D001575No. _,DDD /57�S Date: 1-_c a a— 9R . CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATNE ORDER BUDGET REVISION ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority �ranted to the Mayor in Section lUA7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the DeDartment of TechnoloQV and Manaeement Services to amend the 1997 and 1998 budgets of the Capital Improvement Budaet, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current &udeet FINAI3CING AND SPENDING PLAN Martiri Luther King / Hallie Q. Brown Center Facility Safety Improvements C97-3H102-089A Construction - General /1997 CIB Bonds FINANCING AND SPENDING PLAN � Martin Luther King i Hallie Q. Srown Center FaciliTy Safety Improvements C98-OT103 Unspecified Contingency f 1998 CIB Bonds I 12 000 I 12,000 250 000 250,000 ChanQe +15.000 +15,000 -15.000 -15,000 � z z s�, Date Amended Bud2et 127 000 127,000 235.000 235,000 � ��yl� Date 1 )'1-- (��R--� Approved � irector of Financial Services �— Z Date 1 Requested by : Department Director � FOA �S� GREEN SHEET INITIAVOATE— DEPARTMENTD�RECTaft CRYATTORNEY � � �a, s MAYOF (OR ASSISS N°_ 52096 I�Db 15 7��' wmawn� CITYCOUNCfL GNCIERK FIN. bMBi SERVICES OIR. TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIIP ALL l000.T40NS FOR SIGNATURE) CCf10N REQUE5TED_ �,�PPRo�,a(. o� A��act�t,rorsTtc,�v� o�QE� : 8� Dcc�r A��t1r��•�rr 1M��TU t�vr� Kl,�ca ��� R-, 5�++�7z( t�fpet/,�w�TS, or _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL CIB COMMT'EE � STAFF _ _ _ �ISTRIC7COVRT _ _ SUPPOHTS WHICH fAUNCIL OBJECTIVE� PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWEF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has fiis personttirm ever workad untler a contreM �or this Oepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever 6een a ciry employeel VES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employeB? YES NO Explein a7i yes answero on separate a„eet anA attach to green aheet �pO�T�o�l+t, Pvrsdsa� r5 Nt�.�t7 7b cow�p�,L'�E con�S'(fz�'P�1 waRK. ANfJ u►�,++l�v flN�'++�.��*rf�W��f'� �j',a`fGU�, �i �� P�u���r'S c�.� �� DISqOVAMAGES IF APPROVED' �.D�� RECElVED ��11- .9� 1998 Cii"Y CLERK ��K�s �'- �ir+n �. �Iw Fb� to �� f��"'t,F.c3 fl�owi �.ao1'tfi��- Sc6uRc� �4 w� w r�ot � r,�P�7�c�. �� a+an �- p�-cUf �?' �d�Pt,��� TOTAL AMOUNT OPTRANSACTION S r� O � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (GRCLE ONE) � NO /�/� O � { t0 FUNDIWG SOURCE ��77�J U� ACTIVITY NUMBER G� �� +� FINANC10.l INFORlnAT10N. (EXPLAIN�