07-1140Council File # /�7��� GreenSheet# 3p�(o272- 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative 2 hearing record and testimony heazd at public hearing on November 7, 20Q7 hereby memorializes its 3 decision to certify and approve the October 16, 2007 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer for the 4 following address: 5 6 ADDRESS APELLANT 7 8 I452 Ashland Avenue EldenJohnson 9 10 11 Decision: Appeal denied Adopted by Council: Date �a�����j0y �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY /� `/��i� Approved bv ay : Date � Z- /o By: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: RESOLUTION �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � d� Depa�tmenUoffice(council: Date {nitiated: � -�ou��;� 13 Green Sheet NO: 3046272 Contact Person 8 Phone: Marcia Moertnond 6-8570 Must Be on Council Agen Doc. RESOLUTION E-DocumentRequired= Y Document Contact: Mai Vang Contact Phone: 6-8563 � Department SentTO Person 0 ouncil Assign 1 ouacil De artmeat D'uector Number 2 'ryClerk Ci Clerk For Routing 3 Ortler 4 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Resolution memorializing City Councii action taken November 7, 2007 denying the appeal for property at 1452 Ashland Averme, per the recommendation of the Legislative Heazing Officer. Planning Commission 7 Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Commiriee Yes No Crvil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person(firm possess a ski{I not normalVy possessed by any curreni city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, WM1ere, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financiai Information: (Ezpiain) CosVRevenue Sudgeted: Activity Number: November 13, 20�7 8:40 AM Page 1 ��� � 1 � � APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Saint Paul City Clerk 15 W. Kello�g Blvd., 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 5� 102 Telephone: (651) 266-8688 o�t- i(+-fU O RF oF/V F � eiry '� Z O�� CL FRk 1. Address of Property being Appealed: 2. Number of we ling Units: 3. Date of L,etter Appealed: '� ��Q n-, t t( S�, A-sh s i n 'cE.m E i� �5 � G 4. Name of Owner: ������ �0 h n 5� Y� Address: �� 5� �S � Cct� � City: `J� T��1.J-� State: �21V Zip: , l G`�� Phone Numbers: Business Residence �9�7' L�a� Cellular Signature: �,� �'J✓ 5. Appellant / Applicant (if other than owner): Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Numbers: Business Residence Cellular Signature: 6 State specifically what is being appealed and why (Use an attachment if necessary): was reported for having too many occupancy in there, which is not my fault. That — shower has been there. I moved in in 1977 and the first thing I did was put a shower in the basement next to the furnace in a corner. It has worked beautiful---everyone has liked it—for 30 years. There has never been no odor or anything from that. There has been 2 � or 3 other inspectors that have seen that. They could see no problem. I was inspected by � a Jackie and she said nothing. This girl comes along about 3 weeks later by mistake. � Why there is a double inspection, I don't know. I refuse to spend $3,000 for a trap that will do no good or will not change the situation at all. .l� � � NOTE: A$25.00 filing fee made payable to the City of Saint Paul must accompany this application as a necessary condition for filing. You must attach a copy of the original orders and any other cottespondence relative to this appeal. Any person unsatisfied by the final decision of the City Council may obtain judicial review by umely filing of an action as provided by law in Dishict Court. ror vTnce use vnty Received: Fee Received: Receipt Number: Date of �' ��'�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS DIVISION OF CODE ENFORCENIENT o'►-lI+�D 1600 R'hite Bear Avenue 5aint Paul, MN 55106 VEHICLE ABATEMENT ORDER Elden W Johnson Trustee 1452 Ashland Ave St Paul MN 551046706 As owner or person(s) responsible for 1452 ASHLAND AVE Sentember 26. 2007 pecnon Date �7 � ���� Mailed By (ini2) YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE #1 RV White C1201 A � CODE: A- Lacks current license/tabs B - Open to enhy/unsecwed C - Missing vital partsJdismantled CHAPTERS 45. OR 163: #2 F� E - Unimproved surface F - Other violation FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULTS IN TAGGING AND/OR TOWING. #3 #6 CHARGES: If the City impounds and disposes of the vehicle(s), the charges assessed to the above property will be appro�mately $1,000.00 for each vehicle. This charge does not include impound fees and other related costs for release of vehicle(� Vehicles foand to be in violarion on or�ter OCtobei' 19, 2007 ' be removed, impounded and disposed of in accordance with law. The wst of this atement will be charge gainst the property as a special assessment to be collected in the same way as property t aes._ Noncompli with this order and repeat violations will result in the issuance of criminal citation Issued by: Paula Seeley Badge Number: 364 Phone Number: 651-266-1916 Apneals: You may appeal this order and obtain a hearing before the Ciry Council by complering an appeal application with the Ciry Clerk before the appea] deadline noted above or seven (7) days after the date mailed, whichever comes first. No appeals may be filed after that date. You may obtain an appeal application from the Ciry Clerk's Office, Room 376, City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55] 02. The telephone number is (651) 266-8688. You must submit a copy of this Vehicle Violation Notice with your appeal application. *WARNING Code inspection and enforcement trips cost the taepayers money. If multiple kips within a year to your property aze required to insure compliance urith the iaw, you may be charged for the cost of inspections and enforcement trips to your properiy. Such charges aze in addition to any other fines or assessments which may be ]evied against you and your properiy. va60159 5/07 October 16, 2007 Property Code Minutes �'������ Page 18 9. Appeal of Eldon Johnson to a Correction Norice and Vehicle Abatement Order for property at 1452 Ashland Avenue. Ms. Moermond reviewed the vehicle abatement order, white RV, license C 1201 and asked for an update on this. Mr. Johnson said he had had an offer on the vehicle and he was going to sell it and put the tabs on it. The sale fell through, however, and he admitted that he forgot about it. He said he will be getting the tabs for the vehicle and he would most likely take care of it on October 17, and the October 19th requirement date. Ms. Moermond said that the vehicle abatement order will go before the city council public hearing on Wednesday, November 7 at 5:30 p.m. if he doesn't agree with the findings at this hearing and wishes to attend. She recommended denying the appeal.