07-1216Council File # 07-1216 Green Sheet# 3044250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Presented RESOLUTION SA(NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � . WHEREAS, in a conUnuing effort by the Department of Public Works to close out prior yeaz capital projects, this resolution is intended to close out and move surplus funding forwazd to the current yeaz for the Major Sewer Repair and Sewer Rehabilitation Program projects, and WHEREAS, these projects were originally adopted by Council Resolutions O1-1311, 02-1161, 03-1087 & 04-1174, known as Log # SU-6600819 and SU-6600820, and WHEREAS, the Departmen[ of Public Works is recommending the following changes ro close out the prior yeaz Major Sewer Repair and Sewer Rehabilitafion Program projects and move surplus funding to current year ptogcam, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Sain[ Paul, upon recommendafion of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvemen[ Budge[ Committee, [hat $1,138,98270 is available for appropriation in the 2007 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofo[e adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby fuRher amended in the Improvement Budgets, in [he following particulars: . Current Budget Change FINANCING PLAN Sewer System RehabiGtaGon CO2-2T686 SewerFund SPENDINGPLAN Sewer Sys[em Rehabilitation CO2-2T686 ConstrncUOn FINANCING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs CO3-2T637 Sewer Fund Assessment $5,815,148.00 -$247.810.48 $5,815,148.00 -$247,810.48 $5.815.148.00 -$247.810.48 $5,815,148.00 -$247,510.48 $1,883,76137 � $1,883,76137 -$58,767.37 1 941.75 -$56,825.62 Amended Budget $5,567.337.52 $5,567,337.52 $5.567337.52 $5,567,337.52 $1,82A,994.00 1 941.75 $1,826,935.75 SPENDING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs CO3-2T637 Constmcflon $1.883.761.37 $1,883,76137 -$56.825.62 -$56,825.62 $1.826.935J5 $1,826,935.75 07-1216 55 FINANCING PLAN 56 SewerSystemRehabilitaGon 57 CO3-2T687 58 $9 Sewer Fund 60 61 62 63 SPENDING PLAN 64 Sewer System Rehabilitation 65 CO3-2T687 66 67 Construction 68 69 FINANCING PLAN 70 Majoc Sewer Repairs 71 C04-2T638 72 73 5ewu Fund 74 75 SPENDING PLAN 76 Major Sewec Repaizs 77 C04-2T638 78 79 Construcdon 80 81 FINANCING PLAN 82 Sewer System Rehabilitafion 83 C04-2T688 84 85 Sewer Fund 86 87 SPENDING PLAN 88 Sewer System Rehabilita[ion 89 C04-2T688 90 91 Constmction 92 93 FINANCING PLAN 94 Sewer System Rehabilitation 95 Cos-2'r6s9 96 97 Sewer Fund 98 99 SPENDING PLAN 100 Sewer System Rehabilitation 101 COS-2T689 102 103 Construcflon 104 105 FINANCING PLAN 106 Major Sewer Repairs 107 C07-2T931 108 109 Sewer Fund 110 111 SPENDING PLAN 112 Major Sewer Repairs 113 C07-2T931 114 115 Construcuon 116 $6.511,461.20 -$344.847.59 $6,511,461.20 -$344,847.59 $6.511,461.20 -$344.847.59 $6,511,461.20 -$344,847.59 $2363.896.93 -$13.626.35 $2,363,896.93 -$13,62635 $2363.896.93 -$13.626.35 $2,363,896.93 -$13,62635 $6.739.000.00 $-189.636.16 $6,739,000.00 -$189,636.16 $6.739.000.00 -$189,636.16 $6,739,000.00 -$189,636.16 $ -$284294.75 $6,088,000.00 -$284,294.75 $6.088,000.00 -$284,294.75 $6,088,000.00 -$284,294.75 $1.457,41935 72393.72 $1,457,419.35 $72,393.72 $1.457.41935 72393.72 $1,457,41935 $72,393.72 $6.166.613.61 $6,166,613.61 $6166.613.61 $6,166,613.61 $2350.270.58 $2,350,270.58 $2.350.270.58 $2,363,896.93 $6.549.363.84 $6,549,363.84 $6.549.363.84 $6,549,363.84 $5.803.705.25 $5,803,705.25 $5.803.705.25 $5,803,705.25 $1.529.813.07 $1,529,813.07 $1.529.813.07 $1,529,813.07 07-1216 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 FINANCING PLAN Sewer System Rehabilitation C07-2T941 Sewer Fund SPENDING PLAN Sewer System Rehabilitation C07-2T941 Constmcrion $5,191.447.61 $1.066.588.98 $5,191,447.61 $1,066,588.98 $5.191.447.61 $1.066,588.98 $5,191,447.61 $1,066,588.98 $6258,036.59 $6,258,036.59 $ $6,258,036.59 The 3t. Pnul LatK3 -$anqe Gapi4al ImPzov�axi� Budget Com�ittee re�'eived this reqvest oa f0�$lO7 _ _an3secom�an�`� edate) ---------' �J�y(.t ��` Sigaed: � Benanav Requested by: � • � • � �1: ��i�� . ������� Adopted by Council: Date Yeas Adoption Certified by Co cil Secretary By: � G Approved a : Date L 2(p By: Form Ap by City Attorney Br� ,1= , 1 Z - �1 0� Form A icial rvices By: Form A prov y Mayor for Submission to Council By: �i ��`-t 07-1216 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmeM/officelcauncil: Date In@iated: Pw -�li�w� 21-SEP-07 Green Sheet NO: 3044250 CoMaM Person & Pho�ce: Paul Kurtr 266-6203 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$TRANSAC E-Document Required: Y Document ContaM: Paui Kurfz Contact Phone: 266-6203 �► I ��....�...-a..,,9 � -�{� 0 biic Works � -� -� �(9 ��- ' / "i 7 Assign 1 bGcWOrks De entDirector ��L Number r ' Fo� 2 ancial Services ffice FSnanaal Services Rou[ing 3 'CtitrAttomey tZ-C?'"d'� O�de� 4 or's Office Ma odAssisfaut 5 Council CSty Council 6 <Ctity Clerk C5ty Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip Ali Locffiions for Signature) Approval of at[ached resolution amending the spending and fmancing plans of the 2007 Sewer Rehabilitation and 2007 Major Sewer Repair pmjects by transferring previous yeaz balances. �aauons: Approve �N� or n Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has ihis personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does tliis personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answees on separate sheet and aitach to green sheet InRiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): In a continuing effort by ihe Depar[ment of Public Works to close out prior yeaz capital projects, this resolution is intended to close out and move surplus funding forward to the cmrent year for the Major Sewer Repair and Sewer Rehabilitafion projects. Advantages If Approved: ' Prior yeaz projects will be closed and surplus funding moved forward to fund cunent year programs. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approvetl: Prior year projects would remain open and funding woutd not be available for current programs. Trensaction: $1,138,982.70 Funainy source: Sewer Service Fund Financial Infomtation: (Explain) Cosi/Revenue Budgeted: y accrvrtyNUmber: Various CPI, C07-2T931,2T941 September 21, 2007 7:19 AM Page 1 ��_iZi� 07� �z�7 'I'hese aze two resolution amending the spending and financing plans for 2007, closing old balances from previous yeaz CIB annual prob am budgets, increasing the 2007 annual program for the same annual project.. These were discussed previously with Council staff during the time that a number of other Public Works CIB resolutions were being reviewed There had been a trurd one (for the Sidewalk Maintenance), but that resolution has since been pulled and Council action has already occurred on the distribution of those past balances from that program. Dede Demko Sr. Budget Analyst Office of Financial Services 266-8545