07-1131Council File # -'�� GreenSheet# �j(�-(-�2�C 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative 2 hearing record and testimony heazd at public heazing on November 7, 2007 hereby memorializes its 3 decision to certify and approve the October 23, 2007 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer for the 4 following address: 6 ADDRESS 8 906 Charles Avenue APELLANT Ron Staeheli 10 1 1 Decision: Appeal denied Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ,/ Bostrom Harris ✓ Helgen J Lantry J Montgomery ,J Thune ,/ Adopted by Council: Date � � I�L47Ib�' — T Adoptio fied C n il S cretary By: Approvedb p� r: Date �� � (r7 By: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: RESOLUTION f 5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��'�/�l � Cp - Council Contact Person & Pfione: Marcia Moermond 6-8570 on Councii Agenda by Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Mai Vang Contact Phone: 6-8563 Date Initiat 13-NOVA7 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Si9nature Pages _(Clip AtI Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3046270 0 ouncil 1 ooncil De arhneotDirector 2 i Clerk (.l' Clerk 3 4 5 Resolution memorializing City Council action taken November 7, 2007 denying the appeal for property at 906 Chades Avenue, per [he recommendation of the Legislahve Hearing Officer. ar Contracts Must Answer the Followina Questions: Planning Commission 7. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2 Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: pisadvantages If Not Approved: 7otal Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Fi nancial Information: (Explain) Activity Number: CostlRevenue Budgeted: November 13, 2007 838 AM Page 1 ��� �. ���;C°�� °E ��� October 17, 2007 Ron Staeheli 4300 Biackhawk Road Eagan, MN 55122 RE: appeal for 906 Charles. Dear Mr. Staeheli: CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Your application for an appeal has been received and processed. D��/l3 / Please attend the public hearing before the Legisiative Hearing Officer on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. in Room 330 City Hall and Courthouse to consider your appeal concerning the above referenced property. Atthattimethe Legislative Hearing Officerwill hear all parties relative to this action. Failure to appear at the hearing may result i� denial of your appeal. Sincerely, Shari Moore City Clerk cc. e John Betz, DSI Supervisor Kelly Booker, DSI Code Enfiorement Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer 15 WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD, SUTTE 310 SAINT PAUL, M7NNESOTA55102 Te1:651-2668688 FaC:651-266-8574 mvwsipaul.gov AA-ADA-8E0 Employer APPLTCATION FOR APPEAL Saiat Paal City Cierk T 5 W. K�llong Blvd., 310 City Halt Saint Paul, Minnesota $5'102 Telephone:(651)266-8688 D'7-//3/ RFC c �.� � � 2 p�� � 4. Name of Qwner:__ 12w. �� ��� i� Address: `(300 (3 LAt[� tt.±Y-sN_1� __ City: _� At,-.4nli _ .State: Y1.J Zip �'37 Z z Phone Numbers: Busine,cs C,iz-S�s-zoo� R�sidence �� Z91 (JdlQJ Cellnlar Signature:�_ --�� ,5_ qppellxn� / Applicant (if other than owner): __.__,� . _,_ _ Address: ._.� .._ City: State: Zip: Phone Numbers: Business Resideace Cellular Signature: 6 Stal.e specificalty what is being appealed and why (Use an attachment if necessary): 5 w,,. .c-�o�.-�-t G�� F,:re6.-e.�,_�= � ov c4'c.r�{ �O f�/v °c 5 i T c� n GG �i -/rn � C s G�T� � Rs �r �S w,l� Gnco�'t� f,. �rv�c.c� ( �o '�,�ti� � /'�eA�re'br' ec o.aViT / n �i2� 6 "5"�Q M 6P' SG�b �Z a�-TIti SP(�c NOTE: A�25.Q0 Piling fec made payflfile io the City of Saint Pauf mnst accompany this application as a nc;ec�cary condition for fifiag. You must attach a copy of the original orders and nny other correspondence re]ative to this appenl. Any person un:catisfied by the final decision of the City Council may obtaio judicial review by timely fitiag of ar� action as provided by law in llictrict Court. Fnr Oftice Us� Onl Date Iteceiveil: Fee Received: Rec;eipt Number: Da�c of Hezuing: (�-�'�- p'I ��. a� �� _`�,,:,�a�� DTVFSION ON CODE ENPORCEMF.NT U����3I 1G00 White Bear Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55106 SLJMMARY ABATEMENT ORDER �� -�c)l tv�dsi� ay Yog hais tias ko,j hais Ius Hmcuab thiab koj tsis to tiub t�b ntawv no, hu rau tus txhais lu� mxwm (651} ZG6-8989. Nws yvg pab dawb zwb. Si ucte hahla el F_gpan�l y nn entiende est� nnta, ltxma {651)266-8989 paz1 t7n tndvctor. No costo. To: c�c�n�c� �r��\: �ro: ._ �'�C� �\ � _ �� � � �s� c�. a _ F A As owner or person(s) responsible for:��. _� Y\ �Vc.`� � y ouu are 6erehy ordered to eliminate all nui.sance conditions which are in violutioa of Chapter 45 ot' Saint t'HUt Leg3slaHve Cnde. � Itemove improperly stored or aerumulated reY'use including: garbage, tubbish, discarded furnilure, applianecs, velvcle paris, bc-rap wuod and metal, recycling materials, househuld ileme, building �nateris��ls or rubbie, tires, brush, etc., Yrom � a ccx�� ��. k-rc���t G ____s� � �ccfe �- c. exsLr�e tfJ � �� i C�C��S �R� '��E ❑ Cut and remuve tall grass, wccds �'nd cank ❑ Rernove and properly dispase of ail animal feces from yard area5 ❑ IA'1MF,DIA7'G� I,5' secure all buildin�s which arc open to unuutltorizeti entry, including: 0 If yuu du ncrt cc�rrcct thc nuissnec or tile an apparl hcfore� -� s `� .._, the City wi11 corrcct thc nuisance and ch.lrfie all costs, inelnding butirding costs, agxinst the prupeny aa a spceial assessment to be cc�llected in the ssmc wny a, prup�rty tnxes. Charees: Ef the City corrects the nuisance, the chtirges will include The cost of correction, intipection, travel time, equiQment, etc The rute wili be appr�ximarely $260.00 per hnur plus expenses for abatetnent. You must maintain the premises in a clean condition and provide proper and adequate refuse storage at all times FA Y MAY RESULT IN A CRIMINAL CITATION lssued b. � BadRe Num3�er�.� Phone Numher (651 �¢�,q^ 1� �L C� if yo ve any qu ns about thLs order, the requirements or the deadIine, you should conYact the Inspector listed above, Monday through Friday A yprals:Yuumuyuppcalth�¢orAcrsnAOMain:rhraiingiufqrcthGCi�yC4nncilNycnntplctingsnappcalsppOcaaon wilhtheCityClrn�.1+eCOn tCnQO)Aeycel3erthc��eus�ileel, ]� *�Rpr:+�>n!SYbefOaduftcrtha2dale. Ynu navnAr3�ianan Iy,p]i•�Confr i th•CiryCl• k' (NF N m ilU C't 11'11,51.FnuF,MN551b2 Thrrcle�rhnnenumbcrie(G5112filr 8688. You must mbmu a rn,pv nf rb�c O�J wdh your appad npplicaliun. fi We1IiNINC C:1xte innpccnnn �nA rnfnrccmrni n qit ros[ thc 1.'iXpayciS nloncy, If rflc v�iil,ytinnc arr. nor cnrrcctcd within thr tirur petiud i'cqu��'r.d m thiF notice, t6e cily's cnats in rnnduc�ing :i reinxyce;�iun uRer �hr duc dsim fnr cmnplinncc will hr. cMlr.crcd frnm thc nwner rx�hcr than heinE pFiid by thr l:ixpaycrc nf nc� city. If uddilium4 rttw violanons urt M1�cenvn'Cd wi1L�n d�r �ttxt fullowing 12 mcm[hn, the ciry' c metq in emiducnng ndAicinnnl mspeeeinns ut this xamr loe:mion will���� �'urh � 2 mnnthe wil I he eullecteil Gn�n rhe mvner nnhrs than hring p;�� by U�e iuxptryen oC the ci[y. Any cueh tutnre eo¢a will he enlicc[ed hy ascesmicn[ ugmnst the reul prt�peny ,�nd ai'B ��� fldd�rinn m uny other Fines o�'acececmentn which mny hc irvii�il :�gamsi yuu und yuur proprrty. (8/07) November 6, 2007 Legislative Hearing Minutes Q�—��3� Page 7 5. Appeal of Ron Staeheli to a Summary Abatement Order for property at 906 Chazles Avenue. (Laid over from Oct. 23) Ms. Booker stated she inspected the property on October 9, 2007 on a complaint of trash and brush in the yard as well as the fence in the rear of the yard being in disrepair. She issued a sumiiiary abatement order conceming the trash, a pile of brush and tree debris in the backyard. She also issued a conection order to repair the fence. On October 16, she sent a work order to pick up the trash and pile of brush. She stated that the re-inspection date on the fence was November 9. She presented pictures of the fence dated October 22 and dated November 6. Ms. Moermond questioned whether any of the work had been done. Ms. Booker stated that she saw the appellant working in the yard when she was there that morning. She stated that she believed the trash and the brush pile had been removed. The appellant did not appear. Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeai and granting an extension of time to November 9 on the Summary Abatement Order.