O�ily%nl to-City Clerk ORDINANCE
5 Council File No. 214785 — Ordinance 11To. 211-
OR D I Nl 12581 —By Frank L. Loss -- 5a
� An ordinance amen('in; •o ' r 1 of
�AAA—' ,p — 1 �i.e ^ai +2t ;Pau',Zegi,'n+ i�la4L: per- /
; + ig..N' g:f -C. This
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An ordinance amending Chapter 1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to Building Construction. This is an emergency ordinance
rendered necessary for the preservation of public peace, health and
SECTION 1. That Section 1.09 - -Fees for Permits is hereby deleted
in its entirety and the following shall be inserted in lieu thereof.
1.09 --Fees for Permits
1. Establishment of Permit Fees
a. Upon the recommendations of the Commissioner, the Council shall
designate all work for which permits shall be required under the pro-
visions of this code, and shall also establish the permit fee charge for
each type of work so designated. The following permit fees are hereby
established and shall be paid to the Bureau prior to the issuance of any
permit herein prescribed.
b. Should any person, firm or corporation begin work of any kind
such as hereinafter set forth or for which a permit from the Bureau is
required by this Building Code without having first secured the neces-
sary permit from the Bureau for so doing, he shall, when subsequently
securing such permit, be required to pay double the fee hereinafter
provided for such permit, but not in excess of one hundred dollars
($100.00) for any one permit.
2. Air Conditioning
a. Inasmuch as the term Air Conditioning is very general and
normally includes several types of work, each type of work involved
shall require permits as provided for under each of the following
classifications: Electrical, Plumbing, Refrigeration, Steamfitting,
Gas Burner, Oil Burner., Warm Air Heating, Ventilation and General
Sheet Metal Work, or others.
�0 3. Buildings and Structures - General Construction -- Permit
Fees ikor:
S2 a. New Buildings
�,. One dollar fifty cents ($1.50) per M cu. ft.
For all new buildings except one and two family dwellings
and sheds and shelters the permit fee charge shall be at the
rate of one :dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per 1,000 cubic feet
or fractional part thereof contained in said new building. The
cubic content shall be figured from the finished basement floor
slab to. the average roof height in peaked° roofs or to the
_ 1 _
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalglish `
Holland .'
Loss Tn Favor
Peterson Against
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
Attest: t
City Clerk Mayor ^R
IM 8-82 22 �C .
Orizinal to -City Cleric
m. Welding Contractor (St Aural and Pressure) 35.00
n. Wrecking Contractor 35.00
o. Passenger Elevator 0p rator (Initial Fee) 2.00
Renewal if paid o or before expiration 1.00
Renewal if allow to lapse 2.00
SECTION 3. This or finance is hereby decl ed to be an emergency
ordinance rendered nece sary for the preserva ion of public peace,
health and safety.
SECTION 4. Th/assage rdinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its and publicatio .
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
1M 8-82 X 2 2
City Clerk
Passed by the Council
Tn Favor U`
_, { 4, .,.
TripLcata to the Comptroller
Isle Welding Contractor (Structu 1 and pressure) $35.00
n. Wrecking Contractor . . . • . e . . e 35.00
f o. Passenger Elevator Operat (in3.tial Fee) . . 2.00
Renewal if paid can or fore expiration 14.00
Renewal if allowed to apse . . . 2.00
SECTION 3. This ordinanc is hereby declared to be an emergency
,ordinance, rendered necessary or the preservation of public peace,
,health and safety.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
' from and after its passage and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk
1M 8-82 X22
Passed by the Council
Tn Favor
r #
Duplicate to Printer
m. Welding Contracto (.Structural a Pressure) • $35.00
n. Wrecking Contrac or 35.0
o. Passenger Eleva or Operator (I tial Fee) 2. 0
Renewal if p id on or befo expiration 1 00
Renewal if lowed to lap e . . 100
SECTION 3. Thi ordinance hereby declared to be an emergency
ordinance-rendered ecessary fo the p eservation of public peace,
health and safety.
SECTION 4. his ordinan a shal take effect and be in force
from and after i his a publication.
Yeas Councilmen
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk
IAl 8-82 22
Nays Passed by the Council
In Favor
r ,
QnadrapHeat. to D.partm.nl
m. Wolding Contractor (3tru/ore d res re) $35.00
n. Wrecking Contractor . . 35.00
o: passenger glev4tor Cperaial. a) 2.00
Retnswal it paid on or pir ion . 1.00
Renewal if allowed to . w . 2.00
SECTION 3. This ord .na'Ic is here :y dacl a�r�rd to be t emerger�cy
ordinance randered necesaary f r the pre ervation of public peace,
htalth'and sai'ety.
SECTION 4. This ordin ce shall ke effect and be In force
from and aftor its passage i tad publi tion.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Holland Tn Favor
Peterson Aroainst
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk
IM 6-62 X22
f T
An ordinance amending Chapter 1 of the Saint Paul Leg-
islative Code pertaining to Building Construc ion. This is an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for t e preservation of
public peace, health and safety.
SECTION 1. That Section 1.09 - -Fees or Permits is hereby
deleted in its entirety and the followin shall be inserted in
lieu thereof.
1.09 - -Fees for Permits
1. Establishment of Permit Fees
a. Upon the recommendations o/ad he Commissioner, the Coun-
cil shall designate all work for whpermits shall be required
under the provisions of this code, shall also establish the
permit fee charge for each type of k so designated. The fol-
lowing permit fees are hereby estab hed and shall be paid to
the Bureau prior to the issuance of y permit herein prescribed,
b. Should any person, firm o corporation begin work of any
kind such as hereinafter set fort or for which a permit from
the Bureau is required by this Bu lding Code without having first
secured the necessary permit fro the Bureau for so doing, he
shall, when subsequently securin such permit, be required to
pay double the fee hereinafter ovided for such permit, but
not in excess of one hundred do lars ($100.00) for any one permit,
2. Air Conditioning
a. Inasmuch as the term Aes
ir Conditioning is very general
and normally includes several typ of work, each type of work
involved shall require permi s as provided for under each of the
following classifications: lectrical, Plumbing, Refrigeration,
Steamfitting, Gas Burner, 0' Burner, 'harm Air Heating, Ventila-
tion and General Sheet Meta 'Mork, or others.
3. Buildings and Str ctures - General Construction -- Per-
mit Fees For:
a. New Buildings
One dollar fifty ce is ($1.50) per M cu. ft.
For all new buildir
ts except one and two family dwellings
and sheds and shelters he permit fee charge shall be at the
rate of one dollar and ifty cents ($1.50) per 1,000 cubic feet
or fractional part the eof contained in said new building. The
cubic content shall be figured from the finished basement floor
slab to the average r of height in peaked roofs or to the
M. 'Harm Air Heating Contractor . . . . . . . $35.00
n. Ventilation Contractor 35.00
o. Welding Contractor (Structural and res-
sure ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00
p. Wrecking Contractor . . 35.00
q. Passenger Elevator Operator (Ini al Fee) 2.00
Renewal, if paid on or before piration 1.00
Renewal, if allowed to lapse 2.00
SECTION 3. That paragraph c of 96ction 30.13 Require-
ments for Concrete Masonry And Cement/ Finishers License and
Certificate of Competency be delete and the following
inserted in lieu thereof:
c. The license fee for Conc ete Masonry and Cement Fin-
isher Contractors shall be $35.00.
SECTION 4. This ordinance/ is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance rendered n cessary for the preservation
of public peace, health and safety.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its pa,sage and publication.
average height f parapet walls, cornices or other projections
in the case of at roofs. In no case shall the permit fee be
less than five d llars ($5.00). This permit fee charge is for
general construction only and shall not cover permits for plumb-
ing, gas fitting, electrical work, heating, etc.. and for other
work for which sep rate permits are required in this section.
b. New Dwellings
One dollar tweAy -five cents ($1.25) per M. cu. ft.
For all new one nd two family dwellings the permit fee
charge shall be at the rate of one dollar and twenty -five ($1.25)
per 1,000 cubic feet o fractional part thereof contained in
said new dwelling.. Thi permit fee charge is for general con-
struction only and does not cover other work for which permits
are required under this ection. The cubic content shall be
figured on the same basi as for new buildings.. In no case
shall the permit fee for this permit be less than five dollars
c. Sheds and Shelter
One dollar twenty -five cents ($1.25)
For one story sheds and private garages, built independent
of dwellings and for open sh lter sheds, the permit fee charge
shall be at the rate of one d llar and twenty -five cents ($1.25)
per 1,000 cubic feet or fractional part thereof in said new
shed or shelter. The cubic co tents shall be figured on the
same basis as for new buildings. This permit fee is for general
construction only and does not over other work for which per-
mits are required under this sec ion.
d. Footings and Foundations
For footings, foundations and basement walls, the same rate
shall be charged for the permit as or new buildings and dwell-
ings (depending on the intended use . The cubic content shall
be figured from the top of the found tion or basement wall to a
height of six (6) inches above the to of the footings under the
foundation wall, and where no footing 's required, to a height
of six (6) inches above the bottom of he foundation wall.
e. Excavating, Grading and Surfac
For excavating, grading or surfacing for any building,
structure, plot or area of ground this pe�mit fee charge shall
be made at the rate of three dollars ($3.0 ) for the first 1,000
square feet of area or fractional part the eof, plus two dollars
($2.00) for each additional 1,000 square fe-t or fractional part
thereof. The total permit fee charge shall 'n no case exceed
three hundred dollars ($300.00).
f. Concrete Sidewalks and Paving
For concrete sidewalks, driveways and paving the permit -
fee shall be made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each
100 square yards or fractional part thereof contained in said
concrete sidewalks or paving.
g. Retaining 11,-lls
One dollar and twenty -five cents ($1.25) per 100 cu. ft.
For retaining walls the permit fee char e shallbe figured
at the rate of one dollar twenty -five cents ?$1.25) for each one
hundred (100) cubic feet or fractional part thereof contained
in said wall including the footing. In no case shall this per-
mit fee be less than three dollars ($3.00).
h, Alterations and Repairs and Structures for which Permit
Fees for General Construction Cannot be Readily Deter-
mined by the Above Methods.
Two dollars ($2.00) per Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) Cost
For alterations and repairs to any structure and for the
construction of new structures for which the above methods can-
not be used for figuring the amount, the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) for each five hundred
dollars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof proposed to be ex-
pended therefor. To determine the cost of such alterations, re-
pairs or construction of such structures, it shall be the duty
of the applicant to submit an estimate of the present market
cost of such work, including the total cost of labor, material,
etc. involved, such estimate shall be checked by the Bureau.
i. Reshingling and Recovering of Roofs.
Three dollars ($3.00) per 1,000 square feet.
For reshingling or recovering the roof of any building or
structure or part thereof except metal decking or metal roofing,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) per 1,000 square feet of roof trea'or fractional part
j. Residing
Three dollars ($3..00) per 1,000 square feet.
For residing of any building, structure or part thereof,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for every one thousand (1,000) square feet or fractional
part thereof to be resided.
k. !Welding, Structural and Pressure
Five dollars ($5.00) per five (5) ton, plus two dollars
($2.00) per ton.
For structural and pressure welding the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per five (5)
ton or any fractional part thereof. For each additional ton'or
fractional part thereof, the permit fee charges shall be two
dollars ($2.00) per ton.
1. Fire Escapes
Five dollars ($5.00) per 15 feet in height
For the erection of fire escapes the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of five dollars ($5.001 for every fifteen (15)
feet in height or fractional part thereof. The height of fire
escapes shall be figured from a distance of seven (7) feet above
grade at the fire escape to the uppermost landing or tread of
said fire escape.
m. Platforms
Ten dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the erection of any platform for temporary use in any
public assembly or open air public assembly unit, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
n. Fences
Three dollars ($3.00) per 100 feet in length
For the erection of fences, the permit fee charge shall be
at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) per one hundred (100) lineal
feet of fence or fractional part thereof. For each additional
fifty (50) lineal feet or fractional part thereof over the one
hundred (100) lineal feet, the permit fee charge shall be at
the rate of one dollar and a half ($1.50).
o. Wrecking of Buildings or Structures
Fifty cents ($.50) per 1,000 cubic feet
For tearing down or wrecking of any building,
part thereof, the permit fee charge shall be made
fifty cents ($.50) per one thousand (1,000) cubic
tional part thereof contained in said building or
the cubic content shall be figured the same as for
In no case shall the fee charge for this permit be
five dollars ($5.00).
structure or
at the rate of
feet or frac-
new buildings.
less than
p. Raising and Shoring of Buildings or Structures or
of Building or Structure on the same lot ;
Five dollars ($5.00) per five hundred dollars ($500.00) cp'st" '
For raising or shoring any building or structure, or movin`��,;
of building or structure on the same lot, the cost of which is
more than $10.00 and not more than $500..00 permit ermit fee ;
over the streets or alleys of the City of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per building.
t. Buildings or Structures Moved Smaller in Size than
Twelve(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and
Twenty -five (25) Feet Long
Five dollars ($5.00) per move.
Where any building, structure, shelter, shed or garage in
size smaller than the following dimensions: twelve (12) feet high,
fourteen (14) feet wide, and twenty -five (25) feet long -- is moved
from one location to another on private property or to a differ-
ent lot over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars ($5.00). The foundation or basement under
said building or structure and all other additions thereto shall
be charged the regular permit fee as required.
u. Certificate of Occupancy
Ten dollars ($10.00) per application.
Where a Certificate of Occupancy is required, the applica-
tion fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00)
for each application.
4. Elevators and Moving Stairways -- Permit Fees For:
a. Elevators
A permit fee charge of thirty -five dollars ($35.00) shall be
made for each passenger elevator; twenty -five dollars ($25.00)
for each power- driven freight elevator; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each hand - powered freight elevaor; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each elevator or lift installed in a public sidewalk;
�itwenty dollars ($20.00) for each manlift; three dollars ($3.00)
for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof, of market cost for
the extension or alteration of any of the above listed types
of elevators.
b. Moving Stairways
Thirty -five dollars ($35.00) for each Moving Stairway Unit
For the installation of moving stairwa�(s, the permit fee
charge shall be at the rate of thirty -five ($35.00) for each
moving stairway unit.
c. Dumb - Waiters
The permit fee charge for the installation of each power -
driven dumb - waiter shall be twenty dollars ($20.00), and for
hand - powered dumb - waiters, the permit fee charge shall be
threetdollars ($1.00) for each such installation.
d. Elevator Motors
Whenever an electric motor or other electrical device is
used in connection with the installation of a power - driven ele-
vator, and so arranged as to form a component part of the ele-
vator machinery, the permit fee charge for the elevator in-
stallation shall also cover the installation of the required
electrical devices. When belt- driven electric elevators are to
be installed, the electric motor shall not be considered a
component part of the elevator machinery, and the permit fee
for the installation of the electric motor shall be as provided
in this section.
e.. Yearly Inspection Fee
The yearly inspection fee for each power driven freight.
or passenger elevator, escalator, hand power elevator, manlift
or dumbwaiter shall be charged at the following rates:
(1) Power - Driven Passenger and Freight Elevators - Ten
Dollars ($10.00) per elevator per year.
(2) Hand - Powered Passenger or Freight Elevators - Five
Dollars ($5.00) per elevator per year.
(3) Escalators - Five Dollars ($5.00) per escalator per
(4) Manlift - Five Dollars ($5.00) per manlift per year.
(5) Dumbwaiters - Five Dollars ($5.00) per dumbwaiter per
5.. Electrical Work -- Permit Fees For:
The following permit fees are hereby established and shall
apply to all electrical work.
a. The minimum fee for electrical work shall be $3.00.
b. Service- -New service, change of service, temporary
service, or additions, alterations or repairs on either primary
or secondary service shall be computed separately as follow6:
to and including
ampere capacity .......9....$3.00
to and including
ampere capacity ...........$5.00
to and including
ampere capacity ..........$7.50
each additional
ampere capacity or frac-
thereof ..............
c. Circuits -- Installation of new circuits, and additions,
alterations or repair to existing circuits shall be computed
as follows:
Up to
30 ampere
..............$1:0 0
31 to
60 ampere
..............$2.0 0
61 to
100 ampere
..............13.0 0
For each
100 ampere
or frac-
d.. Transformers and generators for light, heat and powers
shall be computed separately at $2.00 per unit plus 20 cents
per KVA or fraction thereof up to 100 KVA, plus 10 cents per
KVA or fraction thereof from 101 KVA to 200 KVA, plus 5 cents
for each five KVA or fraction thereof for all in excess of 200
KVA. The maximum permit fee for any transformer or generator
shall be $50.00. The above fee for transformers includes its
secondary circuit to the first point of distribution.
6. Gas Burner Work
a. Gas Burner Equipment Except Hot Water Heaters
Five dollars ($5.00) for first 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU.
For the install &tion of gas burner equipment except hot
water heaters, the permit fee charge shallbe made at the rate
of $5.00 for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Alterations, Repairs or Extension of Gas Burner Equip-
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to existing gas
burner equipment, or for the installation of all gas burner
equipment not specifically listed herein and for which the
work is of such a nature that the fee charge cannot be deter-
mined as above listed, the permit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each five hundred dol-
lars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof of the total market
cost of such alterations or installations.
7. Gas Fitting Installing -- Permit Fees For:
a. Installation of Gas Piping
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For the installation of the necessary gas piping to furnish
gas for heat, light or power to a building or structure, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total market
cost of installation.
b. Gas Appliances Other Than Heating and Process Equipment
Three dollars ($3.00) for first 100,000 BTU per hour arid.
One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour.
For installing of gas appliances other than heating and''*'
process equipment the permit fee shall be charged at the rate
of three dollars $3.00) for the first 100,000 BTU per hour�in-
put capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for
ch additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. When any permit is issued for both gas piping and
umbing, the application for the permit for such gas piping
all be made out on a plumbing permit application form and the
s piping permit fee shall be paid at the same time the fee
paid for the plumbing permit.
d. Alterations, Repair or Extension of Gas Piping System.
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to any existing gas
ping system where the work is of such a nature that the fees
r such permits cannot be determined from the above schedule,
* permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total
rket cost of such alterations, repairs or installations.
8. Oil Burner Work
a. Oil Burner or Oil Burning Equipment
Five Dollars ($5.00) for First 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
1.00) for Each Additional 100,000 BTU.
For the installation of an oil burner or oil burning equip-
nt the permit fee shall be charged at the rate of five
dollars ($5.00) for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars per $500.00 Cost
.For any alterations, repairs or additions to an existing
oil burner or oil burning equipment used in connection with a
heating system, the permit fee charge shall be made at the
rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional
part thereof of the total market cost of such alterations,
repairs or additions.
2 2141b0
9. Plastering Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Plastering or Stucco !Mork
Six Dollars ($6.00) for first 1,000 square yards and Three
Dollars ($3.00) for each additional 1,000 square yards.
For interior and exterior plastering or stucco work include
ing all types of lathing 3 the ermit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of six dollars t$6.00} for the first 1,000 square yards
or fractional part thereof plus three dollars ($3.00) for each
additional 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof of
plastering or stucco work.
b. Refinishing of Plaster or Stucco !Mork
Six Dollars ($6.00) per 1,000 square yards
For refinishing interior or exterior plastering or stucco
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of six dollars
($6.00) for each 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof
to be refinished.
10. Plumbing Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Plumbing Fixtures and Devices
Three Dollars ($3.00) per permit plus One Dollar ($1.00) per
For the installation of plumbing fixtures and devices ar-
ranged to be connected with the sewer or plumbing system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dol-
lars ($3.00) for each permit issued plus an additional fee of
one dollar ($1.00) for each plumbing fixture, device or connec-
tion to the sewer or plumbing system.
b. Alteration, Repair or Extension
Three Dollars ($3,00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to an existing plumb
ing ,system, where the work is of such a nature that the permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total
market, cost of such alteration, repair or extension.
c. Installation of Sewer Line
Six Dollars ($6.00) per installation
For the installation of a sewer line from the building,
structure or area to the public sewer or private disposal system
the permit fee charge shall be a flat rate of six dollars ($6.00
for each such installation.
�e r-•
d. Installation of Septic Tpnk with Absorption System
Ten Dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the installation of a septic tank with absorption system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for each installation.
e. Installation of Garbage Grinder
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the installation of a garbage grinder, the permit fee
-barge shall be three dollars ($3.00 for each such installation:.
11.. Refrigeration Equipment Installation -- Permit Fees For:
a. Refrigeration Equipment Installation
Ten Dollars ($10.00) for First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
$1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of refrigeration equipment the permit
ee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for
he first 200,000 BTU �er hour input capacity or fraction thereof
lus one dollar ($1.00 for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour
r fraction thereof.
b. Alteration, Repair or Extension of Refrigeration Equip-
Three Dollars for each $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to existing refrig-
eration equipment not specifically listed herein and for which
the work is of such a nature that the fee charge cannot be deter-
mined as above listed, the permit fee charge shall be made at the
rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part
thereof of the total market cost of such alterations or installa-
12. Signs, Billboards, Marquees and Awnings -- Permit Fees For:
a. Wall Signs Placed Flat on Building
For\the erection of a sign placed flat on a building or
structure, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of five
dollars ($5.00) for the area of one hundred (100) square feet on
any fractional part thereof. For each additional fifty (50)
square feet or fractional part thereof, the permit fee charge
shall be at \the rate of five dollars ($5,00) for the added area
of such sign.
b. Roof Signs
For the erection of a sign not exceeding 590 square -feet in
area, upon the roof of a building or structure, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
such sign, and if such roof sign exceeds 590 square feet in area,
the permit fee charge shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00).
c. Projecting Signs
For the erection of a sign projecting at an angle from the
face of a building or structure where such projection does not
exceed five (5) fett beyond the face of said building or struc-
ture, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of four
dollars , ( $4.00 ) for each twenty -five ( 25 ) square feet of area or
fractional part thereof of said projecting sign. For the erection
of any sign projecting at an angle for more than five (5) feet
from the face of a building or structure, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for each twenty -
five (25) square feet of area or fractional part thereof up to
two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each
twenty -five (25) square feet or fractional part thereof of
area in excess of two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee
charges listed in this subsection shall cover illuminated as
well as non - illuminated signs but does not cover the electrical
permit fee for an illuminated sign.
d. Marquee, Canopy and Fixed Awning Signs.
Signs on marquees, canopies or fixed awnings shall be con-
sidered the same as independent signs and the permit fee charge
for such signs shall be computed as in subsection 12 -c of this
section. In the case of painted letters on a panel or component
part of a marquee, canopy or fixed awning, no permit or fee
charge shall be required.
e. Marquees Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of marquees projecting over any sidewalk,
alley or public property, the permit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each such marquee.
f. Billboards
For the erection of any billboard not exceeding 600 square
feet in area, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for each such billboard. For the erection
of any billboard exceeding 600 square feet in area, the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars for the
first 600 square feet plus two dollars ($2.00) for each addition-
al 100 square feet or fractional part thereof. Double -deck bill -
boards'shall be considered as independent billboards.
-12- i
i3- ,A-�
r y
g. Cloth Signs
Cloth signs may be placed flat on buildings or structures,
or on canopies, etc., for a period of time not exceeding tKitty
(30) days without requiring a permit or a permit fee charge to
be paid.
h. Fixed Awnings Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of fixed awnings projecting over any x
sidewalk, alley or public property, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents •_
($7.50) for each such fixed awning.
13. Steam Fitting Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Steam or Hot Water Heating Systems-
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam and hot water boiler heating
systems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00 for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Steam Process and Power Systems
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additicnal 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam process and steam power
systems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. Alterations, Repairs, or Additions to New or Existing
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or additions to existing sys-
tems or for any new installations used in any steam or hot water
heating system or in any piping system for the conduction of
steam for heat or power purposes, where the work is of such a
nature that the permit fee charge cannot be determined by the
preceding schedule, said charge shall be made at the rate of
three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part there-
of of the total market cost of such alterations or installations.
c. Ventilation System Under 3,000 CFM
Three Dollars ($3.00) For the First 1,000 CFM and Two Dot ==
lars And Fifty Cents ($2.50) For Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of ventilation fans and systems under '
3,000 CFM the ermit fee charge shall be at the rate of three
dollars ($3.00 for the first 1,000 CFM or fraction thereof
plus two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each additional
1,000 CFM or fraction thereof up to 3,000 CFM. '
d. Ventilation Systems Over 3,000 CFM, Dust Collection
Systems, Air Drying Systems or Air Conveying Systems
Eight Dollars ($8.00) For The First 3,000 CFM and One Dol-
lar ($1.00) for Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of
CFM and for dust collecting
conveying systems the permit
of eight dollars ($8.00) for
part thereof.plus one dollar
CFM or fraction thereof.
ventilating systems over 3,000
systems, air drying systems or air
fee charge shall be at the rate
the first 3,000 CFM or fractional
($1.00) for each additional 1,000
e. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars ($3.00) For Each $500.00 Cost
For the alteration, repair or addition for which a permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 in cost' or fraction thereof,..
-14- k
• i
Warm Air Heating, Ventilation -- Permit
Fees For:
Gravity Warm Air Heating Systems't;
the installation, alteration, repair or
_ f •t
replaceinent`of .
warm air heating systems, the permit fee
char a hall
be made
at the rate of seven dollars and fifty cents
for each
such installation, alteration, repair or
Mechanical Warm Air Heating System
#. ,
Dollers ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU
and One Pollar
For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
the installation of mechanical warm air
heating systems, %1.
the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate
of ten dolIsIrs =�
for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. Ventilation System Under 3,000 CFM
Three Dollars ($3.00) For the First 1,000 CFM and Two Dot ==
lars And Fifty Cents ($2.50) For Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of ventilation fans and systems under '
3,000 CFM the ermit fee charge shall be at the rate of three
dollars ($3.00 for the first 1,000 CFM or fraction thereof
plus two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each additional
1,000 CFM or fraction thereof up to 3,000 CFM. '
d. Ventilation Systems Over 3,000 CFM, Dust Collection
Systems, Air Drying Systems or Air Conveying Systems
Eight Dollars ($8.00) For The First 3,000 CFM and One Dol-
lar ($1.00) for Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of
CFM and for dust collecting
conveying systems the permit
of eight dollars ($8.00) for
part thereof.plus one dollar
CFM or fraction thereof.
ventilating systems over 3,000
systems, air drying systems or air
fee charge shall be at the rate
the first 3,000 CFM or fractional
($1.00) for each additional 1,000
e. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars ($3.00) For Each $500.00 Cost
For the alteration, repair or addition for which a permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 in cost' or fraction thereof,..
-14- k
• i
15. General Sheet Metal Work
For the installation of any General Sheet Metal Work, the
permit fee charge shall be three dollars ($3.00) for eech"
$500.00 market value cost or fractional part thereof.
16. Domestic Portable Incinerators
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the installation of each domestic portable incinerator,
the permit fee shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each installation.
17. Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators
Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per installation
For the installation of each commercial or industrial
type incinerator, the permit fee shall be made at the rate of
fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each installation.
SECTION 2. That sub - section 5 Licenses - -Fees For be de-
leted from Section 1.11 and the following schedule substituted
in lieu thereof..
5. Licenses - -Fees For
Any person, partnership, firm or corporation fulfilling all
qualifications and regulations stated herein, and upon payment
of the following fees to the Bureau, shall be issued a license
to engage in the business specified by said license.
License Fee
Concrete Block Dealer . . . . . . . . . .
Building or Structure Moving Contractor .
Electrical Contractor
Class A License 0
Class A -1 License .
Gas Burner Installation Contractor ..
Gas Range Installer . . . . . . . . . . .
Oil Burner Installation Contractor . . .
Plastering Contractor . . . . . . . . . .
Plumbing Contractor . . . . . . . . . . .
Refrigeration Equipment Installation Con-
tractor . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sign and Billboard Contractor . . . . . .
Steamfitting Contractor
Class A
Class B
Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Con-
tractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
m. 'harm Air Heating Contractor $35.00
n. Ventilation Contractor 35.00
o. Welding Contractor (Struc ral and Pres-
sure ) 35.00
p. Wrecking Contractor . . . . . . 35.00
q. Passenger Elevator Oper for (Initial Fee) 2.00
Renewal, if paid on o before expiration 1.00
Renewal, if allowed o lapse 2.00
SECTION 3. That paragr ph c of Section 30.13 Require-
ments for Concrete Masonry nd Cement Finishers License and
Certificate of Competency a deleted and the following
inserted in lieu thereof:
c. The license fee for Concrete Masonry and Cement Fin-
isher Contractors shall be $35.00.
SECTION 4. This rdinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance r ndered necessary for the preservation
of public peace, heal h and safety.
SECTION 5. Thi ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and afte its passage and publication.
average height of parapet walls, cornices or other project ions
in the case of flat roofs. In no case shall the permit fee be i
less than five dollars ($5.00). This permit fee cha ge is,£or,
.,...,general construction only and shall not cover permit for plumb-
ing, gas fitting, electrical work, heating, etc.. and f-or other
work for which separate permits are required in this section.
b. New Dwellings
One dollar twenty -five cents ($1.25) per M. cu. ft.
For all new one and two family dwellings the permit fee
charge shall be at the rate of one dollar and twenty -five ($1.25)
per 1,000 cubic feet or fractional part thereof contained in
said new dwelling. This permit fee charge is for general con-
struction only and does not cover other work for which permits
are required under this section. The cubic content shall be
figured on the same basis as for new buildings. In no case
shall the permit fee for this permit be less than five dollars
c. Sheds and Shelters
One dollar twenty -five cents ($1.25)
For one story sheds and private garages, built independent
of dwellings and for open shelter sheds, the permit fee charge
shall be at the rate of one dollar and twenty -five cents ($1..25)
per 1,000 cubic feet or fractional part thereof in said new
shed or shelter. The cubic contents shall be figured on the
same basis as for new buildings. This permit fee is for general
construction only and does not cover other work for which per-
mits are required under this section In nb case shall the permit
fee be less than five dollars ($5.00) .
d. Footings and Foundations
For footings, foundations and basement walls,-the same rate ry;,
shall be charged for the permit as for new buildings and dwell-
ings (depending on the intended use). The cubic content shall
be figured from the top of the foundation or basement wall-to a
height of six (6) inches above the top of the.footings under the
foundation wall, and where no footing is required, to;ta height
of six (6) inches above the bottom of the foundation.wall.-
e. Excavating, Grading and Surfacing
For excavating, grading or surfacing for any building,
structure, plot or area of ground this permit fee charge shall
be made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for the first 1,000
square feet of area or fractional part thereof, plus two dollars
($2.00) for each additional 1,000 square feet or fractional part
thereof. The total permit fee charge shall in no case exceed
three hundred dollars ($300.00). •'
f. Concrete Sidewalks and Paving
For concrete sidewalks, driveways
fee shall be made at the rate of three
100 square yards or fractional part th
concrete sidewalks or paving.
g.. Retaining Walls
and paving the permit
dollars ($3:00)' for each
ereof contained'n said
One dollar and twenty -five cents ($1.25) per 100 cu. ft.
For retaining walls the permit fee char e shall be figured
at the rate of one dollar twenty -five cents ?$1.25) for each
one hundred(100) cubic feet or fractional part thereof contain-
ed in said wall including the footing. In no case shall this
permit fee be less than three dollars ($3.00).
h. Alterations and Repairs and Structures for which Permit
Fees for General Construction Cannot Be Readily Determined by
the Above Methods.
Three dollars ($3.00) per Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)Cost
For alterations and repairs to any structure and for the
construction of new structures for which the above methods can-
not be used for figuring the amount, the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate.of three dollars ($3.00) for each five hundred
dollars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof proposed to be ex-
pended-therefoA To determine the cost of such alterations, re-
pairs-or construction of such structures, it shall be the duty
of the applicant to submit an estimate of the present'market
�_. cost of such work, including the total cost of labor, material,
etc .- ,involved, such estimate shall be checked by the Bureau.
a.. Reshingling and Recovering of Roofs.
Three dollars ($3.00) per 1,000 square feet.
For reshingling or recovering the roof of any building or
structure or part thereof except metal decking or metal roofing,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) per 1,000 square feet of roof area or fractional part
j. Residing
Three dollars ($3.00) per 1,000 square feet
For residing of any building, structure or part thereof,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for every one thousand (1,000) square feet or fraction-
al part thereof to be resided.
k. Welding, Structural and Pref -sure
Five dollars ($5.00) per five (5) ton, plus two dollars
($2.00) per ton.
For structural and pressure welding the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per five (5)
ton or any fractional part thereof. For each additional ton or
fractional part thereof, the permit fee charges shall be two
dollars ($2.00) per ton.
1. Fire Escapes
Five dollars ($5.00) per 15 feet in height
For the erection of fire escapes •the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for every fifteen (15)
feet in height or fractional part thereof. The height of fire
escapes shall be figured from a distance of seven (7) feet above
grade at the fire escape to the uppermost landing or tread of
said fire escape.
m. Platforms
Ten dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the erection of any platform for temporary use in any
public assembly or open air public assembly unit, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
n. Fences
Three dollars ($3.00) per 100 feet in length
For the erection of fences, the permit fee charge shall be
at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) per one hundred (100) lineal
feet of fence or fractional part thereof. For each additional
fifty (50) lineal feet or fractional part thereof over the one
hundred (100) lineal feet, the permit fee charge shall be at
the rate of one dollar and a half ($1.50).
o. Wrecking of Buildings or Structures
Fifty cents ($.50) per 1,000 cubic feet
For tearing down or wrecking of any building, structure or
part thereof, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
fifty cents ($.50) per one thousand (1,000) cubic feet or frac-
tional part thereof contained in said building or structure.
The cubic content shall be figured the same as for new buildings.
In no case shall the fee charge for this permit be less than
five dollars ($5.00).
p. Raising and Shoring of Buildings or Structures or Moving
of Buildings or Structures on the same lot
Five dollars ($5.00) per five hundred dollars ($500.00) cost
For raising or shoring any building or structure, or moving
of building or structure on the same lot, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars for the first $500.00 cost or fractional
part thereof plus two dollars ($2.00) for each additional $500.00
or fractional part thereof of the total market cost of such
raising or shoring of buildings or structures, or moving of
building or structure on the same lot.
q. Moving Buildings or Structures Larger in Size Than Twelve
(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and Twenty -Five (25)
Feet Long Over the Streets of Saint Paul, Other than Private
Sheds and Garages.
Fifty dollars ($50,00) per building
Where any building or structure larger than twelve (12) feat
high, fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25) feet long,
other than private sheds and single or double garages which are
considered buildings accessory to a dwelling, is moved from one
location to another over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per building or struc-
ture. The permit for foundation or basement under such building
or structure and all other permits for work other than general
construction work shall be charged at the regular permit fee
rate as provided in this section.
r. Moving Private Sheds And Garages Larger in Size Than
Twelve (12) Feet High, Fourteen .(14) Feet Wide and Twenty -Five
(25) Feet Long
Twenty dollars ($20.00) per building
Where any private shed or garage larger in size than twelve
(12) feet high, fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25)
feet long and is considered a building accessory to a dwelling
and is moved from one location to another over the streets of the
City of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge shall be twenty dollars
($20.00) per building.
S, Moving Buildings and Structures Over Twelve (12) Feet
High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide and Twenty -Five (25) Feet Long
From One Location to Another on Private Property Without Moving
Over the Streets or Alleys of the City of Saint Paul
Twenty dollars ($20.00) per building
Where any building or structure over twelve (12) feet high,
fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25) feet long is moved
from one location to another on private property without moving
An ordinance amending Chapter 1 of the Saint Paul Leg-
islative Code pertaining to Building`Construction. This is an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of
public peace, health and safety..
SECTION 1. That Section 1.09 -Fees for Permits is hereby
deleted in its entirety and the fo lowing shall be inserted in
lieu thereof.
1.09 - -Fees for Permits
I. Establishment of Permit
a. Upon the recommendation
cil shall designate all work for
under the provisions of this cod
permit fee charge for each type
lowing permit fees are hereby es
the Bureau prior to the issuance
b. Should any person, fir
kind such as hereinafter set fo
the Bureau is required by this
secured the necessary permit fr
shall, when subsequently secur'
pay double the fee hereinafter
not in excess of one hundred d�
2. Air Conditioning
a. Inasmuch as the term
and normally includes several
involved shall require permit
following classifications: E
Steamfitting, Gas Burner, Oil
tion and General Sheet Metal►
3. Buildings and Struc
mit Fees For:
a. New Buildings
of the Commissioner, the Coun-
which permits shall be required
, and shall also establish the
f work so designated. The fol-
ablished and shall be paid to
of any permit herein prescribed,
i' or corporation begin work of any
wh or for which a permit from
ilding Code without having first
om the Bureau for so doing, he
ng such permit, be required to
provided for such permit, but
llars ($100.00) for any one permit,
Air Conditioning is very general
types of work, each type of work
as provided for under each of the
ectrical, Plumbing, Refrigeration,
Burner, Warm Air Heating, Ventila-
ork, or others.
res - General Construction -- Per-
One dollar fifty centsl($1.50) per M cu. ft.
For all new buildings
and sheds and shelters the
rate of one dollar and fif
or fractional part thereof
cubic content shall be fig
slab to the average roof h
xcept one and two family dwellings.
ermit fee charge shall be at the
y cents ($1.50) per 1,000 cubic feet
contained in said new building. The
red from the finished basement floor
ight in peaked roofs or to the
4L �
m. 'Harm Air Heating Contra for . . . . . . . $35.00
n. Ventilation Contractor 35.00
o. Welding Contractor (St uctural and Pres-
sure) 35.00
p. Wrecking Contractor . . . . . . 35.00
q. Passenger Elevator 0 erator (Initial Fee) 2.00
Renewal, if paid o or before expiration 1.00
Renewal, if allowe to lapse 2.00
SECTION 3. That para raph c of Section 30.13 Require-
ments for Concrete Masonr And Cement Finishers License and
Certificate of Competenc be deleted and the following
inserted in lieu thereof:
c. The license fee for Concrete Masonry and Cement Fin-
isher Contractors shall e $35.00.
SECTION 4. This rdinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance re dered necessary for the preservation
of public peace, healt and safety.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after Its passage and publication.
average height of parapet walls, corni s or other projections
in the case of flat roofs. In no case shall the permit fee be
less than five dollars ($5.00). This permit fee charge is for
general construction only and shall of cover permits for plumb-
ing, gas fitting, electrical work, ating, etc.. and for other
work for which separate permits are required in this section.
b. New Dwellings
One dollar twenty -five cents/ ($1.25) per M. cu. ft.
For all new one and two jaJily dwellings the permit fee
charge shall be at the rate o ne dollar and twenty -five ($1.25)
per 1,000 cubic feet or fracti nal part thereof contained in
said new dwelling. This perm' fee charge is for general con-
struction only and does not c ver other work for which permits
are required under this section. The cubic content shall be
figured on the same basis a for new buildings. In no case
shall the permit fee for th s permit be less than five dollars
c. Sheds and Sheltets
One dollar twenty -five cents ($1.25)
For one story she and private garages, built independent
of dwellings and for o en shelter sheds, the permit fee charge
shall be at the rate f one dollar and twenty -five cents ($1.25)
per 1,000 cubic feet r fractional part thereof in said new
shed or shelter. Th cubic contents shall be figured on the
same basis as for ne buildings. This permit fee is for general
construction only a d does not cover other work for which per-
mits are required u der this section.
d. Footings And Foundations
For footings foundations and basement walls, the same rate
shall be charged or the permit as for new buildings and dwell-
ings (depending n the intended use). The cubic content shall
be figured from he top of the foundation or basement wall to a
height of six ( ) inches above the top of the footings under the
foundation wall and where no footing is required, to a height
of six (6) inch s above the bottom of the foundation wall.
e. Excavating, Grading and Surfacing
For excovating, grading or surfacing for any building,
structure, plot or area of ground this permit fee charge shall.
be made at he rate of three dollars ($3.00) for the first 1,000
square feet /of area or fractional part thereof, plus two dollars
($2.00) fo37 each additional 1,000 square feet or fractional part
thereof. /The total permit fee charge shall in no case exceed
three hundred dollars ($300.00).
_ f��
.7 fl•
�, r•
6 5V
f.. Concrete Sidewalks and Paving
For concrete sidewalks, driveways and paving the permit
fee shall be made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each
100 square yards or fractional part thereof contained in said
concrete sidewalks or paving.
g. Retaining 114-lls
One dollar and twenty -five cents ($1.25) per 100 cu. ft.
For retaining walls the permit fee char e shallbe figured
at the rate of one dollar twenty -five cents T$1.25) for each one
hundred (100) cubic feet or fractional part thereof contained
in said wall including the footing. In no case shall this per-
mit fee be less than three dollars ($3.00).
h. Alterations and Repairs and Structures for which Permit
Fees for General Construction Cannot be Readily Deter-
mined by the Above Methods.
Two dollars ($2..00) per Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) Cost
For alterations and repairs to any structure and for the
construction of new structures for which the above methods can-
not be used for figuring the amount, the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) for each five hundred
dollars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof proposed to be ex-
pended therefor. To determine the cost of such alterations, re-
pairs or construction of such structures, it shall be the duty
of the applicant to submit an estimate of the present market
cost of such work, including the total cost of labor, material,
etc. involved, such estimate shall be checked by the Bureau.
i. Reshingling and Recovering of Roofs.
Three dollars ($3.00) per 1,000 square feet.
For reshingling or recovering the roof of any building or
structure or part thereof except metal decking or metal roofing,
the permit fee charge,shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) per 1,000 square feet of roof area'or fractional part
j. Residing
Three dollars ($3.00) per 1,000 square feet.
For residing of any building, structure or part thereof,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for every one thousand (1,000) square feet or fractional j••
part thereof to be resided.
k. !Welding, Structural and Pressure
Five dollars ($5.00) per five (5) ton, plus two dollars
($2.00) per ton.
For structural and pressure welding the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per five (5)
ton or any fractional part thereof. For each additional ton or
fractional part thereof, the permit fee charges shall be two
dollars ($2.00) per ton.
1. Fire Escapes
Five dollars ($5.00) per 15 feet in height
For the erection of fire escapes the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of five dollars ($5.001 for every fifteen (15)
feet in height or fractional part thereof. The height of fire
escapes shall be figured from a distance of seven (7) feet above
grade at the fire escape to the uppermost landing or tread of
said fire escape.
m. Platforms
Ten dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the erection of any platform for temporary use in any
public assembly or open air public assembly unit, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
n. Fences
Three dollars-($3.00) per 100 feet in length
For the erection of fences, the permit fee charge shall be
at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) per one hundred (100) lineal
feet of fence or fractional part thereof. For each additional
fifty (50) lineal feet or fractional part thereof over the one
hundred (100) lineal feet, the permit fee charge shall be at
the rate of one dollar and a half ($1.50).
o. 'Wrecking of Buildings or Structures
Fifty cents ($.50) per 1,000 cubic feet
For tearing down or wrecking of any building, structure or
part thereof, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
fifty cents ($.50) per one thousand (1,000) cubic feet or frac-
tional part thereof contained in said building or structure.
The cubic content shall be figured the same as for new buildings.
In no case shall the fee charge for this permit be less than
five dollars ($5.00).
p. Raising and Shoring of Buildings or Structures or Moving
of Building or Structure on the same lot
Five dollars ($5.00) per five hundred dollars ($500.00) cost
For raising or shoring any building or structure, or moving
of building or structure on the same lot, the cost of which is
more than $10.00 and not more than $500..00, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars ($5.00). The permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) for each additional
$500..00 or fractional part thereof of the total market cost of
such raising or shoring of buildings or structures,or moving
of building or structure on the same lot.
q. Moving Buildings or Structures Larger in Size Than TwelvF
(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and Twenty -Five
(25) Feet Long Over the Streets of Saint Paul, Other thar
Private Sheds and Garages
Fifty dollars ($50.00) per building
Where any building or structure larger than twelve (12) feet
high, fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25) feet long,
other than private sheds and single or double garages which are
considered buildings accessory to a dwelling, is moved from one
location to another over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per building or struc-
ture. The permit for foundation or basement under such building
or structure and all other permits for work other than general
construction work shall be charged at the regular permit fee
rate as provided in this section.
r. Moving Private Sheds and Garages Larger In Size Than
Twelve (12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide and
Twenty -five (25) Feet Long.
Twenty dollars ($20.00) per building.
Where any private shed or garage larger in size than twelve
(12) feet high, fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25)
feet long is considered a building accessory to a dwelling and
is moved from one location to another over the streets of the
City of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge shall be twenty dollars
($20.00) per building.
s. Moving Buildings and Structures Over Twelve (12)Feet
High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide and Twenty -Five (25) Feet
Long From One Location to Another on Private Property
Without Moving Over The Streets or Alleys of the City
of Saint Paul
Twenty dollars ($20.00) per building
Where any building or structure over twelve (12) feet high,
fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25) feet long is moved
from one location to another on private property without moving
over the streets or alleys of the City of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per building.
t. Buildings or Structures Moved Smaller in Size than
Twelve(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and
Twenty -five (25) Feet Long
Five dollars ($5.00) per move.
Where any building, structure, shelter, shed or garage in
size smaller than the following dimensions: twelve (12) feet high,
fourteen (14) feet wide, and twenty -five (25) feet long -- is moved
from one location to another on private property or to a differ-
ent lot over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars ($5.00). The foundation or basement under
said building or structure and all other additions thereto shall
be charged the regular permit fee as required.
u. Certificate of Occupancy
Ten dollars ($10.00) per application.
Where a Certificate of Occupancy is required, the applica-
tion fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00)
for each application.
4. Elevators and Moving Stairways -- Permit Fees For:
a. Elevators
A permit fee charge of thirty -five dollars ($35.00) shall be
made for each passenger elevator; twenty -five dollars ($25.00)
for each power- driven freight elevator; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each hand - powered freight elevaor; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each elevator or lift installed in a public sidewalk;
twenty dollars ($20.00) for each manlift; three dollars ($3.00)
for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof, of market cost for
the extension or alteration of any of the above listed types
of elevators.
b. Moving Stairways
Thirty -five dollars ($35.00) for each Moving Stairway Unit
For the installation of moving stairwa s, the permit fee
charge shall be at the rate of thirty -five y($35..00) for each
moving stairway unit.
c. Dumb - Waiters
The permit fee charge for the installation of each power -
driven dumb - waiter shall be twenty dollars ($20.00), and for
hand - powered dumb - waiters, the permit fee charge shall be
three dollars ($3..00) for each such installation.
M5i •.
ya. .
F'y y
4 ,
'R^r --
d. Elevator Motors
Whenever an electric motor or other electrical device is
used in connection with the installation of a power - driven ele-
vator, and so arranged as to form a component part of the ele-
vator machinery, the permit fee charge for the elevator in-
stallation shall also cover the installation of the required
electrical devices. When belt - driven electric elevators are to
be installed, the electric motor shall not be considered a
component part of the elevator machinery, and the permit fee
for the installation of the electric motor shall be as provided
in this section.
e.. Yearly Inspection Fee
The yearly inspection fee for each power driven freight
or passenger elevator, escalator, hand power elevator, manlift
or dumbwaiter shall be charged at the following rates:
(1) Power - Driven Passenger and Freight Elevators - Ten
Dollars ($10.00) per elevator per year.
(2) Hand - Powered Passenger or Freight Elevators - Five
Dollars ($5.00) per elevator per year.
(3) Escalators - Five Dollars ($5.00) per escalator per
(4) Manlift - Five Dollars ($5.00) per manlift per year.
(5) Dumbwaiters - Five Dollars ($5.00) per dumbwaiter per
5.. Electrical Work -- Permit Fees For:
The following permit fees are hereby established and shall
apply to all electrical work.
a.. The minimum fee for electrical work shall be $3.00.
b. Service - -New service, change of service, temporary
service, or additions, alterations or repairs on either primary
or secondary service shall be computed separately as follows:
Up to and including 60 ampere capacity ............$3.00
61 to and including 100 ampere capacity ...........$5.00
101 to and including 200 ampere capacity ..........$7.50
For each additional 100 ampere capacity or frac-
tion thereof ............... ..........................$2.50
c. Circuits -- Installation of new circuits, and additions,
alterations or repair to existing circuits shall be computed
as follows:
Up to and including 30 ampere capacity .............$1.00
31 to and including 60 ampere capacity .............$2.00
61 to and including 100 ampere capacity ..............$3.0 0
For each additional 100 ampere capacity or frac-
tion thereof ............ ...........................$2.0 0
d.. Transformers and generators for light, heat and power
shall be computed separately at $2.00 per unit plus 20 cents
per KVA or fraction thereof up to 100 KVA, plus 10 cents per
KVA or fraction thereof from 101 KVA to 200 KVA, plus 5 cents
for each five KVA or fraction thereof for all in excess of 200
KVA. The maximum permit fee for any transformer or generator
shall be $50.00. The above fee for transformers includes its
secondary circuit to the first point of distribution.
6. Gas Burner Work
a. Gas Burner Equipment Except Hot Water Heaters
Five dollars ($5.00) for first 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU.
For the installation of gas burner equipment except hot
water heaters, the permit fee charge shallbe made at the rate
of $5.00 for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Alterations, Repairs or Extension of Gas Burner Equip-
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For any alteration, repair or extension
burner equipment, or for the installation of
equipment not specifically listed herein and
work is of such a nature that the fee charge
mined as above listed, the permit fee charge
the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each f
lars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof of
cost of such alterations or installations.
to existing gas
all gas burner
for which the
cannot be deter -
shall be made at
ive hundred dol-
the total market
7. Gas Fitting Installing -- Permit Fees For:
a. Installation of Gas Piping
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For the installation of the
gas for heat, light or power to
permit fee charge shall be made
necessary gas piping to furnish
a building or structure, the
at the rate of three dollars
for each $50000 or fractional p6rt thereof of the total market
cost of installation.
bi Gas Appliances Other Than Heating and Process 8quipmeht
Three dollars ($3.00) for first 100,000 BTU per hour and
One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour.
For installing of gas appliances other than heating and
process equipment, the permit fee shall be charged at the rate
of three dollars t$3.00) for the first 100,000 BTU per hour in-
put capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for
each additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. When any permit is issued for both gas piping and
plumbing, the application for the permit for such gas piping
shall be made out on a plumbing permit application form and the
gas piping permit fee shall be paid at the same time the fee
is paid for the plumbing permit.
d. Alterations, Repair or Extension of Gas Piping System.
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to any existing gas
piping system where the work is of such a nature that the fees
for such permits cannot be determined from the above schedule,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total
market cost of such alterations, repairs or installations.
8. Oil Burner Work
a. Oil Burner or Oil Burning Equipment
Five Dollars ($5.00) for First 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for Each Additional 100,000 BTU.
For the installation of an oil burner or oil burning equip-
ment the permit fee,shall be charged at the rate of five
dollars ($5.00) for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or- additions to an existing
oil burner or oil burning equipment used in connection with a
heating system, the permit fee charge shall be made at the
rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional
part thereof of the total market cost of such alterations,
repairs or additions.
9. Plastering Work-- Permit Fees For:
a. Plastering or Stucco !Mork.
Six Dollars ($6.00) for first 1,000 square yards and Three
Dollars ($3.00) for each additional 1,000 square yards.
For interior and exterior plastering or stucco work includ-
ing all types of lathing, the ermit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of six dollars ($6.00 for the first 1,000 square yards
or fractional part thereof plus three dollars ($3.00) for each
additional 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof of
plastering or stucco work.
b. Refinishing of Plaster or Stucco Work
Six Dollars ($6.00) per 1,000 square yards
For refinishing interior or exterior plastering or stucco
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of six dollars
($6.00) for each 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof
to be refinished.
10. Plumbing Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Plumbing Fixtures and Devices
Three Dollars ($3.00) per permit plus One Dollar ($1.00) per
For the installation of plumbing fixtures and devices ar-
ranged to be connected with the sewer or plumbing system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dol-
lars ($3.00) for each permit issued plus an additional fee of
one dollar ($1.00) for each plumbing fixture, device or connec-
tion to the sewer or plumbing system.
b. Alteration, Repair or Extension
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to an existing plumb
ing system, where the work is of such a nature that the permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total
market cost of such alteration, repair or extension.
c. Installation of Sewer Line
- Six Dollars ($6.00) per installation
t .
For the installation of a sewer line from the building,
structure or area to the public sewer or private disposal systemty+ <
the permit fee charge shall be a flat rate of six dollars ($6,001
for each such installation. •�
+ ��Y
� ^r�
d. Installation of Septic Tpnk with Absorption System
Ten Dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the installation of a septic tank with absorption system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for each installation.
e. Installation of Garbage Grinder
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the installation of a Barba a grinder, the permit fee
charge shall be three dollars ($3.00 for each such installation.
11.. Refrigeration Equipment Installation -- Permit Fees For:
a. Refrigeration Equipment Installation
Ten Dollars ($10.00) for First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of refrigeration equipment the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for
the first 200,000 BTU er hour input capacity or fraction thereof
plus one dollar ($1.00 for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour
or fraction thereof.
b. Alteration, Repair or Extension of Refrigeration Equip-
Three Dollars for each $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to existing refrig-
eration equipment not specifically listed herein and for which
the work is of such a nature that the fee charge cannot be deter-
mined as above listed, the permit fee charge shall be made at the
rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part
thereof of the total market cost of such alterations or installa-
12. Signs, Billboards, Marquees and Awnings -- Permit Fees For:
a. Wall Signs Placed Flat on Building
For the erection of a sign placed flat on a building or
structure, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of five
dollars ($5.00) for the area of one hundred (100) square feet on
any fractional part thereof. For each additional fifty (50)
square feet or fractional part thereof, the permit fee charge
shall be at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for the added area
of such sign.
b. Roof Signs
21 4765
For the erection of a sign not exceeding 590 square feet in
area, upon the roof of a building or structure, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
such sign, and if such roof sign exceeds 590 square feet in area,
the permit fee charge shall be fifteen dollars ($15,00).
c. Projecting Signs
For the erection of a sign projecting at an angle from the '
face of a building or structure where such projection does not
exceed five (5) fe &t beyond the face of said building or struc-
ture, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of four
dollars ($4.00) for each twenty -five (25) square feet of area or
fractional part thereof of said projecting sign. For the erection
of any sign projecting at an angle for more than five (5) feet
from the face of a building or structure, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for each twenty -
five (25) square feet of area or fractional part thereof up to
two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each
twenty -five (25) square feet or fractional part thereof of
area in excess of two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee
charges listed in this subsection shall cover illuminated as
well as non - illuminated signs but does not cover the electrical
permit fee for an illuminated sign.
d. Marquee, Canopy and Fixed Awning Signs.
Signs on marquees, canopies or fixed awnings shall be con-
sidered the same as independent signs and the permit fee charge
for such signs shall be computed as in subsection 12 -c of this
section. In the case of painted letters on a panel or component
part of a marquee, canopy or fixed awning, no permit or fee
charge shall be required.
e, Marquees Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of marquees projecting over any sidewalk,-
alley or public property, the permit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each such marquee.
f. Billboards
For the erection of any billboard not exceeding 600 square
feet in area, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for each such billboard. For the erection
of any billboard exceeding 600 square feet in area, the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars for the
first 600 square feet plus two dollars ($2.00) for each addition-
al 100 square feet or fractional part thereof. Double -deck bill-
boards shall be considered as independent billboards.
g. Cloth Signs
Cloth signs may be placed flat on buildings or structures,
or on canopies, etc., for a period of time not exceeding thirty
(30) days without requiring a permit or a permit fee charge to
be paid.
h. Fixed Awnings Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of fixed awnings projecting over any
sidewalk, alley or public property, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents
($7.50) for each such fixed awning.
13. Steam Fitting 'Mork--Permit Fees For:
a. Steam or Hot Water Heating Systems-
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam and hot water boiler heating
systems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00 for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Steam Process and Power Systems
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additicnal 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam process and steam power
systems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. Alterations, Repairs, or Additions to New or Existing
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or additions to existing sys-
tems or for any new installations used in any steam or hot water
heating system or in any piping system for the conduction of
steam for heat or power purposes, where the work is of such a
nature that the permit fee charge cannot be determined by the
preceding schedule, said charge shall be made at the rate of
three dollars ($3,00) for each $500.00 or fractional part there-
of of the total market cost of such alterations or installations.
�' S
21 4765
14. Warm Air Heating, Ventilation -- Permit Fees For:
a. Gravity Warm Air Heating Systems
For the installation, alteration, repair or replacement of
gravity warm air heating systems, the permit fee char a shall
be made at the rate of seven dollars and fifty cents;7$7.50)
for each such installation, alteration, repair or replacement.
b. Mechanical Warm Air Heating System
Ten Dollers ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of mechanical warm air heating systems,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1,00) for each additional
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. Ventilation System Under 3,000 CFM
Three Dollars ($3.00) For the First 1,000 CFM and Two Dol-
lars And Fifty Cents ($2.50) For Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of ventilation fans and systems under
3,000 CFM the ermit fee charge shall be at the rate of three
dollars ($3.003 for the first 1,000 CFM or fraction thereof
plus two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each additional
1,000 CFM or fraction thereof up to 3,000 CFM.
d. Ventilation Systems Over 3,000 CFM, Dust Collection
Systems, Air Drying Systems or Air Conveying Systems
Eight Dollars ($8.00) For The First 3,000 CFM and One Dol-
lar ($1.00) for Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of
CFM and for dust collecting
conveying systems the permit
of eight dollars ($8.00) for
part thereof plus one dollar
CFM or fraction thereof.
ventilating systems over 3,000
systems, air drying systems or air
fee charge shall be at the rate
the first 3,000 CFM or fractional
($1,00) for each additional 1,000
e. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars ($3.00) For Each $500.00 Cost
For the alteration, repair or addition for which a permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3,00) for each $500.00 in cost or fraction thereof,.
21 71D
t /
15. General Sheet Metal Work
For the installation of any General Sheet Metal Work, the
permit fee charge shall be three dollars ($3.00) for etch
$500:00 market value cost or fractional part thereof.
16. Domestic Portable Incinerators
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
f For the installation of each domestic portable incinerator,
the permit fee shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each installation.
17. Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators
Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per installation
For the installation of each commercial or industrial
type incinerator, the permit fee shall be made at the rate of
fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each installation.
SECTION 2. That sub - section 5 Licenses- -Fees For be de-
leted from Section 1.11 and the following schedule substituted
in lieu thereof.
f 5. Licenses - -Fees For
�. Any person, partnership, firm or corporation fulfilling all
qualifications and regulations stated herein, and upon payment
of the following fees to the Bureau, shall be issued a license
to engage in the business specified by said license.
License License Fee
a. Concrete Block Dealer . . . . . . . . . . $35.00
b. Building or Structure Moving Contractor 50.00
c. Electrical Contractor
Class A License . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Class A -1 License . .
. . . . . . . . .
Gas Burner Installation
Contractor . . .
Gas Range Installer . .
. . . . . . . . .
Oil Burner Installation
Contractor . . .
Plastering Contractor .
. . . . . . . . .
Plumbing Contractor . .
. . . . . . . . .
Refrigeration Equipment
Installation Con-
tractor . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Sign and Billboard Contractor . . . . . .
Steamfitting Contractor
Class A
Class B ..
Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Con-
tractors . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
An ordinance amending Chapter 1 of the faint Paul Leg-
islative Code pertaining to Building Construction. This is an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for th preservation of
public peace, health and safety..
SECTION 1. That Section 1.09 - -Fees or Permits is hereby
deleted in its entirety and the following shall be inserted in
lieu thereof.
1.09 - -Fees for Permits
1. Establishment of Permit Fee
a. Upon the recommendations o the Commissioner, the Coun-
cil shall designate all work for w ch permits shall be required
under the provisions of this code, and shall also establish the
permit fee charge for each type o work so designated. The fol-
lowing permit fees are hereby es blished and shall be paid to
the Bureau prior to the issuance of any permit herein prescribed
b. Should any person, f
kind such as hereinafter set
the Bureau is required by thi
secured the necessary permit
shall, when subsequently sec
pay double the fee hereinaf e
not in excess of one hundre
2. Air Conditioning
i or corporation begin work of any
f rth or for which a permit from
Building Code without having first
rom the Bureau for so doing, he
ring such permit, be required to
r provided for such permit, but
dollars ($100.00) for any one permit,
a. Inasmuch as the rm Air Conditioning is very general
and normally includes se te eral types of work, each type of work
involved shall require ermits as provided for under each of the
following classificatio s: Electrical, Plumbing, Refrigeration,
Steamfitting, Gas Burn r, Oil Burner, Warm Air Heating, Ventila-
tion and General Shee Metal Work, or others.
3. Buildings ao Structures - General Construction -- Per-
mit Fees Fo
a. New Buildings
One dollar fifty cents ($1.50) per M cu. ft.
For all new uildings except one and two family dwellings
and sheds and sh lters the permit fee charge shall be at the
rate of one doll r and fifty cents ($1.50) per 1,000 cubic feet
or fractional p rt thereof contained in said new building. The
cubic content s all be figured from the finished basement floor
slab to the av rage roof height in peaked roofs or to the
average height of parapet walls, corn/quired s or other projections
in the case of flat roofs. In no cashall the permit fee be
less than five dollars ($5.00). This rmit fee charge is for
general construction only and shall ncover permits for plumb-
ing, gas fitting, electrical work, heng, etc. and for other
work for which separate permits are r in this section.
b. New Dwellings
One dollar twenty -five cents ($1.25) per M. cu. ft.
For all new one and two family
charge shall be at the rate of one
per 1,000 cubic feet or fractional
said new dwelling. This permit fe
,struction only and does not cover
are required under this section.
figured on the same basis as for fe
shall the permit fee for this per
c. Sheds and Shelters
dwellings the permit fee
Dollar and twenty -five ($1.25)
Part thereof contained in
charge is for general con -
ther work for which permits
he cubic content shall be
w buildings. In no case
t be less than five dollars
One dollar twenty -five cents ($1.25)
For one story sheds and Jection. vate garages, built independent
of dwellings and for open sher sheds, the permit fee charge
shall be at the rate of one dar and twenty -five cents ($1.25)
per 1,000 cubic feet or fractal part thereof in said new
shed or shelter. The cubic cents shall be figured on the
s -ame basis as for new buildin This permit fee is for general
construction only and does no over other work for which per-
mits are required under this
d. Footings and Foundations
For footings, foundati
shall be charged for the pe
ings (depending on the inte
be figured from the top of
height of six (6) inches ab
foundation wall, and where
of six (6) inches above th
e. Excavating, Grad
For excavating, grad
structure, plot or area o
be made at the rate of th
square feet of area or fr
($2.00) for each additio
thereof. The total perm
three hundred dollars ($' .
o s and basement walls, the same rate
_i t as for new buildings and dwell -
ded use). The cubic content shall
he foundation or basement wall to a
ove the top of the footings under the
no footing is required, to a height
bottom of the foundation wall.
and Surfacing
ng or surfacing for any building,
ground this permit fee charge shall
ee dollars ($3.00) for the first 1,000
ctional part thereof, plus. two dollars
al 1,000 square feet or fractional part
t fee charge shall in no case exceed
f. Concrete Sidewalks and Paving
For concrete sidewalks, driveways and paving the permit
fee shall be made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each
100 square yards or fractional part thereof contained in said
concrete sidewalks or paving.
g. Retaining IN ,-lls
One dollar and twenty -five cents ($1.25) per 100 cu. ft.
For retaining walls the permit fee char e shallbe figured
at the rate of one dollar twenty -five cents ?$1.25) for each one
hundred (100) cubic feet or fractional part thereof contained
in said wall including the footing. In no case shall this per-
mit fee be less than three dollars ($3.00).
h. Alterations and Repairs and Structures for which Permit
Fees for General Construction Cannot be Readily Deter-
mined by the Above Methods.
Two dollars ($2.00) per Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) Cost
For alterations and repairs to any structure and for the
construction of new structures for which the above methods can-
not be used for figuring the amount, the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) for each five hundred
dollars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof proposed to be ex-
pended therefor. To determine the cost of such alterations, re-
pairs or construction of such structures, it shall be the duty
of the applicant to submit an estimate of the present market
cost of such work, including the total cost of labor, material,
etc. involved, such estimate shall be checked by the Bureau.
i. Reshingling and Recovering of Roofs.
Three dollars ($3.00) per 1,000 square feet.
For reshingling or recovering the roof of any building or
structure or part thereof except metal decking or metal roofing,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) per 1,000 square feet of roof area'or fractional part
j. Residing
Three dollars ($3..00) per 1,000 square feet.
For residing of any building, structure or part thereof,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for every one thousand (1,000) square feet or fractional
part thereof to be resided.
k. 'Welding, Structural and Pressure
Five dollars ($5.00) per five (5) ton, plus two dollars
($2.00) per ton.
For structural and pressure welding the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per five (5)
ton or any fractional part thereof. For each additional ton or
fractional part thereof, the permit fee charges shall be two
dollars ($2.00) per ton.
1. Fire Escapes
Five dollars ($5.00) per 15 feet in height
For the erection of fire escapes the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of five dollars ($5.001 for every fifteen (15)
feet in height or fractional part thereof. The height of fire
escapes shall be figured from a distance of seven (7) feet above
grade at the fire escape to the uppermost landing or tread of
said fire escape.
m. Platforms
Ten dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the erection of any platform for temporary use in any
public assembly or open air public assembly unit, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
n. Fences
Three dollars ($3.00) per 100 feet in length
For the erection of fences, the permit fee charge shall be
at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) per one hundred (100) lineal
feet of fence or fractional part thereof. For each additional
fifty (50) lineal feet or fractional part thereof over the one
hundred (100) lineal feet, the permit fee charge shall be at
the rate of one dollar and a half ($1.50).
o. 'Wrecking of Buildings or Structures
Fifty cents ($.50) per 1,000 cubic feet
For tearing down or wrecking of any building,
part thereof, the permit fee charge shall be made
fifty cents ($.50) per one thousand (1,000) cubic
tional part thereof contained in said building or
The cubic content shall be figured the same as for
In no case shall the fee charge for this permit be
five dollars ($5.00).
� -4-
structure or
at the rate of
feet or frac-
new buildings.
less than
p. Raising and Shoring of Buildings or Structures or Moving
of Building or Structure on the same lot
Five dollars ($5.00) per five hundred dollars ($500.00) cost
For raising or shoring any building or structure, or moving
of building or structure on the same lot, the cost of which is
more than $10.00 and not more than $500..00, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars ($5.00). The permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) for each additional
$500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total market cost of
such raising or shoring of buildings or structures,or moving
of building or structure on the same lot.
q. Moving Buildings or Structures Larger in Size Than Twelve
(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and Twenty -Five
(25) Feet Long Over the Streets of Saint Paul, Other thar
Private Sheds and Garages
Fifty dollars ($50.00) per building
Where any building or structure larger than twelve (12) feet
high, fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25) feet long,
other than private sheds and single or double garages which are
considered buildings accessory to a dwelling, is moved from one
location to another over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per building or struc-
ture. The permit for foundation or basement under such building
or structure and all other permits for work other than general
construction work shall be charged at the regular permit fee
rate as provided in this section.
r. Moving Private Sheds and Garages Larger In Size Than
Twelve (12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide and
Twenty -five (25) Feet Long.
Twenty dollars ($20.00) per building.
Where any private shed or garage larger in size than twelve
(12) feet high, fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25)
feet long is considered a building accessory to a dwelling and
is moved from one location to another over the streets of the
City of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge shall be twenty dollars
($20.00) per building.
s. Moving Buildings and Structures Over Twelve (12)Feet
High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide and Twenty -Five (25) Feet
Long From One Location to Another on Private Property
Without Moving Over The Streets or Alleys of the City
of Saint Paul
Twenty dollars ($20.00) per building
Where any building or structure over twelve (12) feet high9"
fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25) feet long is moved
from one location to another on private property without moving:'
over the streets or alleys of the City of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per building.
t. Buildings or Structures Moved Smaller in Size than
Twelve(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and
1 Twenty -five (25) Feet Long
Five dollars ($5.00) per move.
Where any building, structure, shelter, shed or garage in
size smaller than the following dimensions: twelve (12) feet high,
fourteen (14) feet wide, and twenty -five (25) feet long -- is moved
from one location to another on private property or to a differ-
ent lot over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars ($5.00). The foundation or basement under
said building or structure and all other additions thereto shall
be charged the regular permit fee as required.
u. Certificate of Occupancy
Ten dollars ($10.00) per application.
Where a Certificate of Occupancy is required, the applica-
tion fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00)
for each application.
4. Elevators and Moving Stairways -- Permit Fees For:
a. Elevators
A permit fee charge of thirty -five dollars ($35.00) shall be
made for each passenger elevator; twenty -five dollars ($25.00)
for each power- driven freight elevator; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each hand - powered freight elevaor; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each elevator or lift installed in a public sidewalk;
twenty dollars ($20.00) for each manlift; three dollars ($3.00)
for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof, of market cost for
the extension or alteration of any of the above listed types
of elevators.
b. Moving Stairways
Thirty -five dollars ($35.00) for each Moving Stairway Unit
For the installation of moving stairways the permit fee
charge shall be at the rate of thirty -five $35.00) for each
moving stairway unit.
c. Dumb - Waiters
The permit fee charge for the installation of each power -
driven dumb - waiter shall be twenty dollars ($20.00), and for
hand - powered dumb - waiters, the permit fee charge shall be
three dollars ($3..00) for each such installation.'
4 AY
il 21 4765
d. Elevator Motors
Whenever an electric motor or other electrical device is
used in connection with the installation of a power- driven ele-
vator, and so arranged as to form a component part of the ele-
vator machinery, the permit fee charge for the elevator in-
stallation shall also cover the installation of the required
electrical devices. When belt - driven electric elevators are to
be installed, the electric motor shall not be considered a
component part of the elevator machinery, and the permit fee
for the installation of the electric motor shall be as provided
in this section.
e.. Yearly Inspection Fee
The yearly inspection fee for each power driven freight
or passenger elevator, escalator, hand power elevator, manlift
or dumbwaiter shall be charged at the following rates:
(1) Power - Driven Passenger and Freight Elevators - Ten
'i Dollars ($10.00) per elevator per year.
(2) Hand - Powered Passenger or Freight Elevators - Five
Dollars ($5.00) per elevator per year.
(3) Escalators - Five Dollars ($5.00) per escalator per
(4) Manlift - Five Dollars ($5.00) per manlift per year.
j (5) Dumbwaiters - Five Dollars ($5.00) per dumbwaiter per
5... Electrical Work -- Permit Fees For:
j The following permit fees are hereby established and shall
apply to all electrical work.
a. The minimum fee for electrical work shall be $3.00.
b. Service - -New service, change of service, temporary
service, or additions, alterations or repairs on either primary
or secondary service shall be computed separately as followz:
Up to and including 60 ampere capacity ............$3.00
61 to and including 100 ampere capacity ...........$5.00
101 to and including 200 ampere capacity ..........$7.50
For each additional 100 ampere capacity or frac-
tion thereof .............. ..........................$2.50
r41 v 655
c. Circuits -- Installation of new circuits, and additions,
alterations or repair to existing circuits shall be computed
as follows:
Up to
30 ampere
capacity .............$1.00
31 to
60 ampere
capacity .............$2.0
61 to
100 ampere
0.6.&.....••.$3.0 0
For each
100 ampere
or frac-
d. Transformers and generators for light, heat and power
shall be computed separately at $2.00 per unit plus 20 cents
per KVA or fraction thereof up to 100 KVA, plus 10 cents per
KVA or fraction thereof from 101 KVA to 200 KVA, plus 5 cents
for each five KVA or fraction thereof for all in excess of 200
KVA. The maximum permit fee for any transformer or generator
shall be $50.00. The above fee for transformers includes its
secondary circuit to the first point of distribution.
6. Gas Burner Work
a. Gas Burner Equipment Except Hot Water Heaters
Five dollars ($5.00) for first 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU.
For the installation of gas burner equipment except hot
water heaters, the permit fee charge shallbe made at the rate
of $5.00 for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Alterations, Repairs or Extension of Gas Burner Equip-
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For any alteration, repair or extension
burner equipment, or for the installation of
equipment not specifically listed herein and
work is of such a nature that the fee charge
mined as above listed, the permit fee charge
the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each f
lars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof of
cost of such alterations or installations.
to existing gas
all gas burner
for which the
cannot be deter -
shall be made at
ive hundred dol-
the total market
7. Gas Fitting Installing -- Permit Fees For:
a. Installation of Gas Piping
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For the installation of the necessary gas
gas for heat, light or power to a building or
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
piping to f urni'sh .1'
structure, the �mY�
three dollars }''
for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total market
cost of installation.
b. Gas Appliances Other Than Heating and Process Equipment
Three dollars ($3.00) for first 100,000 BTU per hour and
One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour.
For installing of gas appliances other than heating and
process equipment the permit fee shall be charged at the rate
of three dollars $3.00) for the first 100,000 BTU per hour in-
put capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for
each additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. When any permit is issued for both gas piping and
plumbing, the application for the permit for such gas piping
shall be made out on a plumbing permit application form and the
gas piping permit fee shall be paid at the same time the fee
is paid for the plumbing permit.
+� d. Alterations, Repair or Extension of Gas Piping System.
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to any existing gas
piping system where the work is of such a nature that the fees
for such permits cannot be determined from the above schedule,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total
{ market cost of such alterations, repairs or installations.
8. Oil Burner Work
a, Oil Burner or Oil Burning Equipment
Five Dollars ($5.00) for First 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for Each Additional 100,000 BTU.
For the installation of an oil burner or oil burning equip-
ment the permit fee shall be charged at the rate of five
dollars ($5.00) for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
! Three Dollars per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or additions to an existing
oil burner or oil burning equipment used in connection with a
j heating system, the permit fee charge shall be made at the
rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional
part thereof of the total market cost of such alterations,
repairs or additions..
9. Plastering Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Plastering or Stucco ?Mork
Six Dollars ($6.00) for first 1,000 square yards and Three
Dollars ($3.00) for each additional 1,000 square yards.
For interior and exterior plastering or stucco work includ-
ing all types of lathing, the ermit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of six dollars ($6.00 for the first 1,000 square yards
or fractional part thereof plus three dollars ($3.00) for each
additional 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof of
plastering or stucco work.
b. Refinishing of Plaster or Stucco Work
Six Dollars ($6.00) per 1,000 square yards
' For refinishing interior or exterior plastering or stucco
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of six dollars
($6.00) for each 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof
to be refinished.
10. Plumbing Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Plumbing Fixtures and Devices
Three Dollars ($3.00) per permit plus One Dollar ($1.00) per
For the installation of plumbing fixtures and devices ar-
ranged to be connected with the sewer or plumbing system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dol-
lays ($3.00) for each permit issued plus an additional fee of
one dollar ($1.00) for each plumbing fixture, device or connec-
tion to the sewer or plumbing system.
` b. Alteration, Repair or Extension
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
1, For any alteration, repair or extension to an existing plumb
ing-system, where the work is of such a nature that the permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total
market cost of such alteration, repair or extension.
c. Installation of Sewer Line
j Six Dollars ($6:00) per installation
For the installation of a sewer line from the building, F'
structure or area to the public sewer or private disposal system
the permit fee charge shall be a flat rate of six dollars ($6.00
for each such installation.
41 1 r,
d. Installation of Septic Tpnk with Absorption System
Ten Dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the installation of a septic tank with absorption system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for each installation.
e. Installation of Garbage Grinder
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the installation of a garbs a grinder, the permit fee
charge shall be three dollars ($3.00 for each such installation.
11.. Refrigeration Equipment Installation -- Permit Fees For:
a. Refrigeration Equipment Installation
Ten Dollars ($10.00) for First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of refrigeration equipment the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for
the first 200,000 BTU er hour input capacity or fraction thereof
plus one dollar ($1.00 for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour
or fraction thereof.
b. Alteration, Repair or Extension of Refrigeration Equip-
Three Dollars for each $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to existing refrig-
eration equipment not specifically listed herein and for which
the work is of such a nature that the fee charge cannot be deter -
Ynined as above listed, the permit fee charge shall be made at the
,rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part
thereof of the total market cost of such alterations or installa-
12. Signs, Billboards, Marquees and Awnings -- Permit Fees For:
a. Wall Signs Placed Flat on Building
For the erection of a sign placed flat on a building or
structure, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of five
dollars ($5.00) for the area of one hundred (100) square feet on
any fractional part thereof. For each additional fifty (50)
square feet or fractional part thereof, the permit fee charge
shall be at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for the added area
of such sign.
b. Roof Signs
For the erection of a sign not exceeding 590 square feet iris
area, upon the roof of a building or structure,, the permit fee ,. • n
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for eat
such sign, and if such roof sign exceeds 590 square feet inarea
the permit fee charge shall be fifteen dollars ($15..00).?,
c. Projecting Signs`;
For the erection of a sign projecting at an angle from the
face of a-building or structure where such projection does not
exceed five (5) fett beyond the face of said building or struc-
ture ' the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of four c'
dollars ($4.00) for each twenty -five ( 25 ) square feet of area .or
fractional part thereof of said projecting sign. For the erection k
of any sign projecting at an angle for more than five (5) feet `t
from the face of a building or structure, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for each twenty-
five (25) square feet of area or fractional part thereof up to
two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each
twenty -five (25) square feet or fractional part thereof of
area in excess of two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee
charges listed in this subsection shall cover illuminated as
well as non - illuminated signs but does not cover the electrical
permit fee for an illuminated sign.
d. Marquee, Canopy and Fixed Awning Signs.
Signs on marquees, canopies or fixed awnings shall be con-
sidered the same as independent signs and the permit fee charge
for such signs shall be computed as in subsection 12 -c of this
section. In the case of painted letters on a panel or component
part of a marquee, canopy or fixed awning, no permit or fee
charge shall be required.
e. Marquees Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of marquees projecting over any sidewalk,.
�1 alley or public property, the permit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of thirty dollars ($3000) for each such marquee.
f. Billboards
For the erection of any billboard not exceeding 600 square
feet in area, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for each such billboard. For the erection
of,any billboard exceeding 600 square feet in area, the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars for the
fir'.st 600 square feet plus two dollars ($2.00) for each addition-
al 100 square feet or fractional part thereof. Double -deck bill-
boards shall be considered as independent billboards.
2 NIV5
g. Cloth Signs
Cloth signs may be placed flat on buildings or structures,
or on canopies, etc., for a period of time not exceeding thirty
(30) days without requiring a permit or a permit fee charge'to
be paid.
h. Fixed Awnings Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of fixed awnings projecting over any
sidewalk, alley or public property, the permit fee charge
1 shall be made at the rate of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents
' ($7.50) for each such fixed awning,
t 13. Steam Fitting Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Steam or Hot Water Heating Systems.
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam and hot water boiler heating
systems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00 for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Steam Process and Power Systems
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additicnal 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam process and steam power
systems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. Alterations, Repairs, or Additions to New or Existing
1 Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or additions to existing sys-
tems or for any new installations used in any steam or hot water
heating system _or in any piping system for the conduction of
steam for heat or power purposes, where the work is of such a
nature that the permit fee charge cannot be determined by the
preceding schedule, said charge shall be made at the rate of
three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part there-
of of the total market cost of such alterations or installations.
21 ����)
14. 'alarm Air Heating, Ventilation -- Permit Fees For:
a. Gravity Warm Air Heating Systems
For the installation, alteration, repair or replacement of
gravity warm air heating systems, the permit fee char a shall
be made at the rate of seven dollars and fifty cents T$7.50)
for each such installation, alteration, repair or replacement.
b. Mechanical Warm Air Heating System,
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of mechanical warm air heating systems,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1,00) for each additional
' 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
{ c. Ventilation System Under 3,000 CFM
Three Dollars ($3.00) For the First 1,000 CFM and Two Dol-
lars And Fifty Cents ($2.50) For Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of ventilation fans and systems under
3,000 CFM-the ermit fee charge shall be at the rate of three
dollars ($3.00 for the first 1,000 CFM or fraction thereof
plus two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each additional
1,000 CFM or fraction thereof up to 3,000 CFM.
d. Ventilation Systems Over 3,000 CFM, Dust Collection
Systems, Air Drying Systems or Air Conveying Systems
Eight Dollars ($8.00) For The First 3,000 CFM and One Dol-
lar ($1.00) for Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of ventilating systems over 3,000
CFM and for dust collecting systems, air drying systems or air
conveying systems the permit fee charge shall be at the rate
of eight dollars ($8.00) for the first 3,000 CFM or fractional
part thereof .,plus one dollar ($1.00) for each additional 1,000
CFM or fraction thereof.
e. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars ($3.00) For Each $500.00 Cost
For the alteration, repair or addition for which a permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 in cost or fraction thereof
15. General Sheet Metal Work
For the installation of any General Sheet Metal Work, the
permit fee charge shall be three dollars ($3.00) for eech
$500.00 market value cost or fractional part thereof.
16. Domestic Portable Incinerators
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the installation of each domestic portable incinerator,
the permit fee shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each installation.
17. Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators
Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per installation
For the installation of each commercial or industrial
type incinerator, the permit fee shall be made at the rate of
fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each installation.
SECTION 2. That sub - section 5 Licenses - -Fees For be de-
leted from Section 1.11 and the following schedule substituted
in lieu thereof..
5. Licenses - -Fees For
Any person, partnership, firm or corporation fulfilling all
qualifications and regulations stated herein, and upon payment
of the following fees to the Bureau, shall be issued a license
to engage in the business specified by said license.
License Fee
a. Concrete Block Dealer . . . . . . . . .
b. Building or Structure Moving Contractor .
c. Electrical Contractor
Class A License . . . . . . . . . .
Class A -1 License . . . . . . . . .
d. Gas Burner Installation Contractor . .
e. Gas Range Installer . . . . . . . . . . .
f. Oil Burner Installation Contractor
g. Plastering Contractor .
h. Plumbing Contractor .
i. Refrigeration Equipment Installation Con-
tractor . . . . . . . . . . . .
j. Sign and Billboard Contractor . . . . . .
k. Steamfitting Contractor
Class A
Class B
1. Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Con-
tractors . . . . . . . . . . .
over the streets or alleys of the City of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per building.
t. Buildings or Structures Moved Smaller in Size than
Twelve(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and
Twenty -five (25) Feet Long
Five dollars ($5.00) per move.
Where any building, structure, shelter, shed or garage in
size smaller than the following dimensions: twelve (12) feet high
fourteen (14) feet wide, and twenty -five (25) feet long -- is move(
from one location to another on private property or to a differ-
ent lot over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars ($5.00). The foundation or basement under
said building or structure and all other additions thereto shall
be charged the regular permit fee as required.
u. Certificate of Occupancy
Ten dollars ($10.00) per application.
Where a Certificate of Occupancy is required, the applica-
tion fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00)
for each application.
4. Elevators and Moving Stairways -- Permit Fees For:
a. Elevators V
A permit fee charge of thirty -five dollars ($35.00) shall be
made for each passenger elevator; twenty -five dollars ($25.00)
for each power- driven freight elevator; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each hand - powered freight elevaor; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each elevator or lift installed in a public sidewalk;
I twenty dollars ($20.00) for each manlift; three dollars ($3.00)
for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof, of market cost for
I the extension or alteration of any of the above listed types
of elevators.
b. Moving Stairways
Thirty -five dollars ($35.00) for each Moving Stairway Unit
For the installation of moving stairways, the permit fee
charge shall be at the rate of thirty -five ($35.00) for each
moving stairway unit.
c. Dumb - Waiters
The permit fee charge for the installation of each power-
driven dumb - waiter shall be twenty dollars ($20.00), and for
hand - powered dumb - waiters, the permit fee charge shall be
three dollars ($3.00) for each such installation.
d. Elevator Motors
Whenever an electric motor or other electrical device is
used in connection with the installation of a power- driven ele-
vator, and so arranged as to form a component part of the ele-
vator machinery, the permit fee charge for the elevator in-
stallation shall also cover the installation of the required
electrical devices. When belt- driven electric elevators are to
be installed, the electric motor shall not be considered a
component part of the elevator machinery, and the permit fee
for the installation of the electric motor shall be as provided
in this section.
e. Yearly Inspection Fee
The, yearly inspection fee for each power driven freight
"'or passenger elevator, escalator, hand power elevator, manlift
or dumbwaiter shall be charged at the following rates: '
(1) Power - Driven Passenger and Freight Elevators - Ten
Dollars ($10.00) per elevator per year.
(2) Hand - Powered Passenger or Freight Elevators - Five
Dollars ($5.00) per elevator per year.
(3) Escalators - Five Dollars ($5.00) per escalator per
(4) Manlift - Five Dollars ($5.00) per manlift per year.
(5) Dumbwaiters - Five Dollars ($5.00) per dumbwaiter per
5. Electrical Work -- Permit Fees For:
The following permit fees are hereby established and shall
apply to all electrical work.
a. The minimum fee for electrical work §hall be $3.00.
b. Service- -New service, change of service, temporary
' service, or additions, alterations or repairs on either piimary
�i or secondary service shall be computed separately as follows:
Up to and including 60 ampere capacity ..-..........$3.00
61 to and including 100 ampere capacity ...........$5.00
101 to and including 200 ampere capacity ..........$7.50
For each additional 100 ampere capacity or frac-
tion'thereof .............. ..........................$2.50
c. Circuits -- Installation of new circuits,
alterations or repair to existing circuits shall
as follows:
and additions,
be computed
Up to and including 30 ampere capacity .........,.$1.00
31 to and including 60 ampere capacity ........... 2.00
61 to and including 100 ampere capacity .......... 3.00
For each additional 100 ampere capacity or frac-
tion thereof ....... ............................... 2.00
d. Transformers and generators for light, heat and power
shall be computed separately at $2.00 per unit plus 20 cents
per KVA or fraction thereof up to 100 KVA, plus 10 cents per
KVA or fraction thereof from 101 KVA to 200 KVA, plus 5 cents
for each five KVA or fraction thereof for all in excess of 200
KVA.. The maximum permit fee for any transformer or generator
shall be $50.00. The above fee for transformers includes its
secondary circuit to the first point of distribution.
e. Alterations, Repairs or Extensions of Electrical Work
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or extensions of an existing
electrical system where the work is of such a nature that the
i fees for the permit cannot be determined from the above
} schedule, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
! three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part
thereof of the total market cost of such alterations, repairs,
or extensions.
6. Gas Burner Work
a. Gas Burner Eouipment Except Hot Water Heaters
Five dollars ($5.00) for first 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU.
j For the installation of gas burner equipment except hot
water heaters, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate
j of $5.00 for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Alterations, Repairs or Extension of Gas Burner Equip-
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to existing gas
j burner equipment, or for the installation of all gas burner
equipment not specifically listed herein and for which the
work is of such a nature that the fee charge cannot be deter-
! mined as above listed, the permit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each five hundred dol-
lars ($500,00) or fractional part thereof of the total, market
cost of such alterations or installations.
7. Gas Fitting Installing -- Permit Fees For:
a. Installation of Gas Piping
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For the installation of the necessary gas piping to furnish
gas for heat, light or power to a building or structure, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total market
cost of installation.
b. Gas Appliances Other Than Heating and Process Equipment
Three dollars ($3.00) for first 100,000 BTU per hour and
One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour.
For installing of gas appliances other than heating and
process'equipment the ermit fee shall be charged at the rate
of three dollars �$3.00� for the first 100,000 BTU per hour in-
put capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for
each additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. When any permit is issued for both gas piping and
plumbing, the application for the permit for such gas piping
shall be made out on a plumbing permit application form and
the gas piping permit fee shall be paid at the same time the
fee is paid for the plumbing permit.
d., Alterations, Repair or Extension of Gas Piping System
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to any existing gas
piping system where the work is of such a nature that the fees
for such permits cannot be determined from the above schedule,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dol-
lars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the
total market cost of such alterations, repairs or installations.
8. Oil Burner Work
a. Oil Burner or Oil Burning Equipment
1. Five Dollars ($5.00) for First 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for Each Additional 100,000 BTU.
For the installation of an oil burner or oil burning equip-
ment the permit fee shall be charged at the rate of five dollars
($5.00) for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each additional ,
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof. '
Rev. -9- fix.'
b. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or additions to an existing
oil burner or oil burning equipment used in connection with a
heating system, the permit fee charge shall be made at the
rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional
part thereof of the total market cost of such alterations,
repairs or additions.
9. Plastering IA.►ork -- Permit Fees For:
w a. Plastering or Stucco Work
Six Dollars ($6.00) for first 1,000 square yards and Three
Dollars ($3.00) for each additional 1,000 square yards.
For interior and exterior plastering or stucco work includ-
ing all types of lathing, the permit fee charge shall be made
at the rate of six dollars ($6.00) for the first 1,000 square
yards or fractional part thereof plus three dollars ($3.00)
for each additional 1,000 square yards or fractional part there-
of of plastering or stucco work.
b. Refinishing of Plaster or Stucco Work
Six Dollars ($6.00) per 1,000 square yards.
For refinishing interior or exterior plastering or stucco
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of six dollars
($6.00) for each 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof
to be refinished.
10. Plumbing Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Plumbing Fixtures and Devices
Three Dollars ($3.00) per permit plus One Dollar ($1.00)
per fixture.
For the installation of plumbing fixtures and devices ar-
ranged to be connected with the sewer or plumbing system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dol-
lars ($3.00) for each permit issued plus an additional fee of
one dollar ($1.00) for each plumbing fixture, device or connec-
tion to the sewer or plumbing system.
b. Alteration, Repair or Extension
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to an existing
plumbing system, where the work is of such a nature that the
permit fee charge cannot be determined from the above sched-
ule, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three
dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of
the total market cost of such alteration, repair or extension.
c. Installation of Sewer Line
Six Dollars ($6.00) per installation
For the installation of a sewer line from the building,
structure or area to the public sewer or private disposal sys-
tem, the permit fee charge shall be a flat rate of six dollars
($6.00) for each such installation.
d. Installation of Septic Tank with Absorption System.
Ten Dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the installation of a septic tank with absorption system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for each installation.
e. Installation of Garbage Grinder
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the installation of a garba a grinder, the permit fee
charge shall be three dollars ($3.00} for each such installation.
11. Refrigeration Equipment Installation -- Permit Fees For:
i a. Refrigeration Equipment Installations Less Than 60,000
Three Dollars ($3.00) for the first 10,000 BTU and One
Dollar ($1.00) for each additional 10,000 BTU.
For the installation of refrigeration equipment under
60,000 BTU per hour capacity, the permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for the first 10,000'
BTU per hour input capacity of fraction thereof plus one dol-
C�/ larxfor each additional 10,000 BTU up to 60,000 BTU per hour
input capacity.
' b. Refrigeration Equipment Installation
Ten Dollars ($10.00) for First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of refrigeration equipment the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00)
for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input capacity or fraction
thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each additional 100,000
BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
' -11-
c. Alteration, Repair or Extension of Refrigeration Equip-
Three Dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to existing re-
frigeration equipment not specifically listed herein and for
which the work is of such a nature that the fee charge cannot
be determined as above listed, the permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00
or fractional part thereof of the total market cost of such
alterations or installations.
12. Signs, Billboards, Marquees and Awnings -- Permit Fees
a. Wall Signs Placed Flat on Building
For the erection of a sign placed flat on a building or
structure, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
five dollars ($5.00) for the area of one hundred (100) square
feet or any fractional part thereof. For each additional fif-
ty •(50) square feet or fractional part thereof, the permit
fee charge shall be at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for
the added area of such sign.
-11 %-
b. Roof Signs
For the erection of a sign not exceeding 590 square feet in
area, upon the roof of a building or structure, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
such sign, and if such roof sign exceeds 590 square'feet in area,
the permit fee charge shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00).
c. Projecting Signs
For the erection of a sign projecting at an angle from the
face of a building or structure where such projection does not
exceed five (5) feet beyond the face of said building or struc-
ture, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of four
dollars ($4.00) for each twenty -five (25) square feet of area or
fractional part thereof of said projecting sign. For the erection
of any sign projecting at an angle for more than five (5) feet
from the face of a building or structure, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for each twenty-fr
five (25) square feet of area or fractional part thereof up to
two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee charge shall be -,
made at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each
twenty -five (25) square feet or fractional part thereof of ,
area in excess of two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee
charges listed in this subsection shall cover illuminated as
well as non - illuminated signs but does not cover the electrical
permit fee for an illuminated sign.
d. Marquee, Canopy and Fixed Awning Signs.
Signs on marquees, canopies or fixed awnings shall be con-
sidered the same as independent signs and the permit fee charge
for such signs shall be computed as in subsection 12 -c of this
section. In the case of painted letters on a panel or component
part of a marquee, canopy or fixed awning, no permit or fee
charge shall be required.
e. Marquees Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of marquees projecting over any sidewalk,
alley or public property, the permit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each such marquee.
f. Billboards
For the erection of any billboard not exceeding 600 square
feet in area, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for each such billboard.. For the erection
of any billboard exceeding 600 square feet in area,,, the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollar for the
first 600 square feet plus two dollars ($2.00) for each addition-
al 100 square feet or fractional part thereof. Double -deck bill-
boards Shall be considered as independent billboards.
-12- �.
j g. Cloth Signs
Cloth signs may be placed flat on buildings or structures,
or on canopies, etc., for a period of time not exceeding thirty
(30) days without requiring a permit or a permit fee charge to
�. be paid. ,
`{ h. Fixed Awnings Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of fixed awnings projecting over any
-sidewalk, alley or public property, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents
( $7.50) for each such fixed awning.
� 13. Steam Fitting 'Mork -- Permit Fees For:
a. Steam or Hot Water Heating Systems-
{ Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For,_the installation of steam and hot water heating
systems`, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00 for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
{ capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
! b. Steam Process.and Power Systems
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1,00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam process and steam power
systems, the permit fee charge shall be_` made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. Alterations, Repairs, or Additions to New or Existing
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or additions to existing sys-
tems or for any new installations used in any steam or hot water
heating system or in any piping system for the conduction of
steam for heat or power purposes, where the work is of such a
nature that the permit fee charge cannot be determined by the
preceding schedule, said charge shall be made at the rate of
three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part there-
! of of the total market cost of such alterations or installations.
-13- '
14. !alarm Air Heating, Ventilation -- Permit Fees For:
a. Gravity Warm Air Heating Systems
For the installation, alteration, repair or replacement of
gravity warm air heating systems, the permit fee char a shall
be made at the rate of seven dollars and fifty cents $7.50)
for each such installation, alteration, repair or replacement.
b. Mechanical Warm Air Heating System
Ten Dollers ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of mechanical warm air heating systems,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each additional
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. Ventilation System Under 3,000 CFM
Three Dollars ($3.00) For the First 1,000 CFM and Two Dol-
lars And.-Fifty Cents ($2.50) For Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of ventilation fans and systems under
3,000 CFM the ermit fee charge shall be at the rate of three
dollars ($3.0O for the first 1,000 CFM or fraction thereof
plus two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each additional
1,000 CFM or fraction thereof up to 3,000 CFM.
d. Ventilation Systems Over 3,000 CFM, Dust Collection
Systems, Air Drying Systems or Air Conveying Systems
Eight Dollars ($8.00) For The First 3,000 CFM and One Dol-
lar ($1.00) for Each Additional 1,000 CFM .
For the installation of ventilating systems over 3,000
CFM and for dust collecting systems, air drying systems or air
conveying systems the permit fee charge shall be at the rate
of eight dollars ($8.00) for the first 3,000 CFM or fractional
part thereof -plus one dollar ($1.00) for each additional 1,000
CFM or fraction thereof.
e. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars ($3.00) For Each $500.00 Cost
For the alteration, repair or addition for which a permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 in cost or fraction thereof.
' 15. General Sheet Metal Work
f {
1 For the installation of any General Sheet Metal Work, the
permit fee charge shall be three dollars ($3.00) for each
$500.00 market value cost or fractional part thereof.
16. Domestic Portable Incinerators
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the irstall tion of each domestic portable incinerator,
the permit fee / /shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each installation.
17. Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators
Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per installation
For:the installation of each compete cial or industrial
type incinerator, the permit fee shall be made at the rate of
fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each installation.
SECTION 2. That sub - section 5 Licenses - -Fees For be de-
leted from Section 1.11 and the following schedule substituted
in lieu thereof.
5. Licenses - -Fees For
Any person, partnership, firm or corporation fulfilling all
qualifications and regulations stated herein, and upon payment
of the following fees to the Bureau, shall be issued a license
to engage in the business specified by said license.
License, License Fee
+ a. Concrete Block Dealer . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00
b. Concrete Masonry & Finish Cement Contractor 35.00
c. Building or Structure.Moving Contractor 50.00
d. Electrical Contractor
Class A Li_ cense 35.00
Class A -1 License 15.00
e. Gas Burner Installation Contractor . . . . 35.00
f. Gas Range Installer 10.00
g. Oil Burner Installation Contractor 35.00
h. Plastering Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00
i. Plumbing Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00
j. Refrigeration Equipment Installation Con-
tractor . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00
k. Sign and Billboard Contractor . . , . : . . 359,00
1, Steamfitting Contractor
Class A . 35.00
Class B . . . . 15.00
Rev -15-
dricinal to•City.Cleric' -
Warm Air Heating Contractor
Ventilation Contractor 0
Welding Contractor (Structural
and Pres-
sure) . . . . . a . . . .
. . . . . .
Wrecking Contractor . . . .
Passenger Elevator Operator Itial
ni Fee)
Renewal if paid on or before
Renewal if allowed to lapse
. . . . . .
SECTION 3. That paragraph c of Section 30.13 Require-
ments for Concrete Masonry And Cement Finishers License and
Certificate of Competency be deleted and the following
inserted in lieu thereof:
c. The license fee for Concrete Masonry and Cement Fin-
isher Contractors shall be $35.00.
SECTION 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation
of public peace, health and safety.
SECTION 5. -This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Mortinson r
Peterson V
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk w
1111 "2 22
OCT 4 ]963
Passed by the Council
ZTn Favor
O A $'alnat
Approved: r '
Duplicate to Printer
A �
An ordinance amending Chapter 1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to Building Construction. This is an emergency ordinance
rendered necessary for the preservation of public peace, health and
SECTION 1. That Section 1:09- -Fees for Permits is hereby deleted
in its entirety and the following shall be inserted in lieu thereof.
1.09- -Fees for Permits
1. Establishment of Permit Fees
a. Upon the recommendations of
designate all work for which ppermits
visions of this code, and sha11 also
each type of work so. designated. Th
established and shall be paid to the
permit herein prescribed.
the Commissioner, the Council shall
shall be required under the pro -
establish the permit fee charge for
a following permit fees are hereby
Bureau prior to the issuance of any
b. Should any person, firm or corporation begih work of any kind
such as hereinafter set forth or for which a permit from the Bureau is
required by this Building Code without having first secured the neces-
sary permit from the Bureau for so, doing, he shall, when subsequently
securing such permit, be required to pay double the fee hereinafter
provided for such permit, but not in excess of one hundred dollars
($100.00) for any one permit:
2. Air Conditioning
a. Inasmuch as the,term Air Conditioning is very general and
normally includes several types of work, each type of-work involved'
shall require permits as provided for under each of the following
classifications:. Electrical, Plumbing; Refrigeration, Steamfitting,
Gas Burner, Oil Burner, Warm Air Heating$ Ventilation and General
Sheet Metal Work, or others.
3. Buildings and Structures General Construction -- Permit
Fees Fors
a. New Buildings
One dollar fifty cents ($1..50)' per M cu. ft.
average height of parapet walls, cornices or other projections
in the case of flat roofs. In no case shall the permit fee be
less than five dollars ($5.00). This permit fee charge is for
general construction only and shall not cover permits for plumb-
ing, gas fitting, electrical work, heating, etc. and for other
work for which separate permits are required in this section.
b. New Dwellings
One dollar twenty -five cents ($1.25) per M. cu. ft.
For all new one and two family dwellings the permit fee
charge shall be at the rate of one dollar and twenty -five ($1.25)
per 1,000 cubic feet or fractional part thereof contained in
said new dwelling. This permit fee charge is for general con-
struction only and does not cover other work for which permits
are required under this section. The cubic content shall be
figured on the same basis as for new buildings. In no case
shall the permit fee for this permit be less than five dollars
c. Sheds and Shelters
One dollar twenty -five cents ($1.25)
For one story sheds and private garages, built independent
of dwellings and for open shelter sheds, the permit fee charge
shall be at the rate of one dollar and twenty -five cents ($1..25)
per 1,000 cubic feet or fractional part thereof in said new
shed or shelter. The cubic contents shall be figured on the
same basis as for new buildings. This permit fee is for general
construction only and does not cover other work for which per-
mits are required under this s ction In no case shall the permit
fee be less than five dollars $5.00 }.
d. Footings and Foundations
For footings, foundations and basement walls, the same rate
shall be charged for the permit as for new buildings and dwell-
ings (depending on the intended use). The cubic content shall
be figured from the top of the foundation or basement wall to a
height of six (6) inches above the top of the footings under the
foundation wall, and where no footing is required, to a height
of six (6) inches above the bottom of the foundation wall.
e. Excavating, Grading and Surfacing
For excavating, grading or surfacing for any building,
structure, plot or area of ground this permit fee charge shall
be made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for the first 1,000
square feet of area or fractional part thereof, plus two dollars
($2.00) for each additional 1,000 square feet or fractional part
thereof. The total permit fee charge shall in no case exceed
three hundred dollars ($300.00).
Rev. -2
f. Concrete Sidewalks and Paving
For concrete sidewalks, driveways and paving the permit
fee shall be made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each
100 square yards or fractional part thereof contained in said
concrete sidewalks or paving.
g.. Retaining Walls
-One dollar and twenty -five cents ($1.25) per 100 cu. ft.
For retaining walls the permit fee char e shall be figured
at the rate of one dollar twenty -five cents ?$1.25) for each
one hundred(100) cubic feet or fractional part thereof contain-
ed in said wall including the footing.. In no case shall this
permit fee be less than three dollars ($3.00).
h. Alterations and Repairs and Structures for which Permit
Fees for General Construction Cannot Be Readily Determined by
the Above Methods.
Three dollars.($3.00) per Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)Cost
For alterations and repairs to any structure and for the
construction of new structures for which the above methods can=
not be used for figuring the amount, the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each five hundred
dollars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof proposed to be ex-
pended therefor. To determine the cost of such alterations, re-
pairs or construction of such structures, it shall be the duty
of the applicant to submit an estimate of the present market
cost of such work, including the total cost of labor, material,
etc. involved, such estimate shall be checked by the Bureau.
_z. Reshingling and Recovering of Roofs.
Three dollars ($3.00) per 1,000 square feet.
For reshingling or recovering the roof of any building or
structure or part thereof except metal decking or metal roofing,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) per 1,000 square feet of roof area or fractional part
J. Residing
Three dollars ($3.00) per 1,000 square feet
For residing of any building, structure or part thereof,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for every one thousand (1,000) square feet or fraction-
al part thereof to be resided.
Rev, °'
k. Welding, Structural and Pre -sure (A Sw
Five dollars ($5.00) per five (5) ton, plus two dollars
($2.00) per ton.
For structural and pressure welding the permit fee charge -
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per five (5)
ton'or any fractional part thereof. For each additional ton or
fractional part-thereof, the permit fee charges shall be two
dollars ($2.00) per ton.
1. Fire Escapes
Five dollars ($5.00) per 15 feet in height
For the erection of fire escapes the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of five dollars ($5.00 for every fifteen (15)
feet in height or fractional part thereof. The height of fire
escapes shall be figured from a distance of seven (7) feet above
grade at the fire escape to the uppermost landing or tread of
said fire escape.
m: Platforms
Ten dollars ($10:00) per installation
For the erection of any platform for temporary use in any
public assembly or open air public assembly unit, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
n. Fences
Three dollars ($3.00) per 100 feet in length
For the erection of fences, the permit fee charge shall be
at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) per one hundred (100) lineal
feet of fence or fractional part thereof. For each additional
fifty (50) lineal feet or fractional part thereof over the one
hundred (100) lineal feet, the permit fee charge shall be at
the rate of one dollar and a half ($1.50).
o. Wrecking of Buildings or Structures
Fifty cents ($.50) per 1,000 cubic feet
For tearing down or wrecking of any building, structure or
part thereof, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
fifty cents ($.50) per one thousand (1,000) cubic feet or frac-
tional part thereof contained in said building or structure.
The cubic content shall be figured the same as for new buildings.
In no case shall the fee charge for this permit be less than
five dollars ($5.00).
-4- ��,
p. Raising and Shoring of Buildings or Structures or Moving
of Buildings or Structures on the same lot
Five dollars ($5.00) per five hundred dollars ($500.00) cost
For raising or shoring any building or structure, or moving
of building or structure on the same lot, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars for the first $500.00 cost or fractional
part thereof plus two dollars ($2.00) for each additional $500.00
or fractional part thereof of the total market cost of such
raising or shoring of buildings or structures, or moving of
building or structure on the same lot.
q. Moving Buildings or Structures Larger in Size Than Twelve
(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and Twenty -Five (25)
Feet Long Over the Streets of Saint Paul, Other than Private
Sheds and Garages.
Fifty dollars ($50,00) per building
Where any building or structure larger than twelve (12) feet
high, fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25) feet long,
other than private sheds and single or double garages which are
considered buildings accessory to a dwelling, is moved from one
location to another over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per building or struc-
ture. The permit for foundation or basement under such building
or structure and all other permits for work other than general
construction work shall be charged at the regular permit fee
rate as provided in this section.
r. Moving Private Sheds And Garages Larger in Size Than
Twelve (12) Feet High, Fourteen .(14) Feet Wide and Twenty -Five
(25) Feet Long
Twenty dollars ($20.00) per building
Where any private shed or garage larger in size than twelve
(12) feet high, fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25)
feet long and is considered a building accessory to a dwelling
and is moved from one location to another over the streets of the
City of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge shall be twenty dollars
($20.00) per building.
s. Moving Buildings and Structures Over Twelve (12) Feet
High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide and Twenty -Five (25) Feet Long
From One Location to Another on Private Property Without Moving
Over the Streets or Alleys of the City of Saint Paul
Twenty dollars ($20.00) per building
Where any building or structure over twelve (12) feet high,
fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25) feet long is moved
from one location to another on private property without moving
over the streets or alleys of the City of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per building.
t. Buildings or Structures Moved Smaller in Size than
Twelve(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and
Twenty -five (25) Feet Long
Five dollars ($5.00) per move.
Where any building, structure, shelter, shed or garage in
size smaller than the following dimensions: twelve (12) feet high
fourteen (14) feet wide, and twenty -five (25) feet long -- is move(
from one location to another on private property or to a differ-
ent lot over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars ($5.00). The foundation or basement under
said building or structure and all other additions thereto shall
be charged the regular permit fee as required.
u. Certificate of Occupancy
Ten dollars ($10.00) per application.
Where a Certificate of Occupancy is required, the applica-
tion fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00)
for each application.
4. Elevators and Moving Stairways -- Permit Fees For:
a. Elevators
A permit fee charge of thirty -five dollars ($35.00) shall be
made for each passenger elevator; twenty -five dollars ($25.00)
for each power- driven freight elevator; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each hand - powered freight elevaor; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each elevator or lift installed in a public sidewalk;
twenty dollars ($20.00) for each manlift; three dollars ($3.00)
for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof, of market cost for
the extension or alteration of any of the above listed types
of elevators.
b. Moving Stairways
Thirty -five dollars ($35.00) for each Moving Stairway Unit
For the installation of moving stairwa s, the permit fee
charge shall be at the rate of thirty -five $35.00) for each
moving stairway unit.
c. Dumb - Waiters
The permit fee charge for the installation of each power -
driven dumb - waiter shall be twenty dollars ($20.00), and for
hand - powered dumb - waiters, the permit fee charge shall be
three dollars ($3..00) for each such installation.
d. Elevator Motors
Whenever an electric motor or other electrical device is
used in connection with the installation of a power- driven ele-
vator, and so arranged as to form a component part of the ele-
vator machinery, the permit fee charge for the elevator in-
stallation shall also cover the installation of the required
electrical devices. When belt- driven electric elevators are to
be installed, the electric motor shall not be considered a
component part of the elevator machinery, and the permit fee
for the installation of the electric motor shall be as provided
in this section.
e. Yearly Inspection Fee
The yearly inspection fee for each power driven freight
or passenger elevator, escalator, hand power elevator, manlift
or dumbwaiter shall be charged at the following rates:
(1) Power - Driven Passenger and Freight Elevators - Ten
Dollars ($10.00) per elevator per year.
(2) Hand - Powered Passenger or Freight Elevators - Five
Dollars ($5.00) per elevator per year.
(3) Escalators - Five Dollars ($5.00) per escalator per
(4) Manlift - Five Dollars ($5.00) per manlift per year.
(5) Dumbwaiters - Five Dollars ($5.00) per dumbwaiter per
5. Electrical Work -- Permit Fees For:
The following permit fees are hereby established and shall
apply to all electrical work.
a. The minimum fee for electrical work $hall be $3.00.
b. Service - -New service, change of service,, temporary
service, or additions, alterations or repairs on either primary
or secondary service shall be computed separately as follows:
to and including
60 ampere capacity ............$3.00
to and including
100 ampere capacity ...........$5.00
to and including
200 ampere capacity ..........$7.50
each additional
100 ampere capacity or
thereof ..............
c. Circuits -- Installation of new circuits, and additions,
alterations or repair to existing circuits shall be computed
as follows:
to and
ampere capacity
to and
ampere capacity
............ 2.00
to and
ampere capacity
.......... 3.00
ampere capacity
or frac-
d. Transformers and generators for light, heat and power
shall be computed separately at $2.00 per unit plus 20 cents
per KVA or fraction thereof up to 100 KVA, plus 10 cents per
KVA or fraction thereof from 101 KVA to 200 KVA, plus 5 cents
for each five KVA or fraction thereof for all in excess of 200
KVA.. The maximum permit fee for any transformer or generator
shall be $50.00. The above fee for transformers includes its
secondary circuit to the first point of distribution.
e. Alterations, Repairs or Extensions of Electrical Work
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or extensions of an existing
electrical system where the work is of such a nature that the
fees for the permit cannot be determined from the above
schedule, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part
thereof of the total market cost of such alterations, repairs,
or extensions.
6. Gas Burner Work
a. Gas Burner Eouipment Except Hot Water Heaters
Five dollars ($5.00) for first 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU.
For the installation of gas burner equipment except hot
water heaters, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate
of $5.00 for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Alterations, Repairs or Extension of Gas Burner Equip-
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to existing gas
burner equipment, or for the installation of all gas burner
equipment not specifically listed herein and for which the
work is of such a nature that the fee charge cannot be deter-
mined as above listed, the permit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each five hundred dol-
lars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof of the total market
cost of such alterations or installations.
7. Gas Fitting Installing -- Permit Fees For:
a. Installation of Gas Piping
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For the installation of the necessary gas piping to furnish
gas for heat, light or power to a building or structure, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
for each $500;00 or fractional part thereof of the total market
cost of installation.
b. Gas Appliances Other Than Heating and Process Equipment
Three dollars ($3.00) for first 100,000 BTU per hour and
One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour.
For installing of gas appliances other than heating and
process equipment, the ermit fee shall be charged at the rate
of three dollars ($3.00 for the first 100,000 BTU per hour in-
put capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for
each additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. When any permit is issued for both gas piping and
plumbing, the application for the permit for such gas piping
shall be made out on a plumbing permit application form and
the gas piping permit fee shall be paid at the same time the
fee is paid for the plumbing permit.
d. Alterations, Repair or Extension of Gas Piping System
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to any existing gas
piping system where the work is of such a nature that the fees
for such permits cannot be determined from the above schedule,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dol-
lars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the
total market cost of such alterations, repairs or installations.
8. Oil Burner Work
a. Oil Burner or Oil Burning Equipment
Five Dollars ($5.00) for First 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for Each Additional 100,000 BTU,
For the installation of an oil burner or oil burning equip-
ment the permit fee shall be charged at the rate of five dollars
($5.00) for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each additional.
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof,
-9- '.
Rev. __
b. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or additions to an existing
oil burner or oil burning equipment used in connection with a
heating system, the permit fee charge shall be made at the
rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional
part thereof of the total market cost of such alterations,
repairs or additions.
9. Plastering Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Plastering or Stucco Work
Six Dollars ($6.00) for first 1,000 square yards and Three
Dollars ($3.00) for each additional 1,000 square yards.
For interior and exterior plastering or stucco work includ-
ing all types of lathing, the permit fee charge shall be made
at the rate of six dollars ($6.00) for the first 1,000 square
yards or fractional part thereof plus three dollars ($3.00)
for each additional 1,000 square yards or fractional part there-
of of plastering or stucco work.
b. Refinishing of Plaster or Stucco Work
Six Dollars ($6.00) per 1,000 square yards.
For refinishing interior or exterior plastering or stucco
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of six dollars
($6.00) for each 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof
to be refinished.
10. Plumbing 'Mork -- Permit Fees For:
a. Plumbing Fixtures and Devices
Three Dollars ($3.00) per permit plus One Dollar ($1.00)
per fixture.
For the installation of plumbing fixtures and devices ar-
ranged to be connected with the sewer or plumbing system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dol-
lars ($3.00) for each permit issued plus an additional fee of
one dollar ($1.00) for each plumbing fixture, device or connec-
tion to the sewer or plumbing system.
b. Alteration, Repair or Extension
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to an existing
plumbing system, where the work is of such a nature that the
permit fee charge cannot be determined from the above sched-
ule, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three
-10- 3
dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of
the total market cost of such alteration, repair or extension.
C, Installation of Sewer Line
Six Dollars ($6.00) per installation
For the installation of a sewer line from the building,
structure or area to the public sewer or private disposal sys-
tem, the permit fee charge shall be a flat rate of six dollars
($6.00) for each such installation.
d. Installation of Septic Tank with Absorption System.
Ten Dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the installation of a septic tank with absorption system,,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for each installation.
e. Installation of Garbage Grinder
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the installation of a garba a grinder, the permit fee
charge shall be three dollars ($3.003 for each such installation.
11. Refrigeration Equipment Installation -- Permit Fees For:
a. Refrigeration Equipment Installations Less Than 60,000
Three Dollars ($3.00) for the first 10,000 BTU and One
Dollar ($1.00) for each additional 10,000 BTU.
For the installation of refrigeration equipment under
60,000 BTU per hour capacity, the permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for the first 10,000
BTU per hour input capacity of fraction thereof plus one dol-
lar for each additional 10,000 BTU up to 60,000 BTU per hour
input capacity.
b. Refrigeration Equipment Installation
Ten Dollars ($10.00) for First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of refrigeration equipment the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00)
for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input capacity or fraction
thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each additional 100,000
BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
C. Alteration, Repair or Extension of Refrigeration Equip-
Three Dollars ($3.00) for each $500,00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to existing re-
frigeration equipment not specifically listed herein and for
which the work is of such a nature that the fee charge cannot
be determined as above listed, the permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00
or fractional part thereof of the total market cost of such
alterations or installations.
12. Signs, Billboards, Marquees and Awnings -- Permit Fees
a. Wall Signs Placed Flat on Building
For the erection of a sign placed flat on a building or
structure, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
five dollars ($5.00) for the area of one hundred (100) square
feet or any fractional part thereof. For each additional fif-
ty (50) square feet or fractional part thereof, the permit
fee charge shall be at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for
the added area of such sign.
-11 %-
b. Roof Signs
For the erection of a sign not exceeding 590 square feet in
area, upon the roof of a building or structure, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
such sign, and if such roof sign exceeds 590 square feet in area,
the permit fee charge shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00).
c. Projecting Signs
For the erection of a sign projecting at an angle from the
face of a building or structure where such projection does not
exceed five (5) feot beyond the face of said building or struc-
ture, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of four
dollars ($4.00) for each twenty -five (25) square feet of area or
fractional part thereof of said projecting sign. For the erection
of any sign projecting at an angle for more than five (5) feet
from the face of a building or structure, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for each twenty -
five (25) square feet of area or fractional part thereof up to
two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each
twenty -five (25) square feet or fractional part thereof of
area in excess of two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee
charges listed in this subsection shall cover illuminated as
well as non - illuminated signs but does not cover the electrical
permit fee for an illuminated sign.
d. Marquee, Canopy and Fixed Awning Signs.
Signs on marquees, canopies or fixed awnings shall be con-
sidered the same as independent signs and the permit fee charge
for such signs shall be computed as in subsection 12 -c of this
section. In the case of painted letters on a panel or component
part of a marquee, canopy or fixed awning, no permit or fee
charge shall be required.
e. Marquees Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of marquees projecting over any sidewalk,
alley or public property, the permit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each such marquee.
f. Billboards
For the erection of any billboard not exceeding 600 square
feet in area, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for each such billboard. For the erection
of any billboard exceeding 600 square feet in area, the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars for the
first 600 square feet plus two dollars ($2.00) for each addition-
al 100 square feet or fractional part thereof. Double -deck bill-
boards shall be considered as independent billboards.
g. Cloth Signs
Cloth signs may be placed flat on buildings or structures,
or on canopies, etc., for a period of time not exceeding thirty
(30) days without requiring a permit or a permit fee charge to
be paid.
h. Fixed Awnings Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of fixed awnings projecting over any
sidewalk, alley or public property, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents
($7.50) for each such fixed awning.
13. Steam Fitting Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Steam or Hot Water Heating Systems-
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam and hot water heating
systems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00 for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Steam Process and Power Systems
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam process and steam power
systems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. Alterations, Repairs, or Additions to New or Existing
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or additions to existing sys-
tems or for any new installations used in any steam or hot water
heating system or in any piping system for the conduction of
steam for heat or power purposes, where the work is of such a
nature that the permit fee charge cannot be determined by the
preceding schedule, said charge shall be made at the rate of
three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part there-
of of the total market cost of such alterations or installations.
14. Warm Air Heating, Ventilation -- Permit Fees For:
a. Gravity Warm Air Heating Systems
For the installation, alteration, repair or replacement of
gravity warm air heating systems, the permit fee char a shall
be made at the rate of seven dollars and fifty cents $7.50)
for each such installation, alteration, repair or replacement.
b. Mechanical Warm Air Heating System
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of mechanical warm air heating systems,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each additional
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. Ventilation System Under 3,000 CFM
Three Dollars ($3.00) For the First 1,000 CFM and Two Dol-
lars And Fifty Cents ($2.50) For Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of ventilation fans and systems under
3,000 CFM the ermit fee charge shall be at the rate of three
dollars ($3.00 for the first 1,000 CFM or fraction thereof
plus two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each additional
1,000 CFM or fraction thereof up to 3,000 CFM.
d. Ventilation Systems Over 3,000 CFM, Dust Collection
Systems, Air Drying Systems or Air Conveying Systems
Eight Dollars ($8.00) For The First 3,000 CFM and One Dol-
lar ($1.00) for Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of
CFM and for dust collecting
conveying systems the permit
of eight dollars ($8.00) for
part thereof -plus one dollar
CFM or fraction thereof.
ventilating systems over 3,000
systems, air drying systems or air
fee charge shall be at the rate
the first 3,000 CFM or fractional
($1.00) for each additional 1,000
e. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars ($3.00) For Each $500.00 Cost
For the alteration, repair or addition for which a permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 in cost or fraction thereof.
15. General Sheet Metal Work
For the installation of any General Sheet Metal Work, the
permit fee charge shall be three dollars ($3.00) for each
$500.00 market value cost or fractional part thereof.
16. Domestic Portable Incinerators
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the installation of each domestic portable incinerator,
the permit fee shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each installation.
17. Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators
Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per installation
For:the installation of each commercial or industrial
type incinerator, the permit fee shall be made at the rate of
fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each installation.
SECTION 2. That sub - section 5 Licenses - -Fees For be de-
leted from Section 1..11 and the following schedule substituted
in lieu thereof.
5. Licenses - -Fees For
Any person, partnership, firm or corporation fulfilling all
qualifications and regulations stated herein, and upon payment-
of the following fees to the Bureau, shall be issued a license
to engage in the business specified by said license.
License Fee
a. Concrete Block Dealer . . . . . . . . . . .
b. Concrete Masonry & Finish Cement Contractor
c. Building or Structure Moving Contractor .
d. Electrical Contractor
Class A License
Class A -1 License
e. Gas Burner Installation Contractor
f. Gas Range Installer . . . . . . . . . . .
g. Oil Burner Installation Contractor ...
h. Plastering Contractor . . . . .
i. Plumbing Contractor . . . . . . . . . .
j. Refrigeration Equipment Installation Con
tractor . . . . . . . . . . , .
k. Sign and Billboard Contractor . . . . .
1. Steamfitting Contractor'
Class A
Class B
Rev -15
•i Y�
Duplie.ti to Printer '
m. Warm Air Heating Contractor $35.00
n. Ventilation Contractor 0 35.00
o. Welding Contractor (Structural and Pres-
sure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00
Pe Wrecking Contractor . . . . . . . . 35.00
q. Passenger Elevator Operator (Initial Fee) 2.00
Renewal if paid on or before expiration 1.00
Renewal if allowed to lapse, . . . . . . 2.00
SECTION 30 That paragraph c of Section 30,13 Require -
ments'for Concrete Masonry And Cement Finishers License and
Certificate of Competency,be deleted and the following
inserted in lieu thereoft
c. The license fee for Concrete Masonry and Cement Fin-
isher Contractors shall be.$35.00.
SECTION 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency, ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation
of public peace, health and safety.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage and publication.
average h ight of parapet walls, cornices or other projections
in the cas of flat roofs. In no case shall the permit fee be
less than 've dollars ($5.00). This permit fee charge is for
general con truction only and shall not cover permits for plumb-
ing, gas fit 'ng, electrical work, heating, etc.. and for other f.
work for whic separate permits are required in this section.
b. New Dw llings
One dollar �wenty -five cents ($1.25) per M. cu. ft. '"
For all new o e and two family dwellings the permit fee
charge shall be at he rate of one dollar and twenty -five ($1.25)
per 1,000 cubic fee \fo ractional part thereof contained in
said new dwelling, permit fee charge is for general con-
struction only and ot cover other work for which permits
are required under ection. The cubic content shall be
figured on the same as for new buildings. In no case
shall the permit fethis permit be less than five dollars
c. Sheds and Shelte
One dollar twenty- fivAcents ($1.25)
For one story sheds and rivate garages, built independent
I dwellings and for open she ter sheds, the permit fee charge
shall be at the rate of one do lar and twenty -five cents ($1.25)
per 1,000 cubic feet or fracti al part thereof in said new
shed or shelter. The cubic con ents shall be figured on the
same basis as for new buildings. This permit fee is for general
construction only and does not co er other work for which per-
mits are required under this sects n.
.d. Footings and Foundations
For footings, foundations and ba ement walls, the same rate
shall be charged for the permit as fo new buildings and dwell-
ings (depending on the intended use). The cubic content shall
be figured from the top of the foundati n or basement wall to a
height of six (6) inches above the top o the footings under the
foundation wall, and where no footing is required, to a height "
of six (6) inches above the bottom of the foundation wall. ;
e. Excavating, Grading and Surfacing
For excavating, grading or surfacing f
structure, plot or area of ground this permi
be made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) f
square feet of area or fractional part thereof
($2.00) for each additional 1,000 square feet
thereof. The total permit fee charge shall in
three hundred dollars ($300.00).
any building, :
fee charge shall
or the first 1,000
E, plus two dollars
o C fractional paryt" "'W
o case exceed,'�;".'
tiT '
2.4765 '
f.. Concrete Sidewalks and Paving
For concrete sidewalks, driveways and paving the permit
fee shall be made at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each
100 square yards or fractional part thereof contained in said
concrete sidewalks or paving.
g. Retaining lN ,,lls
One dollar and twenty -five cents ($1.25) per 100 cu. ft.
For retaining walls the permit fee char e shallbe figured
at the rate of one dollar twenty -five cents ?$1.25)-for each one
hundred (100) cubic feet or fractional part thereof contained
in said wall including the footing. In no case shall this per-
mit fee be less than three dollars ($3.00).
h. Alterations and Repairs and Structures for which Permit
Fees for General Construction Cannot be Readily Deter-
mined by the Above Methods.
Two dollars ($2..00) per Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) Cost
For alterations and repairs to any structure and for the
construction of new structures for which the above methods can-
not be used for figuring the amount, the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) for each five hundred
dollars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof proposed to be ex-
pended therefor. To determine the cost of such alterations, re-
pairs or construction of such structures, it shall be the duty
of the applicant to submit an estimate of the present market
cost of such work, including the total cost of labor, material,
etc. involved, such estimate shall be checked by the Bureau.
i. Reshingling and Recovering of Roofs.
Three dollars ($3.00) per 1,000 square feet.
For reshingling or recovering the roof of any building or
structure or part thereof except metal decking or metal roofing,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) per 1,000 square feet of roof zrea'or fractional part,
j. Residing
Three dollars ($3.00) per 1,000 square feet.
For residing of any building, structure or part thereof,
the permit fee charge shall be at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for every one thousand (1,000) square feet or fractional
part thereof to be resided.
k. !.Melding, Structural and Pressure
Five dollars ($5.00) per five (5) ton, plus two dollars
($2,00) per ton.
For structural and pressure welding the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per five (5)
ton or any fractional part thereof. For each additional ton or
fractional part thereof, the permit fee charges shall be two
dollars ($2.00) per ton.
1. Fire Escapes
Five dollars ($5.00) per 15 feet in height
For the erection of fire escapes the permit fee charge shall
be at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for every fifteen (15)
feet in height or fractional part thereof. The height of fire
escapes shall be figured from a distance of seven (7) feet above
grade at the fire escape to the uppermost landing or tread of
said fire escape.
m. Platforms
Ten dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the erection of any platform for temporary use in any
public assembly or open air public assembly unit, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
n. Fences
Three dollars ($3.00) per 100 feet in length
For the erection of fences, the permit fee charge shall be
at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) per one hundred (100) lineal
feet of fence or fractional part thereof. For each additional
fifty (50) lineal feet or fractional part thereof over the one
hundred (100) lineal feet, the permit fee charge shall be at
the rate of one dollar and a half ($1.50).
o. Wrecking of Buildings or Structures
Fifty cents ($.50) per 1,000 cubic feet
For tearing down or wrecking of any building, structure or
part thereof, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
fifty cents ($.50) per one thousand (1,000) cubic feet or frac-
tional part thereof contained in said building or structure.
The cubic content shall be figured the same as for new buildings.
In no case shall the fee charge for this permit be less than
five dollars ($5.00).
:f f
p. Raising and Shoring of Buildings or Structures or Moving
of Building or Structure on the same lot
Five dollars ($5.00) per five hundred dollars ($500.00) cost
For raising or shoring any building or structure, or moving
of building or structure on the same lot, the cost of which is
more than $10.00 and not more than $500..00, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars ($5.00). The permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) for each additional
$500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total market cost of
such raising or shoring of buildings or structures,or moving
of building or structure on the same lot.
q. Moving Buildings or Structures Larger in Size Than Twelvf
(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and Twenty -Five
(25) Feet Long Over the Streets of Saint Paul, Other thar
Private Sheds and Garages
Fifty dollars ($50.00) per building
Where any building or structure larger than twelve (12) feet
high, fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25) feet long,
other than private sheds and single or double garages which are
considered buildings accessory to a dwelling, is moved from one
location to another over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per building or struc-
ture. The permit for foundation or basement under such building
or structure and all other permits for work other than general
construction work shall be charged at the regular permit fee
rate as provided in this section.
r. Moving Private Sheds and Garages Larger In Size Than
Twelve (12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide and
Twenty -five (25) Feet Long.
Twenty dollars ($20.00) per building.
Where any private shed or garage larger in size than twelve
(12) feet high, fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25)
feet long is considered a building accessory to a dwelling and
is moved from one location to another over the streets of the
City of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge shall be twenty dollars
($20.00) per building.
s. Moving Buildings and Structures Over Twelve (12)Feet ...
High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide and Twenty -Five (25) Feet
Long From One Location to Another on Private Property ;.
Without Moving Over The Streets or Alleys of the City is
of Saint Paul
,Twenty dollars ($20.00) per building
Where any building or structure over twelve (12) feet high, t
fourteen (14) feet wide and twenty -five (25) feet long is moved
from one location to another on private property without moving
over the streets or alleys of the City of Saint Paul, the permit
fee charge shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per building.
t. Buildings or Structures Moved Smaller in Size than
Twelve(12) Feet High, Fourteen (14) Feet Wide, and
Twenty -five (25) Feet Long
Five dollars ($5.00) per move.
Where any building, structure, shelter, shed or garage in
size smaller than the following dimensions: twelve (12) feet high,
fourteen (14) feet wide, and twenty -five (25) feet long -- is moved
from one location to another on private property or to a differ-
ent lot over the streets of Saint Paul, the permit fee charge
shall be five dollars ($5.00). The foundation or basement under
said building or structure and all other additions thereto shall
be charged the regular permit fee as required.
u. Certificate of Occupancy
Ten dollars ($10.00) per application.
Where a Certificate of Occupancy is required, the applica-
tion fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00)
for each application.
4. Elevators and Moving Stairways -- Permit Fees For:
a. Elevators
A permit fee charge of thirty -five dollars ($35.00) shall be
made for each passenger elevator; twenty -five dollars ($25.00)
for each power- driven freight elevator; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each hand - powered freight elevaor; twenty dollars ($20.00)
for each elevator or lift installed in a public sidewalk;
twenty dollars ($20.00) for each manlift; three dollars ($3.00)
for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof, of market cost for
the extension or alteration of any of the above listed types
of elevators.
b. Moving Stairways
Thirty -five dollars ($35.00) for each Moving Stairway Unit
For the installation of moving stairwa s, the permit fee
charge shall be at the rate of thirty -five T$35.00) for each
moving stairway unit.
c. Dumb - Waiters
The permit fee charge for the installation of each power -
driven dumb - waiter shall be twenty dollars ($20.00), and for
hand - powered dumb - waiters, the permit fee .charge shall be
three dollars ($3.00) for each such installation.
d. Elevator Motors
Whenever an electric motor or other electrical device is
used in connection with the installation of a power - driven ele-
vator, and so arranged as to form a component part of the ele-
vator machinery, the permit fee charge for the elevator in-
stallation shall also cover the installation of the required
electrical devices. When belt- driven electric elevators are to
be installed, the electric motor shall not be considered a
component part of the elevator machinery, and the permit fee
for the installation of the electric motor shall be as provided
in this section.
e.. Yearly Inspection Fee
The yearly inspection fee for each power driven freight
or passenger elevator, escalator, hand power elevator, manlift
or dumbwaiter shall be charged at the following rates:
(1) Power - Driven Passenger and Freight Elevators - Ten
Dollars ($10.00) per elevator per year.
(2) Hand - Powered Passenger or Freight Elevators - Five
Dollars ($5.00) per elevator per year.
(3) Escalators - Five Dollars ($5.00) per escalator per
(4) Manlift - Five Dollars ($5.00) per manlift per year.
(5) Dumbwaiters - Five Dollars ($5.00) per dumbwaiter per
5.. Electrical Work -- Permit Fees For:
The following permit fees are hereby established and shall
apply to all electrical work.
a. The minimum fee for electrical work shall be $3.00.
b. Service - -New service, change of service, temporary
service, or additions, alterations or repairs on either primary
or secondary service shall be computed separately as followz:
Up to and including 60 ampere capacity ............$3.00
61 to and including 100 ampere capacity ...........$5.00
101 to and including 200 ampere capacity ..........$7:50
For each additional 100 ampere capacity or frac-
tion thereof.... ............ .........................$2.50
-7- t'
e I
F� l
c. Circuits -- Installation of new circuits, and additions,
alterations or repair to existing circuits shall be computed
as follows:
Up to and including
31 to and including
61 to and including
For each additional
tion thereof ......
30 ampere capacity .............$1.00
60 ampere capacity ..............$2.00
100 ampere capacity ..............$3.0 0
100 ampere capacity or frac-
d. Transformers and generators for light, heat and power
shall be computed separately at $2.00 per unit plus 20 cents
per KVA or fraction thereof up to 100 KVA, plus 10 cents per
KVA or fraction thereof from 101 KVA to 200 KVA, plus 5 cents
for each five KVA or fraction thereof for all in excess of 200
KVA. The maximum permit fee for any transformer or generator
shall be $50.00. The above fee for transformers includes its
secondary circuit to the first point of distribution.
6. Gas Burner Work
a. Gas Burner Equipment Except Hot Water Heaters
Five dollars ($5.00) for first 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU.
For the installAtion.of gas burner equipment except hot
water heaters, the permit fee charge shallbe made at the rate
of $5.00 for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Alterations, Repairs or Extension of Gas Burner Equip-
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For any alteration, repair or extension
burner equipment, or for the installation of
equipment not specifically listed herein and
work is of such a nature that the fee charge
mined as above listed, the permit fee charge
the rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each f
lars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof of
cost of such alterations or installations.
to existing gas
all gas burner
for which the
cannot be deter -
shall be made at
ive hundred dol-
the total market
7. Gas Fitting Installing -- Permit Fees For:
a. Installation of Gas Piping
Three dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 cost
For the installation of the necessary gas piping to furnish
gas for heat, light or power to a building or structure, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total market
cost of installation.
b. Gas Appliances Other Than Heating and Process Equipment
Three dollars ($3.00) for first 100,000 BTU per hour and
One Dollar ($1.00) for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour.
For installing of gas appliances other than heating and
process equipment;3 the permit fee shall be charged at the rate
of three dollars t$3.00) for the first 100,000 BTU per hour in-
put capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for
each additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. When any permit is issued for both gas piping and
plumbing, the application for the permit for such gas piping
shall be made out on a plumbing permit application form and the
gas piping permit fee shall be paid at the same time the fee
is paid for the plumbing permit.
d. Alterations, Repair or Extension of Gas Piping System.
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to any existing gas
piping system where the work is of such a nature that the fees
for such permits cannot be determined from the above schedule,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
,($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total
market cost of such alterations, repairs or installations.
8. Oil Burner Work
a, Oil Burner or Oil Burning Equipment
Five Dollars ($5.00) for First 100,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) for Each Additional 100,000 BTU.
For the installation of an oil burner or oil burning equip-
ment the permit fee shall be charged at the rate of five
dollars ($5.00) for the first 100,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or additions to an existing
oil burner or oil burning equipment used in connection with a
heating system, the permit fee charge shall be made at the
rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional
part thereof of the total market cost of such alterations,
repairs or additions.
9. Plastering Work -- Permit Fees For: 214765
a. plastering or Stucco Work
Six Dollars ($6.00) for first 1,000 square yards and Three
Dollars ($3.00) for each additional 1,000 square yards.
For interior and exterior plastering or stucco work includ-
ing all types of lathing the ermit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of six dollars 46.00 for the first 1,000 square yards
or fractional part thereof plus three dollars ($3.00) for each
additional 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof of
plastering or stucco work.
b. Refinishing of Plaster or Stucco Work
Six Dollars ($6.00) per 1,000 square yards
For refinishing interior or exterior plastering or stucco
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of six dollars
($6.00) for each 1,000 square yards or fractional part thereof
to be refinished.
10. Plumbing Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Plumbing Fixtures and Devices
Three Dollars ($3.00) per permit plus One Dollar ($1.00) per
For the installation of plumbing fixtures and devices ar-
ranged to be connected with the sewer or plumbing system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dol-
lars ($3.00) for each permit issued plus an additional fee of
one dollar ($1.00) for each plumbing fixture, device or connec-
tion to the sewer or plumbing system.
b. Alteration, Repair or Extension
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to an existing plumb
ing system, where the work is of such a nature that the permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part thereof of the total
market cost of such alteration, repair or extension.
c. Installation of Sewer Line
Six Dollars ($6.00) per installation
For the installation of a sewer line from the building,
structure or area to the public sewer or private disposal system,
the permit fee charge shall be a flat rate of six dollars ($6.00)
for each such installation.
d. Installation of Septic Tpnk with Absorption System
Ten Dollars ($10.00) per installation
For the installation of a septic tank with absorption system,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for each installation.
e. Installation of Garbage Grinder
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the installation of a garba a grinder, the permit fee
charge shall be three dollars ($3.003 for each such installation.
11.. Refrigeration Equipment Installation -- Permit Fees For:
a. Refrigeration Equipment Installation
Ten Dollars ($10.00) for First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of refrigeration equipment the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for
the first 200,000 -BTU rr hour input capacity or fraction thereof
plus one dollar ($1.00 for each additional 100,000 BTU per hour
or fraction thereof.
b. Alteration, Repair or Extension of Refrigeration Equip-
Three Dollars for each $500.00 Cost
For any alteration, repair or extension to existing refrig-
eration equipment not specifically listed herein and for which
the work is of such a nature that the fee charge cannot be deter-
mined as above listed, the permit fee charge shall be made at the
rate of three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or fractional part
thereof of the total market cost of such alterations or installa-
12. Signs, Billboards, Marquees and Awnings -- Permit Fees For:
a. Wall Signs Placed Flat on Building
For the erection of a sign placed flat on a building or
structure, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of five
dollars ($5.00) for the area 9,f one hundred (100) square feet on
any fractional part thereof. For each additional fifty (50)
square feet or fractional part thereof, the permit fee charge
shall be at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for the added area
of such sign. ,:•"
. it • `1'.' .�
b. Roof Signs
For the erection of a sign not exceeding 590 square feet in
area, upon the roof of a building or structure, the permit fee
charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for each
such sign, and if such roof sign exceeds 590 square feet in area,
the permit fee charge shall be fifteen dollars ($15,00).
c. Projecting Signs
For the erection of a sign projecting at an angle from the
face of a building or structure where such projection does not
exceed five (5) fe6t beyond the face of said building or struc-
ture, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of four
dollars ($4.00) for each twenty -five (25) square feet of area or
fractional part thereof of said projecting sign. For the erection
of any sign projecting at an angle for more than five (5) feet
from the face of a building or structure, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for each twenty -
five (25) square feet of area or fractional part thereof up to
two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee charge shall be
made at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each
twenty -five (25) square feet or fractional part thereof of
area in excess of two hundred (200) square feet. The permit fee
charges listed in this subsection shall cover illuminated as
well as non - illuminated signs but does not cover the electrical
permit fee for an illuminated sign.
d. Marquee, Canopy and Fixed Awning Signs.
Signs on marquees, canopies or fixed awnings shall be con-
sidered the same as independent signs and the permit fee charge
for such signs shall be computed as in subsection 12 -c of this
section. In the case of painted letters on a panel or component
part of a marquee, canopy or fixed awning, no permit or fee
charge shall be required.
e. Marquees Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of marquees projecting over any sidewalk,
alley or public property, the permit fee charge shall be made at
the rate of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each such marquee.
f. Billboards
For the erection of any billboard not exceeding 600 square
feet in area, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for each such billboard. For the erection
of any billboard exceeding 600 square feet in area, the permit
fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars for the
first 600 square feet plus two dollars ($2.00) for each addition-
al 100 square feet or fractional part thereof. Double -deck bill-
boards shall be considered as independent billboards.
g. Cloth Signs
Cloth signs may be placed flat on buildings or structures,
or on canopies, etc., for a period of time not exceeding thirty
(30) days without requiring a permit or a permit fee charge to
be paid.
h. Fixed Awnings Projecting over Public Property
For the erection of fixed awnings projecting over any
sidewalk, alley or public property, the permit fee charge
shall be made at the rate of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents
($7.50) for each such fixed awning.
13. Steam Fitting Work -- Permit Fees For:
a. Steam or Hot Water Heating Systems.
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam and hot water boiler heating
systems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00 for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
b. Steam Process and Power Systems
Ten Dollars ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additicnal 100,000 BTU
For the installation of steam process and steam power
systems, the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of
ten dollars ($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input
capacity or fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1.00) for each
additional 100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
c. Alterations, Repairs, or Additions to New or Existing
Three Dollars ($3.00) per $500.00 Cost
For any alterations, repairs or additions to existing sys-
tems or for any new installations used in any steam or hot water r.
heating system or in any piping system for the conduction of
steam for heat or power purposes, where the work is of such a
nature that the permit fee charge cannot be determined by the
preceding schedule, said charge shall be made at the rate of
three dollars ($3.00) for each $500.00 or f -ractional part there-
of of the total market cost of such alterations or installations.
' t
14. Warm Air Heating, Ventilation -- Permit Fees For:
a. Gravity Warm Air Heating Systems
For the installation, alteration, repair or replacement of
gravity warm air heating systems, the permit fee char a shall
be made at the rate of seven dollars and fifty cents ?$7.50)
for each such installation, alteration, repair or replacement.
b. Mechanical Warm Air Heating System
Ten Dollers ($10.00) For First 200,000 BTU and One Dollar
($1.00) For Each Additional 100,000 BTU
For the installation of mechanical warm air heating systems,
the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of ten dollars
($10.00) for the first 200,000 BTU per hour input capacity or
fraction thereof plus one dollar ($1,00) for each additional
100,000 BTU per hour or fraction thereof.
C, Ventilation System Under 3,000 CFM
Three Dollars ($3.00) For the First 1,000 CFM and Two Dol-
lars And Fifty Cents ($2.50) For Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of ventilation fans and systems under
3,000 CFM the ermit fee charge shall be at the rate of three
dollars ($3.00 for the first 1,000 CFM or fraction thereof
plus two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each additional
1,000 CFM or fraction thereof up to 3,000 CFM.
d. Ventilation Systems Over 3,000 CFM, Dust Collection
Systems, Air Drying Systems or Air Conveying Systems
Eight Dollars ($8.00) For The First 3,000 CFM and One Dol-
lar ($1.00) for Each Additional 1,000 CFM
For the installation of
CFM and for dust collecting
conveying systems the permit
of eight dollars ($8.00) for
part thereof.plus one dollar
CFM or fraction thereof.
ventilating systems over 3,000
systems, air drying systems or air
fee charge shall be at the rate
the first 3,000 CFM or fractional
($1.00) for each additional 1,000
e. Alterations, Repairs or Additions
Three Dollars ($3.00) For Each $500.00 Cost
For the alteration, repair or addition for which a permit
fee charge cannot be determined from the above schedule, the
permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3100) for each $500.00 in cost or fraction thereofil,
21 .1765 a
15. General Sheet Metal Work
For the installation of any General Sheet Metal Work, the
permit fee charge shall be three dollars ($3.00) for egch "
$500.00 market value cost or fractional part thereof,
16. Domestic Portable Incinerators
Three Dollars ($3.00) per installation
For the installation of each domestic portable incinerator,
the permit fee shall be made at the rate of three dollars
($3.00) for each installation.
17. Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators
Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per installation
For the installation of each commercial or industrial
type incinerator, the permit fee shall be made at the rate of
fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each installation.
SECTION 2. That sub - section 5 Licenses- -Fees For be de-
leted from Section 1.11 and the following schedule substituted
in lieu thereof..
5. Licenses - -Fees For
Any person, partnership, firm or corporation fulfilling all
qualifications and regulations stated herein, and upon payment
of the following fees to the Bureau, shall be issued a license
to engage in the business specified by said license.
License Fee
a. Concrete Block Dealer . . . . . . . . . . $35.00
b. Building or Structure Moving Contractor 50.00
c. Electrical Contractor
Class A License . . . . . . . . . . 35.00
Class A -1 License . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00
d. Gas Burner Installation Contractor . . 35.00
e.. Gas Range Installer . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
f. Oil Burner Installation Contractor . . . 35.00
g. Plastering Contractor . . . . . . . . . . 35~00
h. Plumbing Contractor . . . . . . . .,. . . 35.00
i. Refrigeration Equipment Installation Con-
tractor 9 35.00
j. Sign and Billboard Contractor 35.00
k. Steamfitting Contractor
Class A 35.00
Class B 15.00
1. Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Con-
tractors . . . . . 0,0 0 35.00
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MrAPr� t V$v� r. President Vavoulis