07-1181 �� Council File # �����8� RESOLUTION Presented Bv Referred To: CITY Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the 2 attached Joint Powers Agreement, which includes an indemnification clause, with the Minnesota 3 Coalition for Battered Women (MCBV� to provide training on domesric and sexual abuse in later life, 4 to law enforcement and judicial system personnel in Saint Paul, Minnesota. 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Yeas � ✓ Absent Requested by Department of: '� Montgomety �/ - � Y rnune ✓ For Ap ed by City Attorney: Adopted by Council: Date: ���ja��?� By: Adoption Cer by C uncil Secretary: P'Y� / / /�i,si�iG�D.s� Approved� Date: �y�jq�p'� B PAUL, NIINNESOTA Green Sheet # 3046092 � Appro ed b yor for u miss' n to Council: s Q:\FiscalAffairsWO&CR�2007\MN Coali4on for Battered Women (MCBN�.xls � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Q7'��8� DepartmeM%officrJCOUncil: i Date Initiated: PD - POliceDepazrmrnt ; o�NO�-o� ; Green Sheet NO: 3046092 ContaM P�son & Phone: � � Ghief John Hartington � 266-5588 ' Assign Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): '� Number �' For — ' Routing Doc. Type: RESOLUTION . � Order E-Document Required: Y i Document Cantact: Evette Scarver ; Contact Phone: Total Amount of Transaction: $12�960.00 Funa�ng so�rce: Minnesota Coaltion for Fina�ciai��nformacion: Baltered Women' (Eacplain) Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: ��- � �� S�gnatures on the attached council resolu[ion authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Depar[men[, to enter into the attached Joint Powers agreement with the Minnesota Coalidon for Battered Women (MCBW). ldauons: Approve (A) or R �Planning Commission CIB Commiftee Civil Service Commission 0 YoliceDeparUnent ! PoliceDeDarhnent , 1 pdice Depar�ent I Police Deparm�ent 2 �C�'ty At6ornep � (Sty Attorney � ✓ 3 Mayor's Office ' Mavor 4 oupcil Council ' S itv Clerk Ciiv Cferk � 6 �holice Deparmient I Poiice Departrnent ^ 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this departmeni? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating'Problem, Issues, Opportunity (4Vho, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhment, will provide haining on domes6c and sexual abuse in later life, to law enforcement and �udicia] system personnel in Saint Paul. Advantages If Approved: 1'he Saint Paul Police Depaztrnent will be compensated for traming they provide. Disadvantages if Approvetl: None. CosURevenue Budgeted: Disadvantages If Not Approved: ' Lost opportunity ro provide training to law enforcemen[ and judicial system personnel in Sain[ Paul on domestic and sexual abuse. Activity Number: �_ . , _` .'r'_''. _' .� �`�-� g` � � �,+; I �r� eg i < zoo� _ u i 6, 2007 10:57 AM Page 1 07-//8� Contractual Agreement The following agreement is made and entered into by and between the Saint Paul Police Deparnnent and Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women (MCBW). I. Backround MCBW and the Saint Paul Police Department are partners with four other entities in the implementarion of a three-yeaz project funded by the U. S. Office of JusUce Programs (O7P), Office on Violence Against Women (OV W) to provide training on domestic and sexual abuse in later life to law enforcement and Judicial system personnel in St. Paul, Minnesota. Other partners include the NIinnesota Nehvork on Abuse in L,ater Life, the Ciry Attorney's Office - Criminal Division, E1derCare Rights Alliance, and St. Paul Domesric Abuse Intervention Project. Through this grant, MCBW will provide the financia] management, technical assistance, and project development expertise necessary to execute the grant including: contract as needed with the pro}ect partners and trainers; make uavel arrangements for project pariners; and submit required narrative and financia] reports to OJP/OVW. Through the agreement herein specified, MCBW contracts with the St. Paul Police Deparpnent to send representatives to receive haining through this project. II. Duties A. The Saint Paul Police Department will: • Send a department commander to attend the new grantee orientation. • Send two sergeants to attend a three-day Train-the-Trainer training provided by the Office on Violence Against Women. • Assign three other sergeants who will be trained on the cumculum by the sergeant, who attended the Train-th�Trainer event. • Ensure that all five sergeants attend the Advanced Law Enforcement training and work with other MOU partners in policy and protocol development to add local material to the curriculum. • Conduct six Project Trainings as part of the multidisciplinary training team. • Attend the Project Wrap-up Meeting. • Cover the cost of salaries for the Commander attending the New Grantee Orientation and Wrap-up Meeting, the two sergeants sent to the Train-the-Trainer event, and the five sergeants sent to the Advanced LE Training. III. Compensation Airfare, hotel, ground transportation and meal per diem costs will be covered by the grant. The St. Pau] Police Department wil] receive the following compensation for services rendered to MCB W not to exceed $12,960: St. Paul Police Deparhnent Train-Additiona]- Trainers on Curriculum - $12,960 Trainers (Law $360/per day x 4 people x 3 days =$4,320 enforcement) Project Trainings -$45/hr x 16/hrs per Training x 2 trainers x 6/trainings =$�,640 D�- /l8J IV. TermsofAereement The agreement shall be effecrive January 1, 2007 to September 30, 2009. V. Teanination MCBW may terminate this ae eement upon 30 days written norice to the St. Paul Police Department. In the event of such termination, the St. Paul Police Departznent shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis for expenses incurred in the contract acriviries as outlined above. VI. Authorized Aaent The authorized agent for MCWB is Cyndi Cook, Execurive Director. The authorized agent for the Saint Paul Police Department is Amy Brown. VII. Non Assignment The St. Pau] Police Department shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this agreement without prior consent of MCSW. VIII. Amendments Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties. IX, Indemnitv The St. Paul Police Department agrees to indemnify and save and hold harmless MCBW, its agents and employees from any and all claims or causes of acrions arising from or involving the performance o�his agreement by the St. Paul Police Department or its agents or employees. This section shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies the St. Paul Police Deparhment may have for MCBW's failure to fulfill its obligation pursuant to this agreement. X. Independent Contractor Status That at a]] rimes and for all purposes hereunder, the St. Paul Police Deparhnent shall be an independent contractor and the St. Pau] Police Department, its agents and employees are not employees of MCBW. The St. Paul Police Deparhnent, its agents and employees shall not be entitled to any of the rights, privileges, or benefits of employees of MCBW, including, but not limited to, warkers compensation and health/death benefits (accept as described herein). Further, any and all wmpensation provided by MCB W pursuant to this agreement shall be gross, with the responsibility for income tax, social security, and any and all other deductions required by law being with the St. Paul Police Deparhnent, its agents and employees. XI. Waiver Any waiver by either party of any provisions of this agreement shal] not imply a subseqnent waiver of that or any other provisions. 07-1/Sl The terms and condifions are acceptable to both parties of the Contract Agreement as evidenced by the signatures of the authorized representatives of the agencies listed. Each party hereto has executed this agreement or caused it to be eaecuted on its behalf by its duly authorized representatives on the day and year written bel�� MCBW The SainYPaul Pohce Department Rv V ,� Its �hief of Police s'�� i Da e �.� Address: 367 Grove Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 � By Its City Attorney Date QI Services Date 6�-(l8l 1vnv AT•T , S�JiVI�YIARY DAiA SHEET Grant Adminisirator/Applicant: Projed �oordination & Implemeatafion: Law Eniorcemant Agency: ���sz���r's �:.... Nca-y.-�fr: �:�.:� 3ervica ���e�,�: Non-profits serving older individuals: ':`,�pe af °ro�ec:: Reb onal ssea: Mi�esota Coalition ior Baitered Women Mmnesoh Netcvork on Abuse ia Late: Life Saznt Paul Police Deparment .cac`::. n....l r:.., n.a,._..e..�c nFF�e ('.;m;.. t :.c,::a...� __.�..�..�...,_.,.—..,-_2. L1V1S10II S�� P2ll: ✓QaTi°_S'1C "� �'?CSl'CIItCIl Project ElderCaze Rights Alliance - Elder Justice Proginm; A4innesota Network on Abuse in Latex Life Loca? City of Saint Paul, but trainings aze open to other jurisdictions should they wish to attend Populaflon & Square Mileage Served: St. Paul, population 287,151, is part of a diverse, sev�_county melro azea (pouulation 3.5 miilion) with the lazgest Hmong and Somali populations in the U.S. Other popula�ons include: 7.9% Latinos, 13% African Axnerican, 2% American Indian. An estimated 51 % of the city's inhabitants aze female. Over the past 15 years T'l18 �70plllnitOH iI47IIa 8i OI �iSEiOw yvV'ci cj IE48i .i3S i..�.e3S.°,(i by S.��u a^...a. .TOS.a.°..'.as L"Oa'.a communiries of color increased by 81%. - Per the 20�0 US Census, 29,647 of adults living in the city of St. Paul are oyer the age of 65 years. • 36% were living alone, about the same as in 1990. • 88%were White,�%were Black, 4%were Asian, L% WCffi L3tlll0� iess waa-i% � were American Indian, 1% were of another race, and 1% were multiracial. = 40%had a disability. • 10%had'mcomebelowthefederalpovzriylevel. • 4,656 grandparents lived in the sazne household with their grandchildren, and 1,514 of them were responsible foz their grandchildren. �Sauice�II.S_C.en� . � In 2002, 71 % of older adult households were homeowners and 29% were renters. � 26% (about 4,360 households) t�ad no reastered vehicle. � 55% of older adult households had estima4ed �nual income below $30,000. (Source: Excensus, 2002) MNALL CFB 16.528 �� ���� MNAT,T" PI20JECT ABSTRACT --- -- --- - - - - - The 14linnesota?ietvroik on Abuse in I.ater Life (MI3ALL) is collaborating with five other � entities to provide haining per tfie OJP cumcul� to law enforcement and judicial system peiso�e] in St Paul, Mmnesota The proje.^.t will be fiscally managed by the Nlinnesota Coatition ior nattereci vJomen and eoordmaizd by itiu3�,;..i. i,ihzr Y�ers iac:ude `�e S� °4;:; PCL'w D.°,^ �y the r_h, aff,, r�,P _ r,;.,,;,, �;,,��icm, �iderCaze Fciguts fuiiance . and St� Faui Domestic Abuse iatezvention Prajec`u Eacn oi �ese agenc:es piays a:.:�m.*,.z :t - - role in the desi�n and impiementation of this pmject Agency Roles Responsibility MNALL Proj ect Coordination, Trainer, and Staff to Project Team ' MNALL Logistical Support, Tzainer, StafFto Project Team SPIP OvexsigJrt of SPIP trainers SPPD Coordinate law enforcement hainers & use of St. Paul Institute for traming Prosecutors Trainer & Recruiter; T.A. on M1V lawslpolicies E1derCare Trainer, T.A. on non-law enforcement persoanel as initial reporters of abuse cases wMch initiates law enforcement involvement • The project team wil] meeT every two weeks during the first quarter oi the gant period to discuss lccal needs 2nd inf ::nztioa ta be incerporate� into the cur!iculum. ° The Training Team members will be identined during tlus udtial quarter and they will participate in the project team's meetings from then on • Eacfi partner will send one — four staii to ine OiP uainings • The project teazn will develop the 7raining schedule, MNALL will coordinate logistics = After the 5rst quarter Pue project team wil: meet on a monthly basis !a �onitor groject proa ess, and identify resources to support impiementation and sustainability. • During years rivo and tl�ree of the project the team will meet every other month to review evaluation data, monitor progress on stated goals and objectives, and plan for continuing kaining sessions after the grdnt period ( • Year One SPPD and City Attomey's Office will review their intemal policies to incorporate new suategies and procedures learned from the isainings and increase victim safety during and after case proc:ssing; Identify methods for institutionalizing the training in their deparhnents I's»r ons's fa�us ±� c�mpleG +he 4rien+�+- ±+rn� & T frainings; add MN companentstocru3ieul�rand-cone3uct-mosk#rai��tg #o-fami�aFiae-traiaers-wiih_tbe�t_�zersion of curriculum; conduct intemal six month and twelve month process evaluations; aad identify velricles for media coverage of the issue of abuse in later life and work of the Training Team as a way of imptoving victim safety and prosecution Year two's focus to recruit participants for the 3udicial Insfitute; conduct three (3) trainings; bea n dialogues with POST Boazd, Police Academy and SPPD about institutionaliziug the training; develop and implement sustainability plan; continue year one evaivation pmcesses Year three's fncus include MN participants from the Judicial Institute on the project team mmd in their bi-monthly meetings; conduct three (3) frainings; continue dialogues (and deveiop an implemenfation plan) with POS; Boazd, Police Academy and SPFD; conti�.ne year .wa evaluauan and �edia c�v�ge work lul� -�%\ljrl�ly�7C.�13 o �- l�gl ��� • r�a�cT rrax�a� - - Pnrpose of the App3ication Popniarion to be Served: Sainf raui roiice iimcers, y i i dispatcners, Srrii Investigators, Samt Paui Ciry Atfomeys from rhe's camminai mvision (prosecuto�} - Triai, Domestic Abuse, Housing Court, Co�nunity Prosecution, Joint Prosecution Unit and other Speciai Courts, and legal assistants and Judges. Estimated Number of Parbicipaats: 577 Audience Benefits from Training: Law Enforcement The Saint Paul Police Depazhnent has a Family & Sexual Violence Unit that Landles the cases to be explored in this proposed training. There aze two sets of investigators for flus unit, imder the supervision of Commander Kevin Casper. The unit works closely with the Saint Paul Domestic Abuse Interventiott Project, but other police officeis and investigators have not had the opporluuity to hone the skill set necessary to investigate these cases of abuse in �-- later Iife or fully uaderstand all of the factors inf?uencing the vicrim's decisions around �, safety, testifying, choices in legal remedies, etc. This training opportunity will definitely expand the Police DepartmenYs intemal capacity to identify domestic violence and/or sexual abuse in later life. Officers not assigned to Family & Sexual Violence Unit might be the first responder on an abuse case but it would quickly be tumed over the Unit. Through the development of this application, we already have begun to broaden our understanding of the issue of abuse in later life. Sexual assault and domestic violence by iFuuil j� OI'SuStC. P,. `JIl.°�S 2.� ..C..^CL`Ll :.°,.y .°,.� R'�1�II fnllnqf_nr ic r�LCgtC� On 3L alleoed financial eacploitation, or a frail health status of a spouse or partner is perceived. MNALL CrD 16.528 3 o�-/�g) Police Officers pazticipatin$ on the Trnining Team aze now leammg to look for signs of - --- abuse m-all its forms. . -- - City Attnrne_v's Offce & Judiciary - The joint lxaining brtween �w enforcement and p�dic»1 system personnel will mumally benefit both entities. The oppoivini'ry io exchange infozmation on the reaiities of mvestigating and prosecuvng tnese cases, along with the aaw inio�.,,�on fro,1. the'szini.g, :r� z??^w participants to collaboratively identify azeas for improvement from 5rst responder through case disposition. Current Needs Unmet: Cxeate more awazeness of the bzeadth of abuse in later life; leazn practical steps investigatois aad prosecu±o:s can take that both protect the victim and build a strong case foi the peipetrator's conviction; h�aining specific to the realities encountered by law enforcement and judicial system personnel in processing abuse cases; venues that bring together the participating entities in a meaningful manner. How Training will Enhance Current Training Programs: The Project Team that developed this proposal has incoiponted goals to institurionalize dvs training in thau - - - - � various systems. LoeaBo�: ''.�is training project w�1 take place in the state capital of Minnesota, Saint Pa,il, ue c: y:s si*,:zTed �n *?�e nerth �d south banks of the Mississippi River. The two trainmg sites aze located in the downtown azea, one at CiTy Hall and the other in the new SPPD headquarters that borders the city's eastside. Population & Demob aphics: St. Paul, population 287,151, is part of a diverse, seven- county metro azea (population 3.5 million) wiffi ffie lazgest Hmong and Somali populations in the U.S. Other popuiations inciude: 7.y% Latinos, 13% F 9':can American, 2% American Indian. An estimated 51% of the city's inhabitants are female. MNALL CFD 16.528 4 D�-llgJ Over the past 15 yeazs the populalion livmg at or below poverty level has increased by --- -- -- 53%-and residents from co�imities of coloiincreased by 81%. __ What Will be Done C�r R. Fnnrfinn_ ina; Each of the partae�cs has a�eed to participate in bi-weekly (first quarter), monthiy (2 _ 4`� quarter) and bi-monthly (5`� -12`� quarters) project team meetings. Additionally each pazhier agency has agreed to participate in the twice yeazly project evaluations and O.TP requued evaluations. iJCBW will pmvide fiscal managenent and repo:*sng ove:sight fo* the p:oject NII�TALL will serve zs staffto the Project Team provide logistical coordination, hain at 4aiuings, oversee evaluation activities, generate reports, engage systz:.,s to ins��uuc;.alize training. SPLp, SPPD, City Attomey's O£fice and EIde:Caze �ill all pax+,ic�pate on +1�e P*oject Team and be trainers on the m�1u-d:sc'�p:inary tean. The entire Project Team will develop the survey insttuments for systems and victims in relation to policies, procedures, etc. and how they mignt be mod'u3ed io improve victim r __ � safefy and conviction rates. Partner's Back2rounds Mimzesnta 11Fetwork an Abttse rn-L�er-L-ife{�IIa?AI�b)-Th�agency's **�;cc;nn is_to__ _ — ____ __ promote networks of organizations and individuals through statewide community educarion to address domestic/sexual abuse in later life, advocacy and perpe�ator accountability. MNALL began as the Older Battered Women's Co�ittee of the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women (MCB4�. Tius committee oi domesfic violence advocates &om across the state began meeting in 1989 with the specific purpose of addressing the needs of older women who were victims of domestic violence. A NfiVALL CFD 16.528 D�-lI�l �- - gcow�g.recognlaon t3�at the imique needs of older bartered women couid only be served - bythe directpazticipation of all sectors serving seniors-led to tlie decision to become a free staading statewide non-profii organization. N�TALL is mcorporated 'm the state of N',:;.aasota aad:eceiv� i*s 501 �c; 3 stat� �n 2002. As a sfatewide clearing house and 4 educational organiTation MNALL now has the active participation of many senior service ' proviuers incl dcmestic ann sex,:z: vieiw:ce advecates, aui: p:etec�oa wo:keis, atea aging agency sta� ?aw enforcement officeis court peisonnel, fiealthcaze providezs, representatives from communities of color and tn'bal orgar.izations The St Paul Police Department (SPPD) — The nearly 600 peace officers and 205 support staff of the SPPD reflect the diversity of the community they serve. The SPPD has established a Family Violence Unit to oversee the process by which domestic violence cases aze investigated and brought to resolution. The SPPD is a recent recipient of a federal grant developed by the Ciry of St. Paul's Cootdinated Comxnunity Response Team and ISAIAI3 (a faith-based iniriative) to improve: 1) the law enforcement response to violations of protection orders specificalIy and domesric abuse cails in genenl, 2) victim safety, 3) City and County Attomey's charging rates, 4) azrest rates of Gone On Arrivais, and S aggressive �on:tc:;ng af c�rcnic off :.�ers. A key component of that grant is to conduct an accountability audit (the Audit evaluates how victim safety and offender accountability either are or aze not incorponted into the functions of the criminal justice system). This value-added focus on chronic offenders, OFP enforcement, teaming of nrobation officers and police to investigate probaflon violations of chronic offenders, and implementation of accountability audit recommendations wiu provide MNALL CFD J6.528 - 67-1/8/ multiple avem7es for implemeniing reco�endations from the p�1ot 4�ainmg cusiculum - - - - - 04 abnse in later life. - ---- - -- - - - - - --- - - - ---- - ---- -- -- -- - - - ---- - -- - , ne�etea:9 -- - -- I �Sk Paull3omestic Abuse Intervextion Project (SPIP) - St ?aul Domestic Abuse _ _ _ _ ; � � r„±�,�tion Project is a non-profit erassroots battered women's advocacy pLOgram > servix� the greater St Paul area. Since 1984, SPIP Lzs provided direct services usmg we c;;aunai jus�ce � to seca:e :ncrezsed g:ct; �ction �d �tical services for battezed women and their children. The agency provides ongoing trnnsitional services, community education, culhually competent outreach and legal and general advocacy to immigrant/refugee com.++»n;ties in generdl and Hmona Latina- and Russian battered women speeifically, older battered women, and children of battered women, younger battered women, and battered women in the health caze system The St PauP City Anorney's Office- Criminal Divisinn Prosecutnrs The City Attomey's Criminal Division responsible for pzosecuting petty misdemeanors, misdemeanoxs, and gross misdemeanor criaunal violations that occis wiflvn ffie city of r- Saint Paul, together with representation in shte appellate courts and all federal courts. They play an important role in protecting victuns from fiuther abuse, and deterring y�e:.atcrs fra� com.�i?*..n.g fi*the'-' act� ef violence. The Ciiminal Division consists of the following units: Trial, Domestic Abuse, Housing Court, Community Prosecution, and Special Courts. Although it is the County Attomey's Office that is responsible for prosecuting all adult felony level crimes and all juvenile cases in Ramsey Counry (where St. Paul is Iocated), the city attomeys participate on the Joint Domestic Abuse Prosecurion Unit, whese city and counry anomeys are crosa-deputized �� presecn:e domestic abuse cases where children aze present. NLdALL CFD 16.528 ��-llgl ElderCare Rights AZ[iance -EZder Justice Program The ElderCaze Rights Alliance ---- (EfderCaze}, - a non-piofit orgauization established-m 1972, Las over fl�sty Yeazs of - ----- - - -- --- -- ----- -- — - -- dedication to p*otecting and promotixk; the rights of elders and people with disabilities ��� rwe: �e c.:*.e. ?'he�_* Advocacy and Education Piogram P=ovides traimngs tbrougaout s the state of Minnesota to musing home counc�ls and comm�mity groups; and one-on-one coacning ass:stance Lo indivicYu�':s to e�°bie the.^,i :o a3��oca±e 2nd p_*otect theu rights as they �vigate througk the long-term caze system. Its Elder Justice Program is a first-of- its-kind program in Minnesota. It provides resources, support, aad 'mformation to eIdeis who aze victims of abuse in later life, neglect, or financial exploitarion. It provides, to ei_ders and their family membeis, crisis intervention and covnseling, referrals, court advocacy, safety planning, and help developing a support network to cope with the consequences of abuse. The progxam aLso piovides ou4each to communities, professionals, law enforcement, heakh caze systems, and elders to educate and raise awazeness azound the issues of abuse and neglect in later life. �- — Minnesnta Coatition for Battered Women (MCBR� The Minnesota Caalirion for Battered Women was founded in 1978 to se*ve as a unifyiag voice fcz battered women and to ii� battered ;�cu.ea's pra�..TM.. _^ *!�e s*�?e with the common nuroose of ending domestic violence. MCBW is a statewide memberslup organizarion of local, regional, and statewide progiams advocating on behalf of battered women and their children. MCBW's activities include resources and refeaals for individuals, sponsoring lraining events for pro�ams tl�at serve battered women, coordinating statewide task force meetings, serving as an information clearinghouse, pubtishing a qnarteriy newsletter, and producing commimity education materials. MCBW will administer the g�ant, oversee reporting and MNALL CFD 16.528 D7 _. ----- fisral m�agement reqnuements, and pazticipate m the Grantee Orientation and Wrap up -------- sessonsprovidedby-OJP: - --- - - --- - ------- ----------.-- rh���� r Team Members• � F MNALL — Both contractois with MNALL will share the t�aining responsbililies SrY�* —'I'�e Conm:ander s :he Fa�: y& Sex.a V+_oience Unit will choose foL*'mvestigators to rotate durine the trainmg team's schedule City Attorney's Office — The Supervising Attomey for the Oriminal Division will choose fois prosecuting attomeys to rotate during the training team's schedule SPIP — Foiu battered women's advocates, chosen from among the following programs (Older, Hmong, Somali, I.atina and American Indian) will participate in the tra'vung sessions. E1derCaze Rights Alliance — Elder Justice Program has only one staff person, she will participate on the training team � - Law enforcement: The Saint Paut Police Department witi offer tlus training to three hundred fifty (350) palice ofhcers, siY1y-frve 911 Dispatchers, and one hundred thirly- fiva (135j Szrgean:a�u.vesugatcrs, in aTa! ?RS cwo*n officers. Each narticipant will receive a total of sixteen hours of training. City Attorney's Office: Twenty-three (23) Criminal Division Prosecutors, Four legal assistants. Each participant will receive a total of sixteen hours of haiuing. Judicial: The trainings will be promoted within the court system and through dialoo e and encouragement some judges will choose to attend'oom the iocal uain;ng aa.a. Judieial Institute offered by OJP. St. Paul is the seat of city, county and state government. MPIALL CFD 16.528 9 � - - - --- - - _— _�it]�"mits. geo�apluc confines there aze mmmerous court systems: 2 Judicial Ramsey -�-- — � -- Caffity�omt which mciudes-the-mimicipal coucts; IvINTax CoiirS MN S�ieme Court, __ MI�T Court of AppeaLs, Federnl �igration Court, U.S. District Court,� U.S. BankxuP�S' C�st aad U.g_ 8� Ci*ce± Court of Aooeals. The Project Team w�i recruit a siuing or retired judge to participate in the strategic planning to gamer judges' par[iciparion in ihe CI3ffiII1S3 3IlQ J1a1 :31IT1St`Si1YZ. +- The Project Team will be the vehicle to create and imnlement a plan to improve police, court, and prosecution policies, protocols, orders, and services specifically devoted to iden*.Sying, investigating, and prosecuting abuse, neglect, and eaploitarion, including domestic violence and sexual assault, against older individuals. A combination of surveys foi law enforcement, prosecutors, judges and victims wi11 be developed by the Project Team and advinistered at the end of the first yeaz of the grant. The results from the survey, along with the six and twelve month intemal evaluations and participant evaluations a'i11 be analyzed by the Project Team and a draft P•nndings and recommendations report will be compiled. This diaft report will be reviewed by each parmering agEney fs � � ��zck W-� 'TM'ei�es for implemenhtion. A final report will be generated incoiporating the feedback, findings and recommendarions. ��1-I/S l t 1VINALL CFD 1fi.528 10 _ 67-//$ / TimeIines• -�----- -----Qnai - -�'ask/Responsibility— - Agency Responsible/Lead - --- - ----- - Fast Quartei Orientation Txaming Alt Agencies Attend i F:rst - Secon3 C� :2.�ers i Up�te cL�+ w/MN � City Aftorney's Office � f I � info F'irstt�'uarter Cacrd:aate?rcjectTeam M'vALL , Mtg First Quarter Fiscal reimbursement pcoce3 MCBW Per OJP Tmg Schedule O.TP Trainings All Partners Fotsth Qua,-:er Tra�n Addirional Trainers on MNALL Coordinating C�iriculum Fourth Quarter Evaluation MNALL Fourth Quarter OJP Reporting MCBW Oversight ( Quarter Task/Responsibility- Agency Respoasible/Lead Fifth -Eighth Quarters Conduct three Trainings MNAL3, Fifth - Seventh Q aarters Judicial Engagement C4'ry A tiorney's �ffice Fifth- Seventh QuarteTS Policy Review Project Team Fifth-Seventh Quarters Sustainability Plan Dev Project Team S�th Qnarter Evaluation NINALL Eighih Evaluation MN•4LT Eighth PolicyGhanges ProjectTeam Eighth OJP Reporting MCBW MNALL CFD 16.528 11 b� llgl Who WiIl implement the ProjeM: Aunlication Develonment MI�TAL;, was The lead agency in developing this applicaiion. All P�ers were called together to review the RFP and detenvine each potential partners' interest in participating - either on the Training Team and/or by recruiting parL+ciPants to receive the Uaining. As ( part of the discussion, the local needs for training on abuse in later life, as well as the cukural considerations in worldng with victims from vazious immigrant and indigenous ---___communities, were identified St. Paul Intervention Project agreed to identify battered __ _ women's/sexual assault advocate's from the Hmong, Somali, Latina, African American and American Indian communities for inclusion as 4ainers on the Multi-disciplinary . .� The St Paul Police Departmeut offered to facilihte trainiug opportunities tluough their St. Paul Institute wtuch provides trainings open to law enforcement from across the Twm MNALL CFD 16.528 12 l' � - - - 07�//�/ __.___ ___.�ities me12o area and state._Tius venue is well known mmong azea law enforcement -=--------agenciesandprovidesauaecessbl�vehicle#nr.acquicmgYheaPOSTBoardcredits_ -- ------ T",�e Eid.°,:Cz:e :2igh+s P�?�ance's EZder Justice Proiect offered'm the general discussion i azound sustamability to deferffiued key non-law enforcemenUjudiciary system penommei in networks ai:eacy working vri� E?de{'a-e tt�zt coa13 �co�^e new mackets �or the uyiavng afte* the pxoject period ends. The City Attomey's Office - Criminal Division Prosecutor's offered to provide teckmical assistaLCe on modifying the curriculum to include Minnesota statutes and City of St Paul policies and procedures relating to domestic abuse, sexual assault and e�loitation of vulnerable adults. Demonstrated Commitment �- -- All of ffie pazlner agencies have aiready demonstrated their commitment to this issue: MCBW supported MNALL's creation, MNALL's mission and the number of volunteer hours d onate� by c� stzff and bcasd TM'P�bers to pxovide frainings statewide, 5PIP's Older Battered Women's Piogram theu membership on the Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT) wluch focuses on ciuonic offendezs and theu victim's safety, SPPD's Family and Sesual Violence Unit which has two teams of mvestigators under the suoervision of the same commandei (which facilitates cooperation and encourages broad evidentiary procedures) and CCRT membership, �i+IderCare's Elder 7UStice Program, and the City Attorneys O�ce - Criminal Division's Domestic Abuse Unit, membership on MNALL CFD 16.528 13 � b�-!l8/ - - - __.—____�he Jomt Prosec�ion Unit with the Coimty Attomey's Office, Pxobation andmembesship -- ` --- F �e of T,£e_v_ c*. 4 Mary Allen, the Projed Coordinator and Tramuig Team member has worked in all aspecu oi :he bai�.e:ed wom�'s nece�ent cve; :he pzst ��eaty yeY*s: c�irect sen�ice advocacy, policy develonment, antioppression LGBT, abuse in later life haining, reseazcty progxazn development, public speaking, community grassroots o aanizing. She has worked for local battered women's programs, the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women, the National Resource Centet on Domestic Violence and now with MNAI-L. Her diversity expertise and personal experience includes LGBT and older battered women's issues. Chaz Thomson is an elder who has twenty-five years of e7cperience working in the � — batteted women's movement as an advocate, hainer, speaker, conuvunity organizar, evaluation and event planning. She has dedicated the past nve yeazs of her life to ed�cauag �e pub'uc aad se:::ce. r.c r3ers en +3e ssue of abuse in later life. Couuvandex Kevin Casper is the supervisorfor the SPPD's Family & Sexual Violence Unit. He superoises two teams of invesrigators and advocates on behalf of the Unit at the adwuvstrative and strategic levels. Cmdi. Caspes has been with the police deparfinent for twelve yeazs: three yeus as a Commander, four and a haii years as a Sergeant, t�ree � M1�TALL CFD 16.528 14 �. .. _.. . p� __ ___ _—_.— years as_ an Investia toz_in thfl Fam�1y_& Sexu21 Violence Uait, �d t3�is yeaz as the_ -- f ---- Co��der forthat �Jnit -- -- ---- — --- ---- -- --------- -------- Nad". :e :.LLjo� is :he Duector cf �de: Se:vi:.� f r tNe Et��,.r � 11; „ ce. She � works with vohmteers and coffimmity-based agencies to teach providers abouf abuse in later life and iesou�ces fo� elders. Theresa Skarda is the Supervising Attomey for the City Attomey's O�ce - Criminal IJivision. She has a close working re]ationship with St Paul's only domestic abuse cr�nunal sTervention project. She is participating on the Community Coorclinated Response Team and Chronic Offenders Monitoring Project. Shelley C. 7obnson has been woTking in the battezed women's movement foi the past hventy-two years. She has developed systems change programs, legal advocacy and �- --- shelter services for battered women from diverse populations and is currently Executive Dixector of the St Paut Domestic Abuse Intervention Project. Sustainabiliiv Plan: All of the patiners for this project aze committed to seeing it continue after this initial funding period from OJP. To this end the gonp will idenrify new mazkets for t�ainiug aznong social service providers, Adult Protection Units, other law enforcement and judicial systems personnel outside of St. Paul, and battered women and sexual assault MNAId, CFD 16.528 15 � � - _�-�- D ��I ISI -_ _- ___ �ogi-�_��pmtoco7s,_pzocedazes aad policies wi71 be used Yo develap a separate __ r ��xaining offeriugforotkerlawen£orcemen# and�udicial sYstems-------- -- — ----- ---- t . �--- MNALL CFD 16.528 16 I . ., _ . . - - - - � - - � --- - - . _ . _ .. �. _ , _ _ . . _ _� _ NIINNESO'�A NET'�VORK ON ABUSE IN LATEIZ LIE'E 6� //g) � BiTDGET �ETAIL V4'OI2�SHEET - - -- -- —=--- sumes a36 montl5 e ' d --- --------- � -- g t p --- -- -- A. PERSONNEL Cyndi Coo:�, Execu�ve Director Salary @$67.,238 x 5% = 3,362 x 3/yrs = of the 1VIi�nesota Coalition for $10,086 Battered R'omen (Project - - — financial oversight) Cost of living inerease $3,362 x 2% x 1/yr =$67 $3_429 x 2% x 1/Yr = $69 _ MCBW Executive Director will provide financial oversight ofthe project. B. FRINGE BENEk'ITS $10,086 $136 Cost Cyndi Cook, MCBW (Payroll taxes, medicaUdentaUretirement) @ 25% Egecutive Director £ringe of salary =$16,810 x 5% = 841 x 3/yr =$2 -- benefits �-- Cost of 5ving ;ncrease $841 x 2% 1/yr =$17 � $858 x 2% 1/yr = $17 Total F: fiu e Benefi r �z avF�.— - -----._ _ $34 Purpose of Location Item Compntation Cost Travel New Grantee To be tlirfaze $700 x 7 people = $9,450 Orientation Determined $4,900 Hotel $150(night x 3 nights x% people = �3,15C Meals $50/day x 4 days x 7 people = $1,400 Train-The- To be Airfare $700 x 6 people = $I0,500 Trainer Deteiziuned $4�2oQ Hotel $150/night x 5 nights x 6 people = $4,500 Meals $50/day x 6 days x 6 people = $1,800 Advanced L.E. To be Airfaze $750 x 4 people = $4,800 Training Detenuined $3,000 Hotel $150/night x 2 nights x 4. - t people =-$1,200 - - 1 N�TN N ON ABUSE IN Lr�TER LIF'E p 7- �/� J 3 days x 4 a tR1.'. Airfare FIotel Mea1s ;;.- Hotel IYLeals $750 x 4 people = $3,000 $i5viuigui x 3 ,::��s x 4 gecYle = $l,gnn � $50/day x 4 days x 4 people = $800 $75G x 2 peopie = $1,SOC $150/night x 4 nights x 2 people = $1,200 $SO/day x 5 days x 2 people = $500 $750 x 3 people = $2,250 $150/night x 2 nights x 3 people = $S^v0 $50/day x 3 days x 3 people = $450 $750 x 1 person x 2 hips _ $1,500 $150lnight x 2 nights x 1 person x 2 trips = $600 $50/day x 3 days x 1 person x 2 trips = $300 $8Q0 � 7 pPeple = $150(night x 3 nights x 7 people = $3,150 $60/day x 4 days x 7 people = $1,680 i ota�'T; a�e1 Ccst $3,2v"� $3,600 $2,400 New Grantee Orientaiion — Wi11 be attended by Co�ander Kevir. Casper, St. Paui Police Department; Therese Skarda, St. Paul Criminal Deputy City Attorney�, Cyndi Cook, Executive Director of the Miunesota Coalirion for Battered Women; 5helley 7ohnson Cline, Executive Director of the St. Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project; Nadiue Lujan Director of Elder Services of the Elder Care Rights Alliance; Mary Allen, Project Coordinator/Trainer,lViiuuesota Network on Abuse in Later Life; Chaz'I`hompson, Logistical SupportlTrainer, Miimesota Network on Abuse in Later Life. Train-The-Trainer — Will be attended by 1 sergeant assigned by Commander Kevin Casper, St. Paul Police Depariment; 1 attorney assigned by the St. Paul City Attomey's Office; Mazguerite Sasnuels, trainer for the St Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project; Nadine Lujan Director of Elder Services of the Elder Caze Rights Alliance; Mary Allen, Project Coordinator/Trainer, _�_ _ -_ - - � � � v _---- 2 --__. "_ ___. _--- _` , ° � Prosecntors Training Judicial OC Training To be Au�faze Determiued riotei Meals To be Airfare Deteimined Hotel Meals To be Airfaze Determiued Hotel Meals OVW Technical To be �cistanee Detannined NIINNESOTA NETWORK ON ABUS� IN LA�'ER LIFE 67, iJg/ -- - - MinnesotaNetwork on Abu.se in Later Life; Ckar Thompson, I.ogisticai�upport/Trainer, - � ta 33etwork�n-Ab�se in3;ater- I�i�e— ------ ------ ----- - -- Advanced L.E. Training - Will be attended by 4 officers assi�ed by Commander Casper, St. Paul Police Department Prosecntors Training - Wi1i oe attended by 4 artomeys assi��i �y St• P�-a': C:; �i^.a: L� Ci:y Attomey �yazdz. Jud'acial Institate - 21oca1 judges will be encouraged to attend OC Training - Will be attended by one accountant from Nauen Mobile Accounting, Cyndi Cook, Executive Director ofMC�W, Mary Allen, Project Coar¢inaior���ner, i•fiir.nesota . Nefwo"rk on Abuse in Later Life OVW Technical Assistance - i person, assigned by OVW wi11 be brought to St. Paui to provide technical assistance on the project. Wrap up Meeting - Will be attended by Commander Keviri Casper, St. Paul Police Depastment; Therese Skarda, St. Paul Criminal Deputy City Attorney; Cyndi Cook, Executive Duector of the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women; Shelley Johnson Cline, Executive Director of the St. Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project; Nadine Lujan Director of Elder Services of the Elder Care Rights Alliance; Mary Allen, Project Coordinator/Trainez, Minnesota Network on Abuse in Later Life; Chaz Thompson, Logistical5upport/Trainer, iViinnescta Netwo:k on Ahuse in Lzter Life. Also, since this meeting will occur at the end of the 3-year period and addifional $50 per person was added to the travel cost and $10 per person was added to the meals cost to cover inflation. D. EQUIPMEllTT r Ite cost 2- Lapto s $2,000 x 2 ��+,vvv rrinter $20C $200 - ---- - ----- -- Y ota� Equigment-� $4,-388 Laptops and printer to be used by the Coordinator/Trainer and Logistical SupportlTrainer to coordinate the project (statistics collection & analysis, write reports), assist with policy and protocol development work with MOU partners to add local material to the curriculum, and to be used by trainers to prepare training materials and conduc4law e�`orcer,�ent trauung. N.. SITPYLILS Supply Item Office Supplies Postage Trauling Materials Computer Protecrion Software zo x 36 mo io x 36 mo t x 500 sets X'L >soft Office Totat Cost $700 Office supplies and postage are needed for general operarion of the project. Training materials will be developed and used by the trainers. Computer Protection Plan provides 3 yeats of e�ert 3 .. MiNNESOTA NETWORK O1�T ABUSE IN LA'I'ER LIFE �7-//BJ telephone assistance, Sobal repair coverage an� web based resources forthe laptops. Soflware - -- i —is�eeded-for-genexal-eperation-of-theproject�-taprepaFe-trainingmaterials-andtoconductlaw _.__.___J__ enforcement training. F. CONSTRuCTIOIV-NiA �. CONSULTAI�TTS(CONTRACTS t Name/Position ` Com ntation ��'= 1VINALL Project $38/hr x 3"v/hrper wk x 52(wks =$59,280 x 3/yrs =$? 77,840 Coordinator/Trainer-75% $177,840 FfE Cost of Living Increase $59.280 x 2°/a xllyr =$1,186 $2,395 $60,466 x 2% x 1/yr = $1,209 MNALL Logistical $38lhr x 20/Ur per wk x 52/wks =$39,520 x 3(yrs =$118,560 � SupportlTrainer-50%F I $118,560 Cost of Living Increase $39,52Q x 2% x 1(yr =$790 $40,310 x 2% x 1lyr = $806 E St Pasl PoEice Department Train-Additionat-Trainers on Curricnluin = $12,960 - � Trainers (Law enforcement) $360/per day x 4 people x 3 days =$4,320 Project Trannnngs -$45/hr x 16/hrs per training x 2 trainers x 6ltr�aiuings = $8,640 City Attorney's Office Trainers {Prosecutors) St. Paul Intervention Project Trainer (Domestic/sexuai violence advocate) $400/per day x 4 people x 3 days =$4,800 Project Trainings -$50/hr x 1614us per training x 2 trainers x 6/trainings = $9,600 New Grantee Orientation -$400lper day x 1 person x 4 days = $1,500 Train-Tne-Trainer -$240/per day x 1 person x 6 days = $1,440 Train-Additional-Trainers on Curriculum - $240/per day x 4 people x 3 days =$2,880 Project Trainings -$30/hr x 16/hrs per training x 2 people x 6/trainings = $5,760 Wrap np Meeting -$400/per day x 1 person x 4- days = $1,600 ElderCare Rights Alliance New Grantee Orienfation -$240lper day x 1 Trainer - Nadine Lnjan person x 4 days =$960 � ' ectoz Elder 3ustice Train-The-Trainer -$240/per day x 1 person x 6 e :� 4- ------�11IN1lTESO_'�A_l�TWO�tK ON_ ABUSE IN LATER LIF� - p� -/l� I days = $1,440 Nanen Mobile Acconnting (_MCBW Accounting Service) MCBW Auditor "1'ram=2rauraonar i ra�uersroa� urricu�nu�-- -- $240/per day x 1 person x 3 days =$ 720 Project Trainings -$3011x x 16/hrs per training x 6/trainings = $2,880 �74�s �y :�� Mee�:ng -$2a0iper dzy x 1 person x 4 days = $960 OC Training - S $1,440 $20,000 x15% x $8,000 x 15% _ 'per day x 1 person x 4 days = 000 x 3/yrs = $9,000 �0 = x3/yrs = $3,600 Total Consultants/Contract 10,440 $3,600 MNALL enters into contracts for training coordination and time limited special projects with traiuing consultants Mary Allen and Char Thompson. MNALL currently has no staff positions. The MNALL Project Coordinator/Trainer will be contracted to coordinate the efforts of project partners (starisiics coliection & analysis, w�ite reports), attend the New �rantee Orientation, Train-The-Trainer event and the OC Training, assist with policy and protocol developmeut work with MOU partnezs to add local material to the curriculum and conduct - Proj ect Trainings as pzrt af tke multidisciglina_ry �'aii�iug team. The Coordinator/Trainer will also attend the Wrap-up meering. A 2% cost of living adjustment is scheduled for this coniracf. The li'INALL Logistical Support/Trainer will be contracted to coordinate the scheduling and logistics oftrainings, attend the New Grantee Orieatation and Train-The-Trainer event, assist with policy and protocol development work with MOU partners and conduct Project Trainings as uatt of th_e_multidisciplinary trainiug team. 1'he "LOgisrical SuppoYuirainor will �so atten. ;�'�e Wrap-up meeting. A-2% cost of living adjustment is scheduled Yor ttus contract. St. Paul Police Department Commander Kevin Casper will attend the New Grantee orientation. The Commander will assign 1 sergeant to attend the Train-The-Trainer event. Upon return from the Train-The-Trainer event ttus sergeant will irain 3 more sergeants (also assigned by the Commander) on the curriculuxn. All 4 sergeants will then attend the Advanced LE haining and will work with other MOLJ partners in policy and protocol development to add local material to the curriculum and conduct Project Trainings as p� oi �e r��ridis�:gtsna.ry trau�iug team. Commander Kevin Casper wili attend ihe Wrap-np meeting. The St. Paw Police Department will cover the cost of salaries for Commander Casper for tl�e New Grantee Orientation and Wrap-up meeting, the sergeant sent to the Train-The-Trainer and all 4 sergeants sent to the Advanced LE taaining. St Paul City Attorney's Ciiuiinal Deputy City Attomey Therese Skazda, will attend the New Grantee Orientation. The City Attomey will assign 1 attorney to attend the Train-The- Trainer event. Upon return from the Train-The Trainer event this attomey will frain 3 more attorneys on the curriculum. All 4 of these attorneys will then attend the Prosecutors Training and will wozk with other MOU partners in policy and protocol development to add local material to the curriculum and conduct Project Trainings as part of the multidisciplinary tra.ining team• Ci Deputy City Attorney Therese Skarda, will attend the Wrap-up meeting. The City of St. Paul will cover the cost of salaries for Ciiminal Deputy City Attomey Skarda for the New 5 --1VIYNNESOTA NET�JORK QN A�USE IN LATER LIFE 67-i18/ - Crrantee prientat and VJrap-up meeting, the atforney sent to the T?�in-tlie=Trainer and all 4 attorneys sent to the Prosecutors�taiinn`g. ----- ----"---- --- — St Panl Domestic Abnse Intervention Project Executive Director, Shelley Tohnson Cline will �+?en� the New Grantee Orientation. The Executive D'uector will then assi� a legal advocate with hainiug z�„�'�ence t� y„+±eyd +he Train-The-Trainer event. Upon reizun tnis advoc4�e R"� uain 3 more �vccates (wi+1i �^'�g exper�ence) from �ive*se communiiies on �e ew �.��". TM. All 4 advocates will then work with other MOU partners in policy and protocol development and locat �atetial to �e added to the curriculum and conduct Project Training as part of the multidisciplinary training team• Executive D'uector, Cline will attenci the �'rap-up meeting. � E1derCare Rights �??i2nce will provide the Director of Elder Services Nadu Lujan to a:±end the New Grantee Orientafion, Train-The-Trainer event, work with other MOU partners in policy and protocol development and locaJ material to be added to the curriculum and conduct Project Tra.iiung as part of the multidisciplinary training team. Director of Elder Services Lujan will attend the Wrag-ug meeting. Nauen Mobile Acconnt3ng, MCBW Accounting Service for financial oversight of the project will assign an accountant to attend the OC Training. n1Ci3W Auditor - the addition of financiai oversight of this project will require MCBW to add a federal single audit H. OTHER COSTS Description MCBW Office costs • Telephone • Rent -- • — Off e�sa�plies-eC�- - postage • Copier MNALL Telephone/Intern Printing/Reproduction St. Paul Insritute-rental for nroiect Nainiva facilities $10/mo x 36 = $360 $80/mo x 36 = $2 $10/mo x 36 = $360 $10/mo x 36 = $360 :z.:s�, x36=$5 al fee per 1ra.ining x 6 trainings =$3,000 Total Other Costs � ai�,iCS MCBW office costs of telephone, rent, office supplies and postage, and copier- for financial oversight of the project. St. Paul Institute - rent for traming facility. � 6 _1VIINNESO�A NETWOI2K_ON ABUSE IN LATER LIFE ��-t�s � � BiTDGE'�SUMII�Y -- ----- ----- - ( l _ _ _ . ; - - - -- - — - -- ---II�P �tTt��T OF POISLE - - � � � f I0 I -. .. ----- - � J3rtM. H�egoq QvdofPOScc _ __ _ ___ �c.11 F OS' J r�2�V1+ ;<= cm;ri�,u�s.c¢t�;n� - — '� — --- --- --- -- i � June 3, 2IIOb 36Grns�5tZa T�mhote:Gi:-:97di?L ___ h Pcti; ifsrarna ?SZ4i F�ak:2e: 5i.1—'b5S?i I � -- - T-0: fl.T�T From: �liief Jghn 1vT Ha¢"xn�aftm ! 11ie S� �aul Pciliee D�pa�t (aFA�S} is camc�iited to gmticipafiag in i�vs pit6t gzflject w fra'su 1a�r i enfotceaten(auri judi�ial rystem petsonneioa aP to a}a�se in I�er I.i�. Plie�ainl Pac a N a Qr�anzeed�er rhe ti»te fizimz��'tFie � ttiso, tha �aiut Peul PoFire I>epa¢tmeat s��Fll offer�ric. Fraiain�xo <iEher �14ianeso�a police sgeaeies t3uxiuy3t pur Proi�sionai �fevelepi?i�rit Justituxa�v5ich is run by ttie 5csinc Paul Pnjic� Traipit� IIniY.T appot'h�,aity �i�l be� opesta aTi taw �farrr.,me�ic officen and agencies in oarstate. Thel3ejiatCUi� t+.^� e0c�e[ thecosts t{ta�Cz%ertise #he #ra+ni�g qppQtfinitu €ar atber5aint Faul &�� Ttsria �irie4la�t e�farc�ent �?enoizs. 'Ph�SFPD zs� proxide tfie t�-aihia� fac'xEitv ta h61d tke fra�iin�s�tl �asctpxote th� crainin�athtaugh t]t�it traiming seh?e�e t3ae Sc, PanI �otice L'rofsssioual I3�v�lapmant r Tfi€sxcsi�ing �pnrt�initt� 1�i3t 6coadeTi tfigl?epar�neait's int�nal capaci�' Cn iden� dan}estio violecsne andra; s�uai atiusein Iatar life. 4}�ceis ndf as€i�erk ta either cfie I76xuespc�buse L;�tita� the Sr� Gtinies �J3uLVSffi�d t}'pic�lli onty bemu�naUy i�o3�� i� dtese eases. �5�sin�e geneial �c+tiee Pop�ila€ion, ebBSe in ta�es` tife is assuu'zeit [ii iieffiostt} financial e�iIoi[aticru, �s u�e arz leaming thrau�h out calisdioia€ion tvittt �ALLaad fhe other �mers€orthis pioject ��ase tfierc is 15��iai e�picsirztaon t�e is aTmoSt ahz�a"vs ph;5ica1, emat�ousl, c�erbaY aud%ozse;xnal sb�a.se E � ��s. � i. 2�ci�,i���,s�aa D2ie:• • CoancH F�e � � -/�� -- - ---- -- — -- - ------- CueenSfieet#��i° - ----------- -- ---- --- �_ RESOLUTION ---- -- crr5t o� s�r rAU�., mnvn��o�— d'7- ll8 / ��.� � .o._a; . ; i a�. . CO��T�: Da� P i WHEREAS, tlie City of Saint Paul, City Attomeys Office, wishes to apply for a grant from tha 2 U.S. Department of Jvsrice, Office on Violence Against Women and gartner with the Minnesota s Network on Abuse in Later Life, the Saint Pau1 Police Department, Saint Paul Interventian 4 Proj ect, and Elder Caze Rights Alliance to receive and pro�ride traming fo individuals witivn the s crimiaal and civii justice system in the City of Saint Paul to assist in e1�TM+�nar;ng abuse and s sexual assault against older individuals or individuals with disabilities; and z s WI-TEREAS, as part of the gtant application process the Saint Paul City Attomeys Office wishes s to e�er into a memorand�n of Understzuding and letter of oammi�nent as part of the gran: io application process; and lI xz Wi-�REAS, =rve recagnize Yl-at elder abuse victims face imique obstacles in seekine assistance -- 13 becanse they a.re often flegendent on their zbuser and may not hava the option to move or i4 otherwise end the abusive relationship and we understand it is crifical for those in the civi�inal zs and civii justice system to reeognize indicators fnat an older individual is being abused and is understand fhe uniqne chaltenges they face to access the services they need; and 7 9 � _ is WHEREAS, we understand that the U.S. Bureau of the Census predicts t�at by 2tT3�,�t e is population over age 65 will double to more than 70 mzllion and older people wi12 make up almost zo 20 percent of the population (up from 12.4 percent in 20Q0); and zi zz WIIEREAS, we undarstand that the City Attorney's Offiee has no on going financial 23 commitmeat as part of this grant opportunity and has proposed the following commitment to `ine 24 piO�EC�: 25 � zs The Criminal ➢eputy will attend the New C�rantee Qrientafion; it is understood that tYze a v grant will pay €or the travel expenses of this emgloyee and that the City will not be 2s required to provide food, lodging or airfare in canjunction with this three day meeting if it zs is outside the Ciry of St Paul; the City will pay the employees salary during the irainin.g; ao The Criinnial Deguty will pasticipate in pmject development and implementatian; she aa wi11 participata in tiae Train the Trainer nafional conference wluch is the five tiay train?ng; 32 It is understood that the grant will pay fQr the travel expenses of fhis employee and tha.t 33 tke City will not be required to provide food,� ladging or airfare in conjunction with this s4 ttaining if it occurs outside the City of St Paul; the Ciiy will pay the employees salary as durixtg the training; - - --------- _ - - ss The City Attomey's Office wili commit to sending betwean ttiree and five Critninat s z i�3visic�n ?roseoutors to the Prosecutors Training; it is anderstood that the grant will pay >_:.. :,:- _ . . . . � o �-jlS1 � . ��_i� _.__ __ i__ _____ far thetravei expenses of these employeES a¢dthat fhe Citywill not he required to 2 grovide food,lodging or auiare in conjunctiou with this taaining workshop if it ocaurs -- ---- a --- --outside#he�i af�t Pani;-theCi w�i �e em 1a - d�in thPtrmina' - - — - - .- - ---- fY i3' Pa3' P Yaes sa�ar�' g � � g 'The eputy �arh�ia�fie up�vIeeting; itis tmderstoo$#hatthe ---- — s gran� wiII pay for the ixavel expenses ofthis employee and tha� the City wi31 not be s nquired to provide foad, lodging or airfare m conjimcfion witk this two day isaining zf it ri ecvi� o� : �sic�e the City ef SL Paal; the Ci1p rvt11 pay the empiayees salary d�sing ths S �� t s The City Attomeys Qffice will assign prosecutozs with training eaperience to serve on fhe io traming team, assist with aciding Ioca1 stahrtes and traming �aaier.at to curric-�lum �u3 iz -- - work wi� MCU pariners ia review deve:oY and implem�t poIieies 2nd gmtocoIs; the 12 City Attomey's offioe witl commit to have aprosecutor present during all training, we are �a requesting reimbvrsement at an honrly rate of $SO.Od for these activities; it is undersYOOd zg tbat a11 trainiug refeaed to in this paragraph will occur wifhin the City of Si. P�sl; the is City will pay the amployees salary during the training; �e i7 is 39 ao � The City Attorneys office will assist wiLh �nding space for trainizg using zesources available within the Ramsey County Courttiouse; and THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVBD, that the Saint Paul City Council authorized tiie City oi Saint Paul to apply fa: and �ity Attomey 7ahn Choi a.^.d �is designees to paz#icipate in the application process and enter into a memorandum of underst�ding and Ietter of cominitrnent. � Adopted by Council: Adoptioa Certified by Coimcil Secretary 8orm 3�ppzoved by City Attorney t , _ - - , _ � o��L�gl = -. . - -� : .. _ ,,.,. , _ _�....--. - _,_ __ _�reen Shee# Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Greer► Sheet �rees► Sheet � ---- ---- — - ---- --- . -- ---- -- - --- --�G=/�-- � � Y �• ca �n+� consact r+�oa � �: 'n:� � � . o �r.�.n�qq - y �t5$'[9D i 61us%'aeottCoiutcuA&endaaY�axeY- �[ f:smeber 2 1 FOf 3 Roubn9 � a 5 Total � of Signafure Pages _(Clip AtI Lacafions for Si9�re) gantapplication_ idafions: Approve (A} a R P{anning Commission C18 CommiEtee CIN7 SBNIG2 C+OffIR1�55iIN1 ,�� , ,: ,�f=-a � � �t t � � e z� . a�. � , a.e-e�r�t=e�r � eere,..,e4 i or*s OSee lA.vdcan[ erk Q Qerk iu.N�e p��e.�..o� 3. Nas this oersonlfirm ever worked under a antract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Has fhis peFO�rm ever been a city empioyee? Yes Na 3. Does this personlfirm possess a sldit not nortnally possessed by any curt�entciiyemployee? � - Yes No Eaplain atl yes answers on separate sheet and aftach to 9reen sheeE IrtitiafFng Problem, issues, Opportunity{YJho, What, When, Wt�ere, Why): Abuss and sexnal assault against oldet individvais oi individuals with disaUililies. Advantaaes KAnaroved: Avrarness of the pmblem of abuse and sexual assualt against older individuats or individuals wifh disabilifies. QisatSvantapes !f Anproved: n?one. DEsadvatrtages If No} Approved: - 7 a�t� of awsmess of problem. � ': � �7ransaefion: Fundt�g Source= Frtancial.fMOrmafion: j - - - -- � — - - •_ z - ���in)_ - . CosURevenue Budgeted: AcEivi€v M�unber: 07-1l8/ c��T,�•- ► �� ► • it �'ebruaay 14, 20U6 T�a �,�',;uFa2s'3 i� `3. b� i*3 �..Pf„P?' T.Ik6;, !N�esota Wdti�oPi tiii S�ac��'Ci� Women, St Paul Police I3epartme�, EIderCare Rights Alliance, St Paui Domestic f Abuse Intervention P:oj�., an� the St ?aui Cit;� Attomey's Office - Criminal Division Frosecutors enter into an official Memorandum of Understanding (MOin with one another per tke following: I'�`4?�8�5 �idii�a 3ilwQ�iS �nnesata tiretwork on fibuse in Later �ife (MNALL) The agency's missioa is to i prnmote networks of orgazuzations and individuals through statewide commnnity education to address domestic/sexual abuse in later iiie, advocacy aad perpe�ator accountability. MNALL begau as the Older Baitered Women's Committea o€the Mi�esota-C-oalitio�€or-Battered W�mefl�lviGB-R�.�'his_cammittee af_dotuestic violence advocates from acrass tfie state began meeting in 1989 with the specific purpose of addressing the needs of oider women who were victims of domestie violence. A growing recogvition that the unique needs o€ older batxered women could only be served by the direct participation of all sectors serving seniors led to the decision to become a free standing statewide non-profit organizatian. MNALL is incorporated in the state of M'mnesota and received its 501 (c} 3 status in 2(}02. As a statewide clearing house aad ectucational organization MNALL now has #he active participation af many senior service groviders including domestic and sexuat viotence advocates, adutt pmtection workers, - > �art.Mnrr i nf75 o�--�igl — area-ag�ag ageazcy sra.i�-law Enforcement9$icers, comtpersonnel, _h_ealthcare pmv_iders -- representaiives from c€�mmunities of color and tribal organiaations ine � Paru���e i,e�a�r�` �S`P°T� -4'i'ha uez: �3�J� t ^,P..BC.@ �W�Crc ane L�1S support staff of'the SPPD reflect the diversity of the community they serve. The SPPD f has cstahli,hed a��� � �u;�ce :;;,i. ta cv�� *�e p:o^..ess h; s*.�ici± d r!*?teSf1C vio2ence cases are investigatec3 amd b*ought ta resolution, The SPPD is a recent recipient of a federal grant developed by the City of St Paul's Coordinated Commvnity Response Team and ISAIAH (a faith-based inixiative) w improve: i) the law enforcemeat response to vioiarions oi pmtec�ion orders �c�ed;'. �d 3�,uesuc aN:se :,�?ls iu geu�, 2) victim safety, 3) City and County Attorney's charguxg rates, 4) arrest rates of Gone f3n Arrivais, and 5) aggressive monitoring of chronic offenders. A key companent of that gant is to conduct an accountability audit (the Audit evatuates how vicfim safety and offender accountability either are or aze not incorporated into the functions of the — crimiaarjustice on-ehFOnic-0ffender�QFP-enforcamant, --_—._ teaming of probation officers and police to investigate probation violations of chronic offenders, and imptementation of accountability audit recommenda#ions will provide multiple avenues for imnlementing recommendations from the pilot training curriculvm on abuse in later life. Sk Paul Domestic Abuse Interventiox Projeet (SPIP) -- St Paul Domestic Abuse Intervenfion ProjecY is a aon-pmfit, grassroots battered women's advocacy program serving the greater St Paul area. Since I984, SPIP has provided direct services using the crimiaai justice system to secvre increased proteclion and critical services for battered --- - _ ___-- _ , - - - ( - ` -- - .-. -, MNAT7. MCiiT 9 nf 1 G - ���ti�L --- - _— -- IVO meaand their_children. _The agency_�mvides ongoing t�ansitional services, communiiy edueation, culhually coinpetent ouireach and legal and general advocacy fo ;���»�t;r�„�� �n,� ;.� gen�aai and'rimang- La�na- ar.0 R�z:. �a.,xe:e�? women specificalty, older ba4tered wamen, and children of ba#tered women, yaunger battered womer, �3 �a±te*e@ vaomen in the health care system. The .SA Paul Cify Att�rrney's Offrce - G'rimimal �ivision Prosecutors The G`ity Attorney's Criminal I3ivision responsible for prosecuti;ig petty misde�neanors, misdemeanors, and grass misdemeanor erimin�,�^' violatierns thaf occur withia the city af .�i'3uii D3u�y �^v�'e�.�"u0i P.:�'�°�y.TM-�'S.. +?� �3te $�T�0 CoII1'�S 3Ilil 2.11 feC18C31 CAllFtS. 'They play an impor�wt role in pmtecting vic�ms from fizrkher abuse, and @eterring � perpetrators from committing fiuther acts of violence. The Criminai Division consists of - - -- ---- the folIowing units: Trial, Domesuc Abuse, Housing Covr`y C�mmanify Proseeution, and Special Courts. Although it is tke County Attarney's Office that is responsible for a prosec�ti�xg-�I-ad��€elon�-lavel-crimes andall j�venile_case��mR_ axusey Cozmtv_(where ' St Paul is located), the city attomays participate on the Joint Domestic Abuse Prosecution Unit, where city and couaty attorneys are cross-deputized to prosecute domestic abuse cases where children are present. ElderCareRighfsAUiance-E[derTusticePrngram The ElderCarel2ightsAlliance (E1derCaze), a non-profit organization established in 1972, has over thirty years of dedicatioa fo protecting and promoting the rights af elders and people with disabilities who receive care. Their Advocacy and Fducafion Program provides trainings throughout the state of Minnesota #o aursing fiome counciis and community groups; and oae-on- ane coaching assistance to individuals to enabie them to advocate and protect tkeir rights _ - -- -, MNAT.T. M(lTT 2 nf ti . a�-ii�1 - _- . —�---- ac they�aviga� throisgh the long caze system. Its Elder 3ustistice Program is a first- -- - of-its-kind grograa� ia Minnesata. It provides resources, support, and infarmation to � � -- ��u�� fi�� y�w �n�fi'mc nY ahjiCP. 115 lAT� ItTe� 7��jQ(�`� OY 1L3^• � �iai chvivi�au3;,. � � provides, to elders aud their €amity nrembers, crisis intervention and covnseJing, refemals, { ;,a�fi adv�ca^.y, safety �la�a�ng, a� help fleveloping a su_oport network to cope with the consequences of abuse. The program also provides outreach to cammunities, professionaLs, taw enforcement, health care systems, and elders to educate aud ra:se awareness azound the 'sssues of abvse aa� negiect in later }ife. 1'vi�.:�resa: � �c:..'.��:�r.� r��:..��ea bPem� (i!�CRp71'I'F?e Mmnesota Coalifion for Battered Women was founded in 2975 to sErve as a unifying voi for batke:ed wom aad to link battered women's programs in the state with the common purpose of ending - . - domestic violenee. ivfC�FT is a statewide membership organization of 2aca1, :egionat, zn3 � s�tatewide pmgrams advocating on Bahatf of battered women aud their children. hfiC�W`s aGtivi#ies-inc��de-r-esourcesand-referrals-£or-individuals,�pQnsoring training events for programs that serve battered women, coordinating statewide task force meetings, serving as an mformation clearinghouse, publishing a quarteriy newsletter, and producing commimity education materiaLs. MCBW will administer the grant, oversee reporting and fiscal mauagemenE requirements, and participate in the Crrantee drienfafion aad Wrap-up sessions provided by OJP. Brief Historv of Collaborative Relatiaashins: The 2�nnesota Neiwork ou Abtise in Later Life (MNALL) began as the Q1der Battered Wamen's Committee of the Minnesota Coalitioa for Ba#ered Women {MCBVJ j. From its inception as an MCB W Committee MN A T.i. Tvf(1T I d nf 7 5 � 0�-i -- thmnghits.subsequentevalutioa into a free 501 C3, MNALL has maintained a , --- — ------ --- elose working relatioaship with both MCBW and the Older Battered Women's prograin vf `tt16 �u'i. D3:�u 7 '�L�.,"'..�^, b.�3il$C fnfi�,P,rpET1TiOT� ±TC)]e()�. til��il+i auu 5'Pu e�'i3..:. .�1....° member programs of MCBFJ since their inception. Staff &om MNALL are former staff � �f IvICB�7V a�3 va:uaterr in SPL�'s Older Baitered Women's Program. SPIP staff are ctsre3t and former MCBW board and committee members. Tivs year (200b7 will be tfia fi€th year in wIuch MNALL ttas randucted tr�ining and �r031itaiivu cXGuattge S..�SSiC."..� T..*ot:nd f?�e s�.a+.� ?� encouage the building of parinersIups between senior service providers. 3n 2002 (�e pear of MI�TAI.L's incepteen) infroductory sessions were keld, in 2003 sessions entifled Wl�at is.4buse in Later Life and How Do We _ - - _ - - - Respond were conducted, in 2004 frainings were focuseci an Legat ar�et' Law Enfor�ernent ( Issues and �fbuse in Later Life and the 2005 fr�lttina series concentrated on Building -- Pm�t�erships wit�Z Marginaliaed�rnd-undersezved Communitie�._All_trainin s were co- _ - - - - - -- - sponsored by the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women (MCBR� and a local domesiic abvse and/or sexual assault prograw. Those attending represented many disciplines serving seniors, including: domestic and sexual abuse advocates, adult pratection workers, healthcare providers, social workers, law enforcement officers, probation ofr`icers, area aging agency staff and other interesfed individuais. T`he formal partaership between MNALL and EldeaCaze Rights t111iance began in 2004. Since then, the two arganizations have catlaborated together to grovide information and `_ --_.-_. _ _ -- Nnvar.r.Nr�rT �£..:'; _ , Snf15 ` -_ ---- -- - _ a�=ri�1 =------ ---- *�o�es.regazding the issues of abuse in later I'u"e. E1derCare ;s an organization with a --- — t,hirty year history of championing the rights of older adults. a The St Paul Police Department, St Paul Domestic Abuse InterveaSion Project, z�ud the City Attoraeys' Q�ces have �*tnered in several efforts concerning damestic abvse c*+:mes since 1984. Examples include: developing the City AtYomey's Office Damestic 1�buse Unit; estabiishing the Second 7udicial District Violence Coordinating Councii to �amine issues and impleme� changes re:ated t€> domeslic abuse cases; creating criminal jvs`uce sysies,s ua'�;.::�� �au'.�?s ^" d^�st�c abuse and community resources; f - developing the 3oint I3omestec Ab Prosecution LTr�i� auc� creating the Police Department's Family Violence Unit These pazties collaborate on local and statewide - - - - -- effarts, such as task forces, trainings, presentations, public awareness/media evea�s, e#c. In 20Q1, the above pazties created the Coordinated Community Resganse Team to red --- fiag ehroaicfrepeat o-ffendersxhmugi�each_step_of tlue criminat tustice system and __ __ intensify the focus on their victirus' safety. The parEies to the MOU have deveIaped and agreed to the fo4owing: Appficafion Develonment MNALL was the lead agency in developing tl�is application. All partaers were called together to review tha RFP and deternvne each potenflal partners' interest in participating either on the Trainiug Team and/or by recniiting participants to receive the fraining. As gart of the discussion, the 1oca1 needs for training an abizse in later life, as well as the culturat consideratians in working with victims from various immigranY and indigenous TANAT.T.MATI f.nt �� _�7-1/��. _ ._ : —commuaities,�veae-iden#ifie� �t. Paul Interv_entioa Project agreed to ideatify battered ---- -- - women's/sexual assault advacate's from the Hmoag, Somali, Latina, African American - a�d h�eaican Ind� co,�,�;sa�u�s fe* �nclL�on in t�e �e-aela;,mu.en*. �f loe� information t to be added to the curriculum and tn participate as trainers oa culturat considerations a when woridngwith sc`��s a.r.d thheir f�lies from these diverse eomm�mities. The St. Paul Police Departmeat offered fo facilitate training oPPQrlun�l�es throu�h thair St Psul Insiitute wiuch provides trainings opz� ta iaw enforcement from across the Twin Cities metro area and s��. T`'.us ��u.z% -S E"'�» >`?'�� �°rig �'ea law enforcemenf agencies and provides an accessibie vehicle fa� acquiring t�a�=T POST Board credits. — --- - - - - -- --- - - ------- - The E1derCare Rights Allianoe's Elcier.Tustice Project affere� reenuime�t of key non- ( . law enforcementfjudiciary system Personnel for the trainings. in ttfe general discussian --- azound was-determi�ed tt�at those�eiyrorks already worxing witY� - - ElderCare could become new markets for the training aftes'tha Pilot project period `!'Jie City _Attomey's Office - Crivunal Division Prosecutor's offered to provide technicai assishance on modifying the cturiculwn to include Minnesota statutes and City o€ St Paz2t policies and pmcedures relating to domestic abuse, sexual assault and e�ploitation of vulnemble adults. Rotes 8c Resnansibitities - -. _ .. TANA73. M(li T ?nf14 6 - --- �p_ = /g/---- i EacT� of tlse�aztners br'tngs a-pa�icular-expertisa �#he trainiz� team. This combination of experience l�as grovided an excellent basis for dial awe among the pariners. Ongoing ' , „ ,.�+�,e .. ,+�,P.c w,� be an ess�ua: :�^.tes i� CQYllLk71u1C3N.�i:,u 2:]� E00*C7.43.f10II BIItOPig &u v,. �.., y 2......._.. the suc,�ess of fhis endeavor. r Anot�er aspe�ct supporting snccess is the structiue of the pilot project, with MLBW administering the grant, MNtILL handling all iogistical coordination and inf'ormation input on Adult Protection and the Metropoiitan Area A$eing Agencies frors members of their Board of Directors, �rg"r inc.orpot""a`'w�g cu: �a� ���F��"�9 �ining components, E1derCare incorporating information regarding Adutt �ay �are Prcgrams as we1 as pro�iding technical assistance regarding tygical procedures and responses from Adult - - --_ - - -- - - Protection, Adult Day Programs, Nursing Homes (who may be the Srst ta re�nrt abuse and set in motion a law enforcement response), City Attoraeys �ffice - Crizn�al — -- -� • • . . • -- Div�s�on ProsecuEors provrct�ngtkeu-experhise te-�c�zporate-MDT-specific le ----- information and recnuting judicial system personnel to partieipate, and the SPPD providing tha venue for the tra.iuing sassions as well as a vehicle to recruit parkicipants. a Renresentatives Resnonsible for Devetaniae & Imnlemenrinff Proiect Person Mary Atlen .. .... .. Agency MNALL M2dALL Respansibiiity Project Coordinafion, Trainer, and Staffto Project Team Logistical Support, Trainer, Staff to Pro,ject Team _- SheIIey CIine SPIP Oversight of SPIP trainers - .. --.. � - - _- - - - -- °- - - --TviT�TALLMllT _ _ _ _ -' - R n£75- __ ' - :. ,: - _ �7 'f/g� - , .. --- - ------ -- Em�. Kevis-Gasper—SPPD Coordinate law enforcement tramers & use of — - — -- --- SY. Paul Institute for traivin8 i ne;ese Sxazda - • T e en ?vM�T laws/nalicies • n� .,,�,,.�. �*s � aainez � Re�„����, . Nadine Lujon E1derCare Trainer, T'•A. on non-law enforcement personnel as initiai reporters of abuse cases wluch uutiates law enforcement involvement ■ The pmject team will meet zv�,� twc weeks during the first quarter of the grant perion to �se locz: ue�° a^�'^�����oa to be incorQorated into the curriculum. i ■ The Training Team members will be identified during flus initial fluarter and theY - - - - --- - - -- wi11 pazticipate in the project team's mee�ugs as well. ■ Each partner will send one - three staff to f3�e OJP tra��vngs tthese sfaf�' will either --be�hose-uamed-abave-andl�r-trainers)-------- -------- — - - - ■. The project team will develop the irainin° schedule, and MNALL will coordina�e ttte conesponding implementation logistics. • Af}er the first q_uarter the proJect team will meet on a monthly basis to monitor pilot project progress, and identify resaurces to suppori impieme�i�au6n and , ,.. ■ Duriag y�rs iwo and thFee of the project the team will meet every other month to review evaluation data, monitar grogress on stated goais and objectives, and plan for continuing tra.iniag sessions after the grant period � . - TviNAT.i. MIITT 4 nf 75 . .._, - ._ ,. -_-. . - - - /�1-1lg/- _- - - --_Year._ones�'ocus will be to co�Iete #he 1) OrienYation aad Tra�-the-Trasners *sainiags, � 2) add.IVtnnesota components to the c and canduct a mock training to fa�,�7iariza all �e� �*.� fte I�N version oi �e c�c-��; 3; e..^,ud���±"�*_ (�? -t*anings f for law enforcement and judiciat system personnel; 4) identify venues ior pro�ating the r trair,:�gs; 5; de-h_^:ef ��?er �e fi�st three trainings and rzview participant evaluations; � conduct interna( six month and twelve month process evaluations; 'n identify and access vehicles far media coverage of the issue of abuse in later life and the work of the Trainiug Team as a way af ;�proving vir*�.:�n safeiy anc� pFOSecution of these o$enses; ��,� oj ,ueet ��,:,�".�:ng :eq '.*��en+� z set ferth by OFP. Year two's focus will be to recruit participants for the Judicial Institute; conduct eleven — - _- - --- - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - -- ---- (11) iiainings; i�egin diaiogues wim Pf3ST aoard, Pofies Academy �3 SPFZ3 2bo�rt i institutionalizing the training as part of their requiremenfs for graduation/PE3�T Board --- eredit�developand-implementsustainability plan; conduct intemat six month and tweive __ month groeess evatuations and review each trainmg sessions participant evaluafions; share first year evaluation find"rngs and recommendations with each partners snt>eriorslboard of directors for their individual planniug purposes; and garner media coverage of success stories where the lraining/implementation of new poIicies azound ahuse in later life has iuiproved a} the prosecution and convictioa rate of perpetrators and b) victim safety. Year three's focus will be to include MN participants from the Judiciai Insfitute an Yhe groject team and ia their bi-monthly meetings; conduct eleven (11) trainings; cont.inue -.._.. . (, .. __ . __ -� ���MNA7.LMfliT' 70nf1S _ _ �- � _ _ : - -. , , - -,--� -- -- - - - p � /fg --- --- ogue5 a� an�mpiementatian pian} with-POST�oard,-Eofice.Academy_and ----�-. ---- SPFD about institutionaIiziag the training as part of t$eir requiremeats for _ _ � � . �� £�CSaau' r.. b.'l+tci rlan• � � �1'3..Z i u�. '+ > C..^.^fi.. LT_TiD!CRiP.D.f.3S1011 01 t�'lE S'�35`~iaiia3++:.+ � y---e \ eonduct in#ernat six month and twelva month process evatuations and review each tra�:ning sessions nazticipant evatuations; share second year eva�ua�an �n3i�gs x.^.� recommendations with each parf�ers superiorslbaard of direcfors for their individuai plannir.g gnrposes; abtain media. coverage of building on the success of the piFot pmject to reach other audiences aad inerease the number of atlies in the figkt to eliminate abuse in la#er life. -- --- --- - _ �eceoastrated Cammitment Each of the par(ners has agreed to participate in bi-weekly (first quarter), monthty (2 _ 4�' quarter) and bi-monthiy (5� -12�' quarters) project team meetings. Additionally each - __ __ partner agency has agreed to_parttcipate m t1ie twiceyeazly project evatuations-an�-OdP— � required evaluations. All of the parluer agencies have alxeady demonstratea their commitment to tbis issue: MCBW supported MNAI.L's creation, MNALL's mission and tae numoer of voi�.tzer ;��.:.s u.,^�at.°.� �y cr-'''-'eat staff and board members to provide trainings statewide, SPIP's Older Baitered Women's Program their membership on the Coord'anated Community Response Team (CCR'1� whieh focuses an chronic offenders and theeir victim's safety, SPPD's Family aad Sexual �oIence Unit wluch has two teams of investigators under the supervision of the sazne comma.nder (wbicfi facilitates cooperatian and encourages broad evidentiary procedures) and C�RT membership, EdderCare's Elder Justice Prograzn, and F.he �ty Attorgeys (2ffice - ! - .�-- - _.. _ _. . — - MAT,ATI.AeFf1iT 71 nf15 _� . ,....__ �,. ;.._ . _ - -= _------ - -- - ----- --- - -- ---- ------ b7�/�g/ - -- Cnminn�a �ivision Domestie Unit� meml�ersh�P-0n#he_Joiat Prosecution Uait -------------- I with the. County Aitomey's Office, Probafion and membarsN�iP on the CCRT. ���: r`z��*2v� Each partner has rsviewe� the 36 month bnd.gaY and as demonstrated by their signature be1�w,.ha agreed to the distiiliution of fimds amongs: the par��rs. Ia-k4ad i3onatioas Each of the organi�ations is coniributing significant in-Idnd donations to supgort this project S'PPD - staff time and fringe to 1) gain intemal appmval for their parLicipafion in the -- -_--- proj;c:, 2; panc�ipate in the project evaluations, 3) attend the QJP trainings. 4} provide technical assistance to make the curriculum relevan# to departmental policiesJprocedures, ( 5) attend project team meetangs, and � provide oversight of SPPD trainers' participation. --- - ---- -_ - The Department is also donating mee nfi g spaoe forthe�rojeet team meetiags-and-the traiuing sessions. City Attorney's Office — Crimina! Division Prasecutors - staff time and fringe to 1) gain intemal approva2 €or �u Y� �=�a��II ��e r'-'^�ect� 2� part�cipate in the project evaluations, 3) provide teclinical assistance to make the curriculum relevant to Ivi'wnesota law and departmentat poticieslprocedufes, 4) to recruit participants from the judieial system to attend the Nfinnesota tiainin�s, � provide oversight of thair trainers' parEicipalioa, � attend project team meetiags, 7} attend fhe OJP trainings, and 8) to meet with az�ea judges to eacourage their particigation ia the Judicial Institute to be offered by (- - - ------ - = �-ar.r.r,rnrT 19 nf15 - � _ - _� • - - . - - ---------- - -� ----- -------/ - O7P. The City A'ttomey's d�ce is also-doaahng-meetmg-sPace-for the �n�ect i�eam -------- -- ---- ��� � rhe training sessions. _ �`'^-,- - - - - -- - y �]\.. ___t,- TP. L SI'IY - siau t�me and fzinge t4 �; &s���' the t�� aainiags, �� r��-F� evatuations, 3) att.,'nd project team meetings, and 4} provide oversight of SPIP trainers' , participatian IVICBW - staff time end fivige to 1) attend the OJP trainings, and 2} participate in the project evaluasions E[derCare - staff time and fisnge to 1} attend the �7P trainings, 2) Parfacipate in the project evaluatians> 3) attend project team meetmgs, and �r) a�crt�"u �f `�ff time and fiinge to participate as a member of the Tra�ning Team ��L _�� a g�ntrvriter's fees to compile flus proposal and have been volunteers on the proposat development team. � eement of the follawing• Furthermore, the signatures below signify agr -- A: Each paat3' to the MOU agrees to support-th�work outiined aboxe to-the futl _ e�ent of #heir authority- B�h partner agrees to collect and maintain data measuTmg �e effectiveness of the izainings and submit requested ;�fc:m2tien te ?�??ALL to meet d3P's and MCBW's reporting re9uirements C McgV+r will �t as fiscal manager far the entire graat, and Pro�de oversight in reporting, data cauection and any atfier inforu►ation requested by O7P. D. Each of the partias will Provide in kind suPPort of the project including but nat limited to personnel, space, utilities, portion of the prinfing. �°��2able supglies, phone, - - intemet access, Postage> aud Project staff su�ea�v�s�on. _ -_ _- - - - - �, — - - - '� ---- 1Znf-75 ,<`MRTA77.M(�T :-, - , — - • _ . -_ _ - _ - , - -=-_ = b ���fg1------ _g� Fenod: 36 months, commenciag upon receivu�g g�°�'- -------- E.—�'iming— - ------ ------- - — --- I F. -Budget -- AII Parties to tlte MOU have reviewed and approved the budget 5 t \ 4 .__ ., _ . . . . ' _ _ _ _ . _ . - 7viNAT.T.Mf1TT , 7dnf15_ ' � _ - -� _ ���=f1�� � �_ � � � , �-, v o C�ndi ook, Exec�.�.:ve u-e;,tor - M�W �� � J fzl.r.z/ �es� � ; 2- //S pd / Daw� Simonsan, Boud Chas–MNALL Date �e�-� � . - �i5' d � « NadineLujan,L�es+�ue uector–E1derCaze Date Rights Alliance , � t V - z 5 �� Chief Jolm M. Harrington, SPPD Date t� � — Sneiiev i. CIine, cu ' e D"sectox - SPIP a S C.5 � Bate 1 John 7. Choi, City Attomey, Supvr Criminal Div. MNALL MOU (- – 15 of 15 ��( S� Date ,._. - ,_ - . ; - 0�7 ffgl _ _ _ -� � _ - ' - - TL'DADTA.fLTTT/�RMIiTl�R Chief of Police s�;,� P�Ui AAAA �i CTTY OF SAINT FAUL 367GrmeStreet Telephnne: 65I-29I-ZII1 Christopner B_Coleman, iYCyor ___ _ SaintPaul, Minnesota SSI01 Facsimile: 651-26�57I1 February 15, 2006 � T0: OJP The Saint Paul Police Depariznent (SPPD) is committed to participatin� in this pilot project to train law enforcement and judicial system personnel on appropriate responses to abuse in later life. Saint Paul Police will open training on "Fi'ouse in i,ater Life" per the vI? curricuium io Sairii Faui ^v�ce�s (35C), Saint Pau19-1-1 workers (65}, 5aint Paul Police 5ergeants/Investigators (135) and any other interested local police jurisdiction. The training will be offered through the Saint Paul Police Training Unit and it wilI be taught by a multi-disciplinary team trained through the OJP grant. The Depar6nent will cover the costs to advertise the training opportunity for other Saint Paul and Twin Cities law enforcement agencies. The SPPD will provide the facility to conduct the training. We will hold/promote the training tbrough our Sai�t Pau? Pelice Professiona! Developmenr r��±;�,t � This training opporlunity will broaden the department's internal capacity to identify domestic violence and/or sexual abuse in later life. Officers not assigned to either the Domestic Abuse Unit or the Sex Crimes Unit would typically only be marginally invoived in these cases. Within the general police population, abuse in tater life is ass�u-ued to be r,�ostly financia.t ex�Ioitation. As we are learning threugh en* c�La�aorz+aon wit� the Minnesot2 Ne?Werk on Abuse in Later Life (NINALL) and other parhers for this project where t�ere is fi�va.ncial expi_oitation, there is almost always physical, emotional, verbal and/or sexual abuse. Sincerely, J� �( � hn iv1. �gton CIiIEF OF POLICE - — - - � ,: ., , _ .,,-.�- . _,<- �--^---_. _.�__,m.�_ -. , -. „ _. : .. . �-� : .__����/gl. = ,- YI"!/1T�ITT�!'�'lTC1�A�}RYITSTTLST � To1vi J. Choi, CtryAttomey -- - CITY OF SAINT PAUL c�;�n�on ChristnnherB.CoTem�cMayor SOOCity_Ba11 Telephone:63126�8740 -- --- -- - ---------- - - - � ----- - - - - -- - - - - -- IS-�utKeIIoegBh+d-- --- -- -Facsurrile: 651-298-5532 - . t Scp'DCrf,.i��mzro:c55102 m+.ra i __-___' __ '_ . ___-______ - ' ---- LETTER OF CONIlVII7'MENT . - — — - - February 15,2006 . To: OJP � From: John J. Choi, City Attomey The Saint Paul City t3ttorney's Office welcomes the opporiunify to pa_rficipate in tbis pilot project to train law enforcement and judicial system personnel on appropriate responses to abuse in later life. Our office will send appro�mately 23 criminal division prosecutors and 4legal assistants #o the training on Abuse in Laier Lu`e per ihe ^vJP cu.�iculnu-�. -'I'he trair,;n.g will be open to alI City Attorney's Office personnel. There will be a total of eighteen (18) ho•s,-s of training for each participant from the multi-disciplinary team. Our office will encourage other judicial system personnel to aftend the trainiugs. The City A#tomey's-(}f�ee-will pr-o�ide-meeting-spac�for�he--trai�ings-and-r-elatedrprajeattPam meetings AriotheP part of our commifinent is to engage judges in this dialogue and encourage their attendance at the local traiuings and the OJP's Judicial Institute. Staff have expressed great interest in attending the fr•ainiugs and see it as an opporhmity to siaengthen their working relationship with S±. Pau1 Police Lnvestigators and.law enforcement first responders, and improve case invesfigation and outcomes. VJe understaud how critical this issue is for our community. Last yeaz al_one foriy-eight percent (48%) of the women killed in Minnesota by an intimate pariner or family member were over the age of 50 years. We want to be a part of raising the awazeness azound the issue of abuse in later life. This training will help us communicate that reatity and ultimately improve the judiciai system response to both victims and perpetrat ' C%.��� Februarv 15, 2006 John J, Choi, City Attorney Date - ,., - - . .,,_..,, , ...- �. _, ._ .,,::. ., .. _. � Y. � _, _. _.. .. . � - � __ _� ... . .