211011Ort¢inal to- City Clerk,? � j •��'' ORDINANCE 2110-11 PRESENTED BY 2� T�� COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: °'An ordinance fixing the duties. and responsibilities and the. mining qualifications for the -various class -es of positions- in the Classified, Service. of the City, tF approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THH COUNCIL OF' THF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section. I. That Ordinance, No. 7607;, .approved, February 1,3, 1935, as amended, be and, the same is. hereby further amended by striking out the title iin the specifications. for "Junior Architectural Draftsmanr", and by substituting in lieu thereof, the title "Architectural Draftsman 3tt. • e- Y�{ l 1 r 1 , i . ✓, +v ` 'sue .l • ' ,� i v/ CITY CLERK ._.. d woff, Two COUN011, or "M CI TV' *;r "T PAVLO.Ooss O-APAwt pct . t. 'fit Orftw4ce *. 1607, Ft 4td V *bad *V 13. 1935. as wAW 4. be OAd ske, *a 10 hoteby ter a *&A U y ou�� out the tWo to tho *wtacaflcas for 14 for , raut"t c .,'��" E�#�►�i "�a �� by subaltutlas. to uses thews th* title ���►����+�� #� �t�►� ,���. fit o ifta t ar Atddts9tur4 09410m "o oubstituttao to Uou th«roat "lowing spodat',at oo r I r a Ist 2n Laid over to 3rd and app clopte Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss /� Mortinson 1 Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis s 41 QL Dalglish Holland Loss l(JV) Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis PUBLISHED -2