212864ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK q)Tj B gLIMII1 CITY OF ST. PAUL rlJ17L1�731Ji1✓ FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM /l File No. 212864 =By Robert F. ,rson- ^reas, The United States Corps of PRESENTED BY ' Hers is constructing Sta e II of COMMISSIONER— DATE '� • Paul flood control%prolect, tb.:, completion date for whtv.i ._ e—_-stMi and _ The Po-• •• 4uthority 141,10 01 11my 111P 11:9— h. WHEREAS, The United States Corps of Engineers is constructing•StAe I'ltr of the St. Paul flood control project, the contract completion date for which is June 1, 1963, and WHEREAS, The Port Authority of St. Paul contemplates proceedingq soon with a contract for filling the area of Riverview Industrial Park which lies east of the proposed T.H. 56 west of the said levee and flood control project and south of Airport Road, this filling to be dredged from the river and delivered to the fill site hydraulically, and WHEREAS, The water from the dredging, requires a drainage return to the Mississippi River and, therefore, provision for such outlet through the levee is necessary, and WHEREAS, The United States Corps of Engineers, at Port Authority request, has given tentative approval subject to approval of the City of Saint Paul for the Port Authority's contractor to install a 2411 culvert through the said levee at approximately Station 152 f 00 at invert elevation 699.0 providing, that said culvert is removed and replaced with compacted levee fill prior to November 1, 1963, 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said temporary placement and removal of said culvert by the Port Authority of Saint Paul is hereby concurred in with the understanding that all such culvert placement removal and levee replacement be at Port Authority expense and be done in accordance with applicable portions of the Corps of Engineers contract specifications for Stage II, St. Paul Flood Control Project; said replacement of levee to include placement of compacted levee fill prior to November 1, 1963, in accordance with the requirements of Section 4, Levee Embankment, of the con- tract specifications for Stage II, St. Paul Flood Control Project and repair to the top surface and slopes of the levee or other areas disturbed by the St. Paul Port Authority in removing the culvert and replacing it with com- pacted fill, in accordance with Section 23, Top Soiling, Seeding, Sodding and Mulching of the above noted contract specifications. MAY 21 196 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays T 1963 an Loss In Favor Mortinson / Peterson . ti Against Mr. President, Vavoulis • 10M 6-62