212823ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK y 4 O CO U •PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO CE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 212823 WBEREAS, It has been found necessary to change, modify and amend certain portions of the plans and specifications heretofore approved for the proposed improvement of HOMER STREET from W. 7th Street to Shepard Road, as approved May 2, 1963, by Council Resolution C.F. 212510; now therefore, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public works be it RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as approved by Council, be and the same are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Addendum No. 1 which is attached to and made a part of this Resolution and of the aforementioned plans and specifications, and that further, all interested parties be notified of this addendum. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson In Favor Peterson Against Mr. P es� 4 10M 8-82 Council File No. 212823 — By Milton Rosen — Whereas, ttfhas been found necessary to change, modify and amend certain portions of the plans and specifications heretofore approved for the proposed improvement of HOMER STREET from W. 7th Street to Shepard Road, bs approved May 2, 1983, by Council Res- olution C.F. 212510; now therefore, upon the recommendation of the Com- missioner of Public Works be it Resolved, That the plans and specifi- cations for the above named improve- ment, as approved by Council, be and the same are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Ad- dendum No. 1 which is attached to and made a part of -this Resolution and of the aforementioned plans and specifi- cations, and that further, all interested parties be notified Of this addendum. Adopted by the Council May 17, 1983. Approved May 17, 1983. t. (May 25, 1983) MAY 17 1963 Adopted by the Council_ 19— MAY 17 1 Approved 19— Acting Mayor Grading and Paving HOMER sTRT 21 2823 f tom West 7th Street to Shepard. Road A=MM TO. 1 An extra section will be added to the Specifications Mich shall . reads as follows: 116. COORDTI►taTm (' Nm: a. The track crossing on Hauer Street will be constructed as follows: 1. The Contractor shall contact the Ford Motor ComMy and the Division Engineer of the Chicago, Milvm&ee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Campy,, Room Zia Hiilvaukee Depot, 3rd Avenue Soo and Washington Avenue, Minneapolis., Minnesota and Cork out a proper time schedule for taking the track which crosses Street out of service. It appears that this work may be done on weekonds with approval, of the Ford Motor Cam/. 2. The . Railroad will remove the two 24 Inch concrete pipe culverts under the tracks and all ties, Plunges and rails needed at the time the track is closed. 3. The Contractor shaft do all work needed for serer crossing and roadvay crossing of this time agreed upon. 1�. The Railroad will flurnish and place aill times flanges, rails, ties, ball st and other materiels needed to build the crossing as detailed on Han Sheet No. 3, except the asphalt surfacing which shall be furn1shed and placed by the Contractor. b. Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment - The asphalt usterial needed for track crossing will be measured and paid for in accordamce with 800tion 42 of the Special Provisions, Any extra vork involved due to the agreement with the Railroad and Ford Motor Camay shali . be classed as incidental to the contrwt itwo involved. 5/16/63 . 212823 Grading and Paving HOMER from West 7th Street to Shepard Road AMEERM NO. 1 An extra section will be added to the Specifications which shall. read as follows: 116. cocunusioN Or Wtn: B. The track crossing an homer Street vIlt be constructed as follows: 1. The Contractor shaJ.l contact the Ford Motor Company and the Division Engineer of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Cris Room 27a Milwaukee Doota 3rd Avenue So. and Washington Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesats and work out a 1popor time schedule for taking the track which crosses Homer Street out of service. It appears that this work may be donne on weekends with approval, of the Ford Motor CampaRy. 2. The-Railroad will ranoVe the two 24 inah concrete pipe culverts under the tracks and all ties, flanges and rails neaded at the time the track is closed. 3. . The Contractor shall do all work nemded for seiner crossing and roadway crossing at the time Weed upon. 4. The Railroad will furnish and place all timber flanges, rails, ties, balleat and other materiels moded to build the crossing as detailed en PlAn Sheet No. 3, except the asphalt surfacing which shell be furnished and placed by the Contractor. b. Method of Meamoment and Basis of Payment - The asphalt material needed for track crossing will be measured and paid for in accordance with Section 112 of the Special ftovisions9 Any extra Mork involved due to the agreement with the Railroad and Ford Motor Company shall be classed as incidental to the contract items involved.' 5/16/63 DUPI!CATE TO PRINTER , _ 212823 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE X18* It USA bm found "Aiw i to ewe,. **.Ty =1 gmWA Oft-WU V rUftf of the r1fto Abd oppwdtimUd" Y tWo" ovad ;['c* iA$ t of > , frm. ii• Ith Strost to ' tp" j, his VWoy" sw go 2963j, br Ca=Aa 34tioe o y,, ltd; th$z*tw0$ upm the rs tx so4 of tht E awdi 1=4r of hihUo Vorks bo it . IM14M, TW tbO P1090 $ad 8 ftoa t1W6 for ' , i tz "- 130POr4 UY 00ftoUj 'be *ad tbA Ue d bk*by ch=g"., modiftod =4 s mado ! in WMW40006, Vith AWW40 No. 1 1blob is #* to W4 m0ft 4 pert of %io A"Olutlm. od of tht OormMaiemd pUm ana a C4+Aona ?. gmA that ft?UwjI OU W06" l" be wt1ft64 of thi (I 0444ndm. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen font "2 by In Favor U A gainst MAY 17 1963 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved_ "DIY ] 7 19M__19— Mayor