07-1203Council File # 07-1203 RESOLUTtON CITY y�F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: WHEREAS, certain specific budgets of the City's 2007 budgets are projected to be out of balance, and GreenSheet# 3047290 Committee Date: SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION 1 2 9 a 5 6 7 8 s 10 11 12 13 14 15 '16 17 78 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �S Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, representatives of the departments and offices of the City have recommended that the following budgets be adjusted; and WHEREAS, the Director of Financiat Services has discussed these projections and adjustments for 2007 with the City Council during the budget workshop meeting on November 21st; and WHEREAS, the Mayor is recommending the adjustments listed below to bring the budgets into balance; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 70.07.1 of the City Charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation $638,980 in general fund monies and $648,6UU in special fund monies in excess of those estimated in in accordance with Sections 10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2007 budget: Fund Activity Object Description CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET GENER4L FUND SPENDING Citv Artornev's Office 001 - 00200 - 0207 Civil Litigation 125,460 50,703 176,163 001 - 00200 - 0299 Other Services 30,000 35,000 65,000 001 - 00200 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 1,248,873 35,000 1,283,873 The above changes are required due fo fhe following circumstances: $50,703 for unanticipafed civi/ /itlgafion cosfs, $35,000 for MNCIS conversion cosfs thaf were required in 2007 but originally expected in 2008, $35,000 for addi5onal fringe benefit costs that occur due fo costs shiffs within the fringe benefit sysfem. Office of FinanCial Services 00'I - 00110 - 0111 Salaries 933,485 (24,995) 908,490 This change offsets other spending increases tlue to unused spending authority available foi salaries in OFS. Parks 8 Recreation 001 - 03�35 - 0396 Field Equipment 0 35,925 35,925 This exchanges spending aufhority between Police and Parks relafed to a corresponding adjusfinent in fhe use of proceeds in fhe STAR capital program. 00� - 03196 - 0111 Salaries 737,735 50,000 187,735 This provides addiSona/ spending aufhority in Parks to compensafe for unanticipated sfaff time for storm damage clean-up. General Government Accounts 001 - 09070 - 0511 Tort Liability 297,500 (85,703) 211,797 001 - 09069 - 0518 Contingent Reserve 110,005 (110,005) 0 The above changes include the following ifems: $85,703 unused spentling authority for citywide torf liability cosfs and $110,005 thaf was p/aced in contingency in the 2007 adopted budgef fo cover expected worker's compensafion expenses. Councii File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PresenYed By: Referred To: CURRENT AMENDED Funtl Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Police 001 • 04307 - 0821 Cars and Motorcycles 524,241 (35,925) 488,316 This exchanges spending authorify between Police and Parks ielated to a conesponding adjusfinent in fhe use of pioceeds in the STAR capital p�ogram. SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION Page 2 of 4 d'1 42 43 4A 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 001 - 04100 - 0111 Salaries 27,708,807 50,000 27,758,807 This provides addi5onal spending authorify in Police due to t6e addiSonal sa/ary costs included in fhe 2007 Pofice contract settlemenf. SafeN & Insoections 001 - 00258 - 0273 Grounds Maintenance 488,880 638,980 7,127,860 This provides additionai spending auEhority for summary abatement grounds matntenance to reflect acfual spending. The expenses in this activity are offset by assessment revenue from fhe abated properties. GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE GENERAL FUND FINANCING Green Sheet # b�-/� Committee Date: 638,980 Safetv & insoections D01 - 00258 - �306 Transferfrom CapiGl Projects 1,095,890 638,980 1,734,870 Assessmenf ievenue in summary abafemenf is correlafed with summary abatement grounds mainfenance spending. This increase reflecfs the revenue expected fiom the higher fhan budgeted grounds maintenance work (see above entry). GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE TOTAL GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE TOTAL GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE SPECIAL FUNDS 638,980 638,980 638,980 Financial Services City-wide Major Events FINANCING 080 - 30401 - 3099 Federal Funding 0 300,000 300,000 This indudes expected resources from the Federal govemment fo cover police staffplanning rxpenses for the Republican Nafional Convenfion. FUND FINANCING CHANGE 300,000 SPENDING 080 - 30407 - 0'111 Salaries 0 230,000 080 - 30401 - 0439 Fringe Benefiits 0 70,000 FUPID SPENDIPlG CHANGE 300,060 This indutles police sWff planning expenses for the Repu6lican National Convention. 230,000 70,000 Council File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referted To: Green Sheet # f1?-(�b� Committee Date: SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION Page 3 of 4 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 706 707 108 109 110 111 912 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 CURRENT AMENDED Funtl Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET SafeN 8 Insoections Property Code Enforcement FINANCING 040 - 30251 - 7199 Transfer to CDBG 350,603 48,600 399,203 Increased CDBG dol/ars fo cover higher than ezpected administraGve casts related fo increased vacanf building abafement. FUND FINANCING CHANGE 48,600 SPENDING 040 - 3U251 - Q111 Salaries 22,466 4U,000 040 - 30259 - 0439 Fringe Benefiits 7,252 8,600 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 48,600 This covers increased adminisfrative costs relafed to higher than expecfed vacanf building abatemenf. Public Works Solid Waste & Recycling FINANCING 232 • 32401 - 9830 Use ofFuntl Balance 171,743 300,000 FUND FINANCING CHANGE 300,000 SPENDING 232 - 32401 - 0538 Repayment of Advance 150,000 300,000 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 360,000 This completes an intema/ loan belween fhe Solid Waste 6 Recycling Fund antl the Sewer Utility Fund, which was originally scheduled to be completed in 2009. Ea�ly payoff of fhis loan was part of fhe 2008 Budget plan. Sewer Utility FINANCING 260 - 22200 - 6922 Major Sewer Service Obligation 350,000 300,000 260 - 22200 - 9831 Contribution to Fund Balance 0 (300,000) FUND FINANCING CHANGE 0 This comp/efes an intemal loan beiween the Solid Waste & Recyding Fund and the Sewer Uti/ify Funtl, which was o�iginally schedu/ed to be complefed in 2009. Eady payoff of this loan was paR of fhe 2008 Budgef plan. TOTAL SPECIAI FUND FINANCING CHANGE 648,600 TOTAL SPECIAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE 648,600 62,466 15,852 477,743 450,000 650,000 (300,000) Be it RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as intlicated above, and adopts the revisions to the 2007 budget. Council File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Refened To: SUBSTtTUTE RESOLl1T{ON Green Sheet # � /�03 Committee Date: Page 4 of 4 Adopted by Council: Date ��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approve� gY� RequeSted by Department of: Office of the Mayor, Financial Services By: Approval Recommended by irector of Financial rvices: \ By: Form Approved by City Attorney: By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: Prepared by the Office of Financial Services (g:lsharedlbudgeflyr2009107 year entl resolution) � Green Sheet Careen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��(��3 �s -��ri� s�.a� Contacf Person & Phone: Matt Smith 266-8796 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): 19-DEC-07 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC E-0ocument Required: Y Document Contact: Contact Phone: i&DEC-07 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages �(C{ip AI{ Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3047290 0 ndal Services 1 'alServices De artmentDissectox 2 'nantiatServices F1'oancialServices 3 Attorne _�� 4 a or s �fffice M3 Oi/ASSlSf3llf 5 ancd � Comcil 6 " Clerk C7 Qerk Approval of the attached 2007 yeaz-end budget adjustment resoluuon. iaaiions: Approve �A) or FteJect (H): Yersona� servlce conuacts must wnswer cne rouowmg vuescwns: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNiirm ever worked under a contrad for ihis department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city emploqee? Yes No 3. Does this person/Fifm possess a skitl not normafiy possessed by any current city empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Mayor has recommeuded adjustments to bring the budget into batance. Advantages If Approved: The 2007 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The 2007 budget will not balance. iota� Amount ot �3A8,600.00 Trensaction: Funtling Source: V3nOUS Financial Information: (Explain) CosVRevenue BuBgeted: Activity Number. VafioUs December 12, 2007 10:28 AM Page i Council File # �� aa3 RESOLUTION OF SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By' Referred To: WHEREAS, certain GreenSheet# 3047290 7 2 3 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 11 �2 ia ia 15 16 17 78 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 29 30 37 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, representat budgets be adjusted; budgets of the City's 2007 budgets are prajected to be out ofi balance, and Page � of 3 of the departments and offices of the City have recommended that the foilowing WHEREAS, the Director of Fina � ial Services has discussed these projections and adjustments for 2007 with the City Council during the budge�t�prkshop meeting on November 21st; and WHEREAS, the Mayor is adjustments listed below to bring the budgets into balance; and WHEREA3, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation $348,600 in special fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2007 budget; and in accordance with Sections 10.07.1 and 10.07tiA of the City Charler, recommends the foilowing changes to the 2007 budget: �� O r �� CURRENT AMENDED Fund Activity Object Description `�� BUDGET CNANGES BUDGET GENERAL FUND SPENDING Citv Attornev's Office �� 007 - 00200 - 0207 Civil Litigation 00ti - 00200 - 0299 Other Services `\ 00� - 00200 - 0439 Fringe Benefits �; The above changes aie required due to the following circumstances: $50,703 $35,000 tor MNCIS conversion costs that were required in 2007 but ariginalty � benfit costs that occur due to costs shifts within the t�inge benefit system. Office of Financial Services 001 • U0110 - 0�11 Salaries This change of/sets other spending increases due to unused spen0ing Committee Date: (24,995) 908,490 sa/a�ies in OFS. Parks & Recreation 007 - 03735 - 0396 Field Equipment 0 35,925 35,925 This exchanges spending authority beiween PoliCe and Parks related to a corresponding adjustm t in the use of proceeds in the S7AR capital program. 001 - 03796 - 0117 Salaries 137,735 5 000 787,735 This provides addifional spentling authority in Parks to compensate tor unanticipated staH Yime for storm mage ciean-up. 125,460 50,703 176,763 30,000 35,000 , 65,000 7,248,873 35,000 1,283,8�3 unanticipated civil litigation costs, �cted in 2008, $35,000 for additional fringe CouncilFile# b�i`��/J RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentetl By: Referred To: Green Sheet tl Committee Date: Pege 2 of 3 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 66 69 70 71 72 73 74 \� WRRENT AMENDED Fund Activity Object� Description BUDGET GHANGES BUDGET Police \ 001 - 04307 - 0821 Ears and Motorcycles 524,247 (35,925) 488,3'I6 This exchanges spending authority �een Police and Parks �e/ated fo a correspontling adjustment in the use of proceeds in the STAR capital program. � 007 • 04100 - 0111 Salaries \ 27,708,807 50,000 27,758,807 This provides additional spending authority in�Police due to !he addifional salary costs incl�ded in the 2007 Police contract settlement � General Govemment Accounts \ 007 - 09070 - QS'17 TortLiability r 297,500 (85,7U3) 2i7,797 001 - 09061 - 0578 ContingentReserve� 11Q005 (77Q005) 0 The above changes include ihe following items; $85,703 (�used spending authority for citywide tort liability costs and $1 f0,005 thai was placed in coniingency in the 2007 adopte�j budget to cover expectetl worker's compensation expenses. GENERALFUND GENERAL FUND FINANCING No changes recommended GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE SPECIAL FONDS 0 0 Financial Services City-wide Major Events FINANCING 080 - 30401 • 3099 Fetleral Funding 300,000 300,000 This fncludes expected resaurces from the Federal governmenf to cover police sfaff planni expenses far the Repu6lican National Convention. FUND PINANCING CHANGE SPENDING O80 - 30401 - 0177 Salaries 0 O80 - 30401 - 0439 Fringe Benefiits 0 FUND SPENDWG CHANGE This includes police staNp/anni�g expenses for fhe Repu6/ican Natiana/ Canvention. 230,000 70,000 � , PreseMed By: Referred To: ����,�F��e � o�,��a3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # Committee Date: Page 3 of 3 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 by Department of: Adopted by Gouncil: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: ey: Approvetl by Mayor: Date By: � CURRENT AMENDED Fund Activity Obje�,t Desuiption BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET SaFeN & Inspections \ Property Code Enforcement �, FINANCING \�� 040 - 30251 - 7199 Traqsfer to CDBG 35Q603 48,600 399,203 Increased COBG dollars to cover higher'tfian expected administrative costs related to increased vacant building abatement. , �'�,FUND FINANCING CHANGE 48,600 SPENDING �\ 040 - 3�25t - 0111 Salaries 22,466 40,0�0 62,466 040 - 30251 - 0439 Fringe Benefiits, 7,252 8,600 15,852 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 48,60D This covers increased adminisfrative costs related to higher than expected vacantbuilding abatement. TOTAL SPEqAL FUND PINANCING CHANGE 348,600 TOTAL SPECIAL FUND SPEND4NG CHANGE 348,600 Be it RESOLVED, that ihe City Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopfs the revisions to the 2007 butlget. By: Approval By: Form Approved by City Attomey: sy: Approved by Mayor ey: to Services: Prepared by the Office of Financial Services (g:lshared\butlget1yr2007107 year end resolution)