07-1179Council File # �7 Green Sheet # 30 f-�'(ol�"9� Presented by 1 2 3 4 � 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 Cy��'1 RESOLUTION 411)I�T PAUL, MINNESOTA �'"1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative hearing record and testimony heazd at public hearing on November 21, 2007 hereby memorializes its decision to certify and approve the November 6, 2007 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer for the following address: ADDRESS 1604 Point Douglas Road S. APELLANT Allen Krenz Decision: Appeal denied on the Correction Notice; Appeal granted on the Excessive Consumption charges; Appeal denied on the Vehicle Abatement Order with an extension by November 23, 2007 to come into compliance. Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Thune Adopted by Council: Date � ✓ Adoption Certified by Co ncil Secretary BY /' ,� O Approved b Da[e � L Q B Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��� ��7� CO �ouncil Contact Person 8 Phone: Marcia Moem�ond 266-857� Must Be on Council Agen Doa Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Docume`rt Contact: Mai Vang Contact Phone: 266-8563 f7E�CiYQ�YI � Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3046672 0 ooncii 1 oancil De artrnentD'vxtor 2 ' Clerk Cti Clerk 3 4 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Resolution memorializing City Council action taken November 21, 2007 denying the appeal on the Correction No[ice; granting the appeal on the Excessive Consumption charges; and denying the appeal on the Vehicle Abatement Order with an extension by November 23, 2007 to come into compliance for property at 1604 Point Douglas Road S, per the recommendation of the Legislative Hearing Officer. itlations: Approve (A) or KeJect (K): Pefsonal SeMce contracts must Answer the Pollowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a coniract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3 Does this person�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvantageslfApproved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disativantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) Activity Number: Cost/Revenue Budgeted: November 27, 2007 9:47 AM Page 1 P� y �A b' f � 9 � '� E o iiil n l� • _ 4e a �^i=�� October 16, 2007 Allen Krenz 1604 Point Douglas Rd. S. St. Paul, MN 55119 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK'S OFFICE RE: appeal for 1604 Point Douglas Rd. S. Dear Mr. Krenz: Your application for an appeal has been received and processed. 67-//�79 Please attend the public hearing before the Legis�ative Hearing Officer on Tuesday, November 6, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. in Room 330 City Hall and Courthouse to consider your appeal concerning the above referenced property. At that time the Legislative Hearing Officer will hear all parties relative to this action. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in denial of your appeai. Sincerely, �� Shari Moore City Clerk cc. Richard Lippert, Division Manager Joel Essling, DSI Code Enforcement Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing O�cer David Palm, (Citation #907188998 15 4VEST KELLOGG BOULEVAAD, SUITE 310 SAINT PAIJL, MINNESOTA55102 Tel: 651-266-8688 Fax:651-266-8574 wwwstpaul.gov AA-ADA-EEO Employer b� l/7� APPLICATION FOR APPEAL o � F cFi� F � Saint Paul City Clerk � 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., 310 City Hall �'/�� s Z0 j Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 C� �..rr Telephone: (651) 266-8688 R/� 1. Address of Property being Appealed: 2. Number of Dwelling Units: 3. Date of Letter Appealed: � �00 4. Name of Owner:�� �� F�! �I\��Z ��:-�5-b Address:j 1`��� �Ot.t.l�i.�l.�i ✓�� �'�}��— State: � Zip: S� 9 ��� s t Phone Numbers: Business $"�30� Residenc � 7��—��� � Cellular 5. Appellant / Applicant (if other than owner): Address: Phone Numbers: Business City: State: Residence Cellular NOTE: A$25.00 filing fee made payable to the City of Saint Paul must accompany this application as a necessary condition for filing. You must attach a copy of the original orders and any other correspondence relauve to this appeal. Any person unsatisfied by the final decision of the City Council may obtain judicial review by umely filing of an action as provided by law in District Court. For O�ce Use Only Date Received: Fee Received: Receipt Number: Date of Hearing: _�����-'"�� �rQ�' � ��=� 6 State specificatly what is being appealed and why (Use an attachment if necessary): CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS DIVISION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT 1600 White Bear Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55106 VEHICLE ABATEMENT ORDER Allen L Krenz/Diane L Krenz 1604 Point Douglas Rd S St Paul MN 55119-6011 October 8, 2007 Inspwrion Date D /O — " Irate 1�taiiea Ma7ea sy (init> 07- ll��I As owner or person(s) responsible for 1604 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD S YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE #1 FORD GRE 7676-620 A,F #4 GMC Color I GREEN 776-487 A, F FORD YELLOW 782-937 A, F E, CHAPTERS 45, OR 163: #2 #3 CHEVROLET BROWN 725-497 A, F #5 FORD BROW N/WHITE VTY-407 A OLDS RED PAK-262 A #6 A- Lacks current license/tabs D- Appears undriveable/inoperahve B- Open to emry/unsecured E- Unimproved surface C- Missing vital parts/dismantled F- Other violation NOT SCREENED FROM PUBLIC VI�W FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULTS IN TAGGING AND/OR TOWING. CHARGES: If the City impounds and disposes of the vehicle(s), the charges assessed to the above property will be approsimately $1,000.00 for each velucle. This charge does not include impound fees and other related costs for release of vehicle(s). Vehicles fonnd to be �`violakon on or after October 30, 2007 will be removed, imponnded and disposed of in accordance with law. The cost of this abatement will be charged against the property as a special assessment to be collected in the same way as property taxes. Noncompliance with this order and repeat viola6ons wiR result in the issuance of criminal citation Issued by: Toel Essling Badge Number: 322 Phone Number: 651-266-1904 Avneals: You may appeal this order and obtain a heai$ig before the City Council by completing an appeal applica6on with the City Clerk before the appeal deadline noted above or seven (7) days after the date mailed, whichever comes first. No appeals may be filed after that date. You may obtain an appeal applicaflon from the Ciry Clerk's Office, Room 31 Q City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102. The telephone number is (651) 266-8688. You must submit a copy of this Vehicle Viola6on Notice with your appeal application. *WARNING Code inspec�ion and enforcement h-ips cost the tucpayers money. If multiple trips within a year to your property aze required to insure compliance with the law, you may be charged for the cost of inspections and enforcement tdps to your properry. Sucb chazges aze in addition to any other fines or assessments which may be levied against you and your properiy. va60159 5/07 DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Dick Lippert Manager of Code Enforcement CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ckristopher B. Caleman 1600 Teiephone: 651-26GZ900 SaintPaul, MN55706-l608 Facs'vrsile: 651-266-]926 a�-i��y October 10, 2007 Allen L Krenz/Diane L Krenz 1604 Point Douglas Rd S St Paul MN 55119-6011 Dear Allen L Kren�JDiane L Krenz, and others, if listed: On October 8, 2007, this department conducted an inspection of your property at 1604 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD S and because you were not compliant with a previous order Deficiency: Jnnk vehicles and/or parked on an unapproved surface YDU AItE BEING BILLED $75.00 for the cost of this inspecrion. This is in accordance with ' 34.24 of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code. Payment is due upon receipt of this letter. Make your check payable to the ACity of Saint Paul@ and mail your payment to: Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections, Code Enforcement Excessive Consumption Unit 1600 4Vhite Beaz Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 If you do not pav within 30 davs the amount of this bill, plus administrative costs, will be assessed to vour uropertv taxes. NOTICE Your property is next scheduled for a REINSPECTION on October 30 2007 WARNING IF YOU AO NOT HAVE THE VIOLATTON(S) CORRECTED BY THE NEXT INSPECTTON DATE, October 30, 2007, YOU WILL BE BII.LED AN ADDIT'IONAL $150.00 . CALL THE INSPECTOR IF YOU HAVE ANY QiJESTIONS: Joel Essling, at 651-266-1904 Sincerely, Dick Lippert Manager of Code Enforcement as ec60169 5/07 City of Saint Paul, Department of Depariment of Safety and Inspections October 10, 2007 EXCESSIVE CONSUMPTION 1NVOICE # 647507 File �#: 07-096897 Properiy Address: 1604 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD S Properiy PIN: 232822440018 Owner Name: Allen L Krenz/Diane L Krenz Fee Descri�on Excessive Consumption $75 Fee Payment is due upon receipt of this letter. Department of Safety and Inspections Excessive Consumprion Unit 1600 White Bear Avenue St. Paul,-MN 55106 Failure to nav within 30 davs will result in tlus amount beina assessed to vour propertv taaes. Make your check payable to the ACity of Saint Paul�. Send payment to: Keep this portion for your records: Date Paid: Ck or M.O. #_ 322 Deficiency: Junk velucles and/or pazked on an unapproved surface Amt ECutHERE ----- -- E--------E-------E-------E-------E-------E-------E----- RETURN this portion with your payment City of Saint Paul, Deparhnent of Department of Safety and Inspections, Code Enforcement Division EXCES3IVE CONSTJ?V4'TIC_?N PA�s'1!�?!TT INVOICE # 647507 dated October 10, 2007 File #: 07-096897 Property Address: 1604 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD S Property PIN: 232822440018 Owner Name: Allen L Krenz/Diane L Krenz Fee Descrinfion Excessive Consumption $75 Fee Deficiency: Junk vekucles and/or pazked on an unapproved surface 6 7 /l� �I Amount $ 75.00 Amount $ 75.00 RETLTRN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS DickLippert, Manager of Code Enforcement CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor 1600 YVhite BearAve N SaintPaul, MNSSI06 October 8, 2007 Allen L Krenz 1604 Point Douglas Rd S St Paul MN 55119-6011 NOTICE Properiy Address: 160.4 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD S ��- //79 Tel: (651) 266-1900 Fax: (651) 266-1926 The City of Saint Paul Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, has issued smnmons number(s) 907188 998, in which you have been charged with violarion of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. This citarion will be heard in the Ramsey County Housing Court. The Court Clerk will notify you by mail as to the date, time and place to appeaz. If you haue not heard from the Court Clerk at the end of four weeks, contact the Housing Court Clerk at (651) 266-8230. The issuance of this citafion(s) does not negate any other enforcement action which the City may have instituted or which the City may institute in the future. If you fail to answer this citation-in the manner directed by the Court, a warrant will be issued for your arrest. c: Property Address je tag60105 5/07 AA-ADA-EEO Employer DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS _ DickLippert MangerofCodeEnforcement � ���-/ � C�Y �F `S�r PA� 7600 WhiteBearAve. N. Telephone: 65Id66-1900 ChrisfopherB. Coleman, Mayor SaintPaul,MIJ55706-]608 Facsimi[e: 65]-266-7916 October 1, 2007 Yog hais tias koj hais lus Hmoob thiab koj tsis to taub tsab ntawv no, hu rau tus txhais lus ntawm (651) 266-1918. Nws yog pab dawb zwb. Si usted habla el Espanol y no enUende e;ta nota, llama (651�666008 pata im tmductor. No costo. Allen L KrenzlDiane L Krenz 1604 Point Douglas Rd S St Paul MN 55119-6011 - �(�R1��CTION 1lTOTICE RE: 1604 POIlVT DOUGLAS ROAD S File #: 07=096897 Dear Sir or Madam: The City of Saint Paul, Deparhnent of Depariment of Safety and Inspections has inspected the above referenced property on October Ol, 2007 and has determined that the following deficiencies exist in violation of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 1. All vehicles must be correcfly licensed, operable, secure from unauthorized entry, and parked on an improved surface. Correct violations; store in a garage or remove. FORD GREEN HKY-890 PARKED ON UNIMPROVED SURFACE (GRASS) FORD BLACK.GREY MUR-520 PARKED ON UNIMPROVED SURFACE (GRASS) GMC GREEN 776-487 FORD BROWN/WHITE VTY-407 PARKED ON UNIMPROVED. SURFACE (GRASS) APPEARS INOPERABLE-FLAT TIRE �� � �a 2. All velucles must be correctly licensed, operable, secure from unanthorized enCtg-,� �� and parked on an improved surface. Correct violafions; store in a garage or `� remove. FORD RED FDC-766 TABS EXPIRE 1031.07 hA-ADA-EEO Employer ' -� � - � ' r.�; �`` �, z :..�-� ` �� z: October 1, 2007 1604 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD S Page 2 ��-//� �/ T'HERE IS A STATE ORDINACE THAT REQUII2ES ALL VEffiCLES WITH COLLECTOR PLATES BE PARKED BE HIND A FENCE OR A SCREENING DEVICE. IF T`HERE ARE ANY MORE VEffiCLE VIOLATIONS AT TffiS PROPERTY, THE COLLECTOR PLATE ORDINANCE WII.L BE STRICTLY ENFORCED 3. . SAIVITATION: Immediately remove improperly stored or accumulated refuse inciuding; garbage, rubbish, junk, vehicle parts, wood, metal, recycling materials, household items, building materials, rubble, tires, etc., from yard. The Saint Paul Legislative Code requires all exterior properiy areas to be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Usable materials must be stored in an approved manner, so as not to constitute a nuisance. FROM BED OF YELOOW FORD 782-937. You are hereby notified to correct these deficiencies in accordance with the appropriate codes. The Enforcement Officer will reinspect these premises on or after October 08, 2007 FOR ITEM 1 November Ol, 200? FOR ITEMS 2-3 by which date the violations noted must be corrected. Failure to correct these deficiencies may result in the issuance of criminal charges andlor a civil lawsuit, and possible abatemenUassessment by the City. If you need help finding a loan, go to www.stpaul.gov, click on "Departments", click on "Department of Safety and Inspections", click on "Resources". If you're a Senior and need help complying, call 1-800-333-2433. If you're a person with a disability, call the Disability Linkage Line for assistance at 1-866-333-2466. All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits may be obtained by calling b51-266-909C. - You may-file ati appeal to ttus notice by contacting the Gity Clerk's Office at 651-266-8688. Any appeal must be made in writing within 10 days of this nofice. (You must submit a copy of this Notice when you appeal, and pay a filing fee.) If you have any queshons or request additional information, please contact me. To arrange an appointment or request an egtension of fime to compiete repairs, you will need to speak direcfly to me at 651-266-1904. Sincerely, Joel Essling Badge # 322 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFF`ICER October 1, 2007 1604 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD S Page 3 b7-l1�9 Footnotes: 1 To see the Legislative Code go to www.stnaul.gov on the internet, click on "Departments", then click on "Department of Safety and Inspections", scroll down the page for the "Codes". Most Correction Notices derive from Chapter 34. 2 Crimina3 chazges can be brought on the day the violation is observed, but generaily we allow time to conect unless this is a repeat violation. �e WARNING Code iuspecrion and enforcement hips cost ihe tacpayers money. If rhe vio]ations aze not coaected witl�m the time period zequffed in tLis notice, the city's cosfs m conductmg a rems�ecUOn afta the due date for compliance will be collected from the owna mther tl�an beiag paid by the tupayers of the city. If additional aew violations aze discovered within the nezt following 12 montlis, the ciry's cosfs in conducting addilional mspeclions at [lus same location within such 12 months will be collected from the owaer nther tf�an being paid by the ta<payers of the ciTy. Any such firture costs will be collected by assessment against the real property and aze m additioa to any otha 5nes or assessmenis which may be levied against you and your property. cn60100 5/07 � � �u� �£ . .bu`��'�peeMUy laod t D aia} yee �sn\u�E§�S��d �� \ �� �� �, s� __---= �,s � \ . � ��: � . ��; BGH416 �'�'�sa�'e' = n� . � � � Print "' PM csti1167 Station: 167 Deputy WOODBURy Back Title Printed Sus ense ��- b��ll�9 416 Empty Wt Reissue YR 12 ID 55119 u �� Page 1 of 1 P Liens Flags Files B3210S454 I' � N 0 Plafe � Egp. Sticker Tax Prv, plt MK262 (524� iG3AM47YlEM328524 04 06 F2450�R� 35 00 BGH Ye_ar 1984 � uusier La[e Last Trans First Sale Base/GW Odometer 09 15 04 R 08 03 OS 010529 Owner DOB KRFNZ MATTHEW JOSEPH 07 12 1983 Kt Street City Coun /Si 2060 MINNggAI�A AVE E ST PAUL I2AIviSE � o� u�e... �"�p� - � -2� � . . • -.....- NUMBER "`-- — -� L ahout polluhon coritrol eqmpmerG and damage to �he vehide Afalse or iraudulerrt sbtemerrt of purchase by 2ny person is a gress r � SALES T X DECLARATION AND FEES �';;{��� i�'_ FULL PURCHASE PRICE . .................... ....... $��� s � REGISTRATION TAX $ LESS TRP,DE-IN ALLOWANCE_ ....... _ . . _ ... .... . PLATE FEE NEi PURCHASE PRICE........ "' .......... .. �_��� %OFNE7PURCHASEPRICE ............. lj�-��} Q1�J ��00 LESS TAX PAID TO ANOTHER STA7E . ... . . . ... . ... . .. . P.S.V. FEE NET SALES TAX DUE � TR4NSFER TAX � I TRADE IN WAS A MODELYEAR MW(E P1,q7E 0R VEHICLE NENi1FlCATiON NUMBER I DECLARE Minnesota De21er License Number. rriis 7Fix Minnesota Sales Tax Account Number. EXEMPTION �ntemal Revenue Code Number (IRC): cOOE: prorateAccountNumber(Salsta�cduewhenrenisieredl: V WMt I tK UISGL SiA ENT, I(WE) CERi7FY T11AT THE ODOMEiER NOWREADS � y� �� (NOTENTHSIMILESANDTOTHE BEST OF Nt( IWOWLEOGE THE ODOMEIER MILE/1GE IS: ;� ACTUAL MILFAGE ❑ EXCEEDS MECHANlCAL LIMITS OF ODOMETER T OF O TI7LE?R4NSFER FEE LIEN FEE TR4NSFER PENAL7l' SUBTOTAL SHIP TOTAL DUE I 5� unrvuue ui5c;�usurcc � ini emrrv i. i u � ne ets i ur mr icrv�w�euue i rns vtniut ❑ HAS �, HAS NOT (CHECK ON� SUSTAINED DAMAGE IN EXCESS OF 70%ACiUA1 CASH VALUE. POLLU1lON SY57EM DISCLOSURE STATEMENL T01HE BEST OF MY IWOWLEDGE iHE POLLUiION COMROL SYSiEM ON THIS VEHICLE INCLUDING THE RESIRICTED GASCLIN: PIPE ❑ HAS `� HAS NOT (CHECK ONc7 BEEN REMOVED, ALiERE� OR REN�ERED INOPERATNE Assignment 1(we) certily that this vehicle is free from all security irrterests, warranf tiFle, and assign the registration tae and vehicle to: , � i� � i �� ` -� �>�� DATEOFSALE -��� � L1VE V � (l NN1E{6 ( � ( � / fj OEALERUCENSEtt _ / BUYER'SADD� . / BUYER'S f���� StreetAddress � > d��l`.h�� TO SECUR� Code VEHICLE SU&IECT TO IiENS SHOWN AND NO OTHERS, i HTiEST BY THIS TRANSACTION 11AT THIS VEHICLE IS AN� WILL i AND HIGHWAYS. ALL OF MY (OUR3 DECLARATIONS ARE TFiUE HND CORRECT. ' {h oEt ivius; Siwr: '—.�'__"' ._._.::... P/�� _'.___'__"" "' ' ' 1I� � � 5=�� � ��i/� 7 ?3 �U�� e) Dete(sl of Birth Buvers Driver License Numher(sl i � 2 8 Z007 DFpUry� MUCELBODY � _�'�� Pe cs ;���— e DV$ Plate ���������������������������� VTY40 rnN ��(1�� � ' T(RENWfBER : Ifi356�S�87� � GFMqqL�FfICE U5� nNLY ODCfd�H QyD2 f(I LiJ `—.. t . - Pi/l�EQ4 EXP �5 (?' I,i'tEREST;S DOS CWNER 2146� i'iARK�EY RUSSELL JOHN 93�1] OlD :ED�1P. AVE �" ,, 8�00!"IN6TOV ;1N 55-#2� � ;. _ z,., a�an�;vfr�t35ifR1F'e` �: � _` 14�91111II�1�1111V�R�li���il�;�!�i�l��;�!�f��t4'�� II$l�`!il'���!p.'��I' � � . � � �� _.__- �- �..---� � � .-, „ , '_ _----°� _ �...- - _ T �,�...�,�esw�1�7 �[' � , .�wr �av �.,.--. __ ... . II���IIIII�I�II�IIII�III���I�III�I�I��IIIII�� `�s ��{qF:{�{EODOMIETER �AMAGEDI CLOSURESTATEMEM ion+e'sESr9F �s'n^ ❑ HAS �1�5 NOT (CHECK�ONE) SUSTAINED DAMAGE IN �jh{g M�LES AND TO TNE Pp ���� O N SYSTEM DISCLOSURE STATEMEM ,'Yb7HEB� , �GEIS^ �' C p�JTROLSYSTEMON 4 HIS� H � CLEINCLUDING,T7'76RESTF ' . �Hqs �.HASNOT(CHECKON � � qsaignment: l(we) ��Y �+at th'rs �ehicle is free from ali se�� SER � � . ;i E`fER DISCREPANCY reg is}rytion tax and vehicle la: ,.., �� � � / . �� ,� ��'l���.��. �+ �s DATEOFSFU.E �/_ E . y �� . . _' Q...� (9 : BU1 DFALE� i ���' , vehide aPN��� and isused to itleMdY uk in denial of fie'requeste�l ac�°°� �� for�?m � � in Your ePPGcalion m�'rrot be dtsdosed W address:�rc of yourcSOrtnaUO� M' "^%"9to die fi0ovrin9 qND VEHIC E SERV CESLDMSION � CRSTR�EET, SF. PAUL, MINNESOTA 551D`I i'1-297-7126 m' �1-282-6555 � d' f om � P�� s �3 Z V ZOO7 � �} �� November 6, 2007 Legislarive Hearing Minutes ��,�� Page 9 4. Appeal of Allen Krenz to a Vehicle Abatement Order, Excessive Consuxnption, and Conecrion Notice for property at 1604 Point Douelas Road South. (Laid over to November 13) Ms. Sheffer stated that the appellant had called her that morning indicating that he could not attend the hearing as his wife was critically ill in a hospital in St. Cloud. He requested his appeal be laid over. Ms. Moermond stated that she reviewed the appeal documents and stated that she was denying the appeal on the Correction Notice as it was the tnne to appeal. In reviewing the excessive consumption bill, she was recommending granting the appeal. She was basing this on the fact that the initial inspection on the correction order was being billed for the simm�ary abatement order. In reviewing the Code, it did not allow for chazging for an inspection on the same inspection. November 13, 2007 Legislative Hearing Minutes �,����G� Page 6 9. Appeal of Allen Krenz to a Vehicle Abatement Order, Excessive Consumption charge and Conection Notice for property at 1604 Point Douglas Road South. (Laid over to November 13) At the November 6 Legislarive Hearing, the Hearing Officer recommended denying the appeal on the Correction Notice as it was not received in a tunely manner. She also recommended granting the appeal on the Excessive Consumption charge. Mr. Bssling stated that the sumuiary abatement order was issued on October 8, 2007 and as of that morning, there were currently three vehicles on the property that were still in violation. Those vehicles were numbers two, three and four, which all contained collector plates which did not ha�e the proper screening as required by Minn. Stat. Sea 168.10. Allen Krenz, appellant, appeared and stated that the vehicles in question were tarped and covered. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Essling whether had had the state statute and if so, if he would read the requirements for the record. Mr. Essling stated that he did have the statute which states: "vehicles with collector plates may be stored in compliance with local govemment zoning and ordinances on the owners property provided that the vehicles and outdoor storage areas, they may require are maintained in a manner that they do not constitute a health or environmental hazard and are screened from ordinary public view by means of a fence, shrubbery, rapidly growing trees, or other appropriate means. The appropriate local agency or authority may inform the owner of the owner's failure to comply with these requirements and may order the vehicles removed from the storage area if the owner fails to comply with these requirements in writing 20 days after the warning." Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Krenz about the vehicles which he indicated were tarped. Mr. Krenz stated that he received the correction notice on October 1 which indicated that ali vehicles with collector plates needed be parked behind a fence or screening device. He stated that had hard covers made for these vehicles and the truck was tarped off as well. He explained that two years ago, this was not an issue with the City. It was his opinion that the hard car covers were considered screening devices. Mr. Magner stated that the screening requirement had been a law for at least the past 10 years and whenever they received a complaint such as this, they do enfarce the screening ordinance. He believed that the intent of the ordinance was so that people would not fill up their yard with collector vehicles. In this particular case, the cars appeaz to be parked in the driveway and there was no screening from the front or from the back. Ms. Moermond asked what the history of complaints were at this property. Mr. Essling stated that since 2001, there had been at least seven complaints concerning vehicles at this property. Mr. Krenz responded that he had obtained a restraining order against a person who did not even live in his neighborhood and he believed it was this individual who was calling to complain about hun in retaliation. His next door neighbor had boats in their yard and they had no problems with his cars; another neighbor down the street had a camper that was illegally parked; another neighbor had a very large boat in their yard. He believed this complaint was precipitated when his septic system November 13, 2007 Legislative Hearing Minutes ���.�/�� Page 7 was inspected by the City. He had explained to Mr. Essling at the tune that his father was ter�unally iIl, that he was attempting to comply and he believed he had comptied with the orders. As faz as the cars that did not have current license tabs, he had receipts for the purchase of the tabs forthose vehicles. Mr. Essling stated that one of the vehicles that had collector plates was inoperable as it was up on blocks. Mr. Krenz stated that he had been told that it was okay to have the vehicle up on blocks. He said that one of the cazs was his uncle's, another had been his grandfather's, and anotl�er had been his father's. Ms. Moermond asked far more detail concerning the complaints at the property since 2001 and how they were handled. Mr. Magner responded that in 2001, there was a complaint on three cars in the yard which resulted in six work orders; there were work orders in 2002; there was a criminal citation issued in 2002; and there was work order in 2003. In 2004, there were six work orders and excessive consumption which was for 10 to 15 vehicles zn the backyard without tabs, seven vehicles in the driveway without plates/tabs, an ongoing problem. In 2005, there was an excessive consumption for vehicles as well as a complaint on garbage, rubbish and velvcles. Mr. Magner stated that if it were a storage issue and the appellant did not want to provide screening, he recommended he either build an enclosed structure for the vehicles on site or store them off site. Ms. Moermond asked wheYher any of the vehicles had been towed off the property. Mr. Krenz responded that a neighbor had contacted him at work telling him that there was a cop there with a tow truck to tow his 1963 Gala;cie collector car off his propez He talked to the officer and told him that the vehicle was not inoperable and that he took it to the State Fair every yeaz. The officer then refused to take the vehicle. Ms. Moermond stated that there had been at least three separate occasions where vehicles were to be towed off the property and she believed Mr. Krenz had experience with what the legal requirements were. She asked Mr. Krenz whether he had called the inspector to find out if it were legal for him to have vehicles on the �roperty with tarps on them. Mr. Krenz responded that he had not as he believed he was in compliance. He did receive a site plan in the mail and had intended to put class 5-gravel on the side of his garage where the vehicles would be out of view. Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeal on the Vehicle Abatement Order and granting an extension to come into compliance by November 23. This would be before the City Council for Public Hearing on November 21 at 5:30 p.m. if he wanted to appeal further to the Council. If he was not in compliance by the end of business on November 23, City staff were authorized to have the vehicles removed from the property.