07-1233WITHDRAWN 12/26(07 � CouncilFile# 07� ��l3 Green S6eet # 3047250 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�TNESOTA 7 1 BE IT RES VED, that upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of St. Paul, the 2 proper City o ers aze hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070- 3 0511 to Cash-N- wn of Minnesota, Ltd. and Pawn America Minnesota, LLC, and their attorney, 4 the sum of $35,000. 0 in settlement oftheir claim for damages alleged in the action entitled Cash-N- 5 Pawn of Minnesota, . and Pawn America Minnesota, LLC v. City of St. Paul, a Body Corporate 6 and Politic and the St. l Police Department, and Officers John Doe 1-5, Officers of the St, Paul 7 Police Department, Unite tates District Court File No. 07-CV-1771 (PJS/RLE) Dated: t � ' � Z� � Q� � NDGB OP DISTRICT C T Adoption CestiEied by Council Secretasy By: by Department of: � of By: Sy: BY: APF Approved by Mayor: Date By: BY� — — Adopted by Council: Date � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � p']- i�33 CA '� Conqd Pe james 2ss.s� Must Be or 13DEC-07 Dot. Type: Atiomey 11-DEG07 & Phone: � , �. au�9� nci�enda by (Date): Number For Routing SOLU'fION W/$1RANSAC Orcier EAocument Required: N Dowment ConfacC CoMact Phone: Total # of Si9nature Pages �(Clip ]yl Locations Por Signature) AMion Requested: `� The CAO recommends approval of a Re'solution authorizing settlement of Cash-N-Pawn of Minnesota, Ltd. and Pawn American Minnesom, LLC v. City of St. Paul, et al., i�3,9. District Court File No.: 07-CV-1771 (PJ5/RLE) in the amount of $35,000.00. dations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Green Sheet NO: 3047250 0 ' Attorn 1 � Atforn ar�entDirector 2 cial Services ffice Financial Srrvices 3 ots 0ffite Ma ur/Assistant 4 nacit ' Coancl 5 ' Clerk GS C7erk 6 1. Has this persoNfirm everworked under a contrect forthis department'? Yes No 2. has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3 Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any rteM city empbyee? Ye No ExplairAall yes answers on separate 5heet and attach to green sheet �nitiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, WY Cash-N-Pawn of MN and Pawn America MN initiated titis acrion arising from a 10-yeaz period in wirich the City confiscated s pawnshops. � Distdct Court to recover damages from the City of St. Paul i stolen property pwchased by Plaintiffs for sale in their Advantages If Approvetl: ff approved, the proposed sett[ement would allow the Ciry to conclude this lifigati without any admission of liability or negafive determinarion by the court. The City would also avoid the costs associated with trial. Disadvanfages If Approved: None. OiudvanWges If NotApproved: �, Tf the matter pmceeds tn 4ia1, a jury could ret�un a vecdict in favor of Plaintiffs and award damages'ia escess of the proposed settiement. A verdict in favor of Plaintiffs would also enriUe them to petifion the court for recovery of attorne}e's fees. '- T�n���� $35,000.00 Funding Source: 09070-0517 CosVRevenue Budgeted: y Activity Num6er. Financial information: (F�cplain) December 11, 2007 2:15 PM Page 1 (12/27/2007) Mary Erickson - Please Remove from Council Agenda: Cash N Pawn'/Pawn America se4tlement Page 1 � p�-(a,3 � From: James Jerskey To: Wntry, Kathy Date: 12/26/2007 8:39 AM Subject: Piease Remove from Council Agenda: Cash N Pawn/Pawn America settlement Attachments: James Jerskey.vcF CC: Erickson, Mary Kamy: Brad Rixmann, the owner of Pawn Amenca, apparently has broken ranks with the owners of Cash N Pawn and does not wish to go forward with settlement at this time. We'll have to pull the matter from today's Council agenda and start over. If you have a moment today, I'd be happy to stop down to provide further details. Thank you. ]im ]ames F.X. Jerskey Assistan[ Saint Paul Ciry Attorney Litigation Sect�on 15 W. Kellogg BLVD, Sude 750 Saint Paul, MN 55102 tames.ierskevColci stoaul mn us 651-266-8757 (direct) 651-266-8787 (fax)