214594DUPLICA +r�"�TO�CITY CLERK •' RO LL DALGLISH' HOLLAND LOSS IN FAVOR "C"4T SON eGAINST ROSEN MR. PRES. VAVOULIS ADOPTED B .� " I APPROVED_ r r .°Ct,,Y'OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS COUNCIL FILE NUMBER Sept 3 19 63 PAGE , p RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS ,BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 382 IN THE AMOUNT OF $i 49,- 2 " 7 e y� COVERING ECKS 196151 R CHECKS O 'F EO FF C OF� CIT ICONIPT OCLERS X19_ p �� f $ C MITROCLRR CHECK IN FAVOR OF AMOUNT DATE iETURNED JAL NUMBER BY BANK ' BROUGHT FORWARD 3551.5 -St. Paul Teachers' R. A. 89 847 5 35516 Marlon Simonson,(Bus Fare ) 78 5 35517 firs. Amy Birdsall 150 0 35518 R L Gould and Co 58 2 35519 Hamline Hardware and Paini 14 5 35520 Int. Bus. Mach. Corp 35 00 35521 Raymond R. Miller 63 1 3 5522 Mpla.4Honeywell Reg 168 oo 35523 Mc Cree and Cc 5 072 63 35524 N. W. Mutual Life Ins« C. 583 33 35525 Wm J Quayle Cc 7 49 , 35526 J J. Dalglish 8 619 p0 35527 St, Paul Fire Dept Relief & 60 006 00 35528 Christopher Columbus 58 80 35529 Steve Janicek Jr 4 00 35530 Marvin Law Book Co 6 75 's 35531 Military Order of Purple Baart 17 50 ' 35532 Northern States Power Co 3 80 35533 N. W. Bell Tole. 708 80 35534 International Institute 900 00 35535 Pederson Bros, Cement Contr 7 872 91 ;35536 Mple. St. Paul SaAitary D. 63 207 49 '35537 Science Museum of St. Pau Inst. 3 250 00 3-5538 J'S Sweitzer and Son Inc. 106 453 30 35539 Bann Inc. - 101 50 35540 Buettner Weld. Supply Co 1 00 35541 Burroughs Corp 1 60 35542 Carpenter Paper Cc 35 34 35543 Coop Teat Div. 1 15 35544 Farnhams 9 20 35545 Graham Paper Co 3 97 35546 D,C Hey Co 188 10 35547 Int. Bus. Mach. Corp !979 50 35548 Johnson Print. Cc 98 00 35549 $enco Enterprises 61 50 35550 Me Clain Hedman and Soho 56 64 35551 Marvin Law Book Co 35 00 V- 35552 Mason Pub. Cc 67 50 35553 Midway Typewriter Exe 2 94 35554 Mpls Star and Tribune 78 20 35555 Minn. Envelope Cc 30.94 35556 Minn. Mucicipal Judges Ass )c 5 00 35557 Natl Cash Register Co 38 60 35558 N. W. pub. Inc. 51 30 35559 Psychological Corp 23 89 35560 Radleints Art Shop 3 95 35561 Railroader Print. Hse 39 75 35562 Rogers 9 52 35563 St. Paul Book 16 50 35564 Shepards Citations 60 00 35565 Smith Corona Marchant Inc. 96 60 SHEET TOTAL - FORWARD 349 277 3 214594 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 214595 1 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER . z ° Sept 3 19 63 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 31'MY 9a 9 x%7.85 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 35515 TO- 3 -- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS 9N FILE IN T E OFFICE OF THE CITY §EVP-TROLLER. O ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ 19__ SEP 5 1983 c'" coM kimt APPROVED 19— /BY, -