D001570• S� �, _ - Ciry Clerk , � � � . - �►�.� • CITY OF SAINT PAUI. - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CA.Ol-A-15 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement descnbed as Saint Paul Civic Cerner Exnansion. CP-4 Buildine Consuvction Multiscooe - Parkin� Ramn lmown as Conhact L-_City Project No.015117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the followin�: I. Add reinforcement at East Cant Wall of enhy ramp per Request for Proposal (RFP) #427R. $2,677.00 Reason: Shotcrete removed so addi6onal structure required in concrete walL 2. 3. _ - Finznce Dept _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) _ - Contractor _ - Project M anan er (CPMn Revise haunch detail per Field Order (FO) #4.41. Reason: Wall was moved due to shotcrete loca[ion and haunch was extrnded. Revise colwnns and wall at B2 column line per RFP 4.05. Compensation also includes request for work at 42 columtt line and Ptoposed Change Order #91 for high density insulation. Reason: Existing shotcrete wa11 caused changes to concrete wall locafion. Total 9,OOD.00 72,600.00 $84,277.00 ORDERED, That ffie Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifica6ons in ffie sum of $84 277.00 said amount to be added to the luznp sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L- 147-76009-0899-68050 . � , . � . ��.'� s�� �, . � �� Heado�e ofFinance �� City of Saint Paul (PED) � � .� ��-�� cAt' hitea and which amount is to be financed from: � 7 19� /� VKl�z 19 �8 N� 19� • M.A. Mortenson �R��� �� UNGL TEINITIA o GREEN SH � �5� _ V CONTA!_ASON&PHONE / �/� �� EPAFiTMEMDIRECTOR �L 6�/Q� OCRYCOUNCR �NRIAWATE D v" — ' `�' ���� NUI/'BERFOF CINATfOflNEV Q. CITYCLEflK ST BE ON COUNGIL AOENDA BV (DA E) qp�N� O BUDGE7 DIRECTOR FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. - OAUER MAYOR l� A TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) J rv� Q�(� ACT70N RE�UESTED: // _ ._ �„ C1 G' �l- D/ � � ������ REGOMMENDATIONS: rove (A) or peject ( pERSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION __ CIVIL SEflVICE CAMMI$$ION �� H85 this pEr501VEir111 EVCi wOrked undBT a CAntraCi fof this tlBpartment? __ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a c�ry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ oISiRICT cOURi _ 3. Does this personRirm posses5 a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHIC4iCOUNCILO6JECriVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATIN PFiOBLEM, ISSUE, �O (WM1O, Whet, WM1en, Where, Why): � ' e C- � J �_ � �� 7 n � _ e n �. l/ �-L/�� /N-?/�.� � �U.% JN- — 7J'' ,� � P �cZ.ri�GPi4' WT�w� � s %2:,""�'�� "'� " I �c C:�1.'�a�''_' lv� �-e�P � �� G �'� °��`�.� ��— � ��"�� ANTAGES IF APPROVED: � � � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED �/� �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. � 1'�7/(T A�,�R'' "'� � "'�` ° � �{:�' -. 1 s �u�a 7 � .�5� ����� �����`�,��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $��� �� COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOUFiCE 'C�'/�'� �� '�`�� � �M �+�'' �� ACTIVITY NUMBER � "r � "� � � � � � � a - L J � � FINANCIAL VNFOAMATION' (EXPLAIN) � � PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center • Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR M.A Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original Contract Amount $4,397,090.00 CO No. Deduct Add C4.01-A-1 199,979.00 C4.01-A-2 30,353.00 C4.01-A-3 17,283.00 C4.01-A-4 21,529.00 C4.01-A-5 51,688.00 C4.01-A-6 27,700.00 C4.01-A-7 6,539.00 C4.01-A-8 2,583.00 C4.01-A-9 34,007.00 C4.01-A-10 6,405.00 C�1.01-A-11 5,179.00 C4.01-A-12 3,794.00 C4.01-A-13 1,667.00 • C4.01-A-14 6,381.00 C4.a1-A-15 84,277.00 Subtotal 00 $499.364.00 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: �oo� 1 June 1998 CP-4.01 Building Construction Multiscope 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $4,896,454.00 L� -- - - -- �0 ►5�0 � ': "" � ' =,, ="- C�O N:T'R�'A C,TO�.R ' ����PR O _P;�O�SA_�- _i_ , - _ � Contractor Proposal No.: CP 4 27R Date November 12, 1996 Pro}ect: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.01 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: ���� / 1. It is sequested the completion daie be S) extended, O decreased, O unchanged by ca{endar days. The adjusted completion date will be 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable}. Reference RFP i�fo.: 4.27R ; FO NO.: Title: Reinforc East Cant Wall 3. Basis of payment: ICheck one) iX) Firm price fior performing this change is Adequate supporti�g details and infiormation '�(lncreased) (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ( � Time and material per conTract, but not to exceed S ( � Actual cost at completion of work S u Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: f? 1�%i_"�^'t'>c_%< cC`�.��� �.,��� Contractor Signature FOR CPM(USE Action Recommended: (Check onel () Change witl not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 • �Proceed on tfie following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptabfe. �Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptabVe. �Basis of payment shatl be $� P t () The foilowing modification is recommended: (} Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. I) Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. O Other 2. Reason for Change: O Design Change O Client Request �Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor (� Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? O YES �,NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attachedl ��.YES () NO 5. A/E consulted. �-YES ( ) NO Prepared by: z� CPMiI Approved by�. �� y `�( IJy�HGA) Approved by �i. � �[:��1 �<� � ifl�1€�4��1{l��rt�� (Qw�er) `�. Date: �'�� �� Date:_;Z -- n� �ate:'^_. - '�� — "!. Appxoved by: SOwner) Date: CPMi lnc., clo Saint Paul Civic Center, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Piaza, 143 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 5 51 02-1 299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- �� 11/12/96 St Paul Civic Center Expansion �� {,5�0 Summary Change Proposai ���� ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EJCPANSION - _ _ _ _ _ d 30QEAGLESZItEE7' JOB[D:95I042 SAfN1'PAUL. MN 55102 PK� 612/293-9l54 FAX 612293-955i � . S Amount Mortenson Labor. 5 - (See aftached) Modenson Material: S - (See attached) Mortenson Equipment $ - (See attached) Associated Costs $ - (Change Proposal) General Conditions S - (Mortenso� Work) SUBTOTAL M.A.Mortenson $ - Description: CP 4.27R Title: East Wall Reinforcement Revisfons SUBCQNTRACTORSNENDORS 1. AMSASSADOR G� F7 $ �— i, 55¢ $ �'` 97! $ - s - � - s - SUBTOTAL SubNend $ � � �� j SUBTO7ALFee M. A. Mortenson Co�npany Fee: SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: $ �?3g� $ - $ �� ��tC Total Material & Equipment $ - M. A. MoAenson Materia{ & Equipment Ta�: 7% $ - SUBTOTALTax $ - SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortenson+SubNend+fee+Tax $ �5 ���.r Buiiders Risk GCL Insu2nce Costs Payment & Pertorznance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72lfhousand) 0.0038 ($3.77ffhousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593/Thousand) $ -er $ �� $ .-2'7� $ �*� �� �S � � f � Page 1 , ,_, �i3-�Yi96 15:1� FAS 6123337507 . y . �1 001; tlQ7, � � � �� t973 Broadvray Street NE • Minneapolis, Minnesora 55413 - 672-G23-p3pg - X 6Y&623-3s23 ' � YS��ISs DATB: 8/28/96 TO: M. A. MoYtenson 300 Eagle Street St_ pgvY, �r7 55762 1�TZN: Heather Jensen RE: st. Para.l Civic Center St. 8au1, i✓rI Cf7ANGE PRQ1x3sAL NO. 41 TF1TS CHANGB; ATJD ($1 , 452, Q01 +{�g ��$ ����d�� � �}� 2 8 1996 A � p. MORTENSaN C0. R M' �' • ! "�'♦ ' . i• • R�'p 4•z� R Add'1 veYtical reinforcing in w2�11 on gri.p q,21 h� 2-8 tons reirtforcing steel AI7D T-1/2 hours additional detailing @$50.0�/hr. _ ADP Frt. Triis RFA:34:27:'on onr=`�SA,i,�RFj4 23 �� � e�� �- $1,277.00� �{Q� $ ?5.00 $ 100.00 $1,452.OD ' � ��� N07�: PI.EASE, WIVFIRM THIS PROFOSAL BY ST�N�C ONE c:OPY �ID 1�7Pi5RNiivc IT 2C? OL)R oFFICE. AN ACiQVpWLIDC�� COPY WILT, BE RETL�) Tq YOU �It YOUR FILES. AC�y- BY: TI`�'L�k:: �� �ASS-iDOR STEEL ��R SPE�T� C�RPORATION BY: �/�n-wt. � � -°, �¢,:,,,,, 'I�OM 6�TFP�ART� TI�'L�• SAT�F'S REPRESF..[�PPATT DATE' �I�SJ`J� TRUE HAPpINESS DEPEfdDS UPpN A PEfl50NAL RELATIONSHIP WITN GOD • DA'PE: 917 0l96 �r»�1u�ss is:i� Fa� sizsas�sr�� � , ��SS9DOR STEEL f�jr)nvool � I� �5`10 � op aaa �{�°� oQ�oo o a o 7973 Broadvray Street NE - Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 - 6iz-623-0302 • FAX 6t2-623-3923 7U: M. A. Morten.son 3Q0 Eagie street St. Paul� MN SST02 AT1N: HEaTher Sanaan RE: St. L'aul Civic Center St. Paul, MN Change Proposal No. 44 '•.t�'h • •i^/ A JOB NCINIBIIZ: 2595033 CEIAAIGE P1�CJF'OSAL NO. 44 THIS CEiA�: Acid3t3on ReYx�r AnD; $700.00 + tax • �:».r- • s • •-��• • •a• RFP fl_27R ADD additicnal vertical reinforcing a,n wali an Grid 4_2't. This materiaZ was on Release 508 and c,ras usasl some place else per phorte cali from Jason Law_ The new material is on our REG. 521_ ADn '1,3 tons reinforcing stea2 $6p0.04 �xT �ioo.oa ���� 'mrAl+ $�04.00 + tax � Triis is an ac�lifiion to RFP 4_27 on our Proposal Req. 23 RFP 4.27R on ouz Proposal Req. Q2 and RFp 4_27R ap pur proposal Req. A �� F.o. N(7I�: PI.EASE, CiOLVFIRM THIS PROP(7SA� BY SIGNING ONE �pY' ,fDID 12E,T[7RN7DTG IT TO QUR OFE'TCE. AN ACFQ�WI,EDGF� �OPX WZLT, BE R'�.`TE7fZIVID TO YOI3 FOR YOCkt FILES. ACCEPTEC3• FfMSASS�SDC)R SI�I, CORFORI�TIO J ���; �p� � BY: BY• �"f�/`�'rtir..- � �� ..ar- ToM Q�EGARZS mrA.�: Trrr�- saz,�G �e�s�rra�en� C� nA�: Y�iD �QiS TRUE HAPPIN£SS QEAENpS t1PpN A PER50NAL RELATIQNSHiP WITH Gdp � 09%15:96 p3:30 F.aS 61211373U7 :�MBA9S�LDnR STEEL C�091i961 � , -- `� �5�0 � 1913 BYOadway Streat f1E - Minneapolis, Minnesota 554�3 • 6f 2-623-030��!}y 6�-623-�9 �� CI S L� la u L4 � SEP 1 7 199& � �c�sr �r.a. n,raRTFNSO�r cc DATE: 9/17/96 `T0= M. A. Mortenson 3�� Eaqle Street St_ Paul, [�MT 55102 AZ`i1�S: Heattier Jensen RE: St_ Paui Civic Center St. Paul, MN Change Proposal No, 45 .7r]B iV[.iMSEa: 2595033 C.'HANGE PROPQSAT, NO_ 45 THIS G�fANa'E: Addition Rebar ADD: $323_00 + tax l J DESCRIPTION OP PROPO.SZ�L RY�L7ESr RF'P 4.27R A7X] additional vertical rei.n£orcinl in cY'i.],1 on GRTD 4_2l. This material was on REL. 508 acxi used some place else per phone ca17. from ,7ason Law. The new material is on our REL, 522, ADD .48 tons reinEorcing steel g223_00 FRT $100,OQ � �,/� 'IC7PAI. $323.00 � ta�c � "� Th.is is an addition ta RFP 4.27 on our Proposal Req. 23, RFP fl.Z7P. on our Proposal Req. �2 and RFP A_27R on our Proposa R�q_ 43 d Proposal Req_ 44_ V`� F.o. � NfJFE: PLFASB, CONFTRM TFIIS PROP(?SAL BX STGIVTNG ONE CY�PY AND RETORNING IT 'IC) OUft OFFICE. AN ACIQ�70Y7LE77CID COPY W�S„T� SE Rt.'ii7RNID 7U YOU FOR 'YOUR FILES, A��`�" AMS�S.°,ADOFt STEEL CDTtPQCtATIO1V BY- BY: ��^-v- � �� �- 'PCM Q3EGARIS TITI,E' TITLE- SA7�'S REP TItTE AATE- DAT�: `�(�7��b TRUE HAPPINESS DEPENPS UPON A PEflSONAL RELATIQNSHIP WITH G�❑ �EP �J� ,. �6 1J=4?GM 51 �"l�F::; 4 �o 15�0 I C O M a A N• Ref. Fite #i RFp��7R-Dx �� s ��l/�;i> ;, A :-. � `Jc �`_ i�''b ("F[AN("E ORn�R RTD PROPQS�AI.: �Uy�.� �c� ��:� Pagt 1 of 1 �� ( �. �id Date: • Project N'ame: P�ojecL Address= gegteml�er 9th, 1996 S� �'aul Ciwic Center Eapa�sion, CP-A: $t. Paal, Minnesota F. i: 1 LH. Sowtes Comparry ZBj3 Scyant Avenue South Minneapn�is. MN 55498-2124 Minneapoi�s 6t2-Bt2-4fi56 672-872-6824 {F{kX) a�u�rras 4�G2<8-33C1 40E248-833U (FAX) Spokane Sfl9�922-9121 509-927�984 (FAX) Gen. Coniractor: M. A. Mortensan CQropany Inc. G.C. Address= 700 I�leadow Lane North Phoae # 6X?-293-915 Minneapolis, MN SSR122-'t89R Fux # b12-293-9557 AttenGanc Heafher Senseu Bidder's Name: 5imon K Kihanya 1�iOTE: 'I1�is price propos� is for labor only including necessary Eqniproens/Toois £or Elte FsectiR�fnstallatiOn ofthe SCOpe of Work as tabutated in the CHANGE pR3pER DOCUM_ENT(s} noted belaw. ��� �iJF.3P. tE 4.27R �1dd duct $ 1,540.00 Lump Sum Price. S OP . ( WORK: Description: ConcFete Reinforcing Steel: Added 2_80 tons of concrete reinforcing steel @ watl alons gid 4.21 due to absence of shortcrete wall behind ffie siruchual �vall per Detail 12I3-1A & IlRFP R4.27 ��`�o�T/� • � /�� � l� i5�0 L.H. SOWLES COMPANY 2893 Bryanf Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55408 Date SEPT.25 ,199 � � � � � � `= Number of pages inc{uding cov et ScP 2 6 �qq� — � 4 ,-��,;v a �V`1v�TrN.�J ��1., .. � TO: Phone • Fax Phone CC: �fOIT1: ALLEN TROSHINSKY pAN SOWLES Phone 612-872-4656 FaxPhone 6t2-872-6824 ❑ Urgent ❑ For your review ❑ Reply ASAP DEAR ALLEN, PLEASE (SSUE A CHANGE ORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING. ❑ Ptease comment 1) OUR FIELD WORK ORDER # 46645,( R.F.P.# 4.5) 2.5 HOURS AT 63.75=$159.00 2)OUR FlELD WORK ORQER # 46644, ( FO, 4.54) 1.5 HQURS AT 63.75= $96.00 3)OUR F(ELD WORK ORDER # 46643, (R.F.P. # 4.2'qiQ3 HOURS AT $66.24= $ 199.00 6 HOURS AT $63.75= $382.00 StJB �QTAL $582.00 4) OUft FIELD WORK ORDER # 46631, (R.F.P. 4.40) 8 HOURS RT $63.75= $510.00 5) OUR FfELD WORK ORDER � 46636, ( f.o. # 4.41) 7 HOURS AT $ 66.75= $467.d0 7 HOIYRS AT $ 63.75= 4$ 46.00 � SUB T07AL $ 913.00 • 6) OUR FIELD WORK ORDER # 46632, ( F.O. # F4-38) 3 HOlSRS AT $63.75 $ 191.00 THANK `COU VERY MUCH, DAN SOWLES ----------------------- �IELD ORDER Date � Job � Customer Address . C H S 01�tlES 2613 Bryant Avenue South '�^' V� �O Minneapolis, MN 55408-2'179 (6127 872-4656 t612] 872-6824 SFAX] . ,) �� C ' � Job No. �/�� Order No. DESCRIPTION OF SERVECES PERFORMEO �or classifica[�on and number of haurs for each7 oment 6v tvoe and hours, andfor materials usedl LA80R � r EQUIPMENT AND TODLS: � HOURS I RA7E Customer ♦ By TNIS NUMSER MUST � o � 4 6 6 4 3 APPFAR ONINVOICf LHS�I�ILES 2813BryantAvenueSouth Mfnneapolis. MN 55408-2179 612-872-4656 / 612-872-6824(FAX1 M A MORTENSON COMPANY P O BOX 710 MINNEAPOLIS MN �5440-0710 FAX : 293-9557 Date: October 31, I996 Our Order Na.: �128-901-000 Your Order No.: M�'M Project #951042 Terms: Net-30 Customer No.: 012201 Amount RE: To invoice you for miscellanous work perfomied, at the St. Paul Civic Center, St. Paul, Minnesota, as per Fietd Order # 46638, copy attached. JOl3 # 7128 RFP 4.27-R Ironworker Foreman 1.Q Hours n 6624 I 66 . 24 Ironworker 2.0 Hours @ 63.75 127 . 50 Amount Due . . . . . . . . . . � �5�o INVOICE N_ 33776 193 . 74 0 � `t� l5� , �����5 �A 28138ryantAvenueSouth F I E LD O R D E R L U 6123 672-4 56 55408-2179 - (612] 872-6824 (FAX] Oate_ Job Customer � Address �.�] .��� r C1/ t �. � �.. � �( c.� ti Job No. �� � Order No.��`�" OESCRIPTION Of SEAVICES PEF.FORME� itahor ciassi:;canon ana number of nours for eacnl fEquivment by type and hours. and/or macenals usedl r� E�UIPMENT AND TOOLS: f HOURSI flATE � �� Customer N�`� By THIS NUMBER MUST � o q 6 F 3� ���0���� 28138ryantAvenueSouth Minneapolis. MN 55408-2'179 612-872-4656 1 612-872-6824 (FAXI M A MORTENSON COMPANY P O BOX 710 MINNEAPOLIS MN S�G40-0710 FAX : 293-9557 Date: October 31, 1996 Our Order No.: � 12g_g01-000 Your Order No.: M�M PrOject #951042 Terms: Net-30 Customer No.: 012201 Amount RE: To invoice you for misce(lanous work perFormed, at U�e St. Paul Civic Center, St. Paul, Minnesota, as per Field Order !! 46641, copy attached. JOB # 7I28 RFP � 27-R Ironworker Foreman Ironworker 1.5 Hours @ 6G24 1.5 Hours @ 63.75 Amount Due . . . . . . . . . . �l/1(r C�`1 �1 I N V OI C E t—t�u 6V N_ 33777 99 . 36 95 _ 62 194 . 98 0 A�t. �) ���V LHS��LES 2813BryantAvenueSouth F I E L D O R D E R 6 I 2l 872 4656 55408-2179 - (6121872-6824 tFAXI Dat� Job Customer Address . LABOR � Z�J h .1a6 Na. �/'� � Order No. —�_`—t OESCRIPTION Of SERVICES PERFCaMED (La6or class�fication and number of hours for each) (Equipment by type and hours, and/or materials usedl � EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS: HOURS � �`—� i� RATE Customer � ♦ By �(/ X� /.r � THIS NUMBEfl MUST � o �. � 5 4' i nnr_ +o nnr inn ��r�c Mr. Ron Schreiner � 24 April 1998 Page 2 � �5�1� d_ MAM's request inGudes construction of a"hybrid" one-sided wail form. This was dscussed at length in the 2 March 1998 meeting_ MAM's elevation (attached) requests compensation for 7,230 SF of hybrid form_ Fiowever, the catcula6ons appear to indude areas which are not part of the RFP: fhe area from Cotumn 3.6 to 3.76 was excavated a�d pan fortns were acfually used - no change occurred in this area; fhe area from Column 4.1 to 42 is ffie East carrt wall and is rejected per ltem 1 above_ Tne area below Levef 76 did not chan e as re{ated to osie-sided Yorms_ Detaii 26l3-�B (attached) shows the concrete wall against shotcrete. �erefore, the area between Columns 3.76 and 4.1 above Levei 76 remain, or 1,890 SF. MAM indicated the lagging wall was not located where shown in the documents and in a loqtion to install a two-sided form_ Detail 26/3.76 shows the lagging wall and refers the Contractor to the CP-1 drawings. The CP-1 drawings grve no �mensio�s as to the euact slope or tocation of the Iagging wall (See Deiail 131702 attached)_ MAM indicated the entire wall changed to a hybrid one-sided form since the lower portion "had" to be a hybr9d and N1AM chose to construct hoth the uppes and bwer portions of the wail the same. Tktiis appears to be a contractor decision not relafed to the RFP. In summary, MAM is due compensation for the changes associated with RFP #4.45. Additional work induded • removing shotcrete and excava6ng at Columns 3_7, 3.8 and 3.9; and removing about 4' of shotcrete near the footing from 3_7 to 3.9. CPMI recommends MAM's original cost of $15,305 be approved. CPMI does not agree with ali ofi the breakdown associated with the cost (such as one-sided form issues), but wiit recommend tfiis $15,305 be approved. 2_ RFP #427R Reinforcement @ East Cant Wail -$5,469 requested. The cost appears to be doubie what is requested in the RFP: a. LH Sowles submitted a Lump Sum quote fos 2.8T of reinfo�cing stee! on 9 Septem6er 199fi for $1,54o_ On 26 September and 31 October 1996 they submitfed timesheets for actual work on 26 August, 3 September and 13 September totailing $970.72. This appears to be a double biiling -$2,511 bilied. b. Ambassador Stee! submitted a bill on 2$ August 1996 for 2.ST of reinforcing stee4 for $1,554. l'hey submitted another biil on '10 September 1998 for 1.3T of reinforcing steel for $749. CPMI did a take-off of the reinforcing and deYermined it was 2.3T. Therefore, CPMI recommends the foUowing be apQroverl: $971 for LH Sowles (actual timesheets) plus $1,554 for Ambassador plus MAM mark-up for a totai of $2,677. 1t is noted that CPM1 held this because it was thought this was related to fSze shotcrete anchors which were removed in error by MAM at the East cant wall. Tfiat was actually Feld Order #�4.42 ($1,969)_ Since it is atready approved, CPMI recommends it remain accepted as long as the above is accepted by MAM. • iVYI f ��/1 C� • A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 2. 3. / --�—f n � /���� It is requested the completion date be () extended, () decreased, () unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicablel. Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: 4.41 ; PCO No.: Title: Revise Haunch Detail 10R13-1B Basis of payment: {Check one) (X) Firm price for pertorming this change is S 1 Cl Adequate supporting details and information Increased) IDeduct) must be attached to albw Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S () Actual cost at completion of work S Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: 21 Januarv 1997 �` Con actor D�.��,.� '� Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check one) ( 1 Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following basis: ( 1 As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. �Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. � � �asis of payment shall be $_`1� �The following modification is recommended: f) Change in comp(etion date is accepted. O Change is acceptable with no change in price. �Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other Reason for Change: O Design Change O Client Request �Field Condition O Suggested by Contractor {) Design Om�ssion or Otfier (explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? O YES �NO 4. is Contractor's Estimate attached? YES ( 1 NO 5. A/E consulted. YES () NO Prepared by: �� CPMq Approved by , i HGA) • AQproved by ^� . ��-�`C� fJ�(:�'�''> j �'�Owner) oate: "3'( L I � Date: �J - 2'�' � Date: �`��`�6> Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMI 1nc., cfo Saint Paul Civ�c Center, LA. 0'Shaugh�essy Plaza, 143 West Poutth SVeet, Saint Paul, MN 55102-7299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- 1/22/97 St. Paul Civic Center Expa�sion � � S � O Summary Change Proposal � ST. PAUL C!VlC CENTER EXPANSION 300 EAGLESTREET lOB [D SAINT PAUL. M.N 55/02 PH: 611?93A154 FAX 6121293-9557 Description: FO#4.41 - rtle: Revise Haunch Detai � OR/3- 7 B Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Assodated Costs (Change Proposal) S Amount s S $ $ i�� � (�� 1 if V�� � General Cooditions: $ ' (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ 9 7 5g j t� / SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1. Ambassador $ 368 ` c� �� • 2. Sowles $ .1.a58� > > � i� J � �"- 3. $ 4. � 5. $ - 6. $ - 7 g _ S. $ 9. $ - 10. $ - / SUBTOTAL SubNend $ 1,736 1 � 2, / J SUBTOTAL Fee M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontradorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: $ 87 � 1 $ 7,464 „�'" $ 7,550 ��� 16��1 � Total Material & Equipment $ - M. A. Mortenson Material & EquipmentTax: 7°l0 � SUBTOTALTax $ SUBTOTAI: M. A. Mortensott + SubNend + Fee + Tax 5 73,044 ��(� Buiiders Risk GCL insu2nce Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL insurance 8 Bonds 0.0007 {$.72ffhousand) 0.0038 ($3.77/Thousand) 0.0050 (�4.9593/Thousand) S 9 � ryy A $ 4g �{ , ' $ 65 � $ �23 • TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 13,157 !�� ��,P� 1; Page 1 �015�0 • • O s m J C � h a N V L D � � � L � �n a a ` v x c �� � Ql � N � N O LL � �� o � Z a =-' = U � � � � � Q� �o� �o Q"' M� a < °°' F J ln V � F Fp � W 0 Z °� o 0 0 ° o 0 0 K � ` O O O O O V W m � a O � LL O N � O O O Y Q t0 `� O O O O O O d' �� ` O O O O O � a � N LL � �. Z Q W � 3W� � o 0 000 Y Z n N o U� o � o 0 0 0 0 K � m 0 K W r� o � Z v�i °� °? m v c'> t� w �n °? c r� ai v r � n � �,y c� N co rn in K o "' y r � v rn ¢ V � � Q�v cO o 0 0 0 0 0 Z r ai o a p o 0 g�o �Z Wo� ,� p� � < � o ° o . ° o ° o 0 0 Q O o 0 0 0 0 0 � U � O m c � R Q N W o Z W v LL O � z � N (f] Z O�' W � O � Q W � � � S � J � m � ° `o (� Q � Q `o a m � m J R m o O� O O� N N (6 N '- Q7 m O� > > � fD ❑ 1�- LL � J (n N � m a I� i5�0 � / L 1 n I J 1 • ���� n O �\ �� V � i1 ��(�(C�) c� (U� O O �0� Nonn Sxond S[reei - Minneapolis, MN 55601 -(672) 338- � A�6j� 3$�7-B� � rS LI U � PROPOSAL REQtiEST TO. M•A- MORTENSON 300 EAGLE ST ST. PAUL, MN 55102 ATTN: HEATHER JENSEN DATE: a/14/95 AUG 1 � ]996 r�.a. n�oRr�NSON ca. JGB 1viiMBER: 259so33 �: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER LOCATION: sT. PaoL MN CHANGE PROPOSAL NO. s� "i'j Cj�Aj�jGE: ADD $344.00 PLUS TAX i ��r� t .•� • • � �l • •— FIELD ORDER F4.41 � v � i vw , i ADDED HAUNCH TO WALL ON GRID R.21 FROM GRIDS 3_9 TO 3 JS �'� ADD .57 TON OE RETNFORCING STEEL: LLIMP SUM ..................$269-00 PLUS TAX ADDFREIGHT .............................................. 75.00 TOTAL $344.00 PLUS TAX + 2'1. �' - !x4 �( THIS MATERIAL IS ON REL 199X � ��,00 NOTE: PLEASE CONF1ftM THIS PROPOSAL BY SIGNCNC'i ONE COYY AND [tE [T TO OUR OFfICE. Atv ACK2vOWLEDGED COPY" WII.L Bfi RETtiRhiED TO YOi� FOR YOVR FLLES. ACCEPTED: BY: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE: � AMBASSADQR SZEEL MII�INEAPOLIS SAiES OFFICE � - BYL�1�7172� / �� THOMAS T CHEGARS ✓ ��� SALES REPRESENTATIVE DATE: $�14l96 TRUE FiAPPINESS OEPENDS ISPON A PERSONAI REtATlOhStitP W lTH GOO �� � ��� 28738ryantAvenueSouth Minneapolis, MN 55408-2179 " 6� ^ e-872-4656 / 01 ^c-872-6824 (FAX) M A �fORTENSQN COMPANY P t3 BOX 7=0 bfINNE.4POLIS �IN ?��0-0710 FAX : 293-9557 Your Order No.: �"� Froject �9J 1C42 Terms: Net-30 Oescriptfon ItE: To invoice � ou for miscellanous work performed at the St. Paul Civic Cenier, Si. Paul, bN, as per Field Order # 41215 copy attached. \ JOB � 7I28 # �J. �1 INVOICE j�° 3��3J Date: December 12, I996 Our Order No.: �128-901-000 Cwtnmer No.: 012201 Amount lrouworker Foreman 3.5 Hours � 6624 231 . 84 Ironworker 3.5 Hours @ 63.7� Z2� . 12 Amount Due . . . . . . . . . . ?54 . 96 �� � ��� 2�13 8rfantAvenue Souin �1 � L.L� O R D E R Yiirreapolis. MN 55409-2179 [6t2) 872-4656 :612] 872-6824 (EAX7 Data 1_ Jao � C�stamer Address � W� X?1i � ,�/ DESCRIPTION OF SEAVICES PERFORMED bor c�assi;icaucn and .umber of hours far each7 nment 6v tvrr_2iSU hours. and/or matEnals used] � � �� � Job No. �� 7 Order No. � LABOF7 E�UIPMENT AND TOOLS: • tNSOWtfS r� � � By t— WH(tE 2— YELLOW 3— PINK HDUAS I RATE C m r - By l TH1S NUMBfR MUST t� I p 4 � 2 � 5 APPEAR ON MVO)CE � � F�X � �o e��o L.H. SOWLES COMPANY 2813 Bryant Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55408 2(] ���IL�, Date SEPT25 ,19° 1� 1� l,..i Number of pages incfuding cov �, et S � p 2 6 ��qc, �. Cil� V , � � - From: To: ALLEN TROSHINSKY Phone • Fax Phone CC: ❑ Urgent ❑ For your review DAN SOWLES Phone 612-872-dfi56 Fax Phone 612-872-6824 ❑ Reply ASAP ❑ Please comment DEAR ALLEN, PLEASE (SSUE A CHANGE ORDER FOR TFIE FOLLOWii3G. 1) OUR FiELD WOf2K ORDER � 46645,( R.F.P.# 4.5) 2.5 HOURS AT 63.75=$159.00 2)OUR FIELD WORK ORDER # 46644, ( FO 4.54) 1.5 H�URS AT 63.75= $96.00 3)OUR F1ELD WORK ORQER # 46643, (R.F _P. # 42) 3 HOURS AT $66.24= $ 199.00 6 HOURS AT $63.75= $382.00 SUB TOTAL $582.00 • 4) OUR FIELD WORK ORDER # 46631, (R.F.P. 4.40} 5} OIiR �iEI.D WORK ORDER � 46636, ( f.o. # 4.41) 8 HOURS AT $63.75= $510.00 7 HOURS AT $ 66.75= $467.d0 7 HOURS AT $ 63.75= 4� 46.00 � � SllB TOTAL $ 913.0� 6} OUR FIELD WORK ORDER � 46632, ( F.O. # F4-38) 3 HOURS AT $63.75 $ 191.OQ THANK YOU VERY MUCH, DAN SQWLES �lELD ORDER �� G Date Customer Address � (� ■r r 2813 Bryant Avenue South � ���� �I L ��O�nr�{,.� Minneapolis,MN55408-2179 I MY L cs,z�a�easss , , . (6'127 872-6824 [FA� I �� � Jab No. �� �� �^��� � Order No. �� DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES PERFORME� (Labor classificat�on and number of hours for each] [Eouioment bv tvoe and hours. andlor materiats usedl ,��• E4111PMENT AND TOOLS: i HOURS RATE Customer 2 t B ?6/,l—.. TH1S NUMBER MUST � O � 6 6 3 6 APPEAAON INVOICE �lJ� ���� � . Mr. Ron Schreiner 24 April 1995 Page 3 3. Field Order (FO) #4.41 Revised Haunch Detaii 10R/3-16 -$13,176 requested. It appears SVfAM has requested compensa6on for more than what is induded in fhe 5eld order. The fie4d order added a 1'-4° offset in the North wall (B.2) between Column 3.76 and 3.9 for a total of 42'-8" or 57 SF. CPMI calcutated the additionai work to fortn the offset would be about $251SF. This is $1,475 plus 7.5 CY of concrete x$90 is $675. The total fos forming and concrete shoutd be $2,150. The added rebar is .57T, per Ambassado�Steeis quote for $368. LH Sowles submitted rivo timesheets: one from August for the work of this field order, and one fi'om December which was fos base bid wotk hy Stair 13. The August timesheet is for $913 and is acceptable for .57T of additional rebar. This plus markup is $1,358. Therefore, CPMI recommends the Owner apQrove $3,508. 4. PCO #91 Change Insulation to High Density -$40,197 requested. MAM requested compensation for high-density rigid board insulation instead of rigid board insulation. MAM's position was Detail 1/3-7B listed "insulation" and not "HD Insulation" which is fisted in Detail 1213-1A (detail under Parking RamQ entry siab). They stated "HD" should have been on Detail 1/3-76 or else regular insulation is to be used. However, Section 07212 Rigid Insulation specifies two types with the locations specifically states: "1. Rigid board insu{ation at cavity wafl construction and perimeter foundation walls. 2. High-density rigid board insulation course underside of floor slabs." The insulation in question is under the Exhibit Hatl floor slab. uVhen determining the type of insulation, manufacturers allowed, etc., the specifications must be read. Since only rivo types of insulation for three locations are specified, it is reasonable to determine the rype under the floor slab, in all cases, is high-density insulation_ This was reitesated to MAM in Request for lnformation #G-80 on 1 March 1996 and in a letter to MAM on 2 September 1997. The work required for the high-density insulatioa is show� in the documents and no addi6onal cost is approved. In summary, CPMt recommends $21,490 be approved for the above four items. Sincerely, COST, PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, IfVC. �� Susan Campbei Jones Projecf Manager � cc: Jim O'Leary Dick Zehring Chris Hansen Mike Pederson PaulOberhaus 3225-4042 C� • i FtECEIV Proposal 'S �. t5�0 Date: 01 March 1997 Contract No.: 4.0� t�r -}-,� /7 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 1 JG �/ /� 1. it is requested the completion date be (x) extended, () decreased, () unchanged by catendar days. The adjusied completion date wil4 be i� accordance with Mortenson's request for an equitable contract adiustment dated 21 Januarv � 997. 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appticablel. Reference RFP No.: 4.05 ; FO No.: ; PCO No.: Title: Modifications alonq B 2 and 4 2 due to CP-1 excavation 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is • Adequate supporting detaiis and information pncreasedl (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. (! Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S () Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: 01 March 1997 Cont actor � ��—�� Contractor Signature FOR CPMIUSE Action Recommended: (Check one) () Change will not be made. Expfain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 )(•1 Proceed on the following basis: T � �) As indicated above, change and basis of payment +s acceptable. � Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. �Basis of payment shall be 5��,' `�The following modification is recommend0d: /� ( � Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. �'�Change is acceptab4e with no change in completion date. �� ) Other 2. Reasonfor Change: O Design Change {) Ctient Request (� Field Condition �uggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the origina( confract scope? ( 1 YES ��O 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �ES ( 1 NO 5. A/E consulte . �ES ( 1 NO Prepared by: —�' �� CPMp Approved by (HGA) / .�,� Approved by J- ����''L �r;^,�CE7S.�s- �« 7�J {Owner) .� J CPMI Inc., c/o Saint Pauf Civic Center, LA. O'Shanghnessy Plaza, 1A3 West Fourt cc: Ghris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Date: �� �" �� Date: � — � Paut, MN 551�2-1 3225- - 3/1/97 • � description: RFP#4.5 rev Tdle: Mod Mortenson Labor. (Seeattached) Mortenson Materiaf: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) SA/NTPAUL. MN SS702 PK FiIX�61L193-9557 62 and 42 d�e to CP-7 excavation ��5� St. Paul Civic Center F�cpansion Summary Change Proposal 9.317 Generel Conditions: $ (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTALM.A.MOrtenson $ 165,787 SUBCONTRACTORS/VENDORS �, Am6assador $ �' • 2. Ames $ 22 3. Kremer-Davis $ (640) 4. ProspedOrilling $ 1,000 5. Sowles $ �'� 6. $ 7. $ - S. $ - 9. $ - 10. $ - SUB70TAL SublVend $ 3,5a6 SUBTOTALFee M. A. Mortenson Company fee: Subcont�actorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: $ Am $ 131,284 $ 25.192 $ $ $ 775 $ 24,868 $ 25,043 Total Material & Equipment $ 25,792 M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment T�: 7% $ t,763 SUB70TALTa�c $ '1,763 A. Mortenson + SubNend + Eee + • Builder's Risk GCl lnsurance Costs Payment & Perfortnance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance 8 Bonds ST. PAUt C(V/C CENTER IXPANSION 0.0007 ($.7Nhousand) $ �4� 0.0038 ($3.77lfhousand) $ �3 0.0050 ($4.9593lfhousand) $ g 3 Page 1 � � j l.� ��(�`'�, � -�� '` ' y\' ° �`\ ��� ' • • C 1 J O s R � h a d, P N N b � � i � � h � q J a C �' � rv � C m � # a � U O � Z a �' U � � M m O (� ���6 � p N ¢ 2� t��l M m � O � N � 'J m N Q ag a� � �� 0 � � � W � ` m Z o 0 o O o e[ � N ^ O O O O O O fL� W^ N o 0 0 0 0 a . p o � � O � W y �m Q o o ° o ° o 0 0 O �� o 0 0 0 0 a w o � LL O G Z W ¢ 3WQ � o 0 0 000 YZ� �+ o 0 0 0 0 U j O � m � w �- z °�' �, o °' ^ � ° � W 'n � � � r `� r 4 � � � � O�] � M N N I� � " U K � W W N � Q Z^ m p o 0 0 0 0 m F O O O O O O � W Q � h � oJ � � _ � - O oJ O W m � 1� A .-- O � � N N go� � p M�� � 0 m � 5 � o d � o Z � LL o 0 W � o " mW� � � _ ` a � m � � O � J � � m n @ II c F4- m 4¢- � � -� J m o �� � �N w m m m� m m m 3 m o � �` �a� N � m a • MaYI t� t5�0 SL PAUL CMC CENTER EJ?'ANSfON 300EAGLES7'REET JOBID:9�1042 SAINT PAUL. MN 55(02 PH: 672J293-9154 FAX 612t293-9557 C.P. No. RFP#4.5 rev Reference: Date: 3�1�97 • • Material Quant+ry Und UnRCost Total Measure Abandonedplywood 77739sfofforzn 0.5625 6265.69 Abandoned lumber 11739 sfoffortn 0.4658 522�.96 Additionalties 7770sfofform 0.9063 6987.57 Concrete - 5000 psi; WJC 0.40 112.5 cy 0.77 86.63 Flowable fill 170 cy 39.00 6630.OD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal . _ 25191.85 Page 1 �� • • • Eqpt C.P. No. RFPtE4.5 rev Reference: Date: 3!'I/97 frames braces feet planks midrails/endrails �� �5�d ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER IXPANSION 300 EAGLE STR6ET JOB ID� ��? 1042 SAfNT PAUL. MN 55/02 PK 61?/293-9/56 FAX� 61�93-9557 � E4PT 1 3600 1 900 1 743 1 2610 1 675 is Is Is fs Is roTa� EQPT. 3600 900 743 2610 675 FORM EQUfPMENT-ABANDONED camlocks Is 1 533 533 anchorlocks Is 1 250 250 TOTAL EQUIPMENT 9311 Page 1 �015�10 PROJ The Constructiorz Organization� • PROJECT DATE � � SHEET � OF� � �5�� PROJECT 1N FORMATION SHEEI=MEMO PAD • i 2 3 4 The Coicstruction Organization� PROJEC7 DATE 4AR-T A 1.1A�L At Hv R 2.1 LRBoC— ��awE� 3`f2g 5F - 'T¢.�6 a�z s�nr� tuAw �eCM , dl£ S�oE oF FaUnVkR.� �P<P-Td ��� sF r�,-r.,a� 3429 � �7�,0 ��-S�oE� �...aw -�t,�,_ -rw> 5,�� �����,a�EO� �s58 � / / sr \ 5 YaP�+NS� ' ( 3y29 sF !`S.ILe /PY- I ��os HovK 6 FV-TJAI. ' \�SSS SF ) � (�.��j��MF�_' �17.5 ihoP'� ] el _' s io � . __ . ._ . _ . �ess: g HouR-S n 12 ..__[A- �5 5F Two-S�oio 6++�G� wA.�n . T�.w S�pcS oF T�eW�wR-k. }¢F�F c7 �'� Z(co2 S� .:._. .P W�eo 3b'�..,- - 13 ,- /tGSUht �j$°� SF HYBR�o e�E-5�9�� tuAU. F es± . Tw� 5.oas eF FoWw�.u�n kPoR �o ��(p72 SF l4 _. -- . . . _._ __ _ SF ( ) I • ts _ _'.. �; P_WaWeo �� _`7(002 SF � �_(��.�� INr-,__� �O�? NeocS _ SF ,e _R�,-�A� (�c�z sF � �(Y,�s Ia 1(�3S Nm��.S ` __ ---- -..�__ __ ,8 ---� ,__ _ _ wss' _ . g�l_ a _ -___ , 1� ' � 19 � _ _ __. : . , - _• - _ p -_„_'_"_'_.__.-,"_" __+___ . . -- . _ - _ _ 2t 11 A7�LtW _ -.P�Oc9 �-±c' To Lt1N.�'�.'c Te �Sj0��0 be+� G�A�t FaWn� 72 / � z+ _� 3�9�P�YwooO _�Z23o sF � l .Sbzs�sF � ° �06.� z< _ __. Z,� W�E�_ �_7z 3o sF _� � . �68s f 5F � = 33 $9 25 _ _��a��_laeP.T�ES. ..�3�� �F ,J l .90�3/SF'' J� 26 2T �_ _ ' . ' � �Q���� 26 29 , _( � _ .. ' �L`�won9 '� _.wm�3ce� ABne�on,.aE� q'T aLl a.eE.ae , 3i ' TiES iNGt-uo�o �� �.Sc G�-S,�c.9 'reRt�.uq0.s- • � 33 34 35 SHEET' Z OF � ��J�� iN The Constrr�ctioa Organization� • PROJECT � z 3 4 5 fi ] E 1 i 7 t i ,� , • DATE ,• � � �o� 'FWHaEO �J SF Ti.�o-S�oen Gnrce FeRti._ Ti.� SIOES eF T-ewn..,. P.el�'�'ca°'>>7F�Igs� FSCTa�P` 3904 S� H"IBF oue-S�o<O t.,A� Fa¢M. Ti.w s�oes ef FeR++�.. Y�tba-r� � 76�8 sF 5� �.A...-�� = ��8,s s� � �ti,YS ��x- � _ �g3 Ha��s \ SF per,,� A �. ' � 7S 18 SF ) I ��r0 � NF ' 1�J I HouR�S 998 r��s r 3 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 q rg � 30 31 � 3;5 34 35 � MA'iER�AL ' QDO� b� 'fo CA�+tcE "To N oYE�s�O� �Aa.�. iewti 3 1v p�9woo9 \39oQ SF ) (.S62S �5F> °� Z19� z,� wNgtr__ �3goa sF � (.�(�as�SF_� = l833 Ib� �e - r�es l�To4 sF )�.�0�3� J� 35�}3 -- - � 7575 N� _ ' I�bY4a�+n W O wrn9el� Aniwo�..a� A. Au- n�-�z SHEET � OF � The Construchon Orgdnizationm � _PROJECT ° - � :CT iNFORMA�ION SF-IEET- DATE- �� , ,.;�:. :. --� � -:- ' ° , --- - --- -- - - - - - --- - ! --- -- - ' - - -.- ----�--�--�---_ - - - , , : ; . ; : ,; _ ; -- _ �.�_���' ��MM;e-� - -- ' =-----`-----' - - ---- - "- -. -- . --. -- -= - - --- -. 3 -- " - 7- - _ __. _ ' f . 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PAUL, MN 55102 DATE= 6/13/s6 JOtS NUZVIBER: 2595033 jj�,_ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER LGCAiION: sT. PAUL MN CHANGE PROPOSAL NO. z6 1 ti1S CHANGE: ADD $356.00 PLUS TAX BE��'RIPTIQN OF PAOPd 4L RFOIIEST • • R F P 4.05 ADD HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTZON JOINTS AT 8'-D" o/c TO WALL ON GRID LINE B-2 TAIS REQIIIRES ADDING I,APS TO VERTICAL BARS. ADD .76 TON OF REINFORCING STEEL NO REDETAILING RE4UIRED LAPS TAAT WERE ADDED: 375 pcs $? x 1'-5" 375 pcs x 2'-1" $356.00 PLUS TAX =�38 � THE ABOVE WORR WILL NOT PROCEED UNTIL WE RECEIVE A WRITTEN CI3ANGE ORDER TO OUR CONTRACT. NOTE: PLEASE CONFIR�i THiS PROPOSAl. BY SIGVINCs UNE COPY Ai�iD RE"RTRNING LT TOOURQFFLCE. Ai�I ACKNOWi.EuGED COPY WILL BE RETliRNED TO YOii FOR yOliR FII.ES. ACCtPTED: [i 1f _ AUTHORIZED StGNATUitE DATE: AiviBASSADOR STEEL MIN1v"EAPOi.IS SALES OFFiCE 13Y Li/!L)17G-•� (:�tx 4 Ci !%-,� ., ,� t �' ��"i THOMAS CHEGARIS ��� i iTLE: sr.LES REPRESENTATIVE DATE: e-13-96 TRUE HAPPINESS OEPENDS UPON A PERSONAL RELATIONSti�P WITH GOO � . �ei 0 �i 1 - !�tJ.l L���' _�. `: -. F<=' - �- `. .- -- -= - •' ' _' _ ' ' - _ '- ' ; -�-" _ � -, r . - - — _ Q �- r --- �_ - �od D ���������a lc��r� ��� -��l D_ ������ �,� �-�� Q �� ',�- N 4 R 15 19� _ . _ . -_ ., � . . : A Mo � j � N SQNGO•. �A.P• FRO POS.�L 1:E�► E� E�"T • _ - _ . ... ... - : _ _ pAT�: �/'—s1s IGB Nut�IGER: 2[ssa�s �-(�. 2S.R_ Mcrtcnson - 3�0 sag'_� st_ gt_ Pau3, �t 5�102 g�_ gr_: PauS C9-vic Cen�r at�: roaa shi�?�s LOCATION_ St. Fau1, t^� CHaNGE PRdPOSAL �iO_ 1 § THIS C:I-s•P+ZTGE: Adc $S?S-O� P2i ^-'=%� �c� "RLPTTCY7Y nF PS:,nF'n4.li F£n�fiFST � � P � � 1� �-1-� - u 1�.� _ :,L`D 1603 L�-F�- QP �= 2�<=3�2QxC1�G STEFL P��F?OPT$ C'�T»L FftCM &T_ETJ^" FC�CIn . 'Gx R/3-G/°6. � - � - pS)L` �9 T6?7 OF P..�°SYPCR.^.�ti6 ST"3?L 2YCIIDY?tG AODST=QN.�_L F��G°-.'-" . - Ldi+SP SGIi $ 575 _flG+.2:._ -- -- �� ---- - - . �. .-. . 'S'6 11:-Id : F4S .161:ti'_3J�J=:S . - .:L[B�SS�lUUR STEEL . . T¢3 230�2 WORS WYLL :70T P�G�D G:iTIZ &� FLEC£SVE 71 W?STTE3 CFi�lYGG Ga2D�2 T� OCIR COF1T?3CT. = �� / ' � 7 S �r ! , � �-- � �iQTi..: PLcASE CO�tE[Zwt TF;LS Pftd?O�AL.6Y SiC�IaiG O1�tE CUYY A.V7� 5lt.iL:F VLuG ST Tt� OL'+ZOEF[CL-. AN ACki'�O�i+T..E�ED COPY WII1_ 8L R�l'Ui�*tp TO YOCi FQR • YOIJR FILL-S. - - ACCE.aI"Et7= B�: AUTHOz2S7-ED S�GNATUR£ °- -- ciTl� • DATE_ ----•— - _ � _ � � ' � ..�TRUEn _ ' � _{_ _ - :.� � ' � ' AZviEASSADOR STEEL �vII1vTt��15 SALES p�'riCE � � (� -�!� BY � �..C d . ��.,:-�,t., ThODias T_ Cri@S�is .- . _� ��� .Salos���rg�a�t3t-4v� ' t�a�z '4-f �.�f 96 - :-DF2'£1?DS'1�°'�`�.Pi��??va ' '� - P�qTjp(�{STi�?Y1fiTiQ70 _ ' _. '"' " ' ' 9 _ - C <c - -� � __ - ` �_ � � � _ ' =- - - - . � ' � -�� - - - ^ - : : .. ^' � 'y�_ -• -_ _ - _ _ _ �'. `.i " .'�� _' _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ .. _ w . �.. `._ _ � ..� ._� _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ ,_. _ _ �_ � _ _ _ _ ___ . __ _ _ _ _ __ -_^_ . _ . _.. .� __ ' .. _ . _ .. '.� � _ - .. .�. _ _ _ __ __ . _.� .. _ _ . '•- .� .. _._. � . ' . ' • ' . . __ _ _-_...^ .i _ _ __ __ _ � � . . . . . � . '- '- � . . .. ' � . " . - . .�� - . . ._ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ . .._,+ _ _ . .. . . : : .. ii%P4/�4� 12:Op F9S 6121357507 �9SS�iDUR STEEL t�ooi; ooi � �5�1� • 1973 Broad�,rdy Streat NE • Minneapolis, Minnesofa 55473 � 6'12-623-0302 • rAX 67"L-bz's-syz's • •.�l�� . •13f f'•M. � pATEz 1l/4/96 TO: M. A. Mortenson .705 N�]MBER: 2595033 300 Fagle Street St_ Pau1, Mt3 55"! 02 �: ���� �� � � c� �� �� o RE: St_ Pau1 civic Center NOV - 4 D St. paul � 1996 ��nge praposal No. 53 cxArrcE PROPOSai. r7o_ s3 �VI.A. MORTElVSON CQ. �� c�,�: Ann: �sis.oa + r.a� nESCxz�rzoiv oF �opasxL x�sT 12E'P 4.5 ADDEP one sided �1 per Al 12iechow_ Ao17 1.8 tAns ra�nforczng steel L[R�IF SUM $84b.00 �: �5.00 �.+ps, $915 _ 00 + tax 1 � I O � NCC7PE: PLEASE, �NE'Il2M THIS PROFOSAI, BY SIINING 01VE eOPY AND REISJRNSNG IT To ovR oFFICE _ AN Ac[asbulLF.oGID oOPX WIS.L BE REi'UI'.NED 'I�3 Y00 k'QR YO[IIt FII�F'S. • � w� .+u�+. '-�-` TrTL�' .� a pMSASSF�D�R gTEEC, CpgT'ORRTION HX- �� � • 'j�DM Q�ARIS '�''�'�'r SAL�S RFPRFSENI'ATIVE ��- U�ra- ��6 TRUE HAPPINESS DEPENDS UPON A PERSONAL RELATiONS}i1P W1TH GOP w.. ,�Y� r... .... IAO ' 1 . ' ' . . ... . _ � . . _ _ _ ���-_ -_ __ __ __ __._ ' _ . _ _._ ': _ :.._. .-.. -. . .. .. . ".e=:" __ _ . �.__"__�— ___ __ _ _ _ � �__ __ __ _ _ � " .�_____.__�__._.�...-- - _ _ _ _.���..�.." -'_ i.__... _ _ - _ - __- T- - _ _ ." __ � . __-�_. `_'__'_____'_'.. . '._'"__ �__=:-::.r_ ".:. _=°s'_ o'." " __"__""_ " " . -: . _� o�_ .. "_'_'.... . _______ __" ' ' ' _ _'_'_" _"_'_"_ _ ._, _ ' ?. _� �=C-'_—_-: .._:l ".� "-'"'_` ' ��.� '_ _ '_ �� . .... � : -= Ar,�;s cor"isnivc?c�ori; =INC: :. = = - �OOlS i� ,�' ,�} __ _ " : �..:=; i.�aza cou�r7r xanD s . - ' SURNSVIIZE. MI�`7;3ESOTA 55306 " = - (b12) 435-7IOb • F?X 435-7143 March 25; I996 _ _ Iv1.A. ivfortenson Co.r2pany - 300 Ea�Ie Street _.- ; Saint Paul, Minn�o� 55102 ' - - At�ention- Keith Kolacia Subj�i: _.:._._ KFF' 4.5 ,=Revised Wz1 at Grid B31 per R�T G134 (LeJeune St�l Co.} Seint Paul Civic Cente: E�ansion - CP-4 S�ntPaul;Ivlinnesota 5�102 Mortrnson Iob � 95I042 � Zvlr. Koiacia_ �Ve have .revieced tbe ref�:encefl modification as it affects out sc DDZ O� �vOl�t•- RFI G1�� ��OL�Ci furcher revise the wa]i at gsid B.2 2 in tne z:ea of St�ar f13. Cet� ain ueas wotld r::n2i. f u:� � i*.n the nor�h column face instezd oi suif�a; I"_" to the south The afzect to our scope of u%or�: dve to tius request would bz tbe add:tional escavation �c t4e s�b k�all between 2zid 3.6 and 3.6]. Additional s�otcrete aad szndswne to be removed i� � cubic yares_ The addihonal cost fo� this work is tabulated bzlow. .'` :' _- -.. isbnr & Eannment Total Rate �stensi�n Fore�nan 5.(} ��0-00 5250.00 CAT 235 I3ce u%t I�ammer �.Q �205_00 $I,02�.00 CAT 953 Loader 2-0 S30.00 SI6Q.OQ Laborer 5.0 527.22 �1�6.10 TandemTruck �.0 5�0.04 $ISQ.QO Concrete 3aumP CharSes per load 1.0 �72A0 $72.00 SubEotai �1,79314 'T'otai with 7�5% M�rk Up �2,D6Z.07 Should there be any que�'nons� Please give me a call. � .,�/� -(QiV� Sincerely, �2�✓( • �� �/ � - - j�'_°`�-z--� -_ ` • Nlichael M�llet .. - _ - =. Pzolect Nlana�ez. --_ - .. _ _ _ " _ - - -- � ' _ " -- - - __ _ _-�:� - _ - r:r�, ___ - - - - - ='�•-�_:; -- - -- - - --°-= w.�._ _ :'a,�Favaroc�=-�y�. _ �- - - - - "�_'�?� - - ' -- - _:s=_ -- - ��{/�.[ _ � �. Y^ QCS1liI �a. �. /' � � �� j C � f ��{�-�µ r �O1.V�yy . ��G1lV4�u�Al44V3� � u]eWT✓�'� • ' ' � _---- -- ----_--- _- --- - __-. :_'_-. . .:� -- w:ti TpTHL FAGE.r _c-t. - = - _;�-_-- - -- = - - - - � - • , � I February 20 1997 AME5 CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 M.A.Mortenson Company 300 Eagle Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attention: Allen Troshinsky J B3C�� F�21P1R2*10R DllC YO �O`.� F�� Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion - CP-4 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Mortenson Job # 951042 Mr. Troshinsky: ���� ` , .� � /� � ����� �� FEB 2 4 1997 �v9.A. �i�R7EfVSON C0. • You have requested a credit for wall backfill that was not required due to flow fill grout used at the northeast corner of the pazking ramp. The flow fill was used since there was no room for standazd backfill technigues. The wall was formed at this location with a one-sided form due to the lack of room behind the wall. This condition occurred along the north wall line from grid 3.8 to 4.2 from elevation 76 to 92. From there, it angled northeast and fmally south to approximately grid B.7. This was a total length of about 2701ineal feet. The height of backfill eliminated varies from about 17 feet in height tapering to nothing. We have calculated the credit as follows. Eliminated Backfill 408 CX C$5.00/CY • Should there be any questions, piease give me a call. Sincerely, ` v'-'�" �`� �—`� ``� Michael Moeller Project Manager. _ $2,040.00 .1�' Er�wt �PPOm�niry Fr^PWYer OFFICFS IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PHOF,NLY, ARI7.ONA • SALT LAKE CI1'Y, UTAH - •� �:•,t... . 's:;.�:;:_;, : �,=".-:.:-=..: -_, , - i1:�S �=� ��� z��~ 1 `k�.D9VI5 - +�y 3SUR'I'EtiSON LI�`Ir �i9p1 �90. _ d812 �88 8}35 �� > - -�„ - __ `-.,�xx x ; . _ . � , .� - = - _ � �: ' ' z . - 1 __- _ .., . _ _. �i � �', „, , -_ -- . - ` ' . W.I7FRPROUF7JIO CLY+RRAC7GF� �^ � .... ., s �5�. vJ_. - - `. ` � LJ L� 3JHCE7?{d KREMER & DAVIS, zNG: � ." ��`.PA�BOX2S , ' 390� JF'rF,FFSLJN STREFf HF. , (AN?tEAPOL MN SSd27 . - JIILY 15, 1i96 M A MOR StPAIIL CZVTC CENTER CP-4 ATTN_ SEA RE: R£P 4 JOH.7SON TO DELETE W�TERPROOEI�TG ALOtiG W: LL B_21 • � - S � �..< : � • - - ��" , _--. . : II£DUCT: $ 64'0.00 Yours very ¢uly, KAEMER & DAV1S, INC. ` � 5 ���-.--- . Michael L. Prnu � DIAMOHD CANC2tF.TF SAWSNGA?3II CORE DRiLLIIdG 1Z813II3f3USTR3AL PARK BI.VD PLYki0U1'FI, MN 554d1 PHONE(b12}357-082p FAX(622�551-b7I0 �ICG. � ool �.1 �5�� NAME: L�� °• DA'FE: `'3 – �–`�,^� F7Ri�i_ Y�oCt�-�.JSO.: FA7� FRflM: � :��vrt—_ PHQNE: WSARE2kritffiR!'III7fl�PACg'{8)IIiC3ADPZ6ffi4 cOVf3tIE17FA 1P18AN8M7F.5COL2}5 XOiC�7Pi.ElE,FiE4H8 C14L(612) i37-08za. � .. . . I . ." , . :�• � . . � ��• �. l�.V'<<— ( C c --4 ¢ ( 2_� l`�t -�_ . � � �/•�fLi 1C�_ ��c.+T`� 1 b�� `} Zi t G� �ss�.,� •-�..�- �--.� » �,,,.` G-��� C.�s� � 1`t� -- � r.�» s�.� „(� �,�,=�J� � � � ; --C�1�5 �7 . r�EC 1�: �yc ��= s�ri csze7��a i C G M o 4 N Y Ref File # • Page 1 of I Bid Date: Project l�iame: Pcoject Address: i'� i � r i1s. ._ \ � C i . C i lt .' .� ! ' ! . :_ _ . December 1 Sth, 1996 St. Papl Civic Center Eapa�asian, CP-4: S� Paui, Mionesota. Mlnneapolis 612-872-4656 672-872-6824 (FAX) BOlings 406-24$-4364 ao5-za8-8330 (Fax) a�e -922-3121 509-925�984 (FAX} Gen. Contractor: M. A. Mortenson Company �nc. G.C. Address� 70Q Mzadow Lxne North Phone # 612-293-4I54 Mioneapolis, MN 5542�.'-4899 Fax # 612-?43-4557 Attention: Hrather Jensen Sidder's Nazpc: �.�;. I�oCUMENT- �'OPE of WORK- Fes_�[iRti� Simon K Ktliauya This price proposa! is for labor oNy including nzcessary EquzpmenUTools for the Erec,tion(Iustallation of the Scope uf lxlorl: as ta6ntated in the CHAPIGE ORAER DOCUMEN'P{s) noted belo���. RF.P. #� Adds. ��5 � c5�o F.�, 9 LH. sowie� 2813 Bryd�t Avenue u[h MiMeapolis, MN 55408-2124 $ 99Q.40 Lump Sam Price. Concrete Reinforcin� Steei: RFP #4.50 Adds 1_80'Fons of #5 Rebar c�i added wali. Please �ssae a change order to reftect our addttional cost in installation of note work per above reterenced docuraent . i F �� �a �5 L.H. SOWLES COMPANY 2813 Bryant Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 554D8 Date SEP7.25 ,199 � � � � � IJ; Number of pages incfuding cov et S � p 2 6 3qq�' �;1.A. ���TENS'J� G0. To_ ALLEN TROSHINSKY Phone • Fax Phone From: DAN SOWLES 612-872-4656 Phone FaxPhone 6�2-872-6&24 CC: ❑ Usgent [] For your review ❑ Reply ASAP DEAR ALLEN, PLEASE fSSUE A CHANGE ORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING. ❑ Please comment 1) OUR F(ELD WORK ORDER # 46645,( R.F.P.# 4.5) 2.5 HOURS AT 63.75=$'i59.00 2)OUR FiELD WORK ORDER # 46644, ( FO, 4.54) 1.5 HOURS AT 63.75= $96.00 3)OUR FlELD WORK QRDER # 46643, _(R.F P. # 4.2} 3 HOURS AT $66.24= $ 199.00 4) OUR FiELD WORK ORDER # 46631, (f2.F.P. 4.40) 5) OUR FIELD WORK ORDER � 46636, ( f.o. # 4.41) 6 HOURS AT $63.75= $382.00 SUB TOTA� $582.00 8 HOUftS AT $63.75= $5t0.OQ 7 HOUftS AT $ 66.75= $467.00 7 HOURS AT $ 63.75= 4$ 46.04 • f" SUB TOTAL $ 913.00 6) OUR F(EL� WORK ORQER # 46632, ( F.O. # F4-38) 3 HOURS AT $63.75 $ 191.00 THANK YOU VERY MUGH, DAN SOWLES � :.s ' a r - : � - - z :. 8 s - r` - t•'� - �i�iii�'.< � . _ . , - - �--e.K.� vv x[ j" _ "�2813 8ryant Avenue South FIELD .ORDER �� v � l-H .O�NLES �'��M����S MN554D82'179 � , � - � �,�csi21 e�2=d'sss �. `� � " - y� - '"'' � - �� • _ (6�2] 872-6824 (FlllO - ;, 3 ` '� �� _ - ` - s� - _ � .�'*s Y" ,. -.- - �� � Date - ;-'� ' � �� F ^ ' Job � - C �"r ` ,706 No_ ����� _ ._: J �� ��-��� �- : _ , : Customer ,ClLC!'� � '� ` Order Na - s _ �-�� 1 •:\ ._.$. ' "E '-. Address :. _ _ � , z, __ . - "-.. " � �,-; - ;;DESCRIPTIONOFSERVICESPEAf-0RMED �- � . ���" . `��.' . - : (Labor classificaAOn and num6er of hdurs for eachl - - � -� HOURS , ` RATE � - - � - - - ' " - "- (Eqiiipment tiy type and hours; and/or materials use� �: - ' , � - - � -` - - - - . _ _ -, -. .', ._ _ .' _ - _ ' _ _ . -._ . ._. __ _ _ � - . °:.,.,.. -�:, �:.:_i:: _ _ ' _ _ •; i�'y: �. .. . . - i , . - :-A:�.,_. _ - _ . _ F � �. ��. �.. v, :A ' " ` LABOR ,-: =. ' ; ". _. ' „_ . �. - _ :.,. _. ., - - - - - - =- - _ -= - . _ = _ _ _ - � - - � - - - - i :� . _ =�_ .- . ,- _ _ _.� � , � � - - � - - , . =r:i . _._ - � _ _ � _ - , � . � - F � .�� k R : �� . � � �- ' - '�1-�- � � �; 5 fi _ � ::�.s � _ � �4 - � " � t -/ , - �i a�// ; .l.�.t t � � � " � =T�: � _ _ �._ � - Q� , o�°. S t. - ` . - = ; - ; - =- ;•: - - z - , i� :; !'� �,�� �� i.t.t�.l l ('� av�- �N� : _ _ � . : . � - � . � � - . � . , -.� �, . . . . . _ . � �- ., . .. � : -. . , � - � � ' �� . - - E�UIPMENT AND TOOLS: � � i '� - �. : �t . „ � � - G� . � -� - ,e = � � : `_ Z5- G ;_ - �_ - ., :._ ; tHSOWt S � . .:. ` >, � : ; % - - Customed' - - - ` - - - - - "3 -' 1 ," � ey � gy _ � . - � . �� 1 WHITE� - 2.Y lOW �...'3 PINK'= - ,THISNUMB�RMUST ,,-�0-_ A6 �":- -- � - - - -_ �APPEARONINVOICE . ,: _ ��_ ,� Y ,� 3aa� - 404-���(� �15�t0 J MOR�`ENSOH The Constrzsceion Organizarion 14 February 1997 Telephone: (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (672) 520-3430 Susan Jones CPMI c/ o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul MN SS102-1299 Re: Subject • Dear Susan: • Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 PCO#91- RFI#G-80 Change Insulation to High-Density BUILDING DIVISION Minneapol"�s Office 700 Meadow Lane Nortfi P.O. Box 710 {55440-0710) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 �� i" ��� ��� ���� ��� � v . �J � ��W' �\�� � In accordance with HGA's 01 March 1996 xesponse to RFI#G-80, ich changed the insulation t�etween Ehe engineered fi11 and parking raznp from regular insulaflon to gh-density insulation, we quote the sum of Forty Thousand One Hundred Ninety-Seven Dollars (+ 0,197.00) for the added costs. Enclosed are copies of subcontractor �uotations and our price break wn. Please let me know if you need additional information or clarificafion on the endosed. Please ' ue a contract change order. The amount quoted includes only the cost o&t�ie changes identified herein. Changes ro the contract not specificatly identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. MorYenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for additional costs and time related to the unpact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Very truly yours, � � ����� Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: CPMI PCO#91 Minneapolis•Seattle •Denver•Colorado Springs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•HOnolulu•Los Angeles �