D001571• City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor ADl�1INISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORAER, No: 4.� t S'? 1 � Date: .,������ WfiEREAS, The City has organized a public effoft to assist neighborhoods in their rehabilitation and promotion efforts, and; WHEREAS, The City is assisring in the clean up efforts from the recenf rain storms as a mass effort to rehabilitate neighborhoods, which suffered tree and property damage, and therefore; BE IT ORDBRED, ffie City, via the office of the Mayor, declazes tl�is event a public purpose and authorize the expenditure of $400.00 to underwrite the cost of coffee and donuts to the volunteers who generously donate their time and labor in revitalizing damaged neighborhoods. • Chazge to: GL-001-00252-0299 OVED�A T FO � ? 7° S Assistant City Attorney Ju]v 7. 1998 Date � it� `�- � � 1' Department Dizector !Y` �.�� Direc o�ial Services �od � 57I Citizen Service Office Zappa 266-8694 a��� 717/98 SOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oF,�rowEerae �0 6�s77 arccoulu� � CRYATlONEY ❑ tlI1'CIERK ❑ AiNiCIN.#WAEilGIe. ❑ RiWC1iI.8ERY/ALClG � WYORIORAfYtt11MI� ❑ . (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) The City authorize the expenditure of $400.00 to underwrite the cost of co£fee and donuts to the volunteers who generously donate their time for the storm damage cleancup e£fort. PLANNING COMMISSION Cf8 COMMITTEE CN1L SERVICE COMMISSION Nas this Persanlfi�m evuwwked under a contract for Nie dePaRment? YES NO Has this pe�soMrtn ever been a city empbyee? VES NO Does Mis persoNPotn possess a siufl not namaflypossexsed by a�ry Cunent city empioyee? YES ND IsthispetsoNfirtnalarBetetivendort � YES NO Nein ail Yet answer5 an seoa2te Shee[ entl altach W aree� 5heet The City has organized a public effort to assist neighborhocci� in the clean up of'.;brush after the recent rain storms. The City, via the Mayors office, declares this event.a public purpose and authorize the expenditure of $400.00 to underwrite the cost of coffee and donuts to the valunteers who generously donate their time and labor in revitalizing damaged nei�hborhoods. ers will be able to have coffee and donuts.also as an incentive for higher.productivi None Volunteers may work slower, lower mora3e. 7TAL ANbUDIT OF TRANSACTION S INDING SOURCE �W.INFORM4"f10N (O�INN) COSiIREVlENUE BU�GE7ED (dRCIE ONEj R ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO CITY OF SAINT PAUL C� � 1 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, No:� ► 5 �� Date: 7 � " 1 BE IT HEREBY ORDERED, that the proper City o�cials ue authorized and directed to execute Lease Agreement FMSi3 with Towle Real Estate, representing the Port Authoriry of the City of Saint Paul, to provide office space on the third floor of the I.owry Professional Building for City employees who will be temporazily dislocated as a result of the renovation of the City Hali Annex. APPROVED AS TO �ORM ,�� U�/.�. �/Z `t(�t� Assistant City AtCOrney Date Department Head i � , -----`--�-------- to Mayor Dale Zoerb � 672-789-2880 ��0 �S7'� 7-ao-9 8� C� Chuck Ekstedt Buildin� Desijn Division 350 5t, Peter Street # 320 St. Pau1,l�riN 55102 Building Restoration Co�po�ation 1920 Oakerest Ave. St. Partl MN SSi13 Plxoire 612-789-2800 Fax 612-789-2880 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL June 22, 1998 RE: Fire Statiou # 17 Dear Chuck, • 1fi76/2?l98 U� 12:19 PM 6111 RFC�� . �, , " �`< <� �,: aF�. /q �.�, ��� 9�' ., r= J`, 266-9099 Fa,� I understand that you did an iiispection today at fire station # 17 and that everything looked in order. Les Cable, our forman said you requested a price to saw cut out tlie bed joint on the outside of the parapet wails under the clay coping tiles and replace the beci joint with a urethane sealant joint . The cost for tl�is work would be $ 1,6-40. Please let me no��� if you S��ould like Che crew to �roceed rvith tl�is �vork and page our forman Les at 365-5377. If you hace am� questions I can be reached at 789-2800 and our fa� # is 789-2880. Sincerely, Building Restoration Coaparation .�'G�2 G�r�-ch.�� Dale Zoerb ,