211004.I Original to-City ,Clerk _ ORDINANCE 2004 E COUNCIL FILE NO. 1 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. t An ordinance amending Ordinance.No. 7607, enti.tled?UBLISHED -.. /6 ' " C-3 t1AA ordinance fixing the duties. and responsibilities. and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City," approved .February 13., 1935, as amended. THE. COUNCIL OF THF, CITY OF SAINT' PAUL DOES. ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 76,03, approved February 13, 1935, as, amended, be and the_ same is hereby further amended, by striking out the title in the specifications, for "Junior Tabulating Machine. Operator" and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Tabulating Machine, Operator V. ,Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended, by striking out the title in the specifications for "Tabulating Machine: Operator" and by substituting in lieu, thereof the title "Tabulating Machine Operator IL". Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the. same is hereby further amended by striking out the title, and spe- cifications. for the following: I. i - Junior- School Custodian - - Sen.ior Tabulating Machine Operator Team Owner - Driver.. .Section 4. This ordinance shall take- effect. and be in force thirty days after its. passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss D Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attes U -City Clerk 1M 6-62 22 Council File No. 211004 — Ordinance No. 12401 —By Bernard T. Holland — An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: j "An ordinance 8xink the duties ,and ``responsibilities and the minimum qualifications. for the various classes of Ilpositions do the Classified Service of the City," approved February r13„1935, as amended.' - -- ' =- .�1he J -Z9, 'i M fhe City o, ' 0 "ant Paul S s 'rync:�l Yf2r i4: -9ilynt et,' t •L.13VA .oi 'zr tit - ,%sz dz • i. ' l FEB 13 1963 Passed by the Council Tn Favor C9 Against Appro FEB 13 1963 - Mayor CITY CLERK 21.1 004 1%0 *V4w=e.*. 11*WS the -duties and "OponfibUttlets, MUOWUM f0* 04, Varloo 40064* P60100AS 44 the 40UP01fled OOM90 of the Oftyo ,%PPtzve6 Aftbroty, 13v 19301 as swoa4*4. THE CWMCIL 01P THS CM OV SAWT PAUL V*t$ OMAINi Section't. 1UtQ;r41OwceVO; 7607* 4pVx1*VO4Vebr"VV,130 'loss,* As amandedo be and the same ie h6roby further avieadtd by striking fit tho MA a 19v tho "ciffeattons for 11untat TaWMWS Wut&* OPO*r,�rit and by substitutUS Mtx ftots theimf tba titter "Tabulsalog WOMUO Opefttai. 1111, Sactlou,Z. 'That said OrOvAneot as aweadeds be *ad the same t�, hereby further amended by striking out the tats i% tho,opecOWAtiont, fir- ItUbuUting Mu bite Oporatot", -and substituttag ia Alm theroof the title Is Tabdating, Mathlue Operator U -Sectift 3., Tet said orftszeoi go smond04 bw4wd the any Is hors further Amended by str*lng out the title: and spatifitations for the Tom, Ownar-Driver. ftealon 4i• %3" 9rdinanto OhzA UU efloct, and bo in force thirty flays after its Valleages, approval, *UdV"C4t1OA,- - FEB 131963 9 _1/ o FEB 13 1963 Changes in specifications so that specifications agree with new titles;; and abolished Team Owner - Driver and Jr. School Custodian specifica- tions, which titles were dropped some weeks ago. lst 2nd "? I •� Laid over to 3rd and app Ad'opte �-3 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Dalglish Holland Holland Loss Loss Mortinson Mortinson Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis -2.1004 °8