07-1145Return copy to: (BJE) PW/T'echnical Services - Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annes F Presented By RESOLUTION NNESOTA 3046250 /S 2 WHEREAS, the Ci of S' Paul ("City") recently acquired a vacant parcel of land ("Outlot F") that abuts 3 a portion of the Upper Landing Urban Village housing development owned by the Mississippi Flats at 4 Upper Landing Condominium Association ("Mississippi Flats"); and 6 WFIEREA5, Mississippi Flats owns a Retaining Wall bordering Outlot F, the Samuel Morgan Trail, and 7 right-of-way between Outlot F and the Samuel Morgan Trail (the "License Area"); and 8 9 WIIEREAS, Mississippi Flats and the City have negotiated a Retaining Wall License Agreement (attached 10 hereto as E�ibit I to allow Mississippi Flats to use said License Area to access and maintain the Retaining 11 Wall; now, therefore be it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul do hereby approve said Retaining Wall License Agreement in a form and content substantially as set forth herein, and authorize the proper city offlcials to execute same. 2 6 Requested by the Division of: Adopted by Council: Date ���G'S�!/� Adoprion Certified by Co�mcil Secretary By: /' Approved b ya . Da ,�v n By: Council File # Green Sheet # ' � .- - � � ` s ( 1� �( Bv: OG�/ /�,C.Fi1w,,.� Director Form Approved by City Attomey By: i�i'f/'�`.i'. �s-�� . Approv y a r for Sub 'ssion to Council By: G�Real EstateV+cquisitious�Parks and RecreationWE2006 11 -- Centex_Outlot F�MissFlats LicrnseACpmcResoLdoc %� D'I-ll�/�" � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �7'��`7'"✓ pW —Pu6Lc wo�ks Confact person & Phone: Bruce Ergelbrekt 266-8854 Must Be on Council Agen Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Doeument Contaek Bruce Engelbrekt Contad Phone: 266�8854 12-NOV-07 � l�ssign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3046250 1 arks and Rxrestion De ar�eut Director 2 " Attame ChadStaW 3 or's Offim Ma or/Assisfant 4 oancil 5 ' Clerk C' Ckrk Approve resolufion to accept a Retaining Wall License Agreement betweeu fhe City of Saint Paul and the Mississippi Flats Upper Landing Condominium Association Pianning Commission CIB CommiBee Civil Service Commission 1. Has ihis person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does fhis personlfirtn pwseu a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach M green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Mississippi Flats owns a retaining wall bordering city-owned property along the Chestnut Street Plaza and Samuel Morgan Trail. Mississippi Flats needs a license from the City to authorize their use of a 15-foot area along the retaining wall for maintenance purposes. T'he attached license agreement provides that authorizarion. � Advarkages HApproved: Mississippi Flats will have [he necessary rights to maintain their retaining wall, and the City will ensure that its abutting property is protected. DisadvanWges HApproved: None DisadvanWges If NM Approved: . Mississippi Flats will be unable to access i[s retaining wall to do necessary maintenance. The City will have limited abIliry to protect our nnprovements on the abutting city properiy. �� Transadion: $0.00 Funding Source: Financial Information: (Expiain) AMivity Number. �������� �e'tY'� � �, C�!t�� CostlRevenue Budgeted: November 12, 200712:55 PM Page 1 ��-�i�� EXHIBIT I RETAINING WALL LICENSE AGREEMENT 1`FIIS AGREEMENT is given as of the day of , 2007, between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a municipal corporaUOn under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "Cit}�'), and Mississippi Flats at Upper Landing Condominium Association, a Minnesota nonprofit corporarion ("Mississippi Flats"). RECITALS A. Mississippi Flats owns certain real property located within the Upper Landing development project in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, UPPER LANDING LTRBAN VILLAGE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota (the "Mississippi F1ats Pazcel"). B. The City owns certain real property adjacent to the Mississippi Flats Pazcel, legally described as Outlot F, UPPER LANDING URBAN VII,I,AGE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota (the "City Parcel"). C. The City additionally holds easement rights over portions of Chestnut Street and the Samuel Morgan Trail, a portion of which was formerly referred to as Old Shepard Road (which was formerly Water Street according to Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul) ("City Easements") abutung the Mississippi Flats Parcel. D. The City intends to construct a pedestrian plaza, (the "Chestnut Street Plaza"), consisting of decorative paving, benches, planters, stairways, plantings and other related plaza amenities, upon the City Parcel and a portion of the City Easements between the City Pazcel and Sam Morgan Trail. E. There is a retaining wall located along the northeasterly and southeasterly boundaries of the Mississippi Flats Parcel ("Retaining Wall"). A portion of the Retaining Wall, namely the wall footings, extends approximately one (1) foot onto the City Pazcel and City Easements area. F. Mississippi Flats requires a Permanent Retaining Wall License (the "License") for the portion of the Retaining Wall located on the City Pazcel and City Easements, and for access, construction, reconstruction, inspection, repair and maintenance of the Retaining Wall. G. The City requues that Mississippi Flats's use of the City Pazcel and City Easements under the License not unduly interfere with the City's access to and use of the City Pazcel and City Easements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of One Dollaz ($1.00) and other good and o��/��� valuable consideration, the receipt and sufFciency of wluch aze hereby acknowledged, the City and Mississippi Flats hereby declare that the agreements, covenants, conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth shall be established over certain portions of the City Pazcel, the City Easements and Mississippi Flats Pazcel. ARTICLE 1 LICENSE 11 Grant of License. Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, the City hereby grants and conveys to Mississippi F1ats, its successors and assigns, a Permanent Retaining Wall License over, under, upon and across that portion of tkie City Pazcel and the City Easements as described and depicted on E�ibit A attached hereto (the "License Area") for the following purposes: A Encroachment of sub-surface wall footings; and B. Ongoing construction, reconstruction, inspection, repair and/or maintenance of the Retaining Wall or sub-surface wall footings. 1.2 Use. Mississippi F1ats shall limit its use of the License Area to access, construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair and maintain the Retaining Wall. The City shall be pemutted to install planrings, benches and other plaza ameniUes within the License Area. L3 Maintenance. Mississippi Flats shall be responsible for all maintenance of the Retaining Wall, including but not limited to cleaning, patching, sealing and other normal maintenance activities. Mississippi Flats also shall obtain any pernuts that may be required by the City to perform maintenance work within the License Area. 1.4 Restoration. Following completion of any access, construction, reconstruction, inspection, repair and/or maintenance activity within the License Area, if any plaza landscaping or improvements therein have been damaged due to the maintenance activity, Mississippi Flats shall promptly repair the damage and restore the improvements to their former condition or as close thereto as may be pracucal. 1.5 Access. Upon completion of the Chestnut Street Plaza construction, Mississippi Flats shall have the right to access the License Area for construction, reconstruction, inspection, repair andlor maintenance purposes, and shall provide the City notice of such access as follows: A. Inspecuon — forty-eight (48) hours B. Maintenance — five (5) business days Mississippi Flats shall make every reasonable effort to coordinate with the City Mississippi Flats's access to the License Area in order to minimize any impact on City activities and operations. 2 v�-���� ARTICLE 2 STAII2WAYS 21 Stairwavs. The Chestnut Street Plaza project includes the construction of two (2) staircvays, one from the plaza level on the City Parcel and another from the plaza level on the City Easements, to a higher elevation on the ground level of the Mississippi Flats Parcel. The stauways aze intended to facilitate pedestrian movement between the Mississippi Flats Pazcel and the City Pazcel. A. Mississipni Flats's Oblieations: Mississippi F1ats shall pernut the City to permanently attach the two (2) City-owned stairways to the Retaining Wall. B. Citv's Responsibilities: The City shall own and be responsible for consfiructing, reconstructing, inspecting, repairing and,maintaining the two (2) stairways. The City also shall be responsible to repair any damage that may occur to the portion of the Retaining Wall to which the City's stairways aze attached, but only if such damage is due to the attachment of the stairways. ARTICLE 3 GENERAL PROVLSIONS 3.1 Intentionally deleted. 3.2 RiEhts Reserved. Except for rights expressly granted to Mississippi Flats herein, the City reserves all rights in and to the License. The rights reserved herein are expressly limited by those acrions of the City which might damage the Retaining Wall or License Area or which might prevent access to the License Area by Mississippi F1ats. 33 Indemnification. Each party hereto shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other party from and against all claims, expenses, losses or liabilities in connection with any action or claims paid, suffered or incurred as a result of the indemnifying party's access, construction, reconstruction, inspection, repair or maintenance of the License or the two (2) stairways as provided in this Agreement. 3.4 Aereement Shall Continue Notwithstandina Breach. It is expressly agreed that no breach of this Agreement shall entifle any party to cancel, rescind or otherwise ternunate this Agreement. However, such limitation shall not affect in any manner any other rights or remedies which such party may have hereunder, or at law or in equity, by reason of any such breach. 3.5 Successors and Assigns. The terms and provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the owners of the Mississippi Flats Parcel and the City Pazcel and the covenants, agreements and License contained herein shall be deemed to run with and burden the City Pazcel. v�-ii� 3.6 Default, remedv. Mississippi Flats shall be in default under this Agreement if it fails to perform any of its obligafions hereunder within thirty (30) days of being given written notice of such failure by the City. Whenever a default by Mississippi Flats occurs, the City has the right to perform such obligation itself and recover from Mississippi Flats the costs and expenses so incurred by the City together with a reasonable sum for its administrative costs. These costs may be collected by the City through special assessment. The City has no right or remedy to terminate this License except by mutual written agreement of both the City and Mississippi Flats. 3.7 1Yme L'unitation. This Agreement and covenants shall remain in effect in perpetuity. 3.8 Amendment This Agreement may not be amended or modified without the written consent of the parties hereto. 39 Captions. The captions herein are inserted only for reference and in no way limit or describe the scope of tlus Agreement or the meaning of any provision hereof. 310 Counteraarts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which counterparts of this Agreement, taken together, shall constitute but one in the same instrument. 3.11 Governin¢ Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 3.12 Entire Aareemen� This Ageement embodies the entire ageement and understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements with respect to the matters stated herein. No representations, warranUes, undertaldngs or promises, whether oral, implied, written or otherwise, have been made by either party hereto to the other unless expressly stated in the above-referenced document, or unless mutually agreed to in writing between the parties hereto after the date hereof, and neither party has relied on any verbal representations, agreements or understandings not expressly set forth herein. [Separate Signature Pages Follow. j 07-//� SEPARATE SIGNATURE PAGE OF MISSISSIPPI FLATS AT UPPER LANDING CONDONIINIUM ASSOCIATION FOR RETAIlVING WALL LICENSE AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the undersigned has caused this Agreement to be made as of the day and year first above written. STATE OF IvIINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The instrument was aclmowledged before me this 1:��� day of November, 2007, by Todd M. Stutz, its President, on behalf of Mississippi Flats at Upper Landing Condominium Association, a Minnesota nonprofit corpora6on, on behalf of the corporation. > ��r i •' � / � � � � ii � ��.; ' • "' .: ���; �.� � ' � MISSISSIPPI FLATS AT UPPER ��-ll�� SEPARATE SIGNATC7RE PAGE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR RETAINING WALL LICENSE AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused tlus Agreement to be the day and year first above written. CITY OF SAINT By: _ Its Mayor By: Its ] of Financial5ervices City Clerk Approved as to form: Assistant City Attorney STATE OF MINNESOTA COLTNTY OF Ramsey / ) The Director, Off Saint Paul, a 389345_4 x�a istrument was acknowledged before me this day of , by , Mayor, of icial Services and , City Clerk of the City of municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Notary Public � ��-ii�� EXHIBIT A Le�al Description of Retainine Wall License Area on Citv Parcel All that part of Outlot F, UPPER LANDING URBAN VILLAGE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies southwesterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 15.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Oudot F and its extensions. Deniction of Retaining Wall License Area on Citv Easements and City Pazcel [See Drawing on Next Page] EXHIBIT A � LICENSE AREA - �- - -'� �_.,.__. -- - - - - '-- _ . � '_ . �- _ SHEPpR RoAD ____- � - -_-� ---- - --- __ =-.- � � r I �� 1 ��, � � ��'����, ,, , i ;; � ; ,i!� � i I ����a�o 15'License Area ------- -- - ------'— -- � -- _ _...__..__ �---------- - ... �. s ' � - ---_ '�.. � NnF[ 1 WALL PIIMNEM BPSELNE FqLOW USi 11NE OF BLIXM 1 LOi 1. fWiNG p1GtOPR1E5 INLO OYROi F z cornownre s*uc mrvsmucnox ww camnc.ow ra cxESmur vuu -- � -- `. `_}- �� �c�ue � ��,� �v.� � so_w<� � CONCTc1E PPNAS LCLO�iE� taYLiiEIE PAVFIAEN} � N£Th RqM1NG qi CONCREiE REiPINING WFLL e LtlNGEIE REfPINING WP;L � �