07-126Council File # � 7 lo
Green Sheet# 3035596
Presented by
RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Chief of Police be changed from
that set forth in Grade 037 to that set forth in Grade 034 of Employee Cuoup 17, Non-Represented
City Managers, and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay
period following its passage and approval.
Requested by Office of Human Resources
Adoprion Certified by Counc' Secretazy
BY= / / //I/lLI �n.�Sa�
Approved by Date
Mayor: P � L� v'7
FormAppr ed cial Serv' s
Form Approved
By: �
to Council
I lSysrems Development Sectiov�Ovg Des�gv\COVwkanc-Williams�Sheila's Class Work�Fiamngton, CH Policq AuoWnon doc
Adopted by Date �s /����,�
Council: �1
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
07-/� �
HU -xumanitesaums
Contact Person 8 Phone:
Sheifa Williams
Must Be on Councii Agen
EAOeument Required: Y
Document Contact: Trisha Freiberger
ConWM Phone: 266-648'I
Total # of Signature Pages, (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3035596
0 man Raources �
1 umaaResonrces De arhnenfDirector
2 ivancial Servi�es ffice Fnancial Services �
3 Atiorn
4 or•s Ot6ce Ms or/ASSistant
5 ouncil Ci Couucil
6 ' Clerk C5 C1erk
Approve the attached resolution changing the rate of pay for the classification tifled Chief of Police from Grade 037 to Grade 039 of
Employee Group 17, Non-Represented Managers.
Pfanning Commission
CIB Committee
Civit Service Commission
1. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persontfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Ooes this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, WhyJ:
Human Resources studied the composite duries of a position to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the
Chief of Police position. Our office determiued that the position performs broad administraave duties that should be associated with a
higher rate of compensation. This position provides strategic leadership and management for law enforcement and community
policing in the City of Saint Paul. The position is expected to perform at the highest competency level in order to plan, manage,
evaluate and improve the major functions for Police administratioq operarions and support activiries. T'herefore, a new compensafion
nte should be assigned to this classification tifle.
Advantages If Approved:
Appropriate compensation will be assigned to the Chief of Police classification in accordance with the City's job evaluation system.
Disadvantages If Approved:
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Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Appropriate compensation will not be assigned to this classificarion. This may litnit the City's ability to successfully recruit, hire and
retain qualified candidates who possess the lugh-level of lmowledge and skills required for the leadership and administrafive functions
required in the Police Deparhnent.
' "`°' """""" "' CosURevenue Budgeted: Y
Funding Source:
Activity Number:
��� � �����
Financial Information: Salary cost is $3,686.44 -$5,047.89 biweekly or $96,216.08 -$131,749.92 yearly.
r �' : II
January 22, 2007 7:29 AM Page 1
Chnsmpher B. Coleman, Mayar
TO: Angela Nalezny, Director
Angela S. Na[ezny, Direcfar
400 City HaZ1 Annex Telephone, 651-266-d�OD
25WestFourthStreet Jobline: 651-Z66-6502
Saint Paul, Minnuom 55102-7637 Facsimile: 65I-292-7656
FROM: Sheila Williams, Auman Resowces Consultant
DATE: January 16, 2007
We have completed our study of the Chief of Police position held by 3ohn Harrington. We
have reviewed relevant job information, discussed the position with HR Administration, and
compared the position with related classes and positions. Intemal department director
comparisons include the Director of Public Works, General Manager-SPRWS, City Attorney
and Fire Chief classifications. A market analysis was also conducted, comparing the position
to the Chief Enforcement positions in large, metropolitan jurisdictions.
This study indicates that the position performs functions associated with a higher salary
grade than currently assigned. Therefore, the Chief of Police classification should be
assigned to grade 39 of the Non-Represented Employee Crroup salary schedule. Internal QES
analysis indicates the position performs broad management functions with an expert-level of
understanding in a range of administrative roles. This position provides strategic leadership
and management far law enfarcement and community policing in the City of Saint Paul. The
depth of understanding required for aspects of planning and program management, technical
expertise, conununication, and staff management competencies exceed the competency
levels associated with some director posations such as the Parks and Recreafion Director,
Library Director and Director of PED classifications.
In addition, market comparisons were made with the metrapolitan county and city Chief
Enforcement positions. Market evaluation revealed that on average the comparison positions
are compensated higher than the City Chief of Police position. These comparison cities and
counties have populations slightly lower or slightly higher than the City of Saint Paul.
Upgrading the studied position by one salary grade would bring the compensation close to
the comparison positions.
Given the difference in population size, distinctions in policing methodology, and
enforcement needs of each jurisdiction, the proposed new salary rate seems appropriate. The
new compensation level would place the City Chief of Police position just below the
compensation levels for Hennepin County Sheriff, Anoka County Sheriff and Ramsey
County Sheriff positions. Also, this position remains below the Minneapolis Chief of Police.
An Affumative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employei
Should you choose to reallocate the position, City Council approval of the salary grade
change is required before a Reallocation Certificarion can be sent through the required
Auman Resources process.
If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6520.
c: Trisha Freiberger
An Affismative Action Equal Oppoztunity ADA Employes
The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Page 1 of 2
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Description of Work Code: 714
Bu: i� �s��i�o}
General Duty Statement Crrade: 037
Effective Date: 11/10/2005
SERVICB RITLES. Tbe Chief of Police provides strategic leadership and management of the City of
Saint Paul Police Deparlment to include highiy responsible plannittg and administrative work in the
direction of ali activities of the Police Deparhnent. The Chief serves as a professionat liaison between
the Police Deparhnent, other city depaztrnents, the City CounciJ, and local, state, and Federal law
enforcement agencies. As the chief spokesperson for the department, the Chief provides communication
with the general public and cammunity representatives.
Supervision Received
Tlus is an unclassified position that works under the administrative direction of the Mayor and the
Mayor's designated Deputy.
5upervision Egercised
This position exercises, withiu the department, generai guidance and command direction, through
subordinate supervisors, over swom police, professional, technicai and administrative support staff. The
incumbent serves a six-yeaz term, the conditions of which are set forth in Section 12.12.4. of the Saint
Paul City Charter. Powers and duties of the position are set forth in 302.001 Saint Paul Administrative
Code, Chapter 8(Subd.8.03). Requirements of the position aze set forth in Section 9.01 (a) of the
Administrative Code and Section 12.12.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter.
. Demonstrates an expert understanding of the principles, practices and terminology of modern
police procedures and technology. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in strategic
planning, solving compiex problems and meeting the service needs of the public.
. Demonstrates an expert understanding of police administration and constitutional, civil, state, and
local administrative laws. Demonstrates an ability to apply tlris understanding in solving the most
complex problems affecting deparkmental operarions. Demanstrates an ability to formulate
recommendarions, if needed, for policy changes and progose legislarion ot amendments to
legislafion to be acted upon at the State or local level.
. Demonstrates an ability to organize, plan, delegate, and direct the activities of the Saint Paul
Police Deparhnent through subordinate supervisory stafF such as Assistant Chiefs, Commanders,
Sergeants, and the work of swom and civilian personnel. Demonstrates an ability to Yrire, transfer,
suspend, promote, dischazge, assign, reward, diseipline, direct, adjust grievances, and approve
employee development and performance unprovement plans.
. Demonstrates effective leadership of the Police Department by providing effecrive work direction
to subordinate supervisors and employees, and by promoting the mission and vision of the
Department and the City, and by reinforcing employee desired work behaviors; demonsh�ates the
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ability to facilitate the group problem soiving process, recognizing positive results, managing
conflict, and negotiating satisfactory outcomes.
. Demonstzates an ability to expertly plan and manage, wiUrin negotiated deadlines, projects that
have tfie highest level of Citywide andJor community impact. Demonstrates ability to review
departmental performance and effectiveness; formulate programs, projects, policies, and
procedures to alleviate deficiencies; assess the effectiveness of programs, projects, policies, and
procedures; and makes changes, where necessary, to improve operations. Demonstrates an ability
to identify risks involved in projects to mi.,i*,,;�e any liabilities.
• Demonstrates an ability to direct the development and implementation of budgets and the
management of funds. Demonstrates an ability to manage and coordinate the preparation and
presentation of an annual budget for the Department, direct the implementation of the approved
budget, monitor expenditures, and plan for and review specifications for new or repiacement
. Demonstrates an ability to lead pianning activities and assist elected officials, department and
office directors, staff and customers in problem soiving and analysis.
. Demonstrates an ability to listen, speak, and write, in an effective manner, with a diverse group of
individuals, including elected officials, department and office directors, representatives of other
jurisdictions and private organizations, subordinate employees, and the general public.
Demonstrates ability to perform professional liaison acrivities between the departrnent and other
deparhnents of City goveinment, State government, professional socieries, and the community.
. Demonstrates an ability to transfer one?s knowledge to others and positively influence others;
deinonstrates an ability to provide for and encourage the creation of a positive work environment
for assigned staff.
. Demonstrates an ability to d'uect others in conducting customer service needs analysis and
develop citywide customer service standards.
. Demonstrates an ability to understand bazgaining unit contracts, administer the provisions of such
contracts, participate in negotiations with applicable bazgaining units in establishing new contracts
or revising old ones and handle grievances in accordance with applicable contract procedures.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 9.01 (a) of the Administrative Code and Section 12.121 of the
Saint Pau1 City Charter, the City Council established the fbllowing minimum qualifications: The Chief
of Police shall have at least four years �perience in an upper level law enforcement command position
in a community with a popularion over 200,000. Strong, innovative, administrative, financial,
opetational and organizational development skiils are important with demonstrated skills in leadership,
wmmunication, community relations and the abIlity to work with a diverse population. Must have a
proven record of success in developing labor-management collaboration in a collective bazgaining
envixonment and innovarive ways of increasing diversiry in the department. Demonstrated command and
supervision of police personnel is essential. A Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice Studies, Public
Administration, Management, Business Administration, or a related discipline is required. A Master's
degree is preferred. Aduanced police training such as FBI National Academy, Northwestern Command,
Southern Police Institute and 5taff Course or similar schools is desirable.
http://www.stpauI.gov/depts/humres/jobclass/fitledef.php?code=714 12/Z 1/2006