07-1180Council File # ��'��8�
Green Sheet # . � sa
Presented By
WHEREAS, Issam Alhuniri d/b/a Chicago Submarine (License ID�19990000132) located at 614
Selby Avenue in Saint Paul received a Norice of Violation dated August 22, 2007, for operating a
sidewalk cafe without a sidewalk cafe license; and
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before an Administrarive Law Judge on September 27, 2007
where the Department of Safety and Inspecrions was represented by Counsel, presented testimony,
arguments and exhibits into the record and the licensee appeazed and presented tesrimony, arguments and
exhibits into the record; and
WHEREAS a Report was issued on October 18, 2007, in which the Administrative Law Judge
found that there was sufficient proof of the violation; and
WHEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge also found that adverse action is appropriate; now,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that a fine of $500.00 is imposed against all licenses held by Issam Alhuniti d/b/a
Chicago Submarine; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the $500.00 fine be paid within 30 days of the passage and approval
of this resolution; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of
the Administrative Law Judge in this matter are hereby adopted as the Findings and Conclusions of the
Ciry Council in this matter.
A copy of this resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the Administrative Law
Judge and to the license holder.
Requested by Deparpnen[oE
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by C�ty Attomey
Adoption Certified by Council ecretary
By � /
Approved by May c te ' L �' � _
By: 4—i,t,C.�1a.K i t
Form Appioved by �yorfor
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$� -Dept of Safety & TnspecLions � 2�NOV-07
CoMad Person & Phone:
Rachel Ttemey
rvtust se on
E-DOCUment Required: Y
DocumentCOnWct: JulieKraus
Contact Phone: 2668776
Total # of Signature Pages _(Glip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3046752
p �epto[SateN&Iaspec4ons
1 eDt of Safety & Insvecfions Deparmient I)irector
2 ' Attorue
3 a or's Office Ma or/Assistaut
4 onuc�
5 � Clerk C5 Clerk
Memorializing Ciry Council acrion taken November 21, 2007 imposing adverse action against the Restaurant (A) 0-12 Seats license
held by Issam Alhuniti, d/b/a Chicago Submazine (License ID#19990000132) for the premises located at 614 Selby Avenue in Saint
itla[ions: App�ove (A) or K
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
1 Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
A public hearing was held on November 21, 2009 to discuss the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law and
Recommendations from an administrative heazing held on September 27, 2007.
Imposition of a$500.00 matrix pena7ty.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
Activity Number:
CostlRevenue Budgeted:
November 28, 2007 10:40 AM Page 1
John J. Choi, CityAttorney
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Christopher B. Colemmq Mayor 400 Ciry Hall Telephone: 651 266-8710
ISWesiKelZoggBlvd Facsimile:657298-5619
Saint Paul, lvlvmesota 55102
October 23, 2007
Issam Alhuniti
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Chicago Submarine ,��� � � ��
614 Selby Avenue �
St. Paul, MN 55102
RE: Restaurant (A) 0-12 Seats license held by Issam Alhuniti, d/b/a Chicago Submarine
for the premises located at 614 Selby Avenue in Saint Paul
License ID # 19990000132
OAH Docket No. 4-6020-19206-3
Deaz Mr. Alhuniti:
Please take notice that a hearing to discuss the report of the Administraxive L,aw Judge
concerning the above-mentioned licenses has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 21, 2007,
at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County
You have the opportunity to file excepfions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during
normal business hours. You may also present an oral or written argument to the Council at the hearing.
No new evidence will be received or tesfimonv taken at this hearin�. The Council will base its
decision on the record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law 7udge and on the arguments
made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law
in the exercise of its jud�nent and discretion.
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Rachel Tiemey
Assistant City Attomey
cc: Diane Nordstrom, Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 64620
St. Paul, MN 55164-0620
Is am Alhuniti, 612 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102
�Iary Erickson, Council Secretary
Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of DSI
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
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600 North Robert Street
Saint Paui, Minnesota 55101
Mailing Addxess:
P.O. Box 64620
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0620
Shari Moore, City Clerk
290 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Bivd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Voice: (651) 361-7900
' TTY: (651) 361-7878
Fax: (6�1) 361-7936
October 18, 2007 �� �� ���-� �
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Re: In the Matter of Adverse Action Against All Licenses P-Zeld by
Iss�sn �dldruniti d/bfa �,�i�a�o Sudamarf�;e aP £14 S�Iby Ave�we
in St. Pauf, IVlinnesota; OAH Do�ket No. 4-6020-19206-�
Dear fNs. Mr�ore:
_... �
Enclosed herewith and served upon you by mai! is the Adrninistrat'rve Law
Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Lavrr, and Recommendation in the abave-
entitied matter, Also enciosed is the officia! record, with the exception of the digital
recording of the hearing. If you would like a copy of the digital recording, please cc��tac�
our office in writing or teiephone 651-361-7840. Our file in this matter is now being
closed. "
Encl. .
�'���-�-� ��1��� Q
- ` `" BRUCE`,H. :i0`HNSON' ;_ , , .
Assistant Chie# Adrriin;strative Law Judge
cc: �ac - ei � n�� erson Tiemey
issam 'Ifi�uniti
� • 6�-//�D
OAH 4-6020-19206-3
in the Matter of Adverse Action Against FINDINGS OF FACT,
All Licenses Held by Issam Alhuniti CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND
d/b/a Chicago Submarine at 614 Selby RECOMMENDATION
Avenue in St. Paul, Minneso#a
The above matter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge
Bruce H. Johnson on September 27, 2007, at City Hall in St. Paul, Minnesota.
The record closed at the conclusion of the hearing on that date.
Rachel Gunderson Tierney, Assistant City Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15
West Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the Office
of License, frispections and Environmentaf Protection (LIEP) of the City of St.
Paul (the City). Issam Alhuniti (the Licensee), owner of Chicago Submarine, 614
Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on his own behalf.
This report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The St. Paul City
Council will make the final decision after a review of the record and may adopt,
reject or modify the Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendation. Under
St. Paul Legisiative Code § 310.05(c-1), the City Council shall provide the
Licensee an opportunity to present oral or written arguments alieging error in the
application °of the law or the interpretation of the facts and to present argument
related to the recommended adverse action contained in this Report. Parties
— shotrfch - contact Rachel fiQr
filing exceptions or presenting argument,
1. Did the Licensee violate St. Paul Legisiative Code § 106.01 by
obstructing the sidewalk without a sidewaik cafe license or proof of insurance?
2. If so, what sanction should the Saint Paul City Council impose on the
Licensee's restaurant license under St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.06(b)(6)?
Based upon all the proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge
makes the following:
1. The Licensee has held a license for the operation of a small deli in
the City since 1997.� The license ((A) 0-12 Seats) allows the Licensee to
maintain up to 12 seats for his customers inside the deli "Chicago Submarine."
2. The City does not allow any person or establishment to obstruct
pubiic sidewaiks with any materials or encumbrances. The City provides,
however, an exemption for sidewaik cafes. A food establishment may provide
outdoor seating on the public sidewalk if the establishment notifies the City
license inspector, and obtains a sidewalk cafe license and liability insurance for
the sidewalk cafe.
3. The Licensee has never obtained a sidewalk cafe permit or
insurance for a sidewalk cafe 4
4. Kristina Schweinler is the senior license inspector with LIEP. On
May 17, 2007, Inspector Schweinler visited Chicago Submarine and noticed
tables and chairs set up on the sidewalk in front of the business.
5. Inspector Schweinler spoke with the Licensee and informed him he
needed to obtain a permit and proof of insurance before he could place seating
on the sidewalk. She issued him a"License Inspections Notice," which notified
the Licensee that he needed to obtain a"sidewalk cafe license" at the cost of
$31.00. The Licensee signed the Notice.
6. The Licensee had suffered a number of hardships, before he first
received the License Inspections Notice. His infant daughter had been seriously
ill, and he himself had undergone knee surgery and had had to close his deli for
a number of months. As a result, it was financially difficult for the Licensee to
purchase an additional sidewalk license or additional insurance for the sidewalk
seating. On the other hand, it was because of those financial hardships that he
believed he needed the additional seating to generate revenue �
7. inspector Schweinler paid a second visit to Chicago Submarine on
June 28, 2007. Once again, there were tabies and chairs set up on the sidewalk
in front of the deli. From her City vehicle, she took photographs of the outdoor
seating. The Licensee was inside the deli when she arrived. The Licensee saw
' 7estimony of Issam Alhuniti; Exs. 1-2.
2 Ex. 1; Testimony of Christine Rozek.
3 Test. C. Rozek; St. Paul Legislative Code § 106.01.
4 Test. C. Rozek.
5 Testimony of Kristina Schweinler; Ex. 2.
6 Test. K. Schweinler; Ex. 2.
� Test. 1. Afhuniti.
D�- l!�'D
her, walked out of the deli, approached her vehicle and spoke with her. Inspector
Schweinles reminded him he had been ordered to remove the seating until he
obtained the necessary sidewalk license. At thaf time she did not specificaliy
identify herself as being a City inspector. $
8. The Licensee was not in the process of cleaning the alley adjacent
to his deli at any of the three times Ms. Schweinler's visited his business
9. Inspector Schweinler visited Chicago Submarine a third time on
August 17, 2007, and again noticed seating placed on the sidewalk in front of the
deli. She had no contact with the Licensee during that third visit.
10. On August 22, 2007, the St. Paul City Attorney's Office sent the
Licensee a"Notice of Violation" in which the Assistant City Attorney notified the
Licensee of the Ciry's intent to take adverse acfion against him for encumbering
the public sidewalk without a permit. Specifically, the Notice referred to the dates
in May and June when Inspector Schweinlsr witnessed the seating on the
sidewalk in front of the deli. The Notice provided the Licensee three options: 1)
pay a$500 penalty; 2) admit the facts but contest the penalty in a public hearing
before the St. Paul City Council; or 3) request a hearing be#ore an Administrative
Law Judge.�
11. On August 30, 2007, the Licensee notified Assistant City Attorney
Tierney of his request for a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.��
12. On September 11, 2007, Assistant City Attorney Tierney issued a
Notice of Administrative Hearing, notifying the Licensee of the hearing before the
Administrative Law Judge on September 27 at 9:30 a.m.
Based upon the above Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge
makes the following:
1. The Administrative Law Judge and the St. Paul City Council have
jurisdiction to hear this matter pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code §§ 310.05-
8 Test. I. Alhuniti; Test. of K. Schweinler; Exs. 1; 2; 3.
9 Test. K. Schweinler; Exs. 1; 7.
70 EX. 4.
�� Ex. 5.
�7- l/8�6
2. The City gave proper notice of the hearing and has fulfilled all
refevant substantive and procedura{ requirements of law and rule.
3. As the party proposing that certain action be taken, the City has the
burden of proving facts at issue by a preponderance of the evidence.
4. St. Paul Legislative Code § 106.01 prohibits the encumbrances of
public sidewalks without a license and proof of insurance.
5. The City has shown, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the
Licensee obstructed the public sidewalk in front of his business with outdoor
seating without a license or proof of insurance.
6. St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.06 (b) authorizes the Council to
take adverse action against a licensee who violates a condition of the license or
any provision of the Legislative Code. Adverse action includes a variety of
disciplinary actions ranging from fines to license revocation.'
7. The City has shown, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the
Licensee violated a provision of the Legislative Code by obstructing the pubiic
sidewaik without a license.
Based upon the above Conclusions of Law, the Administrative Law Judge
makes the foliowing:
IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED that the St. Paul City Council take such
action against the licenses of Chicago Submarine as the Council deems
appropriate under the circumstances.
Dated: o�G� �'�i ���
Administrative Law J d e
Reported: Digitally recorded (no transcript prepared)
' St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.05.
The issue is whether the Licensee obstructed the City sidewalk without a
sidewalk cafe permit or proof of insurance. Inspector Schweinier testified that on
three different occasions she saw tables and chairs on the sidewalk in front of the
Licensee's deli. The Licensee admits he piaced the tables and chairs on the
sidewalk without first obtaining the requisite license and insurance. However, the
Licensee argued that he should not be held in violation of an ordinance
prohibiting persons from encumbering a City sidewalk without a permit.
First, the Licensee argued that he has complied with ail licensing
requirements since he first obtained his restaurant license in 1997, and that this
is the first time he has ever been cited by the City, but the Licensee's previous
compliance does not excuse his current violation.
Next, the Licensee argued his family and financial hardships should
excuse his violation. Though the ALJ is sympathetic to the Licensee's situation,
there is no hardship exception in the City's ordinance that would aliow the
Licensee to maintain an outdoor seating area without a permit and proof of
insurance. The ALJ notes that the fee for the sidewalk cafe permit is only
$31.00, and the Licensee offered no evidence that the cost of obtaining
additional coverage the City requires would be unreasonably high. The
Licensee's hardship argument is therefore also not persuasive.
Finally, the Licensee testified that after Inspector Schweinler first notified
him of the violation in May 2007, he moved the tabies from the sidewalk to the
adjacent ailey, and only repositioned the tables on the sidewalk when he cleaned
the alley, The Licensee claimed that on those occasions he would return the
tables to the alley, and that the cleaning process only took ten minutes. He
testified that the times when Inspector Schweinler had visited his deli were ail
occasions when he had temporarify moved the tables from the alley to the
sidewalk while cleaning the alley.
The ALJ did not find the Licensee's testimony that he only placed tables
on the sidewalk while cieaning the ailey credible for a number of reasons. That
the Licensee was cleaning the alley at the exact times of all three of Inspector
Schweinler's visits is too coincidental to be believable. Moreover, Inspector
Schweinler testified that she did not see evidence that the Licensee was cleaning
the alley on any of those three occasions. The evidence established that the
Licensee was in his deli and not outside cleaning during Ms. Schweinler's first
visit on May 17, 2007. The Licensee himself testified that he was inside his deli
and not outside cleaning when he saw the Inspector taking pictures from her
v,ehicle on June 28, 2007. The photos taken in June and August show no
6`l - /lg0
evidence of the alley in 4he process of being cleaned; the sidewalk and alley
are not wet and crates appear to be stacked in the alley next to the deli entrance.
Finaily, even if the Licensee had only placed tables on the sidewalk while
cleaning fhe alley, there is no de minimis exception in the ordinance. The
Licensee admits he piaced the tabies on the sidewalk in front of the deli. Even if
fhe ALJ accepted the Licensee's argument that he left the tabies there only for a
matter of minutes, they wouid still constitute a violation of the sidewaik ordinance.
In short, the Licensee's arguments are unpersuasive, and the ALJ finds
that the City met its burden of proof in establishing the Licensee's violation of the
sidewalk ordinance. The record therefore supports imposition of an appropriate
fine. At the hearing, the City argued the Licensee's multiple violations should be
a factor in considering the appropriate penalty. The ALJ notes the City oniy
notified the Licensee of one violation. As such, only one violation should be
considered in the determination of the appropriate fine.
B. H. J.
13 Exs. 3 and 7.