a.. 5
In the Matter of
�- a_G3 f
Council File No. 210994
In the matter of reconstructing side-
r walk on the west side of C_ edar St.
from 9th td Exchange Sts., together
'with all areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors,•'
'tunn el s and other underground faci('•„
-` ^9 of
3 every description, and provX
aU P _ t l f z ,P .f StPruor tl%', 4;,-
••3 ,zaoi7a�rlF;ii.ia_i,�•ziYS��
'kee trudtlAg .$ide lc an the • Veat side of Cedar St; frm 9t to ,$t t
• a ,;,; 1, ;• ,�'�
I together,_withAall areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors tunnels and tlPlk
i ground facilities of-every description, and provided that all permits her'
I fore grante4 by said City of, St. Paul for,,,the,. instal.latiori. and /or maintenance
of such areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors,, ;-t�innels` 'r' I` t4er- underground facil-
ities of every description will be�andxthe same area" hereby revoked unless said
txreawr-a.ys, coal - holes, - trapdoors,�:tunnels and other underground facilities • of
every description are `reconstructed by said permittee on or before a: date
which is one year after the date of final approval of "-,his-order; and that
further, the Department of Public Works, through its Chief Engineer, is.hereby
authorized and directed to fill in and remove such areaways, coal - holes, trap -
i doors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every'description, the
permittees of which areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under-
ground facilities of,every description fail to reconstruct the same to the
i satisfaction of the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date.
1rovemeritYi CD- made bye the said City is '
reconstruct the i#ldimmlk on the wont 41de of 'Cedar St:, free 9th to Exch4nOD Sto' +,.
together with all areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under -
ground facilities of every description,�and provided that all permits,,hereto-
k fore granted by said City of St. Paul for the installation and/pr- '.maintenance
f of such areaways,,' coal- holes, trapdoors, -6unnels and other undergroundifacil-
ities of every description will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said F
�axariwtays, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of
every'description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a date
which is one year after the date of final approval of this-order; and that,
further, the Department of Public Works, through its Chief Engineer, ig hereby
authorized and directed to fill in and remove such areaways, coal - holed, trap-
doors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description, the
permittees of which areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under-
ground facilities of every description fail to reconstruct the same to the j
satisfaction of the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date. j
City Clerk.
Files664 ----------- ------ - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - -- ---------------------------
Councilman Dalglish
Councilman `Holland
Councilman Loss -
Councilman Mortinson
Councilman Peterson V /
Councilman Rosen ',
Mayor Vavoulis
, 5-02 3M c22
Dist. N o. 4
W. S. Cedar - 9th. to Exchange St. 3
� �
Nov, 8th, i9 61
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre-
liminary order of the Council, known as Council File No, 204469
approved Oct. 24th. �9 61 relative to _
reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of Cedar St:• from 9th. St.
'""£o""Exc`iiange 5't�':' Loget}i'e`r "�w`ith"all� a' seaways ;"coal= holes�trapdoors,,
tunnels and other underground facilities of every 'description, and _
poVi —a d`tha-£ -'a1r permits heretofore granted by said'City of�St. Paul
for the installation and /or maintenance of such areaways coal hole's;__
f-r—apdoors ttunn'e1s` and otfier uno-erground facilitiesof'- e_very._de.scrip-
tion and will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said areaways*
coa= l=holes ,trapdoors unnnels and other un erground faciliti —es' 7T
every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a
d'a te w`WC -h is one year after ttie date of fi -Mapproval of this ord re ;
aneandzr,tV hatit,yI furt•h, jZ. tthq. —L& t- parrt, men&- IipfQPsu•bj ilcsdWo:rk!g7j rt:.roug:hryti�t:s�,C_h-tef
Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to fill in and remove such
ariawa,_,y- s,ocjoaal��holts. .tt^r- a,pdiooyr,s,, Gtdn.ne ;Ls., wn +d other cund,e- r_g-r,oa:nd�ef.atilll =