211790' ORIGMAL TO CITY CLERK .. J�� / go CITY OF "ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. a !J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY i COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that Martin H. Reitz, Inc. , be permitted to install and operate a 1+6 -car private off - street parking lot in conjunction with two 23 -unit apartment buildings to be constructed on the north side of Youngman Avenue and the south side of Stewart Avenue west of Alton Street, more particularly described as Lots 16 through 19 and Lots 25 through 30 Block 5, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn., in accordance with revised plans dated March 14, 1963, subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots, and to the condition that the sidewalk abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. Council File No. 211790 —By Frank L. Loss— I Resolved, That Martin H. Reitz, Inc., be permitted to install and operate a 46 -car private of- street parking lot in conjunction with two 23 -unit apart- ment buildings to be constructed on the north side of Youngman Avenue and the south side of Stewart Avenue west of Alton Street, more "particularly 1 described as Lots 76 through 19 and Lots 25 through 30, Block 5, Young- man and Lamm's • Addition„ Ramsey i Co., Minn., in accordance with revised plans dated March 14, 1963, subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots, and to the condition that the sidewalk abutting said premises be kept clean and free, of ice and snow at all times. - Adopted by the Council March 22, 1963. Approved March X22, 1963. (March 30, 1963) MAR 2 2 196' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish MAR 2 19b3 Rolland Approved 19_ Loss In Favor Mortinson z- Peterson Mayor Rosen _0 Against Mr. President, Vavoulii 10M 6-62 r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota W. Donald L. Lais Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 01W-, March 21, 1963 RE1ro,ID MAID 21 1963 CORPORA I'l uIN W UNSEL The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Mextin H. Reitz, Inc. for permit to install and operate a 46 -car private off - street parking lot in conjunction with two 23 unit apartment buildings to be constructed on the north side of Youngman Ave. and the south side of Stewart Ave. west of Alton St., also described as Lots 16 through 19 and Lots 25 through 30, Block 5, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, in accordance with revised plans dated March 14, 1963- Very truly yours., arl-e� /i' City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL — MINNESOTA 8 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota o0 Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) ED FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps No. of tanks and capacity: PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 46 Cars To be used in connection with: 2 _ 23 unit Apt. Bldg's MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: No: Side of Youngman W. of Alton *Location :So, !' n Stewart Legal Description : Lot 1 - 17- 18 -19 -25 -26-27 Block 5 Addition -- '-28- 29 -30_ Youngman & Lamm's Applicant's Name : Matdtin H. Reitz fine.. Home or Office Address: 1596 Selby. Ave. Buiidi^ , °,c Realty CoMpany, S:�,L)y A,✓er.ii2 FILED' Phone Number : mi 4 -1922 — Res — Mi 9 -3539 ST. PAUL 4, Pali�i i�SOi�� FOR/BY THE APPLICANT, 6 '63 FE8 14 Pm 2 33' (Signature )' (date) Address 11TY CLt:[WS OFF!rF Phone No.: SAINT 1 401 Id" When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z -3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. March 209 3963 Mr. and Mrs. James Kalkes 2437 Stewart Avenue 'St. Paul, Minnesota, • Dear Mid. and • Mrs . Kalkes : • Receipt is acknowledged of the copy of your, ` letter of March l9th 1 to Mr. Eugene Avery, concerning ` Off- Street'Parking Lot Permit, File No; 159&2, Hearing on March 21, 1963_, and I will be alert for it when it comes - before the City Council, tomorrow. Thank you for calling this matter to my ' attention. • Sincerely, GEORGE J..- VAVOULIS MAYOR ' GV:al <ez mri, ugene A very City E n,ineer Public Works Department City Hall and Court Houee St. P aul, 11 innesota Dear Mr. Avery., March 19� 1963 RECEIVED ,y I PAUL, MINN. In MAYOR'S OFFICE A M MAR 2 0 1963 P M 71gI$ �djp1k21 �I$i4141510 4 Res Off- street parkin, lot permit File Not 13962 Hearing on March 21, 1963 tie would like to brin;; one autter "to roar attention s regards this parkinS_lo� p„rmit.' It is this: YounS onjivenue b000mos a dead and str.,.et west of Alton ;�vanue. A small portion of Youn_mon at the intarsection of Alton and beyond is surf.-Aced, The remainder is riot, Frain information available we determl4ed. Youngman was graded around '1912, and atom t#p egndit on of the street f the unsurfaced portion hwe Gan safely say it ild s not been, improved or maint% ned f +Aa is" t "! i s strew t woui,d receive negligible usp,6e a entrance and exits , a6 feel • it would be band finial t:> the 'entire community _�is well as the -developors if it wore mandatory that the unsurfdcod portion of Youngman Avenue were brought up to ,standard et the titne this parking lot and the apartmonts az� a construct ©d. 4,e tould appreciate having the Council consider this matter on marchr2l, 19630 Thank you.: RC: xu& sshiOner s Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen and Mayor Yavoulis Sincerely, faro and Mrs: m®g K a lko s 2437 Stewart Ave. .: .................:.:::..:. ......................... ......... ... ... ` >�.SMRD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL •••-• "'•:ilkif 'Hb O/F: 251- 232 -213 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: March 20, 1963 This is in the matter of the application of Martin H. Reitz Inc. for a permit to install and operate a 46 -car private off - street parking lot in conjunction with two 23 -unit apartment buildings to be constructed on property located on the north side of Youngman Avenue and the south side of Stewart Avenue west of Alton Street which'is described as Lots 16, 179 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block 5, Youngman 6 Lamm's Addition. This property was rezoned to "C" residence as two separate parcels, one on July 1, 1961 and the other on October 21, 1958. The site is vacant, level and approximately at the street grade of Stewart and Youngman Avenues. This is an "L" shaped tract of land having a frontage of 240 feet on the north side of Youngman Avenue and 160 feet on the south side of Stewart Avenue and has a depth of 240 feet on the west property line. The property has an area of approximately 48,000 square feet. South and across Youngman Avenue is the right -of -way of Shepard Road; east and adjoining and fronting on Youngman Avenue is a single - family residence also adjoining and fronting on Stewart Avenue is a single family residence; north and across Stewart Avenue are single - family residences, northwesterly across Stewart Avenue is the Sibley Manor apartments; west and adjoining and fronting on Stewart Avenue is vacant land, also west and adjoining and fronting on Youngman Avenue is a single - family residence. Field investigation discloses no basic objection to the proposal as it,will be compatible with the existing apartment development to the northwest and is in'accordance with the pro- posed Land Use Plan. The Traffic Engineer has reviewed and approves the plan which meets the standards for this type of facility. The main points of ingress and egress to the parking facility will be off Youngman Avenue which provides two drive -ways, one driveway will also be provided to Stewart Avenue. The proposal meets the required stan- dards for density and building ground coverage. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the permit for a 46 -car private off - street parking lot on the above described property in accordance with the revised plans dated March 14, 1963. HCW /mm Encl. Z. F. 5149 Sincerely, 94 Herbert C. Wi land Secretary Board of oning '0 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE- St. Paul 2, Minn., March 8, 1963 You are hereby notified. that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Martin H. Reitz, Inc. for permit to install i.nd operate a 46 car private off- street parking lot in conjunction with two 23 unit apartment buildings on the north side of Youngman Ave. and south side of Stewart west of Alton Avenue. -.� - and that a public hearing will be held in the - Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Buildin in the -city of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on March 21, 19683 '-�• s File 15962 JA -1fES J. DALGLISH 'CoMmissioner of Finance. The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance