D001568C� CTl`Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF TH� MAYOR ADiVIINISTRATNE ORDER BUDGET REVISION 1. City Clerk 2. Finance 3. PED . 1� si �. - � �� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Secfion 1Q.07.4, of ffie Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Deparnnent of Plauning & Economic Development, to amend the budget of the Capital Improvement Frojects Fund. The Director of the o�ce of Financiai Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Cunent ud et C98 - 8R001 - XXXX Saint Paul RiverCentre Arena • 10801 Design 10802 Construction Mgmt, 10803 Construction 10804 Utiliry Relocation 0612 Short-term Debt Interest Totals 4,750,000 1,50�,000 23,750,OOQ 0 5.418 000 C e 0 0 (1,SQ0,000) 1,500,000 0 Amended Budeet 4,750,000 1,500,000 22,25Q,000 1,500,000 5 18 000 35,418,000 0 35,418,000 ✓�--- �� A proved bp: Mayor (a — / S —� � Date: K:\shazed�Adminbud.98 / /i •: 6/04(98 0'Leary � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES P=U2.iL=viT T:72:3 No fi1306 ancw�ta p1YAiTOpEY � pT Cli11K �RNYCMLiE0.VCEtq �y[� � R141CIKiFAYGLCfC \l.. . - ,MYd[�R�i41tMMn ❑ (CL�P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) budget amendment to provide for utilitq relocation at the RiverCentre. PL4NNING COMMISSIDN CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERViCE COMMISSION Fps fhis Personfiim ever wwked uMer a coMract taUris tleFe�lmeM? YES NO Nas Mis PNSUMrm e�erer been a ciy' emPbYee'7 YES WO Does this GersoM�m P�ess a sluN � notmal�YP�a�sed bY anY curtent cHY e+nDialee7 YES NO �s mis pe'eoNfirm a far9etea ven<wR VES NO The Minnesota Wild, the City o£ Saint Paul and RiverCentre Authority have decided it is in the best interest of all involved to accommodate the construction needs of the Arena�by relocating the utilities for the RiverCentre complex. °he utilities can be relocated in a timely fashion and in sync with constrncCion schedule �f the Minnesota Wild and the City of Saint Paul � 4DVAN1'AGESIFAPPROVED ze. No net change to Saint Paul RiverCentre Arena construction budget Gi7Y CLERK relacation of the utilities at a later date would be logistically impossible, L AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION S 1, SOO � OOO � ypST/REYENUE BU06ETED (GRCLE ONq � no ncsouac� Arena Construction funds �a�. uuow+ano'+��rwN� � � - ' � . . �� �CPM! • 19 May 1998 NfEMORANDUM TO: Expansion Coocdinating Committee Lois West Duffy Dick Zehring Jim O'Leary Joe Reid Chris Hansen FROM: CPMI RE: Arena Utilities Relocation i��Di5(�� Various utilities must be relocated due to the Arena demoiition. These inciude relocation of the main elecficai room, the fire pumps, water service, gas service, and telephones. HOK Sports and MA MortensonlThor have developed plans for the relocation in conjunction with • Metropolitan Mechanical and Gephart Eiectric. Attached are the cost proposais for the work. The Arena team has determined that relocation of the utiiities is best pertormed by the CP-4 Contractors: Gephart Efeetric, Metropolitan Mechanical, N1A Mortenson, Ali State and Impuise Group. The equipment and areas which wiil be modified are stifl under warranty by these contractors. in addi6on, the Arena Buiiders Risk woutd onty cover the new facility, �ot the expansion. Therefore, it is recommended the work be pertortned by the CP-4 Contraetors. The to#al estimated cost is $1,500,000. The base bid work will be considered as a Not-To-Exceed cost of $1,230,940: Gephart Electric $723,839.74 Metropolitan Mechanicai A43,000.00 MA Mortenson 64.100.00 $1,230,939.74 There will be other costs to fiaflow for conshvctio� of the rooms far the new fire pump, switchgear, emergency generator, a�d securify; excavation end installation of water service roosn; commissary cooler relocation and some additional electrical work. {t is anticipated these will be handied as changes to the above "base bid work" as costs are availabie. The fees for permits, CPAAI, water department buiiders risk insurance and telecommunications work wiii afso be addfionat. The cost of the work wiif be paid from the Arena funding. Attached is a commitment letter from the Minnesota Wifd fior these funds. Since the value of the work is more than $100,000, the Erpansion Coordinating Gommittee and the Givic Center Authority must approve. Piease advise of your approvai. Thank you. cc_ Wayne London Alien Troshinsky Paul Oberfiaus 3225-111 _.. � »a 11 � 23 PED OS/20f68 �ED 16:01 FAX 812 222 0T08 May 26, 1998 na.. wcrrara zenrn,g Chairman RiverGantre Authwity The WeiSh Compan'res 400 N. Robert Stret2, Suite 2d0 SL Paui, MN 551Q1 Rd.: CR4.07 PnDP�I Request NUmber 4.214 DP,.ar DiciG YINNESOTA �OC�Y NHL 5122283261 k����t0 P.03iO3 Q,1002 �EC�VE,a � 2 Q ��a ('iP�yj! '!ha letter is tc c�nfitm our unQpslanding regerdinp ihe need to reiocale certein existing interiot utnit7es ihat feeo me corrventFon center from the existing grena to allow tAe demolition of the civic oentet arena and ihe maintenance ot service ic tM1e mnvention tenter. '�tie requiretl re�OCations indude etecRical, water, gas �nd tetephone. In a0dition, duct wotk in thE exhibition 1eve1 ceiting of the convep�ion center Uwt anters #�e eaci6ting 2rena and then reWms D2qt i�tp the convention center mw^t be �ertwved and �nsteqed. Ssveral att�native soluAOns nave been tl',swssed wilh tne final plan being represented by proposal request number 427a. The �nnesota witd agrees with rhe �eetl to underqke q�i6 desonbed scope of work and consents �o the payment for such work as an �ena projeet wst This proceys hx Deen pmposed to eupediGe this yvurk at the le8st poss�ble cost to ihe project. Please ezg�Ute �he change order related to this wark tfyou Cons¢rst. SinCerely, � ��. Jac K SperGng Chief Execuhve pffieer cc Ray Chandler :�arSt. Saiu?QaD�St Pavr, �+tN 55t07 •➢�om 61133 3�PUG7(•Fa�r612-2Z2-10S5•Web wmxwAd.com ��1 : TOTAL P.03 � � � , � � i� '� / �«-� � / � � : \� � � % � �� �i i / �/ i , � W�LK1d4 � �\ �/ � �� �"�`'��llJtt �\ i� �� �j� ��� �l � i, ,1., , � r bo,sc. wki�e. - ' / ti .. „ \ � ` / A Q u+t9 � � �: i ` 5 �.� .; �./ / Ee.zca kat. 1 / 1 � �_ ' / / -�r � �` ��� 1 , � � �� � � -% � --t-- � .; � d � ' �, � , � , �rasria P� P�cL , Bea�c ^ % ; -� 1 �,. ,' < r � r/ . i. 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