.UrIE- — '7— 6-
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COUNCI RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM iil File No. 211i3a —By Bernard T.
?�D� _ A tc int P By the Council of the City
{s au ,that Pursuant to the re -'
—DATE of the Commissioner of Pub'iq I
.71t forth in his letter
t P63 it 4,a)i ysa ;fie
Atli Zioli 'l_ a t ..
?TSB tald t;r:A,�tiolyita'Lr,�e�ti
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that pursuant to the
request of the Commissioner of Public Utilities set forth in his letter dated
5 February 1963, it shall be and hereby is directed that all title and interests
of the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of
Saint Paul to and in the property named in said letter; namely,
Lots 8, 10, 11, also those portions of Lots 14, 18, 19, 20 and 21
lying northerly of, abutting on but carrying only to the northerly
line of Owasso Boulevard North, together with all title and interests
of the City or the Board in respect of those-portions of Eighth Street
(now purportedly vacated) abutting on and accrued to or in future
accruing to said Lots 8, 10 and 11 or Lot "A "; also, that portion of
Lot N lying westerly of the extended easterly lines of Lots 8 and 21;
and, all that portion of Lot A lying northerly of, abutting on but
carrying only to the northerly line of Owasso Boulevard North, all in
Block 2 of Rice Street Motor Line Addition, according to the Plat
thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds
in and for the County of Ramsey, Minnesota,
shall be disposed of according to the Rules and Regulations therefor provided
by Ordinance No. 6576; and, BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED, That after the passage, approval and publication of this resolution,
a certified copy thereof shall be forwarded to the Purchasing Agent and one to
the City Comptroller by the City Clerk.
Yeas Nays
Mr. President, Vavoulis
10M 0-82
FEB 6 1963
Adopted by the Council 19—
FEB 6 1963
Approved 19—
Mayor I
BS,RE W-OF WATER- .= ' • `� - T Y O' � ' S X?1 N T
-f COMMU. MANAGER " Ccpitakof" Minnesota
�CLIPFORD W ^HAMBLIN_ 216 ClNt f7�, fl affil Z ,I�� H
go 5
11 lit!
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U;LIT:_ IES _ _= = _ �R� g� _O
n ...r-
IUS@ 2 =
IN G _AgLll� QA15: nlRSeroe
RALPH HbyoODDIR[CT_ ':•r.f di t, -Board oi°W et c Commi`Ye ne— r - I)
ors. _ fl!
�Bj�; ..............r. F,P E::, ' _ILLIAMIW ROOD IKI �
..,..ti.. �,� De u 7 mmisstoner of Pnbllc utltltles _ ,.
5 February 1963
The Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Certain lands in Block 2 of Rice Street Motor Line Addition, heretofore conveyed
to the City of Saint Paul for the Board of Water Commissioners and paid for out
of Board funds, were acquired for a proposed expansion of Vadnais Lake storage
capacity. Now, with the construction of State Highway 694 northerly of and
between same and Vadnais Lake, said lands have been rendered unsuited for the
purpose for which they were acquired. Private parties abutting on said lands
have shown keen interest therein stating they desire to purchase all title and
interests of the City and the Board in certain portions of said Block 2; namely,
Lots 8, 10, 11, also those portions of Lots 14, 18, 19, 20 and 21
lying northerly of, abutting on but carrying only to the northerly
line of Owasso Boulevard North, together with all title and interests
of the City or the Board in respect of those portions of Eighth Street
(now purportedly vacated) abutting on and accrued to or in future
accruing to said Lots 8,,10 and 11 or Lot "A "; also, that portion of
Lot N lying westerly of the extended easterly lines of Lots 8 and 21;
and, all that portion of Lot A lying northerly of, abutting on but
carrying only to the northerly line of Owasso Boulevard North.
Subject premises lie on the east side of and with Lot 8 thereof touching on
Rice Street, at a short distance southerly of the State Highway 694; and, no
buildings .are located thereon.
The Board of Water Commissioners, at its regular meeting held January 30, 1963,
having deemed it to the best interests of the Board and the City of Saint Paul
to dispose of all title to and interests in the above described premises, directed
that your honorable body be and it hereby is requested to approve and ratify said
action of the Board and to proceed toward the sale of said titles and interests,
according to the rules and regulations therefor provided, all moneys to be derived
therefrom to be deposited to the credit of Water Fund 23. Form of resolution herein,
for-submission to the Council, is annexed.
CqH: lm
cc: Eltor Dehn, Valuation Engineer.
Bernard T. Holland
Commissioner of Public Utilities
President, Board of Water Commissioners
.. • - _ -n "�. ?. ._-r - ,,�aik .. } °{' _'�, ,r'- ..'e._ -kx •A�4
' •._• _ . . "r . -.:'.. .• -_- -,� <t. = , _`= °.. •- •,_ = 5' °February 1963r - , .. - r :,'. -_.. > _
The `Honorable' Mayor Bird. City: Coun cil
' City of $aitit;.PaUl±; M%nl esota
Certain lands in Block` 2:, of Rica Street Mogr Line-.Addi_ti.on; he_ retofore conveyed ;
to the-City of Saint- Pbul' =for the Board -of hater Commissioners grid - -paid ;for out ,
of Board funds,' were acquired, for a.,proposed expansion of fiVadneis Lake 'storage
- 'capacity. - 'Now,, with the cons true tion--of - state.' highway 694 'northerly; of and
between same and Vaclnais lake, said lends:have_ been rendered ui►suitad for the - -
`• -
,''•_ ` `purpose' for which' they .we're, acquired -. -' Private parties - abutting on -said a lands _
have shown-kOn interest t ierei;n� "s ating..they" desire to purchase -all title and
y intems' ta'� ofd the City Nand'_ the Board :in certain l5ortione o€ said Block', '2;, namely ";,.
- - _ Lots. 8., X10;` 11,`•also those,portions: of 'Lots '14; .18,.. 19., 20 and 21.
lying northerly,of* "abutting -on, but,carrying only'.to• the -northerly
litre of Owasso Boulevard North, together witli all title and interests - -.,T= _
c5f the 'City• or_ the' Boars.�h respect' of those Portions of Eighth Street
(now pur ported ly,_vacated) abiitting-'o and _acZrue4 "tn -or -in futures
• f -
-accruing, ,to said Lota • 8;= '1Q, Wand .i1 or Lot !'X alap -, that ---p - ifotr of
_ Lot R� lyiri$'. westerly `oi` the extended easterly l in66-of Lots ' and• -21 ;' ;
and; _alI that,'pQirton,`o£ L4t,A lying'- oortherly'of ;' abutting on b_ut
carrying only to the =northerly :line of Oaia$so_ go- ulevard North. -
_ _,Pubject premises lie -on the.east aide`of and`with%Lot 8 thereof touching on
Rice Street , -'at 'a short distance southerly: of the State Highway 694; and, no
buildings are located _theraofi;
The Board o € -_Wter - Commissioher.a; at its regular meeting held Januar_g,30, °1963; -
having deemed& it to the,'�est, ipiteraata_ of -the .Board and-the City of Saint -Paul; - I _-
', .s to .dispo9e ofl. -a11 title' to" and intereots,'iiirthe.'above descaribed. premises,` directed-
that Your- honorable body' le' and it herdby is r.e4deated..to- approve and .ratify -said . _
action of_ the Board --and -to- proeeed towad the 'sale.'of said titles and lntereats•'�-
according, to the rules' find- reguiotio*ns'-�theFefor ,provided, alb. inorieys to b6 •derived
-__ Aherefrora to .be= deposited to - the credit' of Water Funds 23.'- Foria of ,resolutibn herein;
zor: "submission to the Council, is'annexed: -
5� _ - _ ' - y -: _ _ • _ . - _- - Resp0etrilly,
.a n. r ' ' - ' ' - - --•T , I ir•A •/ _ r `• ' - _ -_• ex. -- I t ^ � `t• r l Y _ __ -" -. 'r ` u - - _
Bernard T: Holland
Commiee.ioner of Pub1 c Utilities -
1:,1m And. , =
ilehn, °Ya1uationiEi giteeex Y'reaident-, Board_ of Water `�Cormis'sionera
COMMISSIONER Bernard T. Holland
RUOiM, By the Cmneil of the City of Saint Paul, that pwmmt to the
request of the Commissioner of Public Utilities sit forth in his lottes dated
5 February 1lslf, it shall be and hereby is directed that all title and itterasts
of the City of Saint Fall and the Board of dater Camdosictme of the City of
Saint Paul to and in the property asuea is said letter) mamsly,
Lots 0, lo, 11, also those prtioms of Lots 14, le, 19, 20 m d 21
lying northerly of, abutting on but carrying only to the nosthtsly
iiss of Owasso Boulevard nartb, together vitb all title and intwests
Of the City or the Board in respect of those partio= of >6ehth 6treat
(now purportedly vacated) abutting on and accrued to or in fature
accruing to said Lots a, 10 and 11 or lot "A "I also, that portion of
Lot ■ lying westerly of the extended easterly lines of Lots d Ptd all
and, all that portion of Lot A lying northerly of, abutting oa but
carrying only to the northerly line of Owasso Boulevard Berth, all in
block 2 of Rica Street lbkor Line Addition, according to the Plat
thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Register of QUs
in Bad for the County of Ramsay. Minnesota,
shall be disposed of acoording to the Rules and Regulatiosn therefor provided
by Ordinance No. 65761 and, Bs IT FMIM
RUOLI ZO, That after the passage, approval
a certified COPY thereof shall be tanmr dud
the City Comptroller by tho City Clark,
Yeas Nays
Mr. President, Vavoulis
10m &W
7 In Favor
-- 0 Against
and publLestlao of this resolsUca.
to the Pwchasing Agent and asp to
Adopted by the Council 19_
Approved FER6196 .39_
George J. Vavoulis
CITY OF ST. PAUL � courtci�
COMM ONER Bernard T. Holland
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that pursuant to the
request of the Co=Lbsioner of Public Utilities set forth in his letter dated
9 February 1965, it shall be and hereby is directed that all title and interests
of tho City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of
Saint Paul to and in the property named in said ietteri namaly,
Lots 8, 10, 11, also those portions of hots 14, 18, 19, 20 and 21
lying northerly of, abutting on but carrying only to the northerly
line of Owasso SouleVard North, together with all title and interests
of the City or the Board in respect of those portions of Eighth Street
(now purportedly vacated) abutting on and accrued to or in future
accruing to said Lots 8, 10 and 11 or Lot "W"I also, that portion of
Lot N lying Westerly of the extended easterly linos of Lots 8 and 21;
and, all that portion of Lot A lying northerly of, abutting on but
carrying only to the northorly line of Owasso Boulevard Ylorth, all in
Black 2 of Rice Street Hotor Line Addition, according to the Plat
thereof on file And of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds
in bud for the County of Ramsey, Minnesota,
shall be disposed of according to the Rules and Regulations therefor. provided
by Ordinance No. 6576; and, BE ET MMTMM
RESOLVED, That after the passage# approval and publication of this resolution,
a certified copy thereof shall be forwarded to the Purchasing Agent and one to
the City Comptroller by the City Clerk.
Yeas Nays
Mr. President, Vavoulis
10M 8-82
FEB 61963
Adopted by the Council 19—
Approved FER6 �96.g_
7 In Favor
George J. Vavoulis
O- Against
Council File No. 211130 —By Bernard T.
Holland —
,Resolved, By the Council of the City
of Saint Paul, that pursuant to the re-
quest of the Commissioner of Public
Utilities set forth in his letter dated
5 February 1963, it shall be and hereby
Is directed that all title and interests
of the City of Saint Paul and the Board
of Water Commissioners of the City'of
Saint Paul to and in the property,
named in said letter; namely,
Lots 8, 10, 11, also those portions of
Lots 14, 18, 19, 20 and 21 lying
northerly of, abutting on but carry-
ing only. to the northerly line fof
Owasso Boulevard North, together
-with all title and interests of the
City or the Board in respect of
those portions of Eighth Street
(how purportedly vacated) abutting d
on and accrued to or in future ac-
cruing to said_Lots_ 8,.10_and it or.
Lot "A "; also, that portion of Lot N
lying westerly of the extended east-
erly lines of Lots 8 and 21; and, all
that portion of Lot A lying north-
erly of, abutting on but carrying
only to the northerly line of Owasso,
Boulevard North, all in Block 2 of
Rice Street Motor Line Addition,
according to the Plat thereof on file
and of record in the Office of the
Register of Deeds in and for the
County of Ramsey, Minnesota, 1
shall be disposed of according to the
Rules and Regulations therefor pro-
vided by Ordinance No. 6576; and, Be
It Further
Resolved, That after the passage, ap-
proval and publication of this resolu-
tion, a certified copy thereof shall be
forwarded to the Purchasing Agent and
one to the City Comptroller by the
City Clerk.
Adopted by the Council February 6,
Approved February 6, 1963.
.(February 9, 1963)
County of Ramsey ss.
I + ......... ...........I! s._ Ages_ H._ 0' Connell,---------------- . -• -•- .....City Clerk
of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
compared the attached copy of Council File No .......... 2?4:12 ..................
as adopted by the City Council --- __ ----- February 6th. _____ 19 ..63
and approved by the Mayor---------- -- - - - - -- February .6th, ............. ig- 63_________
with the original thereof on file in my office.
I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of
said original and the whole thereof.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.,
this ...... -- 6th .............. _day of ............. February - - - - - -. A. D. 19 63'
City Clerk.
Council File No. 211130 —By Bernard T.
Holland —
.Resolved, By the Council of the City
of Saint Paul,; that pursuant to the re-
quest of the Commissioner of Public
Utilities set forth in 'his letter dated
5 February 1963, it shall be and hereby,
is directed that all title and interests
of the City of Saint Paul and the Board
of Water Commissioners of the City of
Saint Paul, to and in the property
named in said letter; namely,
Lots 8, -10, 11, also those portions of
Lots 14, 18, 19, , 20 and 21 lying
northerly of, abutting on but carry-
ing only to the northerly line of
Owasso Boulevard North, together
with all title and interests of the
City or the Board in - respect of
those portions of Eighth Street
(now purportedly vacated) abutting
on and accrued to.or in future ac-
cruing to said Lots 8, 10 and 11 or
Lot "A "; also, that portion of Lot N
lying westerly of the extended east-
erly lines of Lots 8 and 21; and, all,
that portion of Lot A lying north
erly of, abutting on but carrying 1
only to the northerly line of Owasso
Boulevard North, all in Block 2 of
Rice Street Motor Line Addition,
according to the Plat thereof. on file
and of record in the Office of the
Register of Deeds in and for the
County of Ramsey, Minnesota,
shall be disposed of according to the
Rules and Regulations therefor pro-
vided by Ordinance No. 6576; and, Be
It Further
Resolved, That after the passage, ap-
proval and publication of this resolu-
tion, a certified copy thereof shall be
forwarded to the Purchasing Agent and
one to the City Comptroller by the
City Clerk.
:, Adopted by the Council February 6,
Approved ,February 6, 1963.
(February 9, 1963)
County of Ramsey ss.
Mrs. Agnes H. 0' Conn ells ______________________ _ _ _ _ __ ____City Clerk
of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
compared the attached copy of Council File No____________ _________ ______________________
as adopted by the City Council --- -___ -- February -6th, 19 63
and approved by the Mayor ----------------------February 6th- - _..19...63________
with the original thereof on file in my office.
I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of
said original and the whole thereof.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.,
6th February,, 63-
this-------------- ------- - ----- ---day of ------------ - ------------------------------------------ A. D. 19------ - - - - --
City Clerk.
Council File No. 211131 —By Bernard T.
Holland —
Resolved, By the Council of the City
of Saint Paul, that pursuant to the
request of the Commissioner of Public
Utilities set forth in his letter dated
5 February 1963, it shall be and hereby
is directed .that all title, and interests
of the City of Saint Paul and the Board
tof Water Commissioners of the City of
Saint Paul to and in the property
named in said letter; namely,
Lots S, 9 and 10, Block 125, -Town of
West St. Paul Proper, according to
the Plat thereof on file and of re-
cord in the Office of the Register
of Deeds in and for the County
of Ramsey, Minnesota, excepting
therefrom all minerals and mineral
shall be disposed of according to the
Rules and Regulations therefor pro.
vided by Ordinance No: 6576; and, Be
Et Further
Resolved, That after the passage, ap.
al and publication of this resolu.
pion, a certified cdpy thereof shall be
forwarded to the Purchasing Agent and
one to the City Comptroller by the Ci
Adopted by the Council February 6,
Approved February 6, 1963.
(February 9, 1963)
County of Ramsey ss.
Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell,
I +--------- - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -City Clerk
of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
compared the attached copy of Council File No ................ ��131
as adopted by the City Council.._...._ February _..th, 19 63
and approved by the Mayor ................ . February-- --th,--------- - - - - -- 19.....63......
with the original thereof on file in my office.
I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of
said original and the whole thereof.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.,
this----- - - -..th ----- - - - - -- ---day of---------------- - - - - -- February, - - -A. D. 19.63 .....
City Clerk.
Council File No. ,211131 =By Bernard T.
Holland —
Resolved, By the Counefl "of the City
,of Saint Paul, that pursuant to the
request of the Commissioner of Public
Utilities set forth in his letter dated
5 February 1963, it shall be and hereby
is. directed ,that all title and interests
of the City of Saint Paul and the Board
of Water Commissioners of the City of
Saint Paul ' to and in tfie property
M named in said letter; namely,
Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 125, Town of _
West St. Paul Proper, according to
the Plat thereof on file and of re-
cord. in the Office of the Register
of Deeds in and for the County
of Ramsey, Minnesota, exceptin
therefrom all minerals and mineral
shall be disposed of according to the
Rules and Regulations therefor pro -
vided by Ordinance No. 6516; and, Be
It Further
Resolved, That after the passage, ap-
proval and publication of this resolu-
! tion, a certified copy thereof. shall be
forwarded to the Purchasing Agent and
one to the City Comptroller by the City
Adopted by the Councir February 6,
Approved February 6, 1963.
(February 9, 1983)
County of Ramsey ss.
i -BrB+i Armes HiOiCormello
-- --
.---------------------- - - - - -- -City Clerk
of the City of Saint Paiil, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
compared the attached copy of Council File No--- ---- ----- - -- - -- t
as adopted by the City CounciL.___.__F- bruary 6th.*, .19...__63
and approved by the Mayor ----------------- Februssy 6thj..------------- 19..._. -63
'with the original thereof on file in my office.
I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of
said original and the whole thereof.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.,
this--------- 6th ... . . . .. ......day of-------------- - - - - -- Febroaryy----- - - - -A. D. 19- 63` - --
City Clerk.
,�Ujr - -- -