211773ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PILE NO. 21-1773 ---� '- - -�- '► - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL •• –./ - _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSI, WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to change, modify and amend certain portions of the plans and specifications heretofore approved for the improvement of MINNEHAHA AVENUE from Como Avenue to Dale Street as approved January 4, 1963, by Council Resolution C.F. 210965 and awarded to contract March 5, 1963 by Council Resolution C.F. 211513, now therefore upon the recommendation of the Comr_issioner of Public Works be it, RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as approved and awarded to contract by the Council, be and the same are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Plan Change No. 1, Plan Change No. 2, and Drawing No. 565, which draw- ings are attached to and made a part of this Resolution and of the aforementioned plans and specifications, and that further, all interested parties be notified of these changes. -- - -- - Council File No. 211773 — By Milton Rosen — Whereas, It has been found necessary to change, modify and amend certain portions of the plans and specifications heretofore approved for the improve- ment of MINNFHAHA AVENUE from Como Avenue to Dale Street as ap, proved January 4, 1963, by Council Res- olution C. F.' 210968 and awarded to contract March 5, 1963 by Council Res- olution C. F. 211513, now therefore upon the recommendation of the Com- missioner of Public Works be it, Resolved, That the plans and specifi- cations for the above named improve- ment, as approved and awarded to contract by the Council, be, and the same are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Plan Change No. 1, Plan Change No. 2, and Drawing No. 565, which drawings are attached to and made a part of, this Resolution and of the aforemen- tioned plans and specifications and that further, all interested parties be notified of these changes. Adopted by the Council March 21, 1 1963. Approved March 21, 1963. (March 23, 1963) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 In Favor. Against MA,211963 Adopted by the Council 19— MAR 21 1963 DUPLICATE TO PRINT[R 211773 73 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE NO: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Ff COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER DAB 1^t b+ }��o bam femd r ►aar�y to ebwW a� dd�itr wA aomdey� the, 3sprovomu�t od' AT fr e� Oaro l to, Dalan as ate' .fiat - 4, 1963 by ' pow: Ro,+ealriti m O.P. , A968 OpIl wALrdtd to ooaatrac$ ►ra a ,. i96 by 0`0 3.1 'R*uolnticln O.P: 2ilR30 .nm >tfwa � � li¢pc�_ t,b ri at.�i. of ,the, of PublU if wks to it, =' t. niwt , t , plans am speeifteatia": fee p r� hi 'aba-' Pawed 3 tprav+ea�iutt., .' s apparo�r�d arad dtwm*dsd to w0tract by the Oounadlo be arm , tho now, a-" hweby ,, sod1flo t and amended la maim with Plana Mump No.. 1, P10 mange No,., 2p and bra 1[o. - ' 5% vhleh drar� -- . art. attaabod. to and .made a Part of 00 U*olutim ,vad of af6rei timo plans and speeMoatims, and that far , , All hatearsa' partl" be mWied of tlse ob"I es. 4 y j" MAR 21 COUNc'•n,MF,N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 1 MAR 2 Dalgliah Holland Approved 119 Loss: ; Tn Favor Mortinsan Peterson Mayor.. Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis . yY font 6-62 .y 5- W4'x21- Z'Type'C" 4-N;+x i'-e.'Type'A"_ _Z I I I I ! Concrete I ---------- a Header I I ' or I Pavement I Cu I I (e,-61 Reinforced Concrete Cover 2" I -10 2 6 -aka o 1- 6,+YPa C" 0-'Yd .O I'- g'Type °A" '1• .4 A,: .4 4. :q 4. _°' . Notes Dimenaions in brocke +a C) 4' are Tor lypt "G "Pull Box. UseTya wherever more +han 4 calla enlPer i•he pall boX,or wherQ more than Z eel is enter one aid a of the pull box, or where one or more calla enter benea +h the curb I I I I ' 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I Fi re Duct !.:4: •�' Imbed Z- W +%elong standard pipe as guides. Slat upper ends SECTION to Perna +Dandle to recess. 3i6"$xi' -4 Golvarrized steel rod retractable lifting handle - I I eW o I I 1 -6 12 2 N'O — I I � 1 I , I ' "'L4 W)&AGGolv.Kv deal 4" DETAIL OF PULL BOX COVER HANDLE Instal I i cover lif+inq handle as Per de+oil. Construct recess in concrete saver +o al low handle +o fii flush. 1 , PLAN tYPE 'A" PULL BOX AND TYPE "C" AS PER DIMENSIONS TYPE 'A� or "G" IN BRACKETS PULL BOX $GALE . 1' /z V- o" Drawer a Dravvirnq IV0.666 d*walk .' Leave ya 5F a around cover. Fl11 with jute yarn 1 =6" A to within %s of top of cover, :o' then fill wl+h asphalt filler I- O "MiniMum to flush wii•h top of carer for ducts under sldarrdks or boulevards Fi re Duct !.:4: •�' Imbed Z- W +%elong standard pipe as guides. Slat upper ends SECTION to Perna +Dandle to recess. 3i6"$xi' -4 Golvarrized steel rod retractable lifting handle - I I eW o I I 1 -6 12 2 N'O — I I � 1 I , I ' "'L4 W)&AGGolv.Kv deal 4" DETAIL OF PULL BOX COVER HANDLE Instal I i cover lif+inq handle as Per de+oil. Construct recess in concrete saver +o al low handle +o fii flush. 1 , PLAN tYPE 'A" PULL BOX AND TYPE "C" AS PER DIMENSIONS TYPE 'A� or "G" IN BRACKETS PULL BOX $GALE . 1' /z V- o" Drawer a Dravvirnq IV0.666 ■ INDICATES TYPE "A" PULL BOX ---- INDICATES INSTALL 21/2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT 22' 1 i R • 5z ai - - -- - - 21 - - L r- �- — - - 20 - - - - - - - -_ — ,_ 3 + L3 ��..........._ N...... ..., y'' '3'R WK ' i� 4- Zo 20' I 6 ' I !. I t = SCALE : C=40' MACKUB( ST. N 0 R T H E R N HYDRANT TO BE RELOCATEp DY HATER DEPT. ccoNc. wAij- •• Gas Lamp Post cyaTc BIESEM -M T1PLAN C14ANGG N4 1 H!!NMENAHA AVENUE COMO 4me- DALE ST. — 63 -P -273 I � APPROVED ako 59 60 i J¢f �ngino¢r i �� j APPROVED {� 3 { �e1 I wr, �jDo �,Jtk am { INIVU 4 5-46 *xV -Z " Ts " '�C4 x i'-e.'T "A" �Z I I I I ' Concrete I _ _ I _ - - -__ _J Header I I ' or I Pavwnewt I Cu I I • 4: •4 t 0• ; q'. •4•�i a ,A o• . Note: Dimensions in brocl:ets () •� ,: orefior We'G "Pt�1113ox. Use hype . %- •: wherever amore +Kan 4calls enter the pull box, or where morn than Z cells enter one aide of the pull box, or where one or more cells enter beneath the curb I I I I I I I I I I I ' I l I I r I I I I I I I I a' Reinf ced Concrwts Cover OS C s 1'- gr TYPO A" Fi re Duct to •',� SECTION ,eidswalk Leave Yi "Co around cover. FIII with jute yarn to within yi of top of Cover, -then fill wNh asphalt f7l)er to flush wish top of cars✓. 15i6"4xi'- 4"Golvartized steel rod re +racf•oble Vf}ing hondle - I i•1,._ I =6 linbed 00x3 "long sbndaml pipe as gukies. SW upper ends to permit f�cndle to recess. _N �14xi�Z "x6 "Gohorvzad 9i'eel i� 4" DETAIL OF PULL BOX COVER HANDLE Instal 1 i cover Gftinc) handle as -- - `-- _-- -_ —__— _ —� per detoi1.Cons+ruct recess ,N In contra +e cover to at low handle +o fii flush. � i s 1 I I , PLAN typt A., PULL BOX AND TYPE "CK AS PER 0IMEN51ONS IN BRACKETS PULL Drawer BOX Draw '. i'�z "= V- o" Der 8 SCALE Drowi+iq No.665 �• ••• •• �, .', �1.. Minimum for ducts ;:•; � under sidewelks A •N .N or boulevards '.p � Fi re Duct to •',� SECTION ,eidswalk Leave Yi "Co around cover. FIII with jute yarn to within yi of top of Cover, -then fill wNh asphalt f7l)er to flush wish top of cars✓. 15i6"4xi'- 4"Golvartized steel rod re +racf•oble Vf}ing hondle - I i•1,._ I =6 linbed 00x3 "long sbndaml pipe as gukies. SW upper ends to permit f�cndle to recess. _N �14xi�Z "x6 "Gohorvzad 9i'eel i� 4" DETAIL OF PULL BOX COVER HANDLE Instal 1 i cover Gftinc) handle as -- - `-- _-- -_ —__— _ —� per detoi1.Cons+ruct recess ,N In contra +e cover to at low handle +o fii flush. � i s 1 I I , PLAN typt A., PULL BOX AND TYPE "CK AS PER 0IMEN51ONS IN BRACKETS PULL Drawer BOX Draw '. i'�z "= V- o" Der 8 SCALE Drowi+iq No.665 f ■ INDICATES TYPE W PULL SM -- INDICATES INSTALL 2�/2 TRAFFIC SIG"L CONDUIT U 6 �I i� t. 21 L` 20 5S ;......_., L33... z 'R 10 I Z0 20 I { I 2 SCALE : I"=4.0' MACKUBIN ST. rR1 N 0 R T H E R N HYDRANT TO BE RELOCATED >� BY NATER DEPT. 6'CONC. vw�..•.c Gas Lamp Post wrc T { ` PL /V CILIA NOG Ng 1 GJ f V *11A SHAHA AVEMIF COMO 44,6- ,to DALE ST. — 6 3 - P- 273 i s - � A 450r. "' ",%ri" i AOPROI/ED 59 60 ' del EnginQer_� APPROVED j "! �1 WE MAIN