07-1190Substitute 12/12/2007 Presented By: __� Referred To: RESOLUTION OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �j Committee: SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council Filellp Green Sheet # 3046938 Date � z WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to the Ciry Charter has proposed and recommended ihe 2008 budgets for ihe CiTy of Saint Paul, anc 3 a WHEREAS, the proposed 2008 General and General Debt Service budgets have been reviewed and approved or adjusted by the Cip s Council, and s z WHEREAS, ihe City is required under Laws of Minnesota 2002, Chapter 390, Sec. 37, to ievy a tax atthe Library Board's request, which� e the Litirary Board has made, and 9 +o WHEREAS, the property tax levy needed to finance those budgets, wRh allowance for shrinkage, has been determined, anc 11 tz WHEREAS, the Port Authoriry of the City of Saint PaW requested a property tax levy to finance economic deveiopme�t budgets under law: �a of Minnesota, Chapters 469.053 su6d 4, and 6, �a ts NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Gity Council in anGcipation of adopting the General Fund, General Debt Service, and Libra� �s qqency budgets for the fiscal year 2008, and in accordance with section 11.04 of the City Charter, does hereby lery taxes on all taxabl� �� property within the Saint Paul corporate limits, to be coilected in the amounts set forth below, anc �e �s BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council requests the City Clerk to fonvard this resolution to the Ramsey County Department o zo Property Rewrds and Revenue in accordance with the applicable provisions ot the City Charter and other laws, an< zi zz BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, ihe City Councii requests the Office of Financial Services to complete and forward any state forms requirec z3 idenUfying these adopted levies; za zs Tar Levy Tar Levy % ze Descriotion Pavable m 2007 Pavable in 2008 Chanqe z� 2s City levy fir ciry operaUons and shrinfcage 48,976,109 57,398,942 1720% zs so City levy for Debt Service and shrinkage 9,199,202 8,173,446 -11.15°/a 31 az City levy for Library F�qency operation5 and shrinkage 11,887,250 14,958,449 25.8A°fo 33 aa City Levy for City Governmeni 70,062,561 SQ530,837 14.94% 35 as City levy for Port Authority levy per Mn. Stat. 469.053 1,709,050 2,112,000 23.58% s7 sa Tatdl Levy 71,771,611 82,642,837 15.15°!0 39 Requested by Department of. AdopGon Certified by Co acil Secretary. By: � Approved b M or: Date � �9 7�1�'7 B: Office of the Mayor, Financial Services By: Matt Smith, Director, Financial Services Approval Recommended by Director of Financial Services Form Approved by City Attorney Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: arewreebymesamfvzWOficeorFlnanca�semces cMSnnaE��9U[cenvrzooTCounanqew�woneMraxLe�ry12i3o)ds wivol Atlopted by Council: Date j�/�-�/o�Ua7 � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet � D?�(f lD DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Imtiated: Fs -F����s�;� 30.NOV-07 Green Sheet NO: 3046938 Contact Person 8 Phone: Matt Smith 266-8796 Must 8e on Council Aaen �/ Assign Number For Routing Order 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 inancial Services ' avcialServices De ar[mentDirecWr �_ " ancial Services %ce Financial Services -( V i Attorne or's OtSce Ma or/Assistant ouncil Ci Council i Clerk Ci C1erk Doe. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC EAocument Required: Y Document Contact: Contact Phone: ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Approval of Council Resolution adopting the 20D8 annual tax levy. itlations: Approve (A) or RejeCt (R): PefSOnal Serv7ce contfaCts Must Answer the Following Questlons: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Secvice Commission 2. Has this personffvm ever been a city emplOyee? Yes No 3. Oces this personlfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advanqges If Appruved: The City will be in compliance with City Charter and State Law. DisadvanYages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approvetl: Tbe City will not have an approved tas levy for payable 2008. Transaetion: Funding Source: Financial Infortnation: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgetetl: y Activity Number: November 30, 2007 1:38 PM Page 1 Council File # D7-((90 Gree�Sheet# 3046938 Presented By: � Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA of Financial Services to complete and forward any state fortns required 1 z W HEREAS, the or, pursuant to the City Charter has propased and recommended the 2008 6udgets for the City oY Salnt Paul, and 3 d WHEREAS, the propo d 2005 General and General Debt Service budgets have been reviewed and approved or adjusted by the City s Council, and 6 7 WHEREA3, the City is requir under Laws of Minnesota 2002, Chapter 390, Sec. 37, to levy a tax at the Library Board's request, which s the Library Board has made, an 9 �o W HEREAS, the property tax levy ne ded to finance those budgets, with allowance for shrinkage, has been determined, aod t� iz W HEREAS, the Port Authority of the Ci of Saint Pau1 requested a property tax levy to finance economic development budgets under laws �s of Minnesota, Chapters 469.053 subd 4, a 6, ia is NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Ci Council in anticipation of adopting the General Fund, General Debt Service, and Library is Agency budgets for the fiscal year 2008, and in a• rdance with section 11.�4 of the City Charter, does hereby levy taxes on all taxable n property within the Saint Paul corporate limits, to b�\Ilected in the amounts set forth below, and is ie BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council reques�e Ciry Clerk to fonvard this resolution to the Ramsey CounTy Deparlment of zo Property Records and Revenue in accordance with the a licable provisions of the City Charter and other laws, and z� zz BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the City Council requests the zs identifying these adopted levies; 2a 2s zs Description z� za City levy for city operations and shrinkage 29 su City levy for Debt Service and shrinkage 37 sz City levy for Library Agency operations and shrinkage sa sa City Levy for City Govemment 35 as City Ievy for Port Authoriry Ievy per Mn. Stat. 469.053 37 ss Total Levy 39 Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Approved by Mayor. Date Tax Levy Tax Levy % Pavable in 2007 Pavable in 2008 Chanpe 48,976,109 199,202 1 56,961,523 16.30% $610,865 -6.40°!0 14,958,449 25 84% 80,530,837 14.94% 1,709,050 � 2,112,000 2358°/ 71,771,611 ` 82,642,837 15.15% Requested by Department of: Approval Form Approved by City BY: 5� k Date of Financial 0 Approved M yor�SUb� to ouncil� ` By: � � PreOar�pyt�eSamtPaulOfficeofFliyrcval$ervices G45HqRED�eUOGETY2WTCaunv�ResolNronGM1yTaeLevy121306x15 1213/O6