07-1191Counci� Fi�e u e�—l/9/ Green Sheet # 3046937 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: �� Da te � WHEREAS, the Mayor has proposed budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2008, in accordance with 2 the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administrative Code, and 3 a WHEREAS, the City Council, afte� publication of the notice in the newspaper on December 4, 2007, participated in a public hearing on 5 December 11, 2007, on the Mayors Proposed 2008 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and Federal laws; and � WHEREAS, the Council has revised the Mayor's proposed budgets as herein set foRh; now therefore be it s s RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto, �o the Council of the City of Saint Paui does hereby adopt the 2008 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, addition ta and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resolution; and be it �z 13 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the several offces, departments, bureaus, and agencies of �a city government during the fiscal year 2008 shall be, and are hereby approved, and adoption of these budgets shall constitute �5 appropriations of the money amounts as set at the department budget total in the General Fund budget, the project total in the Capital ts Improvements budget, and the fund budget total in all other cases. 17 �s FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated financing set forth in the 2008 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it 19 20 z� zz z3 za zs z6 z� za zs 30 37 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 2008 budget for the Community Development Block Grant Fund (100) is a multi-year budget based on estimates for a grant which has a fiscal period that differs from the City's normal budget year (January 1 through December 31), the authority to impiement this adopted multi-year budget commences only at the beginning of the grant period, and shall e�dend 6eyond December 31, 2008, through the end of the grant period and; during the year when the grant is accepted by the City Council, the budget will be amended to match the actuai grant amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to publish the 2008 budget summacy pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Offce of the State Auditor; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Director of Financial Services is hereby authorized to prepare the final 2008 Budgets in accordance with the actions taken herein and to equalize, balance or set the final department revenue sources and department appropriations as necessary Requested by Department of. Office of the Mayor, Financial Services By: Matt Smith, Director, Financial Services Adoption Certified by By: By Secretary. !z j� ( � Approval Recommended by Director of Financial Services By. Form Approved by City � A � tt ,,p orney: � / � , Bv �j.SGI '✓'1 � //,�C��� Appro ed b a or fo Submission Coi cil. By: PrepareabytM1eSamtPauloKCeofFinanaalserv¢es(c\Shareo�BUaget�2ooTCOUnwlViesolubonQryBUagM1213O6exl ivoilos) Adopted by Counal: Date E2 �1�-i aC�G�—/ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � a�ffl�� FS —Fivanciat secvices Contact Person 8 Phone: Matt Smith 266-8796 Must Be on Counoil Aaen Ooc. Type: RESOWTION W/$ TRANSAC E•Document Requiretl: N Dxumeot Contact: Contact Phone: 30-NOV-07 � Assign Number Far Routing Order Total # of SignaW�e Pages _(Clip All Locations fw Signature) 1. Has Nvs personffirm ever worked under a co�haot for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfircn possess a skdl not rrormally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain aIi yes answers on separate sheet and attacN to green sheet Approval of Councit Resolution adopting the 200$ annual budgets. �danons: approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why}: Advantdges If Approved: The City will be in compliance with Ciry Charter and State Law. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The Ciry will be without an adopted budget for 20D8. In accordance with the Ciry Charter, the services priorities, fmancing estimates and spending appropriafions for 2009 would be canied fonvard imo 2008 and become the 2008 budget. Transaetion: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain} II II�7h�r 2007 1:37 PM IIIII I CosURevenue Budgeted: Green Sheet N4: 3046937 U � aial S¢rviees I inantialSetvices De artuentDirector � 2 ' aneialServices fficeFSnanrisi6ervices �—�— 3 i Attorne 4 a or's Office Ma orlAssistaof 5 ouncil Ci Couneil 6 i Clerk Cl' Clerk AcSivity NumBer: Page 1 ������t 2008 Adopted Budget Resolufion Attachments GenereiFund Office of Financial Services Report date/time� Pa9e 1 of4 12/'17J2607 3:30;06 PM Ciry Council Meetin9 Mayor's Proposetl Butlget... General Funtl Mayors Butlget Total Gap� Excess/(Shortfalp Technical Changes to the Mayor's Budget... CilyAttomey Reduce Continuance Por Dismissal Flnanang to match projected wllections Frte Retluce Paramedic Fees financing to match prqected collections Fire Atljost Other Fire Revenues Fre Retluce 2o0a salary reserve based on revisetl 2008 pattem (one-time) Geneal Govemment Accounts ShiR Spending for CHCH Renovahons to Public Works Speciai Fund (255) General Govemment Accounts Increase Pohce Pension Aitls financmg to match Drqectetl collections Non Department Financing Reduce Franchise Fee (Distnct Ener9Y) fnancing to maich projected collections Non Department Financmg Increase Pranchise Fee (Xcel) financing to match prqectetl collecpons Non Department Financin9 Revise Interest Eamings fnancing estimate (t0 $3,000,000) Non Department Financm9 Increase Downtown TIF Disirict closeout pmceeds hased on revised County data (one-time) Parks Increase Park Pertnd fnancin9 antl spendmg to match pro)ected collections Police Reduce 2008 salary reserve basetl on revised 2008 pattern (one-time) Pohce Increase spend�n9 for pro7ectetl mcrease in fuel cost Public Works/POlice Retluce Parking antl Movin9 V�olations Fine fnancin9 to maich pro7ectetl collecAOns BudgetAkerTechmcalChan9es Gap: Excess / (Shortfalp Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... Parks Res[ore spending to W ilder Rec Center operations Parks Restore spendmg for Pmsperity Rec Center operaiions Non Department Financing Swdch tax fnanang from Ciryto Library (tlecrease general fund pmperty tax financing) Non Department Financing Swrtch fmancing from City to library ro cover full cost of restored Library hours Spending Financing 181.814.'I60 18t,814,t60 187.814,760 78'I.St4.160 0 (75,000) (1,500,000) 100,000 (75,000) (722,568) (722.568) 930,000 (80,000) 250,000 (I50 000) 650,000 30,000 30,000 (305,000) tt0,000 (300,000) 180,851,592 180,946,592 95,000 179,000 108,000 (294,7'ISj (13,623j Butl9etAfterPohcy Changes 181,138,592 '180,638,851 Gap Excess/(Sfiortfall) (499.�4�) Additional Poiicy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... Non Department Financing Recognize Dis[nct Energy deferretl franchise fee and loan repayments ($656,000 in 2008; ongoing) 656,000 General Govemment Accounts Establish General Contingency (one-time) 150,000 Safety $ InspecAOns ftetluce mcrease in liquor and res5aurant fees to 1Z 5%(increase base collechonsj 8utlget Neutral Butl9etAfterPOficyCfianges �8�.288592 �8�.294.85� Gap Fxcess!(Shortfail) 6,259 Council Changes to the Proposed Budget Safety 8 Inspechons DSI Financing - Reduce license fee incr to S% across the boartl (cover wRh pnor year CIB funds & tle6t levy switch) Safely & Inspechons DSI financing -Administratme Fmes Non Department Finanang Switch CiTy tax fnancin9 for LGAwith Library (tlecrease Qty property tax financing) Non Department Rnancm9 Switch City tax fnancin9 for LGA wdh Library (increase City LGA) Non Department Financing Adjust tax levy financin9 Non DepaM1ment Financing Increase In Culfural STAR interest tra�sfer to geneal fund Non Department Financing Increase est(mate for mterest eamings basetl on hi9her Sewer Funtl cash balance Non Departmenf Financtng Inferest eamings from SWAP termination City Councii fncrease transferfrom HRA for Counal Aid support sernces City Councd Reinstafe spend�ng for National Urban Fellow Program 30,o0o City CouncJ Add Nntling for ppsi�on to provitle cen[ralized gene2l support 63,800 (,Yty Council Move spentlmg and financing m Council budget from HR4 budget fur travet expenditures 5,000 Pubtic Works Increase Iransfe� from Sohd Waste and Recycling Funtl Generai Govemment Restore general funtl spending (or COPP creatmg base and indude a 5% increase 99.5D0 General Government Add £untlrtg in CouncA contingency for liaison to Cistrict Councils (locahon TBD) 85,000 GeneralGOVernment CreateCOUnalcqniingency 408.�8� Fire Use of PIA to add fund�n9 in Mayor's wn4ngency to impl. strategic plan (USe prior year CIB funds) 200,D00 Generdl Govemment One-hme irtcrease tor COPP (using PY balances trom CIB and PIA) 245,777 Non Department Finartcing Transfer fuod 149 balance to HRA($2,442,283) Na Tofal Budget (as atloptetl) Gap' Excess / (Shortfalp (tea,000) 4,500 (2,579,645) 2,579,645 428.843 3,000 380,000 94.000 29.322 5,000 75,000 200,000 it0,328 n/a 182.430,844 t82.430.844 i o( 7 ���I��� 2008 Adopted Budget Resolution Attachments Speciai Funds a�d Debt Office of Financial Services fteport date/time: Page 2 of 4 1?1�1J2007 33o:ooPM CiryCounctlMeeGng Mayor's Proposed Butlget... Speciai Funtls Debi Service Funds Mayors Butl9et Total Gap� Excess / (ShortFall} Technical Changes to fhe Mayors Budget... Qty Attorney Debt Debf Debt Debt Debi Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Oebt Debt Fre Human Resources Parks Parks Police Po6ce Police Police Police Police Pd'ice Pohce Police Pol�ce Police Pohce Police Police PoliCe PGice Police Police Police Public Works Public Works Safery 8 Inspeciions Safety ffi inspechons Safeiy & InspecUOns Budget After TeChnical Changes Gap� Excess / (Shortfall) Spending 291.842.773 55,750,BSa 346,993.06'I Financing 247.842,773 55,150,888 346,993.O6i Move Revenues among object codes to reflect arrent tlepartment practice Atljust Pendmg C!B Bond Sale mterest paymenf Atljust Pending Street Improvement Bond Sale interest payment Ad�ust Pentl�ng Westem District Bontl Sale Adjust Jimmy Lee Lease Atl�ust SubsequeniYear {mostly due to retluction of CIB issue) Ad�ust fund baiance to reFlect subsequent year' charge (tunds 960 & 963) AdjuSt for 2008 squad car lease (FUnd 967) Ad�ust for 2005 squad car lease (Fund 967) Ad�ust for STAft bond deDt paymenis (Fund 961) Adjust financmg estimate for Debt service mterest earmngs (funds 960 & 963) Reflect Debt service con[nbuhon to funtl balance (funds 960 & 963) Funtl 980. Finance part of RSVP from CIB bonds {via ROW, first $250,000) Fund 510 UASI Grant 2006 Revisetl spending, revenue estimates antl use of fund balance (FUntl 60) Shift the cost ot ShowmobAe operahons Kom Special Services (Funtl 325) to Operations (Fund 370 Organizational shifts of s0ending antl flna�cing between recreation Service areas Saiary - Nf Pariem-special funds portion of swom officers Undera9e CompLance g2nt Srop Arcned Gang Actrv�ry g2nt Secure our Schools 9rant St. Paul Pohce FourMation g2nt Afncan American Immtgrant & Mushm Heahng grant 2006 Homeland Securtry grant Breaking Free grant Central Comtlor match fundm9--provitled 6y Target Corp Cnme Lab Backlo9 Reduction grant FLARE (First Light AwareneSS Response & Eniightenment) grant REDUCTION GREAT (Gang Resista�e Education And Traimng) grant ICAC pntemet Cnmes Agains[ ChAtlren) granf JAG (Justice Assistance Grant) 9rants JuvenAe Dehnquency PrevenGOn grant Potl Security 20061nf2structure ProtecLO� grant 2006 BuNer Zone Pmtechon G2nt Peace Officer OT (GRID) Funding for Pohce Otfrcer (State Grant) Move costs among multiple activi4es antl funtls to reflect actual expentliture pattems Increase spentlmg to reflect budgei for CHCH Renovations Fundmg for water resource wordinator Reduce compensation b�tlgets tor several posrtions fllled at lower-than-budgeted levels Plan Review Fee revenue atl�ustment Policy Changes Propwsed by the Mayor... None recommendetl BuH9ei After Po6cy Changes Gap' Excess / (ShoMalp Budget Neutrat (58,377) 67,926 (440,9fi6) (4,329) (3t2,891} 400,000 eud9et Neutral 1,695,573 1,695,573 (7t,375) (397,371) 35,060 55,000 55,000 (290,000) (Z90,000) Budget Neutral Butlgei Neutrai Butlget Neuiral 2,700 359,858 228,000 75,OD0 774.000 i oz.sso 23,500 1,500,000 95,000 (152,413) 85,653 32,000 158.752 60,000 2,958,200 179,550 50,408 63,332 Badget Neutrai 722,568 �3,722 (62.771) (372,891) 400,000 2.700 359,858 228,000 75,000 174.000 �02.650 23,500 1,500,000 95,000 (152,413) 85,653 32,000 158,752 60,000 2,958,200 779.550 50,405 63,332 722,568 21.01t 354,846,766 354,846,766 354,846,766 354,846,766 2 of7 2008 Adopted Budget Resolution Attachments Special Funds and Debt Office ot Financial Services RepoR tlate/Lme: Page 3 ot 4 Council Changes to the Proposed Budget... Debf Debt Debt �e6i De6t Debi Oebt Public Works Public Works Pubhc Wodcs Public Works Public Works Pubiic Works Pub6c Works PUblic Works Total Budgei (as adopted) Gap. Excess / (Shortfall) 72/t2/2007 330:DOPM CiryCounralMeeting � i�,�� � Spending Financing Transfer from q8 pnor yr balances 328,843 Atl�usl faz finandng to reflect same change in General Funtl (428,843) Applyfund balance (see other fund 6alance entnes) 9ffi,246 atl7ust 2008 debt service to reflect atlditional 32 Jimmy Lee Lease 46.292 Transferfrom ROW for tlebt related 10 sidewalk mamtenance - 38,500 Retluce spentling. $300,000 transfer from HR4 per adm'�nistration recommentlation (300,DO0; Adjusf subsequenf year (574,454; Transfer from ROW for tleb[ relatetl to stlewalk maintenance 38.500 38,W0 Reduce spending related to MCES mfiltrati0n surcharge (which wJl not appty for 2008) 8utlgel NeWral Fund Energy Coortlinator using a loan from ihe Sewer Fund Butlget Neutral Add transfer to General Funtl From Solid W aste Funtl for Cdy-witle recycling 75,000 75,000 Reduce sperMing related to internal loan with Sewer Uqliry, loan was paid off in 2007 (750,000) (750,000; Atld t2nsfer to Capifal accounts to re9ect CHA and CHCH renovations 722,568 722,568 Changetl Sohd Waste Finanang by retlucin9 plannetl assessmenu & recognizing mcreased grant revenue Budget Neutrdl Atld transfer fo Capital accounts to reflect CHA antl CHCH renovations 2,70qo00 2,700,000 358,279,126 358,279 t26 3of7 2008 Adopted Budget Resolution Attachments Capital )mprovement Budget Office of Fnancial Services Reportdate/fime' 12/�Z2007 3;30.00PM CityCOUncilMeeting Page 4 of 4 Mayor's Proposed Budget.., Caprtal Improvement Budget Mayots ButlgetTOtal Gap' Excess /(Shorlfall) Technical Changes to the Mayors Budget... Sewer UhfiTy Funtl Sewer Tunnei Rehabilifation pmjec( Sewer Utility Fund Stortn water 4uality Improvements Program Pu6hc Works Atlmin Funtl CHCH Renovations Public Works Admin Funtl CHA Renovations (Fioors 2-5) ROW Sidewaik Maintenance Sireet improvement Bonds Sdewalk Maintenance Neighborhootl STAR Revised projections for sales tax revenue Neighborhootl STAR Revised projections for Loan Payments Neighborhood STAR Revised projections For I�terest Earmngs Neighbonc�od STAR Revisetl Program Spending Neighborhood STAR Revisetl Econ Dev. Bond Debt Service RiverCentre Revised pro�ectionsforsalestaxrevenue RiverCentre Revised Program Spendirn7 CWturai STAR Rev�sed projecnons (orsales tax revenue Cuttural STAR Revisetl projeMions for Loan Payments Cultural STAR Revised pro�ectiore for Interest Earoings Cultural STAR Rev�sed Program Spending Cultural STAR Revised Interest7ransfer to GF Budget Aker 7echnical Changes Gap� Excess/(Shortfalp Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... COBG Use $'I00,000 oi Adington Mertick pro7ect for new W. 7th sile rev�ew pro7ect COBG Use $56,000 of ArGngton Merrick pmjecf for new Sunray site review pro7ect C�BG Use $50,000 of Arhngton Merdck pro�ect for new Hi9hlantl site review pro�eM C�BG Use $50,000 of Arlington Merrick pmject for new Hamline site review pro7ect CDBG Ehminate Adin9ton Merrick project from 2008 - pro)ect commenced in 2007 CDBG Balance of $349.000 CD6G Funds remaining ava�Iable (599,000) Budget After Techrncai Changes Gap. Excess 1(Shortfall) Council Changes to the Proposed Budget... Capital Improvement Bonds Sidewalk Mainienance Program (ftOW Commeraal group) Capital Impmvement Bonds Use prior year balances to fund OTC - Data Center consohdation and up9rades Capital Improvement Bonds Use pnor y�ar balances to fund Wall St2et Lights Capital Improvement Bonds Use p�or year balances to replace loss of revenue from DSI license fees by way of debt service Capital Improvement Bonds Use prior year balances to increase COPP in the 9eneral funtl by way of debt service PIA Transfer prior year balances to generai funtl for Fire Strategic Plan Piq Transfer prioryear balances to ge�eral fund for COPP PIA T2nstu pnor year balances to Parks tor Tree Planbng STAR Use ot pncr year 2007 balances Neighborhootl STAR Interest earnings from STAR 8ontls Neighborfrood STAR Increase revenue from loans and inieresi Neighborhood STAR Increase spentling in year-round program usmg pnor year funds antl revisetl estimates Nei9hborhootl STAR Atldifional financing itlentrtietl but unaliocafed Nei9hborhood STAR increase spending using Dnor yearfunds and revised estimates (Clinic payment to HR4j Neighborhootl STAR Increase spentling in yearvround pro9rem ustng pnor year funtls and rev�setl esLmates Capital Improvement Bonds Use pnor year balances to funtl Tree Stortn Damage prqect Other Financing Soorce Create butl9et for Fre Station 1& 10 / Atlmin fmm loan proceetls (FUntl 070) Totai Budget{as adopted) Gap� Fxcess /(ShoMalp 6'l-(t�( Spending Financing 67,632,006 67,632,000 67,632,000 67,632,000 0 3,000,000 3,000,000 400.000 400.000 722,568 722,568 2,700,000 2,700,000 474,932 474,932 (675,000) (675,000) 25,000 (22.000) 7z,000 78,427 (4,427) 20,000 20,000 S,D00 (20Q) 3,000 4.80a 3,000 74,297,300 74.297,300 ioo.000 ioo.000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50 000 50,000 (349,000) (349,000) Place Holder 74,198,300 74,198,300 525,000 235,000 59,000 194,000 t34,843 200,000 24,9t3 193,000 1.100.000 �,000,000 300,000 437,432 i83,0o0 1,000,000 525,000 235,000 59,006 194,000 134,843 200,000 24.9t3 193,000 7 868,259 954,t73 75,000 193,000 t.000,000 79.794.488 79.794.488 By this action, the Ciry Counc�l also atloptes the five year capital �mprovement prog2m recommended by the Maya, complying wdh seciion 70 O6 of ihe City Charter antl turther defined by sectrons 10 and '10,02 ot the Ciry Chatler 4af7