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OR'WNAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ ! File No. 211069 —By George ,J. COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM a• Mayor - ireas, The Council of the City of Paul, by Resolutions, Council PRESENTED BY �� lip. 202174, 205185 and 206857 COMMISSIONER DATE ecl May 17, 1961, December 15, at•�•r-t` Aoril 18, icat 1962 respectively. did ?' a Applion of tb.e Hc. -,= F = rw:k� e]oFtrlFnt �1:uthoritY r•z95i o: 86cm tt }„ 9rt3 nl 6111 r,^ WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Resolutions, Council Files No. 202174, 205185 and 206857 adopted May 17, 1961, December 15, 1961 and April 18, 1962 respectively, did approve the.Application of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for a Survey and Planning Advance from the Housing and Home Finance Agency for undertaking the preparation of a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for the Cathedral Area; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 62- 1/31 -1, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, did approve the filing of a revised Application for Survey and Planning Advance for the Cathedral General Neighborhood Renewal'Plan which Resolution did amend the boundary thereof and the dollar amount of the.Application for Advance of Funds, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the revised Application by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for an advance of funds from the United States for the undertaking of the. preparation of a Cathedral General Neighborhood Renewal Plan, which Resolution did amend the boundary description of said area to: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northern right -of -way line of Marshall Avenue with the Eastern right -of -way line of North St. Albans Street, then Northerly along said line of North St, Albans Street to the point of intersection with the Southern right -of -way line of Rondo Avenue, then Easterly along said line of Rondo Avenue to the point of intersection with a lot line which is 277 feet East of the Eastern right -of -way line of Mackubin Street, then Southerly along said lot line to the point of intersection with a lot line which is 142.75 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 In Favor A gainst Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 2. feet North of the Northern right -of -way line of Carroll Avenue, then Easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the Eastern right- of-way line of Arundel Street, then Northerly along said line to Arundel Street to the point of intersec- tion with the Southern right -of -way line of the alley between Rondo Avenue and Carroll Avenue, then Easterly along said alley line to the point of intersection with a lot line 197.3/8 feet East of the Eastern right -of -way line of Arundel Street, then Southerly along said lot line to a point of intersection with the Southern right -of -way line of Carroll Avenue, then Easterly along said line of Carroll Avenue to the point of intersection with the Western right- of-way line of Cathedral Place, then Southerly along said line of Cathedral Place to the point of intersec- tion with the Northern right -of -way line of Dayton Avenue, then Westerly along said line of Dayton Avenue to the point of intersection with the Western right - of -way line (extended) of the alley between Summit Avenue and Farrington Street, then Southerly along said alley line to the point of intersection with the Northern right-of-way line of Selby Avenue, then Easterly along said line of Selby Avenue to the point of intersection with the Western right - bf -way line of Maiden Lane, than Southwesterly along said line of Maiden Lane to the point of intersection with the Eastern right -of -way line of North Western Avenue, then Northerly along said line of North Western Avenue to the point of intersection with the Northern right-of-way line of Holly "Avenue extended, then Westerly along said line of -Holly Avenue to the point of intersection with the Eastern right-of-way line of Arundel Street, then Northerly along said line of Arundel Street to the point of intersection with the Northern right -of -way line of Marshall Avenue, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 f ORIVINAL TO CITY CLERK ,f' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.`S' o613 _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 3, then Westerly along said line of Marshall Avenue to the point of intersection with the Eastern right -of -way line of North St, Albans Street which is the point of beginning, and did further request approval of the Housing and Home Finance Agency of an advance of funds for the Survey and Planning of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan in the amount of $49,444.00, is hereby approved. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the provisions of Resolutions, Council File Nos. 202174, 205185 and 206857 are in all matters ratified and continued in full force and effect, A -, ! ` + FEB 11963 COUNCILMEN Adopted by -tlie .Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalghsh : Holland proved FEB 11963 19— Loss Tn Favor Mertimen ` Peterson Mayor Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M "2 , v�' *Form Approved H -6100 Budget Bureau No. 63- 11882.3 8 -61 TO BE COMPLETED BY HHFA - HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY PROJECT, PLAN, OR SURVEY NUMBER URBAN RENEWAL ADMINISTRATION LOCALITY SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION (Urban Renewal Program) DATE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS: Submit original in Binder No. 1, and copies in Binders No. 2, 3, and 4. A. PURPOSE OF APPLICATION [ ] Survey and planning of an Urban Renewal Project [ ] Under "Disaster Area" provisions of Section 111 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended ] Preparation of General Neighborhood Renewal Plan [ ] Feasibility Survey of an urban area B. CATEGORY OF PROJECT ELIGIBILITY (Check appropriate eligibility category of project to be planned or of "first project" in proposed GArRP area. See Urban Renewal Manual, Chapter 3 -2. Leave blank for Feasibility Survey Application,) CATEGORY PRESENT CHARACTER EXTENT OF PRESENT PROPOSED REUSE OF AREA DEVELOPMENT ] I Predominantly residential Built up Any [ ] II Predominantly residential Predominantly open land Any [ ] III Not predominantly residential Built up Predominantly residential [ ] IV Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Predominantly residential Nonresidential [ ] V Exception Not predominantly residential Built up Not predominantly residential Nonresidential [ ] VI Exception Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Not predominantly residential College, [ ] VII University, or Any Built up Any Hospital Co eget [ ] VIII University, or Any Predominantly open land - Any Hospital [ ] IX - Open land Predominantly residential [ Ix - -Open land Not predominantly residential Area Redevelopment [ ] XI Exception Not predominantly residential Built up Not predominantly residential Area Redevelopment [ ] XII Exception Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Not predominantly residential C. TYPE OF SUBMISSION yy [ ] Original Application i 9 x #%2 [ ] R ision of approved Application - Project, Plan, or Survey No, - for purpose of [] Change in area [ ] Other (Describe) [ ] Increase in total estimated cost D. IDENTIFICATION OF APPLICANT UST" ART. ANY PAUL * MINK5TOA - • - •_ _ + _ �'f, e�fy .h' _•- •.- .- Y _ fir', ._ .- L •- - s + :- - - -. i' _ _ 'mss • _ , { a . r _, - _ -. _ t. _ - .. .. g - - - _4 . _ - _ _._ � _ : _ _'` - -- _ - _.�'; w • _ .4 1 _ 4WNDARY DESCRIPT16 Attachs d fo GN -1oI it: r. j. r ..;�•r.. _ Begin ;ng at ahe,•point of intersection a-46 n6rth4rn,'46hf iaf� IIrj ,of ,Marshall, Avg , -the eastern; i.i htsof -w i wjth�'t 8 aY,lini of North 5t:- A1b� risr Streets thor noithearly alona,sald line of Narth ' - St,, i lban Street to .tha point of Intetsec'tion_ with ,tho stsuth .right- of�w�cy tier of tondo' Ivuwe then iasteriy along said -line of ,Rondo;- A►sriu,e to the point ©f intersection with a tot Iin.R which r� 2�T- hef t t�f tho fastern•�ight- of -��yay .line of kAacku6fn Street; fhe 'southerly alor►g, slid lot _ Ilnio to the paint of•intersi.ction-wtth Q- lot li.ris•which Is 142.75 •foot north of the noi�t�rfi riaht --;` - cf -wa _ - • . ,',' y one of Carroll_- Avenuo, 'thou, eaiterty alonq'said 164, to the point of lnhersact on with. ahe'eaaterra right -of -way. line of Ariind�rl' Stt�at, then nQrthKly;aiot said Ion ,.Of -A [,,S _Serest`' to the pciini~ of intersection v±rith ,'the wuthsM fg#it- pf- v�►Qy� loll of ,'t%a a l{syhnreen Rondo ,4vsnue aril Carroll- Avenur'• t n = stistirly alon�,:did alli.y line Ito the point. of intersection with a. lot line { _ 197:x%8 fif ciaf of 'the ostern right- of -.wa fine of Arund�il street `tFtut thin 1 ° - Y'. s9Y _ y; a anfl'uaid -,: lot IinE fo the point of i'ntersactiori wet #6 sauthem ri ht-of- r g we y.Jlnos of Ccirrol L •Avenue, 'then "u;Wly.6long said Iini.of Carroll Avenue to the point of info rW.06n with #he - wisteni right -Qf wa line of Cathedral- Pla ,.-then sou ere aio said iirie Y ce ` Y of Cathecirat Ptac' to tii6 point of 1 . int' 'a ion with =Ae northers', right�of- way fine• of N� .tgri Avorwi; ;#hen westerly a.cog stud -line . _ y : of Dgyton Awnue to the - point into intetsectiort with --the' - righr-of� way 11ne (ezfiended) .of ' the alley- betwsnn, Summit. Avon" send. fairing'ton'Strest,.i' amsoi�tharly along wtsl ally line the point of intersection with t}i *jnorthern right =cif, way line - of Selby Avinvo- . tFisri east4rly a[oho said line of Selby Avanueyto'the.point of inteiisotion:with the -west ern . rightrof -w+qy line'of- Malden then southwesterly alono said'lino ;of Mol ii Lani �to the point of InterssatioR with-;the ob,tam right -of -way •lino of Js6th'wgstorn Avenue' tfteiri northerly alarp kid line of No th VNesterr� Avenue_ to the .point of intersection with the'rEprtheni right -of -way .ions of irohj, Avenue. attend t, -then' .wesferly a6. point, knit of_Holly Av�snuo tc_ihe point'o€ intersection -with tha eastern right f� .line. of Arundel Street, tiiQi% rarther� aio ` s -id_ 'line o Arund y . - _ Y_ f:' el .Streit toah point'of intersection., with thi�jns�thern ri�t- f- way_�line, of Marshall Avenue j ti end W s. rly:along _said line of :Mprsha lk; ` _Avenue to th4. point O_ f enter ;sctiori With the aastsM `right,- cif -w y dine. of NoFth St,.-`Albaris Strqot • which is the 'poirif of beginning- • - _. •- - _' - �_ . _ - 3. -'• - i- _ .. .- + A _ .. _ - ' �• ` • t . .. -. _ •• , . [.. , LLY` -'- ` 1 , _ , i. C..' -- 1 - 'v4 � l • _ � . - ^•' - "r_ `y- " I kt _ -`. _ - ••-• • _. - - 'r •. T : Al ,i01 6)rm.�H- 6400, Survey ansi Planning Appticatton Is atiached. GN - :`102 -`, :, Tli o 'are4 pre riou ;ly appcov�ed -ir be.irig revised. to include one �odditional' block = - ` °Cathedrpl, Cairoll, lout:- Marion :,lgl6t rt rontalning 18- structur ss arid, 0. - - # 'additional struc_tuf es frorntin9 o thi South side of Cpn 1t` t nii:edtately West of = , - Louis- lir�arion. the inclusion of ibic'modett � a g p'am `V4 ll square an'artifi -c boundary -and .bring the area up to the boundary of the Interstate 94'. _Thus this . area would be .contiguous, to chi fr"way and disco we unixplainKi ' ' reteritEoni of blocks and J4 entz• -of. blocki betwi n :thy G N_Are6 -and ihe' free - - way Inimodiately -to the`north This addltiori is shown on th 'ti ►t included ma = _ _ by a brokers. lies _ P_... GN GN .7 -104 Thin :addition will bs. completely clo-orod of structure ai: was riccxnmert44 for the tblocks i,iirriediciely odja t. _ ctnt _ _ f ors ncludes 8 ttivcturet, all - *Identtal, ;except for,or 'retail store.. l structures " 'crowded on the land and include tout With residentia t l. hucturei, 1 front and rear): _'Exterior condition. Indicates a high 0,orconthoe In deteriorated : ,: ' _ or dl topldgtsd condition ..'ih& ,U S -C*i s, :31ock. Siatiaics for wh'ol� ' -- blocky for - xample, :how�ed a trotal .pot?utattori of a 38 �1 a sod 1`143_ housing unit' _ _ _ iltuat�d in 18 structures Thirty;of thiata_43.housing vniti were sound 64.15 of 4 - `thesi lack�id so al I facl.liiies; an - additionat�•7 units were dahrlorating ttnd _ 6. were dila�yidatia. Thw 28 of the 43 -housing "unite (6 5%) either Jacked. all or so'* loci litiis,: weir detriorat4d or dilapidated. _the' rm 14 -6,101 3s riat Ming resubmitted .�inciLthe :fi utis current) tf owe are _ -estim_ ate; and the Qddi "tibnf "trrr we11 withtn chi noted a rnxJmati loss . - pi�- one G..' ' ` -than 296 of -the l ouein�;wnit: and .fan iLies, and about A .of structures:_ The_ basic .charactisriicti on of titre gr a is reaffirmed as_ noted' above . ON .l 05 _ " No charm 1.06 -No: Elwnge r ' 1 i ti' ; ON - 107 - No- taibngr cif present ttmi . ' _. GN - l 11 =:Nb'changNr:r _ - - . ,. - - , . '_" • `_ --_' ,- -, '_ . ' - . _- - `. •�.- � ''r .= -, ,. ` ON =- .112^, • -• =' _:•;..R : -- ••:�..• -•- - -_. •� _ -..: • -` ` - -. _ --,. - - . -. __ - -- .- _ .. ._ • - ^ _ ,;Included is. a. mop indicating, addition to GN, Ar4a,,4md,i:'GII resid'htIQl .except - } •.-.for one a'ma l l ; GN - I21 Tha Authority proposed' tQ ,compteta'Tand submit al l materiQt rigoired by the GN 20t - _ " • and -GN 102. This-wit'l Include (but not necessari�y'be. limited Q exterior survey - ; of al l: structures in the GN- Aqw; a r do sQmple= of all the' Dousing units in the _ GN Atea_and':a- 'random sample of all °occupcnts of housing'units; a eensrcI plan of.tha:�ntits'ars6 including clr utQtion . load' use; gnd community facJlt.tirs;, E. ' projet the 'prbremenderoject= delineation and`sequence of babte cost: •- of .pfoiectis di c ussionlof -ths' foditbi lity of markot relocation and federcl - - , •._. #ii�pfi ��te�,rr3����ed �ioi��i�� • � t_l��t� f�_�� - - _ ... •' PIT - - orl . Nip - v#1 ism ihli wfl f o It b rMWW*d ice} }� • - ... - +" - - , ., ON 141 _ I '• � � a -i( �M1 • �F� TI1Y- �M �l- _ ., -' �-• . ' 1 • $O .k - `- - � r- _. 7�'yl� _ + ,r "•1 \ '�. .14 ' • � - �' - - - , 5•-,. ,- - i. ..... _ .;�^• _' yWF M ' � y7 7 ` YY ON )44, �,Num4vi- $04mlooft - . ' - s = •. , ilfi "`f ", stali low a ' IL - .. • � .� • ' .- ,' ' - � -1- -- � - �. .rte [� • ^ -..,, -,[ �Y � - ; , r - - • • .a fool �ol'if !6. T. �w da r► lol - y a r 1%3 Is.* lw 1"t. - -_ -_ - ._ � fie �� � �ia1. n� r� ��� • �ri�; _ `i��r R - r _ , _ lir�lti Mdkd otifw l Iji1 .. r� it ion tw,. "ow- sib- ' *4-0040* o towillotwou 'fit 06"Ibmw, fi4 folloW +lirra+erti+�ai ni#►r11lH- jai- pr+j#�►!s�tr�lsp , -' T!Mit�'l� ON la"WHoti)o - . _ , �` -. ' " •`�, "� r _,--sue . ' - � i ' v' . � - ._ Resolution 6f LocoI Gova ming Body is attached. - ' - ON, r 153 No change •t it •.._ • � '` '• .-'•1. _, � - _ a .. _i '- � tY, - ' -. - -, .- . ^�•J ,. ' -_ ` r _ ter•' ..j7'`j _. . - -_ _� _ -' {��� wr = - y._L r .. _•�i, ••.: ,•i �.! �; i =�� � f, - r S -.r- � - �'- - - ♦ }.,i - it �. k .Y {3 _ - . _ _ •- • Form approved • H-627 Budget Bureau No. 63- R725.6 (2 -61) HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY PROJECT LOCALITY URBAN RENEWAL ADMINISTRATION St. Paul, Minnesota SURVEY AND PLANNING BUDGET CR, j1 T NAME Cathedral INSTRUCTIONS: Initial Budget: Prepare original and 6 copies for HHFA. PRGJE(T NUMBER Submit original and 3 copies in Binder No. 1, copies in Binders No. 2, 3, (if known) BUDGET NUMBER and 4. Revised Budget: If with amendatory application, follow "Initial Budget" instructions. Otherwise, submit original and 3 copies to HHFA. Minn R-17 (G N) 2 DATES OF HHFA BUDGET APPROVALS (Complete for revision only) Budget No. 1, _.tune 22 , 19 —62 Latest A roved Rid t fN Z LINEIN0. ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATION PP 1 ge 1. ). .ILl13�sZ 19_61 TO PF COMPLETED by LPA TO BE FILLED UDC ONLY FlIR dEvI1•(r NOD(,ETS I IN BY HHFA LATEST APPROVED ADJUST REQUEST BUDGET BUDGET 1j Dr _) U S CD FOR APPROVED FOR 6 MONThS MONTHS (a) ib) tc) ( d) 1 AIMINIST An, Tlull: a. ALMINISTRATIVF, OVEP.HF.AD AND SERVI(7S (R 1410.01. R 1410.09, R 1410.16, R 1410.19, R 1416) b. TRAVEL (R 1410.05) 2 OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIRvENT (R 1475) 3 1 LEGAL SERVICES (R 1410.024, R 1415.01) S 2,609 4 SURVEY AND PLANNING (R 1410.021, R 1430) 7 5 LAND SURVEYS AND APPRAISALS (R 1410.022, R 1410.029, R 1440.02, R 1440.04, R 1440.05, R 1445.01) 6 1 RELOCATION PLANNING (R 1410.023, R 1443.01) 7 I SUBTOTAL 9 I RESERVE AND CONTINGENCIES 9 1 TOTAL (Line 7 plus 8) .. 11,115 3,403 E 14,518 S +1,575 g 4,184 _ inn - 2371 609 +28,7511 36.2 30,0891 41,204 8,240 x 49,444 s E 10 PR(? ECT INSPECTION FEE (R 1419) 11 TOTAL SURVEY AND PLANNING BUDGET — - (Line 9 plus 10) E 14,518 E 49,444 E approval of the Survey and Planning Budget in the amounts and for the time period Bhown in Column hereby requested. (c) is February 1, 1963 Date HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Local Public Agency Signature of Authorized Officer Executive Director Title The Survey and Planning Budget is hereby approved in the amounts and for the time period shown in Column (d). The authorised activities shall be completed by 19_ Date Regional Director of Urban Renewal, Region • 1'111.116- Waentni:ton, D. C � a �o �O �o I N O co N .0.1 n I u �o ba a �p u V 0400 0 b b P � W U E LL N m N 'a• 0` _ r a �U _s � p N C, J 17 < c r ~ C, In a 0 m T N �. V O n o= o m w Q) C ^ �- �- a xO U ^ r 10 10 .p C f S b — U t e 1 ,■ U oo r cL o � O w a C - ~ r o 0 cc W ::E J 0 z o _ ° 00 QQo O O t go ►- u r L) o to J Te w w 7 '" m o < w .. oc W b w Y O O o a m < c7 -I -d x y" r ro c 10 L to d d L) -d O S _j V J o w y Y N �t W Q W V ~ 1 t LO LO V z V7 W W o C u v w a W p 7 _o w p d J a O- 7VVV� w) u3 r C14 r r o 0 O v o- 7 r m w d S � • w ■■ 0 O0 N10 't �t�ONO OOOO' N u �i f�Ct�'4-�..pp O ao ON O ts 1r) V 'b O >- x r- cal r o .: I� �O N CA .- f� M I� �Q O 00 r- 1r2 INN �o < Z Y ■ ¢ • N 110 N Cl) N O l( 0� C u p - r- w H � b •.1 u C y J o w Z < W V N Q ■ = o 2 C7 or LL- o O It -ex N e W a � U Y U Z _ t. N C7 Z C Z L V L L. C3) v a ui Q o `' w -' N O o a� Q a C 4) c a r .� �.D '= �- ��� R e o P- oa ��� o= 0)m _ m ` -1 d c N L- -O +- +- O O D `� N O J co W Z F U L '^ C C > O 0 o pp U 'C O} �^ j t4- C O .� C O d 0 a .� N N O V1 CL N a o C W w V o +V. .O d i ,0 _O �3 .� y O) U O ` .aci y c u 0 c — 'c C u Z E W Q U- N N '1 V to N N N o }0. V • M Y J u W ' _ i oT U- Wy 0 b' —�< a c u CI a) L) 0) 19 td al W u u C C n q tpU ^ N U od E3 y aJ r1 N V M V C G O •.-1 o yO n .g 'U `~ U U C7 G u ,Q C C7 • 7 I�.r p aCl :d r to w l� •� h w C, 49 o .v p •oq� p i �p FQQ O • 1C]r qd, Dp u UU .+ eD 8 a .•� ~ v D V •1 a~4j r IO w rI1 u �H •.+ w � wd u � w N .-. O > a� 'J .-1 D .. s 49 U) p � pp N 6 I y � v� y N GN w al IW D w „O N C y Ql � u B U ,. o 41 ° O° w a) U u ... Cd c o o. 4 t: �+' U C D ! •• •• •• Cl . 4 > a d p c- in a )C cd w u •.� 4 Q O 1••r V. a.) CO a v N _4 4j Ir ry d :ry p Cd 6 N N L. U N N e a }1a N f+ E �D • 9 y Y1 cx .0 �.V.1 . o O G O LU. C1 •, L.y 0 D N 1J O •� Ln .°. • j ,� L. o 44.) y o :a v •o c o I J �) 'b C rd 6 e �" u� Q g p� S y ..ry+ N .U•c 21 ay) p� F fQ� V N [.) N N r a) •.. ..+ cn to • 4 aJ d) cl ... c1 U .0 •--1 ,7 rn Q 4. Z u 1 Y 7 V Ni W in ci 7 •Q mEn r 0/ f-' h r: r s O w 0 41 0 •bO .0 E�j� -1' O L cic «''� L. O Ck p �..1 �' al y of L. aj U N q L"� h M N a) w p y G7 N IGy .1.., L U [•� L• ••- Vl « ►A D UV L ° aU) L 1w u I v O C r0 (D W W C cd ' c ° m a 4 °; F L, (�d�] o d +g as C.) u N r- N N p W U d a) CD ... a) Id' CJ ar al N u v ..+ 4, .... N (n N O .o K C cd a) w ., T7 C11 6 a) d� ,7 L cad y u b C E CV to bo cd r' cn u O c J d m a1 rcgd+ y d oO1 C) r .-c c C- N o 4 y° d N �i C d a• a. n �°b F Cd a! N aa) LI 47 C: ro ) D o c O e (0 O c I q 8 cd .r .•� p 8 0 t- 11 u a' tv rL' N U d) •• b .0 u 'C.r U Cd N 41 (D 0) b C L U r : ' f r) o o as F v o L. ,_ o n' .cn 6 �. L. n. o c: :j r m u Lam . U) pU c 7 N •.-) m tU N r- S' I [� G l' U ar •-� i (1 N ` J U 6 >I .o o N D V) ' ) (n .0 4� 'U L:rr C I Ca O +J .,4 � r' [_ .n a) ct3 O a) > ti am L. a1 w a) y4 D O 4J CV 6 L. n f. >; r-+ cd > 6 t0 v tf .0 L. - (7 TJ U U U ' U U V U C) C* � �> = w 41 T m r: r eD w d W L o aN u m p N G . O N y u1i O a C C_ � ed N [ O � � VV 11 CD ) D _ a) Cl cd V ~ r,. 4d; 6 N d U O l) J or d P. O 6 O U N U cd al a • -. 6 c] U z O N oo y 4 Cs.. f.. b a) Ir p 1. 4d�d I.N. ui L. cud V) •.u. P-4 L. w Q 4 c N am0 y O 4 C cu .. o w t • L O +k N f i 1 1 i I N N 1 N 00 a I •O M vm I �o az • q o �a N r ww w N d • ' A OI .tl I O +k N f i 1 1 i I N N 1 N 00 a I •O M vm I �o az • q o �a N r ww w o i b n• W I L• i N d ' OI .tl I � tl Y � a w -� a ro F M co o U _ F U W W o 7 a d o o' a + a N b .� • I+ u o o Y �.. e V m w o V v a Z uz orom L. 0 -� C C 4 H V y O W x < J Ln 0 r 8 1 N Q Y x 0 L CL Q CL QO o Wz cF C = w N N Co o ui O Z u 0 W j W �' M i � �rAW D (-+ W W �' IL W vQ Z w a z N H Lu ca ?L Z O tiQ to LL. u w Q s O W W oZ O LL W Z c r w, .�. Z W � z Y Z y N O == En p a: O 3 c 0 cx N O .J C7 u Z V Z Z `ti • Y t ro •"` ° y u D y No-' O y •� �. J o WOYYv � D u y N a N 0 V = z Q o ou4 u a o a al: Y o U `•, r.. 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