D001567White -CityClerk Pink -FinanceDept. Canary - Dept. Accounting Blue -Engineer Green - Contrador • No. D OV 1 �]UJ ! Date � � � O � � Z) CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Purchase and instaliation of Elevator Equipment at Arlington Hills Branch Librar� known as Contract 15806 , City Project No. 950130, Minnesota elevator, incorporated , Contractor, is composed of the following: t . Amend finai contract amount per attached letter (deduct) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (287.85) �RDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing deductions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 287.85 , said amount to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract 15807, and which amount to be refunded to: =unding Codes: C96-9T02 b-0898-93 Q09 � 7 9� �� � � �' 9 � 79 >irector of Library Services Summarv: ContractAmount ............... $71,160.00 This Change Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ {287.85) TOTAL ...................... $70,872.15 Minnesota Elevator. Incorporated Contractor av __CSee attachedl �v Chief Financial Officer Yi'" c M o FOH TQTAI # OP SIGNATURE PAGES N°_ 52fl86 GREEN SHEE ��� � 5 � � C � Y M�IT�A_V�DATE INITIAL/DATE �EPARTMENTDIRE ` V �CITYCOUNCII CITYAiTORNEV �CI EAK BUDGET 01RECTOR �3�«I 8 MGT SEAVICES D1R. MAYOR (OR AS55TAfiT) m �'�( '� y(� � (CLIP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SlGNATURE} GTION FEWESTEO, +� �� C � T ���� � � S/6l�(I�CT�C.P.ES f�� G �� �=�R"�C%1RM11�' �3"i' �W,LIJY�'/�} d�'AJYC�t �,�ii:Y _PLANNWGCAMMISSION _ CIS COMMfT[EE _ . � STAFF _ . _ DISTpICT COURT _ . SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL �BJECTIVE� �.��.: . �'� PERSONAL SEPVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING OUESTIONS: 7. Has i�is personffirm ever workeA untler a contract (or this departmeni? YES NO 2. Has this persontlirm ever been a city employeel YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess s skill rrot iwrmally possessetl by any current ciry empbyee? YES NO Explaln ali yea anawen on separaLe sheat and aKach to gree� aheat Where. G�.'x'�.� C�t' -F`f 1�1tI �!t S �"oR �%%�ie- �r'/19�i�(`7 ; � �4��flk' _ $��v '-Cr" dyJ � �E',D o C35" �{ 6 �I � RECEIVED JUN 161998 ClTY CLERK ��°�,:, rR ��a� �:�:��-�>3 g' �IUN � � 199$ ���� �� �¢ XbU�' �-- �l}3 Xl�' �'�K1�' /rU � �X�-`,�> c'�` - s� c'-�, S � �Zo � `7 �.. L AMOUNT OF THANSACTION S ���� o � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE)� NO i(dGOURCE�g�"7� V�'�a�a� )��''� ACTIVITYNUMBER :IAL INFOflN"1ATfON (EXGLAM) ,� (.1 � 1� ....+n o JG YJJ• 11 !'IC I 111YivGJU � n cr..GVn i �n � AEJPAI2TMEIZT OP TECHAiOLO�Y AND MANA6EMENT S�R'7TCES Peter 8¢mes, Dfrecror, � �n ���� ���� � CITY OF SATNT PAUL DESr�r� �xovp Norm Caleman, Mayos - � Cuy HaR d Cowthoyse Roam 140 Tet�phone (b72) 2668850 1S Wesc Keilogg Borilevard FaaiauZe (6I2J 26G8855 Saim Pmit, �4Timfesora SSIO2-76Y3 June 3,1998 Kirk Youngerberg Project Manager Minnesota Eievator, {ncorporated POB #443 MankaCo, Minnesota 56002 SubjecC iC-134 forrns arrd finaf bifling. Atlington Hills Btanch Library -Addition and Remode�ing - PROjELT # 9501.00 Mr. Youngerberg, Thanks for sending the IC-134 Form from Midwest Drilling. This payment will accomplish the fult and complete payment af our fi�anciai obligatio� to Minnesota Etevatorfor the work performed at the Arlington Branch Library for the manufadure and i nstaliazion • ofelevatorequipment,andtotals$23,342.00. Thisamountinc(udesthe$90.75serviceca{Iforwhich we have been billed and is broken down as follows: Corrected biliing of fina( pay request 532,829.85 Plus 590.15 for tRe serv;ce call biNed 2l28/98 $90.75 Less $378.00 b;lled you for a calfback by Merrimac (�378.Opf Total final billing to Minnesota Elevator $23,542.00 Piease sign-off on this docamenis are attach, Approved Architect JVI G"/J .��.�V �t' aviG�t+vvv�r • .v� �.� ,Incorporatedl cc Lee WiSliamson-Supervisor, Library BuildingMaintenance Paul M�Closkey - Ciry Attorney attachments �� T�TRf. PRGE.002 ** we can process this payment promptiy. Copies ot #he �eievant