210901ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE U CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM 2'109 ()*l COUNCIL FILE NO. RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in the action of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County taken at their meeting on January 14, 19639 and hereby approves assignment of $1,125#000 in the following securities by the American National Bank of St. Paul in consideration of its designation as a depository of public funds of Ramsey County: - $725,000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 3 -3/4% due August 15, 1968 $4009000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3 -1/4% due November 15, 1965 said securities to be pledged in exchange for $800,000 in United States Treasury Bonds, 3 -3/4% due May 15, 1966 to insure deposits of the Welfare Board Revolving Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 Council File No. 210901 —By James J. Dalglish- Resolved, That the iCouncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in 'the action of the Board of County Commissioners of_ Ram sey County taken at their meeting on January 14, 1963, and hereby approves assignment of 9,125,000 in the following securities by e American National Bank of St. Paul in consideration of its designation as a depository of public funds of Ramsey j County; $725,000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 33M due August 15, 1968 $400,000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3%% due November 15, 1965 said securitibs to be pledged in ex- change for $800,000 in United S t a •t e s Treasury Bonds, 3%% 'due May 15, 1965 to insure deposits of the Welfare Board Revolving Fund. Adopted by the Council January 22, .1963. Approved January 22, 1963. (January,26, 1963) JAN 2 21963 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 2'2 19 prove 19- n Favor Mayor U Against 0�, W. Donald M. Lacs g 90 City Corporation Counsel Ruilding Dear Sirs Jatsuary is* 1963 On January 14, 1963 the Ramaty County Board of CommUsIvners did approve.the attached assipo nt for the American National Bank of St. Paul which pledges $10125.000..00 in government securities in consideration of its designation as a depository of public funds of the Raosey County Welfare Board of the City of St. Paul and the County of Ranmay. You will Bate that the assipt 11t fora has been approved as to fore and execution by Mr. Thomas, M. Quayle, Awdstmsst County Attorney, and the signature of the chairman of the Cotmty Board to also affixed to indicate the Carty Beard's approval. It is our mWberstanding that it is nm necessary for the City of St. Paul to approve the assignment for securities as listed, and we ar• thus sendIm the assignosut fore to you for whatever- . ti1w. resolatlan, etc, is necessary on the part of the City Count -11 to provfde the ;required approval. WO roMld appreciate havhg this assent form returned to this afli M _pact , it has b I a oproved by the City C Lawil . Thank yas for > i nticItatod courtesies in this matter. wlOX eX Very truly yours WILLIAM M. KILLEEN County Treasurer enclOsuress copy - 1excevpts from Minutes' assigment form - Am.Natl.Rk.St.Paul f KNOW ALL lei BY TWE i'IiBSFdi'PS t That the Act_ Qri� tja�nj of U. Paula LiNnnia a banking aorpc►ration organized and each '+hilt' • tires miler the lam of the 3�ted States and authorized b do a banking business in the Stake of Kinneeota, in consideration of its designation, as a depository of public funds of the Raasepr County Welfare Hoard of taw City of Saint Paul and County of RawW# State of Aiinnssota, as hereinafter q.peaifisd, does hereby assign, transfer, set over, and deliver to the AmGgY County Welfare Board of the City of Saint Paul and the Counter of AMMseY, State of Minzwoota, the following seonritiess *n5, 000 LT. S. Treasury Bonds 3 3/4% due 8_1568 $400.000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3 1 /e, due -1i -1 565 Me said securities so assigned we herewith delivered to the :� Meey County Relfary Board. said County of Ramsey and City of Saint Paul under and pursuant to the statutes Of the Stab of Hinnssoti, relating to depositeries of qablia funds. and to the end that said Hank so depositing and assigning such securities, shall and Vila. safely keep and pay over to the Ramsey County welfare Board of the County of RM"gV and City of Saint Paul or ita order on demand, free Of hangee Rau other ehargos. ealll monVa now or horsaf t ear deposited in such so deposited. county any tiwe whilo such bonds shall be In the case of default on the part of said Bank, the A msey County Welfare Hoard, the County of RamssY, aW. the City of Saint Paul, State of hinnesota, and. its goveraiM bodies and officers .shall have fu-1.1 pot,,er and authority to soll such securities* or so ranch thereof as may be necessary to roalize the fuU mount of the Amds so deposited by said Ramsey County Welfare Board in said Bank, and to PLY the balance or overplus, if any. to said Bank or its assigns, -it beW under -. stood, however, that the said Ramsey County I461farg Hoard, or its sueoessor in Office. shall return said securities to the said Hank when the trust created hereby is tominated, and in the event of a redaction in the denoait, it shall pemit the said Bank to withdraw the excess portion of the oollateral hereby assigned as Provided by law. 11 tsd at St. Paul, Minnesota. this ItA day of JAVMM, 19AI. In fires o r J'T (Seal) Vicee s ant Cashier ,AND ,/1 L.. Vice President r - STATES OF HilU=TA ) COUNW OF RAM3EY On this day of JKUM 19§3 before ms, a Notary Pabhc- within and for said Gbuntyy. Pars T rPPMu'*d 4s Am B " t� to ms prrsaYraLlr kno too, being eaob by dn]ar7. did say e7 are respeotiin]J the end of the Hank of Minneso the oorpoaration nomad in the f A-JOM inggI tirment, and that the seal afftod to said instraaat is the ooaVW&te seal of said oosporations and that said instrt>mt was signed and sealed In behalf of the said corporation bj anthoriiW.of its Hoard of Directors, and said M. H. Mdar and askrmledged said instre m t to be the tree act and deed of said oorpora n. Not . Counter, ftmbsota Notary PubNc. Ramsey County, Mirth. My Commission Expires Mar. 26, 19SL My commission expires Appnmed as to form and execution by depository this "Y of t9 -.... ■ Assistant Co>rinV Attorney The within assignment and securities listed are hereby oPPro'vred ' by the Hoard of County Oemaissionecrs this .. day of ...,...,._�..�_____� 19 ;_ 8euntr Hoard Attests The within assigraent and seouritiee listed Are hteby approved by the City of Saint Paul, Hinneeota. DPW o g� r m z �n rn Z�