Jp oi;nt ;`,jt•hehce(s?i7ut;lY45.5° 10, west a 'distance of 703,23 feet to a point; thence south .710 58" west a distance•of 300,3 feet Imo' r,= Q' rlessritolzaplpai:n.tfont�the7: ens_ to1i�ier�of�i 7a.'vernsAvenue''which is 49,3 feet south of the point of intersection of the east fine of Davern Avenue and the southerly line of Reserve Boulevard; thence north along the east line of Davern Avenue;r4l:.cj�- ,fkeetito. Dian, Yi; naersect. i_ on• witht_he,southe'r•l,yr1ine;of Reserve�Boul•evard; then,Ce;- norther l y; and,,easiterl:yw;al ong, #the, southerly ,l i ney of � Reserv�e, Bo.0 l;evard;F . i;n� -i� ts*,course as-,recorr,,tled� ,n Documepl, 143�1,385;� �P.t, ',e 303, Book 1555 of Deeds, to the point of beginning ,. 9"o,0s-o parts of Via# 4ettivi 21* 'lohnshi ;i I3 , o.l lar y v..,if Ir • ��!6f,M4 .i 1 ` �F4a4H+ � �a �i � s�ie.�rF 1 � j y�b i} 'l, 46 4r.''�w�de�` t✓�I• 71+1ip therefore, th lying deacri bed r l fries: I�EBq )•�eg:�nta9'ny�eti�'�po'r�i$ �t<�'tai'ies " ®c an`1fifneeo�`Reserve 1.O�nli3Y nt—.iondht.40cOtV AIM ' V!,any'2 4g`ih6'1!d4r, 0' tiYrsllboq the east Iiio f Va orta �a a ltd ,i #, «L$at� e�O 2:6 ;fie ;rtpc ePQ i?3.fa hel��_e� s.,,4�Xla�of. 2' 9�, �i`sta fie, of 110: ,83 feet to ar .point; thence .4ovth 680' 00, west a•a``di`s'ta "rises f 3 i>f`feet'�rtotW - poii��t ;�'t`t~gW,,,eaovth 550,1O1rwest a distance of 4.703- .23�tte. 4;bt,`to• ,A, :: point j ithetrC+eu�a�il tlSs;)!j4.eyr$ �n �+ifes E i 'tl 4 £t A. 8e 0f-�10a_ : °3 rfe t" S. O�r,.e e° ap $$n t° u�! �? 4 0.x:1 �tca t_oUJOC&r -0-ax r,:n.c 1�Qr��te c�rhich is 4t. -3 feet .sou , � W t ' e point of intersection. af_' the east 1'i:ne of Davern Avenues and the, s fihe,ri�y lirR6 of Reserve. Boulevard; thence north ,along the. exist •fine Of Ado Ae 'ARC, ti_.... 9 Avers ' 41:x; feet" to 'ass 4 iiteroect`�vn ivy t ' t e. aoci.ther1.y, ,1 i ne of Reserve, Boulevard ;, y �nce rlorther'1_yaanci easterly 4'1'ohg 'the• 4H u4 erly line �d' Reserve souleverd,, � in. i.tt ceurse as r. ecordetl 'i.n• .00cume. t ,'1431: 454 ;Pepe. :�303i • 8oak.15 of seeds, • , , . tc�th�i.'patr�?�ofg b�gi_nni + . Holland Approved.-,,.. ......._.. ....... .. ......... .............._ _ Loss - -' erson � - �.�.� �--= ---------- ..._.. -- - -- �---=- - - - - -- ----------------- Mx. PRESiDEM Vavou 1 i s Mayor. 3000 7-54 4,0