2122841 .2284 ounail File No ....... ff File No. 212284 —By Severin A. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ` I; tinson, by request— reas A written propposal for e and ,Ig of the of improvemej- ea w1,4.0np and extp-ir ".1 'IT Q. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,u? `�� ^i� :a i afi�= ravoYano�r, i�rir The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, �viz.:__ -- - - -• fir....,.. �_ � �- ^'° _ ._ - .-..,' ._ ., _ — — ' - +...a• ... a..a.. .,. -,n ...... ........: .. _. «.. .a. .r......r - -•* �.a.. ..... ..�.�. .tea,,:... ...�.... -..... .. ate. .�.. .- .... ................ Y 0 eni ng,. wi Beni ng and extendihg.-the', ' proposed..Shor -t :L =i ne ..Road,. fr~om p "" "" ""LexirigEon'perkway South to' the north r.l ' - y line of _Lot 7, "B1bckw2,, Dunlap _ `Place Addi tj: on..J q- the:.Ci- ty.- of:•:S't.•••Paul; Ramseyr °Coun'ty';'`Mi'nti`eso`ta; "by "cori ._... demning and taking the following described' parcel of land: ....................<..........................................,,.................. ...............,.............., ...........,.....,........ ............... ....... ..._..,.. _..,........... ' r . La +��tliAl1 those pua-rtsl_of Lots t7tir'8', 9,, 0,,,.1.,1•.,,and.J.2 l�llfin ..t... Place Ad "d`ition to the City of St. Pau71, Ramsey Coun� Block 2, Dunlap ." �-- f part of the N.E. 4 of the N.E. 4 of�Sect ol"i sh'ip a e �3 w�• •° described as follows: Commenci- ng- at-a-, point- . -on•- the- north-l- ine- of••= said--`Lot"7;`100 "feet south =•" r° westerly rom and y perpendicular to the southwesterly line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pac`i'f if&1 aTfROad �CoPFRght -of -sway 1 i ne; thence 4 easterly on the north line of said tot 7 to a oint,_on the -s i i a'y�th;,i n ".e;X thencepeas`feH -y" ton 'flie'�'sa` tl �i gFit'ofpwe�y `1'i ne�ifo a point gon the` west line of Lexington Parkway South; thence southerly oh the said west line to a point that is 130 feet southwesterly and measured on a radial line from, th ?said :;rfght�:of- wPy,.fj i;ne; thence; wester_l:y_:and� pa,ral'he_1 ,`to- ._.sai d ri I�t- of -vea l i;ne 't.;A, of nt:;that�,,i4 C 0 fe'et_• easter�l fr.'.om � e::, aidl,rrorth rr._g,'.t- - .y r{ 1 1 r ._., .. ,, i.. 7` f y� th line- ,of -Lot,f7 ,and-; 1,30, feet !�.4uthwe! � rat_ from theme r sz..�.�r ...t,_ ,.. ,� .b �« y #t, Lr „_sa_l�d, r;i.ght,= of;,wayyl measured ion aR�radi�ah *l,i ne -, {thence tnorthd�astefrlfy�sCn ts:ai�dy;r'adi al line a • di s- tance of 53 feet to a point; thence westerly, parallel and 77 feet south ,westerl,y; from they sai d•• right -of_ tray j a n w x *J *to }ra,poi nt hO said M ;ne Mbfj�. y _tecsestery� raigt linit th7hj� , a h:o ginniri gpart pf t:Z U49, th2� 11.i r"t o i t � t l:i� 111*. - ;;v {f* ,�c�Alao3'c�ondemn� ng, hand taking an easement in the land necessary for the,. ' slopes, only cuts, including the right of removal- of- lateral support from subj e'c.t,;l- and --onq r -emai derlti her eof -, occ�asi oned -by excavat one th rof- �or«c_ori,y " struc -t:i on of�•sl.opes i n4,thej�gradi ng.;a�nd, payi;ng..oft;�the propcs�ed Shor,t;�Li net ,.,..tit' Taws Roa -S,,, .. #he. north 1 -ine of.,.said Lo.t 7 easterl•y�370 feet. •t»..� t.a_.: ar�R �, ea tf i« i w r. :s .� ....rs,{r. y. ♦ �y .r�+.s .. 1tr':ji;;°``r'* 4a._, •, +a'� :ti:J » '4x: ? .� S M 4" ) etr ;} {Fi k'.+. ti d r n r - -- - _ 1... `r �+�x....� �h�,�lkr'•- - ,�•.s.� *l��+iaf I�+•. t't•+•. etrc�dS 1. *�• - .�':' .-.- --- - -- --- T.St. y� ��.�lt1i -i �f *_a���.,> T.: :.r._.�-- _��^`-- s- -�rss�,-•vrr -srfF'— — wes,t 1 e' of, ¢)ci,ngt'or� ..:ark ►ay oi�thF� *hence southerly ah ,the-, $aid west Adopt ^N v t p( o int�tha.t, fs 1130 'Feet' southwesterly and measured on a' radial' 1 i ne ............ -- _ rom the ,said ":ri gh't =of -way 11 ne; the �e westerly and paeai 1e) to tai d Y 'j?;ght -af =way Rine to a point that is 370 feat sas'terly from the said north ± , dine: nf' LOt•7 and' 1x30 feet, aoutt�we'steely from the said- right- of-way line, ;ni � radii ► �'� ir�d a.Y ,sine; thence ftftheasterl:y on said r' Jul` }inee a die r lance ;of , lfehVt'o a ,Point' •,thiecice''r��Ierl er . west�crly; frpin5the d ,ri fit. a Ys'� a111 rid `feei"`'itlrii sai. g. - f -Way 11 ne. t4 � .�.1�6f fit on the south 1 # °' sa'i Lot tf h6hhb54iliu ne;,of 7.3 thwestgrl'y on a 'str ii'g�ht:91` ii to .the. oi. t Pcan p n of begitit�ing. Ai sQ -CondeCoh& .0'6jngr ind taking an a' snd necessary for`.. the `... i �" 1T2 y$a/r. f; T sJap.� ,o 1 u r�tgjli cludlrlg the right .of ;roo oval /o latest support from .K \ ,�tbjact I nd 'or' 1'emainder thereofi, #�`oteasloned by excavation thereof or con yt , s,trUCtioh Of slopes, in the grading and. paving of : "the proposed short Lino ` Road from the north litre of sail' lot 7�easterly 370 feet. 9 t ,