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ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK a / PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE CITY OF ST. PAUL ��1 `L COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE — 9'A File No. 214689 — By Milton 496NCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 111- 5 'Addition: which mi ht lmprove- DATE __ -o °�;:.�z3 l'. :S�n�fruction of 'vi E9 •.d_' -' i-; 41910smee-r arc' WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the Construction of the Jackson Street Bridge over Arch, Pennsylvania, Minnehaha Highway, Comptroller's Contract 16517, Sheehy Bridge Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the specifications; and WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the following additions: Change Order No. 1 1. Adjust Manhole No. 17 Frame and Ring Casting to new grade $ 50.0 0 •2. Furnish and Install 12 " R.C.P. Sewer, Class 1+, between Manhole No. 7 and Manhole No. 17 35 Lin. Ft. @ $7.35/ft. 257.25 Total Change Order No. 1 -$ 307.25 Change Order No. 2 1. Saw longitudinal dummy joints in new concrete pavement at the quarter points 208 Lin. Ft. @ $1.15 /ft $ 239.20 2. Seal Coat new Bituminous Surface on Arch Street 2J Tons Aggregate @ $25.00 /ton 62.50 50 Gallons•Asphalt Emulsion @ $.60 /gal. 30.00 J Total Change Order No. 2 -$ 331.70 Total Addition $ 638.95 WHEREAS, The addition is $638.95; now, therefore, be it j� RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul, through its City Council, approves the foregoing addition made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $638.95, said amount to be added to the cost of the final quantities named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract 15517, for the making of the above improvement. This additional amount to be financed from P.I.R. Fund Code 3001 and to be reim- bursed from County Aid (1962). The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named Contractor that the sum of $638.95 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. SEP 13 1963 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays SEP 13 1963 Dalghsh Holland Approved 19— Loss 11 In Favor Mortinson I Q Pe erson Mayor Rolsen Against Mr. President,: V av oulis 10111 6-62 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER y,� ��i,�ti../� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. F`'` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE %W%O, Aftl tdsitth a!i ght to be :fairy In, tY►a ov+ait aoribed as Vw (C it=ti(X of the as *sCn Strsakt Bridge over Arch$ 141nnsrlvanifti, Xi Naha M*nmyo CcoMtroller t s Ccz tr 1b517s ghesby Bridgo Co2stracti©n CosRftyP omt tort halve 'boon provided for In the speoltioattion ej sod WHOM, It has befit toasd nea""ry to ss>Ita the toUdwing additions: Chia Opw No,, 1 1. A4just Xaanbolo No. 17 Prow and Ping Casting to Uw grade 4 54.40 2. ft rnish and InstW11 12" RwC.Pw gewsro Cis 4,. betv6ft )whole loo 7 a04 XMI014 Vo. 17 35 Un. Itt. $ *735 /ft. Total. Chugs Ordw Not 14 X07. E5 Change Order ]go. 2 1. Sw longitudIW3 dam► joints in nw Crete pav"Sut at the quarter points 4$ Lino Ft, ! 41-15/6 4 Q39.0o 2. Sftl Coact new Bitut noes etoe an Arch Street 4 Tme Aggregate ® 425-00/t= 622,50 50 G&Iloas Aspmt XmIsInn . 40 *- 60 /sao 22400 ,_ T0t$1 Change Q de Ito- e4 331.74 Toot A&Ution * 638.95 VHMW,s The addition is *638 *,95j WVo theretores be it iLVJAj That the City of St. Pva4j, through its City Council., approves the fftvoing aAd,ditiou *ado in accordance Vith the "itic*tions in the ca of *638 #95, said an amt, mt, to be ceded to the c"t of the VW quantities named in the amtract: 1t�mr wu as Ca®ptro11orls Coutract 16511., for the sing of the above i�rova!ani "to 7tis additlowa ant to be finamod from P.I.B. hind Code 300 , and to be reba- barased f roM County Aid (1962) . The Casaioner oi'uh7.ia Rorke agrel with the a rseelaed Contractor that t-be sum of $638.95 3s the Correct mount; to be a4W to tho abov* r traot. S E P,13 1963 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish SEP 1 � 191 Holland Approved 19— Loss �In Favor Mortinson Peterson o Mayor Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis font 6-Bz